Stake Out! (M+F+/M+F+) [Special 18th]

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Post by Killua »

Such a naughty family :lol:
Nice story [mention]AlexUSA3[/mention]
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Just good clean Christian fun as the Good Lord intended.

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Post by AlexUSA3 »

Keeping the Boy Safe (F/M)

Gemma was usually a very, very responsible 17 year-old girl, especially where her 10 year-old little brother Paul was concerned. She sometimes found a sneaky way about her duties, but she always fulfilled them and ensured her brother was safe. He was her precious cargo!

"Gemma, take care of your brother," her mother warned as she shut the door.

As soon as her mother was gone, Gemma was on the phone with Gareth.

"Hi, Gareth. My parents just left for the day, and I was thinking today might be a good day for us to visit the shops. Paul? Oh, I'll just tie him up. We'll be back before Mum anyway."

One thing that was great about summer was that she didn't have to worry about school. She did, however, have to watch her brother. Today, though, was a great day for Gareth to take her to the mall. Gemma really wanted to go, and so she found no choice but to hatch a plan where she could take advantage of Paul's adventurous innocence.

"Paul, how would you like to spend the morning tied up?"
"All morning?! That'd be cool!"
"Go get ready then!" Gemma motioned toward the restroom.

Soon, Paul was ready in his blue jeans and a t-shirt. The youngster was beyond ready for this fun adventure!

"Get on the bed; it might rain, so I can't leave you outside."
"OK, Gem!"

Gemma chuckled at Paul's youthful exuberance as she ran ropes from his ankles to the footboard and from his wrists to the headboard. Paul was nicely secured, and she had no reason to gag him! He was so eager.

"Now, I'll be back in not too much time. You're OK?"
"Yes! I'll be fine!"

Gemma walked down to the road with her umbrella in hand and met Gareth, and together they went into Edinburgh. They had so much fun chatting and window shopping in particular that they were shocked when a clock said 2.

Paul rued that it was a rainy day. He so preferred to be outside, but he knew the dangers of being outside in a rainstorm. It was fun being home alone and not knowing exactly when Gemma would return to free him.

All alone in the darkness, it was easy to be sleepy, especially on his own bed. The greyness filled the room as there was no light on. He only had the light the filtered through the open blind. The only sound was that of the rain. He was just happy to be having this moment alone with his thoughts. Before he fell asleep, he had one thought.

"God, thank you for Gemma."

Paul arose 30 minutes before Gemma returned. He spent the time enjoying the innocence of TUGs and being his sister's captive. He tried, but escape wasn't going to happen anytime soon. Shortly after, Gemma returned.

"How was it?"
"Maybe we can do it again soon! Gareth and I got invited to Ruth's birthday party next week!"

Paul couldn't wait for this second opportunity, and he hoped it would be a sunny day!
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We're just busting for Part 2!

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Post by Killua »

Great story again.
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Still Keeping the Boy Safe (F/M)

Gemma had had such a thrill kidnapping Paul the last time. Well, it wasn't really a kidnapping, but it was still sneaky and thrilling. She knew she would soon have opportunity to do so again because, on the day of Ruth's birthday party, Father announced he had been called in to work fill-in.

"Sorry, Gemma, but you're going to have to stay home and watch your brother."
"But, Dad!"
"No, I can't. He's too young to be home alone."
"Ah, man."
"You're bigger than that, Gemma."

Gemma knew that her father was right. She also knew that it was a beautiful day outside and that Paul wouldn't mind being staked out in the yard. She could stake up Paul when it was just them, and he kept safe. Why couldn't she stake him anyway since she would return before her father's shift was done?

"See you soon!"
"Later!" Paul shut the door.
"I have to call Gareth."
"I'll be back soon."

"Gareth, I think I can come after all. Yes, I am watching Paul, but it's not entirely necessary. Oh, don't worry; I'll just tie him up and leave him in the backyard. Yes, he will keep safe."
"Oh, boy, that sounds fun! You can trust me, Gem!"
"I know I can. Hold on, Paul. Yes, Gareth, he wants to do it. See you in 15?"
"This is exciting!"

Paul and Gemma went into the backyard to where the stakes still were from the last time one of them was out here. Gemma carefully bound her brother and looked at his smiling face.

"How is it?"
"Great! Go, Gem. I'll be fine for 3 or 4 hours!"
"OK, Paul. Bye!"

Gemma walked out to meet Gareth, and together they walked down the street to their friend's house. Everyone knew Paul would be safe, but they were in for a surprise.

Paul looked up at the clouds and admired their beauty. It is so much easier for a child to see God in the clouds because they just see wonder in the clouds themselves. They aren't concerned with how they got there or why they take certain shapes, though they may ask these questions. For a child, it is amazing enough that the cloud is.

