Taken by my neighbour M/m *pic added 25/10/20

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Taken by my neighbour M/m *pic added 25/10/20

Post by Smythdean »

“Thief gets thousands at local shop raid”
Read the headline of the local newspaper. The grocery store just up the street from me had been robbed last night, thousands of pounds stolen and a clerk who was being treated in hospital after a nasty whack to the head.

‘That’s terrible news’ I thought to myself. We lived in a safe part of the city of Glasgow, or so I had thought, this was completely out of the ordinary, it made me a bit nervous about venturing to the local stadium that afternoon. Me and my best friend Conor were going to watch our favourite team Celtic play that afternoon. It was going to be a great day, football, a few beers and some fun with my mate.

I got changed into my hoops top, I had so many different tops and jackets with the club crest on them. I put on the current home top and grabbed a baseball style jacket that my neighbour Mr Crawford had got me for my birthday. Mr Crawford was a big Celtic fan too, growing up him and my dad would have taken me to many Celtic games. We always had a good time, and many a night me and dad would go round to his to watch the game or he’d come over to ours.

My phone started ringing it was Conor, he must have been running late.

“Alright mate, you far away?” I questioned as I answered the call.

“Corey mate, I’m so sorry, I can’t make the game today. I’m not feeling great, was up all night being sick”

“Are you serious?” I was ripping, not only was he not going to the game but he was supposed to be driving us there, meaning I had no way of getting there.

“It’s not good mate, I hope it’s just a 24 hour thing” he did sound remorseful and in pain. “Listen mate, just give my ticket to someone else. No point in it going to waste”

Well I wasn’t for missing the match. “You sure mate, I’ll see if I can get some money for it. You look after yourself”

“Cheers mate, sorry again. Upa hoops” He hung up the phone.

‘Great’ I thought to myself, not only did I need to get someone to go with. I also needed a lift to the stadium. Dad was working all day, so that was that out. Then it hit me. Mr Crawford.

He had his own car and could easily drive us down. He had been good to me over the years and this would be a way of saying thank you. Mr Crawford hadn’t been himself for the last few weeks either. So maybe it would cheer him up.
I stuffed the tickets in my jacket pocket and headed over to his house. He was literally next door, so I hadn’t to go far. It was quite dull out, so there wasn’t many people on the street. I started to button up my jacket as it was a bit cool.

As always when I got to the door, I gave it a quick knock and then headed on in.

“Hello, Mr Crawford” his door was unlocked so he must have been home. “Mr Crawford it’s just Corey, you there?”

I walked into the kitchen, sitting on the table was a black sports bag. It was open and there was money in it. I’d say at least £20,000. Where had this money come from? I turned to head back out of the house. I wasn’t really sure what I’d seen, but I just felt a bit uneasy, and wanted to get out of there. Then as I was approaching the front door, Mr Crawford appeared at the bottom of the stairs.

“Corey” he exclaimed in a nervous tone. “What are you doing son?” He was shocked to see me. He wasn’t expecting me over.

“Oh, hey Mr Crawford.” I said in a shaky tone. “I was just calling over to see if maybe you fancied going to watch the Celtic match with me today?”

“It’s a bit short notice son, I’m actually a bit busy today. Where’s your dad, would he not go?”

“He’s at work” I was feeling quite anxious at this point, shaking slightly. I just wanted out of there.

“What time is the game?” He asked

“It’s at 3.” I answered, thinking it was a peculiar question.

Mr Crawford walked past me and headed to the front door. “Well then, you’ll have time for a quick chat,” he said turning the key, locking me in.

“Mr Crawford?” I questioned as he put his arm on my shoulder and led me back towards the kitchen. He ushered me towards a seat, in front of the bag of money.

“Have a seat” he pushed me into the chair and sat down at the table beside me. “I just want to talk to you about what you’ve seen Corey” he pulled the bag of money towards him. “This money, do you know where it’s from?”

