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Re: Oliver’s New Owners (MM/M) - New Chapter Released 01/09

Posted: Thu Sep 01, 2022 2:07 pm
by Red86
It's interesting learning more about Dan & Noah's dungeon, but I can't help but feel more and more bad for Ollie! Within fiction, it would be fun to kidnap someone and force them in to slavery. But in the real world, that's wrong on so many levels.

Also interesting is the fact that there was no CCTV at the gym. In today's world, it's basically impossible to go anywhere without them. Even when I'm out in the rural areas and go to a small mom and pop store, you'll see cameras. Atleast where I'm from, this is normal. So Ollie is really screwed on that front.

It would seem Ollie's best bet is just to run with what's happening. Obey Dan & Noah commands and Prey for the right opportunity to escape. But know that it's going to be bad should he get caught in the process.

I still hold onto the thoughts, at some point, Ollie will be free. Though there's no guarantee to that. How much of this is just Dan and Noah messing with Ollie's mind too. The initial glimpses into Dan and Noah makes them out as guys that just want a slave and not to really harm Ollie. Currently, they seem to be willing to take it at least right to the edge of that, if not slighty past that. Maybe Ollie's acceptance will get them to stop the torture unless he is disobeying them.

So many ways to could play out. And as much as the suspense is killing me, I really look forward to seeing how the rest of the story fully plays out!!

Re: Oliver’s New Owners (MM/M) - New Chapter Released 01/09

Posted: Thu Sep 01, 2022 3:48 pm
by blackbound
Things sound dire for Oliver for sure. Could rescue be on the way? Probably not... oh dear.

Re: Oliver’s New Owners (MM/M) - New Chapter Released 01/09

Posted: Fri Sep 02, 2022 1:30 am
by alkaid_
after a good and painful torture that Oli cant endure and finally he was forced to accept his new role, looks that noah and daniel have let the boy rest for a lil...

maybe oli thinks he dont have a chace, maybe he thinks no have any cctv around the place where he was taken... but i have my doubts...

im sure you have an hiden card...but at same time im excited to know what daniel and noah have in mind for oli

Re: Oliver’s New Owners (MM/M) - New Chapter Released 01/09

Posted: Sat Sep 03, 2022 9:55 pm
by harveygasson
Great work, they're very sadistic, I'm interested to see how Oliver will cope

Re: Oliver’s New Owners (MM/M) - New Chapter Released 01/09

Posted: Tue Sep 06, 2022 5:25 pm
by Radio_Ralph23
[mention]Red86[/mention] [mention]blackbound[/mention] [mention]alkaid_[/mention] [mention]harveygasson[/mention] thanks for the awesome feedback! Here’s the next chapter :)

Chapter 12 - The Message

Hours had passed since Daniel and Noah had left Oliver all alone in the dungeon. There was nothing the poor boy could do other than to sit in silence and think about all the possible things that could happen to him when his two older captors returned. He was beginning to think he had been completely forgotten about before he heard the sound of a clicking keyhole and saw the door to the dungeon be slowly opened. Noah walked in and shut the door behind him, holding a bowl in his left hand and a glass of water in his right. He was no longer in that intimidating get-up he and Daniel had worn earlier and he now wore casual denim trousers with a plain black t shirt. Oliver realised that it was just Noah on his own and there was no sign of Daniel about anywhere. Noah put down the bowl and glass on a small table and pulled up a normal looking wooden chair in front of his younger captive. He sat down upon it and looked into Oliver’s eyes.

“I brought you some lunch, you hungry?” he asked.
Determined to stay on both his captors’ good sides, Oliver nodded back at the older man. Immediately after, Noah stood back up and brought over the bowl and glass he had put down on the table a few seconds ago before sitting himself back down on the chair again. Oliver looked and grimaced at what was inside the bowl. It looked and smelt like the stuff inside those cheap all-in-one lunch tins he sometimes saw at the supermarket. It made him want to vomit. Noah put the bowl and glass down on the floor and walked over to the back of Oliver’s leather chair. He untightened the gag straps that went round the teenager’s head and removed the hard ball from his mouth. He immediately manoeuvred his jaw around, trying to ease the spasms that had developed in his mouth whilst he had been gagged for the last few hours. Noah put the drool-covered ball gag onto the small table and sat back down on his chair.
“That’s better, now we can finally see that pretty face of yours properly” the man teased.

He lifted up the bowl from the floor and scooped up some of the disgusting looking food onto the spoon before slowly moving it towards Oliver’s mouth.
“Open nice and wide for me” he taunted.
Oliver was about to refuse but suddenly remembered what happened the last time he tried to resist. There was no way he was prepared to go through that kind of torture again. Reluctantly, he shut his eyes and opened his mouth wide. He felt the sloppy substance enter his mouth and reach his tongue whilst Noah steadily pulled the spoon back out of his jaws. He realised the food wasn’t even hot, it was stone cold and he could taste bits of carrots, meat and potatoes in some sort of watery paste. Trying not to throw up, he quickly chewed the revolting, mushy tin food and forced it down his throat until there was nothing left in his mouth. He repeated this process several times until the entire bowl was empty.

Noah then brought up the glass of water to Oliver’s lips which he immediately began to drink, trying to wash down the stomach-churning mush he had been forced to eat and get rid of the horrible taste in his mouth. Once he had drank every last drop inside the glass, Noah put it down and looked back at the boy.

“Seems like you enjoyed that” he sarcastically teased with a smirk.
“Sure” Oliver murmured back with a disgusted look on his face.
“Good, I’m glad that you did, cause that’s what meals are gonna look like for you from now on. But maybe if you are a good slave and you behave well, we might let you have something a bit more… nutritious in the future.”
He sniggered, leaving a mortified Oliver staring back at him in disbelief.

“So” Noah continued, “Daniel’s busy upstairs working out in the gym room and he’s left me in charge to keep you company for a bit. So… what am I gonna do with you, now I’ve got you all to myself?”
He smirked at Oliver, causing to him feel extremely uneasy. In a panic, the younger boy tried to change the subject as a distraction.
“So, uh, what’s the deal with you and Daniel?”
“What do you mean?” the older man replied.
“You two friends or… a couple?”
“What?! We ain’t gay if that’s what you mean. Me and Danny are good friends, that’s all. He was my roommate at uni a few years ago. He was 20 and I was your age when we first met. He was a really good mentor to me. He helped me with all my coursework and looked out for me like an older brother. I was pretty much a nobody until he came along… a bit like how you are now.”
Oliver felt like punching the man but knew this was physically impossible in his current restrained position. ‘He wasn’t a nobody’ he furiously thought to himself, ‘he actually had a life until these two assholes kidnapped him!’

