Medic Practice gone wrong (F/F)

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Medic Practice gone wrong (F/F)

Post by Bg2000 »

Hey guys! So this story is something that I wish to happen. I have an old friend that i currently don’t get along with because of a situation with a boy. She is now attending EMT classes and I am a first responder. I’m not sure if we would ever make up, but this could be a scenario. (This will be writen in parts)

I wake up to the sound of my alarm clock screaming at me to get up. I get out of bed, Change clothes and check my phone to see what is up. I’m scrolling down on my Facebook and I see that my old friend Miley posted something last night. The post read:

“Hi everyone!” As some of you know I am taking a EMT class. My skills test is next week and I’m super nervous. Is there anyone free so I can practice my skills on them? I promise is not too crazy!”

I half smirk at the post. Half of me wants to help her, but the other half wants her to fail. What happened between us months ago was in the past, yet she still purposely ignores me. I guess that’s no reason to wish bad luck on someone.

I sit and ponder for a while. I want to make up, and I could really help her out since I’m a first responder. I sit, take a deep breath, and type out the most interesting 3 letter word.

“Hey?” She replies

Crap. She’s still mad.
“Look.” I continue. “I know that I hurt Ben’s feelings, but that shouldn’t ruin the relationship between me and you. Even if we can’t be “friends” I can at least be a body for you to work on. Plus, I have some experience and I can give pointers.”

I watch as the message delivers. Finally she reads it and begins to type.

“I guess that’s ok”. Can you come over tomorrow?”
“That’s perfect”! I reply. I’ll be over in the morning.

The next morning I make the hour in a half drive to her apartment. All I could think about is how awkward the day could be. Either we will act like nothing happened, or we’re barely going to speak. I drive to her apartment and approach the front door. Before I could knock, the door swings wide open.

“Heyyy!” She says. “I haven’t seen you in a while.”
“Hey” I reply back. “It’s been a minute”

We start taking just as we were months ago. We catch up on eachothers lives and talk about school. I’m very careful not to mention Ben, and I can tell she is trying not to talk about her boyfriend. After about an hour, she gets up from the couch.

Alrighty, I’m going to go get the stuff and we can get going.
She goes upstairs and returns with the most extravagant equipment ever. I was thinking she would just have the basics. She came down with a longboard, straps, a neck brace, padding, medical tape, a stethoscope, and a bag full of more supplies.
We first practice taking blood pressure and the different assessments. We then move onto the longboard skill.

“I’m most nervous about this one” she says.
“Don’t worry” I reply. “ I had this skill and passed it with flying colors.”

I put her on the board first and did the procedure. In short, you basically assess motor skills, then apply the neck strap, strap the person to the board, pad under them, then tie their wrists together so they don’t go flying as the ambulance is driving. After I get explained it and let her out, it was my turn.

“Alrighty, do your thing” I say.
“Ok. Miley replies, BSI scene safe.” We then go through the steps one by one. She assessed my motor skills, then I help her get me onto the board (since she doesn’t have a partner) and then she puts the C collar on me. It’s one of those adjustable ones. There not too comfortable but I can manage. She then attaches straps on the ends of the board. One around my tourso, one around my arms, and one around my legs. She pus a foam brace around my head and finally tied off my hands.
“Can you feel me? Can you wiggle your toes?”
“Yes I can.” I reply. You did a really good job.
“Thanks.” She replies. “I worked really hard on this one. My instructor helped me a lot....

She goes on about her class for 5 minutes. I start to get a little uneasy.
“What skill do you want to do next?” I say trying to move along.
“I think we should stay on this one for a while. It seems like YOU need some help.”
I look at her confused. Why would I need help.
“It seems that you have forgotten.” Miley teases. Do you not remember dropping Ben, or were you too busy talking to your other boy?”

My. Heart. Sank. I thought that we could be adults and move on, but here I am strapped to a longboard, wearing a neck brace and unable to move. I am 100% in her disposal.
“Umm...I thought we were past that?” I stammer. “Besides, at this point it should be between me and Ben.

