Jack's Story (F/M, etc) (updated 03/03/2022 Ch. 78)

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Post by Shadesflirty »

Hey VD,

Thanks for addressing things so beautifully in chapter 70.

Back on form and so jealous of Jack quivering with arousal on the massage table..
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Post by Londit »

Thank you for this amazing next part, it'always a pleasure to read it !
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Post by volatiledesire »

@Londit @Shadesflirty

Thank you for your kind comments. But for your continued active interest the story would never finish.

Here's the next...
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Post by volatiledesire »

Chapter 71 - Interrupted

Polly and Alex immediately stood when the door opened. I, of course, could not stand but I knew who would be walking from the kitchen at any moment. The universe has a way of balancing the scales and thus far I’ve lived an enchanted life, sure there have been horrors and tragedies but when the sums are all completed Jack is well in the black when it comes to fortune. So I knew the feminine gasp came from the mouth of Selena Bates. From my immovable position I could just see her face and it was locked into mouth-open shock as her eyes roved my body.

Polly stepped forward as her mother rounded the corner of the kitchen counter. "What are you doing here?"

"The restaurant lost power and ..." Her voice trailed off as she rounded the corner I could only see the top of her head but she obviously saw me. "Oh no."

Alex scrambled back attempting to hide in the shadows along the far wall. It was obvious she was not mentally prepared to deal with her boss amidst the current situation. Polly stepped forward in an attempt to block Selena's approach but the quick movement broke the older woman’s trance and she flung herself forward in a rush. She stood above me in moments and I now saw the sexy ivory dress that hugged her figure and displaying her charms with an eye-catching cut. Selena’s Dress

I had turned at her approach causing some of the sauce in the cup to drip over the side and fall into my mouth. My salivary glands reacted strongly to the savory fluid entering my mouth while I fought to swallow and keep the cup still. Selena paid no heed to my discomfort as her eyes roamed my body with naked desire.

“Selena come away from him.” Polly ordered.

Selena sank to the ground beside the massage table, her dress stretching tight across her thighs as she knelt. Her hands shook as they raised toward my body and her mouth was open. I doubt she even heard Polly’s voice. As I said before, the universe strives towards balance and my bill came due at that moment. Light blazed through the room accompanied by a window-rattling quake of thunder. When the flash was gone it took the electricity with it plunging the house into darkness.

For Selena the timing of the power outage must have seemed like divine will, a proof of permission for something she had no right to do. I felt soft hands at my waist almost immediately. As Polly and her mother quested for candles and flashlight the cool hands found their way beneath the white cloth covering my waist. I grunted but the disruption from the sudden loss of light meant no one was listening, and even if they heard my despair what could they do without light.

The hands descended further finding their way between my legs as more sauce dripped into my mouth from my useless struggles to keep Selena from her explorations. My grunts turned to splutters as I fought to keep my head still and my gag reflex under control. In hindsight I should have simply spat out the cup and dealt with the consequences but I was not used to undoing things Polly had done, so I found myself trapped. Selena’s hands moved between my upper thighs pressed together by the bindings at my ankles. I flexed my leg muscles in an attempt to keep the way closed but the effort was useless. I thought Selena was simply taking advantage of the situation but her movements were deliberate. As a beam of light flashed from the hallway announcing the discovery of a flashlight I felt Selena place something solid and round between my bound thighs somehow working the object beneath the silk underwear.

The beam of light fell across my body but the hands were gone and Selena was well away from me. She had already stood up and was moving towards the kitchen. Then as the current state of my luck would dictate, the lights came back on. “That’s quite a storm.” Lisa said. “Selena, let’s go upstairs and leave Polly to her party.”

Selena continued to stare at me doubtless attempting to burn the sight of my sushi-decorated body into her long term memory, but she followed Lisa toward the stairs. As their footsteps retreated up the stairs, the round object now pressing against my perineum began to pulse with rhythmic vibration. The effect was immediate as my muscles contracted against themselves and more of the sauce dripped into my mouth from the sudden convulsion. I will not say the feeling was uncomfortable, in fact quite the opposite, but it was not expected nor wanted, especially from Selena.

Alex was the first to return to my side as Polly was ensuring her mother and Selena were actually retiring to her room. “Polly, something is wrong.”

“What is it?”

“He is rigid as a board, and his eyes aren’t really focused on anything.” Alex explained.

Polly appeared above me and knelt. She quickly removed the cup of sauce from my mouth which allowed me to swallow, a delightful reprieve. “Selena put something down there.”

“Down where?” Polly asked.

The vibrations became more intense pulling a groan from my lips and the world went dark as my eyes rolled back in my head.

“Jack, what’s wrong? What did she do?”

“Between…” I paused trying to think straight. “...my legs.”

Polly’s pulled off the white cloth and soon discovered the object between my legs which she removed holding it in her palm for Alex to see. The pink egg bounced and vibrated. I managed to focus in time to see fury engulf Polly. Her face flushed crimson and her mouth twisted as if to scream but instead of an explosion only a small whisper escaped her lips. “Get ready to leave.” The whisper was terrifying and I suddenly feared for Selena. Alex felt it too as her face paled to match her dress. “I’ll be right back.” Her hand closed around the egg shaped device and I heard the plastic crack under the pressure. A rush of Polly scented air flowed from her as she sprang toward the stairs.

Alex moved the moment Polly’s back was turned and she produced a knife to cut the bonds. “Stay down and I’ll clean off your chest first and you can help me clean your legs.” She tossed the sushi haphazardly into styrofoam containers. Once done I cleaned my left leg and Alex the right followed by a cool cloth to wipe away any residue. Our hands moved quickly wanting everything finished when Polly returned.

When I gained my feet Polly voice echoed down the stairs. “Who the fuck do you think you are!” Followed by the sound of something striking the wall.

I caught Alex’s face. The whites of her eyes were clearly visible. “What do we do?” She whispered as if Polly could somehow hear us upstairs while yelling.

“I’ve had enough, Mom.” Polly’s voice rang out again.

“I don’t know, Alex. It’s best not to get in her way. She will eventually calm down.” I answered while removing the green ribbon from my neck.

Alex took stock of the room and then suddenly stepped toward the couch. “Let’s try this.” She picked up the matching Grecian dress and thrust into my hands. “Put this on.”

“What? How will that help?” I asked.

“Just do it, you don’t have any other clothes. Polly put your’s in the wash, they were soaked anyway.”

I took the dress but made no move to don the garment as Alex began to clean up more. She soon noticed my hesitation. “Get moving she’ll be down any second.”

I fussed with the dress until Alex stepped over and helped me tug it down over my head. She straightened the fabric where it hung from the single sleeve before grabbing each of my wrists in hers and pulling them behind my back. “Hey what are you doing?”

“Binding your wrists, stop struggling.” Alex answered.

“What? Why?” I asked turning around to prevent her attempted capture.

Alex turned with me and managed a loop or two of rope around my wrists. “Polly will like it, and she needs something to take her mind off her anger, assuming of course that Selena survives.”

I halted my escape attempt long enough to consider Alex’s words. They had merit and by the time I decided to accept the binding of my wrists my desires were irrelevant. “I feel the fool.”

“This is nothing to what you were wearing earlier in the evening.” Alex said.

There was no more yelling from upstairs but only the occasional harsh word filtered its way down, but then the volume rose suddenly and the door slammed. Obviously the yelling had continued behind the closed bedroom door. “Here she comes.” Alex grabbed something else from a black bag near the couch. “Open up.”

“Wha…” I started as Alex pulled a ball between my lips.

“Talking won’t do any good anyway.” Alex whispered in my ear as she buckled the strap behind my neck.

I growled around the gag and stepped away from her but she only grabbed my bound arms and kept me from moving until she was content with her work on the gag. Polly appeared in a swirl of green satin on the landing of the stairs and halted her progress. Fire still burned fiercely behind her green eyes, but the sight of my bondage halted her steps. Alex backed away and placed her arms behind her back while lowering her eyes.