Thought it was difficult, he forced himself to calm down, knowing if he backchatted, things were most likely not gonna end well for him. He took a deep breath and continued the conversation.
“So” Oliver uttered, “How did you two get so into… you know… all of this?”
“Well it was all Daniel really. He introduced me to bondage a couple months after we met. At first I couldn’t understand why he was so obsessed with it but then he offered to tie me up for the first time and ever since then, it’s all I ever think about. He told me if he dropped out of uni with him, we could get our own place somewhere far away and we could own all the bondage gear in the world.”
“And you said yes?!”
“Well why wouldn’t I? It’s the perfect life for me and for Daniel. Maybe one day you’ll understand.”
Oliver doubted that very much but felt it was best to keep his thoughts to himself for now.

“So” he continued, “If you both have the “perfect life”, what do you need me for?”
“Well it was Daniel’s idea. I think he just got bored tying me up which I completely get cause I enjoyed it way too much. I guess he wanted someone he could keep as a little pet instead.”
“What?! And you think it’s okay for him to just pick some random guy off the street and force them to become a little… plaything?”
Oliver began to raise his voice, finding it harder and harder to keep his anger in check.
“Well it wasn’t my idea. Besides, Daniel ain’t a bad person. He’s not one of those evil kidnappers that do crazy, disgusting things to their victims. Things can definitely become a bit… intense… like how it was earlier but that’s only if you get on his bad side. And even then, he’d never seriously do any lasting damage to you. He’s a good guy deep down.”
“Good guy?! Are you fucking serious?!”
Noah sat up in his chair and gave the boy a cold stare.
“Hey! You better reign it in right now or I’ll put that gag back in where it belongs.”

Oliver reluctantly took a deep breath and stared down at the floor.
“Sorry” he mumbled.
“That’s master to you” Noah snapped.
“Sorry master” Oliver timidly replied back.
Noah sat back in his chair and smiled, secretly enjoying the power he had over his young captive.
“Good slave” he said smugly.
Oliver then looked up at Noah with innocent eyes.
“Please” he begged, “Please just let me go. I have friends waiting for me back home and parents that are gonna be wondering where I am when they return. I swear I won’t tell anyone about what happened. But I really can’t live like this. Please just speak to Daniel and stop this. You’re the only one that can get through to him.”

For the first time, Noah actually began to feel a little sympathy towards the young slave. Of course, he somewhat felt a tiny bit better knowing Oliver wouldn’t be able to live the life he wished he had growing up, but he wasn’t as satisfied as he thought he would have been. In fact, Noah was actually starting to feel a bit sorry for Oliver. He could clearly understand why the younger boy was so frightened about the whole situation. But at the same time he knew that him and Daniel’s lives would be a lot better now they had a person in the house to serve them and keep in strict bondage. And he knew that Oliver was the perfect kid for the job. With a smile, he simply shook his head back at the younger boy.

“Sorry mate, you ain’t going anywhere. This is your new life now and the sooner you accept that, the easier things will be for you.”
Half expecting this response, yet half feeling completely distraught over it, Oliver stared back down at the floor in silence.

Noah then stood up from his chair and looked down at Oliver.
“Alright then, slave, I’m going back upstairs. When we return, you should expect to carry out a few jobs for me and Daniel so carry on enjoying what little time you have to rest now.”
He reached over and picked up the red ball gag from the table before spreading the straps out in his hands and holding it up in front of his slave.
“Woah woah woah” Oliver protested, “Look come on, man, you don’t need to do this. Please, I hate that thing inside my mouth. I’ll be a good slave when you come back, I promise.”
“Sorry, Master Daniel’s orders” Noah replied as he walked to the back of Oliver’s chair and held the gag out in front of his mouth. “Now open nice and wide for me.”

Knowing he didn’t have a choice, the younger boy reluctantly opened his mouth before the large ball re entered his jaws again and got secured into place by the leather straps Noah had now wrapped round and tightened around Oliver’s head.
“Oh I almost forgot” Noah mentioned as he reached into his pocket and pulled out a phone. Oliver immediately recognised it to be his and suddenly remembered that they had been looking after his phone this whole time. The older man swiped on the screen and then held out in front of Oliver’s face. There was a ‘ping’ and an unlocked padlock icon showed up on the screen.
“Haha” Noah blurted out, “Face recognition always does the trick!”

Oliver tried to protest into his gag but all that followed were inaudible grunts and moans. Whatever the reason they needed to get into his phone, there was no way it could be for something good, he anxiously thought to himself. Noah ruffled the teenager’s wavy hair and headed towards the door with the phone in his hand. He opened the door that lead out of the dungeon and locked it behind him, leaving Oliver alone in the same restrained and gagged position he had been left in earlier. The 22 year old then walked out of the basement, locked the door behind him at the top of the basement stairs and marched over to a room on the other side of the house where his older accomplice was in. He pushed open the door and walked in.

The room was a moderate size. Not too big and not too small. It was occupied with lots of different equipment such as dumbbells, treadmills and punchbags. It was essentially a mini gym. Daniel was busy doing push-ups when he saw his younger friend walk in and sit down one of the chairs. Music from the radio blared out of a speaker as Daniel continued his intense workout.
The huge, muscle bound man lifted himself up off of the floor and stood on his feet, attempting to catch his breath. He switched off the radio and grabbed a bottle of water from the side of the room. He was wearing nothing but a pair of black gym shorts, making the dripping sweat from his bare body glisten in the light. He wrapped a towel round his neck and sat down next to Noah.
“That looked pretty intense” Noah commented towards his friend.
“Yeah… you know how it is” Daniel replied before taking a huge gulp of water from his bottle, “How was the kid?”
“Alive and well. Raised his voice at me a couple times but don’t worry, I made sure I put him back in his place.”
Daniel grimaced.
“Ungrateful little squirt. We’ve given him food, fresh water, let him use our shower, even given him a bit of time to himself and he still chooses to chat shit towards us. He needs a bit more roughing up if you ask me. But… on second thoughts, it’s probably best he regains his energy again so that we can have a bit of playtime with him later…”

The older man sinisterly sniggered as he imagined all the things he soon planned to do with his young slave in the dungeon.
“Did you remember to gag him again before you left?” he asked.
“Yeah, course I did, just like you told me. And look what I got…”
Noah held up the now unlocked phone to Daniel who ominously smiled back.
“Nice one” he said before taking the phone off of Noah and looking down at it in his hands, “Don’t worry, I already turned off the location settings through the home screen just after we had drugged him in the van. It can’t be traced back here.”
“Always one step ahead, you are” Noah chuckled.

