Nicholas Blywistle (F/m), chapter 11

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Nicholas Blywistle (F/m), chapter 11

Post by iliketights »

This is a companion story to Miss Blywistle Flouts the Rules

It is neither a prequel nor a sequel to "Miss Blywistle Flouts the Rules", but a story that takes place concurrently and in the same strange alternate world.

Nicholas Blywistle, chapter 1

Nicholas Blywistle, age 11, was sitting at the kitchen table reading a letter. “What’s up, Nicky?” his mother asked cheerfully as she entered the kitchen.

“Reading a letter I got from Adelaide.”

“A letter from Adelaide? Is it addressed to all of us?”

“No, just to me.”

“Oh. That’s strange. She hasn’t written to your father and me since she arrived at Despair Boarding School, but she’s written to you a couple of times.”

Nicholas shrugged his shoulders. He suspected that his sister Adelaide was still a little put out that she had been sent away to boarding school instead of being allowed to go to the local school with her friends. He and Adelaide had always been close, so he didn't consider it strange that she would write only to him.

“So, how is she? Is she enjoying herself?”

“I don’t think so. It sounds like the headmaster there is quite the tyrant.”

“Well, he does have a reputation for being a bit strict. But that’s good.”

“She said that she’s been tied up many times. Sometimes with chains or tape, but mostly with rope. Sometimes she’s been gagged, too! And it’s for the most trivial of transgressions, like forgetting a negative sign in trigonometry class, or having an overdue library book. Oh, Mother, please go get her and bring her home! She doesn’t like it there.”

Nicholas’ mother sighed and sat down next to her son. “Nicky, your father and I are aware that the headmaster has some unorthodox disciplinary methods. We were fully aware when we enrolled her there. We had hoped that Adelaide would be on her best behavior so that she could avoid the more unpleasant punishments.”

Nicholas thought for a moment. “Mother, please send me to Despair.”

His mother laughed. “Planning on rescuing your sister, are you? That’s nice of you, but your father and I really think Despair is the place she needs to be. It will be good for her.”

“No, mother. I meant that you should send me there as a student.”

Again his mother laughed. “There are a couple of big problems with that. First, you’re only eleven years old. You would have to be at least fourteen to enroll there. But the most important thing you’re overlooking is that the full name is Despair Boarding School for Girls. Sorry, but boys aren’t allowed. Besides, it doesn’t sound like you approve of their disciplinary procedures.”

“Mother, are there any schools like that for boys my age? A really strict one like Despair?”

“No, I’m afraid not. We were lucky that a school like that exists for your sister, but there are no schools anywhere near here for boys that would be comparable. But why do you ask, Nicky? Aren’t you happy at your current school? And why this interest in strict discipline? You’ve never given us cause to send you to such a place!”

“Neither had Adelaide, but you sent her there anyway! It’s not fair that she’s there and doesn’t like it, while I’m here, and … and …”

“And what?”

Nicholas hesitated. “I would really love to be disciplined like that! I wish Adelaide and I could trade places!”

His mother was stunned. “Nicholas! Surely you don’t mean that!”

“But I do! If I went to Adelaide’s school I would probably misbehave on purpose. Not enough to be expelled, but enough to be … punished.”

“Nicky dear, it might sound exotic and exciting, but you would soon tire of it. Maybe I could tie you up for a couple hours? I’m sure you won’t like it, and we can put this silliness behind us.”

Nicholas got up and started to walk away. “Thank you. But being tied up by one’s mother just wouldn’t be the same.”

His mother thought for a few minutes after Nicholas left. She picked up her phone and entered a number.

“Hi Sherry. Sophia here. It’s been much too long! I was wondering if you could do me a big favor.”

To be continued ...
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Nicholas Blywistle, chapter 2

Several Weeks Later

“But mother, I think I’m old enough to stay home alone. It will only be for five days. Besides, someone needs to feed the dog.”

“Your father and I have talked about it, and we just don’t feel comfortable leaving you alone for that long. The neighbors are going to keep Butch at their house. I’ve already arranged for you to stay at my friend Sherry’s house. You’ll love it there. She’s an excellent cook, and she’s so much fun to be with. She’s a bit lonely since her kids went off to college, so you would be doing her a favor too.”