“BEN IS MY FRIEND” she yells “EVER SINCE YOU DROPPED HIM HE HAS BEEN NOTHING BUT AN EMOTIONAL WRECK. He will barely hang out with me and my boyfriend because he doesn’t have you with him.

I start to struggle on the board. I don’t know what’s coming but I know that it’s nothing good.

“Struggle all you want” she teases. “Your not going anywhere until you apologize and agree to go on another date. I’m going to go get some supplies. Until then, you need to keep quiet.
I see her pull out a small cloth and a roll of medical tape.

“Please no...I won’t do anything I promise”

She ignores my statement and shoves the cloth into my mouth. I try to struggle, but the neck brace and the head padding keep my head fully in place. She then covers my mouth with tape from the bottom of my nose to the edge of my chin.

“That should hold you for a while” she says sarcastically. I’ll be back in a few. Until then, don’t run too far lol.

She leaves, and I’m alone in the room, strapped, gagged, and afraid.

Post by Sociopath3 »

Great story, I am looking forward to future parts.
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Post by Bg2000 »

I continue to struggle and manage to make the knot on my hands looser. Just as my hands are free, a foot slams into my chest. I react with a loud groan.

“You thought you could pull a fast one one me? Nice try. I was going to do something a little different anyways.”

She released her foot from my body, but proceeds to plug my nose. I wiggle about in panic.

“Here’s the deal. I’m going to secure your hands a different way and your going to help me. Don’t even think about fighting me, or you will make it waaay worse than it is going to be.”

I frantically give a thumbs up to show I understand. She releases my nose and lets me catch my breath. She then takes my hands and places them above my head. She ties then together with a pair of black leggings, then takes a separate pair and ties in between my hands. She takes the excess and ties it to the coffee table. She then takes out fabric scissors and proceeds to cut off my shirt. I grunt in protest. It was an old shirt from high school. I didn’t care about it much, but I still liked it. She plugs my nose again and gives further instructions.

“I’m going to take your gag off and give you a chance to speak, but if you try anything at all, it is going back in with something worse. Understood?”

I shoot a thumbs up again. She unplugs my nose and takes off my gag.

“I’m—so—ry.” I pant out. “Please—let—me—go”

“Sorry, you had your chance months ago to apologize.”
“I apologized. I replied. Ben decided to deny it. It’s not my fault I lost feelings.”
Miley stomped her foot on my chest again.
“You crushed his heart. THATS why he didn’t accept. You told him that you would choose him over Zach, and you LIED.”
“I didn’t lie, I just, had a change of heart.” I stammer as I’m watching my words. “Me and Zach have a lot more in common. Why would I fake a relationship and then break up months later, when I can express how I feel now and not waste Ben’s time”
“ you really don’t get it do you.” Miley says shaking her head. She responds by shoving the cloth back in my mouth.
“Mhmmmhmm!” I shout in protest.
“Hush up.” She demands as she places wide duct tape over my mouth. “You obviously don’t see how your in the wrong. Your heart is ice cold. Which is why I decided to make the rest of your body ice cold. She turns to reveal 2 ice packs and an ice cube tray.
I struggle as much as I can. The leggings on my hands are holding really well. I mentally prepare myself for ice that’s about to go into my bare belly.
I scream and shiver as 2 ice cubes are rubbed on my stomach. She also places an ice pack onto my chest.
“I see your shivering quite a bit. Why don’t I leave you alone to chill out.” She chuckles.
I give her a glare. She knows I love puns, but I’m obviously not in the mood”
She heads into the kitchen to make a snack. I’m again left alone, feeling the 2 ice cubs dissolve on my chest.
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Post by Tieup1 »

Good story, some people with a grudge, can be so nasty. I wonder if the poor girl really deserves to be punished. :o
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Post by Bg2000 »

Tieup1 wrote: 3 years ago Good story, some people with a grudge, can be so nasty. I wonder if the poor girl really deserves to be punished. :o
Lol. This day did not happen. But the situation is real. I saw her on campus last week and she completely ignored me. Apparently I just told her friend how I really felt and he got (and obviously still is) super butt hurt.
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Post by LatexLover »

So she’s mad at you for not reciprocating feelings for some boy who is in no way entitled to your feelings?
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Post by Bg2000 »

Yes lol. I wish I was joking. Oh well. I haven’t talked to her since June so...I don’t need that in my life.
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Post by Bg2000 »

I lay there for who knows how long. I finally hear her finish the dishes. She comes over and sits next to me.
“Alright. Here’s the deal. I have one thing that I reallly need to practice.”

