What's a Prisoner Among Friends? Multiple m/m

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Jason Toddman
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Post by Jason Toddman »

Tsuhaya wrote: 6 years ago It's been a while since I've talked about this story, but I've finally been able to read it all by now, and I really love all of it. His writing is incredible, and I really like the way it's all written in such a catchy way. I love how Will is smart and knows how to train someone.

I like everything in this story, congratulations for the great work
I based Will pretty much on the chief doms i knew growing up; my cousins. And after all this time I still remember their philosophies on Tugs. :D


Part 51.

Unlike Matt, Andy was a very happy boy when he woke up that morning. Although he love d his mother and would miss her during the summer months, he knew that he tired her out and that she could use a break away from him for a while. And the time spent with Will and his friends promised to be one of the most interesting times of his life.

He woke up with lots of ideas he’d dreamt up overnight that he was eager to try out on Will’s prisoners, and it was difficult to keep his excitement hidden from his mother and Will’s parents. Fortunately, if they noticed at all, they simply put it down to a young boy’s eagerness to have a sleep-over with an older cousin/ friend like Will. He’d get to be out of the watchful eye of his mother or any other adult for a while, and that would be enough to excite any boy Andy’s age.

Finally, after what seemed like an endless morning where everything (except breakfast) seemed like a mere blur, the time for farewells finally arrived. Will’s parents had packed their (and Nancy’s) things in their car, and have a private talk with their son while Nancy hugged and kissed Andy goodbye.

“Keep a close eye on Andy, now,” Will’s mother told him. “I know you’d hoped to spend the summer with your friends, but be sure not to neglect Andy or let him get into any mischief or any trouble. We’re counting on you to keep him happy and safe.”

“Don’t worry, mom,” Will assured his mother as they exchanged hugs. “Andy will have the best summer he’s ever had. He’ll get all the attention he wants, I promise!”

“And if you have any of your friends over – as I’m sure you will – make sure they don’t tease or torment him!” his mother droned on. “He’s been picked on by older boys a lot lately; probably because of the wild stories he tells about himself being a space explorer or a superhero or whatever takes his fancy to be. Andy may have some issues with being around older boys other than you.”

“Don’t worry, mom,” Will replied; still smiling. “My friends will treat Andy just as if he owned them! He’ll have them eating right out of his hand!” Wasn’t that the truth!

“Tasha won’t be here until evening to fix supper, so you’ll have to scrounge up some lunch for you and Andy yourself,” his mother continued. “The food delivery truck seems to be late today, but I’m sure they’ll be by sometime today.”

“I’m sure it will be,” Will replied confidently as he concealed a slight smile. After some effort, he’d successfully managed to hack into his parents’ online grocery account with the local supermarket and made a few changes; notably in adding a few sundry snack items to the delivery list. He’d also made the delivery time later in the morning, when his folks would already be on their way back to resume their vacation (at a tropical resort thousands of miles way) and unable to spot the alterations he’d made.

The farewells dragged for to such a long time that Will began to be concerned that his folks would still be around when the delivery truck came with its authorized and unauthorized cargo alike. As it was, it was a narrow squeak; the delivery truck came in through the front gate just as the car carrying his parents and Aunt Nancy were driving out through it. Fortunately, having already started on their way, they decided to keep going rather than stop to check the grocery delivery – apparently assuming Will could handle the details himself if anything was wrong.

Will’s parents would indeed have been puzzled at seeing all the extra snacks that was being delivered: an extra dozen two-liter bottles of soda; a dozen boxes of snack cakes; three fruit pies; two cakes; a dozen plastic jugs of fruit juices; several bags of chips; two extra loaves of bread; several extra boxes of cereal; two packs each of hot dogs and buns; and four boxes of Pop Tarts – all of these in as many different varieties and flavors as possible so that no two items were the same. There was also two extra gallons of milk for the cereal, plus another two gallons of chocolate milk.

And this was just for one week! Each week’s grocery deliveries would have the same extras to accommodate the needs of the extra guests and prisoners that Will planned to spend the summer with him. If his parents ever noticed the extra charges, it would only be when they returned from vacation and he was safely out of reach of their direct wrath back in boarding school.

Once the grocery deliveries had been squared away and signed for, and the delivery truck gone and the front gate safely and securely locked behind it, Will and Andy immediately made their way down to the tree-house to meet the others. Will phoned ahead, warning the others that the coast was finally clear so that they could begin preparations to break camp ahead of their arrival. Once they arrived, the entire party would move operations to the comfort and security of the house once more.

That this would be a relief to all was plainly evident when Andy and Will arrived. The two had showered and wore fresh clothes that morning, and the contrast between them and the others was dramatic. Corey and Paul weren’t too badly off, but they and their clothing were definitely showing the effects of a weekend spent camping outdoors without access to fresh clothes or shower facilities. Matt and John looked even worse; their near-naked bodies were so grimy and sweaty (with bug bites and rope burns in plain sight as well) that they looked like homeless refugees from a war-torn, poverty-stricken Third World country. John’s normally neat hair was unkempt and in bad need of a wash and a comb, while Matt’s was absolutely filthy. If they had darker skin and hair, either of them could have passed for Mowgli.

By the time Andy and Will had arrived, Matt and John – still handcuffed, hobbled, and leashed – were already carrying the lion’s share of the camping equipment, supplies, and dirty laundry bundled into sleeping bags and carried on their backs. Andy was somewhat disappointed by this, as he’d hoped to ride back to the house on John’s shoulders rather than walk back again under his own power. However, with the assurance that he could do this to his heart’s content later on, he was consoled by being given the leash to both John and Matt’s collars. Andy gleefully led the two prisoners back to the house while the other three boys flanked them; carrying the remainder of the camping equipment, unused supplies, and whatever trash had been picked up (and stowed away for neat disposal at the house later) along with them.

Andy cheerfully engaged the two captives he led along in idle conversation. It was a rather one-sided conversation as both boys were gagged, but this didn’t seem to deter Andy one bit. He simply carried on a cheerful, rambling monologue about whether Lion-O or He-Man would win in a fight between them as if both captives were listening in rapt attention. John at least was paying some half-interested attention to Andy’s idle musings (as he had watched both characters’ programs himself), while Matt simply rolled his eyes and concentrated on thinking of ways to escape his captivity. So far, no good ideas had presented themselves to his questing mind.

The little safari finally staggered its way out of the woods and approached the house. Will decided to take the time to have the group circle once around the house before entering in order to show off such amenities as the hot-tub house, swimming pool, and the tennis court. Matt’s gagged and incoherent muttering changed into total silence and his eyes grew wide as saucers as he got his first good look at the house Will lived in. He was very much impressed; it certainly beat the run-down house he’d lived in all his life with his alcoholic mother, deadbeat father, and his ten obnoxious younger siblings. Were it not for his current state of captivity, he could imagine himself enjoying a stay here very much.

But as impressive as the exterior of the house was, Matt was even more surprised at the sheer luxuriousness of the interior. He had seen mansions like this only on TV, in shows like Dallas or the Beverly Hillbillies (being familiar with these at all only because his mother watched them all the time)! Oh man… he’d give almost anything to spend some time in a place like this! Anything short of his freedom, that is!

Will took the party to the elevator, and all six boys rode to the third floor. “Let’s show Matt his room first, since everyone else who has one knows where their room is already,” Will pointed out. Corey felt a bit left out when Will said this since, as he was only visiting now and then rather than staying over regularly, he didn’t have a room of his own. And his room at home was nowhere near as good as any room here, although by John and Matt’s previous standards it was still pretty good. But he didn’t let this feeling show, as he knew Will had not meant anything by it and everyone else readily agreed to his suggestion.

The room Will had set aside for Matt’s use was on the third floor, beside Andy’s room; it was the same one that Andy’s mother has been using during her stay here. Being of neat habits, Nancy had already changed the bedding herself and cleaned the room despite being a guest of Will’s parents, so the room looked spotlessly clean. Matt mutely took in the sight of the place; it was easily three times roomier than his own room at home (which he had to share with his three younger brothers), far better furnished, and came with its own separate bathroom.

“Get a good look at it, Mattie,” Paul said to his captive as he gently tugged on his leash to make him approach the large bed. “You’ll be spending a lot of time here. Now come along; I want to tie you up to your bed to see how you look in it.”

“On the contrary, Paul,” Will said suddenly as he stepped in and took the leash out of Paul’s grasp. “Whether he gets to know the room well will be solely up to him… because right now I’m going to set him free.”

It is hard to tell which of the two looked at Will with more surprise; both Matt and Paul looked at Will with silent wide-eyed looks. It was harder to gauge Matt’s total reaction though, as his entire lower face was concealed behind his panel gag and he was literally speechless (from shock as well as from the gag). Paul’s reaction soon became more obvious however; he virtually yelled “WHAA-AT?!”

“We’re setting him free!” Will repeated mildly.

“But… but…” Paul spluttered; momentarily at a loss for words. “But he’s *my* prisoner!”

“And this is my house!” Will pointed out. “And my rules. Keeping John as a slave and prisoner is one thing. He made a bet and lost; he had his chance. Matt hasn’t. You simply tricked him into coming here with you without consulting me first. I couldn’t do anything about it with mom, dad, Andy, and Aunt Nancy here, but now that the adults are gone and I don’t have to worry about them overhearing anyone making a scene, we’re going to do this my way. Now gimme the keys to his cuffs, and then all of you clear out. I’m going to have a private talk with our newest guest and try to persuade him – nicely – to stay with us and join in on our game of his own free will.”

Paul sighed and muttered a bit, but he complied with Will’s wishes, and then he, Corey, and Andy escorted a still cuffed, hobbled, and gagged John out of the room – presumably to have a little fun of their own elsewhere while Will had his chat with Matt.

“Okay, now that they’re gone, we can try to clear the air,” Will told Matt kindly. “So, if you promise not to be angry and listen to me, I’ll take off your gag and restraints at once and we can talk man to man, as equals. Okay?”

Still a bit wary but receptive – especially to the idea of being freed of the gag and the restraints – Matt mutely nodded his head in acquiescence. Ready to defend himself if the younger boy should turn violent but confident he would not (Will being significantly larger than the other boy for one thing; his having a brown belt in karate for another), Will removed the panel gag, removed Matt’s hobbles, and then unlocked the boy’s handcuffs.

“I have a clean set of some old clothes of mine that should fit you, if you prefer something better than that,” Will told Matt as he faced Matt with a friendly smile and waved generally at his rather filthy and rank-smelling set of speedos. “Would you like to take a shower first and clean up before we talk, or would you like to discuss what’s been going on first?”

“Uhhh…” Matt said dully; not only surprised by Will’s unexpected generosity but torn between getting a much-needed shower and clarifying his current situation.

“Or we can talk while you shower,” Will added. “Through the door I mean; I promise I won’t be watching you shower or anything like that.”

“Okay, that sounds good,” Matt replied quickly as he suddenly realized he had another urgent reason to use the offered facilities in private. “We’ll talk while I get cleaned up.”

“Okay,” Will agreed. “Why don’t you get started while I get some clean clothes for you, and then I’ll explain what’s going on, answer all your questions, and make you an offer that you *can* refuse but which I hope you won’t. Just let me assure you right now that even if we can’t come to terms, you’re free to leave and go home anytime you like.”

“Uhh, thanks,” Matt replied noncommittally; unwilling to tell this suddenly friendly but still strange boy that he really had little desire to go back to his dysfunctional home anytime soon. He hastily turned and hurried into the bathroom as if the opportunity might be snatched away from him at any moment and closed the door behind him.

Being an observant boy, Will realized that there must be more to this than met the eye, and was determined to find out everything he could about his new house guest while explaining the situation. But first, he had to get the promised clothes.

Although wary and suspicious of the change in circumstances, Matt decided to waste no time in availing himself of the opportunity to use the toilet and then take a relaxing shower. He wasn’t sure what to do with the grubby set of speedos he wore (and he was wearing nothing else), so he simply placed them on a small chair beside the door as he set the shower temperature and spray to his own personal tastes before stepping inside.

“I brought your clothes,” Will’s voice sounded from behind the bathroom door. “I’ll set them on the chair for you so you can change into ‘em in private when you’re done. I’ll toss this nasty thing you were wearing into the laundry too while I’m at it.”

Matt momentarily tensed up as if expecting a stark-naked Will to fling open the glass shower sliding door and step into the shower with him, but nothing of the sort happened. Instead he heard the sounds of the door swinging open, clothing being exchanged on the chair, and the door being swung mostly shut again.

“Can you hear me okay?” Will called from the bedroom beyond the door. “Want me to explain what’s going on?”

“I can hear you fine,” Matt replied as he began to wash his hair (Oh God, did that feel good!). “Go ahead.”

“Well, basically, the rest of us are into tie-up games,” Will told him. “I’ll explain in more detail later, but what it boils down to is that the losers of bets become slaves of the winners for an agreed-upon time. I’ve had Corey and Paul as my slaves for a few days last summer, and I’ve been Paul’s slave occasionally as well. John lost badly in a high-stakes poker game and so he’s my slave the whole summer, but he had an even chance of doing the same to both of us and knew the risks going in. He had trouble adjusting at first but he’s getting used to it.

“Now, slaves are fed regularly and are treated pretty well, as long as they behave and obey orders. They’re kept tied up a lot even when they behave, but good behavior is rewarded with lighter restraints. It’s only when slaves misbehave that we have to punish them with torture.

“But you punished me when I made no such agreement to join in your game!” Matt pointed out, but with far less anger than he’d been feeling in the last day-and-a-half that had passed since he had arrived here.

“Yes, and I want to apologize for that,” Will said in what sounded like a genuinely contrite voice. “The situation was literally dropped into my lap without warning. It called for a snap decision, since my folks were here and the risk of discovery was too great to give you any choice in the matter then. But now they’re gone, and I can afford to play fair. In fact, I plan to make it all up to you in a way I think you’ll like. I’ll show you when you finish and come back out here.”

Although intensely curious, Matt took his time to enjoy his shower. Once he had finished, he poked his head of through the shower door. Assured that no one was about to try to ambush him, he saw the clean clothes set aside for him (a T-shirt with the characters of the original Star Trek on it, a knee-length set of cargo shorts, white ankle socks, and what were apparently brand-new Nike running shoes) on the chair and began to put them on.

Now that the shower was no longer running, he could hear the sounds of idle conversation in the next room; Will’s friends had evidently returned while Matt had been showered and engaged in some kind of conversation with him. However, it didn’t sound like they were up to any more foul play, and even if they were there was nothing Matt could do about it anyway. So, determined to face whatever was coming boldly, Matt put on the fresh clothes set aside for him and stepped out as if entering his own room… ready to face whatever surprises awaited him boldly.

He wasn’t at all ready for the surprise he actually got.

Will was standing behind a chair on the opposite side of the room from the bathroom door. Flanking the same chair were Corey, Andy and John, the last of who was still clad only in speedos (but a fresh set now) and was still handcuffed, hobbled, and gagged, but was also now freshly showered and clean as well.

But the real surprise was Paul. He was now wearing only a set of clean speedos himself… plus what seemed like half a mile of rope that was binding him quite securely to the wooden chair between Matt and all the others. Ropes ensnared his wrists, ankles, torso, shins, thighs, upper arms and forearms, and were looped around his shoulders; everywhere firmly welding him to the arms, legs, seat, and back of the wooden-framed chair he sat in. He was also securely gagged. He sat directly facing Matt, and looked as if he were a convict sitting in the electric chair awaiting execution.

Will beckoned a somewhat wide-eyed, slack-jawed Matt over with a friendly gesture. “Come on over. Don’t worry; we’re *not* planning to do the same thing to you. Rather, this is a welcoming present for you.”

Matt stepped closer; hesitant at first but gradually with more confidence as he saw that Paul really was as firmly tied to the chair as he appeared and that the others were making no moves to do the same to him. He looked at Paul with surprise that turned slowly but steadily into a more satisfied grin of satisfaction.

“Cool! I just wish I could take advantage of his new situation,” Matt finally said.

“Ah, but you can! Hold out your hand!” Will said to him. Hesitantly but no longer suspicious, Matt did so. Will placed a set of red poker chips into Matt’s hands.

Matt looked at the chips with dull incomprehension. Paul on the other hand looked extremely distraught and tried to speak through his gag while simultaneously trying to break out of the ropes holding him to his chair. But his muffled yells were incoherent (although his outrage mixed with undeniable fear was plain enough) and his struggles hopeless. He sagged back in exhaustion, shaking his head in denial. There was a tear streaming from one eye.

“What’s this?” Matt asked Will in puzzlement.

“Paul lost fourteen days of his freedom in slavery to me at the same time John there lost sixty,” Will explained. “He probably never figured I’d use them, but now I give them all to you. You can stay here for fourteen days doing whatever you wish to Paul and making him obey your orders. If he rebels in any way we’ll help you punish him. And afterward you’ll be square and bygones will be bygones between you, right?”

“Fine by me, but what about him?” Matt asked mildly as he nodded his head toward Paul, whose head now dropped in apparently hopeless despair.

“He won’t seek revenge or anything no matter what you do, if that’s what you mean,” Will told him. “You have my personal guarantee. In fact, you can spend the entire summer here as my guest as well, if you like. Provided you let bygones be bygones between you and all of us as well for what’s been done to you since you got here.”

Matt looked quietly at Will, then at the others standing around. All seemed sincere enough to him. Then Matt looked down at Paul, who now looked back up at him in what was apparently a mute appeal for mercy.

Matt closed his fist tightly around the fourteen red poker chips and smiled; looking at Paul in a way that promised dire consequences for the bound boy for the foreseeable future.

“You’ve got a deal!” Matt replied.

Paul sighed and hung his head in mingled shame and mute misery.
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Post by LK3869 »

Didn't see this major change in the situation coming at all, but that's logical and well-done from Will. Still can't decide if he offers those only seemingly fair deals out of some (weak) sense of good and bad or if it's just cold calculations on his behalf, to lure always new "friends" into his idea of fun...
The two are there, but the weight of each vary as the story goes.