With his parents leaving soon for a cousin’s wedding 1,000 miles away, being home alone for five days during the first week of summer vacation did sound a bit boring. He didn’t want to admit it, but he had been a little scared of the prospect of being home alone for that long.

A few days later, Nicholas and his mother arrived at Sherry’s house. She lived outside of town on a beautiful piece of land that Nicholas decided he would enjoy exploring. Nicolas knew right away that he was going to get along with her just fine. Her friendly manner put him immediately at ease.

“You go on and get ready for your trip,” Sherry told Nicholas’ mother. “Nicholas and I will have lunch and I’ll regale him with stories about you when we were girls.”

After lunch, Sherry said, “Your mother said you were interested in finding a school for boys. It just so happens that I’m considering starting one. A very small one at first, mind you. I taught my own two children at home. Would you be interested in attending school here?”

Nicholas was momentarily speechless. How much had his mother said to Sherry? Had she told Sherry that he was attracted to the type of strict discipline that went on at his sister’s school? Sherry said nothing further that indicated that. Anyway, Sherry did not seem like the overly strict type.

She was looking at him over her glasses, smiling serenely, waiting for a response.

“Well, I don’t know. I could think about it.”

“You don’t need to decide now just yet anyway. It would be at least another year before I could get a school up and running. You could help me, though. I’m trying to decide on school uniforms.”

She left the room and came back with a box. “Could you do me a favor, dear, and try this on? I want to see how this looks.”

Nicholas took the box, and Sherry directed him to the bathroom. “You can leave your shoes, phone, and the contents of your pocket in the cubby by the door.”

Nicholas took off his shoes and put them in the cubby and placed his cell phone, wallet, house keys and loose change and put them next to his shoes. A few minutes later he came out of the bathroom wearing the school uniform.

“Well, what do you think?” she asked.

“Oh, I don’t know. To be honest, I don’t really like it too much. I don’t think pants like this have been in style for a hundred years …”

“Oh, the knickerbockers! You’re right, but you never know when they’ll come back! I’m hoping my school will start a trend.”

“Well … it might be OK for a five-year-old boy, but I’m eleven. I feel a little ridiculous. Maybe silk isn’t a good idea for boys.”

“Oh, but it looks so good on you!”

“And these white stockings,” he said, while looking down at his stockinged feet. “I don’t think the boys at your school will enjoy wearing these. It seems a bit too girly.” The stockings were long, going well above his knees under the knickerbockers.

“The word you’re looking for is ‘classy’. We’ll have the best-dressed students of any school in the country. I haven’t decided on shoes yet, though. Perhaps later we can look at a uniform supply shop website and you can help me decide.”

“Can I change back into my own clothes now?” Nicholas asked. He looked at the cubby and noticed that his wallet, keys, and change were still there, but his shoes and cell phone were not. “Where are my shoes and phone?”

“You can change back in a few minutes. Come, since we’re at the bottom of the stairs, let’s go up and I’ll show you where your room is.”

To be continued ...
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A photo of Nicholas' new school uniform. I don't think he's too pleased with it.
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Nicholas Blywistle, chapter 3

She was already half-way up the stairs, so he followed. When they got to the top of the stairs, she opened the door and let him go in first. The room was very sparsely furnished. The only items in the room were a bed, a desk with a solid-looking wooden chair, a clock on the wall, and a nightstand with a lamp. He wasn’t too impressed, but he was only going to be here for five days.

“Put your hands behind your back,” Sherry said, sounding uncharacteristically stern.

“What?” he said, turning to look at her.

She put her hands firmly on his slender shoulders and turned him around again so that his back was to her. She quickly grabbed each of his wrists and brought them behind his back.

“Young man, I expect you to obey immediately. You’re not off to a very good start.”

He felt rope being wound around his wrists. He realized that his mother must have divulged his secret wish to be disciplined in the same way his sister Adelaide had been. “Please, Sherry, you don’t have to do this …”

“Of all the impertinence! To refer to me by my first name!” she said as she cinched the rope and made a firm knot. “I am the headmistress of this school, and you will address me with respect!”