“What’s this?” Polly asked stepping down the last few steps.

“Preparing to leave, Polly.” Alex answered quietly.

“He dressed willingly?” Polly asked.

“No, but we have no other clothes, and I told him you would appreciate it.” Alex answered.

“And the ropes and gag?”

“I forced him, though it is as you say, he doesn’t struggle that much.” Alex answered again.

The slightest of smiles graced Polly’s lips. “There is a raincoat or two in the closet. I hope you don’t mind me staying at your place again.”

“Not at all.”

Polly helped Alex locate the gear and I was soon dressed in a large blue rain poncho with the hood pulled so low over my face I could only see the floor before my feet. “That should hide him from any who would dare a stormy night.” Polly said.

The two women each wore simple raincoats and Polly guided me toward the door while Alex brought the bags. “I’ll take Jack in my car, we’ll meet you there.”

“As you wish, Polly.”

I wanted to resist being pulled outside but the poncho covered most of my body save for bare legs and feet and the hood was pulled down low enough that I found it difficult to see. Polly quickly buckled me into the passenger seat before settling herself behind the wheel. “I cannot believe that woman. What is this the third time, fourth time?”

I could not answer so I listened.

“Where exactly had she kept that stupid thing, does she carry sex toys in her purse all the time?” Polly drove slowly along the waterlogged streets though the fury of the storm seemed to have lessened. “I suppose it’s partly my fault, I should have located a more private venue. If only we’d gone to Alex’s apartment to begin with.”

Polly shook her head. “You know it was only after that business with her at my birthday party that I found out she was lovers with Mom.”

I nodded and Polly gave me a sidelong look. “I kind of expected a larger reaction to that news.”

I shrugged and I could not have revealed more if I had spoken aloud.

“Hold on a second, you knew, didn’t you?” Polly said.

I nodded.

Polly pulled the car over and relieved me of the gag. “How did you find out?”

“Months ago I stumbled upon them when you sent me to your house to fetch a leotard.” I told Polly the whole story.

Polly cocked her head and suddenly snapped her fingers in revelation. “That’s what started the whole business with Selena and the massages and well, basically everything.”

“Yes, I suppose so. She was so different before I met you. She seemed so confident and almost stern in class. Now she seems…”

“Obsessed.” Polly interrupted.

“Maybe, but she no longer looks at me as a favorite student.” I answered. “Her eyes are filled with something else.”

“Lust.” Polly offered.


“I just don’t get why Mom isn’t more angry with her. When I was upstairs tonight I pointed out, rather forcefully, that Selena liked you more than her.”

“How did she react?” I asked.

“Not overly upset.” Polly answered. “Which is odd now that I think about it.”

“Your Mom understands I think. I spent a couple hours with my head inches away from her legs beneath her desk at work while you were gone this week.” I answered.

“What! She tied you beneath her desk, like between her legs?” Polly said fire rekindling.

“Sort of, but she did little more than tickle me with her feet. She intended me to understand how well Lodgkins’ treatment was working. It also led to the meeting you are attending on Monday, that was something she did not intend to happen. Her boss came in.”

“Good grief I thought Mom was safe.” We drove the remaining distance to Alex’s apartment in silence and Polly made no attempt to replace the gag letting her anger fall away. Alex had easily beat us there and was preparing hot drinks when we entered. The remainder of the night was spent talking through the events. Polly’s mirth returned and she insisted we watch a movie while she sat between us on the couch, which I heartily agreed to since I had no desire to be her food platter again.

We made quite the picture, Alex and I dressed in white silk split by her shimmering splash of green. Sleep took me sometime in the middle of the movie.
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Post by Shadesflirty »

Well that was delightful. And to end with Jack in a lovely dress too..

Thanks again VD.
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Post by volatiledesire »

My apologies since it's been a while.

Here's the next chapter.
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Post by volatiledesire »

Chapter 72 - Polly’s Splash

Monday came as they always seemed to do. I was procrastinating quite effectively in my small office when Polly walked passed my door. She was dressed in a forest green sweater dress that stopped just shy of being sexy by virtue of hiding any trace of cleavage while showing enough leg to catch any eye. She held out her arms. “Do you think Mom will approve?” Polly’s Office Dress

“You look amazing, I remember a similar dress you wore once. ” I answered.

“This is new, I thought a shorter hem and something less form fitting would be more appropriate.” Polly answered.

“Well, I approve.”

“Good. See you after.” Polly said and walked toward her Mom’s office.

I settled back into procrastination when Alex appeared at my door. “How’s the boss this morning?”

“Funny.” I answered. “And no sushi jokes.”

Alex’s cheeks flushed. “Please don’t remind me. I have trouble concentrating today as it is.”

I indicated for her to close the door. “I don’t get it, you claim to prefer women, why does my body prompt such a reaction?”

Alex rolled her eyes while nervously tucking stray lock of blue hair. “I don’t want to offend, but you look rather girlish under certain conditions.”

“Ah, I see. I just thought the obvious…” I hesitated looking down. “...you know.”

Alex smiled. “Your penis, twig and berries, block and tackle…”

I held up my hand to forestall the endless list of euphemisms. “Yes that.”

“I should get back to it, but let me leave you with this. For whatever unknowable reason, I prefer girls, but when it comes to sex, well there is a certain lack of equipment. But you…” Alex smiled and stood to leave.

My eyes were wide with surprise as she slipped from the room taking a glance over one shoulder to see my reaction.

* * *

Polly appeared at my office door near lunch, she still looked amazing. The powerful personality of her mother was starting to shine through in her daughter. “Ready for high school?”

“Are you going to wear that?” I asked.

Polly nodded. “Of course, do you think anyone will notice.”

“Yes, everyone.”

At school I met with my teachers and joined Polly, Kristy, and Ollie for lunch as was our usual habit. Ollie slapped me on the back. “You should have seen Mr. Dukes in Biology. Polly sat in the front row and he kept looking at her like he was being graded on his performance.”

Polly shrugged. “I may have to dress up more often, it seems to make a pretty big impact.”

Kristy asked the question I asked earlier on the drive from the office. “How did that meeting go this morning?”

Polly shrugged again. “Pretty well I think. Most of it was them discussing the financial impact of Craddock’s embezzlement.” She spoke as if her contribution had mattered little, even my probing questions in the privacy of the car had yielded little more.

“Did you say anything?” I asked.

“Just briefly toward the end. I don’t think it made much of a difference. Despite this outfit, I doubt they could see passed my age.”

I frowned in confusion. “That’s odd, considering my own employment there.”

Polly smiled. “You are rather special.”

The subject changed when Kristy suddenly nudged Polly with her arm. “Here he comes.”

I looked around. “Who?”

“There’s a new kid who transferred in to play on the football team. He thinks he’s hot stuff and has his eye on Polly.” Kristy said with a smile.

Polly twirled the crystalline ring around her finger. “Somebody needs to clue him in.”

“They’ve tried, but he’s rather stuck on himself and doesn’t think there’s a woman alive who can resist him.”

At that moment a boy walked passed with eyes glued to Polly. He had a mop of brown hair that looked intentionally messy. A well muscled frame visible even beneath the long sleeved shirt supported the arrogance of an athlete and the demeanor of one not used to disappointment. “Hey Polly.” He said in a forced baritone.

Polly laughed and proceeded to lean over and kiss me as thoroughly as was possible to be kissed. By the time I remembered my own name the guy was gone and everyone within four tables was laughing. “There, problem solved.”

“Not quite,” I said. “I think we should try again. You know, just to be sure.”

Polly laughed and leaned over. “Must not be greedy, I like to keep you wanting more.” She ended by sucking my earlobe into her mouth and then stood up. “Got class, I’ll meet you tomorrow for the doctor’s visit so we can ride together.”

