Chained Up for a Week FF/F

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Post by ArrestedForever »

Sunday Afternoon - 3:30pm

They made me eat out of bowls on the ground with my hands cuffed behind my back like a dog. No kidding. They did that despite the fact that they cuffed one of my ankles to the heavy china cabinet nearby. That was plenty enough to keep me from running away. But no. They had to add handcuffs, elbow cuffs and even thumbcuffs.

I was shocked that after the whole pissing in the closet thing that Abigail didn't immediately lighten up on the brutal torture and bondage but she kept it up as if she did nothing wrong. She even told me that I had put myself in that situation because I had tried to escape. Otherwise, she would have trusted me enough to use my hands to eat. After all, she had only promised freedom during "most" meals. It was moments like these, I remembered that she, too, was captured and tortured by members of Capio Capio. I wonder if she got it worse then me. At least she put my hair in a ponytail to keep it from getting in my food.

Yasmin on the other hand looked like she felt a lot more guilty for what happened and a lot more concerned for my well-being. I knew I could use that to escape and I took note of it.

After lunch, my ankle was freed and I was taken back to the basement. There all my bonds were removed except my handcuffs. Chains were crisscrossed between my boobs and across my chest below the neck. My cuffs were attached this harness so that they were yanked as far up my back as my arms would allow. Being as flexible as I am, that was pretty far. So far up I could touch my neck with the tips of my fingers. This was not without a lot of painful cramping though.

I was laid out unto the bed on my stomach. My ankles were chained together with a padlock and attached to the end of the bed. My breast harness was attached to the headboard so that I was totally stretched out. As I was blindfolded and gagged by Yasmin, I felt a sharp smack to my ass with a ruler. I jerked in pain and balled hands into fist. After the initial shock wore off. Abigail rubbed my back with the ruler to build anticipation for the next...


She then traveled down my leg and...


She hit the sole of my foot. She continued to whack me on my soles, my ass, up and down my legs, building anticipation for each hit until she got bored and asked Yasmin if she wanted to tickle my feet which of coarse she did (although less vigorously than last time.) While she took to my feet, Abigail took to my sides. Once they got bored of that, the ruler came back into play. They alternated between the two tortures for a good forty-five minutes.

After that thick ear-muffs were put around my ears to keep me from hearing anything.

I didn't even hear them walk off and leave me alone in the nothingness...
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Post by Boocola »

;) :lol: 8-)
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Post by ArrestedForever »

$%^%^% - ^^%^%


At least, that's what they called it on the internet.

It's when you pass the threshold of your experience and something snaps. Your brains dumps a new wave of endorphins and you feel as if you've left your body.

That's what happened to me.

No sound. No sight. Nothing. It scared the heck out of me.

I struggled harder then I ever struggled before. By the time, I was done I could barely feel my hands and feet and my wrists were throbbing in pain. But it was better than the nothingness. So I went back forth between painful struggling and the terrifying sensory deprivation until I entered it.


It was pure euphoria. Possibly the first time in my life, I genuinely didn't have a care in the world. I didn't care because I wasn't there.

I was somewhere else

Sunday Night - 5:00pm

Abigail splashed a bucket of cold water on me before crudely ripping my blindfold off. She took my gag off so I could catch my breath and pulled my head up by my hair so she could see my face.

With a twisted smile, she asked, "Had fun?"

I didn't have the energy to even speak. I felt like I had been jogging for three days straight.

"I'll make you a deal," my captor said. "If you promise to not escape, I won't torture you like this anymore."

I so exhausted that it's a miracle I managed to resist and shake my head.

That only made Abigail happier though.

"Atta, girl," she said.
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Post by Solarbeast »

Very interesting continuation. I can’t wait to see what more she has entail for you and what you can take.
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Post by TamatoaShiny123 »

Can’t wait to hear more!!
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Post by Dr_Depravo »

Still an awesome story. Keep it up.
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Post by ArrestedForever »

I was given a bathroom break so I could change into dry clothes. I was too exhausted to even think about escaping but Abigail took extra precautions to make sure I didn't anyway. Extreme precautions. Like boarding the window precautions. I was beginning to think that the whole bit about us switching places if I escaped was just a ruse and that she fully expected me to not be able to.

I think she thought she'd break me.

I left the bathroom to find Abigail and now Yasmin with handcuffs in their hands. They made me face the wall with my hands on my head. Yasmin held my hands togehter and kicked my legs apart. Abigail then frisked me, real slow like she was enjoying it way too much, especially since there was nothing to frisk. I was still wearing underwear and a big t-shirt, which I guess had become my traditional prison garb, my version of an orange jumpsuit.

