Never leave your phone unguarded (M/m + short self/M, m/M, mm/m, self/m) [Completed]

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Post by herbie2 »

Fantastic self bondage. 2-3 week?? Noooooo.. :(
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Post by harveygasson »

A really nice story
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Post by Redman »

"Thank you da... Mark." Oh snap! I know exactly where he was going there!
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Post by lepangolin »

That's another beautiful update! I love the trick Mark used to get Max out! I'm eager to know what will be the activities for the day.
Also glad you have other stories in mind!
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Post by herbie2 »

Please continue!! :D
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Post by Killua »

Guys I´m really sorry that it took me so long to get that part done. I had some stuff to do and then got somewhat stuck with that part too. In the end, it got a lot longer than I originally planned. And I even left out the breakfast and (…) which were planned to be in this part too. So they will be in the next final part. But… if I make the next part as detailed as this one… I´m a little bit scared that I won´t get everything done in it. I haven´t even started with the final occurrence, so it might happen that I have to make 2 parts because it wouldn´t fit all in the one final part.

Next, thank you so much for all your great comments again! I´m really sorry that I made you wait that long and couldn´t keep my promise to get it done in 2-3 weeks. I hope you still like to keep reading my story.

Lastly, as I mentioned above this part got a bit longer than usual. I just lost control over my “I have to explain everything and make it as detailed as possible”–habit. I wanted to keep my slow pace of storytelling and got a bit overboard with it. It would be great to know if the part is still ok for you guys and please be honest. Anyway, here is Part 14:

Part XIV:

“Max… why, just tell me why you are waking me that early?” – I asked Max, who was sitting on top of me. His hands were still cuffed in front of him with ordinary handcuffs and his right ankle was still cuffed to my left one with legcuffs, while his ankles were still cuffed together with another pair of legcuffs. Of course, he was still clad just in his dark blue boxer briefs.

I was awake but still tired as hell. In the early hours I have quite a bad mood and to get woken by someone on the weekend made it even worse. I hoped he had a good excuse to wake me, cause if you remember, he promised to let me sleep as long as I wanted. He had to promise it in order to be allowed to get cuffed overnight.

“I can´t sleep anymore. I´m too excited about what´s going to happen today. I mean it´s the first time I´m somebody´s prisoner for a day. I thought we could talk a little bit about what you have planned for me?” – he asked with such a cute look but without getting off of me. I guess he wanted to get sure I wouldn´t just turn around to go back to sleep. But he could make that cute look of his as long as he wanted, it wouldn´t change anything on that poor excuse for waking me up.

“Max, haven´t you forgotten about something? You made a promise yesterday, don´t you remember?” – I asked, looking at him somewhat angry and annoyed. I wasn´t really mad at him, I just wanted to scare him a little for waking me. And that was when he remembered what he promised and what´s my usual morning mood. He started to look slightly scared and peeked at the clock before facing me again. You could look right into his mind at this point. He clearly went through his options at that moment. He probably thought about possible escape routes which weren´t working as long as we were cuffed together.

Without saying anything he backed off of me to the left (my point of view) and slowly shifted himself on his butt backwards further to the right edge of my bed (If you look from the footboard). I couldn´t stop myself from smirking at that point. It was just too cute and funny to see him backing off like that. If he hadn´t been cuffed to me, he clearly would´ve run away and I would´ve chased him around the house, so I was happy I tied him like that. I was already awake, so I figured it was time to fool around a bit. I changed into my role as an evil villain and used my evilest expression to look at him.

“You shouldn´t have done that, little Max. It´s a real pity for you… you have only awakened my evil side and my good one is still fast asleep. Get ready, boy… it´s time for your punishment!” – I said in an artificially evil voice. On the one hand, he started to smirk but on the other hand, it seemed he gulped at this. He clearly knew I was just fooling around but he didn´t know what I would do and how far I would go in these early hours, which made him somewhat unsure. Would I tickle the hell out of him? Would I use that nasty itching powder again? Those were probably thoughts that went through his head. He continued backing off but suddenly couldn't go further when the chain, connecting our ankles, was fully stretched.

“M-M-Mark, I´m sorry. Please… can we just forget about this? Just let us go back to sleep, ok? I-I just wanted to get a little bit more tied up. I shouldn´t have woken you for that.” – he said, his right leg fully stretched in my direction, while I was already on my knees and about to crawl over to him as creepy as I could. ´Never mess with Evil-Mark early in the morning.´ - I thought, smirking to myself.