“I’ll be there.” I said trying to calm my beating heart.

Ollie slapped me on the back. “See you later man.”

* * *

That evening I was in my room staring at my computer screen. I felt odd, out of place. I was a teenager, but with the responsibilities of an adult, and feeling a bit irritated by all the work. My youth was slipping away and here I was sitting in front of a computer like an old man.

These thoughts brought me to my feet and I strolled to the window to see Lisa’s car parked outside. This was not unusual, the two mom’s had become close over the last year. Tired of working I moved quietly down the stairs.

“...understand how you feel toward Jack.” Lisa’s voice echoed up the stairs.

“Really?” Mom responded. “Sit down and tell me what happened.”

“She sat in the corner of the conference for the entire meeting where the financial consequences of Jack’s discovery of the embezzlement were laid out in detail. All told we were able to recover hundreds of thousands of dollars.”

Even from my position on the stairs I could hear Mom’s gasp. “Oh my.”

“It took a lot of work from the attorneys and other executives to turn Jack’s discovery into that large sum so it can’t all be attributed to him. Though we all agreed that the 25K bonus was a bit thin, but then Polly stood up.” I heard Lisa’s voice moving through the room like she was pacing.

“She was so poised, so mature as every eye turned her way. Once she had their attention she held it. No one interrupted, or even tried to. It was amazing, a young teenager captivating a room of seasoned executives.”

“Was she that attractive?” Mom asked.

“Her dress was perfect for the occasion and her hair was pulled into a low braid but I don’t think it was her appearance. I’m not sure what it was exactly.” Lisa answered.

“What did she say?” Mom asked.

The sound of air being expelled from a couch preceded Lisa’s words. “She told the story, softly and with just the right amount of emotion. I normally would say she was nervous but the effect of her low tone made everyone in the room strain to hear her every word. When she would pause the only sound was the whisper of air through the duct work.”

“What story?” Mom asked as I slid down the stairs closer wanting to know the answer to the same question and feared I might miss her words.

“The story of her birthday, the night Jack attacked my ex.” Lisa took a deep breath. “She told it from her perspective and I never realized how powerfully it affected her. When she struck him she was giving up her life for me. She assumed he would kill her. She spoke of every moment in awful detail up to the moment Jack intervened. Then she took a long pause and met the eyes of everyone in the room and ended her speech with only one question. ‘What would have happened to this company if Jack had not been there?’ Then she turned to me and held my eyes. Everyone in the room knew immediately what she was saying. If Jack had not been there the company might have lost me.” Lisa finished with a quiet exhale of breath.

“Wow.” Mom said. “The story always spoke of Jack saving Polly, but he saved you too.”

“After I saw him hit Polly, one of us was going to die that night. He had never struck Polly before.” Lisa said and took a deep breath. “Polly sat back down after that. The room was quiet for a long time, though I was too busy trying to keep the tears from my eyes to really notice. It was a perspective no one else had considered.” Lisa said. “The meeting was adjourned for lunch. No one wanted to talk about ledgers and interest rates after that.”

“You have reason to be proud. Polly sounds amazing.” Mom said.

“I am so proud.” Lisa answered and I had to wipe a tear from my own cheek as my love for Polly swelled in my own chest.

“So what’s going to happen?” Mom asked.

“I’m not sure, Polly was able to turn the conversation away from compensation. Her words proved no amount of money would balance those scales. Ironically it may mean Jack receives nothing more than gratitude.” Lisa said.

“I think Jack is content with his lot in life.” Mom said with a laugh.

Mom’s words banished the feelings of irritation and unfairness stemming from all the additional work I had been doing. I returned to my room and worked with renewed vigor.

* * *

“So how are things going?” Dr. Lodgkins asked. She was wearing her usual white blouse and blue slacks with a colorful scarf nestled around her throat. “Any nightmares or anxieties?”

I thought back over the last week and the only thing I could remember worrying about was Alex. “No, not really.”

“I have a question?” Polly asked from her position beside me. She was dressed in a white sweatshirt with our school logo on the front and a pair of workout leggings with translucent mesh cut-outs across each of her thighs.

“Yes Polly.” The doctor turned toward her.

“I want to use blindfolds again.” Polly said.

“Blindfolds?” Dr. Lodgkins repeated. “What do you mean?”

“When I tie him up you said I can’t use a blindfold. I want to sometimes.” Polly explained.

“The reason is because I feared Jack would regress into memories of his confinement if he could not see you.” Dr. Lodgkins explained. “His trauma was centered around you being imaginary.”

“I know, but I thought I would check.” Polly said with a shrug.

“Is it something you used before?” Dr. Lodgkins asked.

I nodded and Polly answered. “Oh yes, all the time.”

“How do you feel Jack?” Dr. Lodgkins asked me.

“I still feel weird talking about this stuff so bluntly.” I answered.

“I’m here to help and though I don’t want to sound arrogant or over-confident, it has worked.” Dr. Lodgkins said.

Polly nodded.

“Alright then, you want to know how I feel about being blindfolded?”

Dr. Lodgkins nodded.

“When Polly takes control and ties me up I feel…” I hesitated trying to figure out the words to use. “I don’t know, warm, content, at peace, safe, and of course, aroused.” I could feel the blood rising into my face and the room felt suddenly warmer. I sighed and wondered if this would ever become comfortable.

Polly smiled and Dr. Lodgkins did too. “Have you ever asked her to tie you up?”

I sniffed. “I’ve never needed to.”

“You’ve never put up much resistance.” Polly chuckled.

“Tie him up now, Polly.” Dr. Lodgkins said suddenly.

“What?” I said trying to sit up in the too-soft couch. “Now?”

“Sure, this is a safe space and we should see how you handle being sightless.”

“Sorry doctor, I didn’t bring any supplies.” Polly admitted with obvious regret.

The doctor walked toward her office. “I have something that may suffice. As you are aware, I like scarves and often buy them in bulk at sales.” Her voice was slightly muffled from within her office. “I have several here today.” She returned with an armload of colored fabric. “Will this work?”

Polly examined the scarves and nodded. “These will work fine.” She selected a vivid yellow scarf with a dark green paisley pattern. “Jack, stand up and turn around.”

I hesitated more out of habit than anything and looked toward the doctor who cocked one eyebrow. I stepped toward Polly and looked deeply into her bottomless green eyes. She smiled and waited with a look of infinite confidence. I leaned down and kissed her. “Alright, I’m all yours.”

Her face flushed at my words threatening to match her hair. “The words you say. Now turn around.”

She lashed my wrists behind my back with the cool silk while Dr. Lodgkins watched from nearby. More scarves pulled my elbows back forcing my chest forward. “Oh my, he’s quite flexible, I doubt I could manage that.” Dr. Lodgkins said.

“We’ve been working on it for awhile now.” Polly answered.

“I’m so proud.” I answered with dripping sarcasm.

Polly grabbed a scarf and pushed it between my lips. “None of that now.” A second scarf pulled between my lips keeping the wad inside my mouth. A third scarf covered the second hiding the lower half of my face. “Should I go for a fourth?” Polly looked towards Dr. Lodgkins.

Dr. Lodgkins smiled. “You’re the expert.”

Polly pulled a fourth scarf over the last, this one covering my nose and my chin, each one pressing the packing a bit further into my mouth. “I think I’ll stop at four for now, just so we have enough for his legs. More scarves soon bound my ankles and knees and I concentrated on my balance as much as my breathing. Polly removed my balance concerns by pushing me back into the couch and with my arms pinned behind me there would be no standing on my own.

“Three left, I never expected you to use so many.” Dr. Lodgkins said holding two blue scarves splashed with red and a white one with a red leaf pattern. “We should see how he handles being blindfolded.”

