What's a Prisoner Among Friends? Multiple m/m

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Post by Jason Toddman »

chloroboy wrote: 6 years ago One of my favorite chapter^^

Part 39.

Will paused a moment a hundred feet from the tent to listen to Corey and John, and smiled. He could barely hear them at all from here. Good; as long as they were reasonably quiet and no one came too close to the tent, things would be all right. The only real danger would be the ever inquisitive Andy, who would be certain to come upon the tent and its two occupants sooner or later unless he was kept busy otherwise. The best way to prevent such a calamity would be to spend time with him until he departed with the others on Monday. Oh well… Andy wasn’t too bad a kid, really. Maybe in a few more years he might actually be fun to play TUGs with.

Leaving John in Corey’s care for the night, Will walked back over to the house; coming in the back way into the kitchen so that no one would have a clue he was outside and inquire what he was doing out there.

Finding himself alone in the kitchen, Will could hear the others talking in the living room as he cut a slice of apple pie for a snack. He was still occupied with this when Andy came into the kitchen; apparently in search of Will.

“Hi ya sport,” Will called to his little cousin with a smile. “Want some pie?”

“Sure!” Andy replied eagerly, even though he’d gorged himself at a seafood restaurant less than an hour before. “Can I have some ice cream on it?”

“Sure,” Will replied agreeably as he pulled some vanilla ice cream out of the freezer.

“So did you find the Vulcan?” Andy asked as soon as his dessert was set before him.

“Yeah, I did,” Will replied after verifying that no one else was in earshot. “But his friends from Starfleet had already found him and took care of him. Apparently Starfleet has something like the Boy Scouts, and that was a Federation boy scout you saw. His friends left him there as a test to see if he could get himself out. They were having a field trip of some kind, apparently. Anyway, they’re gone now.”

Andy silently soaked up and believed every word of it; eyes gleaming and his face wreathed with a blissful smile. “Really? Gee, I wish I coulda gone with them and seen their spaceship!” he said wistfully as he continued to gobble down his apple pie a la mode. “I’ll bet that’d really be something!”

“I suppose so, but we’d better not tell the others anything about it,” Will said warningly; struggling hard to keep a straight face. “They wouldn’t believe us. Remember what happened when you tried to tell them!”

“Yeah,” Andy replied a bit more somberly as he paused in demolishing his dessert. “Nobody ever believes me when I tell them about meeting elves and stuff.”

“Well, maybe they’d get less mad if you tell them it’s just a story first, that you made one up and just wanted to tell them a story to see if they like it,” Will suggested kindly. “They might not mind it so much then. Then they’d say how clever and imaginative you are, and what a good storyteller you are, rather than call you a liar or say you’re crazy.”

Andy finished the rest of his pie ala mode in thoughtful silence. “Maybe that would be better,” he agreed finally. “But Will… I really *did* see a Vulcan kid out in the woods.”

“I know… I saw him too,” Will replied gently. “And he’s okay now. He’s with his friends again. So it’s best we just forget about him and don’t talk about him to the others, or mention him even with each other if anyone else is around. Okay?”

“Okay,” Andy replied with his usual cheerful smile. “Wanna play a game?”

Will would rather have watched TV but Andy wasn’t interested in any of the shows that were on at the moment. Deciding that it would be best for all concerned to keep his small cousin quiet and amused, Will agreed to play a videogame with him in his room.

Andy chose an old Nintendo game from Roy’s old videogame collection: Gauntlet II. Will chose elf while Andy was the wizard.

Will’s cellphone bleeped just as the two began blazing away at the enemy forces and the generators that supplied the enemy with reinforcements. Will answered the phone with one hand while valiantly attempting to use the controller solely with his other hand to ward off the forces of digital evil on the screen. “Hello?” he called disinterestedly.

“Hey, Will! This is Paul!” the familiar voice of his exiled companion called dimly inside the phone as if from a great distance.

“Hi Paul. How’s camp?” Will asked with more interest as his elf suddenly faltered in his attack of the forces of evil. As there was no pause button on these old style games, Andy found himself getting into a situation he couldn’t handle.

“Screw that place!” Paul groused. “It was a dump, so I escaped, and I’m bringing along a friend for John! I’m coming to your place now. Can you let me in when I get there?”

Andy’s wizard suddenly found himself getting swarmed by demons when his elf companion suddenly seemed to lose all interest in the proceedings. “Hey! Will! Gimme a hand!” Andy the wizard suddenly protested.

“Uhhh… hang on a minute, Paul! I’m not alone!” Will whispered into the phone. On screen, elf was getting surrounded and badly beaten up to the accompaniment of metallic drumming noises. His hit points were dropping rapidly.

“Will! Get with it!” Andy wailed as he tried to back elf up.

“Elf needs food, badly!” announced a sinister voice on screen. “Elf is about to die!” the same voice declared a moment later. A second later, elf wailed his death cry on screen and vanished in a puff of smoke, leaving wizard to carry on the battle alone.

“Avenge me, Andy,” Will told his cousin as he dropped the controller, stood up, and hurried out of the room; leaving a beleaguered Andy to deal with a swarm of demons all by himself. Without looking back, Will hurried down the hallway until he was reasonably sure that he could not be overheard. “Okay, explain to me again what’s going on!”

Paul explained as well as he could while his voice started sounding slowly but steadily stronger on the phone. “Just getting back into transmission range,” he concluded. “I’m maybe five miles from you. Should be there by about eleven o’clock.”

“Wait!” Will urged him. “I might not be able to get there that soon. I don’t want anyone else to know you’re coming - especially if you’re bringing company - so I have to be sneaky about it and wait until everyone else in the house is asleep. Get to the northwest corner of the wall, where we lost that rubber ball over the wall last summer. It’s the corner closest to the gate. Call me again when you get there, and stay out of sight of the road until I can get out there myself to meet you and let you in. Okay?”

“Okay, Will,” Paul agreed just as a rather annoyed Andy hove into sight after his wizard finally got exterminated by the forces of darkness.

“Wiiilllllll! What’s the big idea?!” Andy exclaimed as he walked forward as if planning to beat up on his larger cousin. “I got wiped out fighting all those demons by myself!”

“Sorry, Andy!” Will replied with a grin as he clicked off his cell phone. “Had an important call. It’s over now though. So let’s go back and show that Dark Lord who’s boss, okay?”

Elf and Wizard charged back into the fray and emerged victorious through various levels, until they finally reached one where they just could not seem to prevail. After dying a dozen times in the same level, the champions of righteousness were interrupted when Andy’s mother abruptly appeared and announced it was time for Andy to go to bed. By this time Andy himself was sleepy enough not to object and quietly went away with his mother to the guest room on the third floor.

Freed of having to worry about Andy spying on him, Will went downstairs just in time to meet his parents coming the other way. They were also preparing to call it a night. Will wished them good night and soon had the first and second floors all to himself. Will sighed with relief; his parents typically stayed up until midnight and this would have been most inconvenient tonight. But now it looked like he might have a clear field once Paul returned with his new friend.

Moving cautiously but quickly, Will packed some necessary gear for the forthcoming expedition outdoors. Paul had indicated that his new friend Matt would be able to wear some of Will’s old clothes, and so he gathered up a fresh change of clothes for him to wear. He also packed some food and drinks inside his backpack, and sought out the all-purpose handcuff and leg-cuffs keys he owned – they’d most likely suffice to unlock the manacles Matt was stuck with. It’d be good if those could be salvaged for further use… especially on the same boy who had brought them in the first place!

Will was just getting ready to go outside to meet Paul when his phone went off again. “We’re at the corner now,” Paul announced; his voice over the phone sounding much clearer now that he was so close.

“Cool!” Will replied. “Go to the gate and wait for me there. I doubt any cars will come by at this time of night; but if you see any headlights coming, hide in the ditch!”

“Will do,” Paul replied before he clicked off. Will hastened out to meet him.

“Okay, we’re in the home stretch,” Paul told his new friend. “We just have to follow along this wall for a bit without being seen, and we’re home free.”

“But there’s almost no cover,” Matt protested. “If any cars come along, they’ll see us.”

“There’s almost no traffic along this road even by day,” Paul replied as he started tugging on his leash to urge him along behind him. “There won’t be any this time of night. Even if someone *did* show up, we could hide behind those reeds and bushes down along the ditch by the road. Now come on; the quicker we get going, the quicker we can get out of sight of the road and get those cuffs off of you!”

That was sufficient encouragement for Matt; he hurried along after Paul as fast as he could go – leaving plenty of slack on his leash and almost heedless of the chain that hobbled his ankles together rattling noisily as he ran.

It had been a long and difficult journey for Matt; he was glad that relief from bondage was finally within sight

Paul and Matt reached the front gate at just about the same time Will did coming from the other side of it. Seeing them, Will grabbed a key and unlocked the small side gate with it, admitting the two fugitives and waving them on in invitingly.

“Welcome to my house,” Will said with a grin as he pulled out a wet rag from his knapsack and suddenly pressed it against Matt’s face, while Paul suddenly gripped the startled younger boy’s arms from behind.

Matt struggled weakly for only a moment before he fell sound asleep to the sound of the gentle laughter of the other two boys.
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Post by LK3869 »

There's something in the water in that area, you can't walk a day without coming across some TUGs crazed boys :lol:
Or Will's been very busy.
Matt's insertion into the story is fun and unexpected , didn't see it coming untill too late, just like him :)
Loved Will's speech about stories. He's a clever devil.
don't run ! I'm friendly ...
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Jason Toddman
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Post by Jason Toddman »

LK3869 wrote: 6 years ago
If so, if i could figure out what it was, bottle it, and patent it, I'd be rich!!! :twisted:
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Post by bondagefreak »

Jason Toddman wrote: 6 years ago
LK3869 wrote: 6 years ago
If so, if i could figure out what it was, bottle it, and patent it, I'd be rich!!! :twisted:
What I'd love to patent, is that programmable shock collar with the adjustable settings.
It would be on my boy's ([mention]sniffingyoursocks[/mention]) neck almost 24/7, with the degree of severity set according to my mood 8-)

Luckily for him, he's really well behaved most of the time, so it would be used mostly for the integrated GPS feature, or for when I want him to quietly do his chores ;)

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Post by sniffingyoursocks »

**unable to say something in fear of being shocked again**

8-) :shock: :o
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Post by bondagefreak »

sniffingyoursocks wrote: 6 years ago **unable to say something in fear of being shocked again**

8-) :shock: :o
No boi. The shock collar here has lots of settings.
It can either keep you perfectly quiet (no talking, mumbling, laughing or coughing) or can allow you to talk normally without yelling or screaming.

I'd have it locked around your neck all the time, except at night and maybe when I bring you out ;)
You trust me, right boi?

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Post by Jason Toddman »

bondagefreak wrote: 6 years ago
What I'd love to patent, is that programmable shock collar with the adjustable settings.
Well, with the rapid advances in technology these days, they'll probably have something like that before long. Most of these ideas already are reality (and were when i first wrote this story); just not all in one device and not for ordinary civilian use (but rather for use in high-tech prisons). At least; up to experimental stages anyway. Whether or not they ever entered a full production stage, i do not know.
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Post by Jason Toddman »

Part 40.

John was subjected to relentless tickle torture for what seemed like an eternity but was, in reality, less than ten minutes before Corey decided to give him a break.

“I’d take off the panel gag to give you a drink,” Corey told him, “but you might try to call out, and you probably don’t want to have to deal with needing to ‘go’ before the morning either. So you just stay quiet and go to sleep if you can, and I won’t tickle you any more tonight. Deal?”

John nodded his agreement; anything to keep from being subjected to more tickling!

All in all he was not too uncomfortable. He’d been fed, given all the water he’d dared drink, and allowed to relieve himself before being tied down. The cot he was tied to was sturdy but reasonably comfortable, and the blankets Will and Corey had placed on him kept him reasonably warm without making him too hot. So although forced to endure humiliation and some discomfort, he was not particularly miserable – just annoyed. He was also tired, and soon fell fast asleep.

John slept soundly for a while and then slowly became groggily awake when a minor commotion nearby intruded on his dreams. Cracking his eyes open, he saw that it was still dark; otherwise he couldn’t tell what time of night it was. He heard the sounds of movement and some whispered conversation close at hand, and what sounded like something being carried into the tent. Keeping his eyes closed but feeling tense, John tried to force himself to be more awake and alert and focus on what was being said; fearing it involved more rounds of torture for him in the wee hours of the morning.

“I can’t believe you had the balls to come back here,” Corey’s voice whispered to someone, “let alone bring some other kid with you!”

“And miss out on all the fun here?” Paul’s distinctive voice could be heard to reply. “No way! Besides, I figured it’d be rude to come back without making some contribution of my own to the festivities!”

“I’ll bet John will enjoy the company,” Will added. “He probably won’t mind the competition for our attention either. Misery loves company.”

“Well, let’s make the new guest comfortable!” Will suggested as the light of a flashlight abruptly lighted up the darkness inside the tent. “I’m afraid we’ll have to use your own cot, Corey. We’ll find something more comfortable for you and Paul to sleep on afterward, okay?”

“That’s okay… I didn’t fancy sleeping on a cot anyway,” Corey replied mildly. “The sleeping bags we brought will serve me just fine anyway. I’m used to *those*!”

Too curious to feign sleep any longer, John slowly opened his eyes and turned his head to look toward the other cot. By the light of the flashlight Will held in his hand, John saw a boy about his own age being bundled onto the other cot. He was handcuffed and manacled, but these bonds were promptly removed by a special key Will had which could operate on all standard locks for such devices. These were then replaced by coils of rope that apparently just been brought for the purpose.

John watched with some fascination as the boy (who, incredibly, seemed to be fast asleep while all this was going on) was tied down into his cot by the other boys. They looped coil after coil of rope around his body and the cot alike; almost literally cocooning him in place. Through it all the boy slept peacefully as if safe and alone in his own bedroom at home; seemingly oblivious to what was happening to him.

“How long you figure he’ll sleep?” Corey asked as he wound coils of rope around the new boy’s feet; keeping his voice down not because of John’s sake but to avoid attracting unwanted attention from anyone in the house who might happen to be awake at this hour.

“All night, if we let him,” Paul replied in an equally low voice while he bound Matt’s arms to his sides as well as to the cot. “He was pretty tuckered out by the time we’d walked all the way here. If we try to get his attention though, we could probably wake him up in an hour or so.”

“Not that *I* really care, but isn’t this kind of thing a bit different from your usual style though?” Corey asked. “You guys never went for outright kidnapping before; not even with John Boy over there.”

John bristled at the nickname but held his peace; he wanted to hear the conversation and was content not to be the direct center of attention for once.

“This is different,” Paul replied. “Mattie here virtually begged to come with me when I told him I was splitting from that camp. Not *my* fault he was already pre-packaged when I brought him here, or stuck with me rather than go off on his own!”

“Once my folks have left along with Andy and Nancy, we’ll see if we can’t arrange something that’s a bit fairer,” Will added as he prepared the spare ball gag for its new recipient. “He’ll have the same chances John had; once things are private enough again. In the meantime, we have no choice but to keep him incommunicado.”

“But are you sure this tent is far enough away from the house?” Paul asked. “If that little cousin of yours comes snooping around here…”

“The woods surrounding the tent are pretty thick, so the tent isn’t visible from anywhere around the house,” Will reminded him. “As long as you guys make as little noise as possible, even Andy won’t find them here. Besides, I plan to keep him occupied all day by playing games with him and such so he won’t have the chance to wander off. Just sit tight, keep these two inside the tent and let them sleep, stay out of sight, and no one will be the wiser. You have enough food and drinks stashed here for the four of you, and you can occupy your time listening to your IPods, playing with your IPads, and so on. My folks are leaving late Monday morning; once they’re gone, we can have all the fun we want again.”

“Thirty six hours seems a long while to stay cooped up in here,” Corey groused.

“Better for you than it is for *them*, I fancy,” Paul replied as he pointed to John and Matt with a grin. “Especially since we don’t dare allow them unassisted mercy breaks. In any case, having just escaped from Camp Woebegone and endured a long journey practically as a fugitive, I could do with a little rest!”

“But Monday I’ll have to go back home and help my folks clean pools again,” Corey pointed out. “I was hoping to have some fun NOW!”

“Hmmm… Corey has a point,” Will conceded. “I promised him a good time over the weekend, and I hate to break my word. Tell you what, Corey… you and Paul fancy a bit of a ‘safari’ to the far end of the estate tomorrow?”

“Sounds interesting,” Corey replied a trifle warily; “tell me more.”

“My folks undoubtedly plan to have a fairly elaborate Sunday dinner tomorrow around noon,” Will explained. “They’ll all be occupied with that for an hour or so at least. While we’re having dinner in the dining room, you and Paul can take Matt and John out to the far end of the estate. There’s a tree-house Paul and I built there last year where we could play our games in privacy when my folks happened to be home. Wound up never needing it, but maybe you could use it now. No one ever goes out there, and you wouldn’t have to be anywhere near so careful about making noise as you would have to be here.”

“Sounds good to me,” Paul added. “That will give us plenty of time to rest, and we can leave in broad daylight while still having practically no chance of being spotted.”

“Speaking of which, I need to get to bed myself,” Will pointed out. “You two sure you’ll be fine with just the sleeping bags you’ve got?”

“Sure,” Paul replied agreeably. “Like Corey said, the sleeping bags will do fine. It’s a warm night and there’s enough room in the tent between the cots for us both anyway. I for one will sleep like a log.”

“Okay,” replied Will as he and the others stepped outside the tent; taking the flashlight with them. “I’ll call you guys on your cell phone when the coast is clear and you can move out without Andy or anyone else spotting you.”

Will and the others walked off out of earshot of John and apparently said their good nights near the house. Sometime later Corey and Paul returned, checked on John’s bonds, unrolled their sleeping bags, and stretched out on top of them. They had a short quiet conversation of no particular consequence and soon went to sleep.

John remained wide awake; relieved that no immediate torture was in the offing but feeling too keyed up to go back to sleep. It was dark and quiet, but this did nothing to help ease his mind back into slumber. He wondered what new torments his captors had planned for him in the morning.

He was still awake when, around three in the morning, the other boy began to stir. A subdued sound of inquiry could suddenly be heard in the darkness; followed by the sounds of attempted movement. The sounds became louder as their maker became more alert and evidently more puzzled as to why he couldn’t move.

There was enough moonlight so that John could dimly see his fellow prisoner. He tried to ease the other boy’s fear by making reassuring sounds to him, but his own gag made his sounds so muted that the other boy didn’t hear them over his own noises for a minute or two. Finally though, the boy realized that he was not alone, quieted down, and looked around.

There was just enough light inside the tent for him to see John, bound inside a cot of his own, and the two other boys asleep on the tent floor between them. Looking at himself, Matt was quickly able to assess his own current situation and made a quiet groan of resignation. Out of the frying pan into the fire!

There came another muffled sound from the boy across the tent, and John turned to look at him. It was too dark to see him clearly, but his fellow prisoner seemed to be trying to reassure him.

Despite the situation, Matt began to feel a little better. At least for now he was not being mistreated the way he would have been back at Camp WillyWonka. There, he likely would have spent the night staked out naked on an anthill (one with fire ants!) and covered in honey! Here, though tied up, he felt comfortable otherwise.

The two boys exchanged muffled calls for the next hour or two, and though neither could understand the other, each knew that the other was a friend.

Finally, each feeling vaguely comforted by the other boy’s company, they both fell asleep.
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Part 41

Andy was restless. He was unable to get that Vulcan kid in the Starfleet uniform out of his mind. Although Will claimed that he’d met the Vulcan and saw him being taken care of by his friends, the tender-hearted Andy was still worried. He had a sneaking suspicion that Will hadn’t actually believed him and had made up a story just to shut him up. After all, it wouldn’t have been the first time someone had done this just to humor him.

Andy was used to people not believing him when he told them things… like how he had met Luke Skywalker and visited Tattooine and the moon of Endor inside his X-wing fighter. Okay, so he’d actually sneaked out of the house, went to the video store downtown, and watched the Star Wars movie “Return of the Jedi” while it was playing on a new plasma screen TV set for free! Well, he hadn’t *really* been lying about how he’d spent his time! But the way his mother had reacted, you’d think he’d set the house on fire or tried to microwave the cat!!!

Andy couldn’t help it if he liked to add some zest to his humdrum existence by telling about the movies and shows he watched as if he’d actually participated in the events himself. But adults kept looking at him as if he was crazy sometimes; Andy hated that!

But yesterday something really *had* happened. He really *had* seen a Vulcan kid tied up in the woods! Why wouldn’t anyone believe him? Just because he exaggerated a little now and then… say, a dozen times a day… was no reason to call him a liar!

Still, he’d realized that his cousin Will had a point about talking about his latest exploit any further. Therefore he’d kept his mouth shut about seeing Vulcans in the woods ever since he saw the Vulcan boy running after the car he was in later that afternoon. Especially after his mother threatened to give him a sound spanking if he brought the subject up ever again.