“Oh, don´t worry about that! You WILL be more tied up. A lot more… really a lot… in fact, you won´t be able to move at all… so, just come here little captive. I´ll make sure you won´t disturb my sleep again! I´ll turn you into a quiet little hostage. - What´s wrong? There is no need to back off any further. I´ll just do what you wanted!” – I said and started laughing like those movie-villains, making up a spontaneous role play.

First, I thought of pulling him closer by the chain from the legcuffs, but that would´ve hurt him. So I just grabbed the chain and held it while getting closer and closer to him, shortening the chain with every inch I got closer. Finally, I reached his ankle, grabbed it and pulled him closer which made him fall on his back and giggle uncontrollably. I pulled him very close so his legs were on each side of me while I was still kneeling in front of him (I knelt on top of the chain connecting his ankles).

“Noooooo! PLEASE!!! Somebody HEEEEELLLPP! HEEELPP MEE! HE IS GOING TO KILL ME!!! PLEASE HEEEL-mmmmmmphhh!!” - he screamed, joining the role play, until I bent over him and pushed my left hand onto his mouth while grabbing his handcuff-chain with my right and pulling it over his head, holding it there.

“Sssshh little captive. It´s no use. You already got captured by Evil-Mark, the greatest villain of all times! You´re making it just harder for yourself. I didn´t want to torture you THAT bad… but now? I guess you leave me no choice.” – I said in my villain-voice again. This made his eyes widen and he started begging “mphs” through my hand, which was still handgagging him.

“Oh? What was that? You want to get tortured? Ok, if that´s what you want, I´ll make sure your wish will be granted!” – I teased him, knowing exactly that this wasn´t what he wanted.

“MMMMPHH-MMMMPPH!!!!” – he screamed, shaking his head as much as my tight handgag allowed.

“Are you talking back to me right now? You really dare to talk back to the great Evil-Mark? A big mistake, boy!” – I said in an authoritatively villain-voice. He knew I was just kidding and played along by sighing his surrender. Maybe I should have thought of a better name than “Evil-Mark”, but hey it was all improvised. I felt like I was 11 again, just fooling around all day and not caring about anything, just being a kid again.

“Good boy! You finally accepted your fate. I guess I don´t have to torture you all day then. So, first I´m going to make sure you stay quiet and not pulling off something funny, while I´m going back to sleep. Later you´ll get your punishment for waking me and believe me, boy, it won´t be pleasant muhahahahah!” – I announced evilly. ´I should play the evil villain more often, it's kinda fun.´- I thought, already used to the role of Evil-Mark.

He started shaking his head, pleading through my hand again until I added: “Ok brat, here is the deal: You cooperate and let me tie you evilly tight and secure for the rest of the morning. In return, you will only be tortured for 20 minutes during breakfast and you get your buddy ´Good-Mark´back, deal?” – I proposed and finished with an evil laugh again. I could feel him grinning under my hand, I guess the tying-part was exactly what he hoped would happen.

He nodded slowly, trying to look sad and defeated but couldn´t suppress his giggles and was literally grinning all the time. “I take my hand away, but if you make even the slightest sound, the deal is off and you´ll see Good-Mark never again, clear?” – I or better my evil role announced.

After he nodded, I took my hand away and he kept his word like a good little prisoner. We agreed on me gathering some supplies to keep him still and quiet, while he would have to follow me without doing anything stupid because our ankles were still cuffed together. Since I planned to keep him like that for a while, I decided to use ropes this time, so I wouldn´t hurt him.

It took a while for him, after we got up, to get used to walking like that. After all, he was tied with two pairs of legcuffs. His ankles were cuffed together with one pair while his right ankle was also cuffed to my left. That meant there were two longer chains he had to keep an eye on, so he wouldn´t trip over them and not letting them get pulled too much. He slowly followed me on my way to the pile of stuff to get the ropes, not saying a single word. The silence was quite awkward since he usually spoke a lot. It seemed he liked that spontaneous role play, if not he surely wouldn´t have kept quiet and would´ve asked all the time how he´s gonna be tied next.

When I finally grabbed a bunch of ropes that cheeky little brat couldn´t control himself anymore: “Ropes? Are you sure you know how to tie a knot? As far as I remember you are pretty useless in all practical things.” – he said provocatively.