Polly wrapped one scarf around my face blocking out most of the light but I could still see red and white tinted shapes. The second and third scarves were large and she used these to cover my entire head. The many layers blocked all light save for a few blotches of colored light when I turned my head across the lamps in the room. “There we go.”

“How do you know if he’s scared or needs to be released?” Dr. Lodgkins asked. “Can he still somehow communicate.”

Polly tickled my ribs forcing a grunt from my lips that would have been ‘Stop that!’ if not for the layers of material. “We worked out a signal.”

“Has he ever used it?” Dr. Lodgkins asked.

“Not yet.” Polly answered.

“Hmm. That’s concerning.” Dr. Lodgkins said.

“Why? I don’t want him to, it would mean I went too far.” Polly answered.

“Yes, but he may allow it to go too far just so he doesn’t disappoint you.”

I felt Polly sit down on the couch beside me. “I guess I figured if he were in pain or something, he would use the signal.” Polly said.

“Normally I’d agree and I do applaud the fact you two have discussed this, but since he has never used it it could mean different things.”

“Like what?”

“Well you could be really good at making him comfortable with your knots and things or he may be trying to keep you happy.”

“We’ll discuss it again, to be sure.” Polly said. “How do you know if the blindfold is…” Polly took a moment to search for the right words. “...setting him back.”

“He’ll panic, it’s hard to miss.”

Polly pulled on my shoulders until I fell over and I felt her warm lap beneath my head and her gentle fingers sliding across the silken cocoon embracing my head. It was pleasant. “I wish I had just one more scarf.”

“What for?” Dr. Lodgkins asked.

“Tie his legs to his wrists, hogtie.” Polly answered.

“Here you go.” Dr. Lodgkins answered and despite my blindness I knew she had just removed the scarf from her throat.

“Really, this one is nice.” Polly said.

“They’re all nice, I buy them in bulk off the internet, sometimes you get lucky, but I have tons.”

“Oh, I’d love to have some of these myself.” Polly said. “Especially these big ones.” I felt her fingers slide across my face and the feeling of her soft hands through the silk was electric. She then tied the last scarf around my ankle bonds and looped it through my wrists pulling my legs behind me until I was lying on the couch in a hogtie with my head resting on Polly’s lap.

“I’ll send you some links where I buy from. He does seem contented.” Dr. Lodgkins said with a smile in her voice. “Why do you enjoy tying him up so much?”

I felt Polly shrug. “I’ve thought about it, but I don’t really know, I just do.” She had given me a far more detailed explanation of her desires, perhaps she did not fully trust Dr. Lodgkins. I would have to ask her about it later.

“That’s fine, we like what we like.” Dr. Lodgkins said. “We’ll give it a few more minutes but I’d say things are going fine, though I don’t think he should be left alone.”

“No, I won’t do that.”

The session moved on to other things in Polly’s life but it was obvious the doctor was just using up the time and Polly continued to keep details of her recent struggles at school private. Polly released me soon after and Dr. Lodgkins probed me for details. “Were you frightened?”

“No, it seemed fine.”

“Ok, just be careful.” Dr. Lodgkins said. “If anything odd happens to either of you, please let me know. Sometimes things occur that may not seem unrelated but when looked at from a different perspective are related to past trauma.”

We both nodded and left the small office. “Head over to the coffee shop.” I said.

“Why, what’s up?” Polly asked.

“Just something I overheard at home.”

Polly pulled into the small shop and we each ordered a cold brew before sitting in an isolated booth. “You never told me the details about your meeting at work.”

Polly shrugged. “I didn’t talk that much.”

“I overheard your Mom explaining what happened to my Mom.” I said.

“What did she say?”

“Well, you impressed them to say the least.” I said.

Polly sighed. “I sat there listening to those stuffy executives trying to quantify you, trying to box you in with numbers and figures and got really annoyed. I wanted them to understand you could never be reduced to simple dollars and cents.”

“I’d say you achieved your goal. The way your Mom spoke, there will be no further discussion of money.” I said.

“Oh, geez. I’m sorry.” Polly leaned forward and placed her hand on mine.

I waved her concern away. “I’m not upset at all. Did your Mom speak at all about the meeting?”

Polly shook her head. “Not yet, we haven’t seen each other in the last few days.”

“She’s proud of you, really proud.”

“Really. I didn’t say anything all that new.” Polly said.

“I think your perspective on that night was new to her, have you ever spoken about it before?” I asked.

“I suppose not, I mean we were both there, what was there to discuss.”

“It seems my arrival interrupted something. After he hit you, your Mom was going to kill him, or at least try to.”

Polly’s faced lost a bit of color and her eyes turned inward reliving the memory however briefly. “Yeah me too. I watched him strike her and that’s when I jumped at him.”

“He struck back at you and that’s when I lost it. Such amazing timing.” I swirled my half empty drink also lost in the memory. “Do you think we’d still be together if that hadn’t happened?”

Polly rocked back in her seat. “What? Of course, this was after I found you tied to my bed, if you remember. Perhaps I’d have moved a bit slower, but truth is, that night would have turned out differently if we hadn’t fallen for each other already.”

“Yeah, you’re right.” I moved closer to kiss Polly which she returned. “So, what do you want for Christmas?”

Polly laughed. “Trying to keep me off balance are you?”


“I have no idea, how about a nice set of dish towels.” Polly laughed.

“Dish towels, right. That’s the perfect gift between teenage lovers.”

“That’s all I got. What do you want for Christmas, though it’s over a month away.”

“I want you to clean my room wearing a French Maid’s uniform, every week for a year.” I answered immediately.

“Oh really, well that’s quite a commitment.” Polly laughed.

“You asked what I wanted, not what was realistic.”

“True, no promises though. We’d better go, I’ve got school crap to finish.”

“School is crap now?” I smiled.

“It is. I’m just slow at realizing.” Polly smiled, hooked my arm in hers and we left the coffee shop.
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Post by Londit »

Another great part for this awesome story thank you ! I love to read them
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Post by Shadesflirty »

Just wanted to pop this up the top of the feed again as it remains my fav serial here. Hope you’re doing well VD
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Post by Roboticrobin20 »

Shadesflirty wrote: 4 years ago Just wanted to pop this up the top of the feed again as it remains my fav serial here. Hope you’re doing well VD
Dammit, I was getting my hopes up thinking there was a new chapter! XD
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Post by volatiledesire »

It's been a while. Been having trouble with motivation and distractions. I'm still going to finish this thing.

Here's the next chapter and I apologize for the delay.

All the best...
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Post by volatiledesire »

Chapter 73 - The Perfect Christmas Gift

“Hey Alex, any ideas yet.” I asked as I passed her workspace one morning.

“You mean for Polly’s Christmas gift.” Alex swiveled her chair toward me and smiled. She wore a dark blue T-shirt dress with a narrow belt around her was short enough to be indecent expect when paired with black leggings.

“Yes, of course. I texted you.” I answered sitting on the table that until a few months ago had been my own workspace but was now littered with cables and server cases.

“Like five minutes ago.” Alex tapped one finger impatiently on the armrest.

“So you’ve got nothing.” I pressed.

Alex fully turned around in her chair and crossed her legs. She sat back with a scowl. “What’s gotten into you, are you afraid she’ll dump you if you don’t get the perfect gift.”

“It’s our first Christmas. I want it to be good.” I quickly revised the statement realizing its inadequacy. “Memorable.”

Alex softened. “I get it, I really do. I promise I’ll think on it, but give me more time.” Alex answered and turned back to her work.

“Ok, I just thought girls were good at this.” I said.

An angry flash crossed her face. “We’re good because we take time to think, now scram.” She flipped her blue tipped hair over one shoulder, and returned to being a maestro to the orchestra of display monitors on her desk.

* * *
I did my best to put the question out of my mind. Christmas was weeks away so there was time but during lunch at school it was obvious to Polly something was on my mind. “What’s got you so distracted?”