She then proceeded to pull a Nasal airway out of her pocket. For those that don’t know what that is, it’s a silicone tube about 8 inches long that goes down someone’s nose to keep someone’s airway open.
I struggle in my bonds as hard as I can. I can’t even imagine how much it’s going to hurt. I’ve heard that it feels like the end is touching your brain. She responds by placing her foot on my chest again.

“Awww. Is someone scared? Don’t worry, it will only hurt...a lot! But seriously though. If you do well with this, I will do something for you in return. I will have to take the gag off for this. But if you try ANYTHING, we are back to square one.”

She then proceeds to take my gag off.
“Just Be-“
“Shhhh” she says with a finger to her lips. “No talking. All I need you to do is to swallow when I tell you to.
She then takes the long green tube and slowly pushes it up my nose, telling me to breathe every 5 seconds. I try so hard not to scream. I try my best, but I grunt a little bit from the pain. When it’s all the way in, she yanked it out super fast.
“Ahhh.” I respond.
“How much did that hurt”
“Like a bitch.” I reply.
“Well congratulations! You just earned yourself...a bathroom break!”
“What. I can’t do much for you. And I have to gag you again. She says as she places tape over my mouth again. I glare at her in disgust.
“Look I’m letting you out of this ok? But I have to gag you keep you in line somehow. Go to the bathroom and wash up. I’m going upstairs to get more stuff. I texted your mom and said that you are spending the night! So go get ready. If I see that you tampered with your gag, you will be sorry.
I groan in protest. Me, staying with her all night? Oh hell no! However, the bathroom break is my only chance of escape.
She walks me to the bathroom and heads upstairs. I wash my face the best I can, and I stretch my limbs. I thought for a second. I haven’t heard her come back down yet. I have no shirt, and I am gagged. It is dark outside, so if I can manage to get to my car and drive around the corner, that will give me enough time to take the gag off and put on a spare shirt I have in my car. Then I can drive home. My keys are in the kitchen. If I run I will have just enough time.
I take a deep breath and execute my plan. I crack the do open, grab my keys from the kitchen and head toward the door. I grab the door handle when suddenly I am grabbed around the neck.

Now mind you. I am 5’3, 130 lbs and Miley is 5’7, 160 lbs. we all know who is winning this one.

“MMMMMMM” I scream terrified. I struggle with every ounce of strength I have, but she is too strong.
Miley snarles in my ear. “I LEFT YOU ALONE FOR 2 SECONDS. 2 SECONDS. AND THIS IS WHAT YOU PULL. When I am done with you you are going to wish you behaved.”
I am breathing super hard, almost hyperventilating. She pulls my hands behind my back and slaps on cold mark handcuffs. She then puts a bag over my head and pushed me to into I think a kitchen chair. I feel a cold chain being wrapped around my body, followed by my feet being chained together and to the chair.
“If you get out, you are lady Houdini.” She exclaims. “I’ll leave you for a bit to think about what you have done. I’ll be back with your punishment. She heads back upstairs and I am left alone again.
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Post by Bg2000 »

