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The Final Game

The site was gradually being packed up and Will was spreading the remains of the fire to render it safe. There were now only four captive boys.

George was “enjoying” his own private sauna while James made himself as comfortable as possible against his tree. Yuri and John still propped one another up and Yuri was glad that the others seemed to have forgotten to gag him again.

Lewis announced that there was to be one final game and Will was called over to where Yuri and John were sitting and instructed to kneel. “Yuri, it’s your lucky day.” Yuri did manage to refrain from calling Lewis a sarcastic bastard but he didn’t like the sound of what he was hearing. “Double or quits?” Yuri didn’t understand so Lewis explained. “You lost so you have to be the contestant in the next game. We’ll give you the chance to play double or quits. What’s it going to be?”

Even in his desperation, Yuri wasn’t stupid enough to take such an unspecified bet and asked what he would have to do.

“You have to wrestle either John or Will. If you win, we’ll let you off the next game. If you lose, you have to be the contestant in the next two games.”

Yuri knew he’d be unlikely to defeat Will who was slightly taller than he and whose muscular frame was much stronger than his. Besides, unlike himself, Will hadn’t been tied up without remission for hours. Now John would be an easy matter: although athletically built, John was much lighter than Yuri and he’d spent the night, and most of the previous day tied up. It must be worth a try.

“OK, I’ll wrestle John.

“You’re saying you’ll take the challenge?”


“Are you sure?” Yuri was in no state to think clearly or he’d have been more careful.

“Yes, I’m sure.”

“Right, anyone got a coin so that we can select Yuri’s opponent?”

“I said I’d fight John.”

“You said you’d take the challenge. The other wrestler hasn’t been selected yet.”

“Oh, come on, Boys! I’m begging.” And sure enough, he was. He managed to get onto his knees leaving John sprawled on the ground.

“Was he given the chance to get out of it? Who heard him say he was sure?”

Of course Lewis got the answers he wanted. Yuri recognised when he was beaten. At least they’d have to untie him for a while.

“So, who’s the opponent going to be?” asked Tim. “Will it be the wily, wiry Zoolander (John shot him a grin from here he lay.) or will it be the mighty muscled Gofer?” He tossed the coin, caught it in mid-air and turned it over onto the back of his hand. “OK, Will, heads or tails?”


“Heads it is. The wrestler is going to be . . . WILL!”

Yuri already knew he’d been suckered and, let’s face it, Will could have called anything he liked and, if he had called wrongly, Tim would simply have said, “Sorry Will, tails it is. You lose. You have to fight him.”

Yuri took slight consolation in knowing that he could pay Tim back when he had to submit to a forfeit he’d earned for losing a bet during the week. Tim really didn’t seem to have thought that out. Or had he?

Charlie untied Yuri and he was allowed ten minutes to prepare himself. He considered running for it but they’d got him where they wanted him, the potential consequences just didn’t make escape worthwhile. Will jumped, stretched, loosened up, did one-arm press-ups and generally flaunted his fitness.

“Oh, by the way, Will, don’t lose will you?” Will understood the implied threat in Nick’s question. He wasn’t going to lose.

Yuri had the choice: he could just allow himself to get rolled over and humiliated further but at least it would soon be over or he could try to salvage some pride. Perhaps the others would recognise his courage and maybe even go easy on him as a result? There was no real choice, Yuri decided to go for it.

“Contestants, . . . are you ready?” Both boys indicated that they were, although one did so more reluctantly than the other. “Usual rules: no biting, no hair pulling, no spitting, no punching and leave one another’s dicks alone.” Tim had a way with words. “Best of three pins, no ring.”

Will casually adjusted himself inside his now far from clean jammers and Yuri wished that his filthy, baggy green boxers didn’t leave him quite so exposed at times. But hell, it was nothing the others hadn’t seen before.

Without a ring, there was no way either boy could just force his opponent out of bounds and pinning was the only possible score. Anyone knocking out an opponent would later find himself on the receiving end of some violent “accidental” retaliation from his school-mates when he least expected it.

Yuri launched a furious attack. The two boys went into a clinch but Yuri soon found himself being used as a mattress by Will. But not many mattresses get that winded when someone lands on them! A break was called and Will obeyed the convention of kneeing, facing away from his opponent with his hands on his head while Yuri recovered. Over the years, the boys had just mixed and matched the rules from various disciplines to suit themselves but everyone obeyed the rules.