After that my hands were cuffed behind my back and I was taken upstairs. I was led into a bedroom with a bed and a desk. My heart skipped a beat when I was saw the handcuffs attached to a pulley on the ceiling. How the hell did she have the time to set that up? Was this whole house set up as a dungeon?

"Are you sure this is a good idea, Abs?" Yasmin asked.

"Stop your worrying!" Abigail said. "I'm sure me and Hannie Boo will have lots of fun tonight." This last part she said to me as if I was child. She even pinched my cheeks.

"Okay..." Yasmin said doubtfully. "Goodni-"

Abigail shut the door on her.

Great. Now, I was alone with this psychopath.

My hands were uncuffed and then recuffed in front of me with the cuffs attached to the ceiling. Before I could even adjust to my new bonds, the chain was yanked until my hands were high above my head and I was barely standing on my toes. She then gagged me before I could protest. To make matters worse, she put a block on the floor and made me stand on it. I could barely get both my big toes on it before she yanked the chain again so that I was standing on my toes on the shaky block. I had to fight to keep balence.

"Here's the deal," she said, standing in front of me. "Since I got to do my homework and since I also want all the time in the world to play with you, I'm pulling an all-nighter. And if I'm pulling an all-nighter, so are you unless of coarse, you want to vow absolute obedience to me."

I closed my eyes and groaned. I was so exhausted and sleep-deprivation felt like real torture, like cruel and unusual torture, but I couldn't let her win. I remained still.

"No? Okay then," Abigail continued. "Well, I can't trust you and I am doing your homework so... I guess no sleep for you. And just to make sure you don't fall asleep."

She walked behind me and I panicked for a moment. I knew what she was going to do but I couldn't turn around to see her do it. However, a sharp tap to my ass confirmed my suspicions followed by another one to my soles, which nearly made me lose my balance on the block. Trust me. Hanging from your wrists isn't fun. I'd find that out multiple times that night. That block was my only friend.

Tonight was going to be a long night.
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Post by TamatoaShiny123 »

Love this!!
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Post by Solarbeast »

Interesting continuation. I can’t wait for more.
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Post by ArrestedForever »

Sunday Night - 7pm

Since I was facing the opposite direction of Abigail, I could never know when the sharp taps were coming. The ones to my sole were worse then the ones to my ass because they made me lose my balance on the block. When that happened, I’d be dangling painfully from my wrists until I could reposition the block. If I could keep my head from drooping, no harm could come to me and after about 30 minutes, my tormentor was so engrossed with her work, she stopped noticing anyway. (Her desk faced the wall opposite of me.)

After an hour, just as I was about to fall asleep, Abigail snuck up behind me and tickled my sides like crazy. I tried to fight the urge to move much but eventually I was swinging throughout the room. After about 5 minutes of this, she added duct taped my ankles together to keep me from kicking and then continued the tickle torture for another 10 minutes. It was brutal.

I was about to sell myself into complete slavery to her, vowing to never attempt another escape, when to my surprise she cut me down. My hand were duct taped behind my back and I was dragged to the bed. She laid me down and then knelt behind me. She affectionately combed my sweaty matted hair behind my ear and looked into my eyes. I was too tired to think anything of it.

“I’ll let you sleep a bit if you promise to be good,” she said.

I nodded immediately and vigorously.

“Good girl,” she said and kissed my forehead.

She returned to her desk and I immediately passed out.
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Post by ArrestedForever »

Monday Morning - 4:45am

I awoke to Abigail gently putting the knotted center of a scarf to my mouth. I let it in without a word as she tied firmly but not tightly behind my head. She then added a blindfold and left the room without saying a word. I immediately fell back asleep.

Monday Morning - 8am

I awoke having forgotten that I was prisoner. I couldn't figure why I was blind or why my mouth was dry. After a lot of tugging at my wrists, I began to remember everything. I calmed down and laid back my head. I was silent for a bit trying to listen out for Abigail but it appeared my tormentor had left me alone.


With nothing but duct tape holding my wrists and ankles.

It almost too good to be true and although I suspected of it being a trap, I immediately launched into action. I can't tell how I suddenly became an escape expert but I did. I didn't just pull at the tape endlessly. I slide my bound hands underneath my ass and to my front so I could eat the tape off. I tore out my gag and took of my blindfold and immediately started going to town at my wrist bonds. I was making decent progress when I heard foot steps coming toward the door outside. Terrified I was sent into a frenzy. I wasn't letting this opportunity go. Once I was back in cuffs I might not have an opportunity to escape like this one.