Daniel swiped through the phone and clicked onto the photo icon.
“Let’s get to know a bit more about our young slave” he sniggered.
A collection of photos popped up on the screen and Daniel swiped through them, with Noah closely watching on next to him.

There were many different pictures. Some were of him and his friends, another few were pictures of him playing football with his team, some were just random screenshots of memes and bodybuilding tips. All pretty average for a teenage boy. There were also a LOT of selfies of him and his girlfriend hugging and kissing and doing all sorts of
romantic poses. She had long, blonde hair and a very attractive face and body. Even the two men found it hard not to lust over her.
“That must be the girl he’s always on the phone to in the gym” Noah said.
“He’s got game for sure, I’ll give him that” Daniel admired, “Shame he won’t be seeing that pretty face of her hers again though.”

Daniel continued swiping through the collection of photos. He came across a few photos of Oliver shirtless, flexing his muscles in the mirror in his bedroom.
“Haha” Daniel chortled, “Look at this little show off, he thinks he’s such a big guy.”
“He ain’t so big now” Noah gleefully chimed in, “Hey what are we even looking at these for anyway?”
“You’re right” Daniel quickly replied, “We’re getting distracted. The reason I needed his phone is not for this, it’s ‘cause I’m gonna send a sneaky little message to his mum and dad, letting them know that he’s going away on holiday for a while and he won’t be back for some time… well he won’t be back ever but I’ll keep it simple and less suspicious for the message.”
He came off the photos and clicked onto an app with a speech bubble icon.
“Alright, I’m just gonna keep it nice and simple so that it doesn’t raise any suspicion and I’ll make sure -“
Daniel suddenly cut himself off and stared at the phone.
“Hey, what is it Dan?” Noah asked his older friend.
“There’s a message here” Daniel replied curiously, “It was sent only three hours ago.”
He clicked on the message and him and Noah both carefully started to read out the text in their heads. What they were both about to discover was more shocking than they could have ever anticipated…

Re: Oliver’s New Owners (MM/M) - New Chapter Released 06/09

Posted: Tue Sep 06, 2022 11:00 pm
by alkaid_
for a lil moment i think noah I was going to have sympathy for oli..

but he's a cruel double face... he's made a play, try to show an nice one with lil oli but with daniel try to manipulate him to be so hard and rude with his prisioner....

and noah try to be the good cop with oli, but he's really the bad one...

an that mesaage in oli celphone... if noah and daniel ended very shocked that must be the message isnt for oliver...

maybe a kid of i know what you did mesaage???? :o :shock: :o :shock: :shock: :o

Re: Oliver’s New Owners (MM/M) - New Chapter Released 06/09

Posted: Tue Sep 06, 2022 11:20 pm
by Red86
Interesting that Noah is starting to have a little bit of sympathy for Ollie.

I've been patiently waiting to find out what this news from home is, we're this close to finding out and then you throw the cliffhanger at us... 🤣🤣

Could be good or bad but I am looking forward to seeing how that changes things!!

Re: Oliver’s New Owners (MM/M) - New Chapter Released 06/09

Posted: Wed Sep 07, 2022 11:32 am
by BondageAddiction
Another great chapter. Love the story so far. I definitely feel a bit sorry for Oliver just like Noah did but I really want to see where this is going. Can't wait to hear about the message.

Re: Oliver’s New Owners (MM/M) - New Chapter Released 06/09

Posted: Wed Sep 07, 2022 5:54 pm
by blackbound
You're really good at cliffhangers, I can't wait to see what the message was.

Re: Oliver’s New Owners (MM/M) - New Chapter Released 06/09

Posted: Wed Sep 07, 2022 7:50 pm
by Carnath
Really great story, I love the kidnapping and all the enslavement bondage and mind tricks (as a fantasy, of course). And now I'm totally hooked, I hoped we'll have the next chapter soon!

Re: Oliver’s New Owners (MM/M) - New Chapter Released 06/09

Posted: Fri Sep 09, 2022 6:03 pm
by Speedo
Thanks for this new wonderful part. I love it when young people are forced to be tied up and gagged strictly even though they don't like it.

Re: Oliver’s New Owners (MM/M) - New Chapter Released 06/09

Posted: Sat Sep 10, 2022 1:33 pm
by harveygasson
Another great part to the story

Re: Oliver’s New Owners (MM/M) - New Chapter Released 06/09

Posted: Tue Sep 13, 2022 4:56 pm
by Radio_Ralph23
[mention]alkaid_[/mention] [mention]Red86[/mention] [mention]BondageAddiction[/mention] [mention]blackbound[/mention] [mention]Carnath[/mention] [mention]Speedo[/mention] [mention]harveygasson[/mention] You guys keep me motivated to keep going on with the story so thank you!! Here’s Chapter 13. I’m gonna be posting one more chapter after this then Part I of the story will be complete. Part II will feature the final few chapters and will conclude the story in an unexpected way…

I’m gonna have a bit of a break before Part II comes out as I start my first year as a freshman at uni in a few days but I’ll start writing the new chapters in a couple months time once I’ve settled in and all that :)

Thanks for keeping with the story and hope you all enjoy the new chapter!

Chapter 13 - The Final Stage of Grief

Oliver’s groggy eyes began to slowly open. He still wore the rigid collar around his neck and the tight, leather shorts over his lower half that covered no further than his essentials. He tried to stretch out his aching limbs but found they didn’t budge an inch. He looked down at his body and remembered he had been securely restrained to the bed the night before, in exactly the same way he had been on the first night, with his arms, legs and body firmly immobilised.