Both wrestlers accepted drinks of water and Yuri came up to scratch. Tim told Will that he could do so as well. Both boys faced one another and crouched down. There was some delay in taking the first hold and, once they had engaged, it was obvious that Will was just toying with Yuri; allowing him to feint and try to trip him, all the while ignoring the former and neatly dodging the latter. Once he thought he‘d done enough to please the spectators, Will just swept an exhausted Yuri off his feet, dumped his backside on the ground and pinned his shoulders with his knees.

“And the winner is . . . the Mighty Gofer!” announced Tim as he raised Will’s right hand. Yuri just lay awaiting whatever his tormentors had in store for him, as if having no choice of role in the next two games wasn’t bad enough.

Will knelt, took Yuri’s right arm and helped him to sit up. “Well done, mate. Sorry. You had no chance really. You know what I had to do.”

Yuri nodded and shook Will’s hand.

Postlude – Epilogue

It was time for the boys to start their short trek home. The losers knew what would be expected of them. So did Will; he might have pleased the club members but he was still the gofer after all. James was untied, except for his wrists, and his pack was strapped onto his back, George was released from his sleeping bag, and stood with his blue boxers clinging tightly to him but he was unable to do very much about it with his arms bound. Will packed his sleeping bag into his rucksack, which he then strapped on for him because, of course, his hands were still bound as well. Tommy revelled in his relative freedom, even though he was still allowed only his boxer-briefs, and he freed his friend’s legs. When he freed his arms as well, Will couldn’t help wondering why he hadn’t done that before he’d had such difficulty threading the straps of the rucksack through George’s bindings.

That left just Yuri and John. John’s boxer-briefs were now not in their previous pristine condition. They had come a bit of a cropper in the heather during the cross country. It was a bit like those scenes from rubbish films where the hero’s/heroine’s clothes are almost completely shredded but miraculously always seem to be intact enough to prevent the censors getting out their blue pencils. John just hoped that the photos of him in the snagged, torn garment would do him justice. His wrists were re-tied behind him and his arms were secured to his sides. Obviously, his legs were freed and Will asked if he should be gagged.

“Silly question, that’s John.” Following Tim’s remark, Will went to the first aid kit and took a roller bandage and a wide roll of micro-pore tape from it. Before long, the unwrapped, but still rolled bandage was no longer sterile and was being held firmly in place by the entire roll of tape.

Yuri had been given time to recover before his wrists were bound and his arms were secured to his torso. That was really a formality, the loser had to be bound and Yuri expected as much, but the others thought that he had suffered enough (and would do so in the future) and wouldn’t need to be gagged for the walk back to school.

It just remained to decide how difficult to make life for the gofer. He already had the heavy pack of stakes and other equipment to carry and would have to manoeuvre the, by now much emptier, Waterhog Plus back home.

“If we got them,” here Lewis indicated John and Yuri, “to drag the empty barrel, Will could carry some of our stuff.”

Ben’s suggestion was that his team carried their own stuff and that Will should be tied up for the walk home. That was the winning suggestion simply because Will couldn’t be expected to carry equipment for every member of the Green Dragons and the Back Boys.

“What about the barrel?”

“Will can drag it with his hands bound.”

“Oh, play fair, the boy done well. Give him a break.”

The debate proceeded until a decision was made: Will was to be bound. After all, he did want to become a member of the TUGs club but the losing contestants would take the barrel between them. Alex, still bare-chested and in his cowboy hat, bound Will’s wrists simply but effectively behind him and Nick lifted his heavy rucksack while Tim strapped it onto him and pulled the straps tight.

The boys were nearly ready to leave and Yuri and John were tied together by their necks. They had very little space between them but the knots were not going to tighten round their necks. The barrel was rolled into place and the handle was threaded onto a rope which was tied to Yuri’s wrists at one end and to John’s at the other. Going uphill the boys’ task would be easy but avoiding even an empty barrel as it tried to overtake them as they struggled downhill was predicted to be suitable entertainment for the winners. Unfortunately for the winners, both John and Yuri were too used to the situation and managed to grab the handle during the downhill stretches.

It must have taken the party nearly two hours to reach the school boundary but no one was in any great hurry and, before the final preparations, most of the boys decided that it was time for a rest. Yuri, John and Will had to kneel as did George and James. Lewis made a summary of the situation while the free members of the company enjoyed drinks from their water bottles.

Lewis ordered that George and James should be released so Ben and Charlie did the honours and the newly freed James sat himself more comfortably on the ground. George took the opportunity to make himself more comfortable and Lewis handed the valedictory address over to James, who hadn’t bothered to dress again even though he was now entitled to do so. The day was too hot for that.

James put it to the vote that Will should be elected to the TUGs club. Passed nem con. Will now had to decide which team he would like to join but he had until the next game to ask. He wasn’t untied yet; he was still the gofer.