I’m sitting there sobbing my eyes out. I was merely seconds away from freedom. Now I’m chained to a chair (still shirtless I might add) and in the hands of a mad woman. I’ve mad her mad before, but this is the worst I have seen. I have no idea what to expect or what she is capable of.
I’m startled by a cold ice pack being pressed into my stomach.
“MMMM” I scream.
“Ya. That’s how I feel too. This is all your fault. All you had to do was stay in the bathroom until I got you. But no, you have to push my buttons. Well now your going to wish you thought twice.
I feel the ice pack being taken off. Then I feel Miley’s fingers move up and down my body. I scream into my gag and I even start to cry. She knows I HATE being tickled. This continues for at least an hour. She uses many tools like her hands, a feather, and I think she had a ruler or something because I felt something long being scraped along my skin. I continue to scream. This is the worst thing I have ever endoured.
“Alright I guess you’ve had enough.” She says.
She unlocks my feet and lets me out of the chair. She leads me up the stairs, guiding me with each step. We then turn to the left to what I believe is the guest bedroom. She then unlocks my handcuffs on my left and and swings my hands to the front. She locks them in place and attaches them to the headboard with a rope. She does a similar thing with my feet as she locks them into the metal cuffs. She takes the bag oof of my head and reveals that I am in the guest room.
“Here is where you will stay for the night. Get some rest, because tomorrow we stop with the games and get down to business.”
She shuts off the light and leaves the room. I must have been more tired than I thought, because I somehow dozed off to sleep in no time.
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Post by Tieup1 »

I don't think an escape is reality, at the moment, but with more punishment to come, our damsel, will become more desperate. :shock:
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Post by brashieel »

Ooh. This is great. A bit of medical device bondage is always fun!
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Post by Bg2000 »

I opened my eyes to the sun shining in the window. I try to yawn, but then quickly realize that a can’t.
“Great.” I thought “this is still happening”
The sun is barley in the window, and I hear birds chirping, so I’m guessing it’s about 6:30 in the morning. I don’t hear any noise, so I guess Miley is still sleeping. I take a second to analyze my situation. Obviously I can’t get out of these chains without a key. I could try to run a when Miley gets up here, but we already know how the last time went. So I know I can’t beat her physically...but what about mentally? She mentioned that she wanted me to promise to go on another date. As long as I can fake a promise and not have a date today, I should be able to escape.
Miley enters sometime later.
“Well look who is awake” she says pinching my cheeks. I groan in response.
“We got a big day today. Now I’m going to let you go and take your gag off. We are going to go eat breakfast. You will need a lot of strength for today. She then unlocks my feet and my hands. She rips the tape off of my moth really fast.
“OWWW” I respond. “Was that really necessary?”
“Yes, and I’m going to let that attitude slide this time” she replies.
She takes me by the arm and leads me into the kitchen. There she places me in a chair and wraps a chain around me. I can’t get up from the chair, but my arms and legs are free for me to use. She made scrambled eggs, bacon, and toast. I suck everything in like a vacuum. I didn’t realize I haven’t eaten in about 20 hours. The scenario runs through my head. If I just agree to what she wants I can be on my way in no time.
“Alrighty. Breakfast is over” Miley announces. She comes in with more rope and proceeds to tie my wrists to the arm rests. As she is doing that I speak up.
“Look Miley, I thought about what you said and I apologize. What I did was wrong and I would be happy to go out with Ben again. I know I’ll have to talk to him too, but maybe we can all go to a movie or something this week.”
Miley then moves on to my legs and ties them to the chair legs.
“That sounds nice of you, but I need to make sure you really mean that. That’s why I have this.”
She pulls out a weird machine with those sticky pads you put on someone’s chest.
“What is that” I ask.
“It’s a lie detector test.” She replied. “It’s just a way for me to know that you are telling me the truth.”
“Where do you get all of this stuff?”
“Let’s just say I went all out when I was a criminal justice major. Most of this was given to me by my uncle. He’s a police officer back home.
“This will be fun” I thought.
She hooks the pads onto my bare chest. I then see her grab ice packs, a feather, a camp fire stick and pair of headphones.
“Alright. Let’s get started!” She exclaims.
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Post by slackywacky »

Great story, enjoy reading it. Keep going please.
Thanks for reading. Feel free to comment.
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Post by tickletied84 »

Wonderful story, great to see the interplay between the characters, and the use of medical and justice equipment! Keep it up!
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Post by TomYi »

Glad to see you becoming an active author! I really like how you gave us your backstory in slow drips over the course of several chapters. Dropping all the exposition right at the start can make a story more boring, and it's great that you knew to avoid that. Keep it up!