But Andy was still concerned; that Vulcan boy hadn’t looked very happy, and Andy couldn’t help but feel that Will had fibbed about actually seeing him for himself. Why Will would not have noticed him running around the estate afterward, or why the Vulcan boy would continue to hang around without trying to call Andy’s attention to himself again, Andy could not have explained. But despite this, Andy was convinced that the Vulcan boy was still around the estate somewhere, and was still in some kind of trouble.

And so, after a largely sleepless night, Andy got up at the crack of dawn, quietly dressed himself, and sneaked out of his bedroom. Moving with the stealth only a small determined child can achieve, Andy left the house to search for any signs that the Vulcan kid was still around and still in distress.

It was already pleasantly warm outside and the rising sun gave Andy all the light he needed to see by. He immediately hurried down the woods trail he’d used the day before to see if the Vulcan boy was anywhere to be found. Within fifteen minutes he came to the tree that he’d seen the Vulcan boy tied to before. Except for a few discarded scraps of ropes lying around however, he saw no signs that anyone had been there recently.

Still not convinced, Andy began to explore every bit of the woods between that spot and the house to see if he could find any signs that anyone else was still around.

It was only a matter of time before he blundered upon the secret campsite.

Andy stood stock still in surprise for a moment when he saw the tent. Why, this tent was totally invisible from the house; or anywhere else he’d been to up to now. He’d come to within sixty feet of it before he knew it was even there; it blended so well with the surrounding foliage and was well hidden by nearby trees. It was the bright early morning sunshine streaming into the small clearing in which the tent stood that had attracted Andy’s notice first, and he’d investigated it more out of sheer curiosity than from any expectation of finding anyone here.

Andy stood still and quietly surveyed the situation. There was no one outside the tent, and the tent flap was zipped closed – making looking inside the tent from a distance impossible. However, there were various items strewn carelessly about. Also, if he remained silent and listened carefully, the sounds of soft breathing could be heard from inside the tent. There was definitely someone in there; possibly even more than one person.

Did Will or any of the others know about this?

Torn between curiosity and trepidation, Andy slowly stepped toward the tent; ready to turn and flee as fast as he could if anyone inside the tent reacted to his presence. On tip-toe he went; moving slowly and quietly to the front of the tent. He reached the front flap, and still there was no change in the soft breathing that he heard from inside the tent.

Shaking with equal parts curiosity and trepidation, Andy bent down, reached for the zipper of the tent flap, and slowly pulled it upward – careful to make as little sound as possible. The tent flap curled aside, and Andy poked his head in to peek inside.

It was dark inside the tent, and the darkness was accentuated by the thickness of the tent canvas and the fact that Andy’s eyes were now accustomed to the brightness of the morning sunshine outdoors. Andy squinted his eyes and looked intently.

There was a dimly seen figure lying on a cot to his left, and another on his right. Both were wrapped from head to toe in what seemed like bandages; making them look like Egyptian mummies in the dim light inside the tent. But these mummies were alive, awake, and looking straight at him. One mummy was making strange, incomprehensible murmuring noises at him that Andy immediately took to be monster-mummy talk.

Suddenly one other figure Andy had not noticed before rose up between the mummies and looked at him. Another one could be seen lying on the floor at its feet. In the poor light they looked to his startled eyes (and overactive imagination) like the hideous undead creatures known as draugr from the game Skyrim, and they also made strange gurgling noises at him. The one standing turned to face him and took a small step forward.

Andy screamed, dropped the tent flap, and ran to the house as fast as he could go.

“What the…?” Paul exclaimed as he suddenly came awake; having sleepily gotten up with eyes closed tight as he felt the need to urinate. He hadn’t noticed Andy at the tent flap until the frightened child screamed and ran off.

Paul hastily flung open the tent flap and looked out; just in time to see Andy streaking toward the house like a frightened cat.

“Oh shit!” he muttered out loud, just as Corey, awakened by the fuss, stood up to find out what was going on. “We’ve been spotted. We’ve got to pack everything up and get the heck out of here… right now! That kid might bring Will’s folks back here!”

Corey needed no second urging. Fortunately, he and Paul had slept fully clothed; so no time was wasted in getting dressed. They simply packed up all their gear as quickly as possible and prepared John and Matt for a hasty departure.

“Lucky it’s still so early in the morning,” Corey said as he began untying John from his cot. “Everyone’s likely to be still in bed. Even if they believe that little bugger, it’s going to take a few minutes for them to get dressed and come back out here to investigate what all the fuss is about!”

“Yeah, and luckily this entire area is invisible from the house,” Paul agreed as he prepared John for immediate evacuation. “But even so, we’ve got to get far enough away to not be visible from here when they arrive, while still covering our trail well enough so that we won’t be followed to where we’re going!”

“No worries! I’m an Eagle Scout,” Corey told him. “I know how to cover my tracks. But my concern is... how do we persuade these two to come along with us? They might rather try to slow us down in hopes the others will catch up to us?”

“They’re too heavy to us to each carry one of them by themselves, so we’re going to have to carry them out of here one at a time,” Paul replied. “Free them from their cots but leave them tied hand and feet so they can’t move by themselves. We’ll lug one of them away a short but safe distance, and hope to God we have time to come back for the other one and get *him* away unseen. Come on; there’s no telling how much time we’ve got left.”

Paul and Corey quickly but efficiently got John and then Matt into a secure hog-tie.

Corey and Paul picked John up first by his legs and shoulders and immediately hauled him out of the tent and down the trail leading away from the house. John was still gagged, and so made no attempt to call for help – it would attract attention only from his own captors, and under the circumstances that would not be at all favorable. Having been tied securely the entire night and having a lot of the fight taken out of him by his recent experiences, John made no resistance at all as Paul and Corey carried him away.

The three were over two hundred feet further down the trail and well out of sight of the tent when Paul and Corey decided to set John down and go back for Matt. Just as they were starting back, Paul’s cell phone abruptly rang.

Paul checked the incoming number before answering; planning to ignore it and shut the phone off if it were his parents calling; certainly didn’t need the noise of that ringing to give his presence away to anyone else anyway! But it was Will’s number on the caller-ID, so Paul immediately answered it.

“Will, we have a problem,” Paul explained without preamble.

“I know, but it’s not as bad as you think,” Will explained with a surprisingly relaxed voice. “Luckily, I was in the kitchen getting a drink when Andy came back into the house through the kitchen door, so he wasted time babbling to *me* what had happened while everyone else was still upstairs and out of earshot, fast asleep. I’ve managed to talk him out of telling anyone else – at least for now; that I’d go check it out before talking to mom and dad and Aunt Nancy. I’m coming out to help you get moving. If Andy doesn’t go running to his mom anyway despite my advising him not to, you’ll have plenty of time. He probably won’t dare wake her up anyway; not after what happened before!”

“Whew! That’s a relief!” Paul replied with a loud out-take of breath. “Okay, see you at the tent then.”

Will arrived at the tent a few minutes later and immediately helped them pack up everything inside of it that they would need later; starting with Matt himself. Unlike John, Matt was not particularly cooperative nor quiet, and struggled and made as much noise as he could. It got him nowhere except for a few slaps in the face and a couple of mild blows in the gut – with the threats of much worse if he didn’t behave himself. Finally seeing the futility of resistance – and being cowed into submission by a threat of a few harder blows below the belt – Matt ceased his useless struggling as Corey and Paul carried him off to lay him down in the grass beside the trail next to John.

“You two get acquainted,” Will told John and Matt with a slightly taunting tone of voice. “After all, you’re going to be roomies for the rest of the summer.” He gave them a cheerful wave and then left them to their own devices to help Corey and Paul pack up the contents of the tent.

Working together with Corey and Paul, Will helped move it all far enough away to be carted off at leisure afterward. The tent itself was let where it was; there would be no need for it at the tree-house, and it would leave its tell-tale marks in the grass to anyone else who came here anyway. It would in fact make more sense to leave the tent where it was and make up a story about why it was there in the first place if an explanation was needed then to try to explain why a tent was there earlier but not there anymore.

Left alone with John, Matt immediately moved over to John as quickly as he could; bumping painfully forward on his butt by pulling himself along with his bound feet and legs. It was slow work and painful on his behind; especially as his wrists were tied behind him so that he could not use his arms to help.

“Quick! Let’s try to untie each other while those bastards are busy elsewhere!” he tried to say to his fellow captive as he scuttled about on his rear end and came back to back to him. However, being thoroughly gagged, what Matt said sounded more like “Weeeg! Wes rye oo ooniiee eeeag ooarr weee oossseee asssarrss aahhh iiiggee eeelllsssweerree!”

Even though John was unable to make out a single word of that, Matt’s message was quite obvious; especially when the other boy’s fingers began probing at the knots around John’s bound wrists. Though understandably fearful of being caught, John fell in with Matt’s suggestion with alacrity and did his best to help by trying Matt’s bond while Matt was trying to untie his.

However, both boys had been tied for quite a long while. Their hands and fingers were somewhat numb by now (although not dangerously so as far as their circulation or safety were concerned). Neither was expert in untying knots. Neither could see what they were doing, and their fingers kept getting in the way of those from the other boy. Also, both boys were understandably trying to work as fast as they could, and the old adage about ‘haste makes waste’ proved especially applicable in their current situation.

In short, despite having a totally unsupervised half-hour all to themselves, Matt and John got nowhere before their attempts were spotted by Corey, who had suddenly appeared to up check on them.

“Hey!” Corey yelled to Paul and Will; “we’ve got an escape attempt in progress!”

John and Matt tried to separate from each other and look innocent, but were unable to pull it off; their faces virtually radiated guilt when Will and Paul hove into view.

“Well, I can see you two are going to get along splendidly!” Will said with a smirk that seemed more amused than angry. “It’s lucky for you two that we don’t have time for a lesson in discipline right now! We have to get you well away from here before my folks wake up and Andy tries telling them about you. But be sure that punishment is merely delayed; nothing more.”

Corey was left to guard the two prisoners while Will and Paul finished moving all the supplies they’d need far enough away from the tent to remain hidden from view from the area of the tent itself. The three boys then did all they could to eliminate any visible trail between the tent and their cache of supplies (or their two captives). Now, even if Andy persuaded anyone to investigate the tent, all they would find would be an empty and innocuous tent with no signs of any recent usage or habitation whatsoever. No one would find their carefully hidden gear unless they knew where to look or what to look for.

Once assured that their gear could be retrieved at leisure at a more opportune time, Paul and Corey loosened the bonds between their captives’ feet. They expertly made some rope hobbles with enough slack for John and Matt to walk but not run. Another hobble was tied between John’s right foot and Matt’s left foot; hobbling the two together just loosely enough so they could walk without stumbling over each other. An additional rope was used to tie two collars together, and these collars were fitted around the captives’ necks. A leash was then made for each collar, and Corey and Paul each held one in hand.

The two captive boys were then hoisted to their feet. A heavy knapsack containing supplies of food and drink was fitted on each; each having special straps so that they could be put on without their arms and wrists being free.

Barefoot, gagged, hobbled, leashed, and laden like mute beasts of burden, John and Matt were pulled further on down the trail deeper into the woods while Will returned to the house to stall any investigation out here.
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Part 42.

Matt wasn’t carrying too much; perhaps no more than twenty five to thirty pounds (or about 12 to 14 kg). But having his arms and wrists bound behind him interfered with his balance, and being barefoot as well made for greater discomfort than if he were carrying the same load while clothed and walking normally along.

But the worst part of it all was being unable to say a word that could be understood by anyone else around him. Not even to his fellow captive, who likewise was unable to talk aloud to Matt. All each boy could do was exchange glances and an occasional muffled but reassuring noise to the other.

Matt was scared at first; having no idea what Corey and Paul intended to do with them and having a lurid imagination. This last was exacerbated by his memories of horrid quips from the boys at camp about what *they* were thinking of doing to him. Terms like ‘back-door entry’ and ‘golden showers’ had been exchanged quite freely in front of him back at camp, and this had scared him so much that even leaving with a total stranger like Paul (who at least had showed a modicum of sympathy) had been preferable.

However, although John did not seem totally happy with his own situation, he did not have the haunted look of desperation Matt was sure had been a prominent feature on his own face of late. Also, John did not seem to have been *too* badly mistreated; at least, he looked healthy and well-fed enough. There were no signs of deprivations or the kinds of beatings and whippings on his body that Matt had dreaded from the boys at camp.

John glanced at Matt and made noises in such a way that seemed to indicate to John that, despite appearances, things would not be *too* bad. And though their captors seemed a tad rough and taunted them a little, there had been no talk from Will, Corey, or Paul about gross tortures to be performed on him later.

And it *was* nice to have some company in misfortune. Even if his new friend couldn’t do anything to help him except to take some of his captors’ attention onto himself, he was able to give Matt a much-needed sense of moral support.

So rather than jumping from the frying pan into the fire, maybe it was the other way around. Still not an ideal situation, but better than what he had been facing.

Corey and Paul pulled their captives along by their leashes at a fairly vigorous pace at first; wanting to get distance between themselves and the tent in case Andy’s spying brought about an immediate investigation. But once they’d gone a few hundred more feet they slowed down their pace and let their captives walk along at a more leisurely pace. The path was narrow but well beaten down here, so that the small safari made no signs of passage that anyone else other than an experienced tracker would ever notice was there.

Coming to a particular spot Paul had been looking for, the four boys abruptly left the trail and plunged straight into the woods for a short distance. Reaching a small clearing, the four stopped. Corey and Paul quickly faced their charges to a sizeable birch tree. Already having John’s right ankle attached to Matt’s left one made it easy to attach their other ankles to one another leaving them secured with the tree between for a while. Then, while Corey kept watch over them, Paul went back over their back-trail and spent some time making sure that no one was following; and then confusing the trail so that no one else *could* follow their trail as he slowly returned to the others.

“No one’s following,” he reported to Corey. “We can take it more easily the rest of the way; the tree-house Will and I built isn’t much further from here anyway. Once we get there, we can relax.”

Corey was for getting to the tree-house as fast as their hobbled prisoners could get there, but Paul set them to a more leisurely pace. Even so, they reached the tree-house after only a few more minutes of walking.

As tree-houses went, it wasn’t too bad. It was built on top of a wooden platform that had been placed inside the hollow of a large maple tree where its trunk split off into a dozen branches about eight feet up. It was half-hidden from casual view from any distance greater than fifty feet by branches and numerous leaves. A set of wooden slats nailed into the central trunk served as a ladder up to the platform. Considering its isolation, it must have taken a lot of time and effort to bring the materials for its construction out here and then put it all together as well as it was. However, although it looked well built, it looked less roomy than the tent had been.

“How the heck are we going to get these two up there?” Corey asked in puzzlement as he looked at their bound and hobbled captives.

“We don’t,” Paul replied casually. “There’s not enough room for all of us in there anyway. That’s just for us to sleep in; Matt and John will spend the whole time outside. They’ll be fine anyway. The weather’s supposed to stay warm and dry for the next couple of days, it’s cool with plenty of shade, and there’s some blankets up there we can bring down for them to lie or sit on too. I’ll go bring them down, while you relieve Matt and John of their knapsacks.”

Paul climbed up the makeshift ladder and opened the door to the tree-house. It was not very large, but the walls were well-built and sturdy and the interior reasonably dry (though a bit musty) even after being closed up all the time since last summer. Paul opened up a set of shutters that covered a (glass-less) window to let the tree-house air out, and then opened up a wooden crate containing the blankets and other gear he and Will had left for future use last summer.

Corey got the knapsacks off a relieved John and Matt; undoing the special straps so that neither boy had to be untied first. “Now that we’re here, what do we do with them?” he asked Paul as the other boy descended from the tree house again.

“I’ve got an idea.” said Paul, who had brought some requirements with him from the tree house. “What about a little competition? Not for complete freedom this time, though... Will isn’t here and we shouldn’t have such a contest without his approval first. Let’s just make the stakes mild enough so that we can have a definite winner without spoiling *our* fun, but still make it enough to interest them both.”

“Sounds interesting,” Corey replied. “I think I remember such challenges you and Will gave *me* last summer. It’ll be nice seeing someone else have to do them. Do you have any particular plan in mind?”

“Let’s challenge them to get free of a tie-up within a reasonable frame of time, and the one who does a better job of it is the winner,” Paul suggested. “As a reward, the winner gets to be more comfortable and free of torture while the loser gets to be made even *less* comfortable. How about it?”

Corey thought this was a good way to kill time. Paul’s proposition wasn’t too enticing as far as the prisoners, especially the potential loser, were concerned but any chance of being even partially untied was better than no chance at all and each prisoner was determined to do his best to win the contest.

At that moment, Matt and John saw each other as a potential rival rather than as a companion in misfortune. A fellow captive getting moral support was one thing; but when it came right down to it, it was each boy for himself! And although neither could communicate vocally with the other, an exchange of glances between them carried this unspoken understanding between them with perfect clarity!

Paul explained what was going to happen to Matt and John and the two captors went about their tasks. First the checked the security of their current bindings and found them to be good enough for present purposes. Paul removed the ropes connecting the prisoners together at their ankles and their necks. Then Corey and Paul took a long rope each and tied one round the chest of each captive. When they had finished, there was a double loop of rope under each prisoner’s armpits and tied off between his shoulders. The ropes were tight but not painful – yet!

The unfortunate prisoners were forced to lie flat on their faces while, to their relief, their hobbles were removed. That relief was short-lived as Paul and Corey set about binding their feet so that their ankles were crossed and, under Paul’s direction, they were pulled up to their backsides and carefully tied in place with additional loops round each thigh and adjacent ankle.

“OK, who’s first?” asked Corey.

“I suppose John takes precedence. After all, he was our first guest.” answered Paul.

John was perfectly willing to let the newer guest take precedence, but his opinion was not consulted and his gagged mumblings were totally ignored. Matt, being at heart a polite and quiet boy, was quite content to let John have the first go and remained silent.

Paul had already taken a long hank of paracord and tied a pair of scissors to one end of it and, after a preliminary swing or two, he released the mouse so that the weight of the scissors fed the paracord over a tree branch about three meters (ten feet) from the ground. While he was catching the weight and untying the scissors, Corey half-lifted and half-dragged John over to where Paul was working and laid him on the ground again. Paul knotted the free ends of the long rope round John’s chest together, looped the paracord between them and secured it with a re-tied figure of eight knot. “There’s no problem that can’t be solved using paracord and gaffer tape.” repeated Paul smugly as he pulled the rope up over the branch and back down again. “OK, hoist away!”

With that, Corey and Paul pulled the rope until John’s weight had pulled it tight. Paul untied the knot in the free ends of the long rope and removed his mouse before helping Corey to hoist John to his knees. When Paul thought the rope was tight enough, he tied the ends off to the loops that passed just under his armpits. Poor John; only his knees were now on the ground and he was left oscillating in his bonds and whining pitifully.

With practice comes perfection or, in this case, at least greater efficiency, and before long there was another pendulous burden hanging from a nearby tree branch, oscillating and wriggling desperately.

“Reminds me of the twelve days of Christmas,” Paul commented dryly as he and Corey walked to the foot of a nearby and sat down to watch the show. “Only instead of a partridge in a *pear* tree, we have a *pair* in a maple tree.”

“Must be a fruit tree,” Corey replied with a grin. “After all, they sure look like fruits now.”

“In more ways than one!” Paul replied with a snide grin. Both boys laughed.

Neither Matt nor John thought there was anything funny about that however.

John and Matt knew that they were about to undertake an escape challenge and went about it in as determined a manner as their situation allowed. They had two hours after which, if neither had managed to untie himself completely, their captors would decide who had made the better attempt. They knew there was less than no chance of either boy being able to free himself sufficiently to escape them in the time so they could afford to sit back and enjoy the sweating, and as far as they were concerned, spectacle. The winner would have his bonds moderated considerably whereas the loser would be tickle-tortured brutally as he continued to rock where he was hanging.

Paul felt he had to point out that the loser’s feet would be perfectly positioned for the torture and - just in case they hadn’t understood - he gave each victim a short demonstration. The results seemed satisfactory; both captives obviously understood what was at stake here with perfect clarity!

The grunting contortions continued and the already desperate prisoners became even more desperate and even more vocal as their torment continued. Sitting in the shade and throwing the occasional fallen twig or some other natural detritus at the squirming targets didn’t seem to pose the same problems for the spectators.

John had an advantage over Matt in this particular game; his recent experiences at the hands of Paul and Will had given him plenty of practice trying to squirm free of tight situations like this, and he had a more wiry build than his stockier companion. He actually made noticeable progress with his bonds, while Matt simply writhed and wriggled with no clear purpose to his exertions.

