Mario's Game Over (MM/M)

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Mario's Game Over (MM/M)

Post by Terry »

Mario’s Game Over

It was an ordinary day in the Mushroom Kingdom and Mario had yet again was on an adventure to rescue Peach who was being held in Bowser’s Castle.

Bowser was with her in an upper floor guest room, which was the same room where Peach was always taken when she gets captured.

“This time Peach, I will be ready for that plumber boyfriend of yours,” Bowser said.

“You will never win. Mario always rescues me and today is no exception,” Peach replied.

“Is that so? Bwa ha ha ha, it will be Mario who will need rescuing. I have sent two of my strongest and skilled hammer brothers to take care of him.” Bowser said.

“You better not lay one claw on him, if anything happens to Mario, I will never forgive you,” Peach said.

“Bwa ha ha, nothing bad will happen to him I assure you. These hammer brothers are very skilled at capturing prisoners. You are at least free to move around this room and have a nice bed to sleep in, which is more than can be said for what will happen to Mario,” Bowser laughed.

“Mario will rescue me for sure. He will not be captured,” Peach said.

“We’ll see. Anyway I have work to do. Got to also make sure the dungeon is nice and ready for the new prisoner,” Bowser said before leaving the room Peach was in and locking the door behind him.

Meanwhile Mario was not too far now from Bowser’s castle and just like Bowser told Peach, two hammer brothers were waiting for him. Their names were Buzz and Scott.

Mario had gotten close to the castle doors when he was approached from behind by the two hammer brothers.

“Hello Mario, going somewhere?” Buzz smirked.

“Think you’re tough, do ya?” Scott added.

“Two hammer brothers? I can beat you no problem,” Mario said. Before he had finished speaking, the hammer brothers began to throw hammers at him almost making Mario lose his balance.

Mario jumped towards Buzz but he dodged out the way as Scott came around behind Mario. Buzz was now in front of Mario while Scott was behind.

They threw hammers at Mario’s feet from where they were and Mario barely avoided them. He eventually jumped and Scott also jumped at the same time and managed to tackle Mario to the ground.

“Gotcha now,” Scott said. Mario tried to push him off but Scott was able to pin him down.

“Hey, get ofmmph,” Mario cried but Scott clamped a hand over Mario’s mouth silencing him.

“Looks like we win today Mario,” Buzz said as he produced some ropes and knelt down over Mario to tie him up while Scott also helped. Mario tried to get them off but the two hammer brothers were too strong and skilled. They tied Mario’s hands behind his back, his arms together, ankles and legs too. A cloth was tied tightly around Mario’s mouth also.

Once they had finished, Buzz and Scott looked down at their handiwork proud. Mario struggled but to no avail. He was truly beaten this time.

“Bowser is sure to give us a raise for this. For all the Toads we have captured like this, this has surely got to be the top prize,” Scott said. Buzz nodded in agreement.

“Let’s take our prisoner to his new home,” Buzz said as the two picked up Mario and carried him into the castle and down to the dungeon.

Bowser was thrilled once he had learned of Mario’s capture and went down to check on him who was still tied up and gagged. Buzz and Scott were still there who were praised by Bowser. Looking down at Mario, Bowser could only gloat.

“Bwa ha ha ha, you’re mine now Mario. How does it feel being a tied up prisoner? You better get used to it, because you’re going to be stuck like that for a long time. I’ll let Buzz and Scott guard you and look after you. In the meantime, me and Peach will get married and I’ll take over the Mushroom Kingdom and there will be nothing you can do to stop me,” Bowser laughed.

Mario just struggled really hard, which only made Bowser laugh even harder and the two hammer brothers joined in.

“Oh yeah I forgot to mention, that wimpy brother of yours got captured also. He’s in another cell in exactly the same position as you,” Bowser added.

Bowser then knelt down over Mario and smiled at him. He came in really close and then whispered to Mario, “Game Over”.

Bowser got back up and him and the two hammer brothers left the dungeon room locking the door behind him leaving Mario tied and gagged on the floor in complete darkness and totally helpless.