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Re: The Rope Bunny (m+f+/f+) *NEW* June 15th *NEW*

Posted: Mon Jun 19, 2023 10:35 pm
by RopeBunny
The bondage forum
A thread in the general talk section titled 'Did we kill the Bunny?'


I believe in the Rope Bunny.

Anyone else? Those of you at the back, laughing, you can leave.

Fuck the rest of you. I. Believe.

Just so happens that I go to college with Bill, of Jenny_Bill fame.

(Do you see where this is going yet?)

Point is I know. KNOW. How to call her correctly. What to do. When to do it. The whole works.



No Bunny.

And, the word is, if you call her, she HAS to come.


Guys. Girls.

I'm asking.

Did we, have we, somehow, killed the Bunny?



Did you get the time right?



Bet you forgot the mirror lol



Did you have a friend? Tie them up?



Did you use a gag, the correct words?



@ abced654 I did.

@ on_fire_sam nope, had one right in front of me.

@ goth4u18 you don't need one. Although, if you're offering to help....?

@ WiseOldElf wondered whether you'd weigh in Arthur lol. I was gagged up, did my best on the words, 99.999% lol certain I got them right.

Anyone else tried to call her?

Did she come?



Me. I've tried.

And. No. She didn't come.

Can't guarantee I got the method right, but.



An absence of Bunny.



@ green_isnt_yellow I'm a dude.



I tried too.

Got the instructions off a friend of a friend, someone I trust though.

I think? lol

No Bunny.



@ goth4u18 so? I'm a dude too.

I ask again. Want to play?



Tumbleweed blowing across the chat lol


Re: The Rope Bunny (m+f+/f+) *NEW* June 15th *NEW*

Posted: Mon Jun 19, 2023 10:35 pm
by RopeBunny
Blog 021.
Rope Bunny V2.0?

Full disclosure. Yes, I blog, I write, but, I write essays. I suck at stories. So cut me a little slack (pretty please x) with this one.

I'm going to- try to -write this all from my POV.

Wish me luck lol.

Almost five, in the morning so silly not sensible o'clock. Everything's prepared, ready, and gagged me is facing the mirror in my dorm room.

(And no, for the hundredth time I won't tell you which college I attend.)

Confident. I've spent the last months engaged in mostly secret research, reaching out to friends of friends, people in the know.

Making sure that when I call her, I get it right.


Nothing happens.

No flash.

No smoke.

No Bunny.

Frowning, I pull off my gag- an old football sock, that belonged to an ex, that I washed so don't be disgusting -and head to the small ensuite. I'm at the door, on the threshold one foot on tile one on carpet, when there's a polite cough behind me.

So I stop, turn.

Find a blonde schoolgirl sitting on my bed.

Curling hair, and a slim figure. She's wearing a short sleeved untucked white shirt, loosely knotted dark red tie, a tight fit over a large chest. Lace up boots reach towards her knees, above which bare legs vanish inside a short tight black skirt.

"Help you?"
"Wa....?" The power of speech, of coherent thought. Gone. I stare, she laughs. Stands.

"Thing is," a shrug, "what's your name?"

I tell her. (I'm not telling you bunch of stalkers lol) She nods.

"Right. Cool. Well, thing is, I'm due in English class in." Vague wave of her hand. "Soon. But. Apparently we can't keep ignoring the fans so...."
"I'm sorry. But." Trying to make my head work. "Who are you?"

(I swear all this next part, which I've tried to remember, was just her talking to herself.)

"I." Dramatic pause, arms spread wide. "Am the Rope Bunny."
"Shush." Putting a finger to her lips. "I'm doing it."
"Well, if you want?"
"No. School is important." Almost a lecturing tone. "I know I'm English, and it's English, but that doesn't mean we can skip class." Pausing to give me a little wave, a wink. "No matter how cute she is."
"I am. Just." Tutting. "Look, you think you can do this quicker, come on and try."

"Okay then I w-"

The Bunny, like a movie special effect. The same hair I realise, the exact same body shape. The same body? The same.


Blonde hair spilling from around a pastel pink hood, a furry costume showing that large chest off really well. She grins, stretches up onto tip toes, reaching for my ceiling.

"You want go play?"
"Um." Focus. I swallow, nod.

"Right. Great." Nodding back. "How about...." looking up at my ceiling, thoughtful.

(At this point she holds another conversation with herself.)

"Really?" Pulling a face. "We have to do that class too?"
"And after?" Thoughtful face, nodding. "Not today?
"No?" She laughs. "Well you'd better hurry up before I tell her."
"I know." A kinder tone. "It'll be fine though, and." Switching to something more mischievous in an instant. "I'm here if you need a hand."
"Sorry." Giggling. "But. Well. It's what I a-"


The schoolgirl finishes.

"So." Facing my mirror, adjusting her tie. "Are you free later?"
"To play." Turning to face me, smiling. "With the ever popular Rope Bunny. That's what you were calling about right?"
"Oh. Um. Yes?"
"Great. So." Running a hand down her front. "As you can see I'm a little busy, but. Later?"

"Say...." Looking at my bedside alarm clock, the red digits flashing in the semi darkness. "Three hours?"
"Until what?"

She laughs, kind and amused not mean. My clearly still fogged head.

"I'll come back. She." Tracing invisible rabbit ears, feeling the shape as they rise up off the head, with both hands. "She'll come back. To play."
"In three hours?"
"If you want?"
"Okay." Nodding, am I busy? Fuck it, I'll make myself free. "Sure. Please, um, come back." I point at the floor. "Um. Here."

The schoolgirl nods, tips me a salute, vanishes in a sudden boiling attack of white smoke that erupts all around her from the air.


Did she come back?

You'll have to read my next blog....

Re: The Rope Bunny (m+f+/f+) *NEW* 19/06 *NEW*

Posted: Tue Jun 20, 2023 8:00 pm
by tickletied84
Ooh, a blog - how retro!

Great update - the Bunny really does travel!

Re: The Rope Bunny (m+f+/f+) *NEW* June 15th *NEW*

Posted: Wed Jun 21, 2023 4:46 pm
by BlissfulMisery
RopeBunny wrote: 1 year ago It's why I write what I want, not really stopping to think on what might be more popular story subjects. If I write for me then comments are a bonus, since I'm enjoying the act of creating either way.

Though of course they always help.
A good way to approach it - as I think I have mentioned before. Still, as you said, it helps. Glad to do my part in offering encouragement :)

As for the chapter...

...Well it seems Kayley and the Bunny are trying to get used to this whole 'sharing a body' thing. Quite amusing how they bicker about it.

Seems the Bunny is at least somewhat free of the binding - at this point perhaps she sees it more as being offered easy opportunities to practice her trickster ways...

Interesting that the Bunny no longer arrives in 'costume', but in (presumably) what Kayley was wearing when she was summoned. Well, magic is magic I suppose.

@ green_isnt_yellow I'm a dude.
I actually liked that little bit of exchange leading to this. Nice subtle implication on 'goth4u18' thoughts without actually stating anything outright. Very concise, even if it is somewhat of a 'throwaway' interaction/character that will probably never come up again.