“Oh just thinking about a paper for history.” I lied.

“That’s BS, I once watched you write a three page paper an hour before class and get an ‘A’. Now spill it.” Polly responded.

“Look, I want to surprise you so I can’t…” I started.

“Christmas.” Kristy said from across the table, her body was turned toward Ollie but she had the ability to follow multiple conversations at once. “He’s worried about what to get you.”

Polly turned toward me with a look that said she doubted her friend’s word. “Really?”

I sighed. “Argh! Now you know I’ve been thinking about it for weeks. What if it sucks?”

Polly stood up and draped her arms over my shoulders and leaned in close to my ear. “The fact that you are thinking about it already is good enough.”

“Dish towels it is then.” I said.

Polly laughed. “At least get my name monogramed on them.”

“Damn, there goes my best idea.” I answered with a smile.

Polly laughed and grabbed her lunch tray. “I better go, some of us have to work at passing classes.” She said with a smile.

* * *
The next day Alex caught me as I passed her office. She had a glint in her eye that spoke of mischief. She sat with her legs crossed wearing the sexy secretary outfit she had worn previously, red satin shirt and black knee-length pencil skirt. I was suspicious immediately. “Hey their boss, hold up for a second.” Alex's Outfit

I sighed loudly. “Enough with the boss crap, you know I’m not qualified.”

Alex shrugged. “You saved my job, sort of, so you’ll just have to put up with it.”

“Fine, what’s on your mind?” I asked.

“I’ve solved your Christmas present problem.” Alex smiled.

I perked up immediately and sat down on the nearby table. “You did. That’s great.”

“The perfection of this idea is not something I’m willing to just give away for free.” Alex said with an unfaltering smile.

There it was. This was going to be bad. I sighed heavily and made a circular motion with one hand. “Go on, spill it. What do you want?”

Alex’s smile widened to Cheshire cat levels. “Polly showed me something I while back, and honestly, I’m still having trouble believing it.”

“Do tell.” I answered in a deadpan.

“She showed me a picture of a sexy French Maid. Quite lovely, but then she has the audacity to suggest it was you.”

“Shocking, unbelievable.” I continued in my deadpan.

“I’d like to see you make the attempt. Come over some evening, dress up, vacuum a few floors. Easy-peasy.” Alex smiled.

“I had nothing to do with that picture. I was just a mannequin. Someone else did the makeup, the figure, and the costume, everything.” I answered.

“Best effort, that’s all I ask. I’ll help you with makeup, if necessary.”

I looked around the room and ducked my head around the corner to see if anyone was listening. “Keep your voice down, please. Your idea can’t be worth doing that. What if Polly finds out?”

“First of all, the idea is awesome, and so what if Polly finds out?” Alex raised her eyebrows while crossing her arms beneath her breasts. “Maybe you should tell her.”

“Sorry, no way.” I said, though my mind worked through possibilities to meet her request despite my refusal.

Alex shrugged and turned back to her work.

* * *

The remainder of the day was busy, but not so busy that Alex’s “deal” was not constantly on my mind. I had no doubt she had a great idea, but this was a game of multiple dimensions. There were plots within plots and if I thought simply showing up some evening ready to humiliate myself in a feminine costume would be the whole story, I was a fool and deserved what happened.

“I should talk to Polly.” I muttered to myself. I was alone in my office with my feet upon my desk and hands behind my head. “There is more to this than Alex’s desires. Maybe she’s trying to get in good with Polly. She probably thinks forcing me into a maid costume is something Polly would like.”

The phone rang and as if summoned by my thoughts, it was Polly. “Hey beautiful.”

“Jack, I need you to stop by the house tonight.” Polly said.

“Sure, what’s up?”

“Something Dr. Lodgkins said in your last session has me concerned.” Polly answered.

“Oh?” I prompted.

“Not on the phone.” Polly answered.

“Ok, see you about six.” I said reviewing the events of the last session with the therapist.

“Love you, bye.” Polly said and hung up before I could speak again. This conversation paired with Alex’s proposal did nothing to alleviate my paranoia. “Now what’s this all about. This has to be connected, what are Alex and Polly cooking up.”

* * *

At six Polly greeted me at the door to her home obviously having seen me pull up in front of her house. She still wore the same clothes she had on at school, a pair of tight jeans and oversized sweater to ward of the chill autumn air. Her fiery hair floated around her head in the breeze that swirled around the house. She looked gorgeous and I stared at her for a few moments. She beckoned me closer not wanting to leave the front porch in her bare feet. “Come on Jack, it’s cold.”

“Sorry, just enjoying the view.” I answered.

Polly smiled taking my arm in hers as I approached. “Such a charmer.” She leaned her head against my shoulder and kissed my neck.

We entered the house and she hauled me up to her room. “What’s up, what did Dr. Lodgkins say?”

“You were there.” Polly responded.

“I was a bit distracted.” I answered remembering the feeling of tight silk scarves wrapped around my body.

“She said you may not be willing to ever give our safeword, for fear of disappointing me.” Polly answered. “Do you think that’s true?”

I remembered the comment. “I don’t know, maybe. I suppose if you threatened to hurt me or something, but I don’t see you doing that.”

“Yeah, never that.” Polly answered. “But I want to try something anyways. Something easier than singing or humming ‘Row Row Row Your Boat’.”

“Before we start,” I watched Polly wrap a pink silk scarf to the top of one of her bed posts that rose to just above her head. “I was wondering if you’ve spoken with Alex today?”

Polly shook her head. “Nope, why?”

“No texts, nothing?” I pressed.

Polly turned toward me with obvious curiosity. “No, has something happened?”

“She was just acting strangely, though with everything that’s happened lately I’m not sure if I know what’s normal anymore.” I answered, hoping to deflect further questioning.

“I’ll check with her later.”

“Ok.” I answered.

Polly held out the pink silk which was fastened to the top of bedpost. “I want you to hold onto this scarf with both hands.”

I stepped forward and grabbed the smooth material. I had to raise my arms, but not so high to make the position uncomfortable. “Alright, I can do this.” I said with mock enthusiasm.

“Here’s the deal, if you let go of the scarf, my game ends and we snuggle up on the couch and watch a movie.”

“Game?” I said and studied Polly trying to see some evidence of the mischief I feared. The only problem was Polly’s intelligence. She was too smart to plan something on the same day as Alex made her offer. So was this just coincidence?

“Yes, you’ll see, but don’t let go. I’ll be right back.”

“Watching a movie sounds pretty good.” I said to her retreating back.

Polly shrugged and disappeared from the room with a smile, daring me to let go. I used a bit of slack and wrapped the scarf around my palms. In a pinch I could get on the bed to take any strain off my arms. The minutes dragged by and I began to wonder if this was some sort of prank but my suspicions were interrupted by a rustling sound from the hallway. The door creaked open and Polly stepped in.

My eyes threatened to pop from their sockets. People talk of having their breath stolen by beautiful vistas atop mountains, I knew exactly how they felt. Polly stood before me in a black strapless dress that hugged her body to her knees. Black is a wholly inadequate word for the color of the dress, the reflected light danced across it in a myriad of colors. The dress was so shiny she seemed painted in oil. Her arms matched covered from fingertip to armpit in matching gloves. Polly’s Dress

Polly smiled at my reaction moving toward me in a pair of black heels which conspired with the tight dress to change her walk from an athletic grace to a sultry sway. My eyes roved her body watching my own trembling arms in the reflection from the taught material spanning her breasts. I could not speak, I could not breathe.

“...focus Jack. Don’t let go.” Polly said though I missed the beginning of her words.

I shook my head and forced my fingers into a white knuckled grip remembering the horrible consequences if I released the slippery silk. “Remember the rules.” Polly continued and fumbled with the buttons of my shirt with her gloved fingers. “Don’t let go of that scarf or I’ll have to find something less interesting to wear for our movie night. Is that what you want?”