Found him fun and daring at first, then machine-cold. Then Andy comes and it's like seeing him younger and it helps putting him into perspective. And now this two-faced deal...

Hope you'll allow me a daring "Raised-by-leftist French" view of your story:
if Will had been a poor kid tricking rich kids into revenge TUGs, I would have come up with delirious praises about him, like he's some white, young Omar Little :lol:
But he's a millionaire spoiled brat using his familly's wealth to impress others and keep an unfair upper hand on at least some of them, so it always will be hard for me to call him a nice guy after all... On the other end, would love to punish him :mrgreen:

He's a great character anyway, and you took great care of "explaining" him to us. (the rest of the cast is great too, but he's center of gravity...)
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Post by Jason Toddman »

LK3869 wrote: 6 years ago Didn't see this major change in the situation coming at all, but that's logical and well-done from Will. Still can't decide if he offers those only seemingly fair deals out of some (weak) sense of good and bad or if it's just cold calculations on his behalf, to lure always new "friends" into his idea of fun...
The two are there, but the weight of each vary as the story goes.

Found him fun and daring at first, then machine-cold. Then Andy comes and it's like seeing him younger and it helps putting him into perspective. And now this two-faced deal...

Hope you'll allow me a daring "Raised-by-leftist French" view of your story:
if Will had been a poor kid tricking rich kids into revenge TUGs, I would have come up with delirious praises about him, like he's some white, young Omar Little :lol:
But he's a millionaire spoiled brat using his familly's wealth to impress others and keep an unfair upper hand on at least some of them, so it always will be hard for me to call him a nice guy after all... On the other end, would love to punish him :mrgreen:

He's a great character anyway, and you took great care of "explaining" him to us. (the rest of the cast is great too, but he's center of gravity...)
Well, the way I see it, Will is neither hero nor villain. Rather, he is a real person who is somewhere in between; just like everyone else.
Like many kids from wealthy families, he is rather spoiled. Being gifted with good looks, athleticism, a strong personality, lots of personal charisma, and strong leadership skills have all combined to make him feel better than everyone else on some level; and this tends to have some negative effects on how he treats other people. At the same time, he isn't a total jerk and he does see the importance of maintaining a personal honor code and sens of fair play - not just because he makes him all that much more appealing to others but before it makes him feel better about himself as well. Real people are more than just good or bad; they're very complex and sometimes self-contradictory. And I based Will on real people i knew when i was his age (mainly two peer-aged cousins I lived with for a year when my family situation became unstable after my father died). Corey and Paul are based somewhat on friends i had at the same time. John and Andy are both based on different aspects of myself at different ages. I like to feel that helps add some realism to all the characters.
Also, Will may seem like he had an unfair advantage but he always plays fair. Had John won the card games early on, Will would have honored the deal and lt himself be John's slave rather than try to weasel his way out of it. Those games weren't rigged in any way; John had an even, fair chance of winning. It's just his bad luck (maybe?) that he didn't. Perhaps Will was machine cold in his dealings with John; but only when John seems to be trying to renege on the deal he had freely agreed to; something Will as i said would have never done and that upset him a great deal.
As for the two-faced deal, Will was in a quandary. He honestly felt he couldn't afford to cut Matt a break while his parents were around for Matt to go squealing to and the ubiquitous Andy was continually underfoot - leaving him vulnerable to immediate exposure. Will was perhaps unnecessary cruel, but he is only human and was caught off guard. He needed time to think, and just didn't feel Matt's treatment was an immediate concern seeing it was nothing he wouldn't have willingly faced himself had he lost a bet. Once he had some control over the situation (namely, the threat of immediate exposure was gone) however, he manned up and did the right thing and tried his best to be generous in making up for it. Had Matt been hesitant Will's first recourse would have been to sweeten the deal even further rather than break his promise to let Matt go free if he wanted.
To put it simply, Will may be the center of gravity but he isn't perfect. He has his flaws of character; some of them major. But then, don't we all in crisis situations? He's not an all-good hero, but he's not a hoodlum either. He's just a spoiled but otherwise decent teenaged boy. One who perhaps needed the innocence of his younger cousin to spur him to be the better, fairer, nicer person he should have been from the outset.
So, to answer your first concern Will acted from both motives; a weak (i think tarnished might be a more accurate word) sense of good and out of practical concerns to not have his summer tie-up games ruined. Both are there, and both do vary as the story goes... because real people vary as the story of their lives go too. In my opinion only fictional characters and very close-minded folks never vary in their feelings and motivations.
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Post by LK3869 »

[mention]Jason Toddman[/mention] And everything you just stated shows in the story, at least I see it too ;) And thanks for that detailed answer.

Still think our Will could use a downturn of fate like everyone, to teach him a thing or two about how it's so much easier to play by the rule when you set them... No such thing as a fair deal when you have no previous experience of what you're commiting yourself to. He always knows more than the ones he makes offers to. At least in his current routine.
You keep saying how he's bigger and stronger and so used to all of that AND consistently picking on younger or smaller boys, or at two or three against one when they're bigger... So in a sense he's really realistic in that he finds dubious justifications to the edgy things he does... Like we all do.

But be sure that I would probably do the same in his situation, so don't go thinking that was a moral judgment or an attack of some kind... We're only as good or bad as others allow us to be :geek:
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Post by Jason Toddman »

LK3869 wrote: 6 years ago
Still think our Will could use a downturn of fate like everyone, to teach him a thing or two about how it's so much easier to play by the rule when you set them...
Evidently this is your first time with this story or you'd already realize that such a development is in the offing. :mrgreen: I wrote this story several years ago with a total of 60 parts, and things do indeed take a major shift in direction shortly. :twisted:
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Post by LK3869 »

Can't wait for that, and deserved or not that will be something I will definitly enjoy ( once my own bubious justifications are satisfied :mrgreen: )
Maybe I was afraid you liked him too much and would spare him. See if he's a good loser then and keeps his noble sportsmanship :lol:
Isn't it fun talking about fictional characters like they're real ? Defending them or putting them to test... You can hardly do that with professional writers...
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Post by Jason Toddman »

LK3869 wrote: 6 years ago Can't wait for that, and deserved or not that will be something I will definitly enjoy ( once my own bubious justifications are satisfied :mrgreen: )
Maybe I was afraid you liked him too much and would spare him. See if he's a good loser then and keeps his noble sportsmanship :lol:
Isn't it fun talking about fictional characters like they're real ? Defending them or putting them to test... You can hardly do that with professional writers...
I don't know about that last one; I've known a number of professional writers over the years and most of them enjoyed talking about their characters as if they were real people... because to those writers those characters are real. I know I enjoy such discussions myself; in part because it helps vindicate me as an actual writer despite never having made a dime off of anything I ever wrote (other than editorial comments about other peoples' writings).
I don't know what the word 'bulbious' means and I suspect it is a typo, but I am unsure what word you were actually aiming for. Bulbous doesn't seem right in context and dubious also seems, well, dubious.
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Post by LK3869 »

That was "dubious", because I previously called Will's justifications "dubious"... Meaning that I believe he "should" be punished so will enjoy his downturn without an ounce of guilty feeling. Make him suffer! :mrgreen:
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Post by Jason Toddman »

Well, after a long stretch of discussion like that i'd better break it up with an actual chapter; even though it's still a day earlier than I'd planned. :D

Part 52.

“Splendid!” Will told Matt cheerfully. “Lunch time is still a couple of hours away. If you like, we’ll leave you and Paul alone together, and you can express all your appreciation to Paul for all the hospitality he’s shown you so far. I’ll call you when lunch is ready.”

“Awesome!” Matt replied readily; a half-dozen ways of expression that appreciation already running through his imaginative mind (which had been stimulated greatly in this endeavor over the past two days).

Will silently signaled his remaining companions to leave the room, and they all filed out. “Remember though; no permanent damage please!” Will urged his newest guest. ‘No knocking out teeth or anything like that, or the deal’s off and you’ll have to leave. Just keep it within reason – nothing permanent; nothing that shows – and you can play with your new slave all you like. Okay?”

“Sure, okay!’ Matt replied absently but cheerfully as he abruptly noticed that someone had thoughtfully placed a homemade torture kit on his bed. It had such accessories as nipple clamps; ostrich feathers, a riding crop, itching powder, several bandannas, some extra rope, and a pair of scissors. Matt’s imagination suddenly spun in so many directions that he scarcely even noticed when the bedroom door was gently closed behind him.

“You guys want to go for a swim in the pool?” Will suggested with a grin as he closed Matt’s room door behind him.

“Sure! You bet!” Andy replied with noisy enthusiasm; drowning out the more restrained but still eager assents on the parts of John (whose replies were further muffled by the gag he still wore) and Corey.

“Cool!” Will replied. “Corey, you can find some fresh speedos in Paul’s room. I reckon he won’t be using it for a while, so feel free to take it over. You should be able to find something your size. Andy, you assist John and then lead him to the pool. I’ll meet you guys out there once I’ve gotten ready.’

“Great! Come on, John!” Andy called to the older boy as he tugged enthusiastically (but not painfully) on the leash connected to John’s collar. The younger boy then led the older one down the hallway to his own room as if leading a well-loved pet dog.

Corey and Will stood together and watched the other two walk down the hallway and out of sight. Corey turned to look at Will. “Looks like your little cousin co-opted your own slave,” he told Will with a grin. “Now you don’t’ have one either.”

“Well, I could easily remedy that situation,” Will told Corey with a wide and suggestive grin.

Corey backed up a couple of steps. “Whoa! No way! I don’t wanna be a slave!” Corey protested. “Besides, my parents would never go for it! I have to work for them now! And they know where to find me here. There’s no way you could do it even if I wanted you to. Which I don’t!” he added as if he felt it needed further clarification.

“Relax, I was just teasing!” Will told him with a disarming laugh. “It would be nice, but you’re right. We’ll just have to find a new slave for me and another one for you somewhere. Got any ideas? Know any other boys we could invite here for some fun?”

Corey thought for a moment. “Hmmm… not off-hand, no,” he finally replied less happily. “Oh, there are some kids of various ages at the houses where I do pool cleaning, but most are either too young like Andy or wouldn’t be able to get away for any long time any more than I can. But I’ll keep thinking about it. Something may occur to me.”

“I’ll give it some thought too,” Will replied. “Anyway, let’s go get changed to go swimming. I’ll meet you at the pool.”

Corey and Will gave each other high-fives and separated to go to their individual rooms.

Will entered his room and was just beginning to remove his clothes when a sudden beeping sound startled him. Puzzled, he looked around as the beeping sounded again. It was so unexpected and the beeps spaced widely enough apart that it took him a few moments to realize that it was coming from his closet. He opened the door and looked around; still unsure what the cause of the beeping was until it sounded again from inside a box tucked away in one corner.

“Shoot!” Will said quietly to himself as he suddenly realized what was happening. He opened the box, which contained a fresh set of bicycle-riding clothes, a bicycle helmet, and a cell-phone. These weren’t Will’s however; they were what John had been wearing and carrying the day he’d arrived here; they’d been kept stored out of John’s reach ever since he’d first been tied up. Mainly to keep the phone out of his hands so that he’d be unable to try calling for help from outside the house.

The beep sounded again; more loudly and clearly now that was not muffled by intervening walls or the box itself.

Will picked up the flip-top phone and flicked it open like they did on the original Star Trek. The screen immediately lit up and announced that there were three voice messages; all from the same phone number and spaced roughly a half-hour apart; the last one was about fifteen minutes ago. Will recognized the phone number. With a muted sigh of apprehension, Will clicked on the ‘1’ button to play the voicemail messages.

A slightly metallic female voice announced the following, speaking each word slowly and carefully. “First-new-massage-(pause)from-(pause)-5-5-5-1-9-2-8-received-on-(pause) July-first-two-thousand-twelve-at (pause) nine-oh-two-A.M.”

The voice was then replaced by another female but far more human sounding and apparently a bit worried. “John, this is your mom. I just wanted to see if everything was okay. You haven’t called back like you promised. Please call me back, just so I know.”

The voice clicked off, and was replaced by the female metallic voice announcing the second message. Its announcement was identical to the first except that it came at “nine-thirty-three A.M.” The human-sounding woman was back, basically repeating her original message but sounding more worried this time. The third message then came in at “Ten-oh-five A.M.” and sounded somewhat angry as well as even more worried, and ended with a stated intention of coming to the mansion herself to take John home if he didn’t’ return her call right away!

Will muttered several expletives his own parents would have been shocked to hear him say out loud, and hurried out of his room to find John. Fortunately he and Andy were just coming from Andy’s room and approaching Will even as he was charging out of his room.

“John, there’s an emergency,” Will told him urgently, no longer sounding like a master speaking to a slave but as a concerned friend, as he quickly removed John’s simple bandanna gag. “Your mom’s been calling for you. Please, you’ve got to tell her that everything’s all right, or everything’s ruined. Look, I’ll make a deal with you…”

“No need, Will,” John interrupted calmly. “Just give me the phone. I’ll calm her down, apologize for worrying her, promise to call back more often, and that’ll be the end of it.”

Will looked at John with speechless amazement. “And… what do you want in return?” Will asked quietly; unable to believe this crisis wasn’t as bad as he had feared.

“Nothing, really,” John replied cheerfully. “Well, except whatever you wanna give me. I’ll let you decide if that deserves a reward. Don’t worry, I’m not gonna yell for a SWAT team or anything. I’m cool. So let me have the phone before mom sends in the marines.”

Will hastily grabbed the keys to John’s handcuffs and freed his hands. John rubbed his wrists a little bit to restore his circulation and then took the phone from Will’s hand. He hit call-back and waited for his mom to answer.

“Hi mom. It’s John. No mom, everything’s great. Sorry I didn’t call back sooner. Yeah, I know I was supposed to call over the weekend, but I’ve been having so much fun here that I completely lost track of time. Will has several other friends here that I’ve been getting to know too, and we’re having a swell time swimming, camping, hiking, playing games… all that junk. Yeah, mom… I’m having the best time ever. Okay, I promise I won’t lose track of time again and call at least twice each week. Look, can I call you back tonight? The others are waiting for me… we’re about to go swimming. Yes mom, I promise to call back tonight and tell you *all* about it!”

John winked at Will at this point to reassure him that such an account would in reality be a heavily-edited one. Will sighed in relief and felt the knot in his stomach loosen again.

“Okay, mom. Got to go now. Call you tonight at nine. Okay, bye.”

“Whew!” John added as he clicked his flip-top phone shut and handed it back to Will. “I really *had* forgotten I promised to call her before now. Sorry about that, Will.”

“It’s okay,” Will replied while indicating to John to keep the phone. “Uhhh… I guess it’s best you keep that now. You’ve certainly earned the privilege. Just please… if you ever change your mind about the arrangements here, talk to me about it first? Okay?”

“Sure Will, if you say so,” John replied cheerfully as he turned around to place the phone back inside his own room nearby; his now-unheld leash dangling loosely from his still-padlocked collar and chain on the hobbles he still wore clanking noisily and slowing his movements. He then hurried back out, stood in front of Will with his back to him, and placed his wrists behind him for convenient re-cuffing.

Will hesitated.

“Come on, Will,” John invited as he waved his wrists with playful impatience. “Like I said, I’m cool with all this now. So don’t get all wishy-washy on me. Except for being able to call home every so often to keep mom happy, I want to go right back to the way things were before mom called. Okay?’

“Okay,” Will replied with a smile and a sigh of relief as he locked the handcuffs back around John’s waiting wrists.

“Don’t’ forget the gag!” John reminded him playfully.

“Wait, let me get your favorite one for you,” Will replied as he stepped into his room. He came out a moment later with the ball gag in hand. John merely smiled and stood still patiently as Will stepped behind him and locked the ball-gag on with its own tiny padlock. Will and Andy showed wide grins, but John – his expression now hidden by the ball-gag – was as happy as the other two boys put together.

“Great! Now let’s get to the pool!” Andy (now clad only in swim trunks and sneakers himself) demanded as he impatiently picked up the loose end of John’s leash and began to playfully tug on it.

John followed the impatient younger boy down the hallway to the elevator; his hobbles clanking noisily with every step and still plainly audible long after he was out of sight.

With a sigh of relief, Will walked back into his room and finished changing clothes… emerging wearing a tight set of speedos and a pair of tennis shoes. Before going to the pool to join Corey, John and Andy however, Will decided to go back upstairs to see how Matt and Paul were doing. Perhaps Matt would enjoy a swim as well.

As John and Andy were using the elevator to go down, and Will preferred getting some exercise anyway, he took the nearby set of stairs up to the third floor. He walked quietly to the room he had left Paul and Matt in; carefully listening for any unusual sounds. He heard sounds of Matt’s laughter and what were apparently muffled sounds of protest from a still-gagged Paul, but nothing to indicate that Paul was going through an especially rough time.

Will stopped in front of the door and gently tapped on it.

“Come on in,” Matt’s voice called out from the other side.

Will opened the door and peeked inside; uncertain of what he would see other than an unhappy Paul suffering some outrage at Matt’s hands.

Paul was still tied securely to his chair, but he was almost unrecognizable. He face was covered in so much make-up that he looked like a clown. His lips were cherry-red with lipstick. His eyes were heavily coated with mascara. And he wore what seemed like a bright blue fright wig.

It took Will a second, more careful look to realize that he wasn’t looking at a wig.

“What… did you… DO… to his hair?” Will asked as he struggled (with only partial success) to keep himself from bursting with laughter.

Matt was shirtless, and his torso and bare arms liberally covered with what seemed to be blue dye. “Found some woman’s hair-styling kit in the bathroom, and decided that Paul’s hair needed a new style,” Matt cheerfully replied. “Not sure his new ‘do’ suits him though. I was thinking of giving him a Mohawk later.’

Paul’s loud moans of protest proclaimed his opinion on that idea, but both Matt and Will completely ignored him.