Nicholas felt tears spring to his eyes. It was one thing to consider being tied up in the abstract, but it was quite a shock to have it actually happen.

“Please, Headmistress! Let me go. My mother must have misunderstood. I was merely wondering what it was like for my sister to be punished so severely at her school. I didn’t really …”

“Enough!” the headmistress said loudly. She pulled his elbows together behind his back and began to tie them together. He was slender and flexible. She had no problem making his elbows touch behind him. “I’ve had all the naughtiness from you I’m going to tolerate. Now don’t speak until I give you permission.”

He swallowed the pleading words he was going to employ. Pleading was obviously not working. Why did I have to divulge my secret yearning to my mother? Why did my mother feel the need to arrange this with Sherry … I mean the headmistress? My own mother had arranged for me to be treated like this?

More rope went around his upper body, pinning his arms securely against his back. When she was done, he knew he would never be able to free himself. He was completely at this woman’s mercy.

“Lie down on the bed, on your stomach,” she commanded. He did as he was told. He had no choice. She grasped his ankles and brought his feet together.

To his shock, he discovered that although he had been taken completely by surprise, he was starting to enjoy this. He played along, begging her not to tie him up any further, but she admonished him to remain quiet as she bound rope tightly around his ankles. After his ankles and knees were securely tied, she rolled him onto his side. He looked up at her. His nervousness was not entirely an act. It was a strange sensation to be scared and happy at the same time.

“There,” she said. “Bound and helpless. The way I like my students. You’ll behave yourself now, I’ll bet. The only thing left is to make sure you stay quiet. I don’t wish to be disturbed while I clean up our lunch dishes.”

“No …” he moaned as she took a roll of duct tape that had been previously placed under the bed.

“Yes!” she said as she placed the end of the tape over his mouth. She wound the roll around his head six times before tearing the tape from the roll. He looked at her with wide eyes over his severely taped mouth.

“Don’t look at me like that. You know you deserve this. Now be a good lad and ponder your transgressions. After all, there’s little else you can do for now. I suppose you’re wondering how you’re going to get out of all these ropes. I can think of several options. Let’s see … one option is that you free yourself. Of course, by now, you have probably convinced yourself that this is not really an option. The ropes that bind you are plentiful, tight, and have no knots that can be reached by nimble young fingers. No, that option must be completely purged from your mind. You have no hope of freeing yourself. What might another option be? Oh yes, you could be hoping that someone will rescue you. The only people who know you are here are your parents, and they are well on their way to the airport. No, we can rule out your mother and father as potential rescuers. Perhaps you’re hoping that someone may happen to find you like this and untie you? Alas, that too is a hope that must be dashed. You are securely gagged and in a little room on the second floor in the rear of this house. I rarely receive visitors or salesmen. It would be utterly impossible for anyone who might come onto my porch to ring the doorbell to hear your severely muffled cries for help. Maybe you’re planning on hopping to the bedroom door, easing yourself down the stairs on your behind, hopping to the front door, opening it with your bound hands, hopping down the sidewalk until you encounter a good Samaritan who will free you from your bonds? All without me noticing your attempted escape? Well, if you were planning that, you will find that your excursion is doomed from the start. You may not have noticed, but the door to this bedroom has a doorknob that locks, and a sliding bolt. Both the lock and the bolt can be opened only from the hallway side of the door. No, I’m afraid that you must discard that plan too. That brings us to the final option. The only hope you have of ever being free of these ropes is if I untie you. Poor boy, I have no plans to do so for quite some time. Goodbye little Nicky. Think long and hard how you can behave better in the future.”

Nicholas knew that Sherry was really a nice person playing the role of a stern headmistress. He also knew that she and his own mother had planned this for him because of what he had said he wanted. Even though he knew he wasn’t really in any genuine danger, her words frightened him. He was enjoying the sensation of tight ropes rendering him helpless, but his tears were real.