It's interesting that you have a fantasy involving someone you don't like irl. What does this Miley look like?
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Post by Bg2000 »

Wow guys! Thank you for the great response so far! As you can see, the semester got pretty busy and I kinda left y’all hangin. It’s late tonight, but I will continue the story tomorrow. I will say I got pretty imaginative during this process.
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Post by Bg2000 »

Miley procedes to stick the pads onto my chest and stomach. The cords all connect together into one cord which plugs into the box. She then takes a USB cord from the defector and plugs it into her laptop. The only thing i can see is the big EMS sticker on the front of her laptop.
"Alrighty." Miley exclaims. "Lets test this out. Answer this truthfully. What is 2+2?"
"Umm...four?" I reply confused.
"YES! THATS RIGHT! You did learn a thing or two in T-101 (teachers math course). Ohh dont give me that face im kidding! So, now i need you to answer the same question but give me a wrong answer. What is 2+2?
"Haha thats WRONG. You lied. I can tell by the results. Whitch means this machene works. to the juicy question. Do you really want to go on another date with Ben?"
"Yea. Ben is a really cool guy and I-"
"YOUR LYING! Its already telling me. No need to waste your breath. Tell me why not."
I fell silent. I knew that no matter what i said i was in for a treat.
"Funny. Your being even quieter now than you were with a gag. Well...i have ways to make you talk. I made sure that my neighbors were gone, so even if you try to yell for help no one is here. At least i dont have to gag you, so at any point you want to spill the tea, by all means"
Miley picks up the feather first. She runs the blue tourchure divice up and down my rib cage
"Hahahahaha stop. I- i- i cant brethe."
She continues for another minute then stops.
"So..why not?"
"Its just- me and Ben have almost nothing in common. Like the only thing is that are both into pokemon but thats about it. But he is a cool guy, just not my type to date."
" wernt lying. So you wont date him?"
"Can i not?"
"Well... I guess i cant make you. And i kinda feel bad for doing all of this. Like, all i wanted was for Ben to be happy. It was all ok until he said he didnt want to be here if you know what i mean."
"Well of course, i get it. I didnt know he cared that much for me. But love is a two way street. Both need to be happy. And TBH I wouldnt be happy in that relationship."
"Wow. Your telling the truth again. Look im sorry about all this. How about we call Ben and ill let you explain."
"Sure. But umm...."
"Oh, right. Just a sec."
Miley takes off the defector pads and unties me from the chair. She then directs me to go upstairs and grab any shirt of hers i want. I just went with a plain white T.

We talk to Ben and all is well. He agreed that we could be friends and that he wasnt upset that i didnt like him that way.
I grab my things and prepare to leave.
"Wait. Miley says. "About everything-"
"Dont worry, i wont tell anyone. And honestly, i kinda had fun? You scared me not gunna lie, but like...i felt safe? Idk...its wierd."
" i think you just discovered something lol. I had fun too for the most part. Maybe we can do this again? Maybe without all the aggression next time."
"Hey, if you ever need someone to practice skills on, just let me know"

We said our finial goodbyes and i headed home. I was glad that i patched up the friendship and discovered something i like. Will we do this again? Only time will tell.
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Post by slackywacky »

Great story. Thank you for posting it. Will there be a sequel?
Thanks for reading. Feel free to comment.
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Post by ColdFire »

This was a nice story. Thanks for sharing it. Are there any other situations you can think of that could be resolved with a little bondage?
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Post by Bg2000 »

Thankyou all! Im glad yall liked the story. I had to cut it short because i have been away from it for so long i lost the direction i was going. I am thinking about making a sequel. Im going to make a draft in docs first amd then post it when it is ready (in parts most likley). I am on christmas break so well see what happens!
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Post by Roboticrobin20 »

I really liked the ending, I'm curious to see more of your work :)
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Post by tickletied84 »

Glad you returned to this, it was a lovely story to read, with the mix of bondage and relationships thrown in!

I'll be looking out for the sequel!
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Post by mr bob »

this is such a great story really love the medical bondage can't wait till the next story
follow my discord lockedjawed#7936 for rp
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Post by smooth_talker45 »

What a lovely story
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Post by Headmistress »

This was a really good story.

I had a first-aid class that was a bit like this once, so it reminded me a bit of that.

Anyway, it was a fun read. Thanks for sharing.
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