An Education: Cassie's Special Party (MF/f)

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KP Presents
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An Education: Cassie's Special Party (MF/f)

Post by KP Presents »

December 15th

When I sat down at the table in the school dining room, I looked round and smiled as Lisa joined me.

“Only a few days and it’s going to be the school holidays,” Lisa said with a smile. “Christmas, and then parties! You and Suzie are having a joint party this year, aren’t you?”

“Yeah,” I said with a smile, “we’ll have it at Wissenden, and make a real evening of it. The only thing I’m not sure about yet is the theme – I need to talk to Suzie later tonight so that we can let people know in the next couple of days. Suzie and Bobbi are spending the whole of New Year’s Eve with her grandparents at the hall, and they’re only having the event that night – and besides, we both felt given we’re going to be fourteen, we wanted all of our friends to be together in one place. So, any idea what you’re getting for Christmas?”

“Let me put it this way,” Lisa said with a smile, “I’ve dropped enough hints to a certain Cottrell about what I would like. You?”

“Bobby may have had a few hints to pick up on,” I said as I put some food into my mouth and slowly chewed.”

“Fank ew Cassie,” June said as I handed her the juice cup at the table. Jenny was sitting across from me, still wearing what she had worn to college that day – a black t-shirt over a long sleeved white undershirt, and a denim dress over that. She was looking at something that had come in the post for her that day – one of several letters she had got over the last few days, containing brochures and other information.

It hadn’t really hit home with me that we were both growing up, but seeing her looking at what were actually university prospectuses was bringing it home. The chances were, before too long she was going to go to another town, and I wasn’t sure how I felt about that.

“You okay kiddo?”

I glanced over to where Dad was sitting, and said “yeah – sorry, was I miles away?”

“A few,” Jenny said as she looked over.

“So were you,” Dad said as he looked at her, while David giggled in his chair. “It’s beginning to hit home a little, isn’t it? Have you talked to the others?”

“Yeah – Alicia is looking at some of the London Colleges to do Production Arts, but Mary and Cathy are like me – we’re not quite sure yet.”

“Well, I guess we need to consider doing the tour come January or February,” Dad said as there was a knock on the door. We watched Dad as he went to answer it, then heard a familiar voice say “Hello, Uncle David.”

“We’re at the table,” I called out as my beloved cousin Patty came in, wearing a thick coat and brown Ugg boots. “Guess you stay here tonight?”

“While Mum and Aunt Jennifer go to this party – you should see what Mum’s wearing.”

“And what’s wrong with what I am wearing?”

Jenny and I looked over to see Aunt Jessica standing there, wearing a pink PVC coat. Under the coat she was wearing an orange dress with a short pink cardigan which was tied at the front, and she had on knee length plastic boots the same shade as her coat.

“Ready, Jess?”

“You look hot Jenn,” Aunt Jessica said as Mum came in. She was wearing a white jumper and a mini skirt with coloured flowers on white leather, and knee length white leather boots. “You girls look after Patty,” she said with a smile as she picked up her purse and went out.

“What were they wearing,” I whispered to Jenny.

“Sixties outfits – it’s a themed party,” she said with a smile, and then she looked at me as she said “no. No, you wouldn’t dare…”

“Oh wouldn’t I? I’ll call Suzie later.”

Jenny shook her head as she said “why do I think of us four, Cathy will find this the easiest…”

“What am I missing,” Patty said as she came back in, her coat now hanging up as she stood in her jeans and hoodie.


“Are you and Lord Bobby getting together this weekend then?”

Jenny and I looked at each other, and then at Patty as she giggled, and said “try me…”

“Well, she did say to try her?”

“Mhhhndmhmhgmhff” Patty said as she wriggled on the couch. Her wrists were crossed and secured together behind her back, and there were bands of rope around her waist, stomach and shoulders. She had taunted us into doing all the ropes, but (a) we were at home, and (b) her mother and my parents would have killed us if we had. So she had to be contents with those ropes, and the ones round her sock covered ankles and her legs below her knees, the knotted scarf between her lips as she watched Top of The Pops on BBC 4.

“The twins are asleep,” Jenny said as she sat down, “so we have the place to ourselves.”

“No Colin tonight?”

“He’s babysitting for someone else,” Jenny said. “Didn’t you say you had to call someone?”

“Oh yeah,” I said as I went out into the hallway and closed the door, then picked up the telephone and dialled a number.

“Wissenden Hall?”

“Oh hello, Mrs Boyd.”

“Cassie? I’m afraid Bobby is out tonight…”

“That’s all right,” I said with a smile, “I wanted to speak to Suzie if that was all right.”

I guess I need to explain a few things, if this is the first time you’ve read one of these stories or it’s bene a while. My boyfriend, Bobby or Robert Desmond Holderness if we are been formal, lives with his family at Wissenden Hall – they bought it after a number of us, including his sister Suzie, spent the weekend there as the guests of someone.

Actually, guests is the polite way of putting it… Have you heard of Jay Edwards? Well, he and his gang kidnapped me, my sister and mother, our friends Alicia Bowden and Suzie, and my cousin Patty and her best friend Rachel, and held us hostage for the weekend in the hall. We spent three days tightly bound and gagged – and then we were rescued by bobby and his friend Colin Hampton.

Yeah – Colin is Jenny’s boyfriend, just so that’s clear. Well, the fact Bobby and are an item is very well known, but on this occasion it was definitely his sister I needed to talk to…

“Hey Cas,” Suzie said over the line, “how come you’re using the home line?”

“I’ve got an idea for the theme for our party.”

“Really? Because I’m drawing a blank – what are you thinking?”

“The sixties.”

There was silence for a few minutes, before Suzie said “you do know that’s really our grandparent’s era?”

“Yeah, but you’ve seen the films – we could easily put together an outfit from that time, right?”

I heard the chuckle on the other end of the line, before Suzie said “look, you come over with your parents tomorrow, and we’ll talk about it then, all right?”

And that was how it started – I had no idea the whole of that party day was going to end up as it did.

Although I should have, given the way our parties tend to go…
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Post by Spetsnaz08 »

Welcome back Cassie and Jenny!
It’s really been a while since the last time we met! I'm really glad to read your new adventures.
Oh, and happy 8th anniversary!
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