It was now a new day. Not long after Noah had left Oliver alone in the dungeon the previous day, Daniel had returned and freed him from his restraints. He had put him back into the handcuffs and hobbles and forced him to do some washing up and tidy a few rooms. Nothing too hard but still emotionally and physically draining. However, Oliver had noticed throughout the evening that they had been acting strangely towards him. They had still continued to treat him like the worthless slave boy he now was, but it was like they knew something he didn’t and were trying to hide something. They even gave him an early night and didn’t try to force him into any sort of deranged bondage games that Oliver was sure they had planned for him in the dungeon. He could definitely tell that they were trying to save his strength for something and he hated not knowing what it was for…

After he had been fed some more disgusting tin food that evening and given some time alone in the bathroom to shower and take care of any other bathroom necessities, he was strapped down to the bed in his room by his two masters, like he had been the previous night, and eventually fell into a deep sleep.

And now, after waking up from his slumber, he simply just stared at the ceiling, imagining all the different ways he could possibly escape the two insane men. He evidently had no luck, however.

About thirty minutes had passed before Daniel finally unlocked the door and walked into the room. He wore a black leather jacket, over a plain black t shirt, and sported a pair of denim jeans. He walked forwards towards the large bed and sat down on the side of it beside his captive, looking directly into his eyes.
“Glad to see you’re awake, slave. You did well yesterday with your jobs. Keep this attitude up and we might even give you a little reward soon.”
Oliver wasn’t sure what to say back. On one hand, a “reward” did sound promising, but the fact that he was actually looking forward to being rewarded for being an obedient slave was just so messed up.
“Thank you, master” Oliver feebly replied, seeing as there was no option to say anything else.

Daniel sinisterly grinned.
“Alright then, slave. I’m gonna remove these restraints from your body and then move you over to that chair over there. There’s something I need to speak to you about.”
Oliver’s mind began to race with all sorts of different thoughts.
Was this why him and Noah were acting so strangely last night?, he thought to himself, What was Daniel planning to to tell him?

The brawny man unstrapped the young Oliver from the bed and hoisted him up onto his feet. His body was still in pain from the brutal torture he had been subjected to the day before, however, he found that the pain had become less intense now than it was before and his body was, very slowly, beginning to recover from the intense ordeal. Daniel gripped his slave by the upper arm and walked him over to the wooden chair in the corner of the room before gently sitting him down upon it. He then reached in to one of the cupboards beside and pulled out several long coils of rope. Oliver offered no resistance as the older man began to secure his body firmly to the chair. Just like how he had been tied up when he first arrived in the house, his wrists were tightly tied behind him to the backpost before his biceps, torso, thighs and ankles all became equally restrained to the chair, ensuring there was no possible way for him to get free. When Daniel was done, he took out another wooden chair and sat down upon it opposite his slave. His hypnotic eyes looked straight into Olivers’.

“Listen, there’s something I need to tell you” he told the younger boy with a serious tone in his voice.
Oliver gazed back at the man with a look of curiosity, but also anxiety, in his eyes.
“What is it?” he replied.
“Well, yesterday, after we had unlocked your phone and had a little look at it, we came across a message. I was gonna tell you yesterday but you had already gone through so much, so I decided to wait till the morning, after you had got a good nights sleep.”
“A message?… wha… what do you mean?”
“It was from that girlfriend of yours… what’s her name…ummm Emma.”
Oliver’s heart began to race and his palms became sweaty.
“What? Is she okay?”
“Yeah yeah, she’s fine. But umm… well she’s got a bit of news for you.”
“What kind of news?”
Daniel hesitated for a moment.
“Hey” Oliver exclaimed, “Come on, tell me! What do you mean she has news? What are you going on about?”
The older man reached into his pocket and took out Oliver’s phone.
“It’s probably best you read it yourself” he said as he tapped a few buttons and held the screen out in front of Oliver’s eyes. The boy stared at the screen and began reading the text in his head.

‘Hey Ollie I’ve been trying to call you but you haven’t been picking up…look don’t worry about it but I just need to get this out there so you know the truth. You know how I’ve been telling u that I’ve been ill this past week, well my mum said i should get myself checked out at the doctors and see what they say. So I went yesterday morning and they went through loads of tests and all that and then they told me the reason I’ve been sick is cause i’m pregnant. Babe i don’t know what to do! We’re literally both only 18!! I don’t even know how it happened, we were being super careful weren’t we?? i’ve done 3 tests already and they’ve all come back positive. Ollie i’m literally so lost right now… I haven’t even told my parents yet. Can u come over to mine tonight cause we need to speak about this properly. Just call me when you get this okay? Xx’

Daniel watched as Oliver’s face began to solidify like a statue. His mouth became slightly widened and his eyes froze on the spot staring straight at the screen. A few moments later, Daniel took the phone away from Oliver’s face and placed it back in his pocket. All kinds of thoughts and emotions whirled inside of him like a tornado as he struggled to come to terms with the news.
“How… what… is this for real?” he finally managed to say in such a shocked state that he couldn’t even manage to bring his words together properly.
“Yes, this is real, Oliver” Daniel replied with an unfriendly grin, “You’re gonna be a dad at eighteen years old.”
Oliver struggled to comprehend the biggest news of his life. All sorts of questions began to fly around in his mind. Was Emma really pregnant? Was he seriously gonna become a dad at eighteen?!
Daniel took great pleasure in making Oliver feel even more vulnerable.
“Do you realise how big this is for you, Oliver?” Daniel taunted, “You’re still a kid yourself and soon enough they’ll be a baby on the way you’ll have to look after for the rest of your life. I’m twenty-four and I can’t even begin to imagine having that much responsibility in my life so early on. You’re eighteen, Oliver. Eighteen and nearly about to become a dad.”

Oliver stared into the air in front of him, struggling to process everything.
“I… I need to talk this through with her. Can you get her on the phone?! I really need to speak to her right now.”
“Why?” Daniel replied calmly.
“What do you mean why?!” Oliver yelled, “You’ve literally just told me I’m gonna become a fucking dad!! Just get me on the phone to her now, I need to speak with her.”
Daniel sat forward in his seat so that his eyes were now only centimetres away from Olivers’.
“And if you do speak to her… what are you going to say?
The teenager hesitated for a moment.
“Well… I… I’d just talk it out with her. Ask her if she’s gonna keep it and think about how we’re gonna move forward.”
“Move forward? How? You’ve already given your life up to me now, there’s no going back.”
Oliver felt a wave of anger spread across his body.
“You can’t seriously expect me to stay here now my girlfriend is pregnant!!” he yelled at the top of his voice, “I need to go back and sort this whole thing out in person.”
Oliver tried to wriggle out of his bonds but evidently failed with not even the tiniest inch of movement. Daniel calmly leant back in his chair and smiled.
“You know, I admire your dedication and determination, Oliver. You’re never afraid to stand up for yourself or for your friends and family. It’s one of the reasons why I like you so much.”
“What the fuck are you talking about?! Untie me now!!” Oliver yelled, continuing to worthlessly wriggle around.