As far as I could remember, the role play wasn´t finished. So, he just disobeyed Evil-Marks orders again. But I wasn´t really fond of the idea of making my threat come true and torture him all day. A little bit of torture is fun for both of us, but too much is just too much. So I needed to adjust my role play in a fitting way to avoid making Evil-Marks threat come true.

I turned around and just stared at him for a moment until he noticed what he did. He immediately slapped both his, still cuffed, hands onto his mouth and started to slowly back off again. He should have learned that it´s no use to back off like that, after all, we were still chained together. “What was that? I heard something rude right behind me. And it was pretty close. Was that you?” – I asked authoritatively.

He shook his head vigorously, let his hands drop and said: “No Sir. I would never talk back to the great villain!”

“But I don´t see anyone else in here, do you?” – I asked.

“No Sir, but I saw a… ehm… wait a moment… a… a shadow. It surely was a… ehm… enemy spy who wants you to torture me to get evidence against you. That´s it, I´m sure it is exactly like that.” – He said completely improvised.

“Oh, is that so? And why didn´t you stop him? Or warned me of his presence? Do you have any evidence that he was here?” – I said. It was too great to corner him a little bit. It made him a lot more unsure than usually while he tried to find a way to talk himself out of that situation.

“Ehm… eh… you know… it´s not that easy to answer this… Right! He threatened to kill me if I tell you something! You know, I´m already your prisoner, so I would never do something to upset you, great villain.” – he answered slightly proud that he got that idea. I was also pretty impressed by his quick answer.

“I may believe you this time since I have no evidence you lied to me. But! Since you have no evidence you´re speaking the truth, I shall get sure to pick an extra evil gag for you to ensure your loyalty to me. That way I´m sure you can´t make any rude comments at all. Muahahaha!” – I announced evilly.

He answered motivated “Yes Sir!” and followed me back to my bed. When we arrived, I asked him out of character if he had to use the bathroom first. We both didn´t know exactly how long he would be tied up, so he decided to use the bathroom first. I untied him completely, he went to the toilet and came back about 5 minutes later. In the meantime I prepared the ropes and also hid his ballgag, I wanted to use on him later, under the bed. I wanted it to be a little surprise.

He seemed excited, probably because it was the first time I would tie him with ropes (white quality ropes). I started by ordering him to stand next to my bed, on the right side of it. First, I tied his wrists behind his back (palm to palm). This was followed by tying his arms right above the elbow close together, so they nearly touched. He was quite flexible so it wasn´t hard to get them that close, also it didn´t hurt him. Of course, I cinched those bindings and put the knots as far up as possible, so he couldn´t reach them. That wasn´t necessary, because I was planning to get sure he can´t untie the knots by using something else anyway, but I just wanted to get sure. I used another rope, which I tied to his elbow-bindings and about 3 times around his torso and arms, so his arms were securely fastened to his back. I did the same with his wrist-binding and his waist/hips.

“How did you get that good with ropes? I can barely move my arms at all, but the ropes don´t hurt, they are just snug but impossible to slip out.” – he complimented me out of character.

“Thanks. Maybe I´m just a natural?” – I said proudly, which wasn´t true, I just practised on my own.

“Never! Have you ever been in boy-scouts?” – he asked.

“Nope, but if you don´t stop asking questions all the time, I have to gag you first and finish the job of tying you afterwards.” – I said, which finally made him quiet after he complained “Not fair!”.

Next, it was time to tie his legs. I started with his ankles by tying them parallel and cinching them off. I repeated the same at right above and below his knees and on his upper thighs. I used about 3-4 turns on all my bindings before I cinched them. All knots were at the front, so he couldn't reach them with his hands. I wanted to hogtie him, so the bindings right above and below his knees and at his thighs were a little looser than the other ones, so they wouldn´t dig into his skin too much after his legs were bent. Before I made him lie on his stomach on my bed, I grabbed a roll of duct tape and taped around all knots I had made until that point in time.

“Are you scared I might escape?” – he asked provocatively after I taped all the knots. It seemed he wasn´t caring about the roleplay anymore since he came back from the bathroom, so I decided to drop it too.

“Scared of your weak escaping skills? Never! Just getting sure I'm not accidentally untying you in my sleep.” - I said.

“Huh? Weak escaping skill, eh? Wanna bet I´m escaping your half-hearted knots before our late breakfast?” – he challenged me as provocatively as always.