“I just thought I’d see if you’d like to join us for a swim,” Will told Matt. “It’d give you and the rest of us a chance to know one another better.”

“Sounds great, but what about him?” Matt asked, indicating Paul with a nod of his head.

“Aw, he’ll be all right if he’s left alone for an hour or two,” Will assured him. “It won’t be the first time he’s been left alone that long tied like that. Likely not the last either. And he doesn’t really deserve a chance to have a nice swim this early on, now does he?”

“I reckon not,” Matt agreed cheerfully. “Okay, I guess the rest of his makeover can wait until after lunch or something. You go on ahead. I’ll join you in a few minutes. I just want to make a few last adjustments.”

Will nodded agreeably, waved, and left the room.

Matt’s adjustments included attaching some clothes-pins to Paul’s bare pecs and then blindfolding his captive before washing as much dye off of himself as he could and then changing into a fresh set of speedos and some sandals. “Just make yourself comfortable until I get back,” Matt urged his new captive with a laugh as he patted Paul’s face several times and then hurried out the door.

Paul’s gag-muffled moans went unheeded and were soon quickly unheard.

Matt happily ran all the way down the stairs (neither easy nor particularly safe wearing flip-flops, but he managed not to hurt himself), through the first floor to the kitchen, and then out the back door to the pool.

Corey was diving off a high board and into the pool; his slender body cleaving the water with nearly the ease and grace of a dolphin. Will sat in a reclining lawn chair near the pool; his muscular body well-oiled with sunblock and absorbing the sun’s rays as he watched matt approach. John was walking around the pool while John rode on his shoulders; his hands now cuffed in front of him so that he could give his rider additional stability by holding onto Andy’s shins as he walked.

Seeing Matt approach, Andy bade john stop and kneel down so that he could dismount. Then he casually tethered John by his leash to the support frame of the diving board as if tethering a horse. “C’mon over Matt! The water’s great!” Andy called out invitingly as he climbed up onto the diving board and then leaped off with a loud whoop of enjoyment; cannonballing only a few feet away from where Corey was swimming.

Matt waved back to the eager youngster, flashed a smile at Will (who also waved at him but made no effort to leave his lawn chair), and ran to the diving board as well. This promised to be a very interesting summer after all.

By the time he had dived into the water, Matt had forgotten all about the trials and tribulations he’d been enduring these last two days, and had all but forgotten the helpless captor-turned-captive that still awaited his pleasure back in his room.
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Jason Toddman
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Post by Jason Toddman »

Part 53.

Corey and Will busily thought of ways of acquiring two more slaves for the summer, but this proved to be unnecessary. Two good candidates for slavery were about to come straight to them. The way it came about was by sheer accident and through no planning (or even fault) of their own.
When Tasha arrived to fix dinner for Will and his guests, she was astonished to find that there were now six boys to cook for rather than the three that she had expected. Will explained somewhat sheepishly but convincingly that he was having some friends stay over for the summer, and in addition his young cousin Andy had also been placed in his care. Tasha had been informed of Andy by Will’s father, but since no actual head-count had been stipulated (it had never occurred to Will’s father to state how many boys there would be, after all) and she’d already known of John and Paul, she simply went along with the change in plans good-naturedly and set about cooking the planned dish of the day (her own special and much-beloved meatloaf) for nearly twice as many people.

Corey unfortunately would not get to stay for dinner, as he had to leave with Tasha (in a separate pre-arrangement with Tasha through his own parents) to another house on her route where he was expected to do his pool-cleaning chores – along with another house near that one. He’d be kept quite busy all that afternoon on his job, and wouldn’t be available. However, Will promised to save some leftovers for him if possible, and so Corey was counted as one of the six.

John had been released from all restraints and allowed to look like just another free boy while Tasha was around, just to help allay suspicions. Tasha hadn’t seen him since that first day and had begun to wonder about him, and whether he was still around. She wouldn’t have put it past Will to claim John was still around simply to have extra portions of her cooked meals around to snack on for himself. But John cheerfully assured her that he had been around the entire time and had thoroughly enjoyed her cooking, and even offered to help her prepare the meal. Tasha’s suspicions were lulled so much that she didn’t even notice that now Paul was among the missing.

Paul was still up in his room; being teased and tormented by an increasingly gleeful Matt. Matt now came up with what he felt was a wonderful and devious idea. While Paul was gagged, blindfolded, and sitting helplessly bound to his chair, Matt turned on the laptop provided in his room and activated his Facebook account. After updating his journal to describe his escape from Camp Willywonka and the fun he was having with new friends at a ritzy house, he took some pictures of Paul with the computer’s web-camera, left it on video-recording mode, and left it trained on him as he went out of the room for dinner.

Matt had no plans to let Paul eat dinner at the table. He could settle for scraps up in his room afterward – that is, if matt felt like serving it to him!

Tasha and Corey were just leaving as Matt arrived downstairs, and he said a really happy hello to the first while saying goodbye to the second. Once they stepped out, Matt hurried to the dinner table.

“Where’s Paul?” Will asked Matt as he entered the kitchen.

Matt found himself speechless for a moment. Not because of the question, but because he saw Will and Andy tying John securely to one of the chairs facing the dinner table. Well, that is, Andy was locking Handcuffs and ankle-cuffs onto John’s limbs while Will did all the real rope-work; tying John’s middle and shoulders to the back of the chair. Andy wasn’t skilled in knot tying yet; though Will promised that he’d train Andy soon in all the best knot-tying techniques until he was as good as any boy scout twice his age.

“Uhhh… I left him tied in his chair upstairs,” Matt replied. “I decided he didn’t deserve to have any dinner with us.”

“Hmmm… I’ll let it go this time but we need to have a talk about the rules around here,” Will replied casually. “Nuts. I’d planned to have him serve us, too. And we did such a good job tying john I hate to just untie him again right now, so I guess we’ll have to serve ourselves this time. Give me a hand with setting the table, okay? And I’ll explain what I mean. Andy, you listen too – I just realized I never told you about this either.”

And so while the table was set and the meal placed in the center, Will explained to Matt and Andy about the Rules for the Proper Care and Discipline of Slaves. For illustration, he took a piece of paper and read it to them:


The slave must carry out all commands from his designated master(s) without question, except where obeying such a command poses a risk to his life, health, or safety.

Valid commands: wash dishes, clean rooms, polish shoes, make beds, or fix meals.
Invalid commands: walk on a rooftop, jump out a window, fall from a tree, stick a finger in an electrical socket, or walk naked down a public street.

A slave must carry out his period of slavery without objection verbal or otherwise.

A slave may be subjected to humiliation as long as it is between him and his master(s) only; no humiliation in front of outsiders is allowed.

A slave may not be subjected to pain except as part of discipline or punishment. Pain is not allowed on mere whims but must have a reason. Allowable exceptions for mild pain any child inflicts on another as play, such as moderate face slaps and nipple twists.

A slave who disobeys or tries to escape may be punished as the master(s) see fit, short of being subjected to anything that requires medical attention or leaves permanent scars.

A slave facing punishment has the right to ask why he is being punished and has the right to appeal extenuating circumstances and ask for reduced punishment when applicable. Example: honest misunderstanding of instructions.

Slaves promise to never tell anyone else about their periods of slavery without express permission from his master(s) even after such periods of slavery are over.

Slaves must be fed the same food in the same amount as their masters get unless being punished, though they may not necessarily have the option of feeding themselves unaided whether being punished or not.

Slaves have a right to privacy in the bathroom unless being punished. Master(s) must allow up to four bathroom breaks in each 24-hour period when slave cites a need. Beyond this slaves must ask for permission, which may be denied on master’s discretion.

Slaves may be tied down into immobility overnight without reason given, but when done master(s) must check on their safety at three-hourly intervals; hourly if slaves are also gagged.

Allowable punishments include long-duration hogties, subjected to prolonged showers of hot or cold water, being left tied outdoors, placed in a small cage, stringent and painful ties up to an hour, meals withheld (no more than two out of three per day), torture involving pain but not bleeding or bruises, extra-hard work such as weeding the garden, forced exercises such as push-ups, semi-suspensions up to an hour, full-body suspensions of ten minutes or less, and sensory deprivation (limit: three hours unless done overnight). In extreme cases: exile from the company of his master(s) for the rest of his life.

Non-allowable punishments include anything involving bodily fluids, damage to the body, forced do something dangerous, unsupervised long-term tie-ups, full body suspensions lasting over ten minutes, whipping or other causes of extreme pain.

Punishments must always be consistent and fair.

Slaves have a once-per-day right to win their freedom through a challenge.

Promises made to slaves must always be kept or the slave must be freed.

We agree to the terms as expressed in this document when playing Master and Slave.


Will Power

Paul Bunion

John Deer

“So, for instance,” Will explained further as they ate, “It’s really not right to withhold dinner from Paul unless you’re punishing him for disobeying you or doing something else wrong. AND,” he continued when Matt was about to interject something; “all his previous actions towards you do NOT count!”

Matt fell silent for a moment. “Does that mean I have to go upstairs and free him so he can come down here?” he finally asked reluctantly.

Will thought about it for a moment. “Well… no.” he finally replied with a cheerful smile. “It probably wouldn’t hurt him to eat dinner after we finish up in his own room. He can eat in just the same way John is right here.”

Matt grinned as he turned to face John. Being securely bound to his chair and unable to move his hands, he was being fed by hand by Andy, who sat in the chair next to him. As meatloaf, Spanish rice, and peas were not foods that were easy to feed to a second person, and as Andy was no more careful than any other boy his age, John seemed to be getting as much of his meal on him as he was in him. Fortunately he had been outfitted with a bib and the floor around his chair covered with newspaper. Even so, quite a mess was beginning to form on and around him – a mess john himself would be required to clean up the moment he was freed from his chair after the meal was over.

Matt grinned; he could hardly wait to feed Paul his dinner – and record every moment of it on his Facebook account.

But then he remembered about the clause that stipulated that he’d have to give Paul a chance to become free once each day. Well… the rules didn’t say that the challenge had to be a particularly easy one, now did it? Matt’s mind began dwelling on the possibilities of using this rule as a means to inflict some special torture upon his new captive. With his experiences at Camp Willywonka, it was easy to think of some really good ideas…


Tank and Brandon had not had a very happy time of it over the previous weekend. Once Matt and Paul had escaped out of their grasp – depriving not just themselves but everyone else in their gang – the camp counselors who ruled this camp for their own secret pleasure and amusement were not at all happy with them. They enjoyed having smaller and weaker boys who could not fight back under their power, and when their favorite victim and a promising-looking candidate with an obviously sore need of lots of discipline escaped from their clutches simultaneously, Brandon and Tank found themselves suddenly taking the place of their missing victims.

There was a quick trial that Friday night, but the outcome was never in any doubt and the two were found guilty of gross negligence by the kangaroo court of the camp counselors. Punishment was soon decided.

It could have been worse. Someone had suggested digging pits under two of the most-frequently used outhouses and sticking Brandon and Tank into them for the summer. This idea was considered but finally was firmly vetoed – if only because of privacy issues on the part of some users and because no one wanted to have to deal with ultimately cleaning up the mess that would result afterward. All the same, the popularity of the two boys had definitely gone down the toilet since their catastrophic blunder and their punishments reflected their loss of status.

Early Saturday morning, they were locked inside the sweat box all day. It was a small thick iron structure that sat out in the open. It was about as roomy as a dog cage but with precious little ventilation that soaked up the heat of the sun all day. They were given no water or food at all. That night, they were placed in the stocks (locked in bent over positions where passers-by could paddle or whip them at their leisure) and left there all night. They’d been fed stale bread and brackish water and nothing else.

On Sunday morning, they were staked out by the lake where the mosquitoes had their way with them all day. Occasional passers-by were free to torment the captives any way they liked. Usually they got pelted with rotten food and other garbage.

On Monday morning, they were carried inside a small, unused cabin which contained little more than a pair of beds. The beds had no mattresses but did have sturdy wooden frames, and Brandon and Tank were securely tied into them. They were then covered in hot, smothering blankets and left inside the cabin; which was isolated, windowless, stuffy, and securely locked.

However, Brandon and Tank managed to escape from their prison within an hour or so because the wooden bed frames had been neglected all year and weakened by termites. While the remaining campers were having lunch down by the lake, the two freed themselves and then Tank deftly picked the lock to the door that hemmed them in – a feat that proved little challenge to his advanced skills.

Finally deciding that Camp Willywonka had outlived its charm; the two escapees decided that it would be healthier for them to decamp to parts unknown; the further the better. Before making their departure however, Brandon and tank decided that they needed a plan and some supplies. The nearest cabin was the one belonging to the counselors; since it was currently unoccupied, out of view of the campers as they had lunch, and probably loaded with all sorts of useful (and perhaps valuable and pawn-able) items, they made this their very first stop after departing the cabin in which they’d been imprisoned.

The front door was locked; no problem. It might have been beyond the skill of most of the other campers (most of whom had no juvenile criminal history), but Tank’s lock-picking skills were more than equal to the task of removing such a pathetic obstacle.

Inside were several cabinets, lockers, desks, chests, a refrigerator, and various other containers - most of them other than the refrigerator locked. Tank checked these out one by one while Brandon sauntered over to the laptop one of the counselors and left on his desk. He planned to do a search for the best route out of this place; seeking places where they could obtain (that is, steal) anything they needed that they could not find here and perhaps even hitch a ride.

Idly he decided to check something he was curious about while his companion opened and looted the cabin of anything they could use and easily carry away. His eyes almost bugged out of his head and he called to his comrade in crime in amazement at what he saw. “Norton! Get a load of this!”

“I told you before; don’t call me Norton!” his red-headed companion groused. “I don’t go by that name anymore; not since that punk kid Corey aced me out of my pool-cleaning job just when I found a house I ready to loot. I go only by ‘Tank’ now!”

“Whatever! Just get your ass over here, will you?” Brandon retorted. “I’ve found something here you’ll definitely want to see!”

“What is it?” Tank asked disinterestedly as he sauntered over to where Brandon was clicking away on the computer. But one look at the screen blew away his entire pretense of disinterest immediately. Clearly shown was a tall, muscular boy clad only in Speedos securely bound to a chair and being hand-fed by another boy whose face they could not see as his back was turned to them.

“What in… what the hell IS that?” Tank asked in astonishment. “Is that some kind of kink website?”

“It’s Matt’s Facebook account,” Brandon replied proudly. “I made him show it to me last week. He doesn’t know I saw him type in his password and memorized it. I figured I’d check and see if it’d give me any clue to where he’s gone to. And this is what I got!”

“Who’s that guy tied up in the chair?” Tank asked with a laugh. “He looks a bit familiar!”

“I’m sure it’s that other punk who got away from us along with Matt!” Brandon replied.

“Holy Smoke! You’re right! It is!” Tank said gleefully. “Haw Haw Haw! Looks like he got quite the reward for helping Matt get away from us! That little jerk! I never thought he’d have the balls to actually turn around and do that to someone else!”

“I guess we taught him better than we thought!” Brandon replied as he continued clicking on the keyboard.

“What are you doing now?” Tank asked him; now almost mesmerized by the picture on the screen as a second boy – indisputably Matt himself – stepped into view and wiped a mess off Paul’s mouth and face with a napkin.

“Trying to get the ISP address,” Brandon replied quickly; not ceasing for a moment with typing on the keyboard. “Got it. Now to track where it is.”

A small map inset in one corner of the screen showed a small balloon-like icon indicating a location about fifty kilometers to the southeast. The little balloon pointed to a location that seemed to be out in the middle of nowhere. “Darned things aren’t very accurate sometimes,” Brandon groused. “Matt could be anywhere within a two-kilometer radius of that spot. It doesn’t look like there are many houses out that way though.”

“Wait a second,” Tank exclaimed as a third boy and then a fourth one came into view on the screen. “I know that kid. The other one too. Shoot, that’s Corey! The punk who took over my job! And that other one is Will power! It’s his frikking dad who cost me my job. It was his house I was casing for a break-in! I’ll bet that’s the same house those guys are in right now! The location fits more or least where that marker indicates, too!”

“You know how to get there?” Brandon asked.

“Damn straight I do!” Tank retorted with a sinister laugh. “Come on; let’s grab some food and anything we can use or sell and get out of this dump! If we can catch a ride we can be there before supper-time.”

Tank had found some knapsacks to carry stuff in, and the two loaded them with food, drinks, a wallet containing over $200 belonging to one of the camp counselors, two IPods, an IPad, spare sets of socks and underwear, a lighter with several packs of cigarettes, a six-pack of beer, three sets of handcuffs, three sets of ankle-cuffs, three gags of various types, and a lock-on choke collar with a chain leash; all these last with their keys conveniently close by.

Another set of keys proved even handier; a set of car keys belonging to the head camp counselor himself. The fact that neither boy had a license of drive was no real deterrent at all; both knew how to drive a car perfectly well. After all, they had stolen cars for joy-rides and - eventually – resale to certain unscrupulous persons of their acquaintance often enough before this.

“Serves the bastard right for turning on us!” Tank laughed as he made sure to smash every cell phone they didn’t take with them to help forestall any inconvenient calls to the authorities. He also packed the laptop as well so that their search could not be traced and used as a clue to their destination. Besides, maybe they could eventually get a few bucks for it.

With the boldness and stealth of professional hoodlums, they sneaked out of the cabin, got into the counselor’s car, and drive away before anyone was aware that they were not still safely imprisoned inside their cabin.

“It still won’t be safe to drive this heap for long,” Brandon stated as soon as both had stopped loudly cheering at their escape. “It’ll be on the cops’ hot-sheets in half an hour! But by that time we can ditch it at Vinny’s chop-shop for a few bucks and maybe talk him into giving us a ride the rest of the way so that no one can trace us.”


“So, your folks hired a new pool boy after all?” Will asked Corey as they exchanged high-fives with each other at the front door. He’d been astonished when the gate buzzer had rang a few minutes previously and it’d tuned out to be Corey, once again riding his bicycle, buzzing to be let in.