I didn’t know how to answer, it was obviously from the robbery at the grocery store.

“I.. I don’t know” I stuttered.

“Your not a stupid boy Corey. You know where its from.” He was getting quite agitated and angry. “The question now is what are we going to do about it?”

“Mr Crawford, I... I don’t know what you’ve done but it’s nothing to do with me, why don’t you just let me go on home and we can forget about this” I pleaded naively

“Corey, you know I’m fond of you, But you know something that you shouldn’t and that is a worry for me.” He deliberated what he was going to do.

“I won’t tell anyone about what I saw. You can trust me.” I was beginning to get somewhere. “You’ve been good to me over the years. Whatever you have done, it’s your business. I’m not going to land you in trouble ” I tried appealing to his good nature.

“So you won’t tell anyone?” He questioned

“You don’t need to worry Mr Crawford, I won’t tell anyone about this. Why don’t we just forget about it. If you still want we can go and watch the Celtic match.” I tried to act as casual as possible hoping that he would just let me leave, i just wanted out of that house.

“As much as I’d like that I don’t think a trip to Celtic park is going to sort this.”

“Well that’s grand, listen, I had better get going if Im going to make it to the match on time.” I went to get up off the chair when he got up and blocked my way.

“I don’t mean just me. Corey, I don’t think either of us will be going to Celtic park today.”

“What?” I questioned. What did he mean

“Im sorry Corey, but your not going anywhere. He approached me, gripping my shoulders and sliding his hand down towards my wrists.

“Wait what?” I was baffled. “No Mr Crawford you can’t...mmmm.” Before I knew it, his hand was planted firmly over my mouth.

“Mmmmmmph” I mumbled against the hand gag. What was happening. I was being held captive by my neighbour.

“Ssshush” he warned. “I’m sorry Corey, but I can’t let you leave. Not knowing what you know. I don’t want to hurt you, so please just do as your told. Ok?

I nodded yes. I was too scared to disobey.

“I’m going to take my hand off of your mouth,” he said. “And you’re not going to scream or cry out, is that understood?”

I mumbled a yes under his hand. “Good boy” he said as he released his grip of my mouth.

“What are you doing? Mr Crawford... Please, don’t do this.” I begged. I just wanted to go home, I was so scared that I started to tear up a bit.

“Corey stop. Take it like a man.” He was under a lot of pressure and the tears made him very uncomfortable. “I can’t have you going to the police Corey, or telling anyone about what you have seen. You just need to stay here til i figure out what I’m going to do.”

I was still very shaken by this whole thing. My neighbour, a guy I’ve trusted for years was holding me captive. And after what he done to the staff at the grocery store I didn’t know what he was capable of.

“What are you going to do to me?” I questioned. “Your not going to hurt me are you?”

“I don’t wanna hurt you Corey, so please just do as your told and I won’t have too.” I nodded in agreement, and let out a low sigh. “Come with me.” He pushed me across the kitchen towards the basement.

“Where are we going” I questioned as he opened the basement door.

“Just get down there.” He pushed me into the basement. Closing the door and locking it behind him. Was he planning on killing me? I had no idea.

“I’m not some sort of monster Corey. I don’t want to hurt you, really I don’t, but you walked in at the wrong time. It’s unfortunate, but I have to keep you here. It’s for your own good son.”

Was he serious? For my own own good?
“What do you mean this is for my own good? If you cared or trusted me, you’d let me go now.”

“Well... The alternative was that I get rid of you permanently Corey. And I wouldn’t want to do that, so be grateful that all I’m doing is keeping you locked up.” Fear filled me, was he actual capable of murder.

“No please, you don’t have to do this. Please, I just want to go home” I pleaded.

“And you will” he assured me. “But only when I say so. For now just do as I say and you’ll be ok.”

“Ok” I murmured. I didn’t like this but I thought it was easier to obey.