“Don’t cry, Nicky,” she said, wiping his tears away with a tissue. “You’ll be untied. Eventually.”

She left the room and closed the door behind her.

Nicholas heard the sound of the door being locked. He heard the sound of the bolt being slid into place. He heard the sound of Sherry, no … the headmistress, walking down the stairs.

To be continued …
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Post by lasse672000 »

The next part(s) promises to be quite interesting.
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Post by Canuck100 »

Great story! Sometimes you have to be careful what you wish for :D
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On the edge of my seat now!
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Post by iliketights »

lasse672000 wrote: 3 years ago The next part(s) promises to be quite interesting.
Thanks! The next chapter is almost ready.
Canuck100 wrote: 3 years ago Great story! Sometimes you have to be careful what you wish for :D
Thanks! Nicholas is probably regretting getting his wish about now.
Mommy's Naughty Boy wrote: 3 years ago On the edge of my seat now!
Thanks! Just looking over the next chapter now.
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Nicholas Blywistle, chapter 4

Nicholas was stunned beyond belief at how fast one's life can change. One moment he was having a delightful lunch with a friendly woman. The next thing he knew, she had turned into a tyrannical headmistress of a non-existent school, tying him up as punishment for non-existent transgressions. He was now thoroughly bound with tight ropes and gagged with tape that was wrapped so tightly around his head he was losing feeling in his lips. His own mother had conspired with her friend for his capture. He couldn't really blame his mother though, because this is exactly what he had asked for. As anyone would do who become unexpectedly tied up, he tested his bonds. His captor had not been exaggerating when she told him that he would have no chance of freeing himself. His arms were practically welded together from elbows to wrists behind his back, and then secured tightly against his back with more ropes that encircled his upper body. His fingers could wiggle, but the rest of his arms were immobilized. He had never even heard of anyone having their elbows tied together behind their back. He wouldn't have thought it was even possible! His legs were crushed together by ropes around his ankles and knees. Everything is so tight! Incredibly, he found it exciting! As he squirmed in his bonds, no longer in a futile attempt to escape but simply because it felt good, he noticed a little flutter in his stomach. He couldn't believe he liked this! He had even enjoyed it when he was being yelled at. He had always been a careful and dutiful boy. Hardly anyone had ever felt the need to raise their voice to him. Having someone yell at him for being naughty was thrilling, even it had been completely untrue. Maybe especially because it had been untrue! I hope she yells at me some more!

As much as he had originally disliked the school uniform he had been asked to wear, he was now starting to like it. The silk of the shirt and short pants felt so smooth. The thigh-high white stockings, which he had criticized so recently as being "too girly", were rapidly becoming one of the favorite parts of this strange day. They felt so good when he wiggled his toes and bent or straightened his legs. Every movement of his feet or legs made it feel like the stockings were giving him a little massage. He was glad that his captor had not made him wear shoes.

This was even better than going to Adelaide's boarding school! Here, he could enjoy the strict discipline and restraint punishment without also having to worry about school work. He was on summer vacation, and surely "headmistress" Sherry wouldn't give him homework. Also, he was going to be here only five days. Poor Adelaide, she was not only prey to a tyrannical headmaster, but she still had academics to deal with. Despair Boarding School for Girls didn't even have a summer vacation.

He drifted along in a state of euphoria. The ropes, gag, and uniform had become like a drug! He was so content. Cozy was the word that kept popping into his head.

Alas, as anyone who enjoys being tied up knows, there comes a time when euphoria gives way to boredom. This is not necessarily a bad thing. Now that Nicholas was starting to want to be freed but was powerless to achieve freedom, he felt a new kind of excitement. He now called it "frustrated excitement." He started to struggle again, but found that the ropes had not loosened in the slightest. There was that pleasant little flutter in his stomach again.

According to the clock on the wall, he had now been tied up for about an hour. How long before the headmistress frees me? He remembered that she told him it would be quite some time before he would be untied. What did she consider "quite some time"? His mother had earlier offered to tie him up for "a couple hours." Perhaps she had told Sherry to keep her son tied up for two hours. That sounded reasonable to him. Just another hour.