Obviously not the only good detail in the chapter, but figured I would mention it - the small things matter too!
tickletied84 wrote: 1 year ago Ooh, a blog - how retro!
To be fair, blogs do still exist, despite the overall decline in their popularity, so perhaps not *that* retro :P

Re: The Rope Bunny (m+f+/f+) *NEW* 19/06 *NEW*

Posted: Thu Jun 22, 2023 3:45 pm
by RopeBunny
tickletied84 wrote: 1 year ago Great update
Thank you :D
BlissfulMisery wrote: 1 year ago Interesting that the Bunny no longer arrives in 'costume', but in (presumably) what Kayley was wearing when she was summoned. Well, magic is magic I suppose.
Another case of my not managing to write the chapter well enough I'm afraid :lol:

Not in any way trying to out myself down, I'm well aware that I can't think of everything, and this being a TUGs site not a professional story means no proof readers or such, nobody to spot these slip ups.

It was meant to be, it is, Kayley arriving in Kayley's costume. Because she's in school when the call comes in. I have made reference to the fact they're sharing, which goes both ways.

And I shall be doing an explanation, or trying to, in a future chapter.
(Pointing out that Kayley can access the Bunny too, that it isn't simply one way)


Thanks for the comment, and for the record though the goth4u18 thing wasn't destined to go anywhere I liked it as something to drop in too.

Re: The Rope Bunny (m+f+/f+) *NEW* 19/06 *NEW*

Posted: Thu Jun 22, 2023 3:48 pm
by RopeBunny
RopeBunny wrote: 1 year ago
It was meant to be, it is, Kayley arriving in Kayley's costume. Because she's in school when the call comes in. I have made reference to the fact they're sharing, which goes both ways.
Quoting myself now :lol:

For the benefit of clearing it up, because I'm not sure if/when I'll put a good enough explanation into a chapter.

Take it as gospel that:
If she's wearing a bunny suit it's the Bunny.
If she's dressed in any other way its Kayley.

Re: The Rope Bunny (m+f+/f+) *NEW* 19/06 *NEW*

Posted: Thu Jun 22, 2023 9:42 pm
by Switchgirl
Love that I’ve inspired you! Wow!! Still loving this and waiting to see how Kayley and the RB manage this new arrangement!

Re: The Rope Bunny (m+f+/f+) *NEW* 19/06 *NEW*

Posted: Sat Jun 24, 2023 10:09 pm
by RopeBunny
Switchgirl wrote: 11 months ago Love that I’ve inspired you! Wow!! Still loving this and waiting to see how Kayley and the RB manage this new arrangement!

Thanks for commenting, and for the inspiration. I'm just full of ideas now I've had a think lol

Next chapter below :D

Re: The Rope Bunny (m+f+/f+) *NEW* 19/06 *NEW*

Posted: Sat Jun 24, 2023 10:09 pm
by RopeBunny
Jody and the Bunny.
Part 003.

It's been two weeks, roughly, since France. I know something happened, I've got that much out of Chelle.

Something to do with the Bunny.

Something to do with the girl, my girlfriend, whose body the Bunny borrows.

Something, but she won't tell me what?

As for the girl herself: blonde bombshell Kayley. Pretty, funny, endlessly kissable and adorably shy whenever I try to move things between us to a point where the amount of clothing we're each wearing decreases.

From her I get a small smile, an equally small shake of her head.

A promise that she will tell me all about it, just, not yet.

Even my not so secret- because a pair of bra and shirt straining E cups are impossible to hide -secret weapons, deployed on numerous occasions by way of cleavage and not so subtle hinting towards my willingness to let her see me topless. Even my breasts can't elicit any answers.

"Shush." Placing a finger to my lips, quick darted gaze left and right, the emptiness of the corridor in school confirmed. Kayley leans in to kiss me, her finger still in place.

Warm, happy, tingle as I feel her breasts press against mine.

"I told you." Pulling back, retrieving her finger, a cheeky very Rope Bunny like grin on her face. "Go home, and I'll surprise you later."
"Later like," my blood up, my turn to step in, wrapping Kayley's tie around one hand, making a fist, pulling her close, "after dinner?"

Less concerned with who sees what, the siren song of want and need rising inside, with my free hand I cup Kayley's shirt covered breast from the side, squeezing gently but firmly to, alongside my leash like grip on the school tie, hold her in place.

A small sigh escapes Kayley's lips, which I kiss, before stepping back. Freeing her.

"Okay." Smiling myself, always pleased to witness the effect I have on her, no less then she does me. "I'll be a good girl and wait."

One final kiss as the bell rings, and we part company. The days final two lessons we'll be apart, separate subjects, and, though we won't walk home together- something we tend to do three or four days each week -it seems I will be seeing Kayley.


And it's close once or twice, but, I manage to win the good girl fight. I don't message her, don't ring. I wait, all patient.

And after dinner, around seven, I'm rewarded by the tinkle of an incoming message.

Where are you? x'

Smiling as I briefly debate being, trying to be, funny or funny/creepy, I opt for the truth.

Downstairs, helping Mum wade through sitcoms lol x'

So. You're bored, and free? x lol'

Yes. And, yes x'

Come up to your room, I'm waiting xx'

I almost fumble, drop, my phone. Her message is like an invisible finger, beckoning. Like some cartoon magic luring the gullible children towards danger.

I've got questions, because I didn't let her in, and nor did Mum. And nobody else is here, my brother is at practice, Dad with him no doubt talking sports and whatever else parents discuss whilst their kids are together.

But. Why would she lie?

Certain I'm actually visibly shaking, I can feel that much adrenaline pumping through me, I stand.

"I'm, Mum. Well." I point, gesture, at the ceiling.

"Homework to do?" Mum asks. I manage to nod, then flee, taking the stairs as quickly, yet quietly, as I can.

All but fling open my door.

Stopping. Stopped, on the threshold by what I find.

My mouth dropping open as my heart chooses now as the perfect time to attempt breaking out of my chest. The sudden pounding is deafening.

Kayley is. "Hi." Offering a shy nervous smile, blush rising on her cheeks and neck. Impossibly, in my room.

"But. But." Waving, arms left and right like giant scissors I step forward, use a foot to push my door closed. "I mean."
"Surprise." Quiet, still blushing even as she gives her body a small shake.

Very nearly bringing me across the room to kiss or simply devour her.

"How...?" Dropping my arms, leaning against my door lest I collapse. Heart still racing. I blink, half expecting her to dissappear, a figment of my wishful imagination.

Because, since Kayley's Mum appears so easygoing on the privacy front, not to mention she found her daughter tying me up, and didn't seem to care, we've yet to attempt any kind of, anything, that isn't strictly studying with the occasional snatched kiss, in my room.

But now here she is, Kayley, my girlfriend, driving a freight train through that particular point.

I, honestly, can't even say whether its the ropes, or what she's wearing, that have me more excited.

She's, somehow, been lashed to my bed. Not somehow because the act would be hard, my bed is wooden, plenty of handy slats and posts. No, somehow because who could've done it? She's laid just to one side of the middle, arms pulled up over her head, wrists crossed and fastened to the headboard, legs together and similarly bound by the ankles to a slat at the foot end. Her limbs are pulled tight, arm muscles standing out, her naturally flat belly sunken in that bit more.

She is- oh fuck me -wearing nothing more then a small bikini. Less clothing then I've ever seen her in aside from a couple of group swimming trips what seems like forever ago, less even then the bra and pants I've stripped down to for her a couple of times.

Less, because it really is a small bikini.

The bottoms are tie side, green and black camouflage print with quite a small triangle covering her modesty at the front. The tops are a pair of triangles, black with some kind of white grinning skull design on the left one. They do cover her breasts, but, only at the sides and some of the front, there's acres of cleavage there.