Daniel continued to sit back in his chair with a calm expression on his face. Normally, he would have hauled his slave over to the dungeon to inflict painful methods of torture upon him as a lesson for resisting and speaking such language to his masters. However, this time, he actually wanted Oliver to struggle and get all his anger and rage out of him. It was all a carefully constructed plan sadistically conjured up by Daniel to eventually manipulate the boy from wanting to leave. He smiled and continued speaking.

“Let’s say I untie you right now and let you go back home. Then what? You just gonna walk straight back to your girlfriend and “talk it out”? She’s pregnant Oliver, this isn’t just gonna go away after a little conversation.”
“Don’t you think I know that?!” Oliver cried, clearly on the verge of tears. He stopped trying to struggle and looked down at the floor in anguish.
“I don’t want to be a dad at this age… I can’t… I’m not ready… but I can’t just leave on her own to deal with it! Whether she decides to keep it or not, I need to be with her and support her all the way.”
Tears began to stream down the teenager’s face as he sat in his imprisoning chair, still struggling to process the news.

Daniel stood up from his chair and knelt beside Oliver, looking into his sorrowful, desolated eyes. He wiped the tears away from the younger boy’s face and gently stroked his cheek like a father comforting his 5 year old child.
“If you go back, you’re never gonna be happy again, you know” he said in a gentle voice, “Your mum and dad will forever hate you for getting your girlfriend pregnant, you do realise that, don’t you?”
“They don’t even know I have a girlfriend” Oliver sobbed, tears still continuing to stream from his eyes.
Daniel hesitated for a few moments, carefully thinking of something to say next.
“…So they’ll be even more furious once they learn you’ve been keeping such a big secret from them all this time” the older man continued in his tender voice, “I doubt they’ll put up with you for much longer after this, Oliver. They’ll chuck you out on the streets the second you return home.”
“No” Oliver protested, “No they wouldn’t do that to me. They love me, they’ll understand.”
“They left their teenage son all alone at home while they went off on their own little holiday without you. Does that sound like love to you?”
Oliver didn’t reply. Not because he was fed up of listening to what Daniel had to say… but because he was actually beginning to wonder whether maybe what he was being told was true.

Daniel could tell on the younger boy’s face that he was starting to fall for his manipulative ways, just like he had planned.
“This baby is going to change your life Oliver, and not in a good way” the older man continued, “Do you really think Emma will stay with you after this? Even if she decides not to keep the baby, she’ll still blame you for getting her pregnant and putting her through so much shit. So will everyone you know. She will break up with you, Oliver, she’s probably already planning how she’s gonna tell you now.”
Oliver looked down at the floor in despair, taking in everything he was being told. Daniel continued to wipe some more tears away from the teenager’s smooth cheeks.
“You won’t have a home to go back to, you won’t even have people to look after you and love you. And if your girlfriend does decide to go through with the pregnancy… well then you’re gonna have to spend every minute of your life and every penny that you have raising it and looking after it and being there for it when it needs you… and all of that at just eighteen years old. Does that sound like much of a life to you?”

Oliver was now lost in his deep thoughts. He was beginning to question whether he really wanted to go back home after all now. Daniel gently grasped the boy’s chin and tilted his head up slightly so that his delicate, innocent eyes now looked directly into Daniel’s hypnotic ones.
“Can’t you see now, Oliver?” he said in a gentle, soothing tone, “We were always meant to find each other. The world brought us together because you know, deep down, that you need me, you always have. If you stay here, you’ll never have to worry about any of the things I’ve just told you about. I won’t ever turn my back on you and leave you like how your parents did to you. You’ll never have to worry about paying bills or getting a job or working tirelessly every hour of every day just to keep a roof over your head.”
Daniel began to gently stroke Oliver’s face as if he were a baby, making the younger boy feel genuine feelings of comfort and relaxation.
“I will always take good care of you and will forever shelter you from all the pain and misery that lies out there in the real world. All I ask in return, is that you do whatever I tell you to and let me own you from now on, so that you never have to worry about anything ever again.”

For the first time, Oliver no longer felt afraid to be around Daniel. In fact, he felt more feelings of peace around him than he’d ever felt before. Up till now, he had always seen Daniel and Noah as these evil, sadistic kidnappers with the only intention being to make his life as miserable as it could possibly be. But now he felt differently. Looking back, the only times the two men had ever hurt him, which he now felt he probably deserved, was when he was acting up and being defiant. Other than that, they always seemed to show genuine affection towards him. They fed him well, let him shower every night, even gave him a comfortable bed to sleep on. Perhaps, he had misunderstood Daniel and Noah. Maybe he was finally seeing them now for the kind, genuine people that they were. Maybe this was truly the best life for him after all.

With an emotionless expression, he looked up to face the older man.
“Yes, master” he calmly replied, “I will do whatever you ask.”
Daniel tried to keep a serious expression but, in the end, he couldn’t help letting a sly grin peep out from his face. He had finally done it. He had finally manipulated and broken Oliver down into the perfect, idyllic teenage slave he had always hoped to have. One that would now never object to or ever question his commands. One that would now be under his complete control every second of every day from now on.

The domineering control freak then stood up from his chair and towered over his submissive.
“Very good, slave, you’ve made the right decision. I’ll be back with your other master soon so enjoy the rest of your break. When we’re back… we’ll have lots of fun together.”
He grinned as he watched his restrained captive nod and sit silently in his chair like the good, obedient slave Daniel had always dreamed of having.

The older man then turned and walked straight out of the room, locking the door behind him like he usually did, and leaving his teenage slave, bound to the chair, all alone with his thoughts. Oliver felt lots of different emotions swirling around inside of him as he finally began to realise that there really was nothing to go home to now. His master was right, he thought to himself, if his parents truly loved him, they wouldn’t have just abandoned him to go sit on a hot beach somewhere on the other side of the world. Plus, everyone would be furious with him once they learnt about the pregnancy and there’s no way a life of working tirelessly to pay bills and rent, and possibly providing for a child every day, would be better than this life with his two masters.