“Yeah! Isn’t that great?!” Corey exclaimed in pure exultation. “It appears this new kid wants to start a new pool cleaning business of his own someday and he’s willing to work hard. He’s already graduated high school so he can work full-time; unlike me. My folks think he works better than me. Gee, it broke my heart when they told me that.” This was said in a tone of voice that implied the exact opposite. “So now I get to stay here full time, since my folks don’t mind having me out of their hair for the summer!”

The two boys rode the elevator to the third floor, where Matt was just finishing feeding Paul his dinner. “Hey, Matt! Corey and I are going swimming out in the pool again! You want to join us?”

“Sure, but is there any way we can we bring Paul along without untying him?” Matt asked. “I’d hate to undo the good job you guys did with him.”

“Naw, that chair’s too heavy to take it along too,” Will replied. “But don’t worry. “We don’t mind untying him and retying him again someplace else. Here, let me show you an idea we tried out on John last week.”

Will left and came back with a pair of roller skates. He tied them to Paul’s still-bound bare feet, untied the ropes that bound Paul to the chair, placed leg-cuffs on his ankles, and locked handcuffs around his wrists behind his back. As a final touch, he tied a lasso around Paul’s middle and handed the free end of the rope to Matt. “There!” Will said proudly as he and Corey helped a slightly-shaky Paul to stand up. “That’ll make him nice and portable. He has enough freedom of movement to keep himself balanced on his skates without falling over, and little more. And you can use this rope to tug him along. Much safer than a leash and collar under the circumstances, you see.”

Matt experimented with the set-up and found that he could now easily tug Paul along behind him to wherever he wanted him to go. Although his hands were cuffed behind him, he was a skilled-enough skater so that he had no difficulty maintaining his balance under the circumstances. He could even step over small obstacles such as the threshold of the room door.

Corey, Will, Matt, and Paul went to the pool. Andy however decided to stay indoors and played video-games with John. It was fun having someone else to play video-games with; especially someone who couldn’t just claim he had something better to do and go elsewhere. Granted, John’s hands were cuffed in front of him as he lay on his belly on his bed, while Andy made himself comfortable by straddling the small of John’s back, but it didn’t affect his game-play too much.

Everyone spent a relaxing day as they waited for Tasha to return to prepare supper. She was due to arrive at five o’clock to have supper ready by six.


“This is the place, all right!” Tank told his partner in crime as Vinny’s car let them out and drove away the way it had come. “I’d recognize it anywhere.”

“Looks pretty grand all right,” Brandon agreed as they walked up to the huge front gate. “But look at this wall. This gate. How the hell are we going to get in there? There’s no way we can climb over a wall like that! And that gate’s locked!”

“I don’t know,” Tank admitted. “Maybe we should circle around and see if we can find a better way in. It’s only five o’clock anyway. Lots of time to case the joint before we try to do anything anyway. Let’s…”

“Hold up, there’s another car coming!” Brandon warned him. “We’d better duck outta sight in case whoever it is in there is coming here.”

The sides of the gate were framed by large stone blocks that protruded several feet outward. By ducking around this façade and huddling closely against the wall on the other side of it, the two boys were just barely able to get out of sight of the driveway just as Tasha came in sight of it, slowed down, and turned up into it. She honked her horn; startling both boys who thought that they had been spotted. But while they were still wondering what to do, they suddenly heard a buzzer sound and the more ponderous metallic sounds of the gate beginning to open. Then, after a moment, they could hear the car proceed on through the gate and drive out of earshot along the driveway beyond.

“Quick! This is our chance! Let’s hurry before the gate closes again!” Tank declared.

Brandon wasn’t so sure that this was a good idea; it had too much of a feel of walking right into a prison yard for his liking. But he still followed his companion without comment or hesitation as he hurried out of their hiding place and ran up to the now wide-open gate.

As Tank had figured, the car continued straight on down the drive to the house – indicating that the two of them were unobserved. By the time the gate began sliding shut again, the car was practically out of sight behind numerous trees. They lost no time running through the open gate and then hurrying along the back side of the wall to find some concealment. It took a few moments to find some foliage that would conceal them from the driveway, but they went unobserved by anyone inside the house. One automated surveillance camera spotted them, but their images went unseen by anyone. Will had buzzed Tasha in, but – bored with the same old familiar routine - had begun closing the gate as soon as she’d driven through and had not bothered to continue to watch the monitor any further.

Brandon and Tank found a comfortable spot where they could observe the house unseen from concealment and dug into the snacks they had packed along. Tonight, once everyone inside that house was sound asleep, they were going to case the joint and find out what was what.

Two new potential slaves had arrived for Corey and Will; but who would be the slaves and who would be the masters?
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Part 54.

Will and Corey met Tasha as she drove up around the house to the kitchen door, and helped her carry in what groceries she had brought for cooking the next meal (veal parmesan) and having a friendly chat with her as they escorted her to the kitchen. This was, of course, not just because they were friendly and enjoyed the company of a beautiful young woman like Tasha; they were making sure to distract her attention enough to prevent her from noticing that two of the boys at the pool (just barely visible from where they met her as she emerged from her car) were securely tied up.

It would have been hard to notice that John was tied up even had she gotten a better look at him. He was standing inside the pool itself; his back against the ladder that led into the pool which itself was on the side that faced the kitchen. The only parts of him visible from there were his head and upper shoulders. Invisible to view were the handcuffs that bound his wrists behind his back and against the metal ladder itself, as was the coil of rope that fastened his upper arms and torso to it likewise. Andy had wanted to fit a diving mask and snorkel on him and have him tied entirely underwater (with only the snorkel breaking the surface) inside the pool, but Will had firmly vetoed this idea; at least, while Tasha was around and unless someone was close to John and watching out for his well-being at all times. As it was John couldn’t have gotten his head underwater even if he wanted to (the ropes held him too erect and his head too far above water), and so was deemed to be safe for the time being without close supervision.

Paul was thoroughly tied to a wooden lawn-chair; its numerous stout slats providing plenty of places to wind rope around to tie his body to it in numberless places. The ropes were concealed from sight by a thin but opaque bed-sheet that had been draped over his body so that only his feet showed. His head was not covered by the sheet, but was concealed from view by a cap pulled low over his eyes and an opened paperback book placed upon his face. This wasn’t to keep the sun out of his eyes but to conceal the fact that Paul was blindfolded and gagged. Because the chair itself was heavy and Paul’s feet were tied in such a way that they could not touch the ground, Paul was completely immobilized. He couldn’t have attracted Tasha’s attention even had he wanted to.

Matt and Andy were at the pool, swimming, playfully splashing John (who was unable to either dodge or retaliate), and getting to know each other. As Andy was about as new to Will’s tie-up games as Matt was, he couldn’t tell Matt much more about them than what he already knew. But John was able to fill them both in concerning his own experiences; at least, once the gag that had been covering his lower face had been removed.

The chat helped to put Matt even more at ease about the current situation. Will and Paul were mischievous, but were nothing like his old adversaries Tank and Brandon had been. Matt felt even more positive about Will than ever, and even started to like Paul somewhat more than he had when he’d been brought here. But he still planned to make Paul sorry for tricking him into a trap before Paul was done being his personal slave!

Corey and Will helped Tasha prepare the evening meal while the others remained at the pool; ensuring that Tasha remained completely oblivious to their games. She enjoyed their company, but their help was more haphazard than actually helpful. Well-concealing a growing sense of exasperation with her would-be helpers, she finally bade them to just sit at the table and talk with her rather than continue to let them get underfoot.

The meal was finally prepared and placed in the oven. Not needed for the actual cooking (as Will had proven he and his friends could handle things from that point on), Tasha then made her farewells and left. Will as usual opened the gate for her by remote control, and closed it again when Tasha had driven her car out through the gate.

Some distance from the gate and concealed from sight from anywhere else on the grounds, Tank and Brandon watched Tasha’s car depart. Brandon felt a bit uneasy as he watched the gate slide shut and lock itself again. It was too much like being locked inside the grounds of a prison rather than sneaking onto the grounds of a wealthy mansion he hoped to rob. He wasn’t even sure how many people remained inside the house or on the grounds, although Tank assured him that Will was probably alone with only Matt, Corey and Paul. He doubted anyone else was around at all – almost certainly Will’s family was away, judging from what he’d learned when he was cleaning the pool here. He had every confidence he and Brandon could handle Will and the others; especially with the element of surprise on their side.

Surprise and the little insurance he kept tucked away inside the knapsack he wore!

Tank and Brandon remained where they were; hidden behind some trees and bushes well away from the main gate and the house alike. No one else was in sight, but it was still daytime and they didn’t want to take a chance of someone spotting them by accident from the house. Once it was dark outside, they would begin casing the place without being seen and find out where everyone else was. With luck, the two burglars would be able to find Will and each of his friends alone at some point and immobilize him. Then, once they were the only two free individuals in the whole place, the *real* fun could begin.

Tank especially was looking forward to the upcoming event. He’d always been jealous of Will and his luxurious life-style, and felt that this was one rich kid who needed to be taken down a peg or two. He resented Corey for taking over his job as pool boy; neither knowing nor caring that Corey had never wanted the job and was now rid of it (and glad of it too). And both he and Tank wanted revenge against Paul for getting away from them (and taking their other prisoner with them), and were eager to resume where they had left off in tormenting Matt. And if there were anyone else besides these four on the premises, well – they could be dealt with at leisure and be made to join in the fun eventually as well. But as yet neither Tank nor Brandon knew that Andy or John even existed.

And best of all, Tank and Brandon would have the run of the place and their own personal slaves and not have to share them with the others back at Camp Willywonka. With any luck, the two of them would be able to live like lords in this fancy house for quite a long time before anyone else showed up to investigate the situation. And just maybe they could be dealt with too.

Tank and Brandon spent the hours waiting for darkness gloating over the possibilities.

While the meal was cooking, Corey and Will rejoined the other four boys at the pool for a little fun. After a little swimming in the pool (and tickle torturing John while he was helpless to fend them off), and then relaxing in lawn chairs (and tickle torturing an equally defenseless Paul), dinner was finally ready. The two current prisoners were freed from their constraints enough to be relocated (hobbled, hands cuffed in front, gagged, and led by leashes to their collars) to the kitchen. This time they were not tied down immediately but made to set the table (still hobbled, cuffed, gagged, and tethered by leashes) while the others watched.

Andy flitted about everywhere to document every move the two slaves made on Paul’s borrowed camera-phone. Paul wasn’t terribly happy with that idea, but Will and the others (except perhaps John, whose opinion wasn’t consulted) thought it would be amusing to have a movie to watch in years to come, and encouraged Andy to take all the pictures and videos that he wanted.

Once the tableware was placed to Will’s satisfaction and food placed on the table, they were forthwith (and quite thoroughly) fastened down to two sturdy wooden kitchen chairs one at a time by Corey and Matt, while Will and Andy portioned out the servings to everyone. John’s gag was removed and was left with one hand free so that he could feed himself, and was served generous portions of the meal.

Paul on the other hand was left with both hands bound securely behind the back of his chair. He was also served a generous portion but could not feed himself. In fact, he was left gagged and blindfolded as well while the others leisurely ate their meal. Paul knew better than to complain however; he knew that he would likely only make things worse for himself if he did so. Therefore he simply sat there patiently; totally ignored by the others as he waited for the others to finish their own meal and finally tend to him, as he was sure they would eventually do in their own good time.

Nor was he wrong. Once Matt was done with his own meal, he removed Paul’s blindfold and gag and began to feed Paul by hand. Having gleefully done this himself to John, Paul knew he would get no sympathy from the others and therefore was determined to take it all with good grace. It would have actually even been fun had it been Will who was doing this to him, and it might even have been tolerable to be fed by John. But having Matt (his intended slave) be his master was almost intolerably galling. Still, even Paul had to admit (even if only to himself; he’d never admit it to the others out loud) that he’d brought this fate down upon himself, and so let himself be hand-fed by Matt with as much good grace and humor as he could manage under the circumstances.

As before, Andy gleefully documented the whole thing on Paul’s own camera-phone; he wanted to document every little bit of humiliation that Paul and John were subjected to for later viewing by everyone.

After a dessert of cherry cobbler (which Tasha had also prepared before leaving), Paul and John were freed from their chairs and made to clean the table and wash the dishes. After all, what good were slaves if they didn’t do all the chores?

After dinner, Will, Matt and Corey decided to relax in the living room to watch some TV. The three of them sat in the large sofa together, while Paul was hog-tied and made to kneel in front of them to serve all three boys as a foot-rest.

Andy on the other hand decided that he would rather upload all the videos and pictures he’d just been taking into his computer and then play more videogames with John up in his own room. Leading John along by his leash like a pet dog, the young boy eagerly hurried to the elevator as fast as john’s hobbles would allow him to travel. It didn’t occur to anyone – not even John – to simply remove the hobbles so that he could move faster. It just didn’t seem natural to let a slave or a prisoner to move around without hobbles!

Just about the time it got dark however, Andy suddenly felt somewhat sleepy and decided that it was time for a nap. Walking John up to his closet, the smaller boy tethered John by both his leash and his handcuffs to a narrow but sturdy metal pipe that ran vertically through the closet along the further corner. Andy then gagged his pet with the panel gag, tousled his hair, said he’d let john back out after he’d had his nap, and then closed and locked the closet door on him.

Without a word of protest or complaint, John lowered his body to sit on the floor while he patiently waited for Andy to let him back out. Andy meanwhile shut down his computer, shut off the light, hopped onto the bed, and lay down on it without undressing (as he only intended napping for a few minutes). He fell fast asleep inside the now unlighted room almost at once.

The evening progressed, and darkness fell outside. Soon the only light visible outside was that of the first-quarter moon high in the southern sky, the light from the outside of the front door, and one set of lights shining through a window on the first floor. This was plenty of light for tank and Brandon to see anything around the house outside without being seen themselves by anyone within it, and the two teenaged prowlers decided to take immediate advantage of it.

“Let’s check out that window first,” Tank whispered to his comrade as they stealthily approached the house to size up the situation. “That should be the living room. Let’s see who’s in there.”

The two teenagers sneaked up close to the window to peek inside; careful to not let their own faces be lit up and give their presence away. The drapes were only partially open; giving them more concealment in the darkness while still enabling them to easily see into the living room and observe its relaxed occupants.

“Hehehe!” Brandon laughed as he saw what was happening. Tank had to urgently shush him before his laughter gave them both away. Luckily for them, the TV was loud enough to drown out the sounds the two had just been making, and the three boys were too engrossed either in whatever show they watching or in rubbing their now bare feet on Paul’s shirtless back to notice anything else around them. The two prowlers outside therefore remained undiscovered.

“Well, that’s one of them we won’t have to tie up,” Brandon said as he repressed a snicker. “The others have done it for us.”

“Still leaves three of them to just two if us,” Tank pointed out. “So we’ll have to move carefully or we could wind up like him,” he continued as he indicated Paul.

“Say, what if there’s more of them in there we don’t’ know about?” Brandon asked.

“Good point,” Tank admitted. “You stay here and keep an eye on them. I’ll circle the house and see if I can find any signs that anyone else is around here. Make sure none of them spots you or we’re in trouble! Our best hope is the element of surprise.”

Brandon nodded in silent agreement as Tank stepped away from the window and slowly began to circle the house. Other than the lights on in that one room where the four known occupants were watching TV however, the entire place seemed dark and quiet. No sounds; no light of another TV or computer screen; nothing. He avoided the front door because of the outdoor light for fear of being spotted by someone, but otherwise circled close to the house and carefully listened for any sounds and looked for any lights that might indicate that others were around.

Tank eventually circled around to the back door. The back yard was lit up by a set of lights around the pool, but it was plainly evident that no one was outside. Tank carefully walked up to the back door leading into the kitchen and cautiously turned the knob. The door was unlocked – proof that the boys were relying solely on the locked gate and high walls surrounding this place for their security! Perfect! Now he and Brandon would have easy access to the house interior well away from the occupants in the living room. That would make ambushing the occupants very much easier!

Tank continued circling the house to make sure there were no other people inside the house. But he saw no lights and heard no sounds. By the time he’d come full circle and returned to where Brandon waited for him, Tank decided that the four boys inside the living room were the only ones inside the entire house. It was time to make their move!

Carrying their backpacks along with them and moving as silently as they could, Tank and Brandon walked stealthily back to the rear of the house and – with great caution – opened the kitchen door. Perfect! No one was inside the kitchen, and the four intended victims were still inside the living room!

Moving as quietly as mice, Tank and Brandon looked for a place to lay low until the others retired for the night. Then, while they were all asleep, they could be ambushed and subdued one by one!
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Post by cj2125 »

You are really good at building up suspense as Will and the others don't have any idea of the danger they are in. I have a feeling of how this is going to play out but I'd rather keep it to myself in case I spoil someone about it. Waiting for the next part! :mrgreen:
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Post by Xtc »

Ah, but are any prisoners soon still to be among friends?
They all say boxer shorts are cool,
but little Speedos always rule.
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Jason Toddman
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Post by Jason Toddman »

Xtc wrote: 6 years ago Ah, but are any prisoners soon still to be among friends?
Sure, even if only those friends are prisoners themselves. After all, the title doesn't exactly preclude that possibility, now does it? :mrgreen:
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Post by Xtc »

Have you ever considered standing for Congress?
They all say boxer shorts are cool,
but little Speedos always rule.
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Xtc wrote: 6 years ago Have you ever considered standing for Congress?
And be the only honest person serving there other than Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren, and possibly a small handful of others I'm unaware of? No way. I had written along political rant about widespread political corruption (in both parties), but then I got reminded of Jump in the Fire. I'd decided i'd better quit and purge most of what i'd written rather than start another political debate with Drawscore likely chiming in.
Not something I want; at least not in this thread.
Anyway, no. I'd be a fish out of water in such a place; especially with my Progressive (for the USA anyway) beliefs.
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Part 55.