I shook my head now swelling with the intoxicating aroma of her vanilla-rose scent combined with the rubbery smell of the dress. “What do you think? Do you like it?” Polly asked having finished unbuttoning my shirt. She stepped back and slid her gloved hands over her hips. “It feels amazing, do you want to touch?” My hands flew toward her but my grip held firm on the scarf halting the motion. Polly raised a single eyebrow. “Would be a real shame if you didn’t find out what I have in store for you.”

I closed my eyes. It was too much and I needed my mind to function or I might let go of the scarf. Several deep breaths later, which pulled a giggle from Polly’s lips, I managed a few thoughts in my overloaded brain. The cool touch of her rubbery fingers against my chest sent continuous shudders through my body. More giggles as her hands roamed around my bare skin. “I’ve always admired your will power.” Her hands descended moving across my back and dipping into the waistband of my pants just above my buttocks.

I concentrated hard forcing the blood from my knuckles while my arms trembled with the war raging in my head. One side demanded I let go of the scarf with the knowledge Polly would never have time to escape before I could grab her, just one touch, that would be enough. The other side demanded to know what would happen if I could just hang on. Say something, distract her. “Oh God, Polly, I should have told you.”

Polly’s hesitation was a microsecond, maybe less. I knew her well enough to detect it but she played it perfectly. “Of course you should have.”

It worked, Polly stepped back and waited. I sagged back against the bedpost careful not to accidently release the scarf thankful I had managed a slight reprieve. If her hands had wandered any lower I would never have held on. I looked up and still nearly lost my breath at the sight of Polly in the dress and gloves. She was a goddess.

“Go on then.” Polly said.

“Alex…” I hesitated realizing suddenly that the good idea Alex promised would never come now. “Alex wanted something for that idea.”

Polly placed her hands on her hips and cocked her head. “Is this about Christmas again?”

I nodded.

“Out with it then.” Polly said with a roll of her finger.

“She wanted me to clean her apartment.” I said quietly.

Polly smiled. “In a maid uniform?”

I nodded unsurprised she had pieced it together so quickly.

Polly shook her head. “Everybody wants a piece of you.”

“I wasn’t going to do it.” I answered.

“Why not? I’ll help you.” Polly said while tapping her finger against her lips. “I think Alex needs a lesson in manners.”

“Manners?” I said still struggling to realize this was rapidly traveling in a very different direction as Polly’s intentions for this evening shifted with the new information about Alex.

“Trying to poach my man.” Polly whispered and moved toward the door.

“Polly please, don’t make me do this.” I said with an unmistakable whine in my voice and a truck-load of doubt that Alex intended to do any poaching. “Alex wouldn’t…”

She stopped and turned toward me. “Ok, let go of the scarf then.”

I looked up at my hands and then back at Polly who waited patiently looking so amazing in the oil-black dress. “What do you want me to do?” I finally asked.

“I asked you to hold onto the scarf.” Polly said and left the room. She returned a few moments later with a box and garment bag which she hung on the adjacent bedpost. “You know what’s odd. I’ve seen you in more dresses than I’ve actually had a chance to put you in.”

“Not true, remember that pink prom dress of Kat’s?” I said.

“It was a rush job. I think I’ll take my time with this one, since you are here willingly and all.” She looked up at my hands still gripping the scarf.

I told myself the death grip on the scarf was only to keep her from changing out of the dress. I could let go and enjoy a nice movie with Polly. Sure her dress was sexy but she was beautiful in anything, she would look great in a burlap sack. I took a deep breath and looked at my hands and willed them to open. Nothing happened. My hands continued their death grip on the pink scarf. Polly watched me patiently and my surprise was evident. “Can’t let go?”

“I…” I said but my voice cracked. “...tried.”

Polly shrugged and lowered my pants to the floor. She then pulled my shirt up so that it was hooked around the bedpost above my mands and would not fall down. “Alright, here we go. She entered her closet returning with a wad of black satin in her hands, unmistakably a pair of feminine underwear.

I looked back at my hands and still they would not release the silk scarf. When Polly knelt down and tapped my ankle I obediently lifted the leg. “What is going on?” I whispered toward my fingers who maintained their death grip on the scarf.

Polly overheard and smiled. “It’s good to know you belong to me, even your subconscious.” She rolled a pair of fishnet tights in her fingers and slid them up my legs carefully aligning the seams and adjusting the waistband over my navel. “That should keep your fun bits nicely secured. Wouldn’t want anything swinging around.” Polly giggled. “You seem to like the idea of being a French Maid, at least someone does.” She looked down at my now trapped crotch.

I quickly looked away from my legs to see Polly opening a black box to reveal a pair of faux breasts, the nipple pointing toward the ceiling from within a bed of black velvet. Again I looked back at my hands and tried to let go. “This is not normal, free will is supposed to exist. How is this happening?” My thoughts echoed.

Polly coated the back of the breasts with a clear liquid and wiped my chest with a swab of cotton causing my nipples to harden as she dried them with her breath. She carefully aligned the first flesh colored globe and pressed firmly onto my chest. She held her hand there while repeating the process with the other prosthetic. Once done and stepped back, “Pretty good, the edges blend in really well with your skin tone but we’ll have to add some color.”

I was silent but glanced back at my hands.

“It’s a little late now.” Polly said noticing my look. “But don’t worry, I can assure you Alex will think twice before attempting such blackmail again.”

“What are you going to do?” I asked wondering what could possible make Alex “think twice” about anything.

“You’ll see, now for your foundation garments.” She said with a giggle while lifting a stiff roll of black satin from the bed. “You’ve worn this before.”

At this point I closed my eyes and sagged against my own arms, while noticing how my hands continued their fierce grip. Polly wrapped the corset around my waist paying careful attention to the cups of the corset to further enhance my faux cleavage. She then tightened the laces until any attempt to bend over to see my feet beyond the shelf of fake flesh would be impossible. I barely felt her hands slide over my new curves through the stiffness of the corset. “That will do nicely. I mean you already have a nice shape.”

I shook my head in silence.

“Now for the best part.” Polly held up the stereotypical French Maid’s dress in front of her. It had a tight waist and broad skirts with white petticoats just visible beneath. “Is it ironic that you asked me to wear this for your Christmas gift?” Polly tapped one finger against the corner of her mouth in thought. “No, it’s not irony, something else. Anyway, lift a leg.”

Resistance was apparently futile so I complied and she pulled the dress up my now fishnet and satin covered body. Than I realized she could not force my hands into the puffy short sleeves unless I let go of the scarf. Perhaps her plans would be thwarted at last. “Alright Jack I need one of your hands.” Her cool fingers found my tight fist and as if by some spell, my grip relaxed and the hand came free of the pink scarf. My shock must have been plain because she smiled at my reaction. “Thought you couldn’t let go?”

I nodded absently still marveling at the power Polly wielded. “You can do anything to me?”

Polly’s eyes narrowed into slits and her voice dropped to a whisper. “Yes probably, but I promise you’ll enjoy it.” She then slid my arm through the sleeve. “Now the other hand.”

I complied and even remained still while the dress was zipped up the back. Polly spent a few moments fussing with the wide skirts supported by the short petticoats. She then adjusted the neckline which dropped nearly low enough to expose the corset until satisfied with the scandalous amount of exposed skin.

“Alright gloves or a manicure? I prefer gloves because a manicure takes time to do right but I’ll let you choose.” Polly said.

“Very funny, as if I had any choice about this whole affair.”

“Gloves it is then.” Polly answered without missing a beat and withdrew two long black tubes of black satin from the bag. She pulled them on my hands and now only a narrow sliver of skin was exposed between my arms and the puffy sleeves of the costume.

“I don’t think you’re in any position to give me any trouble but I really dig the helpless maiden look so if you would please put your hands behind your back.” Polly held up a black strap in her hand.