After an idle two hours or so (during which they drank ice-cold lemonade stored in thermos containers and munched on some candy bars), the captors thought that they’d enjoyed the spectacle for long enough and decided it was time for a change. Their victims now oscillated more than they had previously due to the ropes’ stretching but Paul made it absolutely clear that any further struggling would result in both prisoners being deemed to have lost.

John still thought that there was more than a good chance that that would happen in any case but both boys immediately went still as two apples hanging from a tree regardless.

The two captors examined their prisoners like judges at an agricultural show, pointing out to each another the various positive points of each boy’s escape attempt. They then went into a judicial huddle. Paul soon returned the adjudication.

The sigh from the loser was so profound that his entire body seemed to shrink.

So saying, the captors went over to John and explained his prize. Having been bound so tightly and for so long, John was only too glad to enjoy any modicum of freedom on offer. The rope hauling him up onto his knees was untied and John immediately collapsed onto his face. This was handy for Paul, who untied it from round his chest. Corey released his ankles from his thighs and then untied them completely. Even though he was still heavily gagged, the sigh/scream as the ropes came off was impressive.

His captors half walked but mostly dragged the victor to the trunk of a nearby tree and leaned him against it facing the tree. They tied the long rope none too tightly round his neck using a non-slip knot. The rope was then passed round the wide trunk and tied off behind it with a reef knot. Even with his hands free, there would be no way John could reach the knot or produce enough slack to slip his neck free but, once his arms and wrists had been untied, the freedom to move his arms again was the best thing he’d felt for the last few days. The threats that had been issued about what would happen to him if he managed to remove his gag had gone to heart and he was prepared to settle for the little comfort he could enjoy. He couldn’t however help having guilt feelings about what was about to happen to his fellow captive. The rope round his neck was loose enough to allow John to turn his back to the tree in time to see that torment start.

Matt looked at the approaching Corey and Paul in much the same way as a bird hypnotized by a snake might look; wide-eyed and almost completely immobile and silent. Only the fact that his small body was trembling indicated that he was still awake and aware of the dreadful fate that awaited him.
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Part 43.

Will returned to the house, where an excited Andy immediately bombarded him with questions.

“Sorry Andy,” Will told his younger cousin with a straight face. “Nothing unusual out there. No draugr; no mummies; nothing but an empty tent, a few birds, and a squirrel.”

“But I saw them!” Andy insisted plaintively. “One arose right off a pallet like those undead dr-drawg things in Skyrim! Another made funny gurgling noises at me just like the sounds those things make. They were there, I tell ya!”

“Then you must have scared them away, champ!” Will said with a grin as he opened the refrigerator to grab some orange juice. “Maybe something about you works like that spell that repels the undead.” God knows *I’m* always trying to avoid you, Will was tempted to add but didn’t have the spite to say to his cousin out loud. The kid was a bit of a pest, but he didn’t (quite) deserve a put-down like that.

“Maybe if I go back outside and look…” the disappointed youngster began to suggest.

“And what would you do if you saw them?” Will asked; facing away because he couldn’t quite keep a straight face. “They might drag you into a grave and bury you alive!”

Andy gave a frightened squeak at this. “But maybe if you came along to fight them off,” he suggested; “I bet even the undead wouldn’t want to mess round with *you!*”

Andy said this with such seriousness and evident trust in his older cousin that Will began to feel a bit like a heel. Maybe the little pipsqueak wasn’t so bad after all… but there was still no way a blabbermouth like him could be trusted with his secret about John’s actual circumstances and whereabouts. He could barely be trusted with the time of day!

“Well, maybe we can both go look for them after breakfast,” Will said to the boy in compromise. “But meanwhile, better not tell anyone else about this. If they believed you, they’d only be scared!” Will said this with a straight face that completely belied his actual opinion of the matter, but Andy took him at his word. “And if they didn’t believe you – which seems more likely, you must admit – your mom would only scold you again, now wouldn’t she?”

Andy reluctantly admitted the wisdom of that bit of advice and nodded his assent without further protest. He still vividly remembered the spanking he got when he had insisted that he’d gone into the woods with Ripley and Lieutenant Worf to fight the acid-blooded aliens – who somehow were in league with species 8472 and plotting to eat everyone in the neighborhood. Since he’d been found alone and apparently was merely wandering aimlessly, his story about alien invaders had been dismissed out of hand and the young galactic hero had received a stout paddling as the reward for his heroics.

So Andy agreed to keep quiet about the series of unfortunate events early this morning when his mother and Will’s parents finally roused out of bed and came downstairs for breakfast. Will had become good at fixing breakfast for (and by) himself and for others, and with (or perhaps despite) a little assistance from Andy had managed to make a near-banquet of ham and eggs, toast, and juice for everyone in the house. This naturally put the adults into a mellow mood, and even Andy had practically forgotten the excitement of the tent incident by the time breakfast was over.

Will was ready to indulge Andy with a little outdoor exploration (with a planned route that would go nowhere near where he knew John and the others would be found) and sought out the adults to let them know where he and Andy would be. As a result, he overheard an interesting conversation between his father and the others in his dad’s private den. His ears pricked up when he heard the word ‘handcuffs’; and he listened carefully to every word.

“So, these new-style military handcuffs would deliver a shock if the prisoner gets too unruly?” Nancy asked Will’s dad. “How strong?”

“As strong as needed,” replied Roy casually; “anything from something like a mild carpet shock as a warning to a dosage strong enough to drop him in his tracks. In addition, the new cuffs are designed with a mechanism that can inject any pre-selected sedative directly into the prisoner’s blood-stream. Either can be delivered by remote control, or if the prisoner steps outside a prescribed area. It’s just like the shock collar, only intended for inmates in the penal system or for military use rather than used for dogs. The cuffs can also be configured to deliver electroshocks to prisoners upon their failure to verbally acknowledge something.”

“So, in other words, if you do not answer, "YES SIR!" you will be tortured for your silence?” Nancy asked with some evident disapproval in her voice. “That sounds awful!”

“Uhhh…” Roy replied lamely, evidently at a loss for words. “But Nancy, this isn’t meant as a torture device. It’s just for use against criminals who act up and threaten to cause others or themselves bodily harm even when restrained if they don’t behave.”

But Nancy apparently had a different opinion on the matter.

And so did Will… who began to wonder if he could somehow lay his hands on one of the things to use to keep John even more thoroughly in line! He could already picture the possibilities. If John managed to get away, rather than deliver a shock to him that might injure or possibly even kill him, the cuffs would deliver a harmless but powerful sedative that would merely make him go limp and put him into a sound sleep. Sweet!!!

“So these cuffs could deliver a sedative, right?” asked Nancy. “Then they could deliver anything in liquid form at all. A deadly poison? An intoxicant? LSD? Something that burns and itches? Sounds like it’s right out of the Spanish Inquisition!”

Will wasn’t interested in subjecting John to poison. But something that would cause relentless itching? That definitely sounded interesting.

“So who was it that commissioned the design of this thing from your company in the first place?” Nancy pressed Roy relentlessly.

“Uh… Funcuffs Inc.” Roy replied quietly; thankful that Will was not present to hear this (and blissfully unaware of Will’s proximity or deliberate eavesdropping just behind the adjacent wall).

“Isn’t that the place that makes all those S&M Sex Toys?” Nancy asked incredulously. “Sex bondage cuffs weren’t enough? Now they’re expanding into the police-state electro-torture device field? If you put these electroshock torture devices into the hands of today's sociopathic law enforcers, it creates the perfect recipe for cruel and unusual punishment of victims who have merely been handcuffed and may not be guilty of any crime whatsoever. They will be used as entertainment devices for police state goons to "get their kicks" by torturing prisoners!”

“I’d forgotten what a social activist you’d become, Nancy,” Roy replied drily as he sought to maintain his sense of calm. “Come on, let’s all go out and get some fresh air.”

Will wisely ducked out of sight as the adults left the den. Once they were gone, Will entered surreptitiously entered the den to see if he could find anything related to what they’d been discussing. A set of specs for the special handcuffs lay in plain sight right on top of Roy’s desk, which Will looked over eagerly. One sheet showed a schematic of the high-tech handcuffs and described them:

“Today, handcuffs are just steel restraints. Tomorrow, however, they could be much more. According to U.S. Patent Application 20120298119, Scottsdale Inventions, LLC of Paradise Valley, Arizona has invented a pair of high-tech handcuffs that could deliver electric shocks to prisoners by means of an incorporated Taser-like system hooked to wireless controls and sophisticated sensors.

In some ways, the Scottsdale cuffs are like a combination of invisible fences and training collars used for dogs. Where the canine versions provide a mild joy buzzer of a shock, however, the cuffs could immobilize a prisoner. They're based on the principle of the Taser, which uses electrodes to administer high-voltage, low amperage shocks to disrupt a person’s voluntary nervous system. In this case, the system is part of a pair of handcuffs, though the company says that it could also be used in an ankle cuff, restraining belt, straitjacket, harness, facial restraint, helmet, or neck collar.

The handcuffs have been designed to deliver a shock between between 20,000 and 150,000 volts and between 0.5 and 6 milliamps. The duration of the shock can last from 0.5 and 10 seconds. In addition, the shock can be delivered in a constant jolt or at an intermittent frequency.
The Scottsdale cuffs are more than just a shocking device. They are part of a system for exercising an almost frightening degree of control over single or multiple prisoners. The cuffs could not only shock, but also deliver warnings if the prisoner fails to follow instructions. These warnings might be an audible signal, a vibration, a flashing light or a mild electric shock as a prelude to a more severe jolt if not obeyed.
The cuffs are also programmable. They could be set to respond to radio transmitters so that prisoners must remain in a certain areas, avoid other areas or only move in a prescribed zone. They could also be triggered by RFID tags attached to weapons, vehicles or other items detainees aren't allowed near.
In addition to radio proximity sensors, the cuffs could include an accelerometer, inclinometer, potentiometer, location sensing device, microphone, camera, a biometric sensor or a combination of devices. These could not only allow guards to keep track of prisoners, but also allow the cuffs to automatically deliver a shock if they detect violent or aggressive movements or even if the detainee shouts.
Aside from their deterrent functions, the Scottsdale cuffs could also keep track of prisoner movements, behavior and number of shocks administered, plus they include safety cutouts to prevent administration of an injurious or fatal jolt. The cuffs could also release gases, liquids, dyes and even inject the prisoner with sedative drugs.”
Will wanted to read more, but realized that being caught in his father’s den would likely not be a good thing. Anyway, there were no samples of the actual device anywhere around that he could see. But perhaps a more careful search could be conducted once his dad and the others were safely far away and he had the house to himself once again.

Yes indeed, Will thought to himself; things were definitely looking up!
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Post by LK3869 »

And those things do exist ! ( had to check if you weren't making up those Scottsdale cuffs :D )
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LK3869 wrote: 6 years ago And those things do exist ! ( had to check if you weren't making up those Scottsdale cuffs :D )

Yep, I even had that picture when I wrote the story. The functions of the cuffs are quite real; the only really fictional part being that they are available in one set of restraints. :D

Part 44.

Yes indeed, John thought to himself; things were definitely looking up!

Oh, he was still a prisoner of a small group of TUGs-happy fellow teenagers and completely at their mercy all right. But at least he was no longer the sole recipient of their attentions and therefore could look forward to the occasional respite – if not of being tied up, then at least of being tickled, sat on, or otherwise tormented by other boys with overly well-developed imaginations and notable cruel streaks. He felt sorry for his new friend Matt, who’d been suckered into this situation much as John had been almost a week earlier; but at the same time couldn’t help but be glad he now had someone to share all the ‘fun’ with from now on.

John watched silently as Corey and Paul began to apply their best tickling techniques to their new captive; Paul tackling the undersides of Matt’s feet and Corey his armpits and rib cage. It was hard to tell which one was having more of an effect but the combined results were certainly spectacular. If anything, Matt was even more ticklish than John was, and the contortions and perambulations his athletic body made in its futile attempts to escape those wiggling fingers were definitely something to see. Even Matt’s cleave gag and the intervening distance between the two boys were woefully insufficient to mask the various sounds of laughter and dismay the younger boy made, which only made his tormentors laugh all the louder themselves and tickle him all the more insistently.

Even if John could have made himself heard above the tumult through his own well-tied gag, he wouldn’t have tried. Even without the promises that had been made to him about what would happen if failed to keep quiet, John was perfectly content to let Corey and Paul completely forget all about him. And, to be quite frank, watching Matt being tickle-tortured was endlessly fascinating all by itself. More than his heart grew a little hard as he found himself wishing he was free for a while – not in order to escape but so that he could join the others into tickling Matt into a pure frenzy.

Matt wished he could kick out hard against his two tormentors – despite being under no illusion that this was even a remotely sensible idea under the circumstances. But the way his feet were tied together completely prohibited any great outswing of an individual leg – or really any sudden movement of more than a few inches at a time even with both legs together. He made one valiant attempt though when Corey was directly behind him and attempted a two-legged mule kick directly at his tormentor’s most sensitive area. But the ploy failed when he couldn’t move his legs fast enough. Matt only got his feet tethered to the nearby tree-trunk for his efforts – preventing him from further retaliation and simultaneously further immobilizing his defenseless feet. His wriggling was somewhat less energetic and entertaining to watch as a result, but this didn’t seem to discourage Paul and Corey much if at all.

After a half hour of continued laughing, crying, muffled pleading for mercy, and wildly frantic, jerky movements; Matt’s contortions began to wind down. Seeing he was getting too tired to be as much fun to torment, Paul and Corey decided to let him down from his suspension tie and let him rest for a while.

Not in complete comfort, however. Once Matt was brought down and laid on the ground, Corey produced a box full of hinged clothespin and began to apply them generously to all the sensitive places. Jon watched sympathetically as the wide-eyed Matt saw and felt the first clothespins applied to his nipples. That he did not enjoy the sensation one bit was immediately obvious, but on they stayed – with others added to Matt’s earlobes and then to various fleshy portions of his arms and legs and even a few to his face. Unlike the slimmer John, Matt still had some baby fat – giving the clothespins ample opportunity to ‘pinch an inch’ almost everywhere they were applied and hold on tightly like so many tiny bulldogs.

About the only sensitive place left untouched by clothespins was that one spot no one wanted touched by a foreign object. Even Paul and Corey were not cruel enough to apply any pins to *that* area; by unwritten but mutual agreement it just simply wasn’t done!

Despite this small sliver of mercy, Matt was soon writhing and squirming as vigorously as before; but now he was wailing through his gag rather than laughing and no one was touching him at all.

John quailed momentarily when Corey and Paul turned their gaze toward him again, but apparently they were just satisfying themselves that he was simply behaving himself like a well-mannered prisoner and nothing more. They didn’t even bother to do a close-up examination of his bonds to ensure there was nothing amiss; they merely settled for a cursory glance from fifty feet away and let it go at that. John permitted himself a small sigh of relief; but one quiet enough not to be overheard by the others.

“How about one for his nose?” Corey suggested.

“No, not there!” replied Paul. “Poor bastard’s got to breathe, now don’t he? We’d have to remove his gag to make that safe, and I for one don’t want to take any chances that he might be able to yell loudly enough to make himself heard!”

“You’re joking, right?” Corey asked a trifle acerbically. “You couldn’t hear a lion roar way out here from the house, road, or anywhere else other people are at all likely to be! Besides, I have a plan to keep him too pre-occupied to yell for help!”

Curious, Paul let Corey have his way. “Okay, just remember that if we’re found out you’re in as much trouble as the rest of us!”

“Help me get him down from there and lay him out of the ground,” Corey requested.

Matt sighed with relief as he was carefully lowered to the ground and laid on his back with his arms still bound behind him and his legs still bound securely together. The ground was still damp and covered with moldy leaves, damp grass, and more than a few bugs, but the bliss of no longer being suspended by his arms was great enough to take his mind completely off the potential downsides of this – though he was a trifle worried what this Corey fellow was planning to do to him next.

Corey stood over his helpless prisoner, bent down, removed the clothes-pins that covered the front of Matt’s body except is nipples, and suddenly straddled his belly. Though a few inches taller than Matt, the slender Corey wasn’t very much heavier and besides didn’t put all his weight on his captive anyway. Holding one clothespin in his hand, he suddenly reached down and clamped Matt’s nose shut with it…blocking all his air. After watching Matt struggle violently for a few moments, Corey abruptly removed the clip again.

“Not pleasant, is it?” Corey asked his captive rhetorically. “Now try to go without any struggling for a full minute the next time I do it, and Paul and I will leave you be for the rest of the day and tonight. Ready?”

Before Matt could attempt a reply of any kind through his gag or even suck in some air through his nose, the nose clip was replaced. Matt tried to remain perfectly still, but the need for air soon overwhelmed him. He had never managed to hold his breath longer than about thirty seconds while swimming underwater before, and usually gave up after about fifteen to twenty. He began struggling violently again after only ten seconds this time; while making as much noise of distress through his well-taped mouth as he could.

“Aw, that wasn’t a very good showing,” Corey exclaimed with mock pity; letting Matt struggle for a few more seconds before removing the nose clip. “Come on, kid; can’t you do better than that? Okay, I’ll give you a minute to calm down and catch your breath, and then I’ll give you one more chance. Flub it again, and it’s gruesome torture for you!”

Matt looked at Corey with wide-eyed alarm and tried his best to prepare. He began to deliberately hyper-ventilate as hard as he could to oxygenate his blood, and then took a deep inhale when he saw Corey was about to attach the nose clip again.

Matt managed to hold out a full forty six seconds this time; far and away his personal best but still not good enough to save him.

“One more time?” Paul suggested causally.

“Naw, he’s getting too close and I want some fun!” Corey replied pitilessly. “Okay kid; hold still and I’ll remove the gag from you.”

This was a lengthy process as Corey and Paul had used a lot of tape to ensure Matt’s continued silence since last night; and as there had been no time to give either captive any breakfast it had never been removed since up to then. It occurred to Paul that their captives were overdue for a little food, water, and the taking care of hygienic needs – but as it was still only nine in the morning he and Corey decided that their captives could hold out just a teeny bit longer.

As soon as the last of the tape gag was removed from his mouth, Matt was allowed to spit out the wadded up and now incredibly icky socks that had been stuffed into his mouth for the last ten hours. Before he could do anything else, the nose clip was suddenly replaced on his nose, and both Corey and Paul began to ruthlessly tickle his feet, legs, belly, ribs, and underarms all over again.

Matt laughed hysterically, but with the nose clip clamping his nostrils shut he sounded more like a duck quacking than a boy laughing. Corey and Paul found this so amusing that they persisted in tickling the helplessly laughing (and writhing) boy for several minutes; desisting only when their captive starting crying rather than laughing.

“You okay, sport?” Corey asked with genuine concern as he and Paul got off their reluctant seat and crouched beside him to help him sit up.

“Water…” Matt gasped out in a weak voice. “Please?” He gave his two captors his best puppy-dog pleading look. “I’m so dry!”

Having been in the same situation themselves while at Will’s tender mercies, Corey and Paul relented a bit. “Okay, we’ll take care of your needs now, but make any noise louder than normal conversation and you won’t be happy at all about what we’ll do to you!” Corey threatened rather vaguely but sternly.

Matt nodded mute assent; too tired and thirsty to protest any more.

Corey gave Matt a little water while Paul grabbed a second canteen, removed John’s panel gag, and gave him some water as well. Then each captive was given a couple of doughnuts Will had smuggled out to the campers along with some more water. Finally, John and Matt were re-gagged rather crudely with their own shirts made into cleave-gags, put on leashes and their hands cuffed in front of them rather than tied from behind. They were then allowed one at a time to walk over to some concealing bushes to take care of other rather vital business with some modicum of privacy.

Once this was done, Corey and Paul decided that – considering they’d been roused hours earlier than they had originally planned – they could all do with a nap. Since they could not sleep unless they were certain that their captives were as secure as two gold bars in Fort Knox, they stood each boy together back to back and tied the two of them securely together with all the rope they had packed along with them. Once this was done, they were compelled to lie down inside one of the opened sleeping bags, which was then zipped up with the both of them inside. This particular sleeping bag had a stubborn zipper that was notoriously difficult to unzip even from the outside. From the inside it was almost impossible even for one occupant with his hands free to use outside of the bag – let alone with two occupants jammed inside with no room to maneuver and their wrists securely bound in front of them.

“Keep quiet and we’ll let you sleep undisturbed until lunchtime and we’ll all have a reasonably pleasant afternoon,” Paul told the two captive boys. “Make a peep or otherwise disturb us and we’ll make your lives a pure misery all day long!”

John had no doubt that Paul meant every word of this, and though Matt was not quite as certain this was all real he was not prepared to take any chances either. Besides, although the sleeping bag was a tight fit and more than a trifle warm with both of them inside it was certainly a lot less uncomfortable than hanging from a tree like ripe fruit. Therefore, John and Matt decided that silence was golden, closed their eyes, and made no more sound than they could absolutely help.