Not to mention the rest of her exposed skin.

"I." Taking two quick steps forwards, stopping myself. Deep breath. "Think I might actually explode."

She grins, and I feel very overdressed in my dark blue baggy joggers and equally baggy white Ford Motorsports tee. Which I can't pull off, because I'm not wearing a bra, and I promised Kayley I wouldn't get my breasts out until she was ready.


"How are you even here?"
"Well." Biting her lip, a quick nod. "Don't freak out, okay?"
"Ohhh kay?"
"Thing is." Stopping to take a deep breath. "I had he-"

Like a trick, like, because damn me to hell forever but I like her too.

How can I not be developing feelings of a sort for someone who looks just like Kayley and is absolutely crazy nuts for anything ropes too?

In an eyeblink. Quicker. Kayley becomes the Rope Bunny, the bikini becoming a pure white fluffy costume.

Her position unchanged, still lashed to my bed.


Laughing, playful, as I jump back with wide eyes.

"She's still here." Nodding, testing the ropes by way of shaking my girlfriend's body, those still mostly exposed breasts capturing my gaze. Like always when I see Kayley. See the Bunny.

"I." Calming my breathing, and heart, with an effort. "Don't understand."
"No." Still grinning. "Nor do we, really. But. The thing is we're shar-"

"-ing now." Kayley finishes. Grinning a pure Bunny made grin as I jump again.

"Come here." Nodding at that convenient empty patch of bed beside her, just wide enough that I can lay down, but only if I'm pressed into her.

Such a tough life.

"My. Um." Wondering why I never followed through on my idle threats to bind her. In truth it's because I love being helpless so much, I'd always pick that side, but.

Damn she looks amazing.

"Mum." Laid on my side, head resting on my arm, my other arm across Kayley, fingers tracing idle patterns across her belly. One leg atop both of hers. "She might come up. And my. Um." Upward nod, behind me, at my closed door. "It isn't locked."
"I know." Kayley nods, her head angled to the side, putting us eye to eye. "But." Treating me to a nervous smile, stretching her bound body, breasts going up, down, moving beneath those small triangles. Teasing. "I don't mind taking a small risk."

"I." Swallowing, gaze missle locked onto her chest but managing, for now, to keep my hand on her belly. "Okay."

For a handful of moments there's silence, content not loaded with things unsaid. Kayley stretches again, tugging against the ropes. Going nowhere. I stare, openly, in part wishing I were the bikini bound one, wanting Kayley to see me in this state.

Or prehaps in- prehaps I could have an accident, forget to tie the top properly -just the thong.

And then she starts speaking, sometimes looking at the ceiling, sometimes at me. Telling me the story of France: a bunch of kids, a morning ambush in her room. Chelle, pinned, and her hopeless refusal to play, clenched fists and futility even whilst the gagged words were being said.

Calling the Bunny forth.

"Yes...?" Smiling lazily, giving Kayley back her trying to lead me into guessing use of slowed down words.

She grins, caught. A shy blush and wide eyes moments later as my fingers skate up off her belly, tracing the circular outline of one breast once, twice, making a quick figure eight circuit around the other, coming back down.

"Except." Tutting at me, but smiling. "Well. Listen." She stares up at the ceiling. Huffs. "Do you have any idea how hard it is to explain shit when you don't know yourself."
"I. Well." I begin, but Kayley carries on talking, clearly not to me.

"No I don't need you to." A smile. "Step in." Glancing up at her wrists. "I think you've been enough help already."
"Hang on." Taking a breath, turning back to look at me. "Right. Just. I wouldn't come here, tie myself to your bed, if I was mad at you. Right?"
"Um." What? "Riiiight?"
"Right." A nod. "Just remember that. I'm not mad."

"Imagine a box, inside. Um. Me."
"A box?"
"A box." Nodding. "The Bunny was inside the box, trapped, only free when someone who knew how called her."
"This is those symbols?" Guessing, remembering the eight shapes we'd spent hours in Kayley's room trying to figure out.

"Pretty much I think." Smiling, I smile back. "Those symbols put her in the box, but, what happened in France we." A shrug. "Best. Um." A quick laugh for some reason. "Guess. The Bunny and me broke the box. So she's still trapped inside me, but she isn't a slave to all that calling crap anymore."

"So." Figuring it out. "She bought you here?"
"Tied you up?"
"She can tie herself up. So." Glancing up at her bound wrists. "Yes."
"And the," passing a hand across myself, "switching thing? You becoming her becoming you?"
"A choice. We're not fighting over me, so, we have to share."
"Sharing?" Shaking my head, confused. "I don't get it?"
"Not sure I do either." Glancing up, nodding. "Yes okay. Not sure. We." Making the word sound important, making me giggle at the overkill. "Do either."

"It's a steep learning curve. But the thing is." Pinning me, suddenly, with her gaze. "Sharing means sharing everything. You follow?"
"Maaaay be?"
"It means no secrets, nothing hidden from her to me or me to her. It. Means." Little flash of a smile. "That I've seen things. Jode."
"Things?" Still confused.

"Things." A nod.

I frown, Kayley shows me another small smile. Waiting. Watching my face as realisation slowly dawns. Her smile growing in tandem with my widening eyes.

Sharing. Seeing things. Sharing and seeing things the Bunny did.





Kayley laughs quietly as I blush.

"I'm." Somehow, right here, caught red handed, the word just doesn't seem enough. "Sorry Kay."
"Hush." The ropes holding her collapse into the air. Free, Kayley rolls towards me, bringing us belly to belly. "Don't be sad pretty girl." Reaching up she wipes a tear from my eye. "I told you, I'm not mad. It's fine."
"But." Lies. Surely. How can she not be mad and angry and full of fury. At me. "Why?"
"Well." I can't say that I wasn't, but." Putting her lips gently against mine, a soft kiss I barely feel but still sets a shiver running through me. "She talked me ou-"

"-t of it."

The Rope Bunny grins at me from inches away. Kayley's face, her smell. And.


Kayley said they weren't fighting, so, is that why?

Leaning in closer, lips parting, the Rope Bunny kisses me, tentative. Once. Pulls slightly back and regards me with a raised eyebrow.


"Can." Feeling my way, feels like treading on ice. A clear sign- sharing, not mad -promising I won't fall. But. I cheated, so, I have felt, still feel, like I deserve to fall.

The Bunny, still watching, nods. Permission to continue.

"Can you be tied up again." I swallow. "For me. Please?"

Rope, half glimpsed behind her, pulling the Bunny's wrists and ankles back, fixing all four limbs together level with her butt. Laid on her side, legs now bent, chest pushed slightly out by the hogtie.

"Anything for you sex-"


Kayley, back, finishes. She glances down at her barely bikini covered thrust out chest. Rolls her eyes. Then looks up, at me.

Blushing as she no doubt sees my wide large eyes, drinking her in.

"And." Not cuddling, in truth only because I'm being a pervert, wanting to see Kayley properly, her bound body, without my own in the way. I show her a small frown. "You're okay with it?"
"Not much choice." A shrug. "For either of us. Point is." Licking her lips. "The big point here. I don't care what you did with her, before, whatever. But. If we're going to keep dating then you need to realise that from now on you'll be da-"

"-ting me too."