“If I win, you´re gonna eat breakfast all tied up, eating as my puppy or getting fed and you get the most disgusting 20 minutes of torture you can imagine.” – I proposed.

“Ok, but if I win, we´re gonna change roles for 1 hour in which you get tied and tortured by me non-stop.” – he added.

“Deal!” – I accepted.

I knew there was no way he could escape but I still got worried. What IF he really escapes? One hour of torture? I was definitely double checking everything at the end, just to be on the safe side.

It was time to complete the hogtie. I made him lie on his stomach on my bed and bent his legs (I guess at a 45-degree angle, tight but not painful). I tied a rope around the cinch of his ankle-bindings, pulled it up to his wrists and wrapped it 3 times around the cinch there. I didn´t knot it there though, but dragged it along his back, wrapped it between is elbow-bindings and knotted it there 2 times before lifting it further to knot it to one of the rings at his collar. At last, I used the remainder of that rope, pulled it from the collar to his ankles and knotted it there again (at the front side of his ankles, so he couldn´t reach that knot either). Those knots got also covered in duct tape.

“How am I supposed to get out of that?? That´s completely impossible!” – he complained, trying to straighten his legs.

“I know. It´s supposed to be impossible. I don´t want to lose that bet, silly.” – I replied.
“Oh, and I´m not finished yet. You still have way too much freedom.” – I added when he started testing his bonds further.

“What?! I can´t move! What else do you think you can still tie up here!” - he said, proving his point by wriggling his hands and arms as much as possible. It seemed he was a little bit annoyed that he would lose that bet for sure. I guess he wanted to see me tied up again. ´Maybe I let him tie me up one day.´ - I thought, even though I preferred to be the one doing the tying.

“What´s wrong? Is little Max a bad loser?” – I teased.

“The only bad thing in here is your crappy ropework!” – he replied. I really got him with my comment about him being a bad loser, it seemed his fighting spirit jumped right back to life. But crappy ropework? I couldn´t let him get away with such a comment, right?

“Oh, if my ropework is that bad, I guess you don´t mind if I´m going to use something else to make it at least a little challenging for you.” – I said, went over to the pile of stuff and grabbed the two thumbcuffs. He couldn´t see what I grabbed there, because he wasn´t facing me in his current position.

“More challenging? Ehm, you know… maybe your ropework isn´t THAT bad… so… you don´t have to do any extra work just because of me. Just relax until I´m free, ok?” – he answered. I wasn´t sure if he was really believing he could escape or just didn´t want to confess that he was helplessly stuck.

“No way! I don´t want you to get bored without a REAL challenge.” – I said in my most annoying voice.

“Maybe you´re right. I don´t want you to be a sore loser after I escaped in no time, so you better give me a little challenge. Haha.” – he said in an ironic voice.

With that said, I ordered him to put his thumbs parallel to each other, which he did a little hesitantly, then cuffed his thumbs with the tumbcuffs.

“You are really scared I could win that bet, huh?” – he asked cheekily.

“You had no chance of escaping the ropes anyway but you have such a huge mouth, I just couldn´t resist making you even more immobile then. By the way, after I cuffed your big toes too, it´s time to shut that big mouth of yours.” – I said evilly.

“Wow, I guess I was never that much restricted before. It seems it´s time to drop the act then… and just surrender… There is no way I can get out of that, you did a great job tying me up, honestly. I´m really enjoying it. But you´re not leaving me alone like this, right?” – he said. It seemed he was a little afraid I could leave him like that, given by his voice. He probably felt more helpless than ever before with that much rope, the thumbcuffs, the incoming gag. Of course, I would never leave him alone like that… but maybe I should scare him a little?

“That depends on your behaviour, my little prisoner.” – I said, cuffed his big toes with the other thumbcuffs and gave his feet a quick tickle which made him shriek like a little girl. “That´s unfair!!!” – he screamed between his giggles.

“See? You´re way too loud, maybe I should really leave you alone for a while, so you can calm down again.” – I said and tried to scare him a little.

“No, please. I… just need you right now. Can you just gag me and let us cuddle a bit then?” – he asked, in a little bit desperate voice. I didn´t know what was wrong, but of course, if he needed me, I would be there. But I kept on my plan of gagging him, blindfolding him and I wanted to show him what it´s like to lose the ability to hear too.

“Ok, but you´ll be gagged, blindfolded and we try something new. I push something in your ears, so you can´t hear anything, ok?” – I asked.