It is the same for a tree. It is enough that the tree shading him was there to give him shade. Unlike Jonah, he didn't feel that the tree was worthy of him but rather that he was worthy of the tree. It was easy to lose track in these thoughts about the flowers, the grass, the birds, the insects, and more.

"Paul!" came the voice of father, "Paul, Gemma? Are you playing out here?"
"I am over here father!"
"Paul, is Gemma out here with you?"
"No, I am alone."
"You might be an only child when I am done with her!" Paul felt his wrists untied.
"I am calling Ruth's mother! Untie these ropes!" Father ran to the house.

Gemma and Gareth were enjoying the friend's birthday until Ruth's mother came into the room.

"Gemma, it's your father."
"Oh, no! Father, is everything all right?"
"Get home RIGHT NOW!"
"Yes, sir."
"What?" Gareth asked.
"It was nice knowing you, but I am going home to die."
"What happened?"
"Father came home early."

When Gemma came home, she was immediately sent to her room. Gemma felt guilt-ridden as she knew she not have left Paul. Yes, he was safe, but only in the assumption that nothing went wrong. She was 17 and knew better. She was going to be grounded for a month which followed the usual rules.

"Dad, it's my fault. I asked her to do it. I wanted her to have fun at the party."
"Why lie to cover up for her?"
"I mean it, Dad. I wanted to do it and insisted she go multiple times."
"OK, new rules: (1) no being tied up more than 30 minutes, (2) Mom or I must be home, (3) the captor cannot leave the captive alone no matter what. If you can prove trustworthy, then maybe we can relax (1) and (2). Keep up the misbehavior, and we will have to ban Gemma from tying you up."
"Yes, father."
"Paul, for encouraging your sister, you're grounded for a week."
"Yes, sir."
"Gemma, because you should have known better, I am taking a week off. You're grounded for 3 weeks."
"OK, Dad."

Gemma felt terrible as it was, but she felt worse that Paul took part of the punishment for her. She was blessed to have such an amazing little brother.
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Post by Gemscot »

Another fantastic people of writing - roll on parts 3 and 4! :lol:
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Post by Killua »

I guess tie up games no longer than 30 minutes is nearly the most cruel punishment for Paul that could've happened. The only thing worse would be no TuGs at all :lol:

[mention]AlexUSA3[/mention] I have one little critique so... and it's really just a tiny one, nothing important: You are not using anything that indicates who is speaking at the moment. In most of your dialogues it's easy to find out, but at this one I'm completely lost:
"See you soon!"
"Later!" Paul shut the door.
"I have to call Gareth."
"I'll be back soon."
Who is talking there? Paul said probably later, but why did he say awww then? I just don't get that dialogue at all. It's not an important one, so no big deal here. My idea would be either a short description who is participating in the dialogue and where they are exactly because I have no idea which door Paul closed and why this is important. Or adding thos typical sentences after each speach e.g. "Awww..." Paul sighed disappointed.

Again, that's just a really smally and positive critique. I wrote so much because I'm terrible at explaining what I mean. You story and your writing style is great. I'm just the opinion, you could improve it further that way.
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Post by AlexUSA3 »

Human Footstool (F/M -> M/F)

Gemma stoically accepted her fate, but she didn't accept her fate. Her parents put restrictions on TUGs, but nothing could stop her from roping Paul for more than 30 minutes if they were out of the house for long enough. As long as she and Paul had fun and left no evidence, it would be fun; or so Paul thought. With parents at work late, opportunity would come.

"Paul, dear!" Gemma called her brother into the living room afternoon while their parents were working late as described above.
"Yes, Gem!"
"Want to watch a little TV with sis?"
"Sure! Gemma, do you think maybe I could be tied up while we watch TV?"
"Are you trying to get me hanged?! Mom and Dad will race to kill me!"
"But, Gem, I miss them! It's fun being tied up."
"I like my life!"
"I miss them because it was something that just us two do. We can watch TV with Mom and Dad."
"So this is how you get me back; by baiting me into being hung, drawn, and quartered."
"No, no, no!"
"School started last week, so I have enough reasons to believe this is my last year on earth."
"Oh, come on, Gem! I wouldn't tell a soul if you tied me up!"
"Gemma, I trust you. I know you wouldn't hurt me on purpose."
"I'm not budging."
"Yes, you are. I can see it in your face."
"Oh, all right. Well, Mom and Dad will be gone tomorrow as well. Maybe we can sneak a long TUG in there!"
"Could we?!"
"Yes, but on one condition."
"Uh oh."
"While we're sitting here, you're my human footstool."
"The whole time?"
"There's a movie on TV that I want to watch, and it runs for an hour forty-five. Can you take it?"
"Mum and Dad said it's OK for us to still do this! Sure I can take it!"
"If you escape for any reason, you lose the TUG!"
"You better not wear anything that hurts!"
"I have blue jeans and socks! Let me get my trainers!"