"I think." Shaking my head as the Bunny grins, being a tease, shaking her bound body at me. "That if you keep doing that I'm going to get a headache."
"I can't not." Putting on a serious expression, out of place whilst she. The Bunny slash Kayley, and what the fuck. Is wearing that playful costume.

"I can't. Won't. Stop her. And she won't sto-"

"-p me."

"I know you played before." Kayley shrugs. "You and her. But now it doesn't matter. Because now I am her."

"We might not always be the right me at the right time, but, this is how it is. And I still want you as a part of this crazy life I'm living. But you need to realise it's her and me now, you can't have me without her. And." Pausing to swallow, her own emotions, the fear I felt at her leaving me I can see it, fear of losing me, on Kayley's face now. "You need to choose, to decide whether you're willing to date the Bunny too."

"So." Careful, wanting to be sure, picking my words. And it's all sorts of messed up, but, I can see the logic. "If we carry on, then, um. Sometimes it'll be the Bunny, and not you?"
"Yes." Still looking anxious. "So. Um. Shall I leave. Or...?"

I throw myself at her.

Yes. Yes I'll try, I'll roll the dice and take the chance, I'll ride the crazy train with Kayley, the Bunny, to see where it leads.

I kiss her, my hands circling her slim waist, pulling Kayley's barely clothed body close as our lips lock, as our tongues meet.

We kiss, my hands squeezing, Kayley moaning, trying despite the ropes to press her chest into mine.

And then, fur under my grip, a pair of large ears in the corner of my vision. But no let up in the kissing, the Bunny pressing her half fur covered chest to mine still.

Breathing in as I breathe out.

Yes. I'll try. I want to try.


"She likes you."

Standing, stretching in the centre of my room, the Rope Bunny grins down towards where I'm sat cross legged on my bed.

Feeling flustered but very, very, happy.

"She might be too shy, but." Nodding, tapping the side of her head. "I know."
"Well." Smiling back. "I like her too."
"Me." Placing her thumb and finger prehaps an inch apart, winking. "I like you maybe a little."

I laugh as she first grows then shrinks the gap between her fingers.

"I'll. Well." A shrug. "I know it's you and her. So. I will try to stay away. But." A shrug. "Can't say I won't always be able to."
"Right. Well." Giving her back the shrug as I stand up. "I said I'd try, so, I will. And." Stepping in closer. "Tell her I'm grateful. For. Um. The forgiveness."

The Rope Bunny nods, and Kayley smiles, stepping in too, putting us at kissing distance.

"I can always hear." Small peck on my lips. "When she's on point. We can both hear now, we're both." Waving at the air. "Always around. It's," a quick frown, "like we're both in charge all the time. Only, that just one of us can actually be here here. Get it?"
"Me neither." Smiling. "But." Taking my hand in hers. "Wanted to say thank you for trying. And."

A pure Rope Bunny grin swims up onto her face as she steps back. Winks.

"Maybe bring that collar over my place sometime yeah?"

My mouth drops. Blowing me a kiss Kayley vanishes in a sudden storm of smoke.



I think they, someone, said to be careful what you wish for. And now I've got the girl of my dreams combined with the girl who just loves ropes. And both of them want me back, and seem happy to share. So, I should be happy, and not at all scared, right?


Re: The Rope Bunny (m+f+/f+) *NEW* 19/06 *NEW*

Posted: Sat Jun 24, 2023 10:12 pm
by RopeBunny
I hope this reads right, I hope what I'm trying for comes across okay.

It was always the plan to have Jody cheat, be caught out, but for her cheating not to matter. That it wouldn't split her and Kayley up.

The above chapter went through a ton of re-writes, trying to make it all make sense, Kayley's reasoning for forgiving Jody.

I'm not sure it makes sense? But, I want her to forgive Jody, so, she is.

Hopefully it isn't all just a jumbled mess.

Re: The Rope Bunny (m+f+/f+) *NEW* 19/06 *NEW*

Posted: Mon Jun 26, 2023 7:47 pm
by BlissfulMisery
RopeBunny wrote: 1 year ago
Another case of my not managing to write the chapter well enough I'm afraid :lol:

Not in any way trying to out myself down, I'm well aware that I can't think of everything, and this being a TUGs site not a professional story means no proof readers or such, nobody to spot these slip ups.

It was meant to be, it is, Kayley arriving in Kayley's costume. Because she's in school when the call comes in. I have made reference to the fact they're sharing, which goes both ways.

And I shall be doing an explanation, or trying to, in a future chapter.
(Pointing out that Kayley can access the Bunny too, that it isn't simply one way)


Thanks for the comment, and for the record though the goth4u18 thing wasn't destined to go anywhere I liked it as something to drop in too.
It was fine. Not everything needed to be immediately explained, and you did actually clarify.

As for the chapter...

Well they got things out in the open as it were.

A little confusing, but I feel like that comes with the territory, Kayley and the Bunny constantly switching places. The reasoning is perhaps a bit of a stretch, but at the end of the day, love is love, and certainly Kayley has a lot going on in her life right now... An understatement that.

Many good little moments of characterization for Jody. She is certainly quite in love :P
RopeBunny wrote: 11 months ago And it's close once or twice, but, I manage to win the good girl fight. I don't message her, don't ring. I wait, all patient.
Hah. Says a lot about Jody's feelings in very few words.
RopeBunny wrote: 11 months ago "Me." Placing her thumb and finger prehaps an inch apart, winking. "I like you maybe a little."
Very Rope Bunny of the Rope Bunny! I think you have done a good job selling the 'playful trickster' vibe.
Yes. Yes I'll try, I'll roll the dice and take the chance, I'll ride the crazy train with Kayley, the Bunny, to see where it leads.
Obviously not intended as such, as it is perfectly in character, but almost feels like it is breaking the fourth wall and talking to the audience - for it is indeed quite the crazy train.

And hopefully we will get to see where it leads with her.

Re: The Rope Bunny (m+f+/f+) *NEW* 19/06 *NEW*

Posted: Mon Jun 26, 2023 8:37 pm
by RopeBunny
BlissfulMisery wrote: 11 months ago A little confusing,
Hey. Thanks for commenting.

It was purposefully confusing, I added in as many Bunny/Kayley/Bunny switches as I dared.

Re: The Rope Bunny (m+f+/f+) *NEW CHAPTER* June 24th

Posted: Mon Jun 26, 2023 8:37 pm
by RopeBunny

Guaranteed. My life is stranger then yours.

Stranger. Weirder.

And potentially, directly because of what makes it strange, and weird. More fun too.

My relationship is as good an example as any.

Jody: cute, sexy. Able to light me up like fireworks anytime we cuddle or kiss.

Don't even ask regarding the mental mess she leaves me in anytime things get 'heavy' and her hand wanders towards then onto my chest.

A small part of me, something I ignore, still insists I ought to be mad and angry at what she did.

Calling the Bunny.

Playing, with the Bunny.

But I ignore it.

Because in a way, even before France happened I was the Bunny. My body, my voice.

I can't stay mad at Jody for wanting me to the point she called on the Bunny as a kind of accessible substitute. She, Jody, is something I- noob at dating that I was -didn't know I wanted, a girlfriend I'm now unwilling to be without.

Added to which she's willing to still be my girlfriend, after France. To try.


Where things changed.

Where two: myself and the Rope Bunny, her caught and trapped inside of me, let free only when called, the act of her freedom causing my imprisonment.

Became one: Still myself and the Rope Bunny, only now she's less trapped.