Yasmin entered with two pairs of handcuffs. The look on her face was priceless. She was more scared to see me almost free than I was to see her. She tried to wrestle my bound wrists from my mouth as she pleaded and begged for me for stop but this only made me angry. I flailed and cursed so hard that she had to get on the bed and straddle me. After fighting me long and hard, she managed to cuff my already bound hands to the headboard. She then slid down on top of my kicking feet and cuffed them to the bottom of the bed.

"Calm down!" she pleaded.

I gave one last angry tug and surrendered and she climbed back unto my stomach.

"You're not going anywhere," she said with a smile.
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Post by Solarbeast »

Great continuation. I can't wait to find out what your next punishment will be after this yet another failed escape attempt.
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Post by ArrestedForever »

One angry look from me wiped that smile off Yasmin's face. Deep down, we both knew that she felt bad for having me trussed up like this... But we also both knew that she enjoyed it.

"Look," she said. "I promised Abigail I would make sure you didn't escape until she got back."

"Where is Abigail anyway?" I asked.

"She's at a game," Yasmin said.

"A game?"

"Yeah, the volleyball teams plays Oakley U tonight."

"Oakley? How far did we drive."

"Far. We're at a cabin not too far from Lake Lanier. Oakley is about two hours away."

She wasn't lying. That was far even though our school rode the Florida-Georgia line and I had been getting pretty close to it at the time of my "arrest". In fact, the location made a lot of sense. It explained the basement and the cold breeze I felt when I almost escaped. It also explained the kinds of tree which surrounded this desolate cabin. This was the first time, I ever heard any details about the nature of my capture. It wasn't exactly helpful to my escape but it was a start. Maybe I could wraggle more info out of Yasmin but just as I was about to open my mouth.

"Fuck!" she said. "I've said too much."

She pulled a bandana out of her back pocket put it toward my mouth to gag me but I let out a desperate and quick:


We both froze. I opened up my hands revealing my palms in a stop gesture. My breathing got quicker and more nervous. I had to think of a way not to get gagged. If I'm gagged, I can't talk my way into getting mercy from Yasmin and maybe even room to escape. Then I realized...

"I haven't had my bathroom break... And some breakfast would be nice."

Yasmin bit her lip nervously. She knew what she had to do. She was just too nervous to do it.

"Okay," she nodded.

She went to uncuffing and untaping my feet, taking her time as she did so so she could admire my feet. I rolled my eyes as I watched. It didn't matter that she was working slowly. The great thing about being a prisoner is that you have all the time in the world.

When she was done with my feet, she straddled me again as she unlocked the cuffs which attached my bound hands to the headboard but instead of uncuffing the other around my wrist and untaping me, she cuffed herself to me.

I gave her look but she just shrugged.

"Can't have you escaping," she reasoned.

I was led downstairs and to the bathroom where I found I could not pull my own underwear down. My wrists were crossed with palms facing down which I remember thinking in that bathroom was way worse than palm-to-palm ties. Immediately, I realized that I had been a bondage toy too long. I had become too much of an expert in so sort a time.

Without me having to say anything, Yasmin pulled down my knickers with her free hand. I sat and peed. She awkwardly stood without even a window to look through. This experience may have not been torture but it was the greatest humiliation I had felt thus far.

I was then led to the kitchen chair I was first bound to upon my arrival here. There Yasmin attached two handcuffs together and used them to chain my taped hands to the rung bellow the seat. This way my hands were stuck between my legs. She made breakfast and then fed me like a baby. Another humiliation. Damn, this girl did not want me to escape. Might be harder to find leeway than I originally thought.

After that, Yasmin sighed and said, "Okay, now I really have to gag you because I know you're going to have lot of questions that I can't answer."

Before I could ask what that meant, Yasmin was forcefully tying a knotted bandana into my mouth. She cuffed herself to me and then led me into the basement, I dreaded another day on the bed, but strangely I didn't want to upset Yas. Yeah, Stockholm Syndrome is a bitch. I didn't want to upset my tormentor so i didn't resist as she led me to the torture table. But she pulled me past the bed and and toward another room in the back. She opened the door to this back room and revealed a jail cell inside, built into the wall.

I was terrified. I fought Yasmin as if she were an actual kidnapped. Why the hell was there a jail cell in the basement of this cabin? Why was there a shelf of camera gear to my left and a wall of chains to my right? Eventually, Yasmin won the day but only after much scaring on her wrist. I didn't feel bad about that at this point. She deserved to know what that was like. She got me into the cell, freed herself of the cuffs and reattached them to a chain on the ceiling. I fought like crazy as Yasmin begged me to calm down again.

I did eventually but only as I gave her a death stare.