Tank and Brandon originally had no plans for immediate action; they simply had wanted to lay low somewhere where they could remain hidden but comfortable. But they wound up having to play their hand virtually at once when one of their intended victims abruptly found them rather than the other way around.

While they were watching the movie The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey, Corey got thirsty. “I’m going to get something to drink,” he announced to the others who shared the sofa with him. “Anyone else want anything while I’m at it?”

“I could use a coke,” Matt requested.

“Seven-Up for me, please,” Will added.

“Mmmrrrruuuummmmpphhh!” Paul said hopefully through his gag as he looked up from where he knelt in front of the sofa; the feet of the other three boys still resting upon his bare back and shoulders.

“Hush up, slave!” Matt said sternly but amiably as he placed the soles of his bare feet on the back of Paul’s head and pushed the older boy’s face into the soft thick carpet below. “No soda for you. Maybe I’ll give you a drink of water later… after the movie is over. If only so your mouth isn’t so dry you can’t lick my feet clean before I go to bed.”

Paul moaned unhappily but didn’t attempt any further protest. Corey snickered at the scene as he removed his own feet from where they had been resting on the hapless captive’s lower back and stood up. “I’ll get you something nicer to drink Paul if you agree to lick *my* feet immediately afterward,” he offered.

Paul looked up at Corey, thought for a moment, and then nodded his head in silent agreement. Anything was better than having his mouth stuffed with the dirty (and by now dreadfully damp) socks he had been wearing on his feet earlier and gagged with that dreadful panel gag he had thought would be used exclusively on John.

“Cool! I’ll be right back!” Corey promised as he hurried over to the kitchen door.

Corey entered the kitchen and snapped on the kitchen light as the door between him and the living room swung shut again. His attention focused purely on the refrigerator, he didn’t notice the two sinister figures that watched him from just behind a different doorway leading out of the kitchen to the hallway outside the first floor recreational room. As Corey opened the refrigerator door, scanned the supply of soda, and began selecting some for extraction, he was unaware that he was not alone.

The conversation Corey had just had with the others had not gone unheard by Tank and Brandon. By the time Corey had entered the kitchen, they’d had plenty of warning to set a trap for him. Quickly opening one of their knapsacks, it was the work of only a few moments (even moving silently to avoid making any noise that might have warned Corey that anything was amiss) to grab the materials they needed for their first capture of the evening. By the time Corey was at the refrigerator, they were ready to move.

It is not easy to sneak up on a person when the environment is reasonably quiet. However, the two intruders had surprise on their side, were naturally stealthy, and had the sounds of the TV and a somewhat loud, boisterous conversation between Matt and Will to drown out the sounds of their own stealthy movements. They needed only a few seconds of sneaking to draw near to their unsuspecting prey, and that is what they got.

The first warning Corey had that he was not entirely alone inside the kitchen came when a strong arm from behind him went around his throat and someone’s hand clamped a moist and strange-smelling cloth firmly over his mouth and nose. Corey tried to struggle and yell, but the cloth on his face and the arm around his throat cut off much of his air. A second set of hands was holding him from behind in a bear hug; preventing him from warding off the first pair assaulting him.

Corey panicked. That smell was vaguely familiar, and it was rapidly making him feel extremely giddy. It was like some of the chemicals in his father’s workshop used for some of his work projects - like turpentine or paint-thinner – that he had inadvertently sniffed at one time or another. Corey tried once again to struggle, but the arms of his assailant were too strong while the strength in his own arms was rapidly fading away.

Within seconds, Corey was out cold.

Tank and Brandon held onto Corey’s limp, sagging body to prevent their unconscious captive from making any noise in its fall that might warn their other intended victims. Tank held the chloroform-soaked cloth to Corey’s nose and mouth a few seconds longer to ensure that their captive was truly unconscious and would stay that way for at least a few moments. Then, once they sure Corey was not merely shamming, they eased his limp form onto the kitchen floor as quietly as they could.

“Check the door; see if anyone else is coming,” Tank whispered quickly to his partner as he handed him a fresh chloroform-soaked cloth.

Holding the cloth well away from his face and holding his breath, Brandon tip-toed to the door leading to the living room and peeked through the keyhole. Matt and Will seemed to have heard nothing amiss; they were still watching The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey and debating loudly with each other about the merits of the movie. Matt thought Gandalf was an asshole for getting Bilbo into a situation he had no reason at all to think he could possibly cope with, while Will was defending Gandalf’s actions.

“Gandalf had no way of knowing Bilbo would find that ring,” Matt pointed out. “And if he hadn’t found it, the whole expedition would have ended in disaster! And they haven’t even gotten to Mirkwood yet! I still say Gandalf was a total flaming jerk! Reminds me of this jerk here!” he added sourly as he rubbed the bottoms of his feet somewhat viciously against the hair on the top of Paul’s head.

Brandon quietly signaled to Tank that no one was coming as yet, but kept his eye through the keyhole in case the situation changed; as it certainly would when the one of the other boys wondered what was keeping Corey.

Meanwhile, Tank removed a set of handcuffs he had stolen from the camp counselor – it was the kind that had a solid piece of metal between the cuffs rather than a short chain – and quickly, quietly, and efficiently bound Corey’s wrists behind his back with it. His hand dipped into his knapsack and pulled out a similar but larger set of cuffs - this kind intended to restrain legs rather than arms – and clapped them onto Corey’s ankles. When Brandon still indicated that no one was coming, Tank grabbed a short chain with a padlock and bound the two sets of cuffs together to lock Corey into a severe hog-tie.

Then, as the coup de grace, Tank pulled a ball-gag out of the knapsack and briskly slipped it onto his quiescent but evidently-reviving victim. He’d just had time to buckle the thing in place and secure it with a small but stout padlock when Brandon hissed to him. Someone else was coming.

The two intruders could still have been in trouble had both boys come in upon them at the same time. As it was, when Will came into the kitchen by himself he probably would have been a match for both Tank and Brandon together had he been expecting trouble and had plenty of room to maneuver. Will had some natural advantages, including being larger and stronger than either Tank or Brandon alone and having superior knowledge of martial arts. But his two assailants had too many other advantages; including surprise, chloroform, numbers, and a restricted space where Will could not put his knowledge of karate to any good use.

The second before Will walked into the kitchen, Brandon had turned the kitchen light off. When Will opened the door to look into an unexpectedly darkened kitchen, he hesitated for a moment. This was long enough for Tank and Brandon to tackle him; one of them pinning him down while the other pressed the chloroform-soaked cloth onto his face. Will struggled harder and more valiantly than Corey had been able to, but the end result was the same. He was unconscious within seconds.

This time the capture wasn’t even remotely quiet. Will had gone down rather noisily, and all three had vocalized rather loud if incoherent cries. As a result, Matt was now fully aware that something was amiss; even I he didn’t know exactly what.

Matt stood up and faced the closed kitchen door with an expression of puzzlement rather than alarm on his face. “Will?” Matt called out hesitantly. “Is everything alright?”

He got no answer.

“Will? Corey? Is everything alright?” Matt asked somewhat more nervously.

Still no answer. What was going on? Had Corey decided to play a trick on Will and was even now tying him up? Or had Will done this to Corey? Or were the two of them in collusion to gang up on him and tie Matt up despite Will’s word that no such surprise would be in the offing?

Matt looked down at the still securely bound and gagged Paul. The other boy’s expression was almost unreadable because of his gag, but he looked almost as puzzled about the situation as Matt felt himself to be. If there was some kind of plot going on, Paul seemed to be as much in the dark concerning it as Matt himself was.

Matt was in a quandary. If there was a plot brewing between Corey and Will against him, he didn’t dare to untie Paul, as his captive would likely only side with the others and against Matt. But if something else were going on in there…

Before Matt could decide what to do, the kitchen door swing rapidly open and two people he had never expected to see again – let alone here – suddenly charged into the living room. “Surprise, Matt!” Brandon yelled gleefully as he hopped over the intervening sofa and body-tackled the smaller boy; who was already petrified with fright and surprise. With almost ridiculous ease, he forced the smaller boy to lie down on his belly and straddled the back of his shoulders; pinning the struggling Matt’s arms firmly behind his back.

“It’s sure nice to see you again, pal!” Tank called to Matt amiably as he strode over to the two of them (stepping over a still-hogtied Paul in the process) and casually plunked himself down on the backs of Matt’s flailing legs with a second set of ankle-restraints clasped in one hand. “We missed you terribly over the weekend. We’ve got to make up for lost time.”

“What’s going on?!” Matt screeched at the top of his lungs. “What are you two bastards doing here? Will promised me I’d be safe here!”

“Oh, you’d probably still be safe here if you hadn’t told us where you were!” Tank replied cheerfully as he grabbed Matt’s ankles and locked the ankle-cuffs onto them. Then he turned around and treated Matt’s wrists (still held in Brandon’s vise-like grip) to a new embrace by a second set of handcuffs. “We’d have never found you if we hadn’t hacked into your Facebook account! Thanks for helping us find you again; and this other jerk who helped you get away from us the first time too,” Brandon added as he stood up and gently nudged Paul with a sneakered foot.

Matt was so dismayed at this revelation that he totally lost the will to continue struggling (not that he had a hope in hell of accomplishing anything had he continued to struggle anyway). He just looked at his two old adversaries in dismay.

“Well, I’d love to catch up on old times Mattie, but I’d better tend to your other friends first,” Brandon said cheekily; looking over his shoulder at Matt as he strolled casually back into the kitchen. “Can’t have any tables turning, now can we? But don’t worry; you can catch up with Tank until I get back.”

“You bet,” Tank said with an annoying (and rather disturbing) laugh as he took a chain and padlock and locked Matt into a severe hogtie the same way Corey had been and none too gently placed him face down on the floor right beside an equally helpless Paul. Tank then sat down on the sofa and placed one foot on Matt and the other on Paul. Unlike the other boys, Tank was still wearing his sneakers; which were rather worn and still caked with mud, dirt, and blades of grass. Tank didn’t care about the cleanliness of his footwear in the least however.

Tank did not get to relax with his new footstools for long, however. Just as he had gotten settled down, Brandon poked his head through the kitchen door. “I changed my mind, Tank! I was going to tie them all and bring them out there, but there are more suitable chairs in here. I’ve decided to tie each of our guests to one of them. Drag those two in here and help me, will you? I can’t tie these blokes by myself; they’re too heavy.”

Tank nodded in assent, took his feet off his living footstools, and stood up. He bent down, got his arms underneath Matt’s torso and his thighs, hoisted the smaller, lighter boy up with only moderate effort, and proceeded to haul him into the kitchen. “Don’t go away, pal. I’ll come back for you in a moment!” he told Paul as he stepped over him once again.

Matt was not gagged as yet, but seeing no point in saying anything that would likely only aggravate his captors he opted to keep silent. He merely watched impassively as Tank carried him into the kitchen. There he saw a reviving but groggy, hog-tied and gagged Corey lying on his side on the kitchen floor while Brandon was in the process of securing a still unconscious Will in a similar manner.

“Good!” Brandon said to Tank with a smile as he walked in. “Set him down on the closest chair and then go get the other one so we can see them all at the same time. I want them all in the same place where I can watch them as we secure them one by one.”

Tank unlocked the padlock that fastened the chain that connected Matt’s handcuffs to his ankle-cuffs, and then sat him down on one of the chairs. “Stay still right there until I get back,” Tank told him sternly. “If you try to get away, Brandon will stop you. And I guarantee your treatment will be even rougher than we already plan it to be.”

Matt didn’t’ find this to be especially encouraging, but he was intimidated enough so that he merely did as he was told, lowered his head rather than look anyone in the eye, and said nothing in response. Grunting wordlessly, Tank turned around and strode back into the living room to retrieve Paul; bringing him inside the kitchen a few moments later.

“Okay, the others are in no shape to interfere,” Brandon told Tank as he stuffed a now-reviving Will’s mouth with a small kitchen towel and taped his mouth and lower face shut as a temporary measure until he had time to fit him with something more effective. “Let’s get Mattie here nice and comfortable, and then we’ll do the others one at a time.”

Tank and Brandon each grabbed a coil of rope (just two coils out of over a dozen such coils that they had brought with them from Camp Willywonka) and crouched down on either side of Matt where he sat in his chair. Having had previous experience with these two, and knowing that resisting would only aggravate an already hopeless situation, Matt remained silent and unmoving as his two old adversaries proceeded to secure him to his chair.

Tank worked on Matt’s upper body; looping and tying off coils of rope in an X-pattern over his shoulders and under his arms, with a few more loops horizontally around his chest and his belly, tying him ever more tightly to the back of the chair. Matt’s upper arms were lashed immovably to the framework of the chair that supported the back of it; and then his elbows were moved as close together as possible and similarly secured. His wrists were then securely lashed as well before the now-superfluous handcuffs locked around them were finally removed.

Brandon meanwhile tied Matt’s ankles to the cross-strut that connected the two back legs of the chair together, so that Matt’s feet were entirely off the floor. From there, more coils of rope were lashed around his legs above and below his knees to connect them to the chair legs. By the time he was finished, Matt was totally unable to move any part of his body below his neck other than to wriggle his fingers and toes uselessly.

As a temporary measure only, Matt’s mouth was stuffed with a small kitchen cloth and then taped over with several layers of duct tape. A more secure gag was in the offing but that was for later. Not only did the others need to be secured first, but Matt was going to endure a rather detailed interrogation first before the real fun could begin.

Once Matt was securely bound to his chair, an unresisting Paul was released from the hog-tie (though not from the other ropes binding him), picked up and plunked ungently down into a second chair. He was already well secured with ropes and had been for quite some time, so all Tank and Brandon needed to do was to add more rope to bind him to his own chair. Paul looked like he was in some distress from being tied so long by this point, but his new captors had no sympathy for him. Ignoring his gag-muffled pleas, they simply tied him to a chair of his own and went on to the next victim in line.

Corey was placed into a chair identical to those Paul and Matt sat in and was similarly trussed up. He struggled somewhat at first, having not been weakened from already being tied up all day like Paul and not as intimidated as Matt had been. In fact, the sight of his old nemesis Tank caused him to struggle even harder once he was awake enough to assess the situation. However, a few hard slaps to the face from Tank and a couple of moderate punches to the gut from Brandon soon made him realize the futility of the situation, and Corey bowed to the inevitable. Within minutes, he was as helplessly secured to his chair as Matt and Paul.

Last but definitely not least was Will. Will fought far harder than Corey had, and a few mere slaps and punches to the belly didn’t dissuade him from his resistance in the least even though he was as unable to get himself free as the others were. It was only when Tank threatened to start whaling away on the other three captives that Will finally desisted in his struggles and let the intruders tie him to another chair. But though he stopped fighting them, he swore virulently through his crude, makeshift gag and glared at them with hate and a promise of revenge clearly written in his eyes.

“I’ll get you for this, if it’s the last thing I do,” he promised them both; managing to speak reasonably clearly even through the makeshift gag he wore.

“I’ve been saving the best gag for you, Willie,” Tank told his captive. “Get a load of this.”

Tank reached into his knapsack and pulled out a butterfly gag while Brandon simply (and rather cruelly) tore the tape gag off of Will’s face. Despite the pain this caused, Will stoically managed to keep himself from yelling in pain in response.

“Okay, tough guy! Open wide!” Tank said to Will as he stepped behind him.
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Post by cj2125 »

Jason Toddman wrote: 6 years ago Not only did the others need to be secured first, but Matt was going to endure a rather detailed interrogation first before the real fun could begin.
And now I want to read how that interrogation will turn out. Nice part. Even though there are high chances that Will might turn the tables on his captors and teach them not to mess with his friends, I'm sure they will still go through hell before that happens, perhaps he might even get a little bit of empathy towards his more innocent captives
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Post by blackbound »

Congratulations on torturing me, the reader, by ending it there. Can't wait for the next part. Will Andy save the day??

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Post by Jason Toddman »

blackbound wrote: 6 years ago Congratulations on torturing me, the reader, by ending it there. Can't wait for the next part. Will Andy save the day??
Well, since you ask so nicely I'll spare you some torture and post the next part now rather than wait until tomorrow as I'd planned. As for Andy's role in the matter, well... you may have to wait just a little longer and Part 57 to find that one out. Sorry. :twisted: or am I?

Part 56.

“I remember you!” Will said to Tank; facing his adversary boldly and staring him down. “You’re the pool boy Corey replaced. I know who you are. What makes you think you can get away with doing this?”

“Shut up and open your mouth!” Tank snarled.

“Make up your mind! I can’t do both at the same time!” Will replied sardonically; not at all intimidated despite the dire situation.

Tank slapped Will’s face several times. “Open your mouth and quit talking!” Tank clarified with a scowl.

But Will merely glared back at Tank. If looks could kill, Tank would have withered up and died right then and there. As it was Tank found himself instinctively taking a nervous step or two backward away from Will - despite the latter being securely tied to his chair with no visible hope of freeing himself let alone retaliating.

Screwing up his courage and realizing that he was still in physical control of the situation, Tank stepped forward again and punched Will hard in the belly and again in the chest. Even Will found himself unable to entirely hold back an outcry of pain against this brutal assault. He clenched his teeth, managed to control his breathing after a few moments, and stared at his tormentor as boldly as ever.

“Okay, tough guy… I see you can take it pretty good,” Tank told his stubborn captive with grudging respect. “But how will you feel if I start taking my annoyance with you out on your friends here?” Then, turning to face Paul, he swung back a fist ready to strike the other boy directly in the face.

“Stop! I’ll do it!” Will suddenly called out before Tank could swing his punch. “Just leave the others alone!”

Tank turned to face Will again; his already not-terribly-handsome face distorted with an ugly expression of pure gloating. “Sure, rich boy! Whatever you say!”

‘Of course’, Tank thought to himself; ‘once Willie here is properly silenced, there’s no reason why I should have to hold back on doing whatever I want to Paul anyway!’

Being a perceptive boy, Will was pretty certain he knew what Tank was thinking anyway; but he could see no other choice in the matter. He couldn’t let anyone else suffer as a direct result of his own stubbornness. But if he should manage to get himself loose, then there would be Hell to pay!