If you picture a captains chair in the centre of your head, made for one. Before, when the Bunny came forth, I got kicked out and down, whereas now that chair is a sofa, one we both sit together on.

All the time.

We, share, me. Because we talked, and sharing as equals was, is, the only sane way to proceed.

At least until we can somehow figure out a method to properly free the Bunny from the still semi prison of my body.

Sharing will make for an interesting relationship, but Jody knows, and as I said she's willing to try.

So, we'll try.

The sharing, nothing hidden, no barriers or blocking, goes both ways.

Memories and thoughts bleed together, sometimes I'd swear I really have seen the march of Romes epic legions.

It, the sharing, prehaps the part of it taking the longest to get used to, is the fact I have unrestricted access to the Rope Bunny's specific set of skills.

Her. Not magic but it seems very much like magic even though it clearly- her words -isn't. Skills.

Which has been.


"Oh...." That moment you open your eyes, discovering that what you'd thought to be a dream. A really good dream. Isn't. "Shit."
"Ffggggppp." Jody, wriggling, as my initial shock finds me almost toppling backwards out of bed. Slow blinks at me as though waking up too, smiling around the ball wedged and strapped into her mouth. "Mmmfffmm."

I'd dreamed, thought I'd dreamed, Jody in my bed. Trussed. Gagged.

However, and this is a new one on me, a new twist to the continuing game of sharing, it appears that whilst I slept the Bunny went and 'borrowed' my body.

Went and- I didn't know she could -borrowed Jody, bringing my girlfriend here.

The sudden thought that prehaps Jody didn't know, wasn't aware. The possibility that the Bunny kidnapped her, that she's waking up now, here, finding herself tied and gagged in my bed.

Far from worrying me, far from compelling me to aid Jody, to free her, to at the least say sorry for the Bunny's taking advantage.

The whole idea is, actually, making me tingle.

A sensation that grows tenfold as, inside, I mentally see the Bunny point. At me. Hold up both hands, step back.

The Bunny's power yes, but, apparently this- the Bunny mentally smirking -is all me.

A flash of, like memory returning. Seeing my dream now as reality.

Jody. Asleep in her bed, seen through my eyes as I stand there beside her bed, looking down. Grinning. Bringing the ropes, making them from nothing the same way she does, conjuring a gag by the same method.

Pulling Jody back with me, to my room, setting her beside me on my bed.

She didn't even stir.

From the relative safety of the edge of my bed I look at Jody. Wearing a grey cotton nightie with pink edging, a lace like hem halfway between knee and upper thigh, thin shoulder straps and a low scooped neckline.

Her wrists are bound crossed in front, black rope, Bunny made. The wrist rope wraps the waist too, that and more rope on her chest pins Jody's arms in place. The chest ropes squeeze her breasts top and bottom, forcing them against her nightie even whilst dragging the neckline down.

Down below, lifting my duvet, peeking, Jody's legs are pinned together above and below the knee, at the ankles.

The gag, an amazing looking thing, so huge, I've never seen the like before. A red rubber ball fills her mouth, forcing Jody's jaws wide, her teeth biting down. Saliva shining in patches. Black leather straps sprout left and right, pinning Jody's hair down, I assume somehow joining together behind her.

"Pppfffggg nnmmmggg." Quietly, no hint of anger as she looks down. I see her hands clench, unclench, her arms and upper body wriggle. But gently.

"Gggfffmmmm fffdddggg ppphhhfff." Looking at me, laid on her side, still no hint of anger.

I reach for my phone, check the time.


Grin at the sudden thought- from the Bunny, or from me, should it even matter -worming its way in, at the downright unfair cheek of it.

"Well." Rolling across, in close, kissing Jody on the cheek. Brief press of my tee covered chest to her barely cotton covered bound chest as I, on pure impulse, lick the ball in her mouth. "Sleep well Jode."

I roll over, away, onto my back, reaching across to flick off my bedside light. Left conveniently on when I woke up.

All the better to see the offering I left myself I suppose.

In the dark I lay still, eyes closed, breath held. Wondering what she'll do?

Feeling guilty at the state she's in.

Feeling a rush of tingles, of happy nerves, at the state she's in.

I. With the Bunny's power amd no doubt approval. But, I. Kidnapped her. We bought Jody here, potentially against her will, although I doubt it, since she really does love all this rope stuff. But. She didn't agree to come, we didn't ask permission to bind and gag her.

And I haven't asked if she's okay. And that strange amazing gag does look big, and uncomfortable.

But I don't want to take it out.

I lay still, feigning sleep. Feigning indifference to her plight when in truth I'm a bundle of rushing energy and nervous excitement.

I feel the bed shift, creak, as Jody shifts. Cracking an eyelid I see she's rolled onto her back, open eyes on the ceiling.

I listen to her breathing. Fighting the coming going urge to roll over and kiss her, hug her.

To free her from ropes or gag, or both.

Which of us doesn't want to free her? Because I don't, this. Game. Something like power the realisation dawns, my own thinking or the Bunny's, filtering through. This game of power is. Fun.

I stay still, and eventually Jody's breathing slows, her eyes, when I check, are closed.

We send her home sometime later, before dawn lightens the sky too much. Sinking through my duvet, through a blanket of smoke her bindings and the gag fading to nothing as she slips back to her own bed.

I wish I could've kept her longer.

Jody doesn't bring it up. Not that day at school, nor the next. But I can see in her eyes, something. The knowledge of it prehaps.

Is she mad?

Not a chance. That weekend, the Saturday evening having spent time with Beth and Chelle, Laura. Jody off watching a race all day with family.

Heading upstairs I get an incoming message ping.

From Jody.

A selfie in her bathroom, the angle looking down, making it clear she's wearing. Barely wearing. A small white thong and cut off strappy top, the fabric moulded to her breasts.

'Just wanted to say goodnight x.'

She's written, followed by a whole string of suggestive and playful emoji.

'Thought I'd better cover up, lol, in case I get kidnapped again xxxx'

Re: The Rope Bunny (m+f+/f+) *NEW* June 26th *NEW*

Posted: Wed Jun 28, 2023 12:17 am
by Switchgirl
I love it! Jody really into being the plaything of Kayley and the RB.

I love the way you absolved Jody of her cheating - though I don’t blame her - she was so desperate for Kayley she’d do anything!

Beautifully written as per usual.

Re: The Rope Bunny (m+f+/f+) *NEW* June 26th *NEW*

Posted: Wed Jun 28, 2023 10:49 pm
by RopeBunny
Switchgirl wrote: 11 months ago I love it! Jody really into being the plaything of Kayley and the RB.
Yeah :D she might :lol: be into it.

Might be more of the same to come....

Maybe :D

Thanks for commenting, glad to read you're still enjoying this.

Re: The Rope Bunny (m+f+/f+) *NEW* June 26th *NEW*

Posted: Thu Jun 29, 2023 6:28 am
by BlissfulMisery
RopeBunny wrote: 11 months ago It was purposefully confusing, I added in as many Bunny/Kayley/Bunny switches as I dared.

A nice cozy chapter.
RopeBunny wrote: 11 months ago Feeling guilty at the state she's in.

Feeling a rush of tingles, of happy nerves, at the state she's in.
A good summary I think of Kayley's feelings. She knows what she wants, but still hesitates. Understandable, given her lack of experience, and age.