Boredom eventually forced him to decide to explore his prison cell. He squirmed to the side of the bed. It was frustrating that his bound body wouldn't always move in the direction he wanted. He eventually got to the point where he was sitting on the edge of the bed with his feet on the floor. From there it was relatively easy to stand up. He started to hop toward the door. He took it slowly at first. He didn't want to fall on his face without the use of his arms to break his fall. Several hops brought him to the door, but that did him no good with his hands behind him. He twisted around with several tiny hops until his hands grasped the doorknob. It was no surprise that the door was locked. He had heard it lock, but for some reason he felt compelled to make sure. Sherry was right. This door would not provide him a way to escape this room. He decided to hop over to the only other possible way to leave this room - the window. The room was so small that he was able to traverse it quickly, even with small careful hops. He poked his head through the curtains and peered out. Of course, bound as he was, he already knew that he would not be able to escape through the window. Nevertheless, his heart sank as his mind registered two things. First, there were no downspouts, trellises, balcony, tree, or any other structures that could help a person climb down from this window. There would be nothing but a two-story fall straight to the ground. Actually more than two stories, since the ground sloped away from the house at this point. And it wouldn't just be a fall to the ground. There was a rock garden directly below. A rock garden filled with very sharp, jagged rocks. But the second thing he noticed was even worse - there were bars on this window. The window could be slid upward to allow in fresh air, but no creature larger than a cat could escape through the bars.

Oh course, he had already known that he would be unable to escape from this room without help, but he suddenly felt frightened now that he himself had verified that the door and window were escape-proof. It's one thing to know something; it's another thing entirely to KNOW it. The only way this window could possibly be of any help to him would be if someone standing in the yard below would happen to look up to the bedroom on the second floor at just the right moment and just happen to catch a glimpse of a sad little blond boy staring down with the lower part of his face hidden under six wrappings of duct tape. But, as we all would guess, there was no one in the back yard who would see Nicholas and come to his rescue, and there never would be. Nicholas rested his forehead against the glass. A tear trickled down his cheek.

Adelaide, I hope you're fairing better than I am! I deserve this because I asked for it, but I hope you're doing well. The person he missed most in the world was his sister Adelaide. He gazed sadly out the window, knowing that she was about fifty miles away at her school. His well wishes for Adelaide were for naught however. He had no way of knowing, but at that very moment his beloved sister was also bound hand and foot with rope and gagged. She had earlier in the day misspelled "PNEUMONOULTRAMICROSCOPICSILICOVOLCANOCONIOSIS" (an inflammation of the lungs caused by silica dust) on her science exam. She had accidentally left off one of the O's. Of course, her science teacher reported her to the headmaster's office, and as punishment he tied her up, gagged her, and left her on his office couch for two hours. Adelaide was probably not thinking of her beloved little brother at the moment, but if she had, she would have assumed that he was enjoying his first day of summer vacation. Indeed, she would have been envious that her brother had a summer vacation and she did not. It would never have occurred to her that Nicholas too was bound and gagged. It is perhaps a mercy that neither sibling knew of the tribulations being endured by the other.

Nicholas sadly left the window and hopped back to the bed. His legs were getting sore from standing and hopping, and each hop seemed to make the ropes hurt more. Sitting down, he looked at the clock. If it was to be his fate to remain bound for two hours, he still had a lot of time left. He lay down so his head rested on the pillow. As he tried to get comfortable (an almost impossible task when your elbows are tied together), a thought passed through his mind. Why would a nice woman like Sherry have a bedroom in her house that has locks on the outside and has bars on the window?

To be continued ...
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Post by alkaid_ »

iliketights wrote: 3 years ago A photo of Nicholas' new school uniform. I don't think he's too pleased with it.
oh my fucking god!!!

i always wanna see a kid wearing that kid of school uniform or costume.

I wanna be the prefect of the school where they later send Nicholas.
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Post by LuchoDz_007 »

Canuck100 wrote: 3 years ago Great story! Sometimes you have to be careful what you wish for :D
Yes, you're right.