“O-ok, I never did that before, but you won´t leave me, right?” – he said and asked again.

“I´ll never leave you really alone, at least not for a long time. You know that, silly.” – I tried to calm him.

I left him for a short time though to get the earplugs from the garage, they were foam like but would make him completely deaf. I placed everything next to him on the bed, so he could see it: A dense black silk scarf as a blindfold, the ballgag, and the earplugs.

“Wait for a second! You want to gag me with a ballgag? For that long? It will make me drool!” – he complained.

“Yes probably. What´s wrong with that?” – I asked.

“What´s wrong with it?? It´s embarrassing and it feels gross!” – he said.

“Ehm, after all, you think that´s embarrassing? Between us? I was lying on your wet briefs yesterday, THAT was gross and embarrassing. It´s only you and me in here, there is nothing to be ashamed of, after what happened I thought there could be nothing embarrassing between us anymore.”

“Yes you´re probably right, there is nothing that could be more embarrassing than our little adventure yesterday. It´s still disgusting to lie in my own drool for hours.” – he said and tried to move a little, so he could see me better. But that wasn´t easy in his current predicament.

“If that´s too much for you, we can change the gag to something else?” – I told him.

“I never said it´s too much for me. Nothing is too much for me… ok, nearly nothing if I remember that hogtie with cuffs. Of course, I can take that but it´s still gross.” – he announced which gave me another idea. ´He doesn´t like to drool? That´s the perfect punishment for his 20-minutes-punishment at breakfast later.´ - I thought.

“Are you sure?” – I asked seriously.

“Yes, Mark.” – he replied.

“Really?” – I wanted to get sure.

“Mark! I AM sure! I´m not a baby anymore, just trust me when I tell you I´m sure.” – he said.

“I can put you in diapers right now, then you are a baby again.” – I responded teasingly.

“Don´t you dare! I´m gonna kill you!” – he threatened and started slightly struggling against his bonds

“How are you gonna do that, trussed up like this?” – I said mockingly, but before he could answer I added: “Before your big mouth produces any more insults, I guess it´s better to gag you now. Last questions: Are you in pain? Is anything to tight? Does anything feel tingly or numb?”

“No, Mark. I´m fine. If you take any longer, it´s time to untie me before you even finished trussing me up. Slowpoke, hurry up.” – he said.

“Ok, ok. I have to ask the last question, regarding your little accident yesterday. Do you need to pee, I don´t want a wet patch on my bed.” – I said in an extra teasing voice to annoy him.

“Mark no! And stop talking about it!” – he shouted, blushed a bit and tried to kick me, at least, I guessed he wanted to kick me. He was that much restricted in that hogtie that you couldn´t really see what he wanted to accomplish with his pathetic little movements. In the end, he only managed to fall onto his left side. I pushed him back onto his stomach, so I could gag him easier.

“Ok Max, open up my little prisoner.” – I said while kneeling next to him on the bed, grabbed the ballgag and held it in front of his mouth. He let me push it in and buckle it without further resistance. I pushed it behind his teeth and buckled it tight so it was slightly pulling at the corners of his mouth, but it wasn´t painfully tight. To be on the safe side, I asked him if it was too tight but he shook his head, so he was ok with it.

Next, I added the blindfold and knotted it tightly behind his head. He got a bit nervous after that. He knew what was coming next, after all, it was the first time for him to be blindfolded, gagged and deaf at the same time. I started stroking his hair a little and asked him if he was ready before I pushed in the earplugs.

After they were in, I stood up and admired my handiwork. The ropes were perfectly tied and looked really neat. The only thing which wasn´t perfect was the tape on the knots. I used white ropes but the dark grey duct tape just didn´t fit in with the rest of my piece of art. I guess I somewhat lost myself in my own thoughts of how I could make it look better next time when he suddenly started to struggle a bit harder in his bonds and "mph" loudly through his gag. First, they weren´t that loud, he probably couldn´t even hear himself. It sounded like he tried to say “Mark?” but I couldn´t clearly understand it because of the ballgag. But then he started to struggle harder and shout a lot louder, he nearly screamed and sounded really desperate.