Smiling with satisfaction, Paul and Corey found a reasonably comfortable place to set up the remaining sleeping bag and lay down upon it. Left wide open, it was roomy enough for the two of them without crowding. It was a comfortably warm morning by then, with the bright sunshine filtered by the leaves of the trees and the warmth tempered by a cool breeze. Before long, all four boys were lulled to sleep by the gentle rustling of a hundred million maple leaves gently stirring in the wind.
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Part 45.

Things started to go wrong almost at once when Will agreed while to play Hide ‘n’ Seek with Andy.

Will knew it was a stupid thing to do almost immediately; letting Andy wander all around the place in fruitless search of him while he snuck away from the house was a huge risk in light of current circumstances. But Will wasn’t to learn the full extent of his rash decision for a few hours after he’d made it.

Right after lunch he’d been left in charge of his young cousin for several hours while the adults went into town on a shopping expedition, and being stuck alone with the tireless youngster soon wound him up no end! Andy demanded constant attention and supervision, or God only knew what trouble he would get into. Look at the close calls he’d been involved in already! But… with John and the others now well out into the woods, maybe it would be safe to leave the kid to his own devices for a while so he could have a little fun with the others.

To be fair, Will tried to be a good baby-sitter to his little cousin, but by one in the afternoon, Will was in desperate need of a break. He tried to persuade Andy to take a nap, but Andy was much too restless to consider that. He tried to talk him into watching TV or a movie on DVD, but there was nothing good on TV and Andy had somehow managed to break the DVD player when Will wasn’t looking. Besides, he wanted to spend time with his big cousin.

“Why?” Will finally asked him about an hour after his parents and Nancy drove away in their car without them. Struggling to keep the exasperation he felt out of his voice, he repeated, “Why do you want to spend time with me so much?!?”

“Because you’re the only one who likes me,” Andy replied with disarming directness. “Oh, mom does too of course… but sometimes I think I wear her out. But I rarely get to spend any time with another guy since dad and mom got divorced. And she doesn’t really understand me. And I got no friends my age. And I’m lonely.”

Andy’s sad account and puppy-dog eyes made Will feel like a heel, and he forgot about his own problems for a while. But by one o’clock, he was not only getting bored again but was concerned about his friends as well. He needed to get some refreshments and other needed supplies out to them soon, or he’d literally have some unhappy campers on his hands out there before much longer. Food, drinks, some IPods, and some camping gear – especially those specially-designed sleeping bags he’d had made which he and the others hadn’t had a chance to use yet thanks to Andy and the adults being in the way all weekend long. Will needed to get those supplies out of the house to a place where Corey and Paul to get them unseen by Andy and take them out to the tree-house.

So when Andy wanted to play a new game, the perfect diversion immediately popped into Will’s mind.

“Let’s play hide ‘n’ seek,” Will suggested. “You wait here inside your room. I’ll hide somewhere else in the house. It’s a big house and I need lots of time to hide, so count to a hundred. No, make it three hundred. Then you come out and look for me. Count slowly now. One… two… three… that’s it. Just like that. Okay, here I go.”

Making sure that the obliging boy didn’t speed up his count, Will quickly tip-toed away from Andy’s room and made a bee-line for the stairs. He went as quickly as stealth would allow down to his own room and opened his closet. Luckily his dad hadn’t noticed the special nature of the sleeping bag he had stowed away in there; the extra straps it contained having been cleverly concealed when wrapped up. The sleeping bag was also serving special-duty as a large knapsack. Wrapped inside it were packages of cookies, a bag of chips, some sandwiches he’d made during the night, and various other snacks he’d packed this morning. There were also several bottles of water and fruit juice, two IPods with a wide musical selection on each, a spare set of handcuffs and ankle-cuffs, a pair of small but powerful flashlights, two spare sets of speedos for John (and now Matt as well), and a fresh set of clothing each for Corey, Paul, and Will, some toiletries including paper and liquid soap, and extra water and clothes for washing.

Altogether the sleeping bag was quite heavy; a very difficult load indeed to sneak out of the house in any timely manner in any ordinary way. But Will had a ready solution for that too; he simply opened his window, dragged the laden sleeping bag up to it, and heaved the whole kit-and-kaboodle outdoors. The sleeping bag was well padded, and its landing was further softened by a set of lilac bushes that grew along the side of the house. Will looked down, saw that his precious cargo had handed without any mishap, and then climbed out through the window to follow it down. He didn’t jump of course; instead, he used the well-used by still-strong brick steppingstones built into the wall that he’d long ago discovered made sneaking out of the house by an outside route relatively safe and easy (sneaking back was also do-able but not as easy). Not that he’d had much need to make use of this potential escape route until now, but it sure came in handy now!

Thankful that his room faced in the opposite direction from Andy’s and therefore confident he’d remain unseen, Will climbed quickly to the ground, heaved up the heavily-laden sleeping bag with a grunt, and staggered off with it into the concealment of the nearby trees as fast as his strong, athletic legs would carry him. By the time he was out of the house, he was smugly confident that Andy was still inside his room and still a few digits shy of completing his count to 100. Let alone 300.

He was wrong on all counts.

Although Andy was normally a conscientious boy as far as not cheating at games was concerned, he was somewhat brighter than Will had given him credit for. He knew that Will was up to something; always being up to something himself he knew the signs when someone else was also up to something. Well, maybe not immediately; but eventually Andy caught on. Certain from the start this time that Will merely sought an excuse to ditch him (just as he had several times already this weekend), Andy stopped counting the moment Will was out of easy earshot and immediately began following his older cousin.

The normally cautious Will didn’t suspect a thing. Even had he been listening for the sounds of being followed, Andy was a small boy who was very good at being very quiet when he didn’t want to be heard. So when Will launched his sleeping bag out his window and then followed it outside, Andy was secretly watching his every movement through the keyhole of Will’s bedroom door! By the time Will had reached the ground and picked up his sleeping bag, Andy had already opened the bedroom door, hurried across the room to the window, and was carefully peeking down at him. Had Will taken the time to look up at his window, he would have spotted his young cousin looking straight down at him before the younger boy could have reacted to duck his head out of sight.

But Will had never looked back, and was unaware that Andy was not only watching his every move, but was climbing out the window and following him. Andy was slower than Will had been, as he was unfamiliar with the position of stepping stones and uncertain they would hold him, was not the athlete Will was, and was also too small to use them as easily as Will did even if he been as familiar with them as he was with his own backyard at home. Even so, he was inside the woods stealthily following his older cousin only a minute after Will had entered the woods himself.

A minute might normally have still been a sufficient head start for Will to lose his pursuer had he been aware he had one. But he had no idea Andy was camping on his trail and so made no effort to stay silent like Andy was. Andy had sharp ears and Will was carelessly stepping on fallen leaves and twigs along the way rather than trying to avoid them; making it easy for even a small kid like Andy to follow him. Though Andy lacked Will’s stride, Will was slowed by the terrain and the burden he was carrying. Moreover, he stopped to call Paul on his cell phone to ask for assistance in carrying his heavy load; slowing him down enough so that at one point Andy was only thirty feet away from him while hiding behind a tree.

Andy was intensely curious about where Will was going and what he was doing. Whatever it was, the boy was certain it had a lot to do with the strange happenings he’d experienced of late. That Vulcan kid he’d tried to help. Those undead creatures in the tent. Andy was certain Will knew more about them than he’d let on, and he was determined to find out what that was. Being small and light, he was able to walk quietly enough to avoid being overheard – at least by someone unaware of his proximity - while still staying aware of Will’s own location at all times. With a little luck and patience, he’d soon find out everything he wanted to know.

Andy suddenly heard the sounds of movement well beyond the point he knew his older cousin was standing and immediately froze. Yes, someone else was definitely coming this way from further into the woods. The Vulcan kid? One of the draugr? Some new menace that dwelt in the heart of the forest? His imagination working feverishly even by Andy’s standards, the little boy wanted to turn tail and run straight back to the safety of the house. But sheer terror froze him in his track and gripped his throat so that he couldn’t make more than the faintest of whimpers.

It was this combination that kept him from immediate discovery.

“Hi, Paul!” came Will’s familiar voice from well beyond the tree Andy was still hiding behind. “’Bout time you got here.”

Will didn’t sound like *he* was afraid, and this helped lessen Andy’s own fear back down to more manageable levels. Noticing he’d starting shivering violently and had broken out into a sweat, Andy silently willed himself to calm down as he listened carefully to what was happening behind the tree.

“Glad to see you too, Will!” a sardonic but friendly-sounding voice replied from the same direction but distinctly further away. It was no alien or undead monster, but definitely the sound of another boy more or less his cousin’s age. Realizing this, Andy managed to steady his pounding heartbeat while screwing up the nerve to take a surreptitious peek around the tree trunk to see who was approaching. Moving slowly so that his own presence would not be easily noticed, Andy got Will in sight just as the other boy he’d heard approaching had reached him.

Andy had never seen Paul before, but it was obvious at once that he and Will were good friends. The small boy relaxed even further, but was still determined to remain hidden. Though not a deadly threat like alien monsters or undead draugr, Will’s reaction to find Andy spying on him was likely to unpleasant enough in itself to be something Andy did not want to experience.

“Corey’s watching the children,” Paul pointed out unnecessarily (at least to Will) as he hefted one end of the sleeping bag; “but the two of us should be enough to carry this the rest of the way.”

Indeed, with Paul’s help lugging the load was enough easier that the two of them were able to make much better progress through the woods with it than Will had been able to alone. But at the same time the two together made more noise as well, and made no effort at all to go quietly. This enabled Andy to follow them at a much greater (and for him safer) distance than before as well; their own noise and boisterous conversation as well as the greater distance completely drowning out any slight noise Andy himself inadvertently made in the process. And what he was now hearing further aroused Andy’s curiosity and imagination.

“Corey and I have had a good nap,” Paul told Will so loudly that Andy could hear him clearly even from over 150 feet away. “Matt and John have been as quiet as mice. Matt was still asleep when I left. John was awake but he’s stayed nice and quiet. I think he’s getting used to having reduced mobility now. Matt’s still adjusting of course. Training may take a while longer with him too; he’s a tough and stubborn little bastard.”

“Good!” Will replied cheerfully. “It’s no fun when they show no spirit. Remember that freckly kid, Kyle? I invited him over from school during spring break. Cripes! All he did was cry, and say ‘I want to go home!’ over and over again… and all I did was handcuff him to a tree! He wouldn’t even say *that* much after the first day or so. He just gave up and stood there… whimpering like a kid Andy’s age. I finally had to let him go home several days early. No fun at all!”

“Heard about him at that school he transferred to right afterward,” Paul replied. “He seems to be a lot better now, but I gather he’s still a lot quieter than he used to be.”

“Aw, he’ll get over it!” Will groused with little sympathy. “It’s not like I did anything to him that we haven’t done to John, Corey, or each other. He just didn’t have the same sense of fun and adventure we’ve got; that’s all!”

“Yeah, I guess he *was* pretty delicate considering he’s two years older than us!” Paul exclaimed with a sardonic laugh. “Built like a wrestler, but cries like a girl! Why, I’ll bet even your little cousin would take to our games better than he did!”

“Andy’s got some chutzpah, yeah,” Will replied agreeably. “But though I’ve been sorely tempted to… ummm… ‘show him the ropes’ and then stick him in a closet for the night, I just don’t dare. Besides the possibility that someone else might believe him for once, I just can’t do that to a kid Andy’s age. He’s way too young! He’s not ready for that kind of fun, and frankly – though I try to hide it - I like the little sprat too much to want to risk scaring him or making him afraid of me. He kind of reminds me of me when I was his age; making up wild stories and all that. He’s a good kid. Maybe someday, when he’s a bit older, I can at least sound him out about it. Maybe. Not now though.”

Andy was dying of curiosity. What kind of games were they talking about?! Like the impetuous young kid he was, Andy almost threw caution to the winds to run out of hiding to catch up to them to ask his numerous questions. Before he could act on this rash decision however, Paul and Will reached their apparent destination, and what Andy saw then made him duck back into hiding before anyone else saw him.

There was another boy ahead of them, in front of a large maple tree with a small but nice-looking tree-house nestled inside of its branches. The boy appeared to be the same age as Will and his companion, though shorter and lighter than either. He was shirtless, wearing cargo shorts; revealing a trim, well-tanned body that was straddling something that was lying on the ground. Andy couldn’t see clearly what it was but he could see a small portion of it through the tall grass and intervening bushes; it resembled the sleeping bag Will and his friend were now carrying though it was a slightly different color.

The shirtless boy looked up to the two other boys approaching him and greeted them with a smile and a wave. He didn’t get up from what he was doing however but continued to fiddle with whatever he was straddling. He seemed to be turning two different dials in front of him, though Andy could not see them because of the distance and intervening tall grass. There were some strange muffled noises coming from the same area, but they didn’t sound like any electronic device Andy had ever heard or seen before.

Will and Paul walked close to this other boy and gently set their burden down. They casually unrolled the strangely-bloated sleeping bag and began pulling out some supplies. “Want some fresh juice while it’s still cold?” Will asked him.

“Sure!” Corey agreed amiably as he got up off his seat and joined the other two, who were seated atop a fallen log. “Twisting noses is hard work.” Corey added with a grin.

Andy couldn’t see the three boys very well where they were now because of several small trees that stood between him and them, and he couldn’t see the lump Corey had been sitting on at all. Gosh; curiosity was killing him! So with the stealth only a mischievous and bright nine-year-old boy can achieve, Andy began to close in while simultaneously circling around the area ahead of him in hopes of a better viewing angle.

Andy moved with more care than is normal for a boy his age; care he knew was often necessary when spying on older boys like Will! He took full advantage of the plentitude of natural cover supplied by numerous trees and even more numerous bushes. The soft ground muffled the sounds of his movements, and the three older boys were so engrossed in conversation that they wouldn’t have heard Andy unless he’d deliberately called attention to himself anyway.

It took Andy roughly ten minutes to find a spot where he could remain completely hidden while seeing everything in the area around the three boys; including the strange shape Corey had been straddling. Andy suppressed a gasp of surprise that would surely have given his presence away had he uttered it despite still being over fifty feet away. The shape was a sleeping bag that was zipped up and occupied – not by one boy but by two!

Andy could see little of the two new boys except their faces. Actually, not even that much; just their eyes and noses since much of the rest of their faces were covered by layers of duct tape! He couldn’t tell their ages but guessed they were the same age as Will or the others; perhaps a bit younger but not very much so. They laid there quietly; awake but apparently not wishing to call attention to themselves. Andy was not certain why this was the case, since it was obvious Will, Paul, and Corey already knew they were there. However, Andy shared the same wish even more fervently than they did and kept his presence there unknown to any of them; hidden from view by the large maple tree and some thick leafy bushes. Even the two boys in the sleeping bag had no idea he was there, even though they were closer to him where he crouched than the other three were.

“I reckon the others are ready for some refreshment by now,” Corey told the other two boys with him as he reached for a fresh bottle of cold water. He got up off the log where Will and Paul remained seated, walked up to the sleeping bag containing the prisoners, and straddled it once again. “I’m going to be a nice guy and let you two have a drink now, and then have a little snack before we get you washed up,” he told them. “I guess you also need some relief. Fine; just hold out a bit longer and you’ll get it. But if you mess up that bag before we get you out of it, you’ll not only have to clean it out yourselves but we’ll have to punish you! And you’d better not make a fuss when I un-gag you, or it’ll be short rations of food and water but greater rations of pain and humiliation! You two got all that?!”

Apparently the two captive boys did, because they nodded their heads vigorously without making any sounds through their gags.

“All right then, here we go then,” Corey said to them as he set the bottle of water down; freeing his hands for the necessary task of un-gagging them. It was a somewhat slow and tedious process for the two boys he straddled, but they made no complaints – other than a few distressed noises they couldn’t quite hold back – as the sticky tape was peeled off their faces and some rather unsightly-looking wads of icky cloth removed from inside their mouths.

Corey continued straddling the two boys together as he gave each some sips of water; alternating between them several times until the thirst of both was immediately satisfied. “Want something to eat now?” he asked them not unkindly.

“Actually, could we please come out of here now?” Matt pleaded in a milder voice than he’d used since he’d met Paul. “It’s really hot in here, we’re sweating like pigs, and I don’t know how much longer my bladder can hold out! Just please let me go pee and then I’ll do whatever you say! Honest!”

“I promise to behave too, if you just let us relieve ourselves somewhere!” John added.

Andy suppressed another gasp of surprise just in time to avoid discovery. He recognized that voice! That was the Vulcan kid he’d met yesterday! He was sure of it!

“Okay, if you behave things will get a lot smoother for all of us!” Corey agreed as he got up off his prisoners and unzipped the sleeping bag. “Certainly don’t want you sweating up the sleeping bag! That’s the one *I* plan to sleep in tonight. We just brought you a new one I’m sure you’ll find much more comfortable.”

Will and Paul laughed at this in a way John and Matt decided they didn’t like. Even Andy felt a shiver go through his body for a moment when he heard it, and for a moment considered sneaking away and going back to the house to pretend he never saw any of this. But his fascination with what he was seeing and hearing captivated him just as thoroughly (if not quite as literally) as John and Matt were. And so he stayed hidden and watched the drama unfold before him.
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Post by LK3869 »

Intense chapter. You feel the tension from Andy's side, at night in the forest and all...
You get the different ages states of mind well too. Back and forth between Andy and Will are really enjoyable.
don't run ! I'm friendly ...
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Jason Toddman
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Post by Jason Toddman »

LK3869 wrote: 6 years ago Intense chapter. You feel the tension from Andy's side, at night in the forest and all...
You get the different ages states of mind well too. Back and forth between Andy and Will are really enjoyable.
It helps that I can still vividly how I thought at any given age in my life. Diaries I kept from the age of 10 or so also helped.

Part 46.

Having brought John here in the first place, Will took charge of John’s care and carefully removed the gag that covered the younger boy’s face to tend to his needs. Meanwhile Paul was now feeling a sort of ownership of his own concerning the boy he’d brought here from camp, and tended to Matt.

Corey felt a bit like a fifth wheel as he prepared a picnic lunch for the five of them. He began to think about the possibilities of bringing over some (expendable) friend of his own here whom he could take full charge of. Of course it’d be nice if he could simply keep a prisoner of his own at home, but unlike Will’s parents his own were home quite a lot and he had little privacy at home needed for such a project.

Besides all that, Will would be able to accommodate an extra prisoner far more readily than Corey could, and keeping him together with Matt and John would solve numerous problems. Corey decided to ask Will about the idea the first chance he got.

Will got John to his feet and added a collar to the minimal outfit of speedos, handcuffs, and ankle-cuffs that his prisoner already wore. He then allowed John a quick drink of water from a plastic bottle before attaching a leash to his collar. “I’ll give you plenty more when we get back.” Will promised him as he gave the leash a gentle, playful tug. “Right now let’s go for some walkies.”

John didn’t need to be told twice. His need to relieve himself was bordering on the frantic as his weary bladder, apparently sensing that ‘the time’ was imminent, began to literally pressure him into action. Hopping in dancing frantically as much as he was walking, John began to almost strain at his leash like an dog on the trail of something interesting as he selected a bush and headed for it as fast as his ankle-cuffs and Will’s hold on his leash would allow him to.

Fortunately for the hidden Andy, the bushes in which he was hidden were deemed much too close to the party for the job. Will and John instead made their way to some bushes in almost the opposite direction in which Andy crouched in silent, fascinated observation. The small boy wished he could follow them to see what they did, but doing so without being seen immediately by the others would have been impossible.

Meanwhile, Paul had given his own captive a drink of water, attached another leash to a collar of his own, and proceeded to lead Matt to a separate set of bushes of his own in a somewhat different direction. This proved more problematical for Andy, as their route took them past the tree he was hidden behind and fairly close by. Andy suddenly went very still; striving to make no more movement than he could absolutely help to avoid attracting any unwanted attention from either boy. This was not easy for a normally hyper-active nine-year-old like Andy, but he managed it. Luckily Matt’s attention was focused entirely on his own destination a couple of hundred feet away, while Paul’s eyes were fixed entirely on watching his captive than any of the surrounding scenery.

Corey watched both sets of boys head off with more than a bit of envy in his eyes and his heart as he set out a picnic lunch for them. He definitely needed to have a prisoner of his own to tend to. But who did he know that he disliked enough to do such a thing to but liked well enough to consider having as a slave and who already liked him well enough to be suckered into such a predicament in the first place? Corey knew few boys his own age, and of these most were children of his parents’ customers; these he immediately ruled out automatically; if things went south there was no point aggravating the situation by having his parents involved so directly. No, it had to be someone his parents didn’t even know existed, and who relatively few other people would miss for the summer. But who?