“Ever see one of these before, pal?” Tank said to Will with a sneer as he began to fit his captive with the butterfly gag. “It was one of the camp counselors’ favorite toys. Ol’ Mattie there knows all about it, don’t you boy?”

Matt didn’t dignify this taunt with a response, but merely glanced sadly at Will; sympathizing with his plight.

The gag resembled a ball gag; however, instead of a hard ball it had what seemed to be a small but thick-layered rubbery deflated balloon protruding from a square plug with a hole in one end of it. Plug and balloon together were fitted into Will’s mouth. Even when the gag was buckled into place it was not terribly uncomfortable while the balloon was deflated. But there was also an attachment resembling the squeeze balloon of a blood-pressure-measuring cuff. Tank held this melodramatically, smiled tauntingly at his captive, and proceeded to squeeze the outer balloon.

The rubbery balloon trapped inside Will’s mouth suddenly began to inflate. Within seconds, the inside of Will’s mouth was entirely occupied by it – making his cheeks bulge like that of a chipmunk with a mouthful of nuts. Fully inflated, the balloon inside his mouth made it difficult and uncomfortable to breathe, though not impossible.

“There! Chew on that for a while, punk!” Tank told Will with a triumphant leer as he set the gag to remain fully inflated. “Meanwhile, it’s interrogation time for Mattie here.”

Tank and Brandon turned their dire attentions towards Matt, who faced them as bravely as he could manage but who was quite obviously feeling far less courageous in this situation than Will was. He began to break out in a cold sweat. Matt knew what these two punks were capable of doing to a helpless victim; he’d certainly been in this situation enough times before this one to have learned the meaning of fear.

“Okay Mattie boy; we’ve got a ton of questions to ask you,” Tank told his shivering captive with a taunting smile. “But first up: how many other people are there inside this house besides the six of us?”

It was only then that Matt realized that his two tormentors knew nothing about Andy and John being somewhere upstairs. He was also fast thinking enough to realize that their continuing ignorance of this fact was the only hope Matt and the others had of getting out of this horrible predicament in any kind of reasonable time frame. The longer Tank and Brandon went without knowing Andy and John were around, the more likely it was that Andy and John could discover the fix Matt and the others were in and do something about it.

What they *could* do, Matt wasn’t sure. Call the police? Perhaps, but that would lead to some new awkward situations - at least, for Matt. For one thing, he was a runaway from home. He was also wanted for questioning concerning a considerable amount of money and a car that had been stolen from his parents’ neighbors.

He was not guilty of these crimes; they had been part of a frame-up apparently set up by a person or persons unknown. But his home life had been so miserable anyway that he figured he’d had nothing to lose by running away when the police came for him.

But he’d learned he was wrong when he wound up at Camp Willywonka trying to swipe some food. The camp counselors had caught him, and with the aid of some of their bully boys had tied him up and kept him locked up inside a shed. The counselors and the chief troublemakers had considered Matt fair game, and had kept him captive and tormented him ever since.

Once he’d escaped and made peace with Will and his friends, Matt had thought life would now get much better. But then these idiots had to track him down! And if he didn’t show some courage, Tank and Brandon might be able to keep him and the others captives for quite some time to come!

But what to say to them?

Suddenly it occurred to Matt to simply lie so outrageously that even if his captors later managed to torture the truth out of him, they wouldn’t believe him anyway! There would be nothing he could do to stop them from verifying anything he told them one way or another either, so he might as well just fake them out!

“Will’s parents are home,” he told Tank with as straight a face as he could manage. “His dad’s a mean bastard too. He’s got a gun. The moment he realizes you punks have broken in here, he’ll probably call the cops – maybe he’s called them already – and hold you here at gunpoint until the cops show up to haul your miserable asses away!”

“His folks aren’t home!” Brandon snarled as he gave Matt’s face a couple of hard slaps. “We saw them drive off in a car when we got here.”

“That wasn’t Will’s folks!” Tank corrected. “I know their car. That wasn’t it. It isn’t here now either. I checked the garage. It’s empty!”

“Will’s aunt borrowed the car,” Matt hastily retorted as he dimly remembered details of what he’d been told earlier of Will’s actual family situation. “Will’s folks stayed at home. They’re upstairs now. And Will’s aunt could come back at any time. You’d better scram before she does, because then there’ll be nowhere for you to hide!”

“You’re full of it!” Brandon retorted as he gave Matt’s face a couple of more hard slaps. “If there were any adults in the house, there’s no way you three punks would have dared to have tied up this one over there!” he nodded his head vaguely in Paul’s direction. “And I know he’s been tied up for quite a while. We watched you on your Facebook video when you dyed his hair blue like that!”

“See? There was an adult in the house then though, wasn’t there!” Matt said with a Ha-ha-I-got-you-there kind of smile.

But Brandon and Tank were old hands at keeping their less-than-savory activities secret from the prying eyes of adults, and didn’t fall for this ruse for a moment. “So you had him hidden away somewhere, that’s all!” Tank asserted with less than total conviction but still reasonably confident he had the upper hand. Suddenly he reached out to Matt’s nipples and began to twist them as if they were dials on an old-fashioned radio set. “Now cut the fun-and-games and tell me who’s really inside the house, or I’ll have to get imaginative!” And with that he gave Matt’s nipples some especially hard, cruel twists!

“Ooowww! Alright! There’s something like twelve of Will’s friends upstairs having some fun with about six other guys they’ve got tied up!” Matt suddenly asserted as his body writhed and thrashed with the pain of the nipple cripple assault. “But once they find out you’re down here, I’m sure they won’t mind adding two more to their guest list! And when they do, I’ll give you a hair dye job too! And a haircut! You could use some shaving, you big ugly ape. I’ll… Ow-ow-ow! OW! OWW!” Matt’s tirade was cut short as his already-reddened nipples endured another twisting assault.

“Quit lying, you stupid bastard!” Tank snarled as he released Matt’s nipples and slapped him hard in the face. “Lying’s not going to get you anywhere!”

Matt took a few seconds to get over his pain; breathing in short, hard jerks. Then he looked up at Tank and Brandon with more defiance in his eyes than his two tormentors had ever seen in them before. “If you don’t believe me, why don’t you just go on upstairs and see for yourselves?” he challenged them suddenly; perhaps forgetting for the moment that he was telling an outright lie or that Andy and John were up there and undoubtedly unaware of the situation. “You’ll save them the work of coming down here for you!”

Tank and Brandon exchanged silent worried glances; Matt sounded much too cocky and confident for their liking, even though they didn’t believe a word of what he was saying.

Matt took a quick peek at his fellow captives and suddenly noticed intense but quickly hidden looks of alarm in their eyes. He began to wonder if he had made a serious error in judgment.

“Maybe you’d better go upstairs and see if there *is* anyone up there,” Brandon quietly suggested to Tank.

“Why me? Why not you? Or the both of us?” Tank asked somewhat acerbically.

“Because you’ve been here before and know the lay of the house!” Brandon replied.

“I was a pool cleaner, not a guest!” Tank retorted. “They didn’t give me the run of the house, for crying out loud!”

“You said you cased the joint, didn’t you?” Brandon reminded his reluctant comrade. “Well, that puts you one up on me. And one of us has to stay to guard the prisoners to make sure nothing bad happens to them; such as getting one another loose!”

“None of them are *ever* getting loose!” Tank retorted sarcastically. “Now quit being a wuss! I doubt there’s *anyone* upstairs, but might be some good stuff up there that I’ll need help bring bringing down here. And if there *is* anyone hiding up there, we can probably take them and secure our position here even further if we’re together. I know Will’s parents; they like to take long and luxurious vacations despite having this nice private mansion. They’ll probably be gone for weeks! We can hole up here for a while, live like kings there in luxury – and even with slaves to serve us once we can get them properly trained. – and take our time selecting what to bring along with us when we eventually *do* have to scram!”

Brandon let himself be persuaded to accompany Tank and leave the prisoners unguarded for a while, but only after first thoroughly checking everyone’s bonds. The prisoners’ chair-prisons were kept well-separated so that none of them could possibly move themselves into a position where one could help to untie another captive’s knots. None of the prisoners’ feet were touching the floor, and the chairs were too heavy and solid for them to attempt ‘hopping’ them around without the leverage their feet on the floor could have given them. In fact, their ropes were tied on them so firmly that they could hardly move their bodies at all; they would be hard put to it to even tip themselves over let alone move themselves closer together for a unified escape attempt. Each was on his own, and each was properly secured to both Tank’s and Brandon’s expert satisfaction.

“Well, time we made you nice and quiet, Mattie boy,” Brandon said to Matt as he reached into his knapsack. “And we saved the best for last.” Brandon added as he triumphantly pulled out a large penis gag with a dramatic flourish.

“Ohhhh nooooo!” Matt moaned as Brandon closed in on him; striving futilely to back away from his tormentor despite being tied securely into his chair.

“It’s either this or I’ll gag you with the real thing!” Brandon told Matt with a leer. “So which one is it going to be?”

Knowing that resistance would be worse than futile, Matt sighed despondently, closed his eyes shut tight, and opened his mouth wide.

Tank and Brandon both snickered as the penis gag went into the waiting mouth and was strapped on. Then, as if this were not bad enough, Brandon pulled something else out of the knapsack; a small metallic device that evidently fitted right into the penis gag directly over the mouth. There was a small electrical cord running from it which Brandon immediately plugged into a nearby outlet. Matt broke out into a nervous sweat as he slowly realized what the thing’s purpose must be.

Brandon gleefully clicked a small switch that was on the metallic attachment. A small motor inside the thing abruptly came to life, and Matt immediately felt the hard, rubbery, phallic-shaped mass inside his mouth abruptly begin to swell up, vibrate somewhat, and begin to thrust deeper into his mouth – pulsing in and out like the organ it resembled would normally be expected to do. It felt so awfully real - at least to the inexperienced Matt, it felt the way he would imagine the real thing would feel – that he could close his eyes and easily imagine that it was Brandon himself who was actually doing this to him – an idea that made him keep his eyes wide open. Except that turning his head away didn’t change the sensations Matt felt one bit like an actual oral intrusion would. There was no getting away from the artificial phallus.

“That’ll be good practice for you,” Tank said to Matt as he rubbed the angry boy’s hair playfully. “Maybe you can have the real thing before the end of the night.”

Matt’s responses were a muffled grunt that was totally incomprehensible but probably not very nice and a fixed glare that was perfectly comprehensible to his captors and definitely was not very nice.

Unfazed, Brandon and Tank dipped into their backpacks once more, and each pulled out a Taser. Matt’s eye bulged out in sudden panic; as did those of Corey and Paul. Will looked noticeably apprehensive as well, but showed it less than his fellow captives.

But the Tasers weren’t meant for the recreational torture of the captives; at least, not yet. They were simply arming themselves against the unlikely but still definite possibility that there were other people still inside the house waiting to be subdued and added to the selection of captives. Only once they were sure there was no one else around who could interfere with their plans could the real fun of torturing their captives begin.

“If there are any other people hiding upstairs, they’ll soon be joining you,” Tank promised the four captives with an evil smile. “So just hang tight. This is a big place, and the search may take a while. But once we’re done we’ll make sure that you’re properly entertained!”

Tank and Brandon casually strode out of the living room; leaving Will and the others to fend for themselves. But once they were out of the living room, they moved with considerable more caution and stealth. They were still not entirely certain that there was no one else inside the house that they did not know about, and they were determined not to be caught by surprise. However, theirs was more the stealth of people rapidly and efficiently searching a house for people rather than those of intruders anticipating an ambush. They went from room to room; turning on lights along the way and searching any place where a human being could hide; ignoring anything else unless it was both extremely compact and highly valuable.

They covered all of the rooms on the first floor within five minutes; being confident that if anyone else were hiding from them on the first floor they would have noticed it long before now. The rec room, laundry room, and the library were all searched with brisk efficiency and turned up nothing of immediate interest.

Tank went to the elevator and opened the door. Rather than use it and risk missing anyone however, Tank simply hit the lockdown button that would keep the elevator car grounded on the main floor. Then they proceeded with a floor to floor search from the ground up; starting with the basement.

They found no one inside the basement, but got some interesting ideas on what to do with some of their captives when they discovered the walk-in freezer. They did not spot the cage that had been in there, because this had been carried up to the attic days earlier so that Will’s parents would not find it there. Although they rarely went into the basement, it was known to happen; whereas they virtually never went up into the attic.

The basement and first floor covered, the two teenaged prowlers ascended the stairway to go up to the second floor; listening carefully for any sounds of activity from unseen persons. They turned on the hallway lights and then carefully opened each room door one at a time to search it. They found Will’s room and those being used by Paul, Corey, Matt, and John, but of course each of these rooms was currently vacant.

The two intruders were deeply impressed by the luxuriousness of the rooms, but they wasted no time in admiring the furnishings; there would be plenty of time for that later, when they were certain the entire mansion was secured. After a search concentrating on the presence of other people, they ignored everything else and moved on to the next room; careful to keep the stairway in sight to prevent any such unknowns from ducking from one floor to the one below without their knowing about it.

They searched the entire second floor and found no one; although they found plenty of items of interest that they would want to look into at leisure later; such as Will’s personal stash of bondage supplies that they found hidden inside his closet. “I knew Will was a spoiled rich kid, but I had no idea he was into kink,” Tank told Brandon with a grin. “Maybe he can give some pointers when we torture him and his buddies!”

Having secured the second floor, Tank and Brandon started up the stairs to the third.

Upstairs, Andy was still asleep on his bed, while John dozed inside a locked closet.

Downstairs, Will exerted all of the skills he had built up over years of practicing tie-up games to free himself from his bonds. All four boys were trying to get free, but Matt and Corey were making no noticeable progress at all. Paul, somewhat more experienced, was starting to get a small amount of slack in his bonds. Will however had managed to loosen his bonds significantly and even undo two or three knots. But he still had a terribly long way to go before he could free himself… let alone help the others.

Would he have time before the intruders found a helpless John and a practically helpless little kid like Andy?

As concerned for his little cousin and his friends as he was for himself, a nervously sweating Will strove ever harder to get himself free of his bonds…
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Post by Carnath »

Will's capture is also one of my favorite part :)
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Post by blackbound »

Well, that made it even worse :D

Really love the "constant bondage" theme.

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Thank you for the feedback, [mention]blackbound[/mention] and [mention]chloroboy[/mention] :D


Part 57.

Andy squirmed as his bonds drew tighter and tighter. He’d been taken completely by surprise by the two older boys, and they had halfway finished rendering the smaller boy completely helpless before he had even known that anyone else was around. The little lad had struggled valiantly in an attempt to escape, but it was futile of course. His wrists and ankles were each already ensnared by over a dozen loops of thick rope coiled tightly around them and roughly cinched even tighter.

Andy started to yell in fear and anger at his tormentors, and simply got a wet and very dirty sock stuffed into his mouth and sealed with several layers of duct tape for his trouble. He continued his futile struggles even as his tied feet were drawn up over his buttocks and connected tightly to his equally-firmly bound wrists by a short length of rope; putting his small and limber body into a severe hogtie.

“What do we do with the little brat?” one of his captors asked the other with an evil grin as they stood over his helplessly bound form.

“Let’s see how ticklish he is,” suggested the other as he squatted down beside Andy’s upturned feet. And, since Andy’s helpless feet were already bare, with no socks or shoes to protect them, the two were able to carry out their wicked idea at once.

Andy’s body shook with helpless and uncontrolled laughter that was only moderately muted by the crude gag he had been fitted with. The torture was relentless. And while one set of fingers relentlessly stroked the undersides of his ticklish feet, another set of fingers explored other exposed parts of his body for other ticklish spots, and found them along his ribs – exposed and unprotected since Andy wasn’t wearing a shirt. Once the second boy had gotten the reaction he’d apparently been hoping for, the second set of fingers began with a relentless tickle assault of their own along Andy’s ribcage.

Andy’s lithe little body writhed and squirmed as he sought a way to escape from his two tickling tormentors. At the same time he continued shaking with laughter, which grew more frenzied by the moment. He had to get away! He had to find somewhere to hide!

But there was no way to leave, and nowhere else he could go. He was trapped. He was helpless. He was totally at the mercy of these two older boys.

Andy turned his head and looked pleadingly upward into the faces of his two tormentors in a mute appeal for mercy. But Will only smiled with sadistic delight and simply kept on tickling his feet, while John suddenly produced an ostrich feather from somewhere and began stroking Andy’s exposed ribs ever so lightly; making Andy laugh harder than ever.

No! NOO! Don’t tickle me anymore! Please, no more tickling! I can’t stand it! I… I…

Andy made a supreme effort to break his bonds and get away! He squirmed… he shrugged mightily…

John began a laugh that sounded remarkably like Yosemite Sam when contemplating an especially nasty act he planned to commit against Bugs Bunny. At the same time, Will suddenly sprouted horns and a devilish tail, and his skin became a bright shade of scarlet. His fingers suddenly sprouted ostrich feathers, with which he resumed tickling Andy’s helpless feet with sadistic relish. He began laughing exactly like that lizard-like creature that Jabba the Hutt kept as a pet in Return of the Jedi.

Andy thrashed around in violent reaction and suddenly woke up.

Andy jerked his head up when he abruptly found himself lying atop his own bed again; completely alone inside a fully darkened room. He quickly looked around in lingering anxiety - still a bit dazed but no longer even remotely sleepy. Jeez, it was just a dream! Will and John hadn’t been sneaking up on him to tie him up after all. In fact, he now realized, John was still tied up himself and tethered to a pole inside the closet!

Just as Andy was debating whether to go back to sleep or check on John first, he heard a small noise inside the hallway outside his bedroom door. It was otherwise perfectly quiet inside the house, so even small noises were very easy for the alert (and still quite tense) youngster to pick up. Andy listened carefully. Yes, someone – or rather, from the sound of it – two people, were sneaking on tip-toe out in the hallway toward his room!