“Your going to be locked down here for the duration of your stay. You’ll get taken to the toilet, get food and water. I want you to be comfortable Corey.” You could tell that he meant what he said, he did feel bad about doing this, but he had no choice. I had to be kept out of the way.

I lent against the tool bench. There were all kinds of tools on top and just up above was a tiny window. Mr Crawford looked at the surroundings, thinking of the possible ways I could escape or attract attention. “No funny business Corey. Empty your pockets for me son. Phone and all. I can’t have you calling anyone or attracting any attention to yourself”

I emptied my jacket pockets, taking out my phone and wallet and handing them over. “That’s everything” I advised.

“Good lad” he said as he switched my phone off. “Whilst I’m gone I need to be sure that your not going to try and break free. If I’m being honest Corey, I’m finding it hard to trust that you won’t try and escape.” His tone was very indecisive.

“You can trust me. I won’t say anything” I begged.

“But I need to be sure you won’t try to escape. I mean if I caught you trying to get out, and you got hurt. I mean I don’t want to hurt you Corey. Or if you Got free and then dobbed me in to the police, that is life changing and I can’t have that Corey, I Just can’t.”

I approached him trying to reason with him. “I promise I won’t try to escape, I’ll do as I’m told. You don’t have to hurt me”

“I need to be sure though, so precautions are going to have to be taken.”

“Precautions?” I queried, scared about what was to come next. Mr Crawford came along side me. Putting his arm around my shoulders,

“Whenever I’m not here, I’m going to have to keep you tied you up Corey. I need to be sure you can’t get free”

“No... please don’t, I won’t.... mmm” again I was interrupted by a hand covering my mouth.

“Listen mate, just keep quiet, I’m doing this for your own good. I don’t want to, but if your tied up, your less likely to try and escape.” He sounded like his mind was made up, it would be easier to cooperate.

“Mmmmmppph” I mumbled. Tied up in my neighbours basement is not what I had planned today.

“It’s too risky to have you wondering around down here. With the windows you could attract attention. You’ll have to be gagged too.” That made me uneasy. I squirmed in his arms. Was a gag necessary?

“I know your scared, but it has to be done.Now keep quiet and this won’t take long.” He took his hand off my mouth and led me towards a chair in the corner of the room. “Sit down there son” he pushed me down onto the chair and started hoking through some drawers,

“You don’t have to do this” I begged, hoping he’d change his mind. But he turned and came towards me clutching several coils of white rope.

I’m sorry Corey, really I am. He set the ropes on the floor.
“It’s quite warm down here son, do you wanna take that big jacket off before we start?” It was quite stuffy in the basement. I didn’t want to be sweating for who knows how long.

“Ok” I slid the jacket off, revealing my Celtic top,

He took the jacket and hung it up. “It’s a shame your going to miss the match today. But you will get going again.” He bends down, picking up some rope. “Hopefully I won’t have to keep you here too long. Now make yourself comfortable and we’ll get this over with”

He pulls my hands behind the chair and starts looping the rope around them. “Ah” I squirm “it’s very tight”

“It has to be tight son. You can’t get loose.”

He picks up more rope moving In front and starts on my legs and knees. “So who do you think will win the game today?” I wasn’t in the mood for questions.

“ I don’t know, I’m Supposed to be at the game, but now I’m not going to see it anyway.”

“Don’t be like that Corey, you know I’ll look after you, you just can’t leave here” he finished tying the knots around my legs and knees and moved behind me and started wrapping rope around my chest and arms.

“Whenever I’m about you can be untied. When I’m gone it’s best your tied up. I’ll know your safe and secure, I just can’t trust you to keep your mouth shut. You’ll not be able to get free from this, and in a moment you’ll not be able to speak or scream either.

“How long will I be here” I questioned. Knowing I had little time left to ask questions.

“Until I can figure out what to do with you, hopefully it’ll only be a few days. You’ll be in Celtic park next weekend if your lucky.”

I wasn’t impressed at all, I just wanted to get out, but the ropes were tight. I struggled and squirmed against them as mr Crawford moved to a drawer to get something else.