Luckily for Andy, Corey was so fixed on figuring out this conundrum that the small boy had no trouble avoiding being seen by the older boy as the other two pairs of boys made their return. This was especially fortunate as Matt and Paul returned from a direction that would have given them a glimpse of Andy hiding had he not been able to duck partially around the tree to avoid this. This action had put him into Corey’s potential view instead, but Corey was wrapped up in his fantasies and preparing lunch that he never looked in Andy’s direction at all. The small boy was able to crawl back out of Corey’s potential sight again just as Matt and Paul came into view and attracted all of Corey’s attention.

“Sit down, Matt,” Paul told his captive as they reached the picnic site. “Once the others get back, we’ll feed you.”

Feeling much better now that his bladder wasn’t screaming at him for relief, and hungry and thirsty enough to wish no unnecessary delay in being fed (nor in risking reduction of his portions as a punishment), Matt did precisely as he was told without comment. Paul smiled slightly; Matt was learning discipline already. Maybe he’d make a good slave after all; at least, for the summer. Too bad he didn’t go the same private school that he, Will, and John all attended so that such slavery could continue into the school year.

Corey, Matt, and Paul waited until Will and John to return about a minute later before they began eating their lunch. Being hungry and thirsty themselves, Will and Paul both decided that further restraints on their captives were unnecessary on this occasion. “We’ll let you two eat unassisted, provided you behave yourselves and speak only when spoken to,” Will told them both casually. “Be good, and maybe you can have the same level of freedom eating other meals later. Act up though, and we’ll restrict your movements and how much you get to eat! Got it?!”

John got it right away; having experienced Will and Paul’s hospitality long enough to know when they were serious and when they were not. He simply nodded his agreement without a word and waited until some food and drink was placed before him. Even then he did not start in until Will and Paul had begun to eat as well - and when he had received a tacit nod of permission from the former. It was a bit clumsy eating with his hands cuffed in front of him, but it was much preferable to being unable to move at all and having to be fed by hand by someone else. Knowing when he had it good, John started in on the chicken sandwich Corey had just made, small bag of chips, and the bottle of fruit juice Corey had set before him – not only without complaint but with a smile of gratitude and a verbally expressed (and evidently sincere) “Thank You’ to all three of his hosts.

Matt on the other hand was too new to these kinds of experiences to observe the proper social amenities expected of him. He looked disdainfully at the chicken sandwich. “I don’t’ like chicken!” he complained. He looked just as disdainfully at the chips. “I don’t’ like potato chips! I prefer Tortilla Chips!” And even the soda he was given failed to receive high marks. “Diet coke? Why couldn’t I have fruit punch like him?” he whined; nodding his head in John’s direction. Then he looked at the handcuffs still locked around his wrists. “And I can’t eat with my hands bound up like this!”

He wasn’t given a second chance; or even an opportunity to apologize for blowing his first (and only) one. A disgusted Paul put down his own sandwich after having taken only a single bite, stood up, reached for a large roll of duct tape and some rope, and stepped forward angrily with a look on his face that would frighten small children. In fact it did frighten Andy for a moment; but the small lad was either too scared or too sensible to bolt from his hiding place. Instead he watched the interesting events with keen, wide-eyed (and somewhat slack-jawed) fascination.

Matt apparently lacked such sense, and tried to retreat backwards despite being seated on the ground and having his ankles bobbled closely together. He was even foolish enough to try fending Paul off when the older boy got within arm’s distance of him. This annoyed Paul even more than he already was, and the older boy was determined to give his captive a much needed lesson in manners.

Paul pushed the younger boy backwards until he was flat on his back and then straddled Matt’s upper legs. Wearing the roll of duct tape like a crude bracelet, he unlocked one of Matt’s handcuffs with his key. This seemed to only aid Matt briefly in his struggles, but Paul was older, larger, stronger, and a much more experienced wrestler. Almost without effort he managed to roll Matt over on his belly, grasped his flailing wrists, and relocked the cuff around the momentarily freed wrist again – trapping Matt’s wrists behind his back.

Paul turned around to face Matt’s legs and straddled the still-struggling boy’s shoulders. He tied a few loops around Matt’s handcuffs, and then managed to throw a loop around the rapidly (and wildly) flailing ankle-chain as well. Once the ankle chain had a loop around it, Paul caught up the far end and pulled the rope slack in hard and fast. Matt struggled even more wildly than ever as he suddenly felt his ankles pulled up against his will and – eventually – against his buttocks as well. When his wrists and ankles were pulled snugly together, Paul made a few more coils around ankle and handcuff chains together; trapping his misbehaving captive in an inescapable hogtie.

“You’ve not only spoiled your lunch as well as mine, but you’re going to learn what real punishment is before the afternoon is out!” Paul told his captive sternly. Then, grabbing an apple he had planned for his dessert, he held it out to Matt and told the boy to open wide. Naturally Matt refused this offer firmly, and only a few seconds were wasted verbally convincing him to change his mind before Paul changed his mind for him somewhat more forcefully. But in Matt’s mouth the apple was eventually inserted whole, and a liberal amount of duct tape applied to his entire lower face ensured that the apple would stay in place for as long as Paul wished it to.

At first John was afraid that he would share his rash fellow captive’s fate and he looked at Will with momentary wide-eyed (but silent) alarm. But when Will showed interest only in watching Paul and Matt perform for his entertainment rather than join in the action himself or involve John in it as well, the younger boy relaxed somewhat and – hesitantly at first – resumed eating his lunch. Trying to protest Matt’s fate wasn’t going to help Matt anyway; just cause him to share Matt’s fate. And besides, the stupid prat deserved it for showing such little sense. With any luck, Matt would continue to be such an appealing target for abuse from the others that John would be able to spend the rest of the afternoon in relative peace and comfort… assuming of course that he had the sense to continue behaving himself.

Seeing what happened to Matt made staying on his good behavior especially desirable!

Corey had also watched the scene between Paul and Matt with amused interest. He even went so far as to shout cat-calls at Matt, offer Paul unsolicited advice, and even offer to help subdue the wayward youth. All these were ignored by both participants in the brief conflict; the outcome of which was never of course in any doubt. Both he and Will laughed at the antics of the two belligerents, and even John allowed himself a smile or two (and not just because it wasn’t him being hog-tied and gagged over there). John said nothing however; not because he could think of nothing to say (he thought of plenty), but because he preferred to let Matt be the squeaky wheel that got all the grease.

Andy watched all five boys with deep interest. He wasn’t too terribly surprised at what he was seeing; he’d seen older boys wrestling with one another before. The use of restraints wasn’t entirely new to him either; not if one counted all the things he had seen on TV. He had even witnessed people being handcuffed in real life – at least, by cops. Andy and his mother lived in a neighborhood that wasn’t all that unfamiliar with such things as drunks, wife or child abusers, drug dealers or other people and events involving the intervention of the local policemen. So while he was fascinated by what Will and his friends were doing, his young and adaptable mind accepted the events without question (let alone any particular shock).

Andy assumed it was some kind of older boys’ kind of game; like cops-and-robbers. It had to be okay on some level of course; he was sure Will wouldn’t be involved in anything like a real kidnapping. But at the same time, Andy was sensible enough to realize that his presence here would likely upset (and probably annoy) Will. He might even be made to join in the game – as one of the captives. Andy wasn’t sure he wanted to play that sort of game, but at the same time he was sure Will and his friends were having a very good time. So he was content to simply stay hidden and watch.

The rest of the picnic lunch proceeded smoothly for everyone except for Matt (whose continued muffled protests were completely ignored by everyone). Even Andy was too fascinated by current events to notice how hungry and thirsty he was getting until the picnic lunch was apparently over and Will stood up. “I’d better get back home now, fellas!” he announced suddenly. “Andy will be getting worried by now, and he might actually start looking for me out here if I don’t get back soon. Besides, I’d better fix his own lunch myself or he’s likely to concoct something that’ll poison him! Hopefully I’ll be able to sneak back out here to spend some time with you sometime tonight; after Andy and the others have all gone to bed!”

Andy suddenly felt a tingle of dread. How was he to get back home now? He couldn’t budge without at least one of those boys spotting him. But if he stayed here and Will went home, what would he do when he couldn’t find Andy? Thinking about these possibilities kept Andy from noticing his own growing hunger and thirst.

“Can I walk along with you a way?” Corey asked Will as he stood up as well. “I wanted to ask you about something.”

“I guess so, as long as Paul doesn’t need your help tending to Matt and John!” Will replied.

“I can handle Matt, and John seems to be on his best behavior for the time being,” Paul replied as he glanced at John with an amused smile. “As long as John keeps behaving, everything here will be just fine.” And here he gave Matt a look that was anything but amused. Matt shuddered momentarily. John shuddered a bit too, but in his case from relief rather than from sheer terror. John definitely intended to keep behaving while he and Matt were alone with him, as he was perfectly willing to let Matt have Paul’s undivided attention!

Nodding to Paul and leaving him to tend to the captives, Will and Corey made their way back to Will’s house.

Andy began to experience a feeling of panic. How was he going to get away from here and return to Will’s house on his own, unseen by anyone?
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Jason Toddman
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Part 47.

“What’s on your mind, Corey?” Will asked his friend once the other boys were out of earshot. “You and Paul having some kind of argument?”

“No, we’re getting along great,” Corey hastened to assure Will a bit awkwardly. “It’s just that, well… you have your own prisoner and Paul now has his, and… well… I was wondering if it’d be all right if I brought in my own personal prisoner to play with as well.”

“Paul and I don’t mind sharing Will and Matt with you,” Will replied; also feeling awkward. “In fact, we were counting on you to help us share the load in taking care of them.”

“And I’m fine with that, and I’m having a lot of fun too,” Corey replied; feeling more awkward than ever. “But, well… it’s like having a pet. It’s cool to play with a friend’s pet, but it’s even more fun to have your own pet too!”

“Oh, I get it! You’re getting jealous!” Will replied with a good-natured laugh. “You saw how much fun we have keeping prisoners, and now you want your own. Is that it?”

Corey thought about it. “Yeah, I guess that’s about the size of it,” he admitted quietly.

“Well… considering how much we’re asking of you to help us tend to Matt as well as John, I guess it’s only fair,” Will conceded; “and three prisoners won’t be that much harder to keep under control than two, I suppose. So, okay… for as long as you help me and Paul keep Matt and John secure and well-cared for, you have bring your own prisoner here as well, and he can keep the others company. So, who is he?”

“Uhhhh…. Actually, I haven’t picked one yet!” Corey admitted sheepishly. : I wanted to run the idea past you first to see what you thought of it before I selected someone.”

“Okay, I guess I can see that,” Will told him cheerfully. “Only, when you DO select someone, run it past me and Paul first before you commit yourself, okay? We want to make sure whoever you select will work out before we’re essentially stuck with your choice. Like, will people search here for him? Will he get along with John and Matt? Will he be fun to have around? Will he be trainable? That sort of thing.”

“Of course, Will,” Corey agreed. “I wouldn’t want to do anything to screw things up.”

“Speaking of which, we’d better stop here,” Will told him as he suddenly stopped walking himself. “We’re getting close to the house now, and Andy’s probably searching all over the house and yard for me. It’d be too awkward to explain why you’re here to him if he sees you. So I’d better see to the little pest while you go back to the tree-house. I’ll try to get back to you guys sometime tonight if I can get away from the house.”

“Okay, Will,” Corey agreed as he turned around to go back the way they’d come. “Be sure to bring more food. Can’t have too much food on a camping trip.”

The two boys waved their good-byes to each other and went their ways.

Will returned to the house to look for Andy. He’d anticipated an easy search since he was sure that he could find the hyper-active nine-year-old simply by following the sounds he made looking for him. But even before he had quite reached the house Will began to feel instinctively uneasy. The place was quiet; TOO quiet for an area that had Andy in it! But perhaps he was using the bathroom, or taking a nap.

Will circled around the house before entering it to see if Andy was using the swimming pool or looking for him outside, but saw no signs that the younger boy was anywhere around. Will entered through the kitchen door and, seeing that Andy wasn’t in there, checked all the places that would likely attract Andy’s interest. The rec room, the TV room, Andy’s bedroom, Will’s bedroom… all proved negative. Loud calls of Andy’s name produced no results either.

Feeling more concerned now, Will checked the house literally from top to bottom, from the attic to the cellar; calling Andy’s name as loud as he could everywhere he went. The good news was that the secret hiding places in the attic and cellar were evidently untouched. The bad news was that Andy couldn’t be found anywhere.

Will checked the gate through the computer monitor. It was closed and locked, and hadn’t been opened since Nancy and Will’s parents had left; so Andy must be in the house or on the grounds somewhere. But where?

With a sinking feeling that he knew just where, Will grabbed his cell phone and speed-dialed Paul’s phone with it.

Long before then, Corey had returned to the tree-house campsite to rejoin Paul in tending to their two prisoners. By then it was early afternoon on what had become a sunny, hot, and very humid afternoon, and everyone – captive and captors alike – were wearing no more than their shorts (or Speedos in John and Matt’s case) and sneakers by this time (not counting the metallic accessories the prisoners wore to keep them restrained). Since the duck pond was relatively close by, it wasn’t long before it occurred to Paul that perhaps a nice cool swim was in order. Corey immediately seconded the idea. Matt and John didn’t get a say in the matter, but they also thought a nice cool dip was a nice idea.

Of course, anything that distracted Corey and Paul from tormenting them was a nice idea!

The prisoner were made to stand still while collars were replaced on their necks, leashes attached to their collars, and their wrist and ankle bonds checked (for chafing as well as for security, it should be said). Once these basic preparations were finished, Paul and Corey led their two captives on a leisurely walk to the duck pond – roughly a thousand feet away along a slight downward incline entirely covered by trees, bushes, and grass.

Andy watched the expedition go with some relief. No one had seen or heard him despite his proximity. This was an achievement those who knew the rambunctious youngster would have considered unbelievable could they have known about it. In fact, Andy was amazed at this himself, even though he tended to underestimate his own noisiness. But it was simple when the need for complete silence was so great and so obvious. Andy had no desire to be handcuffed and marched around by these older boys like Matt and John were. Granted, Andy still thought Will and his friends were engaged in nothing more than an older boys’ variation of cops and robbers – only the handcuffs were real and the rules apparently stricter. He thought it was just a game; lasting at most a few hours. But he still didn’t want to play if he got handcuffed as well.

Maybe if he were one of the cops instead of one of the robbers, that’d be better.

Maybe if he asked Will nicely, Will would let him join as one of the cops?

Fat chance of that! Not unless Will was forced to do so. And how would Andy force him to do that? Blackmail? Threaten to tell his mom and Will’s parents what he’d been up to?
Yeah, right… like they’d believe anything he said after that fiasco with the Vulcan kid… Maybe he had better just head back to the house while he could do so unseen and just forget about the whole thing.

The sound of a cell phone going off several feet behind him made Andy jump up like a startled rabbit and instinctively let out a yelp. He whirled around; expecting to see someone twice his size closing in on him with handcuffs ready to close on his wrists and make him captive. Pleas for mercy began to form in his brain ready for quick utterance.

But there was no one behind him; just the now deserted campsite. The sound of the cell phone went off again; clearly coming from the center of the still untidy picnic area where the four boys had just had their lunch. Andy took a couple of hesitant steps forward and located the source of the sounds; a cell phone lying in the grass behind the log where Paul had been sitting; apparently dropped or fallen unnoticed there by its owner.

Andy was worried that the sound of the cell phone ringing might bring its owner back on the double. But the sound was too small, the woods too thick, and the distance the others had traveled toward the duck pond already too great. The cell phone’s tone went unheard by any human ears except for Andy’s.

Just as the cell phone shut up, Andy’s agile imagination conceived of a scheme.

Although he was only nine years old, Andy was already familiar with many of the basic functions of a cell phone. He didn’t have one of his own yet of course, but he’d examined his mother’s and knew how to work many of its features better than she did. It was a simple matter to mute the ring tones so that further incoming calls could not give away its location and then to check the camera to see if it worked properly and had the quality he needed to make his scheme work.

The camera had 10x optical zoom and 10 megapixel resolution; pretty good for a cell phone camera. Andy checked its memory. Excellent! There were already a good number of pictures in its memory showing Matt and John in handcuffs. But there were none with either of those boys along with Paul, Will, or Corey in them as well, and that was what Andy needed for his idea to work.

He took a few moments to think - unusual for someone like Andy – and then decided to go for it. He’d seen the general direction the boys had taken when they left. Grabbing an unopened juice box and a still-wrapped sandwich to fortify himself on the way, Andy took the cell phone camera along with him as he hurried after the other boys; traveling with equal parts stealth and speed and careful to listen for any sounds ahead that he was catching up with his quarry.

Andy heard a squeal of dismay in the bushes just ahead of him and stopped immediately. He didn’t move a muscle or make a sound as he listened carefully.

“You all right, Matt?” Corey’s voice could be heard to ask from a shorter distance ahead than Andy had anticipated. They must be just beyond that thick stand of tall bushes just ahead of him.

“Yeah,” Matt replied with a whine of complaint. “Just scrapped my arms against those cockle-burrs! Ow! Those damned things really sting! I think some of them are still stuck to me, too!”

“Lemme see,” offered Corey. “Yeah, there are a few stuck on you. Hold still and I’ll pluck ‘em off of you!”

Realizing that his presence had still gone undiscovered, Andy crept forward. He found a gap in the bushes where he could see the boys he was following quite easily. Careful to make sure he made no sound to give himself away, Andy began taking pictures of the four of them with his new acquisition. Perfect. Two boys leading two other boys in handcuffs and ankle-cuffs on a leash! Great blackmail material! But was it enough?

His continued fascination with this entire scene combined with his newfound ability to capture scenes of it electronically kept Andy close behind John and the other older boys as he took picture after picture.

Paul and the others finally reached their destination, and Andy still undetected close behind them.

“We’d better take them in one at a time,” Paul suggested. “It might be too hard to keep things safe for them if we take them both into the water at the same time.”

“Should we have another contest to see who gets to go in first?” Corey suggested.

Paul thought about it for a few seconds. “Naw! I want to go for a swim NOW! Besides, this can be a good example for both of them how we not only punish bad behavior but reward good behavior. John behaved himself at lunch today, whereas Matt didn’t. So John gets to go swimming first, and gets a longer turn as well.”

John wasn’t so sure that this was really a reward; did they expect to take him into the water while he was chained up hand and foot like this? He might drown!

Paul saw John’s wary look and smiled. “Relax, John. You’ve two life-guards right here who won’t let anything bad happen to you. We’ll even put your cuffs in front of you so you can move around better as long as you continue behaving. Otherwise, you get what Mattie here is about to get!”

What ‘Mattie’ got was to be forced to kneel down and have his handcuffs and ankle-cuffs tethered together with rope with only a few inches of slack in between them – effectively hog-tying him once again. Then, for good measure, he was forced to wear the panel gag John had been gagged with the previous night. He was then left to either kneel or lay down on the grass as he chose in the hot sun.

There was no shade available at this particular spot at this time of day, and the thirty-foot distance to the nearest shady spot may as well have been in another state for all the accessibility Matt had to it by this time. It wasn’t the sheer distance alone that stopped him, since he could have grabbed slowly but steadily forward on his knees had he tried to do so. But the spot where he’d been placed was smack dab in the middle of a stretch of a rough rocky ledge. Ambulating upon his knees along that stretch of sharp rock in his current tied state seemed too daunting a prospect; his knees would be slashed and bleeding before he got halfway there! Just kneeling upright was starting to hurt a great deal too; especially his knees! Carefully, Matt strove to slowly lie down on his side instead, in hopes that this would be more endurable than otherwise. I wasn’t comfortable by any means, but at least now there was little of his own weight concentrated on pressing upon the sharp rock in any one area.

While Matt vainly sought to make himself less comfortable where he lay, John was taken slowly into the duck pond by his two escorts; each of whom locked one of his arms in one of John’s. The shallow part of the pond was somewhat slippery with silt, and their passage muddied up the previously clean water to some extent until they got deeper in. But the water was nice and cool, and John was soon enjoying him more than he’d done in quite some time. It wasn’t as nice as the pool, but it was vastly better than nothing.

And behind the nearby bushes flanking the pond, Andy was eagerly taking pictures of everything the four boys did.
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Post by LK3869 »

Yeah, great idea! Andy as mini-blackmailer... and future tier 8-)

( I think you downgraded him from 9 to 6 years-old two chapters ago, when he first follows the others... digit dyslexia? :D )
don't run ! I'm friendly ...
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Jason Toddman
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Post by Jason Toddman »

LK3869 wrote: 6 years ago Yeah, great idea! Andy as mini-blackmailer... and future tier 8-)

( I think you downgraded him from 9 to 6 years-old two chapters ago, when he first follows the others... digit dyslexia? :D )
Actually I had originally made him 6 but later decided as events progressed that this was too young to be believable and aged him upward to age 9. I thought i had caught all the places where i had made him 6, but evidently missed some. I'll go back and fix that when i find it. Thanks for the heads-up.
Meanwhile i may as well post the next chapter now rather than wait until tomorrow.