I rolled my eyes but at this point what did it matter, obviously some part of me enjoyed this. I had nothing but love for her, and even trusted her despite the evening’s events. So I put my hands behind my back and barely winced as she pulled my elbows together. Not touching but probably close enough for most observers. The effect of this was to further exaggerate my already fully displayed chest. At this point the maid’s dress would not be the first thing to catch the eye of anyone looking.

She lashed my wrists together but this was largely redundant and simply an attempt at completeness. “Alright, now, let’s go for a bit more. Something that will make Alex too stunned to speak.”

“What do you mean?” I asked with obvious nervousness.

“Hair and makeup of course.” Polly smiled. “Well, more makeup than hair since you don’t have much to work with.”

“You do know this is really humiliating?” I said.

“You shouldn’t be humiliated, I mean you look amazing. Millions of women would die to have a body like yours.”

This conversation was a common one. “Yes, I’m so proud.”

“Good.” Polly said ignoring the obvious sarcasm.” She pulled me into her bathroom and I carefully avoided my reflection as she worked on the subtle art of makeup. “You already have nice features, the makeup will only highlight your eyes and cheekbones a bit. Not any acne either, I wonder how you managed that.”

Polly finished much more quickly than I expected. “Would you like to see?” She asked.

“No thanks,” I answered.

“You don’t want to see my work?” Polly said while closing the tube of lipstick she had just finished using. “You’re still there, though it’s like you’re Kat’s younger, though much hotter, sister.”

“Great, just great.” I said resisting her attempts to get me to look in the mirror.

“Fine, be that way. Let’s see about your hair. “ Polly led me back to her room and carefully placed a small white cap on my head. “This would be easier if you kept your hair longer, would you mind not cutting it for a few months.”

My body has been hair free nearly since I met Polly due to her actions, and now she was asking me to grow the hair on my head. I wanted some control over my appearance, if not she would have me going to school in a dress. “No Polly, I don’t want long hair.”

Polly seemed surprised. I did not put any heat into the words just a simple statement of refusal. “Ok, if you’re sure?”

“Quite sure.”

“You would look amazing.” She countered.

“I’m not trying to attract men.” I said daring to continue the oft discussed subject of her tendency to doll me up.

“It’s not about gender or attraction, it’s about beauty.” Polly said continuing the arguments she had made before. Problem was I agreed with her, men are not beautiful, that is the province of women. I just had no desire to be attractive, not that my desires counted for much.

“Well we’re almost done.” Polly said while disappearing from the room only to return moments later with a pair of black pumps that matched her own except these had a double strap that wrapped around each ankle. “Just these and we’re ready.”

Looking at the shoes with resignation I barely registered what she said. “Ready for what?”

“Going to see Alex, of course.”

“What?” I yelled. “I’m not going out like this.”

“We’re just going over to Alex’s apartment, nothing you haven’t done before.”

“What if you have an accident or get stopped by the police?” I asked.

“That would be awkward, but it’s not far and I’ll be careful. Now raise a foot, I doubt you could put these on by yourself with that stiff corset you’re wearing.”

“I’m not going.” I said flatly.

“You are, but since you are throwing a fit about it we’ll both wear those trench coats we wore to Ollie’s house last summer.”

I remembered the coats though the sexy leotards Polly and Kristy wore beneath them intruded into the memory more than the style of coat. “Fine, not like I have a choice anyway.” Though in hindsight I realized Polly was likely not crazy about being seen in the skin tight dress she wore either.

I was steady enough in the high heels, though it took a minute or two to get used to the height, especially with my arms bound behind me. Polly placed the long trench coat around my shoulders and tied the belt. She cleverly tucked the sleeves into the pockets to give the appearance of arms. We then drove toward Alex’s apartment. “Does she know we are coming?”

“I let her know to expect us.” Polly answered

My nerves about being outside in the maid’s dress were soon replaced by concern over Alex’s reaction to my appearance as we pulled into the parking lot in front of her apartment door. “I need you to wait here for just a few minutes. I need a private word with Alex before she sees you.”

“How long?” I said looking around the mostly deserted parking lot, not wanting to be alone in my predicament. “What if someone comes? I can’t even move.”

“A few minutes, Alex is pretty easy to manage.” Polly smiled and opened the door to leave. “I’ll be right back to fetch you.”

I waited through a long five minutes watching fallen leaves blow across the pavement. Polly returned with the wind tossing her trench coat enough for me to glimpse the shiny black of the dress that limited her stride. She opened the door and helped me to my feet and we walked the two dozen steps to Alex’s door which she opened quickly.

What I saw brought a small smile to my lips, the first one in several hours.
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Post by Roboticrobin20 »

Another great chapter.

I would love to read another chapter where Jack has the chance to take control over Polly. I think those are a bit rare.
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Post by Shadesflirty »

Sorry my fellow fans, this isn’t a new chapter from VD, just me pushing this mighty story back to the top of the list. Love to you all xx
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Post by volatiledesire »

First, I'm still here and still trying to work out time to write the conclusion, which is mapped out.

But here's the next chapter. (Sorry shorter than usual, not on purpose, just worked out that way.)

All the best...
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Chapter 74 - Alex Contained

Alex stood in the middle of the room with her arms raised above her head, still wearing the shiny red shirt and pencil skirt from work. She was fiercely gripping a familiar pink scarf which had been tied to a small light fixture. Her eyes were twice as large as she looked me over noticing immediately the hint of fishnet covering my ankles as well as the heels I wore. Polly doffed her own coat before removing the coat that protected me from the hot gaze of Alex who was only momentarily distracted by Polly’s dress.

“Alright Alex, here he is, your requested French Maid.” She pulled the coat from my shoulders and with the weight of the leather and canvas coat removed the short skirts spread out around my thighs while I tried to stare at the ground but could not see beyond the valley of the faux breasts. “Let’s do a quick twirl.” Polly said while pulling on my shoulders to force me to spin in a slow circle. “Sorry about the bonds, you know how difficult Jack can be.”

Alex had yet to speak a word but I could hear labored breathing coming from her direction. “Now what was it you wanted Jack to do?” Polly paused. “Ah yes, you wanted him to clean your apartment. Well I’d say we got the costume right, wouldn’t you agree?”

Again I assumed she nodded as I had no interest in seeing her face.

“Well let’s see.” Polly walked around the small living room sliding her finger across various surfaces. “Looks pretty clean in here, though my finger found a bit of dust on your desk. Maid would you mind cleaning my finger?” Polly held out her finger in my direction.

I looked up to see Polly waiting but with my hands bound I had no way of cleaning anything. “I… I can’t.”

“Sure you can. Come closer and I’ll show you.” Polly smiled.

I chanced a glance toward Alex whose mouth was agape and her eyes were bloodshot from lack of blinking. I stepped forward and Polly held out her gloved finger toward my face pressing it between my lips. The shiny gloves tasted of rubber and I expected her to quickly withdraw her finger, instead she slowly lowered her hand forcing me to my knees with her finger still between my lips.

I knelt on the floor sucking her finger while Polly addressed Alex. “See Alex, Jack is the best maid ever.”

A small whimper came from Alex’s direction and Polly removed her finger from my mouth with a wet plop. “Let me take a look around and see if I can find a good use for our maid.”

Polly left me on my knees and I kept my eyes downward as her shiny footwear moved out of my field of vision. Staccato clicks of the heels on linoleum preceded the opening of cabinets and refrigerator before her legs returned to my field of vision. “Stand up Jack. I think I’ve found something for you to clean.”

I rolled back onto my toes and slowly stood. I nearly over balanced, but caught myself, haunted by a brief image of my legs in the air and skirts pooling around my face trapped like a turtle on its back. Polly stepped closer to Alex whose knuckles were white with the effort of gripping the scarf. I knew exactly how she felt. “Now don’t let go.” Polly said and slowly lowered her skirt down over her hips. My own eyes darted around wondering if I should stare, but unable to look away, fascinated as Alex shivered despite the warm air filling the apartment.