He never thought he’d ever think this but, perhaps this life was always meant to be for him. Perhaps being a slave was truly the best thing for everyone… including himself.

Re: Oliver’s New Owners (MM/M) - New Chapter Released 13/09

Posted: Tue Sep 13, 2022 9:31 pm
by Red86
Well damn, you like throwing in something truly unexpected! My initial thoughts were perhaps someone Oliver cared for had died. Him getting his girlfriend pregnant did really cross my mind.

Oliver may see Dan and Noah in a different way but to me, that's probably one of the worse things they could do to him. I thought I was about to become a dad at a young age and while I wasn't prepared nor did I want kids at the time, I would have done whatever was needed to provide for them. Yeah having a kid at a young age isn't necessarily ideal but it's also probably one of best feelings too. Way to go guys, knock Oliver down when he's at one of his weakest times. You really are evil for being willing to let a kid grow up fatherless.

Well I am slightly sad to hear we only get one more chapter before the end of part 1. But I'll be excited to see it return when you are settled in at uni! Though I wouldn't be surprised if you've left us on one hell of a cliffhanger 🤣. Looking forward to finding out 😁

Re: Oliver’s New Owners (MM/M) - New Chapter Released 13/09

Posted: Wed Sep 14, 2022 12:20 pm
by Radio_Ralph23
Red86 wrote: 1 year ago Well damn, you like throwing in something truly unexpected! My initial thoughts were perhaps someone Oliver cared for had died. Him getting his girlfriend pregnant did really cross my mind.

Oliver may see Dan and Noah in a different way but to me, that's probably one of the worse things they could do to him. I thought I was about to become a dad at a young age and while I wasn't prepared nor did I want kids at the time, I would have done whatever was needed to provide for them. Yeah having a kid at a young age isn't necessarily ideal but it's also probably one of best feelings too. Way to go guys, knock Oliver down when he's at one of his weakest times. You really are evil for being willing to let a kid grow up fatherless.

Well I am slightly sad to hear we only get one more chapter before the end of part 1. But I'll be excited to see it return when you are settled in at uni! Though I wouldn't be surprised if you've left us on one hell of a cliffhanger 🤣. Looking forward to finding out 😁
That’s really interesting that you’ve gone through some of what Oliver’s going through at the moment. Hope everything worked out for you in the end. I find it easier to write for Oliver’s character as I’m the same age as him so I can kind of reflect my thoughts and how I’d feel and react to things as an eighteen year old. I figured if I got news like that, I’d feel a mix of shock and emotion so I kind of reflected those feelings onto Oliver in a way.

It’s great to know you’re enjoying the story so far and I’ll try and get back to writing the second half as soon as I’ve settled in to uni :)

Re: Oliver’s New Owners (MM/M) - New Chapter Released 13/09

Posted: Wed Sep 14, 2022 3:19 pm
by alkaid_
wow!!! a pregnant girlfriend is a thing i dont expected!!! and i think you surprised everybody!!!

and daniel.. his a master manipulator!!! i think every 18 YO kid wanna have his house for himself for a couple weeks... i dreamed with that when i was a teenager... but daniel made lil oliver felt abandoned and not loved by his parents...

and made him felt guilty for be like a regular teenager...a horny teenager who wanna spent a delicious time with his gfriend... damm!!!

and now oliver feel and thinks its better spend the rest of his life like a slave and live all the time bound and gagged... this is a real brain wash

btw... hope you have a great school start and soon you are able to finish this story!!!

Re: Oliver’s New Owners (MM/M) - New Chapter Released 13/09

Posted: Wed Sep 14, 2022 9:34 pm
by Radio_Ralph23
alkaid_ wrote: 1 year ago wow!!! a pregnant girlfriend is a thing in dont expected!!! and i think you surprised everybody!!!

and daniel.. his a master manipulator!!! i think every 18 YO kid wanna have his house for himself for a couple weeks... i dreamed with that when i was a teenager... but daniel made lil oliver felt abandoned and not loved by his parents...

and madd hin felt guilty for be like a regular teenager...a horny teenager who wanna spent a delicius time with his gfriend... damm!!!

and now oliver feel and thinks its better spend the rest os his life like a slave and live all the time bound and gagged... this is a real brain wash

btw... hope you have a great school start and soon you are able to finish this story!!!
You bring up really good points and thanks for the review! Hopefully the conclusion won’t disappoint!

Re: Oliver’s New Owners (MM/M) - New Chapter Released 13/09

Posted: Wed Sep 14, 2022 11:39 pm
by alkaid_
Radio_Ralph23 wrote: 1 year ago
alkaid_ wrote: 1 year ago wow!!! a pregnant girlfriend is a thing in dont expected!!! and i think you surprised everybody!!!

and daniel.. his a master manipulator!!! i think every 18 YO kid wanna have his house for himself for a couple weeks... i dreamed with that when i was a teenager... but daniel made lil oliver felt abandoned and not loved by his parents...

and madd hin felt guilty for be like a regular teenager...a horny teenager who wanna spent a delicius time with his gfriend... damm!!!

and now oliver feel and thinks its better spend the rest os his life like a slave and live all the time bound and gagged... this is a real brain wash

btw... hope you have a great school start and soon you are able to finish this story!!!
You bring up really good points and thanks for the review! Hopefully the conclusion won’t disappoint!
what can i sayed you!!!! :D :D :D

if I had had my home for myself when i was 18-21 YO for a couple weeks... I sure would have had lot of fun with ny gfriend...

and maybe i would have more and longer tie up games with some of my lil friends 8-) 8-) 8-)

Re: Oliver’s New Owners (MM/M) - New Chapter Released 13/09

Posted: Fri Sep 16, 2022 7:25 am
by Red86
Radio_Ralph23 wrote: 1 year ago That’s really interesting that you’ve gone through some of what Oliver’s going through at the moment. Hope everything worked out for you in the end. I find it easier to write for Oliver’s character as I’m the same age as him so I can kind of reflect my thoughts and how I’d feel and react to things as an eighteen year old. I figured if I got news like that, I’d feel a mix of shock and emotion so I kind of reflected those feelings onto Oliver in a way.