That´s when I realised that he found himself in complete darkness, without any possibility to figure out where I was. Also, you lose the track of time when you can´t see and hear at all. So he probably thought I just left him there all alone in the darkness of his predicament. At first, I thought I should just wait a few minutes to scare him a little bit, but I noticed that he started to panic and would probably hurt himself, especially his neck, with his hard struggles, also his breathing got heavier and faster. I was worried about him, so I immediately sat down on the bed next to him and put my hand on his right shoulder.

“Mph?” – he asked, whatever he wanted to ask with that.

“Calm down. Don´t worry, I´m here.” – I replied until I realised that he couldn´t hear me. I took my hand away from his shoulder and wanted to stroke his hair a little but he started to struggle and shout for me at the moment I took it away, so I put it back and used my other hand to stroke his hair a bit. You could see his muscles and whole body relax immediately when I did that.

He got scared whenever I stopped touching him but he also relaxed completely when I was stroking his hair. Honestly, I haven´t seen him that relaxed before. Since his only available sense was his sense of touch, I thought a good massage would probably help him to relax even more. Without removing my hand from his shoulder I got a bit closer kneeling directly next to him, so his thighs were touching my legs and started to massage both his shoulders. I could hear him making a sigh of relief and just completely let go of all his muscles. He was just lying there breathing calmly without moving and just enjoying what I did. I´m not a professional and with all those ropes it´s not easy but I tried my best. I started to move my hands down his tied arms and even tried to massage his hands and fingers as good as the thumbcuffs allowed.

When I was finished there, I thought it would be enough, but he started wiggling his legs and feet and mphing into his gag. He was clearly enjoying this a lot. So I gave his legs and even his feet a proper massage too. I was a bit scared to stand up, walk to the other side of the bed to lie back down for some time, after all, it was still early in the morning. I slowly got my hands away but he didn´t react at all. So I got on the other side of the bed and laid down next to him on my left side. He still didn´t move at all but he was still breathing calmly. So I started slightly stroking his head, still nothing. Then I realised he just slept in like that.

I carefully pulled him a bit closer, laid him on his left side, pulled the blanket up and put my right arm around him. “Mphan uh Mahk” he said and grabbed my other hand, which was lying between us, with his fingers and still cuffed thumbs.
Last edited by Killua 3 years ago, edited 4 times in total.
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Post by herbie2 »

Ohh yes!! Thanks! When you countinue? Play self bondage??
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Post by Killua »

[mention]herbie2[/mention] That's a very good question. Since I didn't make it in my announced time for this part, I can't say how long it will take. I guess the next part is most likely the last. If it's the last, it takes a while since the finale will be a lot of work to describe with all the feelings and a good conclusion. If it's not the last part it may be a little quicker. It all depends on how many pages the breakfast needs to be written. If I write minimum 5 pages only for the breakfast, it gets its own part.

What do you mean exactly with play selfbondage? Your questions gives a lot of room for interpretations :lol:
Last edited by Killua 3 years ago, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by lepangolin »

Well... many thanks again! Each part is better than the previous and given that the first one was already a blast, you're reaching great highs. Actually this is the story I've been wanting for ages, as it gathers about everything I like on every aspect. And please, don't apologize for making it longer than planned (the longer the better) or for making us wait, of course we are longing for updates but waiting is the least we can do.
Thank you :D
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Post by alkaid_ »

how I would like to have a neighbor like Max...

nice chapter man... this is a gret story.
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Post by Killua »

[mention]lepangolin[/mention] wow, thank you very much. I'll try my very best to keep up the same quality for the last part(s) and following stories about Max/Mark.

[mention]alkaid_[/mention] thank you! Me too :lol: but at the same time I wish I had an neighbour like Mark when I was younger to play these games with me. That surely would be some great memories that last forever.
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Post by Red86 »

Nice to see another chapter! With there being a little bit of a gap time wise between chapters, I welcomed the longer chapter. Made the wait worth it!
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Post by harveygasson »

Good to see the story continuing
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Post by Redman »

Absolutely fantastic! Thank you so much for sharing this! I love their dynamic!
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Post by Kratos »

Damn i am such a fan of sensory deprivation but you made just an amazing job making it show how relaxing it can be if you trust on the other person :D
Keep up the good work and i hope to see the next chapter soon :D
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Post by bondagefreak »

Max stood in the middle of my room with two really large bags. I asked him how long he planned on staying here and that I thought it would be only the weekend. He assured me it would be only the weekend and that one bag contains everything he needed for that weekend but the other one would be a surprise to keep me studying.