This was honest and true. Gemma had tight blue jeans, black socks, and a black t-shirt. Paul had not-so-tight blue jeans, white socks, and a red polo shirt. He knew he wanted to be tied up tomorrow. He made a big gulp and then decided.

"I'll do it."

Paul got on the ground and felt Gemma's trainers plop on his back. He was surprised she hadn't put on football (soccer, for you dirty Americans) cleats. He was convinced she was sore at him, and she was convinced he was still sore at her. Difference was that Paul wasn't sore at Gemma, but she was a bit sore at him. It was just typical teenage behavior from Gemma and not much else.

Gemma fulfilled her end of the deal and made sure she kept Paul under foot the entire. Even at 10 years old, Paul enjoyed these games of endurance and accepted any such challenge presented to him. Besides, he was going to be the one rewarded tomorrow! For Paul, the time flew even though he hated the movie on the TV.

Gemma enjoyed putting her feet on her brother. She loved Paul and knew he enjoyed the challenge. For her, the hard part was keeping seated with her feet up the entire time. It was a pleasure to be of service, and she was glad she had resisted the desire to do worse. Perhaps tomorrow they would have a fun TUG after all! By the time the movie was done, her trepidation had subsided.

Soon, the movie was finished. Paul said he was going to put his pyjamas and come right back as they still had a while until their parents returned. Gemma decided to do the same and soon they were together again. Soon, Paul got restless and moved around a lot next to Gemma.

"Paul, what are doing? Stop it!"
"What did you say, prisoner?" Paul had bound her wrists behind her back.
"You clever little weasel, stop this!" Gemma laughed as he tied her elbows.
"I'm tying you up!"
"You have to catch me!" Gemma took off running, but was stopped by the door.
"Come back, Gem!" Paul pulled her back.
"I taught you well."
"You did," Paul laughed as he tied her ankles.
"Really giving it to me, huh?"
"Only fair, Gem!"
"Must you be so clever!" Gemma watched her thighs get bound. Now she was glad she wore long pyjamas.
"Of course!"
"A belt!"
"Yes!" he secured her arms to her waist.
"I think it's enough."
"Not yet!"
"Aulphhp! Eelly!" she got a nice, tight handkerchief cleave gag.
"Now we're even!"
"I uv ooh!"
"I love you too, Gemma. Now, you can stay there for a little while! Mom and Dad won't be back for another hour!"

Gemma flopped around on her bed before Paul also hogtied her. What a sneaky boy! Oh, how Gemma loved her little brother Paul to the ends of the earth. Was it too much to say that God made him exclusively to be her brother and for her to be his sister? Either way, Gemma enjoyed her punishment, and sure enough Paul released her before their parents came home. With long sleeves on and only a cleave gag, their parents would never know about it.

It was TUG between brother and sister, just the way they liked it.
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Post by Gemscot »

Another literary masterpiece - roll on the finale!

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Post by AlexUSA3 »

Gemscot wrote: 2 years ago Another literary masterpiece - roll on the finale!

Let's face it; after all that setup and all the conversation, no one expected you to be the one in ropes!
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Post by Killua »

Nice part.

I hope they won't get caught during their TuG the next day. They would probably end up getting grounded forever.
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I don't know if anyone else has experienced it when they've been babysitting, but the parents will sometimes say "Don't let him/her run wild!"

Paul was more adventurous than wild as a child so I hardly ever heard it said. Whether or not it was said, while he's tied to a tree or staked out he can't run wild? I was only doing what my parents instructed me? Was my grounding undeserved and unfair?

:lol: :lol:
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Post by AlexUSA3 »

Gemscot wrote: 2 years ago I don't know if anyone else has experienced it when they've been babysitting, but the parents will sometimes say "Don't let him/her run wild!"

Paul was more adventurous than wild as a child so I hardly ever heard it said. Whether or not it was said, while he's tied to a tree or staked out he can't run wild? I was only doing what my parents instructed me? Was my grounding undeserved and unfair?

:lol: :lol:
Quite fair because you were derelict in your duties! :lol:

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Who asked your opinion? :lol: :lol: :lol:

Get Part 4 written! :lol: :lol: :lol:

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Post by AlexUSA3 »

Gemscot wrote: 2 years ago Who asked your opinion? :lol: :lol: :lol:

Get Part 4 written! :lol: :lol: :lol:

As author of this tale, I feel entitled to my opinion. :lol: :lol: :lol:

Part 4 comes when I am good and ready. :evil:
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AlexUSA3 wrote: 2 years ago
Gemscot wrote: 2 years ago Who asked your opinion? :lol: :lol: :lol:

Get Part 4 written! :lol: :lol: :lol:

As author of this tale, I feel entitled to my opinion. :lol: :lol: :lol:

Part 4 comes when I am good and ready. :evil:
Just joking - please don't take any offence!