It’s great to know you’re enjoying the story so far and I’ll try and get back to writing the second half as soon as I’ve settled in to uni :)
Indeed I did have a little bit of similarity. Though I wasn't quite as young as Oliver, I was 21 at the time and I hadn't been kidnapped & tied up! What caused us to start almost freaking out was the fact I work construction and the economy at the time was just beginning to take a nose dive and my girlfriend was just about to start her 2nd year of med school. That would have been very bad timing, though if it would have happened, we would have made it work. Fortunately it turned out to be a false alarm. Needless to say, I can imagine very clearly how Ollie (you) would feel at the time. But under no circumstances would I allow someone to brainwash me that easily, to give up my own flesh & blood.

Yes, I am very much enjoying the story!! Even if it seems like I wanna jump into the story and knock some sense into Dan and Noah 🤣. Looking forward to seeing to you leave us hanging for a bit 🤣

Re: Oliver’s New Owners (MM/M) - New Chapter Released 13/09

Posted: Mon Sep 19, 2022 8:16 pm
by Radio_Ralph23
Hey guys. Final chapter for Part 1 is here as promised! So yeah as I said before, I start uni next Monday so I’m just gonna focus on settling in, sorting out my schedule, all of that stuff and then when I’m ready and things have calmed down, I’ll eventually return to finish the story. Thanks to everyone who’s been reading and commenting since I started writing this story and definitely let me know what you think of the latest chapter and the entire story so far!! I’ll still be around on the forum now and again but I should be able to return to the story sometime later this year (providing I’m not super busy lol :lol:)

Hope you all enjoy chapter 14! :)

Chapter 14 - No Going Back

Daniel swung open the door to him and Noah’s bedroom and dominantly walked into the room. Noah was still asleep in his bed but the sound of Daniel’s heavy, stomping footsteps caused him to steadily wake up and open his tired, groggy eyes.

“You still asleep?” Daniel asked his younger friend in a jokey tone but Noah simply just groaned and mumbled in his half asleep state. Daniel then went over to the window, walking past his own bed on the other side of the room, and pulled back the curtains, immediately filling the bedroom with light. Noah let out an even louder groan this time and rubbed his eyes with his hands.
“What are you doing, Dan? It’s fucking early” he mumbled as he sat fully upright on his bed whilst faintly squinting his eyes, trying to adjust to the light.
“It’s 10AM” Daniel replied back, “Come on, get up. I have some good news.”
The sound of “good news” sent a wave of life back into Daniel’s younger friend and he immediately took off his duvet and stood up from the bed, revealing that he was wearing nothing but a pair of black Calvin Klein boxer briefs.

“Yo, what is it?” he excitedly asked with a big grin across his face, “Wait is this about little Ollie? Did you tell him the news?”
“Sure did” Daniel replied with an equally obvious smirk.
“And? How did he take it?”
“Not well at all. Poor little kid was so shocked and confused that he genuinely doesn’t want to go back home now. Obviously worked a bit of my charm on him but, other than that, it wasn’t that difficult to bring him round in the end. Now he’s completely under our control now. We can make him do anything we want and the little jackass won’t dare try to object against it or try and worm his way out. Sure it was fun watching him try to fight us yesterday, but it was starting to wear a bit thin after a while. Having a slave under our complete, unquestioned control is just gonna be so much more satisfying and enjoyable for me… I mean us.”
“What about his folks? Won’t they try and look for him when they realise he’s missing?”
“Already sorted” Daniel triumphantly replied, “Texted his mum this morning from Ollie’s phone pretending to be him then I smashed up the phone good and proper so nothing could be traced back to us. Told them the truth about his pregnant girlfriend and said he was gonna run away cause he couldn’t handle being a dad so young. They won’t try looking for him after reading that. And even if they did try, they’ll never be able to find him all the way out here. I guess they’ll just wait till he’s ready to come back home… though that day will obviously never come.”

Him and Noah both sniggered to each other as they both started to realise how well their plan had worked.

“We’re doing the right thing though” Daniel continued in a bright voice, “If his girl goes through with the pregnancy, which she probably will, the little tot would be better off with Oliver out of it’s life completely. Let’s face it, Ollie’s a good looking kid and he probably makes a decent boyfriend but he wouldn’t know the first thing about being a parent. You really think an emotionally unstable teenager like Ollie should be around for when the little one is born? Trust me, it’s better the child grows up thinking it’s cowardly dad abandoned it then being raised by someone as mindless and naive as Oliver. Plus, we get a free slave out of it. It’s a win-win!”
“Too right it is!” Noah cheerfully chimed in, “Oliver’s better off here with us. Speaking of the little twerp, where is he?”
“Oh I left him in his room for a bit” Daniel replied, “Though I think it might be time now for a little ‘playdate’, with our young slave, don’t you think?”
“Oh boy I’ve been waiting to use some more gear on the kid” Noah smugly commented, rubbing his hands together, “Hey, you think we can try out the ‘Black Beast’ on him? I’ve been picturing him strapped to that thing ever since he got here.”

Daniel menacingly grinned. The ‘Black Beast’ was a nickname they both used for a large piece of furniture that was kept in the dungeon. Let’s just say even the most craziest bondage lovers would have difficulties agreeing to be strapped to the thing.

“Hey, go put some clothes on, then we can both go pay a little visit to slave boy” Daniel sneered.
Noah immediately hurried over to the cupboards and pulled out a black tracksuit outfit with red stripes going from the top of the hoody all the way down to the bottom of the joggers. He quickly got into the clothes before leaving the room with his older friend and walking across to the other side of the house to the basement where their slave quietly sat, tied to the chair, in his room. Oliver was completely unaware of what his two masters soon had in store for him. But even if he did know, it wouldn’t make much of a difference. They’d force him into doing whatever they wanted, regardless of him being willing or unwilling to do so.

Many different thoughts and emotions whirled around inside of the very disoriented teenager. After having some time alone to process everything properly, he was starting to have second thoughts about what he had just agreed to. Was he crazy for agreeing to spend the rest of his life with these two men he had only known for a couple of days? Was he crazy for letting Daniel talk him into this insane idea? Maybe he had been in too much of an emotional and vulnerable state to condemn himself to this life and believe his captors were these two kind, gentle saints after all.

But then he remembered everything he had been told. About the pregnancy, about the huge pressure on his young shoulders to raise a kid, about his parents probably not wanting anything to do with him anymore and all the other struggles Daniel said he’d have to face if he returned home. Of course, he wished he could just be free of all of this. Free of Daniel, free of Noah, free of this potential baby on the way, free of everything.
But he knew it was too late now.
And even if he wanted to go home, his new masters were obviously never gonna let that happen, therefore staying here as their slave seemed to be the only logical, and possible, option even though he knew he was gonna hate every second of being tied up, tormented and worked to the bone from now on.