Of course, I wanted to know what the hell he kept in that bag and he was eager to show it to me. He turned it around and dumped everything on the ground. It took a moment to realise what it was and that´s when my brain just switched off like if somebody would have plugged out the power supply.
Mark isn't the only one on the edge of his seat wondering what the hell little Max has stashed in those big bags!
Way to finish a starting chapter [mention]Killua[/mention] :lol:

I realise I'm a little late to the party, but I generally make it a habit of catching up bit by bit and dropping spontaneous reviews along the way.

Looking forward to catching up to your work, my friend.
Already enjoying the opening scene quite a lot.
This tale's success is obviously well deserved.

Onto part II now!

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Post by bondagefreak »

Leaving your phone unattended without even any password protection!?
Come on Mark, you should know better than that!

Apparently, he doesn't, which makes the coy behaviour and semi-taunting jabs from Max all the more endearing :lol:
The level of embarrassment our grown protagonist is experiencing in chapter two is just blissful. You really get the impression that he wants to disappear in a corner somewhere. Also loving how wordy and verbally adept our witty little Max is 8-)
“W-What is this?!” – I replied, still nervous.

“It´s nothing to eat, if you thought so.” He started, waited a second, then continued “It is used to tie people up. I thought you would know that?”
Fantastic writing [mention]Killua[/mention]
The dialogue between these two is hugely enjoyable.
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Post by Killua »

Wow there are so many comments in the meantime. Thank you so much!

My hard time developed into a whole disaster... I wanted to wait until it's over to start writing again... and now I'm gonna start writing again to think on something else.

So, please stay tuned I will probably be able to post the part before the last part soon. After that the grand finaly will be next, which opens the way to more future stories about Max and/or Mark.
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Post by bondagefreak »

Well, chapter three definitely sheds some light.
I was genuinely wondering how Max being tied up and restrained was supposed to help Mark study.

It seems like little Max is several steps ahead of his babysitter (and myself) what with him planning this clever game and all.
What a brilliant twerp!

Speaking about brilliance, I find myself enjoying the tidbits of humour you seem to inject into the story every now and then.
“And what is if you can´t get out?” – Of course I had to ask this.

He looked a little bit puzzled and told me in way as if I was as stupid as some old piece of bread “Then I´m stuck.”
That's gotta be the most colourful version of the word "dumb" I've seen to date :lol:
Well done [mention]Killua[/mention]

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Post by Nightly Binds »

Firstly I must say this is a very well written and captivating story. I just started reading it earlier today when I discovered it, I know it's not finished yet, but I still feel the need to comment my thoughts on it so far, stories like this with younger characters being tied up by older ones ( babysitters, parents, relatives, older siblings ) I always found interesting or good pending on how it's done, I think what makes this story work best is that not only does it not take things too far or be too cruel with its themes, but giving the characters some real depth, it's not just a silly little tale of tie up. but real character emotion, Mark and Max have some real nice and even complex chemistry that I like, example I like how max despite wanting to be tied, still has has his limits and at times feels unsure of what will be done to him, but at the same time wants to prove to mark he can handle what ever and not make him so worried about him ( like with the hogtie incident )
And as doe Mark, I find him to be very interesting, but what helps is, I normally don't read too many stories where the main character is the one doing the tying, specially with themes such as this, but I think it really does help add to just what goes on in the head of someone who'd do the things they do, anyhow what else intrigues me about him is really is how his whole interests in tie up games started, and how to developed into wanting to try such games with Max to the point of writing stories based on his likeness, also though, much like max, I like how himself is still a bit unsure on how far he'd be able to take things, but also being very cautious and even comforting over how max feels about things, making sure he's not too scared, or feeling worried alone or seeming pressured into these things ( even if it was all his ideas) when he can tell. Basically, the story certainly comes off as being pretty wholesome most of the time which is probably why It's one of the more older people ties younger person relationship in this sense that I really like. )

sorry if that was a bit long, but this story just really caught my interests with how it was written., and with that said, look forward to another part even if it's going to be a final.
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Post by bondagefreak »

The communication prior to Max getting his feet cuffed with those hinged cuffs is delightful. As is the threat of those helpless soles being tickled by Mark aka "Big Dummy" :lol:

The skeleton Beam wrote: 3 years ago Firstly I must say this is a very well written and captivating story. I just started reading it earlier today when I discovered it, I know it's not finished yet, but I still feel the need to comment my thoughts on it so far...
Always great to see another user who understands how to review longer multi-chaptered stories.
Too often are authors here faced with the plight of the reader who refuses to comment because he/she's not fully caught up.