I don't know why I imagine Nicholas is going to spend more than two hours tied up.
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Post by scarfgagged »

Wow, I need to read more!!! Excellent work!!!
If you're not gagged and blindfolded, then you're not tied up at all!!! :D
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Post by overkneesoccersocks »

Excellent start. I love the setting, the uniform, the thoughts Nicholas is sharing with the reader. Great story so far!!! do continue.
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Post by Killua »

Great Story! You have a great writing style.
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Post by Mommy's Naughty Boy »

Yes absolutely terrific job! Well written and thought out. Where was she when I needed help in school?
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Post by lasse672000 »

iliketights wrote: 3 years ago
Why would a nice woman like Sherry have a bedroom in her house that has locks on the outside and has bars on the window?
Yes. why indeed? Maybe she isn't a nice woman, after all?
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Post by iliketights »

alkaid_ wrote: 3 years ago
iliketights wrote: 3 years ago A photo of Nicholas' new school uniform. I don't think he's too pleased with it.
oh my fucking god!!!

i always wanna see a kid wearing that kid of school uniform or costume.

I wanna be the prefect of the school where they later send Nicholas.
If you were the prefect of the school, would you be a strict disciplinarian? :D
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Post by iliketights »

LuchoDz_007 wrote: 3 years ago
Canuck100 wrote: 3 years ago Great story! Sometimes you have to be careful what you wish for :D
Yes, you're right.

I don't know why I imagine Nicholas is going to spend more than two hours tied up.
Sherry is about to enter the room. I hope for his sake that Nicholas is about to be released. Surely he's had enough? :?
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Post by iliketights »

scarfgagged wrote: 3 years ago Wow, I need to read more!!! Excellent work!!!
Thanks so much! A new chapter should be ready soon.
overkneesoccersocks wrote: 3 years ago Excellent start. I love the setting, the uniform, the thoughts Nicholas is sharing with the reader. Great story so far!!! do continue.
Thank you! I greatly appreciate the comment.
Killua wrote: 3 years ago Great Story! You have a great writing style.
Thank you! I really appreciate it.
Mommy's Naughty Boy wrote: 3 years ago Yes absolutely terrific job! Well written and thought out. Where was she when I needed help in school?
Thanks so much! I too wish I could have had someone like Sherry to help out!
lasse672000 wrote: 3 years ago
iliketights wrote: 3 years ago
Why would a nice woman like Sherry have a bedroom in her house that has locks on the outside and has bars on the window?
Yes. why indeed? Maybe she isn't a nice woman, after all?
Sherry is an enigma, that's for sure. I hope the rest of Nicholas' day goes better.
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Post by iliketights »

Nicholas Blywistle, chapter 5

Time passes slowly for a person who has nothing to do but stare at the four walls of a tiny bedroom. Nicholas tried to take a nap. Perhaps if he cannot escape his physical bonds, he could at least forget his woes for a time in the arms of Morpheus. Alas, he was overstimulated by the recent turn of events and sleep eluded him.

It had now been nearly two hours since “the headmistress” had tied the final knot. He would have jumped for joy, if he had been physically capable of jumping, when he heard the bolt on the door being shoved back. A key could be heard entering the lock on the doorknob. The door opened, and Sherry entered. She smiled sweetly at her young prisoner.

“Hello Nicholas. Students are expected to stand when the headmistress enters the room.”

He squirmed and struggled, but he was having trouble even sitting up, let alone standing.

“Don’t worry, dear. I won’t be a stickler for formality while you’re in your current condition. You are excused from standing, but let me help you sit up.”

Once he was sitting on the edge of his bed, she asked, “May I sit on your bed, dear?” He nodded. She sat next to him and put her arm around his slender shoulders.

“When your mother asked me if I would mind giving you a taste of the type of discipline you craved, she said two hours would be plenty. Do you think two hours has satisfied your curiosity?”

He nodded his head.

“So, you’re ready to be untied now?”

He nodded his head vigorously.

“Excellent! I will get you free in a jiffy. Then we could go back to being Sherry and Nicholas, good friends, instead of stern headmistress and recalcitrant student. Would you like that?”

Again, he nodded his head.