The memory of his dream still quite fresh in his mind, Andy suddenly worried that it was coming true; that Will and John were trying to sneak up on him while he slept to tie him up. Well, no… John couldn’t be one of them. He was still tied up inside the closet – and locked inside of it for that matter.

Or was he? Andy suddenly noticed that he couldn’t hear any sounds from inside the closet. Suppose John had gotten free somehow? Would he try to turn the tables on Andy? He’d seemed like such a nice boy, but how well did Andy really know him?

The sound of stealthy footsteps came up to the other side of his door and then stopped. The doorknob began to make a sound like someone was turning it from the other side.

That did it! Someone *was* trying to sneak up on him. Luckily Andy had been lying on top of the bed covers rather than underneath them. Thinking quickly, Andy quietly rolled himself off his bed away from the side facing the door and eased himself onto the carpeted floor. Then, just as the door was cracking open with a slight creaking noise, Andy rolled under the bed and then remained perfectly still – other than a small shiver of fear that his rather obvious hiding place would immediately be discovered.

The room light suddenly came on. From underneath the bed, Andy saw two pairs of sneakers – both far grubbier than any he’d ever seen Will or his friends wearing – topped with dirty pants legs come into the room. Andy could see nothing above their ankles from where he was, and he was not above to poke his head out for a better look, so Andy could not tell at first who had come into his room.

“No one in here either, Tank!” an unfamiliar voice suddenly announced in a tense whisper. “Looks like someone’s been in here recently too, though.”

“Yeah, just like the last two and a couple of the rooms on the second floor,” a second, equally unfamiliar voice replied. “That last room was obviously the one where Matt gave that other punk his blue hair-dye job, judging by all the stained newspaper that was in the trash can. Probably one of the others we tied up was using this room. Anyway, there’s no one in here now. Let’s move on.”

“Wait while I check the closet,” suggested the first voice as one pair of sneakers walked up to the closet door. There was the brief rattle of a doorknob that refused to turn. “Nuts. It’s locked.” There was another sound as the unknown boy shifted his feet; apparently he was putting his ear up against the door and listening. “I don’t see any keys. See if you can jimmy it open.”

“Why? You hear anything?” the second voice asked in a bored tone; making no move to join the first at the closet door.

“No, but I wanna know what’s in there,” retorted the first voice. “That room downstairs had some interesting stuff hidden away inside the closet. I want to see if this one has any more interesting stuff in it.”

“Shoot, I left my lock-picking stuff downstairs,” retorted the second voice. “Aw, forget it. We’ll torture Will and his punk friends for the information later. Let’s just finish searching the dump first. I want to finish making sure no one else is around. I’ve got plans for that punk Will, and I want to get to them as soon as possible.”

“But suppose someone is hiding in here?” asked the first voice.

“Then he’s probably trapped in there and no danger to us,” retorted the second voice. “I really doubt anyone else who has any business being here would be hiding in there unless they heard us coming, and we were pretty quiet. Anyway, I’m almost certain now that there’s no one else unaccounted for in this place. So let’s just get going so we can start having some fun.”

“Oh, okay,” the first voice replied grumpily. The second pair of feet rejoined the first, and together walked out of the room; neither bothering to close the door behind them again nor to turn out the room light.

Andy remained quiet and almost unmoving (other than a slight involuntary shivering) underneath his bed. He realized now of course that it wasn’t Will, John, not any other boy he’d already met who had entered his bedroom; these two were complete strangers who, from the sound of it, had surprised and tied up Will and everyone else inside the house. Besides the two intruders, Andy and John were the only other boys inside the house who hadn’t been captured!

Well, not quite he suddenly remembered with a sheepish grin. John was captured too; just not by these guys. He was quite thoroughly tied up inside the closet.

It suddenly occurred to Andy that he had better rectify that situation quickly. He was likely to need John’s help if he was to free the others, and John was no good to anyone while he was also tied up!

Andy listened carefully. The two intruders were searching the unoccupied room next to his. He’d better not move from where he was until they were further away, or they might catch him by surprise while he was still alone. He’d be no match for either of them – let alone both – without John’s help.

It didn’t occur to Andy that John would probably not be much help against them either. To a boy Andy’s age, all older boys were immense, powerful beings who could do almost anything. The fact that John was nearly twice Andy’s size was impressive enough. As Andy had been unable to see the two intruders other than their feet and ankles, he was unable to gauge their own size. Hence Andy was blissfully unaware that Brandon easily outweighed John by ten pounds and Tank outweighed John by over twenty pounds. Either could probably overwhelm him without much effort even if John were completely unfettered and fully rested.

Poking his head out from under the bed, Andy listened carefully while making no sounds that might give him away to the two intruders. They left the room next to Andy’s and walked down to the room at the end of the hall. That was where Will’s dad had his private den, if Andy remembered correctly. Andy heard the rattling of another doorknob that refused to turn.

One of the intruders swore luridly. “It’s locked too!” it snarled; no longer talking quite so quietly. “Damn! We can’t just move on without checking it. There may be all sorts of loot in there. There may even be people in there.”

“Let’s hope not!” hissed the other voice. “If there is, that racket you made will have woken them up, and they could be calling the police right this very moment.”

There was a quiet pause. “Well, I don’t hear anyone or anything in there,” reported the first voice. “But we can’t leave something like this unchecked. You’d better go back downstairs and get your lock-picking stuff!”

“Wait a sec! I saw something in one of those rooms back here that should work well enough!” the second voice said; growing suddenly louder concurrently with the sound of a set of rapidly approaching sneakered footsteps.

Andy had half-emerged from underneath the bed; he now hastily scuttled back into hiding just before one of the intruders strode right back into his room. The intruder stopped in front of the dresser beside the bed. There was a small sound of something tiny and metallic being picked up, and then the feet strode rapidly back out again and retraced their route back down the hall.

“Remembered seeing this paperclip back there,” the second voice announced. “I should be able to jimmy the door open with this. The lock doesn’t look very sophisticated.”

Andy then began hearing small, barely audible sounds he couldn’t interpret; probably it was the boy’s attempts to jimmy open the lock. Just as Andy was wondering whether to risk crawling out of his hiding place and unlocking the closet door, he heard the sound of both intruders exclaiming in triumph and the sound of a doorknob turning.

“You got it! Wow Tank, look at all this!” exclaimed the first boy concurrent with a small snicking sound; probably the room light there being turned on.

“Must be old man Powers’ private home office,” the boy addressed as Tank replied. “I’ll bet he’s got all sorts of neat stuff stashed in here. Come on Brandon, let’s search the place.”

“What about the prisoners?” Brandon asked mildly.

“They ain’t going anywhere,” Tank retorted confidently. “Let ‘em sweat a while. We’ll have all the time in the world later to torture the spit out of ‘em and made them grovel to do our slightest bidding.”

“I can hardly wait,” Brandon said with a laugh that reminded Andy of the characters in his dream. The sound of both boys’ voice abruptly dimmed as they entered the office and began to look around.

Suddenly realizing that now was as good a time as any to act, Andy abruptly but quietly crawled out from underneath his hiding place, got to his feet, and stealthily crept up to the closet door; fishing the key to the closet door out of his shorts’ pocket as he did so. He stopped to make sure neither of the intruders had heard him and were coming to investigate. Hearing both their voices still sounding far away, he quickly stuck the key into the lock and turned it; striving to remain as quietly as possible.

John was still where Andy had left him; sitting on the floor tethered, panel-gagged, and bound to the corner pole inside the closet. His eyes were open and alert, and apparently he was fully aware of the situation as Andy was; judging from the nervous shivering John’s body was undergoing. Just to make certain, Andy made a shushing motion with his forefinger and lips to urge John to remain quiet. John nodded his head in understanding.

Moving as quickly as he dared, Andy removed John’s gag and then proceeded to unlock all of his restraints. “What the heck is going on?” John whispered urgently to Andy the moment his gag was removed. “Who are those two guys? When I woke up, I could hear them talking through the closet door. I thought they might’ve already gotten you.”

“Lucky for me they didn’t look under the bed, or they’d have had me all right,” Andy whispered as he unlocked John’s handcuffs. “I don’t know who they are or how they got inside the house, but it sounds like they’ve got Will and everyone else tied up somewhere downstairs. We’ve got to get down there and free them.”

“But what if they’re not alone?” John asked nervously as he rubbed the circulation back into his wrists. “What if there’s more of them downstairs with Will and the others?” he added; not that he could see any better options himself.

“I don’t know,” Andy admitted. “We’ll have to worry about that later. Unless you think we should call the police.”

John thought about it a moment. “It might be pretty awkward for Will and the rest of us if we do that. There would be lots of questions. Will’s folks would be called. Will might get blamed for what happened; whether it’s his fault or not. We might not get to have the house all to ourselves anymore. That would ruin everything… just as I was really getting into being a slave and being tied up all the time. No, let’s try to get downstairs without being caught and see if we can free the others. If so, then we can all deal with these bozos ourselves.”

Suddenly both boys froze and fell silent when the sound of approaching voices became audible in the hallway outside. “Well, there’s no way of opening that safe with a mere paperclip,” Tank’s voice announced to his companion from about twenty feet away. “I’ll bet those drawers and that desk contain some useful stuff too. But we’re going to have to save all that for later. Come on; let’s check the attic to make sure no one’s up there and then we can get back to entertaining our prisoners.”

The way to the attic required the two intruders to walk right past the room Andy and John were still standing in. However, the wide-open bedroom door blocked their view of Andy and John as they strolled on by; neither Brandon nor Tank spared a glance in Andy’s room’s direction as they hastened past it and returned to the stairway.

“Come on; let’s get down these stairs before they come back,” Andy whispered.

“But we’d be just ahead of them,” John replied tensely. “I don’t know how big the attic is; Will’s never taken me up there. But they probably won’t be up there long. And once they come down, we’d be trapped downstairs along with the others unless we ran outside; and we’d be no good to anyone out there. No, let’s stay put until they go downstairs. Then we’d plenty of time to look for something to use as a weapon and come up with a better plan.”

Andy thought about it a moment and then deferred to the older boy’s judgment. And so the two remained hidden inside Andy’s closet (the door re-closed but this time left unlocked) until the two intruders could be heard coming back down the stairs again a few minutes later.

“Can you believe the stuff that punk has up there?” Tank was saying to his partner so loudly that both Andy and John could hear his voice clearly even inside the closet; apparently feeling that all need for stealth was gone. “Dig that freaking cage! Man, first thing we’re going to do is drag those clowns up to that attic and lock them up inside there. The elevator goes right up into the attic, so carrying them to the attic one at a time will be a cinch! Willie would look just right inside that cage. Paul would just fit inside that heavy cedar chest; it even has air holes in it. And Mattie and Corey can be fitted into those shackles hanging from the ceiling.”

“Why the hell do you suppose they have shackles dangling from the walls and ceiling?” Brandon asked. “I counted at least half a dozen sets of heavy shackles in there! They made the place look like a damned dungeon!”

“This is an old plantation house,” Tank replied cheerfully. “They say they used to have dozens of slaves here before the Civil war. Maybe one of the original owners of this place had a fondness for playing kinky games with his slaves. Who knows? But they still seem to work; they look like they’ve been oiled recently. I’ll bet Will himself been using them on some of his friends. Well, now they’re going to get used again. Come on, let’s go.”

“Gee, I wonder why I never got taken up into the attic,” John found himself thinking quietly to himself. “Will’s been holding out on me!”

Andy’s thought were similar. “Gee, I wonder why I never thought to explore the attic,” he was thinking; “It sounds really neat! I’ve got to check that out some time.”

The sounds of Brandon and Tank’s voice and footsteps faded as the two intruders strolled back down the stairs.

“They’re gone,” John pointed out superfluously. “Come on; let’s see if we can find something we can use to even the odds a little better.”

“Best place is probably in there,” Andy replied; pointing down the hall to Mr. Powers’ office. “Will’s dad is supposed to keep all sorts of neat things in there, like that shock collar you were wearing when I first met you.”

“But those two said everything was locked up tight,” John retorted. “They didn’t seem to find anything in there. Why would we do any better?”

“Uhhhh… well… it’s like this,” Andy said with a sheepish grin as he went to his dresser, opened the top drawer, pulled it completely out, set it aside atop his bed, and then fished around in the resulting recess. “Will’s dad… uhh… dropped his keys when they were leaving and I… uhhh… picked them up for him and… err…. forgot to give them back to him.” And with a jingle he pulled a set of keys out of a hidden nook inside the dresser.

“Did you forget accidentally; or on purpose to do a little spying?” John asked his smaller companion with a growing grin on his face.

“I’ll never tell,” Andy said brightly as he jingled the keys playfully. “Now come on. I’ll bet we’ll find all sorts of neat stuff in there we can use to help Will and the others.”

Andy almost ran out of the room but remembered that they could possibly still be overheard by Tank and Brandon and began tip-toeing rapidly down the hall. Shrugging his lanky shoulders but grinning in relief, John immediately followed him; his bare feet all but noiseless on the thick hallway carpet.
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Post by blackbound »

You totally got me with the first paragraph :D

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Jason Toddman
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Post by Jason Toddman »

blackbound wrote: 5 years ago You totally got me with the first paragraph :D
I figured you would like that. :mrgreen:

Part 58.

Will struggled with all of his might and his hard-won self-untying skill to free himself of his bonds before Tank and Brandon returned. He made considerable progress; freeing his hands enough now to that he could reach and loosen other knots that held his arms and torso fast to the back of the chair. With every minute that passed, he regained a bit more freedom of movement, and more knots came within reach of his questing fingers. His hands had started to get alarmingly numb at one point however, but luckily he had managed to loosen the ropes around his wrists and restore enough circulation to his hands and fingers to enable him to keep working on those tight knots.

But Will had not made anywhere near enough progress in his endeavors to get free of his chair – let alone either help any of the others or defend himself against being re-secured again – when he heard the intruders coming back down the stairs. The progress he had made so far wasn’t too obvious if he was given only a cursory glance, but if either of his captors decided to check his bonds – as they most surely would – it would all be for nothing. And he estimated that he needed at least another half-hour to forty five minutes of uninterrupted finger-work before he would be able to get himself completely free.

Will listened to the idle chatter of the two intruders as they walked down the stairs and sauntered into the living room. He was relieved in one sense; somehow, these two jerks had failed to find Andy and John when they had gone upstairs. Andy and John must have heard them coming and hid from them; it was beyond belief that these two would have failed to spot them otherwise if they were as determined to check all of the upstairs rooms as they had indicated they were. And so Andy and John *must* now be aware of what was going on down here! Hopefully they would not only stay hidden but find a way to help Will and the others out of their own predicament as well.

“I just hope they don’t call the police!” Will prayed fervently to himself. “It’d be kind of awkward explaining to mom and dad what everyone else was doing here when Andy and I were supposed to be all by ourselves!”

Will looked at Tank and Brandon carefully as they walked in. Yep, they were alone, and they apparently knew nothing about John and Andy from the way they were acting. He looked at them like Paul, Matt, and Corey did, but without his usual belligerence. It wouldn’t do to attract unnecessary close attention from either of them while he was still in such a vulnerable situation and while his bonds were noticeably slackened.

“We found some interesting set-ups up inside your attic, Willie boy,” Tank told him with a sardonic grin as he and Brandon entered the kitchen. “We like that cage you’ve got up there. And we’ve decided that this comfortable set-up you have down there is much too good for you. So now we’re going to take you up there to spend the rest of the night!”

Will looked at Tank and Brandon approach him with sudden alarm. The two evidently intended to lug him chair and all out of the kitchen to the elevator and take him up to the attic. But once they grabbed onto him, they’d be certain to see how much he’d managed to slacken his ropes. The punishment he would face didn’t disturb him; they obviously planned to play rough with him anyway. But if they noticed the slackened ropes, they would be certain to re-tie him even more tightly than ever and watch him much more closely. Barring a miracle, all hope of his eventual escape would then be completely lost!

Will looked at them with wide eyes, but the two merely grinned and chuckled; they thought Will was merely afraid of what they were planning to do. They had no idea what he was really alarmed about. But they would find out in another moment. And then…

Suddenly Matt let out as loud a grunt as he could manage through his own gag and moved his own tightly-bound body enough so that the legs of his chair started to rattle on the floor. “Leave Will alone!” he was trying to shout through his gag. “Take me instead! I’m the one you came here looking for! So pick on ME!”

Of course, the still-vibrating penis gag made all this perfectly incoherent (and for that matter almost inaudible). But his anger and rage at least were perfectly apparent, even if the exact reason was not. Tank and Brandon thought he was simply upset about the penis gag. Well, he *was* upset about that of course. But being closer to Will and somewhat behind him, he’d also noticed Will’s attempts to loosen his bonds and could see how much progress he’d made. In order to prevent their captors from noticing this as well, Matt had suddenly decided to make a noble sacrifice and divert Tank and Brandon’s malign attentions away from Will and onto himself.

Tank and Brandon stopped walking toward Will and turned to look at Matt’s angry face. Like a pair of hunting dogs, they became focused on a moving target rather than one that remained still and quiet. And since Matt was the preferred victim of choice in both of their hearts anyway, their concentration shifted away from Will and onto him.

“Look at that, Tank,” Brandon said sardonically as he mildly elbowed his comrade in crime. “Mattie there seems to have missed us. I guess he wants us to forget Willie boy and play with him instead!” Luckily for Will and Matt, this train of thought didn’t set off the kinds of suspicions that might have immediately occurred to a brighter mind than Brandon’s.

“Is that right, Mattie?” Tank asked the hapless Matt as he suddenly walked to Matt’s chair, reached out, grabbed Matt by the chin, and made the captive boy look him right in the eyes. “You want us to give you all our loving attention?”

If Matt’s mouth hadn’t been gagged, he probably would’ve dared to spit right in Tank’s eye despite his helplessness to defend himself from retaliation. As it was, he settled for glaring murderously back into Tank’s eyes – doing his best to imitate Will’s previous glares – and making whatever angry-sounding noises he could through his gag.