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Post by Nightly Binds »

bondagefreak wrote: 3 years ago
The skeleton Beam wrote: 3 years ago Firstly I must say this is a very well written and captivating story. I just started reading it earlier today when I discovered it, I know it's not finished yet, but I still feel the need to comment my thoughts on it so far...
Always great to see another user who understands how to review longer multi-chaptered stories.
Too often are authors here faced with the plight of the reader who refuses to comment because he/she's not fully caught up.
Oh thanks, yeah, When someone spends a lot of time writing a long story ( or even shorter ones :) ) like to try and give some nice detailed feedback, specially when it really catches my attention.
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Post by bondagefreak »

The banter in chapters five and six is really sweet and loving.
Mark may be new at this, but he's an all-around very attentive captor.

Very much appreciate the realism in all of this.
Don't think for one minute that the small details you inject into your writing don't make a difference or go by unnoticed.

We're picking up on them and they do make a difference.

Max is very quirky and full of life.
He makes for some very amusing banter and I love the way he teases his captor all the time.

Now I'm very much wondering what Mark plans on pulling out of the bag.
A leash!? :lol:

P.s- Maybe someday Mark and Max will meet Andrew and Ethan?
After all, if I'm not mistaken, Mark and Andrew went to the same high school and already know each other 8-)

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Post by Killua »

[mention]The skeleton Beam[/mention] I just want to tell you a huge thank you for writing such a detailed comment. I'm really glad you liked the way I described my characters. It was really important to me to give them their own personality and depth. Making Mark the one who is actually telling the story was quite challenging. It's important for some parts of the story (especially when he finds out something about Max's past) and it gives me the opportunity to describe how Mark felt about all that. On the other hand it makes it a lot harder to describe how Max felt which is mostly reduced to Mark guessing what Max could feel, Max telling him how he feels which might be a lie, or Max told him later how felt at that moment, since the story is written a bit in the past.

[mention]bondagefreak[/mention] Thanks again for all you great comments!
bondagefreak wrote: 3 years ago
It seems like little Max is several steps ahead of his babysitter (and myself) what with him planning this clever game and all.
What a brilliant twerp!

Speaking about brilliance, I find myself enjoying the tidbits of humour you seem to inject into the story every now and then.
Yep, Max surely is a smart young boy and definitely has some things up his sleeve that Mark doesn't know about.
Putting some pieces of humor into it was also very important to me which ended in many of those dialogues between those two.
bondagefreak wrote: 3 years ago The banter in chapters five and six is really sweet and loving.
Mark may be new at this, but he's an all-around very attentive captor.

Max is very quirky and full of life.
He makes for some very amusing banter and I love the way he teases his captor all the time.
I somehow started to love writing these dialogues between them. So you can be sure as long as they are able to talk, they are always trying to tease the other one. They are probably more like brothers than the most real brothers.

The realism you mentioned is something that is really important to me. I always try to make it as realistic as possbile and try to imagine the things as good as possible to get sure I made no mistake. That is also one thing I love in your stories, you also make it really realistic. At some points it's hard to keep the realism up because I'm using items in the story I don't own myself and can only describe with "knowledge" I got from other stories. But you can be sure there won't be such a thing in my stories, I sadly read from time to time, where characters for example get their mouths stuffed with an amount of things a normal working human mind would instantly know that this would never, really never fit into one mouth :lol:
bondagefreak wrote: 3 years ago P.s- Maybe someday Mark and Max will meet Andrew and Ethan?
After all, if I'm not mistaken, Mark and Andrew went to the same high school and already know each other 8-)
Oh did they? :lol: Sure, that's possible. As long as no one is hurting his precious little Max they surely would get along pretty well. It seems like they even share the same interest 8-) , even though they probably don't know that yet. I'm not sure on the variety of equipment Andrew collected after their first game, but I'm sure he would love to use some of Max's large amount of stuff :lol:
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Post by bondagefreak »

Aww, poor little Max getting his face shoved in the chocolate ice cream bowl.
Serves him right for all his smartass badmouthing :lol:

Yes! I knew a collar would somehow make an appearance here.
I have to agree with Mark. Max does make a great puppy.

I do share our older protagonists confusion though.
Where the hell did Max get all this stuff!? :lol:

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