To his great relief, she began untying the rope he hated the most – the rope that was keeping his elbows crushed together. He nearly wept with relief when that rope was completely removed.

“I regret that I tied your elbows together. That must have been very uncomfortable. You hadn’t been quite naughty enough to deserve that. Please accept my apologies. Do you promise you won’t tell your mother I did that?”

He nodded.

“You’re such a good boy. Now, let’s get the rest of these ropes off!”

She began to untie the ropes that had been bound tightly around his torso. Once those ropes were gone, he had more freedom of movement in his arms. He was still securely tied at wrists, knees, and ankles, but he was feeling so much better already.

“So, tell me Nicholas, did you do any hopping around the room while I was gone?”

He shook his head. Some small quality in her tone of voice told him that she wouldn’t have approved of it.

“Oh, that’s so good to hear. Hopping while your arms are tied behind you is most unwise. It would be very easy to fall and get hurt. You’re a very smart boy to have remained on your bed.”

She stood up and walked toward the window and looked down at the floor. “Oh, my goodness! I had accidentally spilled a small amount of talcum powder near this window earlier today. What’s this? A pair of footprints in the powder? I’m no Sherlock Holmes, but these are definitely not my footprints. I’m wearing shoes, and I was wearing shoes this morning when I sprinkled … I mean spilled the powder. No, these prints were definitely made by someone in their stockinged feet. There are no individual toe marks which would indicate someone in bare feet. Someone with small feet, wearing socks but no shoes, was standing at the window at some point since 8 o’clock. There’s one more clue. The small stockinged feet were together, almost as if the person’s feet were tied together. Now … who could this mysterious stocking-footed tied-up person be?”

Nicholas was sitting on the bed quaking. His eyes were filling up with tears. She was angry at him, but he wasn’t sure why. What was so bad about hopping to the window? Anyone in his situation would have done so, if no other reason than trying to ease his boredom.

She knelt before him, picked up his tied-together feet, and looked at his soles. “If only I had purchased socks in any other color but white for you. Curse my luck, it’s so hard to see white talcum powder on white socks. I’ll never be able to prove that you’re the one who left footprints by the window. I’ll have to release you now. I have only circumstantial evidence.”

He again nearly wept with relief.

“Oh, wait a minute …” she said. To Nicolas’ surprise, she suddenly pressed her face against the soles of his stocking feet, and inhaled!

“Ah, the delightful smell of talcum powder! So it was you! You were hopping around the room while I was gone!”

He nodded his head sadly.

“What about the door? Did you hop to the door too?”

He nodded again. He still wasn’t sure what he had done to incur her displeasure.

“I told you that the door was locked and bolted. You must have heard me lock and bolt it. Yet you felt the need to try the door anyway? Oh well, I guess it’s no crime to try something even when you know it’s futile. I must bear the blame for this anyway. I neglected to warn you about the dangers of hopping while tied up. Of course, an intelligent boy would have known it was dangerous, but boys often take risks. Since I didn’t explicitly tell you not to hop, you aren’t guilty of disobedience. Case dismissed. Would you like to be untied now?”

Nicholas nodded vigorously. He was so relieved. Oh, to be free of the rest of these tight ropes! He would never again wish to be disciplined in such a manner ever again.

Since Sherry was already holding Nicholas’ feet, she untied the knot of his ankle rope first.

“Wait a minute …” she said slowly. “I had asked you directly if you had done any hopping, and you shook your head. That was a lie … you lied to me!”

To be continued ...
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Mommy's Naughty Boy
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Post by Mommy's Naughty Boy »

YES he LIED! Oh goody!
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Post by gimli »

I love this! Continue please. :)
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Post by Gluba »

Please more!!!!, needs panty gag as punishment!!!
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Post by BDBrit »

I'm not sure whether to feel sorry for Nicholas or to be jealous of him! Great story. It reminds me of the classic children's stories in places. Nicholas' fascination with being tied up reminds me of myself at his age.
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Post by gimli »

I agree. :)
Gluba wrote: 3 years ago Please more!!!!, needs panty gag as punishment!!!
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