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Post by AlexUSA3 »

Gemscot wrote: 2 years ago
AlexUSA3 wrote: 2 years ago
Gemscot wrote: 2 years ago Who asked your opinion? :lol: :lol: :lol:

Get Part 4 written! :lol: :lol: :lol:

As author of this tale, I feel entitled to my opinion. :lol: :lol: :lol:

Part 4 comes when I am good and ready. :evil:
Just joking - please don't take any offence!

None taken at all...

But Gemma might find trouble in Chapter 4 as a result. :twisted: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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You guys are getting me hung? :lol:

:lol: :lol:
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Post by Killua »

Never mess with the author. Could end bad for your fictional self. :twisted: :lol:
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Post by AlexUSA3 »

The Execution (F/M & M/F)

The next day, Saturday, had come finally. Paul arose at his usual time and put on blue jeans and a green t-shirt. He was so happy he was singing as he went about his morning. Mother noticed this and commented.

"You are a happy young man today!"
"Because God gave me a great family!"

Mom and Dad could not leave soon enough for Paul's liking, and be occasionally exchanged winks with Gemma. It was there secret, but a tough one for Gemma. She was dreading this from the first second she was awake. She wanted to be buried in these tight-fitting jeans and her favorite, albeit ruined, Salvation Army polo.

Soon, the time Gemma had promised came. Paul had decided he wanted to be tied up outside in his favorite stake out position. The stakes were even still in place from their last stake out that had landed them in so much hot water. Gemma, before heading out, called Gareth and told him to expect her to come over for one last visit.

Paul looked at the position under the tree and saw adventure. Gemma just imagined herself, a noose around her neck, dangling from a high branch. This was going to be the end of TUGs for sure, she figured.

She paused a moment and realized that such imagery was drastically over-dramatic. A wry smile came over her face, and just like that the thrill of disobeying her parents was pack. She understood fully that she was neither honoring her father nor her mother by defying their orders, but she now realized they fully understood this and were probably expecting it to happen sooner.

"Come on, Gem! Let's do it!"
"OK, Paul! Let's do it! I'm ready!"
"Tie me up!"

Gemma went to work staking out her brother with rope to spread him out in the St. Andrew's cross. Gemma climbed the tree a bit to look down, then she scrambled back down after enjoying the view.

"Helpless Paul!"
"Oh, Ha hah ha ha ha!" she tickled him a bit.
"Now, be good. I will be next door and check in on you every so often, OK?"

Gemma went next door to Gareth's family home and spend some time with him. She confided her feelings.

"I was convinced Paul wanted me to be dangled from the tree."
"The boy wouldn't do that. You're the joy of his life."
"Well, I thought I was being disobedient. But then I realized Mom and Dad expect it."
"Expect you to disobey? Or to become so responsible that...?"
"That I will leave him tied up for two hours but do so in a way that I am always close and they won't know unless I tell them?"
"That's more like it, yes."
"I sort of get it now. I can entrust him to be there a long time, but I must properly address all the bad things that could happen."
"You it Gemma!"
"Look at him so happy."

Being tied up in general wasn't special. It was being tied up by someone he trusted and loved. He wasn't a prisoner. He was a prisoner of Gemma's and would be so until she released him, and he knew she would never let him come to harm.

It was such a fun way to relax and enjoy the afternoon. For everyone, the time flew by quickly. Soon, it was time to release Paul.

"Paul, friend. How are you?" Gareth asked.
"Where's Gem?"
"I told her I'd come get you. How'd you like to eat supper over with my family?"
"Sure!" Paul rubbed his wrists as he went next door.

Inside was Gemma strutted in a St. Andrew's cross on her stomach on the coffee table. Ropes held her wrists and ankles in place. Instantly, Paul knew what to do.

"You only have to stay 30 minutes, Gem. But it's your turn to be my footstool."
"Of course, Paul! It's the least I can do for you!"
"I love you Gemma!"
"I love you too!"

That evening, Gemma and Paul were back in their own house, and their parents were none the wiser. It was a secret shared only by Gemma, Paul, and Gareth. Such was the life for these young Scots.

With what future adventures would God bless their lives?
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Post by Gemscot »

Just great - I only wish we were actually doing them for real!

Thank you so much.

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Post by Killua »

While reading I was all the time scared their parents would suddenly appear and probably ground poor Gemma forever.

Nice story ;)
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Post by Gemscot »

Paul was staked out in a safe position that he really enjoyed. I was only next door at Gareth's, so what's the problem with leaving him staked out?

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The problem is that fictional you weren't allowed to play TuGs while your parents aren't at home and not longer than 30 minutes, so fictional you would get into deep trouble here :lol:
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