"Look, an ice lock is attaching that chain to the ceiling," she said pointing.

I looked up and noticed a sweaty looking metal egg in the middle of the chain links. A drip of cold water fell off it and unto my forehead.

"Once it melts," Yasmin explained, "you can free yourself but you're staying in the cell until Abs gets back."

Just before she closed the door, she hesitated and gave a meek, "Sorry."

She left, locking the cell and cutting off the lights.
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Post by TamatoaShiny123 »

Can’t wait to see what happens next!
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Post by Solarbeast »

A great continuation as usual. I can't wait to read more of this amazing story.
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Post by brashieel »

Ooh, great new chapter! Things keep escalating. I like the bits about Yasmin being embarrassed but still determined to carry on with this.
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Post by ArrestedForever »

It was pitch black. I couldn't see anything except the strip of light shining underneath the door outside the cell. My wrists had a heartbeat after my fight with Yasmin but besides that I could feel nothing but the annoying cold drip of the ice lock. I felt a glimmer of hope as the constant dripping gained speed.

Monday Morning -10:30am

My arms were aching and my whole body was tired, slumped in my bonds. When the ice lock melted, I nearly fell to the floor. I finished the work of biting the tape of my hands, work I had started that morning. However, I was unable to unlock the cuffs which were attached to the chain that melted out the lock. I guess that'd have to stay till Yasmin came back. I was glad I had asked for breakfast. Yasmin had set up the ice lock probably with the intention of putting me down here first thing, meaning I would have had to wait longer for it to melt.

I hadn't had very much time to examine my cell so I felt around in the dark to get an idea of my surroundings. I eventually found a cot in the corner. I figured that I might as well get some rest.

I might not have time later on.

Monday Afternoon - 12:00pm

I was awoken by the lights cutting on and Yasmin entering with a tray of food. She apologized for waking me as I approached the bars of the cell with an irritated expression. I slipped my wrist through, the one with the chain dangling from it. She look confused for a moment than realized what I wanted. She set the food down and then fumbled in her pockets till she found the key. She unlocked me and I rubbed my wrist while she went back to get the food. She slipped a water bottle inbetween the bars of the cell and I drank greedily. She then took the plate of food, scooped up a bite and held up as if she wanted to feed me. I rolled my eyes. She really didn't trust me with a fork? I grabbed the bars of the cells and let her feed me, watching her the entire time to make her feel guilty and uncomfortable. It worked. Without me even asking, she started talking.

"Look, I know you want to know what all this is but I can't tell you," she began. "All I can say is that all this stuff belongs to a generous financier of the Capio Capio house' "

"So some kinky guy is behind all this?" I mused.

"You have no idea!" Yasmin said


"Dang it! I... Look, just ignore I said that," she said.

"Why? I won't tell Abs if you tell me anything."

"I can't risk it. Abs said she'd whip harder than she ever did if I tell you anything."

"Wait! What the fuck?"

"Oooooooh!" Yasmin whined, setting the food on the floor,

She stormed out the room, cutting off the lights.
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Post by Solarbeast »

This was a great continuation as usual, and I can't wait to read where this new information leads the damsel in distress that seemingly does not want to escape.
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Post by GermanFeetlover »

Great story, please go on!!!
Don 't distress yourself, leave it up to me :D I love it to be barefoot with a toering and dirty feet in the summertime 8-)
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Post by ArrestedForever »

Monday Afternoon - 7:30pm

I ate through the bar of the cell on my hands and knees. It wasn't comfortable but it worked. When I first started eating it, I thought about how rude I found Yasmin was for leaving my food on the floor like this but then I realized how ridiculous that was. She had kidnapped, jailed and tortured me. I think we were beyond rude at this point.

Being in the cell was boring as hell but it wasn't as intense as being tied up. I couldn't really see that well because it was so dark but I could at least pace around the floor, thinking about everything I had learned so far. Abigail had tied up Yasmin before? When? Why? What was the context? Did Yasmin get chained up for a week, too? Wait a minute. Of coarse, she did. Abs kidnapped her to initiate her into the caps. But why the secrets? Was this actually a cult? Why was I submitting to this again? Had I fallen victim to some elaborate mind-control plot? How else could the caps get away with all the time. In order for them to get away with it, every girl they captured would have had to give in to some extent; at least, guaranteeing not to call the cops or reveal their secrets. How could they guarantee every girl would respond like that?

All that pacing and thinking was exhausting and left me sitting on a cot in the corner of the room, staring at the light peering through the door..

That got boring, too. Then I realized that I probably should be exercising in order to keep my strength. So I did what a lot of prisoners do in their jail cell. Push-ups, sit-ups, pull-ups.