“Time for that gag” he teased. Holding a wad of green cloth and a white bandana, “Celtic colours for their number 1 fan” he chuckled to himself, but I didn’t find it funny.

“Please” I beg, making one last attempt for freedom. “Don’t gag me. I promise I’ll be quiet.”

“Im sorry, but you know this is how it has to be. I can’t risk you shouting for help.” He started balling the green wad up. “Now anything else before the gag goes on?”

“Please” I begged, “don’t do this” but it was no use, he pressed the wad of green cloth against my lips and started to push It into my mouth.
“Open your mouth son” he asked as I mumbled and whimpered as he stuffed my mouth.

“Can't have you shouting and screaming son, drawing any attention to yourself.” He then picked up the bandana, folded it in half and proceeded to tie it off tightly around the back of my head. “Take it like a man, this will be over soon enough.” He checked the knot to make sure it was secure. The gag was pretty effective.

He stepped back to check on his work. I mumbled through the gag. “We’ll not be hearing much out of you now” he teased. Picking up a roll of duct tape.
“Im going to be lenient with your gag. I was thinking of using this to keep you quiet, but I’m going to trust you with the gag you have. If you try and get it off, or try screaming then I’ll have to add this. So behave ok?”

I was tightly bound,I don’t think I was going anywhere. I mumbled into my gag, but it was futile.

“I’m sorry, I can’t understand you.” He said.
“Just sit this out for a few days, soon you’ll be free. I tried pleading through the gag, my eyes filling up with tears as I begged for freedom.
“I really am sorry Corey. this really is for your own good. I tell you what, Seeing as your going to miss the match and as your already kitted out in your Celtic top. I’ll maybe see about getting a tv for you to watch the match. Show you I’m not really a bad guy.

He was remorseful, he didn’t like having me like this, but it doesn’t excuse his behaviour.

“Try and rest up Corey, I’m going to see what way I can go about getting this sorted. Sit tight and don’t do anything stupid.”

He ruffled my hair and left the basement. I squirmed and tried to get free but it was no use.

“mmmm” I mumbled into my gag, but it was hopeless. I had no chance of breaking free. I was completely helpless.
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Post by Smythdean »

This was my first piece. Hope yous like it. Any feedback is appreciated.
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Post by JLG_Justice »

Yeah great effort, plz continue!
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Post by KidnappedCowboy »

Good job, mate!
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Post by Xtc »

Welcome aboard. We need the Brit voice!
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Post by bondagefreak »

[mention]Smythdean[/mention] Fantastic piece, mate.
Super glad to see a new author join our ranks!

Very curious to see what you have in store for us next.

P.s- the gender tag is very misleading though.
This is definitely M/m and not m/m.

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Post by LuchoDz_007 »


That boy had an evil neighbor and he didn't know it.
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Post by ExcessivelyCurious »

Nice story. Interested to see where it goes next.
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Post by Ebascoray »

Smythdean: Good story. Continue, please.

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Post by Paris_bondage »

Great story. I’m looking forward to reading the next episodes.
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Post by Socksbound »

Really great start. Curious to see what mr Crawford has instore for Corey. As a Rangers man I hope Corey is in for a hellish time 8-) :twisted: ;)
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Post by Smythdean »

Socksbound wrote: 3 years ago Really great start. Curious to see what mr Crawford has instore for Corey. As a Rangers man I hope Corey is in for a hellish time 8-) :twisted: ;)
Oh dear, as a rangers man I’m sure you’d love seeing our Celtic boy being such an awful predicament. Could maybe write that into the story
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Post by Socksbound »

[mention]Smythdean[/mention] that would be so great. :lol: would love to see it worked into the story.
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Post by harveygasson »

Really good
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Post by Smythdean »

I’ve done a bit of editing on part 1. Has anyone any ideas or themes they’d like to see in another chapter. This is what I’d imagine Corey to look like (Celtic player James Forrest) and mr Crawford as eastenders character. Dan Sullivan (who actually kidnapped someone before in the show.

https://m.belfasttelegraph.co.uk/sport/ ... 657_I1.JPG

Mr Crawford
https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/ ... rbrass.jpg
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Post by alkaid_ »

great story!!!