I suppose there is something to be said about power and responsibility as well, and perhaps her starting to realize some aspects of that. Both literally, given the power she now wields thanks to the Rope Bunny, and in a more figurative sense of power over another in such a context.
RopeBunny wrote: 11 months ago Yeah she might be into it.
We never would have guessed... :P

Re: The Rope Bunny (m+f+/f+) *NEW* June 26th *NEW*

Posted: Thu Jun 29, 2023 9:40 pm
by RopeBunny
Thanks for the comment.

Cozy huh? I'll take that, was something like a fun idea that kinda evolved as I was writing it.

Might. Maybe. Lead to more of the same, we'll have to see.

Next two chapters below, for obvious (once you read them) reasons I'm posting them together.


Re: The Rope Bunny (m+f+/f+) *NEW* June 26th *NEW*

Posted: Thu Jun 29, 2023 9:40 pm
by RopeBunny
(The truth?)

Jack Beeching.
In class essay assignment.
Language Studies.
Mr Hammond.
Title: what I did last night.

I feel bad for everyone else. How are you supposed to make 'I played video games then fell asleep' stretch to fill more then a paragraph or two?

The early hours, too nervous to have done more then nap, on then off like a night sentry on the front line, as the clock ticks over, finally arriving at the chosen time, I get to it.

I call, she answers, and, amazingly, though I don't expect the connection to go through. It does.

"Hi." I say, trying not to fidget, unable to stop.

"Hello back." A soft voice, full of happy mischief. "How can we help you today?"
"Well." Pausing before the plunge, as far as I know it's never been asked, and whilst I don't fear a knock back in my head I've already imagined success a hundred times.

A no will hit hard.

"I was wondering if," breathe, Jack, "I might have a signed photo?"

A weird request you might think, a strange thing that I've stayed up half the night to do. But, remember, consider, it's a big wide world, and not everyone keeps to the same hours.

A pause. Silence, from her, betraying no obvious hints at whatever thought process is taking place. Silence from me too, unwilling to rush her.

"Sure." Finally, she speaks, and in that single word victory is mine. This call just a small part of a larger fight, an ongoing contest.

"Really?" Disbelief enough to make her laugh, soft like her voice, a playful sound. "That's. Um."
"All part of the service."

Shortly afterwards, our transaction complete, she breaks the connection.

I, happy, go finally to sleep.

Re: The Rope Bunny (m+f+/f+) *NEW* June 26th *NEW*

Posted: Thu Jun 29, 2023 9:41 pm
by RopeBunny
(The truth.)


"This one?"
"No, Kay." Dungeon Master Laura, taking her role seriously wearing an unzipped hoodie, her face in shadow, aiming for mysterious and somewhat dark, and the rest of us trying hard not to be caught smiling.

Shaking her head, reaching out to point out. Something? In this confusing maze like game she's got us all playing. Michelle and me, and her, plus Sally seated round Laura's parents round dining table, currently covered in interconnecting cardboard sections, atop which our few plastic 'heroes' are attempting to outrun a literal horde of axe wielding orks.

"This is the fireball casting marker."
"Right." Standing. "Thing is," tapping the side of my head, "I wasn't talking to you. Sorry."

And of course now they're all looking at me, even Jody and Tasha, already dead in the game and now sat on a sofa in the next room, peering through the door.

"Yeah." I shrug as Jody comes through the door. "I gotta go."
"Keep her safe." Reaching me, Jody leans in, kissing my cheek before stepping back, eyes on my eyes. Her message clear.

"She will." I smile. Nod and give Jody's hand a quick squeeze. "Hey." Waving behind me at the board. "Take my character, you and Tash."
"Sure." Tasha, back in the room too, nods, tossing her magazine back through the door onto the sofa. "We've got this."
"Just." Winking at Jody. "Try not to get yourself kidnapped."

Her mouth drops. For all that it is actually a thing in this game, bizarrely, there's a hidden double meaning there. Just between us.

It takes a lot to shock her, but, it seems what I did that night managed it.

With a quick wave to them all, I let the Rope Bunny's smoke take me away, hearing gasps from everyone bar Jody and Michelle as I do.

They've never seen. All the group know some details, that, whether they understand it or not, they know the Bunny and me are 'sharing' now. They just haven't seen evidence of the fact.

Not bothering to change, the Bunny, for now at least, not feeling inclined to step forward.

So I appear in a boys bedroom- not being judgy but it's definitely a boys room -dressed in leg hugging skinny blue jeans and a fitted black converse tee.

Movement behind me, a startled but quiet string of cursewords. I grin, turn.

"Hello back." Tipping a nod to the young, got to be barely comprehensive school age, boy I discover stood behind me. He's wearing baggy black shorts, a yellow L.A Lakers basketball vest. Glasses on a face that doesn't need to shave, blonde hair messy prehaps due to the hour rather then any attempt at style. He's slim, but no taller then me.

We, the Bunny but it's as much me these days too, no longer have to be here. We're no longer compelled or forced. The act of calling, done properly, no longer drags the Rope Bunny to attend.

We don't have to, but who doesn't love to have fans.


"What can we do for you today?"
"We?" That's thrown him. I manage not to laugh, he was already looking confused, my appearance so clearly not what he was expecting, and now I've deliberately said we. "But...?"
"S' a long story." Waving it off.

In my head I'm clearing the seat, moving a pace or two away, sweeping after you arm gestures towards the control console.

In response a mental grin, a exaggerated bow.

I feel the change ripple through me, the pale blue furry suit that isn't a real suit forming, taking the place of all my clothes.

That strange sensation of being naked, tamping down the urge to cover myself at chest and crotch even though I know the fur is doing so already.

She, the Bunny, probably wouldn't care if she was naked.

She's probably even had sex, at least, say, four times?

"There." Stretching arms out wide, a full body wriggle as my skin settles in place. "Better?"
"Who are you?"
"The Rope Bunny of course." Giggling. "Silly. That's who you called right?"
"Right?" Unsure. My grin grows.

"Well then." Shrugging, like, of course. "Who else could show up?"
"Um...." Thinking, looking from me to the scarf in his hand, frowning.

Then he shrugs too.

"Okay. I guess."
"Good." I nod. "Great. So." Stepping in, he flinches as I put my arm around his skinny shoulders, pull him in for a side on pat on the arm buddy hug. "What can we do for you?"

"I. Um." Moving to sit on his bed, looking down at his hands, back up to me. "There's this. Um. Thing I need."
"Is it a rope thing?"
"Well...." Showing me a half smile. "Yes."
"In that case. Spoiler alert, consider it done."

"I need...."

And his voice dries up, his gaze dropping back to his hands, clearly unable to say the words.

I decide, sitting down next to him, but not too close lest I scare him off again, to be helpful.

"You need me to tie you up?" Watching, a small shake of his head, pulled face, something like disgust. Right. I smile even though he can't see, still isn't looking.

"You need...." Pretending to think, flick of his gaze at me, tapping my smiling lips. "To tie me up?"

A smile, small, accompanied by an equally small nod. Right.

"But," sensing, something unsaid, I take a guess, "that's not everything. Is it?"
"I. Well." Still hunched forward, but turning his face to me. He swallows. "I can explain?"
"Sure." Reaching across the space, slowly, giving his shoulder a gentle squeeze. "Tell me all about it then. Um?"
"Jack. Right."

"There's this, other boy." Picking dirt from under his nails. "Tony. We talk online." Quick glance at me. "Do you, um, know about computers?"
"Sure I d-"

"-o." Coming forwards without thinking, the sudden peeling away of the Bunny's skin making mine itch. But I'd seen her inward frown, had automatically stepped in with knowledge, help.