Part 48.

“It’s a shame we didn’t bring the diving mask and snorkel,” Paul commented to John with a grin. “Then we could take you for an underwater swim. Submerging is more fun here than at the pool; especially when the ducks are swimming in the water too. Oh well, maybe next time. We’ve got all summer.”

All summer as a prisoner, John mused to himself. Funny, but that thought didn’t really horrify him so much anymore. It was uncomfortable sometimes; but it wasn’t really bad when accepted the situation and behaved the way the others wanted him to. It was even quite fun at times actually. Such as right now, being the center of attention in a way he’d never been at school.

Sure; Corey and Paul could do anything they wanted to do to him and he wouldn’t be able to stop them; they could even drown him right now and no one else but Will would ever know. But after nearly a week of captivity with Will and Paul, and a couple of days with Corey, John actually felt as safe with them as he did with his folks at home. He knew without a doubt that none of these boys would ever really hurt him; and even when he misbehaved and had to be punished they were careful and concerned for his welfare, and comforted him afterward when he’d learned his lesson. He…

Wow… when had he started thinking of his captivity from their point of view, John wondered idly to himself. When did he start accepting this as normal, natural… even desirable? But it somehow felt so natural now. He was a slave; Will and whoever else he designated were his masters. If he acted properly, they treated him like – well, like a dog. Despite the negative stereotype, that wasn’t a bad thing; many people liked and treated their dogs better than they liked and treated most of the people around them. If John remained a well-behaved slave, pet, or whatever, then he’d be treated well in turn. Right now, there seemed nothing wrong with that.

He looked briefly back to where Matt lay hogtied on the rocky stretch of ground beside the pond. Seeing him, John wondered if his arrival didn’t have something to do with his recent and considerable change in attitude. It seemed to John that Matt brought down all his current troubles on his own head; acting up the way he did. He looked back at the way he was when he first realized he’d be a slave here all summer (was it just a few days ago? It seemed like years now). Had he really acted as bad then as Matt was acting now? No wonder Will and Paul had been forced to punish him so much. He’d really acted like a punk back then, hadn’t he; trying so hard to escape when he’d already signed a contract virtually agreeing to be Will’s slave all summer.

Geez; that was only yesterday? What the heck had he thinking, trying to escape when he saw the front gate wide open like that? No wonder Will had been so upset with him! Seeing Matt now, John could only wonder why Will had taken it so easy on him. He’d have to thank Will for that the next time he saw him.

John enjoyed swimming with Paul and Corey. The cool water felt so good on this hot and humid day, and it was so relaxing to just go limp and trust his two companions… or, rather, masters… to keep him afloat and safe from all harm as they carried him along in their lean, strong arms. Corey and Paul were in a good mood; playfully splashing each other (but carefully avoiding splashing John while he was unable to use his arms and hands to fend for himself) and talking to John like he was simply a younger kid learning to swim than a helpless captive they were towing all along the duck pond. They weren’t just his captors or his masters; they were his friends. He trusted them, he liked them, and he felt safe and at ease now with them.

Life didn’t really get any better than this.

Matt watched as Corey and Paul towed John all along the duck pond. Were those two crazy? They could drown that other kid! What if they DID drown him?! Then he’d be all alone with these crazy kids. He began to sorrowfully wonder if he was any better off now than he had been at the camp he and Paul had fled from. There, at least his tormentors had been more or less impersonal; however more numerous. The other boys there hadn’t make tormenting him their sole activity; it’d just been one recreational activity among many others they had available; such as canoeing or hiking. Nor had he been tied or chained up constantly; he’d had been free (to hide or flee) more often than not. But here he was almost the sole target of his captors’ attentions, and hadn’t had a moment’s freedom since he had arrived!

Misery loves company though, and at least there was one other boy to share his fate and draw some of his captors’ attention. But for some reason this other boy, John, seemed to be a lot more accepting of his captivity, and the two with him were treating him much more gently than they’d been treating Matt so far.

It figured. Wherever Matt went, he was always the one to get picked on the most. Well, he’d show them! He’d fight back against their treatment with every fiber of his being. He’d find some way to escape from this place and sic the police on his tormentors. They’d be sorry they’d ever tricked him into coming here; from the frying pan into the fire! They would be very, very sorry!

Andy continued to watch the other four in complete fascination; taking pictures of them every few seconds with a huge grin on his face. Is this how all older boys had fun? It was like cops and robbers, only way cooler! But Andy was a bright and cautious lad, and was instinctively aware that the other boys – or the ones who weren’t held captive at any rate – would not be too pleased to see him there watching them. But Andy decided that he wanted to get in on this game… and to do that he needed a way to ensure that his wishes would not be denied.

Spending a couple of days with Will had already had a huge and unanticipated effect on this bright, curious, and highly impressionable youngster. Will and his young cousin had much more in common than either of them realized at the time, and this would become obvious to both – and to the others around them - over the course of time.

Andy watched as the three boys in the water swam back toward the one who’d been left hog-tied nearby, and the two free boys escorted their captive out of the water. Andy took as many pictures as he could with the camera phone as they set John down on a comfortable grassy spot in the shade of a birch tree and then turned their attention to Matt. Although not tethered in place, John made no attempt to move away from the spot where he’d been placed - or even to speak without permission. He simply made himself as comfortable as he could right where he was and watched the other three.

“Ready for your swim?” Corey asked their second captive as he and Paul squatted down beside his still recumbent form.

“Get stuffed!” Matt tried to reply rudely. However, his gag was firmly in place, and is reply was almost incomprehensible. However, his intended sarcasm and disrespect were still plainly evident from the expression on his face (what could be seen of it anyway). His glaring at them alone was more than enough to give them the gist of his answer. This secretly pleased them of course, as it was often more fun to punish a captive than to reward him - and Matt promised to give them many opportunities to practice their disciplinary skills for some time to come. They kept this well-hidden from their captive of course, and looked down at him with stern, uncompromising expressions.

“So, you’re still unhappy being here with us, huh?” Paul asked idly; not expecting any kind of coherent answer of course. “Well, I guess it’s time to cheer you up some more.”

Matt looked at Paul with dull incomprehension at first as the older boy brushed his hand against a few of the taller specimens of grass growing nearby, selected a few, and handed some of them to Corey. Matt’s eyes grew wide with fear and complete comprehension however when both boys approached his feet and began to ever-so-gently brush the blades of grass up and down his bare, naked soles and toes.

Matt began to struggle and writhe from side to side like an arthritis snake in his frantic attempts to get away; already laughing almost uncontrollably into his gag. But his hog-tie was already too strict to allow much movement and in addition both of his tormentors used a free hand to clamp onto one his ankles to further immobilize him. Even worse, Corey gave up his tickling, wrapped his long, slender legs around Matt’s neck and shoulders in a scissors hold, and began to put on the pressure. Even when Matt went limp in surrender, leaving Paul to tickle torture Matt’s feet by himself, Corey continued to squeeze with enough pressure to make it difficult for Matt to breathe let alone laugh. In fact, Matt’s face was turning a bright shade of red from the combination of tickle-torture and choke hold before Corey relented on the pressure. He kept Matt’s head trapped in a scissors hold however; ready to re-apply the pressure if Matt started to misbehave.

Andy was gleefully taking pictures of all this when the phone went off again. Fortunately Andy had thought to turn the ringer off; leaving it set to vibrate. He checked the phone; as he figured Will was trying to call again. This time he left a text message: Can’t find Andy. Be on lookout. Call me ASAP.

It occurred to Andy that, however much fun this was, he’d better get moving with the next step of his plan before Will found him before he was ready for him to. Taking a few last pictures of Matt being tickled tortured (and getting raps on the skull from Corey’s knuckles in the bargain); Andy slowed and quietly backed away from the scene. Once he was sure he could safely move with more speed and less stealth, Andy turned away and walked back to where he assumed the house was. He soon found a trail between the pond and the house he had not seen before, and this enabled him to make good time. He had no fear of using it until he got closer to the house, and there was no reason for Will to be looking for him here. Even so, Andy did not entirely sacrifice stealth for speed, and so he made his way more slowly than normal in order to make sure he didn’t bump into Will before he was ready to.

The phone vibrated again. Another text message from Will: Where R U? Am coming there.

Andy paused to get his bearings. If he had his own location pegged even vaguely accurately, and if Will was a the house or anywhere near it, then Will wouldn’t be going anywhere near where Andy was now, and would be long gone by the time Andy was close enough to the house to make finding him more likely. Andy picked up the pace; slowing down only when he got within sight of the house again.

He stood at the edge of the woods, with a long wide open lawn between him and the house. And at once he saw Will a long ways off to his right; just entering the woods at more or less the same spot where Andy had seen him go in before (and Andy himself had followed afterward). Andy allowed a few moments more to make sure that Will was well out of sight of the house, and then he ran to the house as fast as his short legs would carry him.

Andy was small even for his age (he was only four foot one inch – 124 cm – tall), but he was also light and wiry and could run pretty fun. This was no accident; he got picked on so much because of his over-active imagination and under-developed sense of discretion that evading bullies provided him with a lot of practice running (and hiding too). The door was unlocked of course, and so it was only mere moments before he was safely inside his own room.

Luckily, his room was furnished with a fairly new laptop computer with an Internet connection. With an alacrity and skill that would have amazed even his own mother – let alone his contemptuous older cousin, who had consistently underestimated Andy’s intelligence as well as his common sense – Andy connected Paul’s cellphone to the computer and downloaded its entire memory stick online to his own computer account at home. This included the well over 200 pictures Andy had taken with it, but also included numerous other pictures Paul would not have liked most people to even know about let alone see.

Once the downloads of the images were safely completed and password encrypted so that only Andy himself could access them on any computer other than his own, the boy carefully selected a few particularly interesting (and incriminating) pictures of the other four boys and sent them through the printer.

It was only then that Andy saw the fatal weakness in his plan. He had loads of pictures of Corey, Paul, Matt, and John… but none with Will interacting with any of these other four. Knowledge of Will’s activities wasn’t going to be enough! He’d need proof he would be able to show others – or threaten to show others at any rate – in order to have the kind of hold over Will that he was going to need in order to get what he wanted. He needed pictures of Will helping his two friends torment the other two boys!

Andy considered returning to the woods to see if he could catch Will in the act without being caught himself. Naw, too risky. Besides, Will was evidently too concerned about Andy’s whereabouts by now. He’d be too alert for Andy’s spying on him while at the same time searching for him rather than play with his guests.

It took Andy a few more moments to come up with the obvious solution. He checked Pauls’ cell phone for Will’s cell phone number. Then he looked for the landline phone downstairs. Good, it had caller-id and a memory. Andy checked to see if that Will’s cell number was also there (indicating he’d been called with this phone before). Good, it was. That meant no awkward questions about how he knew how to call Will’s phone! Good.

Andy speed-dialed Will’s cell phone with the landline phone. Will picked up a few seconds later. “Hello?” asked Will’s familiar voice in a bit of puzzlement. “Andy?”

“Hi, Will!” Andy replied in his usual chipper voice. “Where are you? I’ve looked all over for you and I can’t find you anywhere!”

“Uhhh… out looking for you!” Will replied quickly. “You all right!?” He didn’t need to ask where Andy was; his own caller-id told him what number his cousin was using and so he knew he had to be right inside the house.

“Sure I’m all right!” Andy replied cheerfully. “But running around looking for you has me all tired out. I’m gonna go take a nice long nap up in my room. Think you can manage without me for the rest of the afternoon? I really need to sleep.”

“Uhh, sure!” Will replied with an even tone of voice to conceal his sudden relief and concurrent glee. If the brat was home AND taking a nap, then he could spend some time with his friends without fear of something bad happening to Andy or that Andy that somehow stumble onto them by accident. “I’m sure I can find something to do. It’s a nice day so I’ll probably be outside for a while. If you can’t find me in the house when you wake up and want some company, just call me again and I’ll head right back in.”

“Okay, Will,” replied Andy with a loud, exaggerated yawn to make sure his older cousin could clearly hear it over the phone. “But I’ll probably be asleep until supper-time. Mom and your folks will probably be back by then. Okay?”

“That’s fine,” Will answered happily; unable to believe his good luck. “You have a nice nap, okay?”

“Sure will, Will.” Andy replied cheerfully. “See you at supper-time.” And he hung up the phone even before a relieved Will had time to reply.

“Danger, Will Robinson!” the doleful voice of the robot from Lost in Space echoed inside Andy’s head. This was accompanied by a vision of the robot - its red-lit face panel flashing urgently - waving its tentacle-like arms wildly about and its metallic torso twisting back and forth in evident agitation; causing the youngster to chuckle happily as he headed out the door. “Danger indeed, Will.” He cheerfully mimicked the robot as he ran across the huge sunlit lawn toward the woods.

Much more at ease now that he knew Andy was safe, at home napping, and out of his hair for a few precious hours, Will hastened toward the tree-house to find the others. He was momentarily concerned when he found the picnic site deserted, but before he could decide where to extend his search, the sound of familiar voices coming from the direction of the duck pond reassured him that all was well in this quarter too. In fact, as he was starting down the trail toward the pond, the others could be clearly seen returning from that same direction.

“Hey, Will,” Corey called to him as waved a greeting with his free hand; the other hand holding a leash connected to a collar around John’s neck. “Back for more fun already?”

“I was worried about you,” Will replied with only a modicum of exasperation. “Andy went missing, and when I tried to call you guys I got no answer.”

“My phone’s off,” Core replied. “Wasn’t expecting any calls, didn’t want to get any from home, and thought we were supposed to having ‘radio silence’ anyway.”

“I left my phone here,” Paul added as he led Matt along on his own leash. “I guess we were too far away to hear it. Sorry.” It didn’t occur to him to check his phone then, or he would have noticed immediately that it was missing. “So Andy’s missing? You want us to help look for him?”

“No, it’s cool now,” Will replied. “He called me while I was on my way here. I guess my idea of playing hide-and-seek with him backfired on me, and we were probably just chasing each other all around the yard or something. But he’s home now taking a nap, so that leaves me free to chill with you guys until my folks get home.”

“Great! We were just thinking about playing a new game with these two when you showed up.” Paul told him. “Got any good ideas?”

“Lots,” Will replied with a grin. “But most of them I want to save for freedom challenges; and this wouldn’t be a good time for one right now. Once Andy and the others are gone and we have the whole place to ourselves again, then we can do one. But we can still have a contest to see who gets to spend the evening quietly and who gets to be played with after I leave. Meanwhile, we can have fun tormenting them both.”

Matt and John were lead to the tree which held the tree-house and mad to stand under one of its overhanging branches, which at one point dipped to just a couple of feet over their heads. Will climbed into the tree and onto this branch, causing it to dip down even lower, until he was almost directly above the others.

At Will’s direction, one of John’s wrists was freed of his handcuffs; the other wrist remained locked. John was then told to raise his hands as high as he could above his head. Without hesitation and without speaking a word, he did so; his hands brushing against the branch as he did. Will leaned down from his perch, grasped Will’s handcuffs in his hands, and swung the free end up and over the branch before locking around John’s free wrist again. John’s wrists were now trapped against the main branch and another smaller branch that grew from that point; rendering him unable to lower his arms. He was still solidly on his feet and in no particular comfort however, as his own weight was enough to cause the branch to dip even lower than before… now putting it with the somewhat shorter Matt’s reach as well.

Matt was now also partially freed and bid to lift his hands up for similar treatment. But Matt was foolish and stubborn and tried to resist. The ensuing scuffle between him and his two captors on the ground was exciting but so short-lived Will didn’t even have to jump to the ground to join in. It also provided the perfect distraction for Andy to come in close, unheard and unseen as he began taking more pictures of this interesting development.

Matt wasn’t too athletic but he was strong-willed and had plenty of strength and fight in him. However, he was still hobbled, tired and sore, and outnumbered two-to-one by opponents who were bigger and stronger than he was. It wasn’t long before he lay flat on his back on the grass, with a shirtless Corey straddling his chest, bony knees grinding mercilessly down on his shoulders, and lean but strong arms keeping his wrists immovably trapped beside his head. Meanwhile Paul was straddling Matt’s thigh and pinning down Matt’s knees. Between the two of them Matt was helplessly trapped firmly in place. Despite this, he struggled valiantly anyway. His two tormentors let him; waiting for him to exhaust himself. Meanwhile, Will remained perched in the tree branch and grinning down at the scene in evident enjoyment. John merely sighed, rolled his eyes in faint sympathy, and turned away in some disgust for Matt’s foolishness and ill manners.

Matt continued to struggle; trying to swear luridly at his tormentors but unable to get a single coherent word out because of his tight-fitting gag. He did his best to make his displeasure well known to the others however, but succeeded only in amusing them as well as annoying them.

“Keep it up dummy, and it’ll only be the worse for you,” Corey insisted as he released one of Matt’s hands momentarily only to slap him hard across the face before pinning that hand down again. When Matt continued struggling (and cursing through his gag) he repeated the process with his other hand. When this seemed to make no real impression, Corey forced the recalcitrant Matt’s wrists underneath his knees; keeping his prisoner’s arms trapped while his own arms were now free for other things. He began slapping Matt hard and fast in the face with both hands alternately; apparently as hard and as fast as he could. Matt still continued to struggle.

Taking a cue from this, Paul turned around and, still straddling Matt’s legs, began to hit him close to (but not directly at, yet) the groin.

“John, you’re standing close to them,” Will suddenly spoke. “Kick Matt in the side.”

John looked up at Will in puzzlement at this unexpected request, and then down at the combatants close to his feet. Sure enough; Matt was close enough for John to give him some solid (if barefooted) kicks. He paused for a moment, decided it’d be far better to have John mad at him than Will (let alone Will’s cronies) being mad at him, and then swung his foot out to make a solid connection against one of Matt’s kidneys.

“Traitor!” Matt wanted to shout, but his accusation was rendered just as incoherent as everything else he’d been trying to say lately. He tried to glare at John reproachfully, but Corey’s continued hard slaps of Matt’s now beet-red face rendered any steady eye contact impossible. Meanwhile, John simply kept kicking Matt as he’d been told to.

“All right! Enough! I GIVE UP!” Matt tried to shout as he writhed in agony rather than struggled now. Unfortunately, either his tormentors couldn’t tell the difference or – more likely - they just didn’t care – and continued pinning him down while John kept kicking, Corey kept slapping, Paul kept whacking harder and closer to the groin, and Will kept laughing derisively at the entire scene. Meanwhile, unknown to them all, Andy was gleefully documenting the entire encounter.

But it still wasn’t enough, thought Andy. It was hard to take shots of Will with the other boys, and he still wasn’t really doing much of anything to any of them. But perhaps with a little more time and opportunity…

Finally, either finally as a result from exhaustion or an attack of common sense, Matt went completely limp and, though still obviously conscious and aware, remained silent and unresisting to his captor’s punishments. Finally this was noticed – or at least acted upon after a certain interval after being noticed – and the various assaults on Matt’s helpless body ceased.

“You gonna cooperate now?” Corey asked him sternly; flicking his nose hard at the same time to ensure he had Matt’s undivided attention (and for the sheer fun of it).

Matt nodded his head slightly in weary resignation; not even bothering to try making any sounds through his gag.

Corey and Paul quickly got off their unwilling seat (comfortable as he had been compared to the logs and boulders lying around) and quickly and roughly hauled him to his feet. “Now raise your arms like we told you if you don’t want a bloody lip and a black eye,” Paul snapped at the captive. Although he and Corey were a bit disheveled and little the worse for wear compared to Matt, he was ticked off now and eager for revenge… uhh… that is, he was eager to impose a little needed discipline on a stubborn and unruly slave. Paul had brought Matt into the fold, and by God he was going to train him right!

Matt wearily lifted his arms up, and a gleeful Will soon had them trapped in place much as John’s arms had been. Will then jumped out of the branch to look at them both. The absence of his weight caused the tree branch to rise somewhat. Not as much as it been as he combined weight of John and Matt still dragged it down, but it was still straightened up enough now so that John was almost standing on his toes. Matt, some inches shorter than John, didn’t even have that much. Were it not for a convenient but loose rock that happened to be in the right place to give him a toe-hold to the ground, Matt’s feet would have been swinging two inches off the ground altogether and his body-weight carried entirely by his handcuffed wrists.

Matt started to make frantic, pleading noises as he struggled to stand tip-toe on the loose rock and avoid accidentally kicking it away. If it moved too much, he would literally be left hanging!

“See what you can do to help him, would you?” Will asked John with a smirk.

John looked at Will in puzzlement for a moment, and then understood. He was slightly further along the branch than Matt was. If he let his legs sag underneath him a bit, his weight would pull down on the tree branch more. He tried this. Yes, it definitely made a difference; Matt’s toes and the front part of his feet were now on the ground and helping to support his weight. But at the same time, less of John’s weight was being supported by his legs and more of it carried on his own bound wrists. His handcuffs were starting to dig into his wrists, while his legs and shoulders were also starting to ache.