I'm already wana to know what is going to happen with Corey and how long he goingto spent in his neighbor's basement...
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Post by Smythdean »

There was no clock in the basement, so I was unsure of what time it actually was. The bit of sunlight shining through the small window indicated it was early evening, Mr Crawford must have decided against bringing a tv down to let me watch the Celtic match. Not that it was a big concern, considering my current predicament, but I was worried that I hadn’t seen him in a while. My hands were sore from the ropes that were tied tightly, although I had attempted to get loose, Mr Crawford had tied them extremely tight, making sure I didn’t break free from the chair. The gag was very effective, I tried screaming, but it was no use, all I could manage was muffled cries. With there being no tape, I could have tried to get the gag off, but I was scared what Mr Crawford would do if he caught me with it off.

Suddenly I heard the door unlock, and down came Mr Crawford carrying a bottle of water.

“Mmmmphhh” I mumbled into my gag. Hoping he had come to let me loose.

“Corey, how are you doing son?” He approached me, placing the water bottle on the bench beside me.

“Mmmmph” I mumbled. Begging to be untied. He leans up against the bench, very disappointed looking.

“I’m afraid the Celtic match didn’t go our way today. 2-1 to Rangers. It’s Probably best you weren’t there.” Was he serious? My team had lost the match, but it was nothing in comparison to being held captive and tied up.

“Pmmnphm” I mumbled through the gag. I wasn’t interested in the game. I just wanted loose from these ropes.

“I’m sorry I’ve took so long son. I had to get a few things sorted. You know before I can let you go.” He walked round, checking the ropes to see if they were loose. “I hate having you tied like this Corey. I hope your not in too much pain.” He did seem genuinely concerned, like he didn’t want to hurt me.

“Pmmnphm” I continued to mumble, hoping he’d take the gag off.

“I’m going to take your gag off Corey. But your not to scream or cry out ok?” I nodded in agreement. My mouth was so dry, I just wanted that wad of cloth out.

“Ok” he said as he tugged on the white bandana, pulling it from my mouth and letting it hang around my neck. “Shsssh” he hissed as he pulled the green cloth from my mouth”

“Water please” I panted, my mouth was so dry. He lifted the bottle and allowed me to drink.

“Get that in you” he said “I’m sure your thirsty”

“Thank you” I panted as I finished drinking, trying to appeal to his good nature. He set the bottle down and came to sit beside me.

“Please” I begged him. “Please Mr Crawford, please let me go. I won’t tell anyone about this I swear.” My voice was shaking as I spoke.

“I’d like to let you go Corey. Really I would. But you’ve seen too much. If you told anybody about what I’ve done....”

“But I won’t” I interrupted. “I won’t tell anyone about any of this.” I was very emotional. I began to tear up. “Just let me go. I wanna go home.”

Suddenly I felt his hand come across my mouth again. I must have said to much. “Mmmmph” I mumbled under the handgag.

“Corey please, don’t beg” his tone was remorseful but firm. You could tell he didn’t like doing this to me. “I don’t like doing this, but it has to be done. Suck it up for a few days and hopefully you’ll be home soon. Keep it shut ok?” He removed his hand.

“I’m sorry” I pleaded

“I’m the one who should be sorry Corey. I never meant for you to get involved in this. But what’s done is done.”

“So what now?” I questioned.

“You just need to sit this out son. I’m trying to get a place sorted. Move away so I don’t get caught. It should only take a few more days, and then you’ll be free.” I was glad to hear this, I only had to endure being a captive for a couple of days.