Beside me Jack leaps off the bed, staring open mouthed.

"What. The."
"Hello again."
"Long story." Shrugging, patting the bed whilst Jack openly eyeballs the shape of my D cups, invisible underneath my tee, yet its tight fit means it moulds to their shape, making them, their size, quite obvious. "Which I'm not sharing. So. Come sit back down, tell me about Tony."

He comes back, tentative, like a mouse afraid the cat will indeed wake up at any moment.

"Right." Nodding, deep breath, flexing his fingers whilst still eying up my chest. "We game online too. We've got this whole rivalry going." He laughs, smiles. "Epic, you get it?"
"Sure." Unable to stop myself, the ever teasing Bunny flicking the lever, me not stopping her, I flop backwards to lay with my legs still hanging off the bed.

Breasts bouncing as I land, stretching my arms out left and right, keeping my eyes firmly on the ceiling, making sure I don't openly smile at Jack's wide eyes, drinking me in.

"Go on."
"Right. Um." Turned to the side, all the better to still look at me. "We like to set challenges, outside of gaming. For. Um. Fun."
"And he told you to tie me up?"
"No." Shaking his head. I look across, eyebrow raised. "No." Shaking his head some more. "The challenge was to take a photo with a girl."

"So." Frowning. "Why am I here? Just." I sit back up, hands in my lap. "Talk to one of your friends at school?"
"I'm eleven." Shaking his head. "And, kind of a geek. None of the girls at school want to talk to me." He laughs. "Let alone pose for a selfie."

"Hmmmmm." Joining the dots, feeling bad for him. Dating, boys and girls, even talking, is hard at the best of times.

"This challenge isn't about tying me up is it?"
"No. But."
"But." Holding a hand up, interrupting. "You want a supreme victory, not just a win, but a win with style?"
"Yeah." Properly looking at me now, maybe he's impressed by my obscure knowledge of- thank you Laura -old fighting games. Jack smiles. "I want to overkill this. With your help?"
"Sure." Standing up. "Let's overkill the crap ou-"

"-t of this." The Bunny finishes.

I stand still, letting Jack tie me up: wrists in front so they'll be visible in the photo he plans to take, and his scarf, pressed and wrapped around my head, tied off behind.

We pose, trying several angles, standing side by side, his arm around me. Facing one another with the unmistakable press- despite that I've never felt one -of a hard on against me. Can't really blame the guy given my breasts are similarly pressed against him.

"Thanks." Tapping his phone against the other palm, looking happy. "For." Waving the phone at me, the photos contained within. "Well...."
"All part of the service." Untied, I nod. Smile. "Now, if you'll excuse me, we've got a game of. Um....?"

"Something. To get back to."

Jack nods, waves. I let the smoke take me back to the girls.

Re: The Rope Bunny (m+f+/f+) *NEW* 29th June *NEW*

Posted: Fri Jun 30, 2023 8:33 pm
by Switchgirl
I think Kayley is DEFINITELY enjoying this!

Re: The Rope Bunny (m+f+/f+) *NEW* 29th June *NEW*

Posted: Sun Jul 02, 2023 4:24 am
by BlissfulMisery
I liked the contrast between the very abridged and almost poetic description from Jack's point of view, versus 'what actually happened'. A fun little aside.

And I see the Bunny/they are still taking house calls :)

In a way the new situation is almost convenient for the Bunny. She gets to be called, but come and go of her own choosing, which gives her opportunity to play the games she likes, on her own terms.

Suppose it makes sense why the Bunny does not seem *too* fussed about the whole arrangement.

And on Kayley's part, she is getting to experience a bit of a different world. Sort of like how I suppose the Bunny is getting to experience the 'human world', for lack of a better term, living as an otherwise mundane person.
RopeBunny wrote: 11 months ago She's probably even had sex, at least, say, four times?
A nice line. Although based on what was said earlier, she actually shares many of the Bunny's memories, so she would know either way.

A bit awkward for her if you think about it, given her age.

Re: The Rope Bunny (m+f+/f+) *NEW* 29th June *NEW*

Posted: Mon Jul 03, 2023 6:47 pm
by RopeBunny
Switchgirl wrote: 11 months ago I think Kayley is DEFINITELY enjoying this!
She's learning to I imagine :D
BlissfulMisery wrote: 11 months ago I liked the contrast between the very abridged and almost poetic description from Jack's point of view, versus 'what actually happened'. A fun little aside.
Thanks. Liked the concept, someone writing half truths, leaving things out, and then the real story following.

Had to keep checking back to make sure I got the dialogue right :lol:
BlissfulMisery wrote: 11 months ago
RopeBunny wrote: 11 months ago She's probably even had sex, at least, say, four times?
A nice line. Although based on what was said earlier, she actually shares many of the Bunny's memories, so she would know either way.

A bit awkward for her if you think about it, given her age.
True. Kayley would know, didn't think of that :lol:

I liked the flow of this line, Kayley's thought process regarding the Bunny's longer life, her less shockable nature.

It made me smile to write because I can picture a teenage girl actually saying it, mixture of prehaps disgust and envy.

Thanks both of you for commenting.

Re: The Rope Bunny (m+f+/f+) *NEW* 29th June *NEW*

Posted: Tue Jul 04, 2023 8:54 pm
by RopeBunny
Endgame. (Kayley)

Life goes on. Two months and a scattering of days. Happy days.

Normal days.

As normal as life gets for me anyway.

Trust some rich old guy to go and ruin it.

I'm having dinner with Mum. Worst. Possible. Timing. When the pull takes hold. We, the Bunny within and myself, can still feel the pull each time someone attempts to drag the Rope Bunny out of her now non existent box, to bring her forth.

We can hear, feel, them calling, we just no longer have to answer.

So, feeling the pull, I can't suppress a smirk. Which becomes a frown as I feel the sensation of force being applied growing, as I see the Bunny mentally climb to her feet, eyes going wide.

And then everything happens at once.

The change ripples across me as I stand up too fast, chair falling backwards to clatter onto the floor even as ash grey fur replaces my black spandex gym shorts and pale blue Spongebob tee. The Bunny's skin laying atop, replacing my own.

Mum gasps, one arm raised to point. At me.

Even whilst the Bunny is yelling, for some reason, in my mental ear. Making no sense. A pull she I can't ignore like a summons like trumpets and a fanfare and a carriage and four, all polite and please and thank you but I she can't ignore it's coming it's here, here to take us send us bring us her me to.


Out of time, already feeling the metaphorical hooks, snagged, dragged, I make a final desperate lunge forward. Scooping up my phone only to fall backwards a heartbeat later.

Through the floor.

An instant of darkness.

Falling upwards, through a very different floor.

Not my house.

Thick red carpet underfoot that screams money, the room, large and square, tall windows with partly drawn curtains, a sunlit cityscape visible through the gaps. Skyscrapers viewed from several dozen floors in the air.

Old art on the walls and a dark wood bookcase full of thick tomes, most encased in cracked leather bindings.

A low table in front of me, thick lit candle on each side, the middle a smoking bowel full of the remains of who knows what, an open scroll.

And behind the table.


Kneeling, belly down flat on the carpet, arms outstretched left and right, forehead resting on the floor.

A prayer like pose.