Alex's eyes were closed as Polly carefully placed the folded skirt on the couch and then slowly slid her fingers under the hem of her shiny red blouse. More shudders passed through her body as Polly pulled the garment over her head and tied it overhead into the knots of the scarf to keep it from falling.

My eyes wandered over her matching black underwear as pink blossomed across her body. “Now you know the rules, dearest Alex.” Polly said while sliding her hands across her stomach in an almost identical way she had done to me earlier in the evening. “Don’t let go, or we’ll have to leave.”

Alex’s adjusted her grip after glancing upward to ensure she would make no mistakes.

“Now then, let’s find something for Jack to clean up.” Polly stepped over to the nearby table and returned with a brown jug of chocolate sauce beading with condensation. She squeezed a bit of the thick sweet fluid onto one of her gloved fingers and smeared across Alex’s leg just below the strap of her panties across one hip.

I watched in shock and looked back at Polly who raised her eyebrows. “You have proved to be quite good at cleaning things with your tongue, and since I have no plans to release your arms…”

I watched the bead of chocolate making a dark trail down Alex’s pale skin and caught it just as it reached her knee. Carefully I licked the skin clean as the muscles of her leg flexed in time to sharp intakes of her breath. I sat back after finishing the chocolate treat somehow made more sweet by the sexy surface. Polly was ready and this time smeared the chocolate across her ribs beneath just beneath the band of her bra. “Better hurry don’t let it soil her pretty lingerie.”

I finished quickly and tried to ignore the pleasant taste of Alex’s skin and the obvious smell of her arousal. Polly stepped forward immediately and slid her chocolate covered finger around Alex’s navel and I leaned forward to complete the task. Before my tongue could touch her fever-hot skin a weight came down on my back and I was falling backward doing the impression of the overturned turtle I had feared earlier. My vision was blocked on all sides by a mixture of black satin and white petticoat. Polly’s laughter filled my ears as she stepped closer to help me up. “Time to go.”

I was slowly maneuvered to my feet and was shocked to see Alex curled on the floor in the fetal position. I thought perhaps she was hurt until I saw the rhythmic motion of her body with her hand between her legs. I quickly turned away as Polly pulled the coat over my shoulders. “I’m taking you to the car and then I’ll come back to check on Alex.” Polly whispered into my ear.

The night air was sharply cold compared to the heat from the apartment and I was thankful for the coat’s warmth as much as its protection from the eyes of Alex’s neighbors. The late hour and the fierce gusts of wind kept people inside and away from their balconies and I was soon buckled into the passenger seat of Polly’s car watching the hem of her shiny dress peak from beneath her coat as she fled back into the apartment.

I sat and talked to myself. “Had she planned all this? If so, how?” My thoughts swirled back through the day’s events searching from some sort of evidence of a setup, but it had been my own manic desire for the perfect Christmas gift that had started the whole chain of events. “There’s no way she could have planned this.” I sat and watched more leaves flutter across the parking lot. “Which means...she came up with this on the fly.” I shook my head amazed. “Making it up as she goes. Imagine what she could do if she planned it out.” I persisted in my mental speculations until Polly slid into the driver’s seat. “Well, that was unexpected.”

“Will Alex be able to work tomorrow?” I asked.

“She’ll be fine.”

“Right. Can I change back now?”

“Sure, but we’ll head to your house?” Polly smiled.

“My house, why?” I asked.

“I think your Mom would be impressed with how you turned out.” Polly said while turning down the street that would lead to my own front door. “I want to show off my work.”

There was little point in arguing she would do what she wanted regardless and I had no hope of stopping her. We turned down the sleepy little street that ran in front of my house and I immediately scanned the driveway for clues as to who might be home. My mouth went suddenly dry when I saw a familiar blue sedan sitting in the driveway next to Mom’s car. “Stop the car. Go back.” Panic edged my voice.

“What? Why?” Polly said not slowing the car in the least.

My thoughts swirled trying to figure out how to stop her. “Row, row, row your boat.” I sang. “Gently down the stream.”

Polly stared at me in shock but recovered quickly and drove past my house and around the block as I sunk down in my seat to avoid any possible eyes.

“Of all the things I did to you, you use the safeword now, why?” Polly asked with a bit of genuine fright in her voice.

I did not speak until we had left my neighborhood behind. “My Dad’s home.”

Polly nodded. “Ah I see, I suppose that’s understandable.”

“Let’s get you defrocked, shall we.” Polly laughed. “Get it, defrocked? Like a priest?”

I looked over at her with a cocked head. “No, I don’t get it.”

Polly shrugged and smiled once again shocking me with her beauty.
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Post by Shadesflirty »

No problem at all. Still can’t believe this story is actually going to end. I’m going to miss you characters a lot.
volatiledesire wrote: 4 years ago First, I'm still here and still trying to work out time to write the conclusion, which is mapped out.

But here's the next chapter. (Sorry shorter than usual, not on purpose, just worked out that way.)

All the best...
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Post by Shadesflirty »

Currently imagining Jack and Polly trapped in isolation with their friends (and Polly’s wardrobe..) it’s quite fun!
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Post by Shadesflirty »

Just popping [mention]volatiledesire[/mention] fine fine work to the top of the list again for those of you who haven’t yet had the chance to read my favourite story from this site - sorry [mention]bondagefreak[/mention] but Even sexy sleeping bag bondage comes at a close second to this glorious love and crossdressing story) - it’s well worth the read.
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Post by bondagefreak »

Hopefully [mention]volatiledesire[/mention] will be back to give the saga the proper ending it deserves.
Thanks for bumping this [mention]Shadesflirty[/mention].

Since you're taking the time to tag me to let me know that Jack's Story outranks Bound & Gagged in a Sleeping Bag on your list of favourites, I feel the need to point out you've admitedly never read Bound & Gagged (at least, not the finalised version of it), and only saw the crude draft that was posted on the previous forum.

Between this fine story which you've had the delight of re-reading, and a partial story draft you read several years ago, this isn't exactly a fair comparison. Hopefully you'll actually be reading Bound & Gagged before cementing it as a distant 2nd place contender.
Maybe then it would actually stand a chance of competing for your number 1 favourite.

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Post by NoOne »

Last edited by NoOne 2 years ago, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Shadesflirty »

Thanks bondagefreak.

I said close second, not distant. But I take your criticism and will be jumping back into the all new B&G with a great deal of expectant pleasure in the next few days.

Jack's Story has been at the top of my fav list mainly or the F/M element and the crossdressing, something that's maybe just a little higher on my list of kinks than the many, many, MANY things I've found enjoyable about your M/M work and the early version of sleeping bag in the past (such as nylon trackies, puffer jackets, sportswear, bondage and, of course, shiny puffy sleeping bags.)

I suspect I will regain my utter enthusiasm for your epic as I read it anew, and thoroughly look forward to doing so.

With love and respect to you and Volatiledesire.

bondagefreak wrote: 3 years ago Hopefully @volatiledesire will be back to give the saga the proper ending it deserves.
Thanks for bumping this @Shadesflirty.

Since you're taking the time to tag me to let me know that Jack's Story outranks Bound & Gagged in a Sleeping Bag on your list of favourites, I feel the need to point out you've admitedly never read Bound & Gagged (at least, not the finalised version of it), and only saw the crude draft that was posted on the previous forum.

Between this fine story which you've had the delight of re-reading, and a partial story draft you read several years ago, this isn't exactly a fair comparison. Hopefully you'll actually be reading Bound & Gagged before cementing it as a distant 2nd place contender.
Maybe then it would actually stand a chance of competing for your number 1 favourite.

Post by Mikal903 »

Hope this continues eventually.
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Post by dezz »

Very good. Please continue!
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