“When you let me go, I promise I won’t rat you out. I know your not a bad man. I’m sure you have your reasons for what you did.” I tried to appeal to his good side. He had been good to me over the years and I was considering keeping quiet. Even after everything he’d already put me through.

“Thanks. You know I’m awful fond of you Corey. A fellow Celtic fan. Id have loved to go see the game with you.” He picked up my jacket from behind me. “Your even wearing the Celtic jacket I got you. I know your a good lad, and If it’d been any other day, I’d have loved to go to watch the Celtic game with you.” He was very genuine

“That’s why I came over today. Because You’ve always been so good to me. I wanted to say thank you by going to the Celtic game. Your a good man Mr Crawford and I know you don’t want to do this to me. We’re neighbours.”

“We are Corey, he said, his tone changing slightly. He wrapped the jacket across the back of the chair against my shoulders. “But you just happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time, and I had to do this.” He looked at a message he’d received on his phone.

“There are other people involved Corey. Dangerous people, I’ve got myself into a spot of bother and unfortunately you’ve become involved.” The text he received seemed to alarm him. Who was it from?

“You can trust me Mr Crawford.. I won’t get you in any trouble, I promise.”

“I need to go Corey” he got up from the bench

“I’m hungry” I pleaded, trying to keep the inevitable gag from going back in my mouth.

“Sorry son, something has come up. I will be back in an hour or so to take you to the toilet and get you something to eat.” He grabbed the green cloth and set it on my lap. He moved behind me and started untying the bandana from around my neck.

“Don’t gag me, please I promise I won’t scream” I pleaded.

“I want to believe that, but I can’t take any chances.” He got the knot from the bandana. “When your gagged I know your quiet. No shouting or screaming. Just silence”

“No, don’t do this.” I begged, before he lifted the the rag and pushed it against my mouth”

“Sorry son, really I am” my lips opened and he pushed the cloth in, stuffing my mouth with the soaking cloth.

“Mmmm” I mumbled as he picked up the bandana and started to tie It around my head.

“Sorry again Corey.” He said tightening the gag. “I shouldn’t be too long. When I get back I’ll untie you, get you some food and let you use the toilet. Ok son?”

Here I was gagged again. Still not free from these ropes. I let out a slight whimper through the gag. But he ignored me.

“I’ll have an update for you when I get back. Hopefully you’ll get getting out of here soon. Just sit tight.”

He left the room, I was stuck here again. Bound. Gagged. Completely helpless.

I’m thinking of introducing a new person into this story. An associate in the robbery. Someone not as kind as Mr Crawford. Perhaps even a rangers fan.
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Post by Socksbound »

Really good continuation, looking forward to seeing you put in a rangers supporter. Hope your not going to make him intentionally nasty just because he does ;) ;) ;)

Really enjoying the story and looking forward to seeing it continue
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Post by alkaid_ »


poor Corey, he gonna need to be strong and endure a few days tied and gagged to that chair...

maybe he wanna try to fight against Mr. Crawford but maybe it will turn out to be counter-prudent... Mr Crawford could turn into an agner neighbour and he can hurt the kid.
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Post by Smythdean »

I had a comic book artist throw a piece together.
Poor Corey is completely helpless having walked in on something he shouldn’t have. Now he’s trapped, bound and gagged by his neighbour.

Hopefully will get chapter three up soon.

Any ideas or suggestions are welcome
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Post by Socksbound »

Love the artwork. That’s amazing
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Post by BDBrit »

Love the picture! I love the artist's style. He really brought your lovely story to life. I bet Corey would have something else to say about it. :lol:
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Post by bondagejeopardy »

Great story excellent :D
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Post by privateandrews »

liked this very much , especially the pleading not to be gagged.
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Post by Smythdean »

privateandrews wrote: 2 years ago liked this very much , especially the pleading not to be gagged.
Thank you very much. I have seen some of your videos online. And think you would make the perfect Mr Crawford.

It’s the conversation and the thick cloth gagging that are really thrilling
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