"Fuuuuuuuuuucccck." Almost a scream. My annoyance through the Bunny's lips at what's just happened. At what Mum's just seen.

Sitting up, body tilting at the waist, arms dropping down onto his lap. An old man, got to be pushing or already over that seventieth hill, short white hair a mess of wispy curls, a trimmed beard making him look like an old Admiral. A stocky body to match, not much fat, pressed black pinstripe trousers and a clean white shirt open at the neck, sleeves rolled up.

Some kind of- called it -navy style tattoo, long faded, on his right forearm.

He opens his mouth.

I, the Bunny letting me, anger and rage and besides she wouldn't stop me because that's the deal. I raise a finger as the fur ripples off me, the sudden absence of anything covering my legs below the upper thigh- my shorts are lacking any material below my butt -making me feel naked.

The lack of a bra under my tee not helping matters.

"I said hush." Glaring. "Before I turn you into a piano."

His mouth snaps shut, more puzzled then afraid.

Does he know I couldn't really?

'Sorry.' I type out to Mum, ignoring the twin missed calls. 'I'm okay. Promise. And I'll do my best to explain soon. Don't worry, please x'

Grimacing, I quickly open up the Kraken group chat.

'Mum just saw me change, I'm not there anymore. All fine. But, if she calls (Jody most likely sorry x) try to explain. Please and sorry.'

After which, unable to do any more, unwilling to suffer the potential repeated distractions, I turn the phone off.

Let out a huffing sigh.

Hold a conversation with myself, sometimes the easiest way I find, to talk things through with the Bunny inside.

"Sorry." Shaking my head. "I know it wasn't intentional, but she's going to freak and I'm-"

In front of me the old man coughs, polite, raises a hand.

"Just." Waving a hand. "Can't you see I'm busy a moment?"

He regards me, I him. Silence, stretching slightly. I shrug. "Well? Please."

He nods, rises and turns, moves towards a corner table covered in posh looking decanters: small tumblers and assorted glasses.

I return to matters in hand.

"So. Um." Looking down at my semi fitted tee, humped breasts and a flat stomach, my bare arms, my complete lack of fur. "Do you know what's...." I nod. "Right. Sure. Well, do you want to....?"

She doesn't. The Rope Bunny is, stranger things.

Somewhat rattled, having for the first time in centuries been summoned in such a polite yet undeniable way.

I. Mentally, pull her into a hug. I've got this. She hugs me back, a thank you.

"Ready now." I call out across the not so vast distance, my voice an overly happy see I'm not pissed off at all sing song. Leaning back against the drinks table, watching me, studying me given his thoughtful expression, he nods.

"I'm fifteen." Smiling. "Don't suppose any of those bottles cater for my crowd?"
"No." Shaking his head. "However I can have my man fetch you a water?"
"Can you now?" Smile growing, crossing my arms. "Okay." A shoulders only shrug. "Please."

Walking to the double doors set in one wall, dark wood with gold handles, he knocks three times. One of the doors cracks open.

"Sir?" A man's voice, low, slightly muffled by the wood.

"Water from my fridge please Ben, for the." Glancing back towards me, my arms still crossed. "Lady."
"Very good sir, right away."

The door closes.

"Now." Turning properly to face me, stepping closer into the rooms centre. I hold my ground as he approaches, tensing despite the Bunny's assurance that a summons of this nature doesn't spell her. My. Our, doom.

"I know whose presence I requested." Standing a couple of metres away, looking me up and down, face neutral as his eyes glide over me, not lingering on my chest. "And, though she did appear to." A small smile at his own joke. "Appear. She doesn't seem to be with us now?"

"Would you believe me if I said it's a really long story?"
"Prehaps." Nodding, thoughtful still. "Could you enlighten me with the abridged version?"

Another quick smile, disarming in its way, the act making him look more friendly.

I open my mouth just as, with a knock, Ben returns.

Younger, slim. Slicked back dark blonde hair and sideburns. Wearing a dark blue suit and white shirt, a black tie and polished shoes. Ben walks up to the old Admiral lookalike and holds out the water, but he waves his own whisky- it looks like -filled glass towards me.

Ben looks, raises an eyebrow.

"I lost my ears."

I can't help it, such a serious looking place, everyone in suits. Ben half jumps out of his clothes as I reach out to take the water, the older man chuckles, waving Ben away.

"She's in here." Tapping the bottle against my head, the two of us alone again. "Long story short. I wasn't the Rope Bunny, who you did call?"
"Right." Nodding, taking a swig, the coldness refreshing. "She's, and it's complicated, but, she's in my head, and I'm in hers now. Sort of trapped together by magic of some kind. Something cast by an unknown for unknown reasons."
"I see." Taking a drink of his own, one finger tapping the glass. "So then, young lady."
"Kayley." A nod, tapping his chest with the glass. "Call me Edward, please."

"Tell me, Kayley, do you, are you, speaking for the Bunny now? Can she hear me?"
"Yes. We, share, as best we can."
"Do you now?" Facinated.

"It's the only way either of us is going to stay sane."

"Edward." The last of my water gulped down as cover whilst I listened, inside, moving to the small table, the candles still burning, I put the empty bottle down, turn to face him. "Why have you sum-"

With a mental deep breath the Bunny plunges forwards, in, because she's needed, had been asked and sent for. Because Edward prehaps needs to see her, the true her and not the me underneath.

The grey fur cascades down my legs and arms, across my chest, that deep V appearing, cleavage where moments ago there was none.

Edwards eyes go wide but he stands firm.

"-moned us?"

"Bunny." A small respectful nod. "Thank you for answering, for attending me."
"Edward." As if I had a choice, fucking rituals. But, politeness must be maintained. "You have bought me forth, to this place, here, now, to be of service. What is it you desire of me? And." I, inside, jump as the knowledge leaks out from the Bunny moments before the words.

Almost. Almost, leaping back into control.

"What will you offer in return?"

"Find my granddaughter." Sudden welling up, tears in Edwards eyes, raw furious emotion making his lips quiver. "Please. Bunny, answer this plea for aid from an old man who still holds to the old ways, the old gods. Find her, bring her home, and all that I have in this world is yours."

Re: The Rope Bunny (m+f+/f+) *NEW* July 4th *NEW*

Posted: Thu Jul 06, 2023 5:54 am
by BlissfulMisery
RopeBunny wrote: 11 months ago Thanks. Liked the concept, someone writing half truths, leaving things out, and then the real story following.
So did I!
RopeBunny wrote: 11 months ago I liked the flow of this line, Kayley's thought process regarding the Bunny's longer life, her less shockable nature.
Same! Was why I pointed it out.

As for the latest chapter...

Going to be awkward for Kayley, trying to explain to her mother.

And the plot thickens - it seems the Bunny can be summoned for more then simply spreading mischief. Perhaps she has other powers we have not been made aware of, for conjuring bindings and gags is probably not the most useful ability for finding a missing person.

Well I suppose we readers shall have to see...

Re: The Rope Bunny (m+f+/f+) *NEW* July 4th *NEW*

Posted: Sat Jul 08, 2023 6:56 pm
by RopeBunny
BlissfulMisery wrote: 11 months ago
Perhaps she has other powers we have not been made aware of, for conjuring bindings and gags is probably not the most useful ability for finding a missing person.

Well I suppose we readers shall have to see...
Indeed. Thanks for commenting, as always, it's nice to see what you (anyone who drops by) thinks. With luck the next chapter, below, will shed some light on the above point....