“Okay John, that’s good,” Will complimented him. “Relax now.”

John did so, and Matt found himself hoisted almost entirely off his feet once more.

“Feel free to help Matt with his burden as much as you like, John,” Will added as he found a small sub-branch growing from the main one, tore it off, and began swinging it back and forth through the empty air in front of him experimentally a few times. “But every time you do, I’ll be whacking your back with this. Meanwhile, whenever you relax, I’ll be striking Matt with it instead. So, knowing that, help Matt just as much as you want to. No more, and no less.”

While John was still puzzling that one out, Will walked up to behind Matt and began using his switch on his helpless captive; striking him again and again on his bare back, bare legs, and buttocks. These last were covered by his Speedos, but they seemed to providing damned little protection at the moment.

Matt squealed at looked at John pleadingly. ‘Help me!’ Matt’s eyes silently but clearly said. John was standing only a few feet in front of his fellow captive and faced him directly, and so there was no doubt whatsoever what Matt wished him to do, and which Will had given him permission to do. If he let his own body take the strain, Matt’s body would have relief – both from the strain of semi-suspension and from the vigorous switching that Will was giving him. But then John would be enduring both semi-suspension and being switched himself.

John saw it clearly now. He was given a choice Matt was denied; would he be noble and willingly share the punishment with his fellow captive, or would he let Matt take it all?

John thought about it as he watched Matt writhe in his torment of being switched while he strained to shift some of his weight off his wrists and shoulders and onto his feet. He could sympathize; having been in this same position Matt was in just a day or two ago.

Awww, screw it! Frikking Matt had brought all this down upon himself! Let him take all the punishment for his own actions, just as John had been doing all this time!

John looked away and remained standing on his feet; ignoring the muffled pleas for mercy and the cries and groans of pain as he continued to endure his flogging, the ever-increasing ache in his wrists and shoulders, and the jeering taunts from Corey and Paul.

Although somewhat sympathetic, Andy gleefully continued taking pictures of the entire incident. Now this was more like it. This was definitely what he needed: pictures clearly showing Will himself eagerly torturing another kid. Once Andy safely had these in storage, Will would have to do whatever his younger cousin wanted. No one would be able to pass what Andy knew off as merely a vivid imagination this time!

By this time Andy had finally discovered that Paul’s phone had a video-recorder function and had learned how to use it. Now he was getting beautiful footage of Will flogging Matt while the captive suffered in mute misery and Corey and Paul looked on and jeered. Perfect. He was digitally capturing every sound and motion in much detail, as only a modern cell phone device could make possible. Will would never be able to explain this one away! All Andy had to do was upload this video to a safe site where Will couldn’t alter or delete it, and Andy would have his older cousin eating out of his hand!
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Post by Xtc »

How distrustful of @[mention]LK3869[/mention] to check up on whether [mention]Jason Toddman[/mention] was being truthful about those cuffs! :evil: No, I didn't check them out last time at all, did I? (Now where's that "innocent" icon? Oh, there it is, right next to the lying b****** one!) :lol:
They all say boxer shorts are cool,
but little Speedos always rule.
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Jason Toddman
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Post by Jason Toddman »

Xtc wrote: 6 years ago How distrustful of @@LK3869 to check up on whether @Jason Toddman was being truthful about those cuffs! :evil: No, I didn't check them out last time at all, did I? (Now where's that "innocent" icon? Oh, there it is, right next to the lying b****** one!) :lol:
Well, they are fictional to the extent that, last i knew anyway, no one set of cuffs has all the functions described... yet.
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Post by LK3869 »

Xtc wrote: 6 years ago How distrustful of @@LK3869 to check up on whether @Jason Toddman was being truthful about those cuffs! :evil:
To be honest, the product description was so detailed and the name "Scottsdale cuffs" sounded real, so I suspected the things did exist and wanted to know what it looked like. So was more a case of collecting usefull piece of information :D
And I was curious about how they could fit as much functionalities in something that stays practical. The bicolor scheme looks good on the finished product , by the way...

AND when someone includes such real accessory in a story, it deserves some mention. ;)

Answered before reading the last chapter: the different plays between characters are geting really thrilling!
don't run ! I'm friendly ...
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Jason Toddman
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Post by Jason Toddman »

Part 49.

Andy was considering getting away while the getting was good when Corey and Paul decided that they were tired of being mere bystanders. Closing in on a suddenly quiet and apprehensive John, they raised their hands, wiggled their fingers, and proceeded to tickle him without mercy. Each boy tackled one side or the other of the helpless boy; tickling him along one armpit and side.

John had time to shriek “Oh no!” – more or less good-naturedly rather than out of actual fear – before he began to laugh in helpless hysteria under the combined tickle attack. “Oh nooo… Hahahahaha! NOOOOOO! Eeeee-heheheheheheee! No more!! Ahhh-hahahaha! Help! Hahahahaha! HELP! Hahahahaha! Oh God! Hehehehehe! Mercy! Hahahahahaha!”

He twisted and turned in his attempts to elude those tickling fingers, but this only had the effect of further exhausting him while amusing his captors even more. John flailed his legs as if trying to run away, but of course he couldn’t go anywhere while his wrists were handcuffed to the branch over his head. He was careful not to let a flailing leg hit either of his tormentors though, as he knew that would make his situation vastly worse than it already was. At least Paul and Corey were in a mellow mood and would probably relent soon; why screw that up?

Eventually Paul and Corey relented when John’s breathing became too noticeably loud and labored and his face a bright shade of red. John sighed with relief and smiled as he began trying to catch his breath.

Corey fondly tousled John’s hair and offered him a drink of spring water, which the captive boy gratefully accepted.

Will had finished switching Matt’s back, legs, and buttocks by this time, and was trying to think of a new humiliation for him when he noticed Corey giving John his water. His eyes lit up, and his handsome curled into an evil smile. “I think John deserves a break for now,” he told Paul and Corey. “Let’s give him a change to sit a spell.”

Paul and Corey looked puzzled for a bit; until Will had them form a private huddle and whispered his plans to them so that John and Matt were unable to hear them. When the huddle broke up, Paul and Corey wore evil grins identical to Will’s.

John was worried at first. Was this a plan to humiliate him… or Matt… or the both of them? He still wasn’t sure when Will suddenly climbed into the tree-house, dug around a bit, and produced some ropes, a mallet, and four tent stakes from a sack he had in there. The stakes were pounded into the ground one at a time in a familiar square pattern that indicated someone was about to get staked out between them.

John and Matt both looked on with evident apprehension, but Matt’s eyes grew wide as saucers when the three boys came up to him to release him from his tree. John watched with a sudden sense of relief as the chosen victim was taken down from the tree, hauled to the site where the stakes had been pounded in, wrestled down to the ground, and kept pinned by two boys while the third tied one and then another limb to an adjacent stake.

As usual Matt attempted to struggle but - being outnumbered, exhausted, and aching from his recent tortures – his fate was already sealed. It wasn’t long before his body lay face up stretched out on the ground with his limbs forming a wide X-shape, with his limbs stretched about as tautly as possible. Even after the others had finished, he tried to wriggle his body in an evident attempt to break himself free, while violently shaking his red-faced head in negation and making what were likely lurid threats into his gag. All to no avail, unless the amusement of his three captors - and one fellow captive – counted as a result.

John’s smile suddenly vanished though when his three captors suddenly came for him also. Their continued grins meant that trouble now lay in store for him as well. He began to wonder if he should ask what they planned to do, or just let it be a surprise. He doubted he would be able to talk them out of whatever they planned to do next in any case, and so he didn’t even try.

“Don’t talk, John…” Will warned John as he was still mulling this over. “Not if you want this to be as comfortable as possible under the circumstances.

This didn’t sound very promising but John knew Will – and understood his situation well enough - by this time to have the sense to keep quiet. He hadn’t been gagged, nor had the second gag apparently been brought out here for some reason; but he was sure they could rig something up for a gag – something pretty nasty at that – on short notice if they felt a need to do so. Preferring to have his mouth completely free of obstructions therefore, John wisely decided not to make a sound of dismay even when the three other boys led him quickly over to where Matt laid face up looking up at them.

“Lie down, face down,” Will told John, pointing directly to Matt’s prostrate form.

John looked at Will with a ‘you must be joking!’ look. But one look at Will face’s told John at once that this was no joke. It was either comply gracefully or get forced into position ungracefully. So instead, he merely asked calmly, “You mean face to face?”

“Unless you wanna do a ‘69’ with him, then yeah… face to face!” Will replied with a grin. “But it’s your choice. You can do it the other way if you want. We’ll even pull his speedos off of him for you if you like.”

Paul and Corey laughed at this jest, while John grew red-faced but smiled in as relaxed a manner as he could manage. “No thanks,” John replied as he eased himself down on top of Matt’s bound body with as much dignity as he could muster under the circumstances. “Just making sure I understood you right.”

Matt looked up in horrified alarm as his fellow captive proceeded to lie down on top of him. “Geeerrrrooophhhhmmeeeeee!” he screamed into his gag as he tried to twist and turn his body in an attempt to roll John off of him. He then began trying to buck John off by thrusting the middle part of his body out repeatedly. The resulting pressure on his groin against John’s body suddenly made him pause as he belatedly realized what he was actually doing. In sudden confusion and total embarrassment, Matt suddenly ceased all further resistance and simply lay there; finally resigned to his humiliation.

John stretched out his arms and legs to form an X-pattern similar to Matt’s. His three captors each squatted down beside one stake and quickly and efficiently tied John’s adjacent limb to it. This left one still free, but not for long; Will himself soon took care of it. Then the three captors stood around their two captives to inspect their handiwork , laugh, and make casual comments.

Although John was securely tied in such a way that he lay completely atop Matt, he was far more comfortable. For one thing, he was taller with longer limbs, so he was not stretched out anywhere near as taut as Matt was. The ropes that held him in place were not as tight on him either; just enough to insure he would neither free himself nor reach his fellow captive’s bonds to release him or even loosen his bonds. And of course he had a fairly soft spot to lie on while Matt lay on the hard ground with the weight of another nearly-naked and profusely sweating boy on top of him.

John’s added height also meant he had just enough slack and maneuverability so that he could keep his face from pressing against Matt’s – but only as long as he was willing to keep up the effort required to lift his head and neck up. Once he was too tired and achy to keep that up, he would have to let his head rest right on top of Matt’s. At least each could turn his head enough so that they didn’t have to face each other. Even so, John was almost glad Matt was still gagged or their captors might demand that they kiss each other! Unknown to John that idea had crossed Will’s mind already, but he had decided to save it for a later punishment for either boy if need be.

From his secret hiding place, Andy gleefully took as many pictures of this scene as he could manage, with a few short videos thrown in for good measure. Then he checked the time. Wow! T was already past five o’clock! His mother and Will’s folks would be returning at six! He’d better get home and get these new pictures and videos safely uploaded as well before that happened, since Will would be sure to want to be home – looking the picture of innocence of course – before they arrived.

“Hey, let’s tickle them!” Corey suggested suddenly. “That’ll get a rise out of ‘em!”

“Great idea!” Paul agreed. “I’ll take their feet! You hit their ‘pits!”

Matt looked up at them wide-eyed and apparently tried to plead for mercy through his gag. John simply lay there with a sigh of resignation; knowing pleading would do him no good and probably just get him gagged with someone’s undershorts for his trouble.

Corey sat down on the ground beside the two boys and proceeded to tickle their armpits indiscriminately; leaning over them so he could tackle them on either side rather than just the side nearest them. Corey selected a spot between their feet, lay on the grass chest-down, reached out to either side of him with his long arms, and began to tickle both pairs of feet simultaneously – his arm spread being just wide enough to enable him to do so.

The results were dramatic and highly amusing; at least to those not named Matt and John (although of course they laughed harder than anyone). By mutual unspoken agreement, both boys refrained as much as humanly possible from writhing and straining to avoid the tickle assault, but their laughter (especially John’s, since he wore no gag) made it quite impossible to avoid all movement. The result was that each boy found himself helplessly rubbing and wriggling against the near-naked body of the other. Their groins were locked tightly together, with only the speedos they wore keeping their respective boyhoods from direct contact with each other. As it was, the continued rubbing against each other was making both boys increasingly hard; further aggravating an already horrifying situation.

John was wondering if the others were deliberately trying to make Matt and him ‘shoot’ each other when Will suddenly spoke up. “Hold it, guys!” he suddenly said as he waved his arms in a gesture to make them stop what they were doing. “They’re getting too excited! Like it or not, they’ll cream into their speedos in a moment if you keep it up.”

Corey was apparently of a mind to keep up the tickle assault anyway, but Paul gave in to Will’s wishes immediately and urged Corey to do the same. But he winked when he said it, as if silently suggesting there was always a later… when Will wasn’t around.

“Well, I’d better get home now,” Will told them. “Mom and dad and Aunt Nancy will be home soon, and I’d better be with Andy when they do or I’ll catch hell.”

And Andy decided that *he’d* catch hell himself if he wasn’t home ahead of Will. So with as much speed as he could manage without sacrificing sufficient stealth, he backed away from his hideaway and prayed that Will’s goodbye would be somewhat protracted.

Luckily for Andy it was, as Will decided to squat down beside John and compliment him for his good sportsmanship first. “Keep up the good work pal, and maybe we’ll start giving you more privileges and fewer restrictions, okay?” he said to John as he fondly tousled the captive boy’s hair and literally patted him on the back.

“Okay,” John replied as he looked back up at Will as best as he could and smiled.

“Kiss-ass!” Matt grumbled into his gag as he glared at his fellow captive with newfound loathing. No one noticed this however; which was just as well for Matt. He thought he’d found a fellow sufferer and friend in adversity, but now he decided that John was just another enemy; little better than those who held him captive here.

As soon as he’d reached what he considered a discreet distance, Andy increased his pace until he was soon running up the trail back up to the house as fast as his legs would carry him before Will even started out on his way. Although he had smaller legs and thus a shorter stride than Will, Andy had several minutes’ head start and Will was walking home leisurely rather than running. As a result, Will never caught sight of Andy on the trail ahead of him. In fact, the younger boy as safely back inside the house before Will was even a quarter of the distance home. Even when Will got home, he didn’t bother to check on Andy at once, other than to verify that he was indeed in his own room and therefore safe and sound. This gave Andy plenty of time to not only catch his breath and get a quick wash-up but to safely upload all the new material he had recorded with Paul’s ‘borrowed’ cell phone camera as well.

Andy was unusually clever as well as intelligent for a boy his age. He waited until his mother returned home with Will’s parents before he made his next move. Then, when he was sure the adults were in the house, he went to Will’s home and knocked on the door.

“Come in,” Will called out in a somewhat bored voice; knowing perfectly well who must be knocking.

Andy opened the door and stepped in; his face seemingly that of pure innocence.

“What’s up, squirt?” Will asked in a still bored but good natured tone of voice as he sat in front of his computer, idly looking at an innocuous science news website.

“I think your friend will be looking for this soon,” Andy said casually as he pulled Paul’s cell phone out of the front pocket of his cargo shorts and handed it to his suddenly tensed-up older cousin. Will looked at the screen in glowing alarm. Clearly depicted on the screen was a picture of him using a switch on Matt’s already well-scratched back.

Will’s emotions went all over the map from amazement to fear to outrage to anger to horror to denial to puzzlement to anger again and then finally settled to dull apathy. “What… how… where… what… uhhh… ohhhhh!” Will spluttered, unable to voice a coherent sentence and looking like a fish that had just been pulled out of the water. Then, visibly pulling himself together, he swallowed his nervousness, and simply asked, “:What do you want?”

“I wanna play too!” Andy replied simply.

Will wasn’t sure what he expected Andy to say or demand… but that wasn’t one of the things that had been running through his mind. “Huh?” he said blankly.

“I wanna play too!” Andy repeated; rather unhelpfully since he didn’t clarify this any.

“How do you mean?” Will asked in confusion; idly remembering all the times he’d tied Andy up to keep the pest away from him during Andy’s previous visits at his house.

“I wanna play with those two guys you got tied up, like you and those other two guys are doing,” Andy stated as if it was perfectly obvious; which perhaps it would have been if Will had not been subjected to such a huge, sudden shock. “When can I meet ‘em?”

It took another moment for Will to calm himself down enough to reply coherently. “How did you… how did you…?” he couldn’t finish his question.

“Never mind that!” Andy retorted. “I just did. I’ll explain later. Meanwhile, I want in.”

“But… but… you’re leaving tomorrow with your mom,” Will countered in a sudden surge of hope. Then, suddenly in a more fear-filled tone, he continued, “you’re not gonna tell anyone, are you? They’ll never believe you, you know!” He clutched the cell phone as if Andy was capable of wrestling it away from him.

“They would if I showed them the pictures I got off of that,” Andy pointed out with a deceptively cherubic grin. “And I’ve got everything that’s in there safely stored elsewhere where you’ll never get at it.”

Will’s face took on a look of sheer despair; he knew Andy had him over a barrel. At the mercy of a little kid! Unbelievable! How could he ever live this down?!

Andy saw the look on Will’s face and took pity; having a naturally kind heart. “Hey, I don’t plan to tell anyone. That’d spoil everything. I just want to start having fun with your friends too. It’s gonna be boring here otherwise.”

“But you’re leaving tomorrow…” Will repeated himself.

“Uhhh… actually I have a surprise for you,” Andy told him. “I wasn’t supposed to know yet either, but I heard mom talking to your folks yesterday. They’re gonna leave me here with you for the rest of the summer!”

“What?” Will yelped with newly revived emotional intensity.

“Yep!” Andy replied with a smirk. “I knew you’d like that. I think they plan to announce it at dinner. But look… see, now you know I know about what you’re doing. You won’t have to try to hide it from me all summer, or spend time with me away from your friends. There’s no reason to fight it; since you couldn’t win anyway. If you tried,our folks would only get sore at you. So now you can just say okay, and when they’ve gone you can do things just like you have been… only letting me play with your friends too!”

Will looked at Andy with silent amazement, and then with equally quiet thoughtfulness. The kid had a point. Had Andy not spilled the beans and the adults sprung this revelation on him out of the blue, his reaction would have likely gotten him into trouble – perhaps even jeopardized his freedom enough to spoil his plans for the summer. Just by warning him ahead of time, Andy had probably saved him from making a huge blunder.

And since Andy already knew about his keeping John and Matt prisoner (and apparently reacting pretty well under the circumstances), there was no need for stealth. It would’ve been impossible to keep John and the others camped out in the woods instead of living in the house if Andy spent the summer here and yet had to be kept in the dark about what was going on. In fact, Andy had just proven that he would probably be a pretty useful ally. He could tend to the prisoners when he and the others were occupied with something else, for one thing. If he were ‘stuck’ with his younger cousin anyway, why not take full advantage of his evident eagerness to help him?

“And what else do you want?” Will asked his younger cousin cautiously.

“That’s it. Nothing else!” Andy replied with a grin. “See? I’m no blackmailer. I just wanna play the games you and your friends are playing… without getting tied up myself of course!” he added hastily. “You’d better not try to tie ME up too… or else!”

“Take it easy, Andy!” Will replied in a soothing manner; hiding the fact that he’d actually been considering exactly that possibility. “No one’s gonna tie you up. And now that I’ve thought of it, if you’re going to be here all summer anyway, you *would* be pretty useful to have around. An extra pair of eyes and ears… an extra set of hands… yeah, I think I can live with that.”

“Cool!” Andy called out eagerly as he jumped up and down in excitement. “When?”

“I’d prefer to wait until tomorrow, when our folks have left,” Will replied. “But I wanted to visit them again tonight anyway, and I’d rather not leave you behind where you might let the cat out of the bag somehow. So, after dinner, we’ll just tell our folks we’re going for a little walk in the woods before it gets dark out. They won’t see any reason to be suspicious of that, and I won’t have to sneak around either. I can introduce you to the others. Deal?”

Will held out his hand for a shake. Andy took it and smiled. “Deal!” he agreed happily.

“Will? Andy! Dinner!” Nancy’s voice suddenly called out from downstairs.

Will and Andy amiably came down the stairs together, talking and laughing and perfectly at ease with each other… much to the surprise of their parents. Then, later, during the meal, Will’s father sprang what was apparently meant to be an important announcement and then visibly prepared himself for the verbal fireworks he was obviously expecting.

“Okay, dad!” Will told him with a (well-rehearsed) calm tone. “Andy and I will get along just fine together.”

“Look Will, I know you wanted to… uhhh… what?” Will’s father stammered in obvious confusion as he belatedly realized that his son’s reaction was much different than he’d expected. “You mean you don’t mind?”

“Naw! Andy’s cool!” Will replied as he playfully tousled his younger cousin’s hair.