That made me tired so I took a nap. I slept like a baby! But I was woken up when...

Yasmin stormed in, cutting on the lights as she did. She approached the bars of my cell, rubbing her forehead, exasperated. I didn't even stand up as I waited for her speak.

"Look," she finally said. "Abs tied me up once. It was for my initiation.

"Yeah, I figured that." I said. "Why the secrecy?"

"The Founder told me not to. He tells everyone not to disclose the events that transpired during their time here or at any of the other locations."

"The Founder? Who the fuck is the Founder?"

"The Founder is not literally the founder. The man who founded Capio Capio did it 100s of years ago but he passed on his secrets every generation to someone else who could fulfill his role. Look, Capio Capio is more than just a sorority and it has a lot of resources. If you make it through the next few days, you'll understand."

"This is getting weird, Yas." I said. "It was already weird when it was just you two kidnapping me but this is a whole other thing."

"Trust me, caps have the most fun than anyone else on campus and most don't even stay in past a year or two," Yasmin said. "It's very competitive. So stick around... Not that you have a choice and see what happens. Look, it's almost time for your potty break so..."

She pulled handcuffs from behind her back, one of the cuffs already around her wrist.

I rolled my eyes and stood up as Yas unlocked the cell door. I held out my wrist out to be cuffed, but suddenly decided I didn't want to be cuffed.. I'm not sure what came over me but in a instant, as Yasmin nearly latched my wrist to hers, I grabbed the cuff and wrapped it around the bars of the cell.

"Hey!" she said, tugging at her chains.

I was almost as surprised as she was but I wasn't about to let my new (and first) captive know that. So I stroked her cheek and smiled.

"You and I going to have a lot of fun," I said
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Post by Alisonlovesropes »

Hmmm. A nice twist
Sometimes gagged, sometimes blindfold. Always barefoot.
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Post by Solarbeast »

Yes, as said above this was an interesting twist to this story. Although now I'm wondering where this story will go and possibly where the friendship may go between the three girls in the future. I can't wait to read more of this interesting and creative twist of a story.
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Post by ArrestedForever »

I got so high watching Yasmin tug at her chains, begging me to let her go. I suddenly was overcome with the desire to grab her chin and kiss her simply for the fact that she could not get away. But the fantasies were cut short by the sound of footsteps coming down the stairs. And not just one pair of footsteps but several.

My heart was beating out its chest. Abigail arrived with six of her teammates. Were they all caps, too? Their hair was still wet from their showers at the gym and they wore their over-sized team sweaters. Abigail laughed when she saw Yasmin chained up.

"Look, Abigail," Yasmin began as she watched Abigail move toward the ballgags hanging on the wall. "I made a mistake but it's okay because she didn't get o-ooommmhhhh..."

Abigail shoved the ballgag into Yasmin's mouth. "Yassie-poo, we had a deal," she said pinching her prisoner's bulged cheek. "Now, you have to deliver."

Yasmin moaned and dropped her head. Abgail turned to me, smiling as her teammates gathered around. I never felt more uncomfortable in my life. One was playing with my hair. Another was rubbing my stomach.

"I escaped, right?" I said meekly. "That means you have to-"

"No," Abiigail answered. "I said if you escaped the house, you get to tie me up but we got here just in time to stop you. Right, girls?"

The girls nodded and moaned affirmation. I took a deep breath and closed my eyes. One of the players got some handcuffs off the nearby shelf and guided my hands behind my back. I didn't even resist. Abigail was right. I had to escape the house to make it official. I cringed as I heard the cuffs click.

Yasmin didn't resist either as her wrists were brought together and bound with a heavy chain and padlock. Another pair of cuffs was attached to my elbows as Yasmin's now bound hands were uncuffed from the cell bars. She was dragged to the cot and laid down on it. She was bound in the same manner I was first bound when I was brought to the basement; chains binding her forehead, necks, arms below and above the breasts, legs and feet to the bed. Her bound hands were tucked under her chin and fastened to her chest binds. Last time I was in her position, I was forced to stare at the ceiling but Yasmin was blindfolded and earmuffed. I hope she reached subspace soon for her sake. It was so easy to face captivity after that. They made me watch her be bound this way as they bound my arms above and below the breast with chains. They even cuffed my thumbs for added measure.

"We have another bed," Abigail said as I looked on to Yasmin's bound state. "Or you could join us upstairs but you'd have to agree to let us do whatever we want to you for the rest of the night."

At this point, the girls in charge of binding were feeling me up and down, boobs, back, legs, everything. I knew what they wanted... And I started to want it, too...
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