Besides expressing his honest loathing for Tank and despite the certainty that he was going to suffer even more greatly as a result, it was obviously important that neither Tank or Brandon look at Will too closely. Better to endure worse punishment in the short term with Will still possessing a chance to get free (and then help the rest of them) than delaying punishment in the long term while making it more certain that such punishment would stretch on into the unforeseeable future. Besides all this, Matt felt that he was to blame for their all being in this horrible predicament in the first place (blame he was certain the others felt was all his own as well), and he was determined to do all he could to make amends for it.

“Come to think of it, we *do* have a huge score to settle with you for escaping,” Tank said to Matt as he let go of his chin. “Come on, Brandon. Since he so kindly volunteered, let’s haul this geek upstairs and show him his new accommodations, shall we?”

“Okay, Tank,” Brandon replied as he joined his companion and stood on the other side of him from Matt and his chair. He checked Matt’s bonds over quickly and was satisfied that Matt hadn’t loosened them noticeably. He considered checking the others over as well first, but Tank was already urging him to grab Matt and his chair from his side and help haul him away. Tank quickly glanced over at Corey, Will, and Paul, saw nothing amiss with any of the other captives, shrugged his shoulders, and bent down to grab his side of the side.

“Unplug that gag first!” Brandon reminded him. “You wanna wreck it?”

Tank grabbed the power cord that connected the motorized penis gag to the wall socket and gave it a yank. The cord popped out of the little motor at the front of the gag. There was evidently a small battery inside the thing however, as the rubbery dildo that was trapped inside Matt’s mouth was still thrusting in and out into the back of his throat.

Tank plugged the plug out at the other end of the cord, rapidly but carelessly coiled it up, and tossed the thing onto Matt’s lap. He then bent down to lift his side of the chair Matt sat on while Brandon did the same on the other side.

Lifting together, Tank and Brandon managed to lift Matt up chair and all and, somewhat awkwardly but fairly quickly hauled him out of the kitchen. “Don’t the rest of you fret none now,” Tank said to the others as he and Tank hauled Matt away. “We’ll be back for you all sooner or later. Right now, we want to show Mattie here a good time!”

Will bided his time for a few moments until the three of them were out of sight. Then, with a quick glance at the other captives still with him, he resumed trying to free himself from his bonds. There was no telling how long Tank and Brandon would be gone this time, and he intended to take advantage of every moment that he could.

Matt shivered with fear. He was glad that he’d successfully diverted Tank and Brandon’s dire attentions away from Will; but what horrible price was he now about to pay for his temerity? Would Will be able to use the extra time he’d been given to get free? He had to hope so, because otherwise the future – especially for Matt himself – looked grim indeed.

Matt made no more noise of protest as he and his chair were carried out of the kitchen, through the living room, and out to the front hall where the elevator car waited. He no longer glared at his captors; in fact he didn’t even try to make any further eye contact with them. He simply bowed his head in evident resignation to his fate. His eyes no doubt revealed the roil of conflicting emotions that filled him during his enforced journey, but no one there saw them; Tank and Brandon were too busy carrying him away without bumping themselves against the walls – though they were somewhat less careful about avoiding bumping or scraping Matt himself against the walls, doors, various pieces of furniture, and a couple of large vases that they passed along the way.

The two boys carrying Matt and his chair reached the elevator car and shoved their human cargo in through the wide-open door. “Whew! That’s too much like work!” Brandon complained as he suddenly pulled off his shirt and began swiping the sweat off of his brow with it. “Let’s just take them up one at a time and have some fun torturing Mattie here up in the attic before we go on to the next one.”

“Precisely what I had in mind, actually,” Tank agreed as he removed his own shirt to cool off and pressed the button that would make the elevator car ascend up to the attic. “Those other three will keep by themselves for a while, while we give Mattie our undivided attention. You’re looking forward to that, aren’t you Matt?”

Matt merely looked away from both of his captors silently. It wasn’t just their intentions to torment him that unnerved him. Although both Tank and Brandon had rather unprepossessing faces, their bodies were something else. Brandon was trim and fit, while Tank was somewhat more muscular and less flabby than Matt had originally estimated. Their shirtless bodies were rather more pleasing to look at than most people would have guessed from the drab, over-sized, and frankly unflattering clothing they habitually wore. Matt found himself staring at them for several seconds before he suddenly realized he did *not* want to be caught by them doing this, and managed to avert his gaze before either of his captors had noticed. He could imagine the taunts and abuse they would come up with if they thought he was aroused at the sight of their physiques.

The problem was… he *was* rather attracted to their physiques! If they weren’t such total jerks, he might have liked spending time with them – even if still their prisoner and plaything - and never run away in the first place when they showed so much interest in keeping him tied up all the time.

Matt took a quick look at them again when neither was looking at him; turning his face only when either turned to look back toward him. Their faces weren’t really all that bad either, now that he came to think of it. If their expressions weren’t so often marred by their gloating over him, Tank and Brandon could actually be considered almost handsome in appearance. This was something that Matt found hard to admit even to himself however, and with a surge of self-disgust he tried to take his mind off of it.

The still-thrusting motorized penis gag that continued to drill into his mouth right to the back of his throat made his disgust easier to concentrate on. Matt fervently hoped the battery inside it wouldn’t last too much longer; the damned thing was making him want to hurl! Under the circumstances, that would be disastrous!

The elevator ride took about twenty seconds. Once the elevator doors re-opened, Matt could immediately see another reason why his captors had removed their shirts. It was damned hot and stuffy up here, even though it was night outside. During the day, with the windows closed and with no air conditioning, it must be murder up here!

The attic was a sizable one; occupying the entire top floor of one wing of the house. It was roughly thirty feet by sixty, with walls on the two longer sides running up only five feet before tapering to the roof at a roughly 45-degree angle. There was plenty of headroom away from these walls however; where the two halves of the roof met at the center the ceiling was almost twelve feet high. The actual joining of the roof was concealed by a level median strip several wide that ran the entire length of the room.

The attic was almost as comfortably furnished as a regular house. A good section of the floor was occupied by antique but perfectly serviceable looking pieces of furniture; including two well-padded sofas, several easy chairs, several cabinets (some of these heavily constructed with quite solid looking locks), a cedar chest almost the size and shape of a coffin, and even two beds (one with brass railings that had the distinctive wear marks of ropes around them). There was also a cage made of thick iron bars tucked in one corner; it was about four feet in length, three feet high and a bit over two feet wide. It was not big enough for a person to lie down or stand up in; though it might fit a large dog comfortably enough. The bottom was covered by a thick leathery pad; mitigating the discomfort of anyone who might be placed inside it. At the moment however, the cage was unoccupied.

There were several small windows lining the walls; one at each of the short pentagonal sides and three each along the longer rectangular ones. All were closed and covered with curtains however, so that no one outside could see inside.

Two wide chimneys also occupied the attic; one near either end. On one side of each was a set of four manacles; two dangling about a foot off the floor and the other two roughly five feet above them. The uses for which they were originally intended were obvious.

The attic was well lit by a row of six well-spaced light bulbs hanging from the ceiling; all of which were already turned on. Although obviously not lived in, the attic was relatively free of dust and the walls clean, plastered over, and kept in good condition. It was certainly far better in appearance than the usual attics one saw in old houses – if you ignored some of its more exotic furnishings.

However, none of this is what attracted most of Matt’s attention.

A set of five sturdy and regularly spaced rafters - each about ten feet from the next - crossed the room underneath the roof at a height of about nine feet high from the floor. From underneath each of these rafters was mounted a cylindrical winch from which dangled a set of sturdy old-fashioned manacles hanging from thick steel chains. The winches each had a pulley which could be used to adjust the length of the chain that dangled from the pulley, so that that manacles could be pulled to any height from floor level right up to within inches of the pulley itself. Anyone locked into the things could therefore be held literally in suspense two to three feet off the floor (or even more if they were short) with their feet dangling uselessly in mid-air. The rafters looked thick enough to support the weight of several grown men quite easily.

The chain and pulleys looked old but well-oiled. Matt could easily imagine Will finding and taking proper care of the things for potential future use. Whether or not Will had ever used them on anyone yet, Matt had no idea. But he was willing to bet that Brandon and Tank had every intention of using one of these suspension chains on *him*!

“I reckon you’ve never been invited up here before, judging by that wide-eyed look of yours,” Tank said to Matt with a laugh. “I’ve got to admit, I never imagined such a thing either. Whoever first set the things up must’ve been a real good person to avoid! But all the same, they’re here… and we’re here… it’d be a shame to let them go to waste.”

Even under more normal circumstances, Matt wouldn’t have bothered to venture a response. As it was, with his mouth plugged by that damned penis gag, Matt was doubly convinced that silence was golden. He made no visible reaction other than to sweat more profusely (although the heat of the attic could have explained some of that as well) and to tremble somewhat more noticeably than before (although the ropes that lashed him so securely to his chair tended to mask or restrain much of the movement).

“Don’t fight us and maybe we’ll take it easy on you and stick you inside the cage rather than leave you in suspense when we go for one of your friends,” Brandon told Matt almost kindly as he and Tank hauled him out of the elevator car. They set him down directly underneath the closest of the pulleys, where the chains had already been adjusted so that the manacles connected to them were lying on the floor. “On the other hand, if you really annoy us, we’ll leave you dangling here overnight… upside down!”

Matt moaned audibly through his horrible gag and shivered even more, but made no move to resist his fate as his two captors freed his arms and wrists from their rope bonds. They left the rest of his body enmeshed to the chair for the time being; keeping him relatively immobile other than his arms as they locked the old-fashioned manacles around his wrists. These were not like modern handcuffs however; they were much heavier and wider (like metal wrist bands), but also equipped with an inner lining of springy leather rather than hard, bare metal. The locking mechanism was more like a vice than like modern handcuffs. Once they were tightened on however, the most limber person alive would not have been able to get out of them without the key.

Once the manacles were locked around his wrists, the chain leading to the pulley was drawn taut so that Matt’s arms were suspended above him while he was still tied to his chair. None of his weight was hanging from them yet however; he simply couldn’t lower his arms again nor move them much from side to side. Once satisfied that their victim was secure, Tank and Brandon proceeded to untie him from the chair; saving his feet for last. Once his feet were freed from their ropes however, his captors re-secured them with a set of one of their own ankle cuffs to prevent Matt from attempting to kick either of them.

“Okay, let’s give it a shot,” Tank told Brandon as he grabbed onto the pulley that would tighten the slack of the chain. He and Brandon heaved together, and at the same time Matt felt a strong upward pull on his wrists. He tried to fight it for a moment, but the pull was too strong and he was forced to get off the chair he’d been tied to and stand up. This brought him respite and even allowed him to lower his arms a little, but only for a moment. His captors kept pulling the chain up until his arms were once again suspended over his head.

But it didn’t stop there. The upward pull continued, and Brandon found himself slowly but inexorably lifted off his feet. Brandon and Tank evidently found this part much more difficult however the moment Matt’s feet were entirely clear of the floor, because now his rise was very slow; a matter of only inches at a time.

Matt squealed, writhed, and thrashed his dangling feet around as much as his hobbles would permit as he felt his arms and shoulders supporting his entire body weight. Even with the cuffs padded with soft, thick leather, the pain in his wrists was excruciating, and his arms almost felt like they would be ripped out of their sockets if he had to endure this for any real length of time. Although he could not separate his feet by much more than twelve inches, he could still thrash his legs wildly about together, and this he did with considerable vigor. Matt squealed so loudly it almost drowned out the noise the small motor of his gag made as it continued its mindlessly relentless thrusting. His face began turning beet red.

Matt turned his eyes toward his captors in an eloquent appeal for mercy. Much to his surprise, he found the expressions on his captor’s face displaying as much sympathy as amusement at his plight; rather than the unalloyed sadistic pleasure that he had expected to find there. Or was he hallucinating in his pain?

Suddenly Matt felt himself being lowered again until his feet could once again reach the floor. He calmed down, ceased thrashing his legs to take the strain off his arms, shoulders, and wrists, and simply stood there trying to catch his breath. He looked at his captors with an expression of near gratitude in his eyes; a look that was cut off when he saw them start to haul downward on the pulley to make the chains go up again.

Feeling the upward pull on his wrists again and the heels lifting up off the floor; Matt re-adopted his pleading look - combining this with pitiable noises through his gag and vigorously shaking his head from side to side. It seemed to be of no use however; his captors continued to pull, and Matt felt himself lifted inexorably upward inch by inch until he as standing literally on tiptoe. Another tug on the pulley would lift him clear off the floor again.

But that final tug did not come this time. Instead, Tank and Brandon simply cinched the pulley in place so that Matt would not settle back downward again but continue to stand on tip-toe.

Tank now walked up to Matt and reached up to his face. Expecting a stinging slap, Matt closed his eyes tightly shut. But instead of the expected slap to his face, Matt felt the dildo instead his mouth suddenly stop its relentless thrusting and deflate slightly. He opened his eyes in surprise as Tank walked behind him with a small key in his hand and unlocked the padlock that held the gag in place. Blessed relief came when his captor (neither too gently nor too brutally) pulled the gag off of Matt’s face and casually tossed it aside onto a nearby sofa.

“Well, what do you say, Matt?” Brandon said to him as he faced his captive again; hands on hips and smiling mischievously.

All sorts of things came to Matt’s mind in response; most of them uncomplimentary and many of them outright obscene. Having experienced some of Tank and Brandon’s ideas of fun before and possessing some modicum of sense and reasonably average intelligence however, Matt quickly surmised the answer that was expected of him. A failure to deliver the expected response would likely only immediately (and drastically) worsen his situation again.

“Thank you,” Matt replied; not entirely insincerely. By this time, Matt had reached the point where common sense and self-preservation trumped pride. If talking like a well-behaved slave saved him from being beaten like a rebellious one, then so be it! He also lowered his head and gazed at the floor. This was not just out of subservience however. The real reason was because the temptation to stare at his captors’ shirtless arms and torsos was becoming almost overwhelming, and he was filled with shame, self-disgust… and most of all a fervent desire not to be caught admiring their physiques!

“Good, slave. I see our initial training sessions with you back at camp haven’t been entirely wasted,” Brandon replied in an almost conversational tone of voice. “However, you forgot to call me master! So it’s ten lashes for you!”

“Oh no, master! I’m sorry, master!” Matt replied pleadingly; talking as servilely and as rapidly as he could. “Please don’t whip me master! I beg you, master!”

“He’s so cute when he begs,” Tank said to Brandon. “Let’s give him a break just this once. After all, his taste of freedom *did* spoil him a little.”

“Well, all right, I’ll go easy on you slave,” Brandon said after a moment of reflection. “I’ll just make it five lashes instead. What do you say to that slave?”

Matt rejected the first anatomically-impossible response that came to mind quickly enough to save himself from restoration of his original punishment as he exclaimed, “Thank you, master! You’re so kind, master!”

“Don’t push your luck with sarcasm, slave!” Tank retorted as he pulled off his belt, doubled it up, swung it experimentally, considered and rejected the idea of making Matt kiss it first, and then gave Matt’s posterior a solid stroke with it. Matt yelled out satisfactorily; causing both his captors to smile broadly. Four more hard strokes to the posterior followed the first one at roughly three second intervals; each yielding a vigorous loud cry of its own.

Fortunately for Matt, his behind wasn’t entirely unprotected; he was still wearing a set of blue-jean shorts over a set of Fruit-of-the-Loom underwear. Even so, Tank’s five strokes landed on his defenseless rear so hard that he felt as if there had been no protection for it at all. By the time Tank was finished, Matt was glad that he likely would not have to sit down for a while.

“Now, while you rest there and try to remember your training so that we won’t have to give you too much of a refresher, we’ll go back downstairs and bring back one of your friends,” Brandon told a hard-breathing Matt as he put his belt back on. “One of us would stay to keep you company, but it’ll take both of us to lug each of your friends up here. But don’t worry; you won’t be lonely for long.”

“Meanwhile, here’s something for you to chew on,” Tank added. While Brandon has been talking, he had been removing his ankle socks and sneakers. Rolling up both socks into a single wad, he indicated Matt to open his mouth. Knowing better than to resist, Matt opened his mouth while simultaneously shutting tight his eyes.

“There,” Tank said as he jammed his filthy, sweaty socks into Matt’s mouth before putting his sneakers back on. “Suck ‘em good. And they’d better still be in your mouth when we come back, or you know what will happen to you.”

Although strongly desirous to spit the nasty things out at once, Matt knew better than to yield to this impulse. He knew indeed what would happen to him if his mouth wasn’t still stuffed with Tank’s socks when the two of them came back. Sucking socks – or even that penis gag again - all night if need be would be vastly better than what he knew Tank had in mind if he disobeyed him.

At least, with his mouth stuffed like that, Matt was able to get away with simply nodding his head in affirmation rather than call Tank ‘Master’ once again.

“Good slave,” Tank praised his captive as he patted him gently on the cheeks…and then again on Matt’s other set of cheeks.

Matt watched Tank and Brandon with almost expressionless eyes as they turned and walked away to the elevator car. They entered it and pressed the button to take them back down to the ground floor; smiling and waving to Matt as the elevator doors closed shut.

Matt sighed as he hung his head. Well, he thought to himself, it could’ve been much worse!

Downstairs, Will steadily made more progress in loosening his numerous bonds while simultaneously managing to change their outward appearance as little as possible. This later part proved wise, as by the time Tank and Brandon returned to the kitchen Will was still helplessly tied to his chair. He had however managed to loosen his bonds enough so that freedom was only a matter of time. If only they took away another captive without noticing the progress he’d made so far, he night be able to get himself entirely free before they returned downstairs once again.

Brandon and Tank were just looking at their captives to select the next one to take upstairs when the distinctive tones of the gate buzzer sounded throughout the house. Even though it was now about eleven o’clock at night, someone was at the front gate desiring admittance!
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