“Hey! Quit it!” Andy retorted, but with a good-natured laugh rather than from a serious objection to the obviously well-meant gesture.

Will’s parents – and Andy’s mother – just looked at the two as if they were total strangers who had suddenly magically taken the place of their children.

“Well, I must say that I was expecting a different reaction,” Will’s father said, evidently still flustered but not displeased. “But I’m glad you two seem to be hitting it off so well.”

“Sure dad, Andy’s a swell kid,” Will replied with a grin. “Reminds me of me when I was growing up!”

“Yes, I’ve occasionally thought so too,” Will’s dad said dryly but quietly, and it didn’t sound entirely complimentary. However, it was spoken too low for anyone else in the room to hear clearly – which was just as well.

It was true though. In fact, Andy looked enough like Will to be his younger brother rather than merely his cousin. About the only difference was that he was smaller than Will had been at his age, had somewhat more freckles, and his hair somewhat lighter in color. But his mannerisms and exuberance were very much like Will’s had been at nine years old.

“C’mon Andy… let’s go for a walk in the woods and walk off that fine meal,” Will quietly suggested to his younger cousin as the two rose from the dinner table.

“Okay!” Andy replied agreeably. “But let’s take some snacks and something to drink too! I’m not full yet!”

The two hurried out of the kitchen like they were longtime friends who were more or less the same age as each other; leaving behind three quiet and somewhat dazed parents.

Nancy finally turned to look at Will’s mother and father, who themselves were still staring silently at the door the two boys had just hurried out through. “What on Earth are those two up too?” she asked in amazement.
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Jason Toddman
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Post by Jason Toddman »

Part 50.

“Good thing mom and dad bought us a whole ton of snacks while they were gone today!” Will commented to Andy as they made a quick side-trip to the garage on their way to the tree-house. “I managed to grab some stuff for the others when no one was looking. I’d wondered why they’d bought so much! I thought they were going to bribe me into doing something with it, but I guess it was largely meant for you!”

“Probably, but I don’t’ mind sharing it with the others,” Andy replied as Will grabbed a backpack( loaded with fresh snacks, drinks, and a few other necessary items) from where it was hidden behind some boxes and put it on. “At least, assuming you can get replacements once these run out.”

“No problem,” Will replied with a grin as he and Andy left the garage. “We have an account with a local supermarket that delivers groceries to us once a week. They make deliveries every Monday morning. I’ll make sure a few extra items get added to the list after the one due tomorrow morning. Payments are automatically debited from my dad’s account. He’ll probably never even notice the difference.”

“So, what’s the deal with those two kids you’ve got tied up?” Andy asked as the two boys started out toward the woods in the late afternoon sunshine. “Who are they? Why was one of them dressed up like a Vulcan? And that business with the tent?

“Well, no time to go into details now,” Will replied as they entered the woods and followed the trail down toward the tree-house. “I’ll explain to you later tonight, once we’re back home and can have a long talk without interruption. But, basically, John’s a school-mate who lost a bet and gets to be my slave and prisoner for the summer. Paul is also a classmate who’s spending the summer with me too.

“Corey’s just a friend of ours who happened to find about us like you did – you’ll have to tell me about how that happened too by the way, when we have the time. Anyway, he’s just here part of the time, helping us take care of John.

“As for the other kid, Matt, Paul simply brought him here from some summer camp they… uhh… escaped from together. The kids there had tied Matt up and tried to do the same Paul, but Paul got away from them and helped Matt get out of there too. But once they were out, Paul decided to keep him as a prisoner and brought him here. So now we have two prisoners, and you can play with them too as long as you also help us take care of both of them.”

“Sure I will!” Andy said eagerly. “It’ll be fun!”

“Just why *are* you so cool with this, anyway?” Will asked with a grin. “I’d have thought something like this would freak you out!”

“It did at first,” Andy admitted with a sheepish grin. “But then I got to thinking. You’d tied me up before but never hurt me… and it never scared me. I knew you’d let me go eventually, and that I was safe. It was almost kind of fun, actually.”

“Oh, really?” Will said with a laugh. “Well then…”

“That doesn’t mean I want you to tie me up NOW though!” Andy added hastily as he stopped in his tracks and looked truculently at his older cousin. “Just saying it’s not as shocking to me as it might be to someone else.”

“Don’t worry, no one’s gonna tie you up… unless you say so first anyway,” Will assured him as he waved Andy to continue walking forward. “I promise. Now, you were saying?”

“Well, anyway,” Andy continued as he hurried up to catch up to Will; “I figured: bigger boys like to pick on *me* a lot. Some big kids have been really mean to me because they think I’m retarded for telling stories. You’re about the only big kid who treats me nice. The others though; I’d give anything to be able to pick on them or do stuff to them once in a while. And now I’ll get a chance to!”

Will remembered how he used to treat Andy himself, and felt a little ashamed. Then he felt a little puzzled; if Andy thought Will had treated him nicely, how badly had other kids treated him for him to make such a comparison?

“What have other kids been doing to you?” Will asked; trying to sound casual but covertly he was listening carefully to Andy’s reply.

“Aw, they call me names like retard and crazy-kid,” Andy replied with some annoyance. “But sometimes they don’t just call me names. Sometimes they throw things at me. One boy likes to chase me, tackle me, sit on my back, and make me eat grass and worms and bugs and things!”

Will suddenly (and somewhat uncharacteristically) found himself wishing he could have been there to defend his little cousin and teach that other boy the error of his ways. He had (conveniently) forgotten that, prior to this weekend, he had imagined doing similar things to Andy himself. In fact, Will probably still would have done such things to the smaller boy during the summer that he would be stuck with him had he wound up alone with him. But now he already had John and the others to be concerned about. Also, recent events had given him an entirely different perspective of Andy! Once just an irritating little pest; Andy was now close kin and a potentially very useful helper.

“But to be fair, you know that Matt and John never did these things to you,” Will pointed out. “It’s even possible they never would have done, and might even have helped you if they’d caught those other kids picking on you.”

“Aw, maybe… but I still want to give some big kids a taste of their own medicine!” Andy retorted. “I won’t be too hard on ‘em of course. I just wanna be able to pick on some big kids for a change without worrying they’ll beat me up later!”

Since Will figured that Andy’s idea of torture probably involved little worse than some hard finger flicks to the nose or a few slaps to the face, Will simply shrugged and smiled. He doubted Andy would do anything to really hurt John or Matt; if anything, he’d probably be much nicer to them than he, Corey, and Paul had been. No, the *real* fun would be seeing them get owned by such a small kid like Andy – not just once or for a day but the rest of the summer - and being completely helpless to do anything about it. That thought alone had endless possibilities, and brought a wide happy grin to Will’s face that would have filled John and Matt with consternation had they been there to see it.

Will stopped suddenly when he heard loud and rather upset-sounding voices up ahead, and held out an arm to stop And as the smaller boy was about to go on ahead of him. “Something’s up at the tree-house,” Will told his younger cousin. “Doesn’t sound too good. Better stay here until I see what’s up. Seeing you now might upset them anyway until I warn them you’re coming. So wait right here and don’t show yourself until I call you. Understand?”

“Okay, Will,” Andy replied agreeably.

Will nodded with approval, tousled his cousin’s hair once again, and continued forward. He could hear the voices more clearly now. Mostly it seemed to be Paul’s voice yelling angrily about something, with Corey’s more subdued voice more audible now and then.

“I tell you; it’s GOT to be here!” Paul was yelling. “Cell phones don’t get up and walk away, and I know I left it here. Try it again.”

“What’s the use?” Corey’s voice retorted in evident protest. “I’ve rung your number five dozen times already. We tried it here, we tried it at the pond… we tried it everywhere along the way! If it was anywhere around here, we’d have heard it ringing long before now! It’s either nowhere around or you shut it off! Maybe without knowing it… just like you must’ve dropped it somewhere without knowing it!”

Paul merely cursed luridly in response, but not necessarily in disagreement with Corey.

Will smiled. Now he got it. Paul had finally noticed his cell phone was missing and was frantically looking for it. Will had almost forgotten he carried it, since he had shut it off after Andy had given it to him so that it wouldn’t ring at the dinner table. He flipped it open and turned it on. As soon as he did, its chiming could be clearly heard in the otherwise quiet woods.

“Hey! I just heard something!” Paul declared as he turned around, and immediately saw Will coming into sight from behind some trees.

“Lose something?” Will asked dryly as he handed Paul his phone.

“Yeah, where did you find…?” Paul began to ask as he held his phone and looked down at it. The display screen showed a picture of Corey and himself tickling Matt as he stood with upraised arms – his wrists handcuffed to a branch overhead.

“Huh?” Paul asked blankly. “You had this all that time and took a picture of…”

“I didn’t take that picture,” Will interrupted blandly.

“Well, who else could have?” Paul asked somewhat uneasily. “No one else was there… anyone whose hands were free, anyway.” Paul’s eyes then opened wide in alarm as he began to notice other pictures recorded on his phone camera. Dozens of them.

“Andy!’ Will replied simply.

Paul closed his eyes as if in intense pain, and mouthed silently, “Oh, shit!”

Corey had the presence of mind to look around and then back at Will. “Andy took those pictures?” he asked calmly. “So he knows everything?”

Will merely nodded.

“Sooo… where *is the little tyke now?” Corey pressed after a moment’s silence so thick you could have heard a pin drop.

“Back there, waiting for me,” Will replied, making a backward motion of his head.

“Uhhh… tied up?” Corey asked hopefully.

“Nope,” Will replied; his face still expressionless. “He’s going to join us; help us with John and Matt. Do NOT tease him. Do not DISS him. Do not upset him in any way. You are both going to act like you’re really happy to see him. In fact, you are going to treat him as you would treat me. Is that clear?”

“Well, sure, Will,” Corey relied hastily and with an uneasy grin. “If you say so! After all, this is your house and your rules!”

“And you?” Will turned to look at a still distraught Paul, who was looking at all the pictures that had secretly been taken of them with his own cell phone as if unable to believe they could have been taken without his knowledge.

“Huh? Oh! Sure! Yeah! Cool! I’m good!” he replied hastily as he alternated his gaze between the phone in his hand and Will’s face. “Say… uhh… Jeez, how do I say this? That Andy…he’s a pretty damned good photographer for a little kid! Think you can get him to make a documentary of all this?”

Will looked at his friend with stunned disbelief for a moment, and then began laughing as the tension within him broke. “Okay, I think I can talk him into it,” he replied once his laughter settled down enough to enable him to talk coherently.

“We were just going to shift John around so that he and Mattie look like they’re doing a ‘69’,” Corey commented. “But Paul wanted to take some pictures with his cell phone first. That’s when we noticed his cell was missing, and we’ve been looking for it ever since.”

“Probably would’ve needed four more tent stakes for that to work anyway,” Paul added. “The overlap won’t work quite right otherwise.”

Having been freshly reminded of John and Matt, Will turned to look at them. Both boys were still tied in the exact same position as they had been when Will had left over two hours earlier. The only difference was that now John’s mouth and lower face was well-covered in duct tape.

“Why’d you gag John?” Will asked casually. “Was he misbehaving?”

“Naw, it just seemed like the thing to do at the time,” Paul replied with a dismissive shrug. “We didn’t even stuff his mouth with anything. You can still make out the words he says if he tries hard enough and you bother to listen.”

Will turned to look at the two staked-out captives again. “You okay over there?” Will asked casually.

John nodded quietly and made a distinct “Uh huh!” sound of affirmation. Matt simply lay there and glared at everyone and tried to make an obscene gesture with a middle finger, but couldn’t turn his hand to face it in the proper direction.

“Well, let’s get John off of him and into a sleeping bag for the night,” Will decided. “I think he deserves to be more comfortable than he is now. Put him in the special sleeping bag I brought.”

“Okay,” Paul and Corey replied together agreeably as they walked over to John to untie him from the tent stakes.

“What about the tough guy here?” Paul asked, indicating Matt as he crouched beside John to untie one of his wrists.

“He can spend the whole night like that for all I care,” Will replied dismissively as he turned back to fetch Andy. “He’s really your prisoner, so do whatever you want with him. Treat him like furniture if you like. Just give John more food and water and whatever else he needs, take it really easy on him unless he misbehaves.”

“Okay, Will,” Paul replied agreeably as he and Corey helped a freshly untied and rather wobbly John to stand up. :”Come in, sport; time for bed.”

John would rather have been allowed to walk around a bit to restore his circulation, but he knew better than to protest matters by now. He tamely let the two other boys lead him to the sleeping bag Will had indicated while a semi-forgotten Matt remained staked out right where he was. However, before they reached their destination, Corey had a thought, stopped, and asked John if he needed a sanitation break first. John gratefully nodded his assent, and so he was led away to make a private pit stop at a discreet distance first .

Will returned to where Andy would be able to clearly hear him. “It’s okay now, Andy,” Will said to the younger boy. “Come on out. It turns out Paul was worried about his cell. That’s all straightened out and they’re expecting you now, so let’s go say ‘hello’!”

Andy was now a bit shy and hesitant now that the actual meeting was at hand, but Will smiled in encouragement and held out a friendly hand to offer reassurance. Andy clasped it with his own and the two walked hand in hand back to meet the others.

Andy was just in time to see John being put to bed. It was a special kind of sleeping bag that Andy had never seen, heard of, or even imagined before. The lower end was divided in two; one for each leg. The upper portion was divided into three part; a large central portion for the torso and a ‘sleeve’ of some sort on either side for each arm. Once John was snugly inside the bag with his arms in the sleeves, the bag was not merely zipped up. There were also thick stout leather straps to tighten along its entire length as well; one very several inches of the sleeping bag’s length from head to foot. Once these were all properly tightened, even without being tied up otherwise John was as immobile as if he had been cocooned in a whole mile of rope and could not move so much as a finger below his neck. And once the special hood was also secured into place John was unable to do more than blink, talk (as he was ungagged again for safety’s sake) and breathe. The only visible part of his body were his eyes, nose, mouth, a small part of his face, and a lock of hair that had crept down below the hood and now curled just above and between his eyes.

“Okay everyone,” Will loudly called to the others to attract their attention. “This is my cousin Andy. He’ll be spending the rest of the summer with us. So treat him nice.”

“Hi Andy!” Corey called with a warm smile.

“Nice to meet you, Andy!” Paul added.

“Live long and prosper,” John called out as his sense of humor – with perhaps a sense of the absurd - momentarily seized him. He would have offered the Vulcan salute as well in token of his original meeting with Andy had his hands been free and visible to view.

“Mmrrrrgggghhhh!” grunted Matt in puzzlement rather than animosity; wondering what a kid this age was doing here.

“Hi, Vulcan kid!” Andy called to John cheerfully, after merely nodding and smiling to the others. “Glad to see you again.”

“Likewise, I’m sure.” John replied more or less sincerely; having figured out the gist of what must have happened between Andy and the others.

“Why don’t you and John have a nice little chat, Andy?” Will suggested as he suddenly stepped over Matt’s bound body and straddled his chest, while Corey and Paul sat on the ground Indian-style – one of each side of them. “The others and I are going to have a similarly nice chat with Matt here. I still haven’t gotten to know him well yet, and I want to learn about him and… uhhh… explain a few things to him.”

“Okay, Will,” Andy replied with a cheerful wave. Then, as if it was something that would be normally expected of him, he stepped over John’s sleeping bag bound form and sat on him – one sneaker-covered foot on either side of John’s head. The smaller boy leaned forward, resting his forearms on his upraised knees and looked down at his new friend with a grin of childish delight.

Nonplussed, John simply smiled back. A week ago he might have protested. Not now; especially as he turned to look at Matt (where a big bigger and heavier Will was now bouncing on his defenseless and somewhat smaller victim) and compared his current situation with that if his fellow captive.

Andy was small and light - probably no more than 75 pounds – and was making no attempt to actively humiliate him; in anything, he seemed to merely want to make friends. In any case, his body weight felt like it was almost nothing, and it would probably be a wise idea to stay on Andy’s good side even had he weighed more. This kid was going to have power over him for the next two months; why make him more eager to use it than he probably already was? And besides, Andy seemed so genuinely nice that it was hard for John not to like him anyway. Maybe Andy’s presence would be a turn for the better rather than the worse.

And so John and Andy spent the next hour or so telling each others' back story (including clarifying evens of their previous encounter the other had been unaware of) and getting to know each better. In the interval, Andy offered John something to eat and water to drink – which John readily accepted even though the younger boy kept sitting on him even while doing this. By the end of an hour, the two became fast friends… even though John had no illusions that Andy would ever help let him go free should he ask. Nor did he want to ask for freedom anymore. And he really hoped for now was that Andy would continue to be a kindly and gentle co-captor.

Matt’s concurrent heart-to-heart conversation with Will did not go over quite as smoothly. There was indeed something of a clash of wills at first. But Will had all of the advantages – he had freedom, he had help, he was on his own turf, and he was naturally more strong-willed than Matt ever had been or could ever hope to be. Straddling his captive to assert his domination over Matt, Will explained patiently (albeit with the aid of an occasional face-slap) how the quality of Matt’s continuing treatment would depend on his own actions. Be more cooperative, and he’d get better food, be tied less harshly, and be tormented less. Continue to stubbornly resist, and he’d be punished for it… severely. It was as simple as that.

To emphasize what could happen if Matt didn’t behave, Will gestured to his two companions to seat themselves on top of Matt as well. They stayed clear of his face (although Corey vocally pleaded time and again to be allowed to smother the fight out of Matt), and managed to squeeze together atop Matt’s torso from his clavicle to his waist. A few minutes of the resulting intense pressure on his ribs and belly – during which Matt found it very hard to breathe – convinced Matt that continued resistance was indeed futile. Worse than futile, he thought, when Corey suddenly (and apparently seriously) suggested that they start standing on him instead.

Matt insistently shook his head to declare that this further step would be unnecessary to finally gaining his compliance.

When asked if he’d cooperate, Matt vigorously nodded his agreement. He’d have agreed to sell his soul to the devil himself by that time just to get them to get off of him again and let him draw a free breath once again.

“All right Matt, we’ll take you at your word… so to speak… this time,” Will told him as all three boys stood up together and stepped away from their relieved captive. “But be warned,” Will continued more sternly as he shook a finger at him. “Act up again, and we’ll just punish you even harder, and next time we won’t relent as easily! Remember that before you think of doing anything foolish!”

Matt merely nodded in assent. As he was still gagged, there was nothing he could have added anyway. But at least his evident resignation to his fate (for the time being anyway) earned him a momentary respite from the panel gag and a badly-needed drink of water. No one saw to his sanitary needs, however; leaving him literally with nowhere to go. Staked out as he was, failure to hold out all night would he as embarrassing as it would be uncomfortable.

He was determined to hold out until morning at all costs!!!

It was past nine o’clock when Will decided it was time that he and Andy head back to the house. “We don’t want anyone else searching for Andy to come join us, now do we?” he pointed out with a grin. “We’ll be back sometime late in the morning, after mom, dad, and Aunt Nancy have left. Then we can all go back to the house and be comfortable once again. Well, that is unless Matt here *likes* the great outdoors.”

Matt figured he could do with a change of scenery too, but of course his gag prevented him from expressing his opinion of the matter so eloquently. He merely nodded his head and grunted in assent.

Andy gave John a fond goodbye pat on the cheek as if petting a dog as he got up off him and began to walk away. “So long, John,” he said happily. “See ya tomorrow.”

Andy’s dreams were all happy ones that night.

John had a harder time getting to sleep, but eventually managed it. Confining as the sleeping bag was, it was reasonably comfortable and – it turning into a reasonably cool night - not too warm. Neither of his remaining captors bothered him much, but allowed him to get a restful night’s sleep.

Matt however was not a happy camper. His near-naked body was stretched tautly between the stakes, lay on hard ground, and was vulnerable to crawling bugs and flying, bloodthirsty pests. It didn’t help that his captors remained restless for a very long time and decided to spend the time by idly tormenting him. While Paul slept, Corey spent considerable time straddling his belly and tickling his underarms or twisting his nipples. When Corey finally decided to go to sleep, Paul would suddenly wake up and take a turn making Matt’s life even more miserable by standing over him and rubbing first one bare foot and then the other all over Matt’s face.

By the time morning arrived, Matt was cold, hungry, thirsty, grimy, sweaty, itchy all over, and ached dreadfully in his arms, shoulders, wrists, and ankles. He was in desperate need to relieve his bladder, and very, very tired from not having had a peaceful moment’s rest the entire night.

His only bright thought was: Somehow, some way, I'll escape from here!
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Centennial Club
Centennial Club
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Post by Tsuhaya »

It's been a while since I've talked about this story, but I've finally been able to read it all by now, and I really love all of it. His writing is incredible, and I really like the way it's all written in such a catchy way. I love how Will is smart and knows how to train someone.

I like everything in this story, congratulations for the great work
Yes, it's me in the picture. What are you waiting for to tie me up and gag me?
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