Yuri was reminded of his “sentence”. He accepted it with better grace than some, who didn’t know him as well as the others, had expected. They were, after all, good friends – most of the time! James wrung the promise from the others that, on their oaths as members of the St. Luke’s TUGs club, once Yuri had acquitted himself of the current impositions, no one would ever mention “the lessons we can learn from history” again. Such oaths were easily sworn but everyone present knew what the others would do (or, even worse, would not do) to anyone who dishonoured his oath.

That just left John. He’d had a great couple of days and he couldn’t see why Yuri didn’t really want to be the contestant next time.

As has been said previously, no one really turned a hair about boys walking the residential areas in just their underwear although, perhaps, the state of Yuri and John might be expected to occasion some sort of comment. However, the time had come for the event to come to an end. Charlie untied Will’s wrists and complimented Alex on a tie well tied and the rest of the boys left Will to free Yuri and John.

For at least two of the boys, the next weekend couldn’t come too soon.

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A Question

Tagging [mention]blackbound[/mention], [mention]bondagefreak[/mention], [mention]chloroboy[/mention], [mention]Killua[/mention] , and [mention]Veracity[/mention] - all of whom commented on this tale - but reactions form any readers would be appreciated.

What should I post next?
1) a short side-story involving Scott, Action Man, Evan, and GP from the "Land Farmers and the Sailor Boys"
2) the next short tale involving the St. Luke's TUGs club

All responses would be valued
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Post by Killua »

That's a very good question. I loved your landfarmers story but I still haven't finished it and probably have to start with chapter one again because it's quite a time since I started reading it. I just didn't have the time at the moment.

I liked the St. Lukes Tug club too, but I didn't finish it because of the same reason.

Personally I would tend more to 1 because I somehow feel more connected to the characters. I still can remember them more than the characters from the st. Lukes Tug Club even though I started reading the second a lot later than the Landfarmer's story.
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Post by Xtc »

Thanks for that. It gives me useful feedback. Perhaps I have to pay more attention to the characters of the St. Luke's boys?
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Post by Carnath »

Tough choice. I think I'll vote for 2, as I better remember it, but I'm eager to read both eventually.
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Thanks for that and I understand your point.
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Post by Killua »

Xtc wrote: 3 years ago Thanks for that. It gives me useful feedback. Perhaps I have to pay more attention to the characters of the St. Luke's boys?
I always had some problems in remembering characters, so for me they just got a little bit too quick introduced, especially all at once. I hadn't the time to slowly learn a bit about them and connect them with something to remember them easier. As far as I remember the story of the landfarmers had a little slower pace at the beginning, so not all characters were immediately introduced. Hopefully I'm not wrong with that, but if I remember correctly it started more or less with Scott "hanging around" before it came to the others. So I could easily remember Scott as the one who always loves to get tied, even in uncomfortable positions and who is the one who was hanging there. So, I had something which was immediately connected to his name. And during the story, there were new members slowly introduced. It all had a perfectly fitting pace.
The story about St. Luke's is also great. It's my bad ability in recognising characters which is to blame here. It's a shorter story, about a specific occurence, so it's normal that they couldn't get introduced seperately. There were so many characters, it would've needed an eternity for you to introduce them seperately.
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Post by blackbound »

A lot of good responses already; I don't really have a strong preference either way, but lean towards 2.

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Post by Xtc »

Thanks for the reply. I hope you will enjoy whichever I decide upon.
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Post by Xtc »

Thanks for the elaboration [mention]Killua[/mention]. It is obviously something I shall have to take into account in the future.
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Post by Veracity »

Happy with what I get, leaning towards option number one.
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Thank you, [mention]Veracity[/mention]
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Post by bondagefreak »

A short tale with the St. Luke's TUGs club, definitely!

Another story involving some of the "Land Farmers and the Sailor Boys" characters would be great as well, and I'd surely end up reading whichever you decided to publish first. In other words, I'm voting the same as [mention]blackbound[/mention].

P.s- I just finished reading "Early Morning Calls", "Breakfast Table Talk" and "The Maggot Race".
As you know, huge fan of the sleeping bag scenes and the outdoor/camping setting. Enjoying this tale quite a bit!
Only the final scene left before I'm fully caught up.
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Post by Xtc »

Thanks for that, [mention]bondagefreak[/mention].
Now I'd better get down to editing.
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Post by Xtc »

[mention]blackbound[/mention] , [mention]bondagefreak[/mention] , [mention]chloroboy[/mention] , [mention]Killua[/mention] , and [mention]Veracity[/mention], thanks for the feedback.
On balance, it seems that I shall have to introduce the Yellowbellies. Scott & co can wait!
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