But at least it meant he’d be free from all the troubles he’d have to face back in the real world like Daniel had said, he continued to think to himself. Maybe if he behaved well and was an obedient slave, like he planned to be, they’d treat him a bit better over time and hopefully would go easy on him when forcing him into whatever sick things they had planned for him. Either way, however, there was no going back for young Oliver.

Mere seconds later, his two masters entered the basement, unlocked the door to his room and walked inside.
“You wanna come with us?” Daniel excitedly asked, though it was obvious this was a rhetorical question.
Oliver sighed and reluctantly nodded back to his master, seeing as he clearly had no choice, and wouldn’t have any other sort of choice or independence from now on either.

The strong ropes that kept his body secured to the chair were quickly untied and chucked to the floor next to where he sat. He was then lifted up onto his feet by his far taller and stronger masters and marched out of the room, across the basement and into the terrifying dungeon. He was ruthlessly shoved to the floor whilst Daniel locked the door behind them with an ominous grin. Oliver tried to stand up but Noah pushed his large foot down on the teenager’s back, forcing him to the floor again.
“Stay down buddy” he taunted with a menacing smile.
Oliver’s heart raced as he stared down at the floor, imagining all the terrifying things that were possibly about to happen to him right now.

“Let’s save the ‘Black Beast’ till later” Daniel whispered into Noah’s ear, “Saving the best till last is always better. Besides, I’ve got other things in mind for him right now.”
Oliver was unsure of what his two tormentors were whispering about, but had no doubt it was something bad and something to do with him.

A few moments later, he heard the rattling of chains and the sound of clips being secured to something above him. Shortly after, he felt Noah’s foot lift from his back before two sets of strong hands gripped his arms and pulled him up so that he was now standing fully upright again. Even though Oliver had a strong physique himself, he was like a feather compared to Daniel and Noah who were able to lift him and move him about with ease and clarity and with hardly any effort at all. Now standing on both feet again, he looked in front of him, and was shocked and dismayed by what he saw. In front was a large, jet black, leather harness that hung from four, thick silver chains that then connected to a long, metal bar above. The bar was also connected to another sturdy, individual chain that protruded out of the ceiling and dangled all the way down to where the very intimidating suspension setup hovered in front of the young slave.

Oliver looked up at Daniel with terrified eyes.
“Please” he begged, “I’ll do whatever you ask from now on, I promise, but please just don’t hrugghhhh…”
Before he was able to finish, Noah forced a large black ball gag into the teenager’s mouth and tightly secured it around his head like how it was usually done. He made a few grunts into the gag before Daniel patted his teenage slave lightly on the shoulder and looked into his eyes.

“I know you’ll do whatever we tell you to from now on, there’s no need to make that any clearer” he taunted before ruffling Oliver’s wavy, golden brown hair, “Remember, this life as our slave is what’s best for you. This is where you belong and we’re gonna make sure you are well looked after from now on.”
Daniel flashed a menacing grin at the boy, which immediately made Oliver realise their idea of him being ‘well looked after’ would most likely be in *their* interest rather than his.

Daniel signalled to his accomplice and together they grabbed their captive and began to secure him into the strong, leather harness. The harness went over his shoulders, around his underarms, encased his back and torso and then went round the top of his legs (where his hip joints were) before the entire harness was securely tightened altogether, keeping his upper body firmly supported. There was also a strong, leather belt towards the top of the harness that could go across the occupant’s upper chest to provide extra restraint, and this was also deployed on the teenager, being secured into place and tightened just above his nipples.

As if this were not enough, there were also two sets of leather straps connected to the back of the harness, just below Oliver’s middle, that could hold both wrists and both ankles in the same place. Just as expected, Noah brought the teenager’s arms round to to the back of the harness and wrapped the straps round his wrists before forcefully tightening them, whilst Daniel lifted his legs up from the floor and brought them up to where his wrists were secured, tightly restraining his ankles in the same way his younger accomplice had done to his wrists. Oliver was now suspended in the air, with his entire upper body encased in the harness and his lower body equally as restrained through his wrists and ankles being firmly secured together behind his back in some sort of upright hog tie position. It wasn’t too painful but it was incredibly uncomfortable and, as Oliver was already a pretty muscular kid, the weight of his body distributed even more agonising pressure from the harness.

Oliver anxiously watched as Daniel walked over to the side of the dungeon and began twisting a metal crank that protruded out from the dark red coloured wall. Before the young slave was able to imagine what the crank was for, he felt the chains that connected to the top of his harness be forcefully pulled upwards before his whole body suddenly began to raise higher and higher into the air. Daniel only stopped turning the crank once Oliver was a good, fair distance away from the floor. The younger boy dangled from the very strong suspension in his unbearably uncomfortable harness as Daniel walked back over to Noah and both stood in front of their helpless captive. Even though Oliver was now quite high up in the air, he was only just above eye level to his two older masters, due to both of them being incredibly tall giants.

Oliver was already gagged but his expressions of fear and anxiety were very much present upon his face. He was absolutely terrified of what horrors were inevitably going to come his way next, but he knew that the only way he was going to get through this, or any other sort of ordeals he’d have to face in the future, was to simply just not resist in any way and obey his masters’ commands at all times. And he knew it would also help him, mentally, to keep reminding himself of everything Daniel had told him. Keep reminding himself that his life would be no better anywhere else and that staying here would mean he wouldn’t have to bear the heavy burden and responsibilities of being a dad.

The two men both flashed sinister looking grins and stepped closer towards their bound and gagged slave who helplessly dangled in mid air from the incredibly strong suspension set up. Because Oliver was practically naked, apart from the very small pair of tight leather shorts he wore, his entire bare body was completely exposed, giving both men the ultimate freedom to do whatever they wanted with their young slave.

Noah cupped Oliver’s face with his hands and squeezed his cheeks as tightly as he could whilst Daniel lightly brushed his finger tips against the teenager’s bare chest. Oliver squirmed and wriggled but this just further added to the satisfaction and enjoyment of his two masters. Their aim wasn’t to hurt their captive, at least not for now anyway. They just wanted to lightly play around with him to start with before they would inevitably go on to the more intense stuff later on.

The two men scornfully laughed as they continued to torment and tease their young slave like he was a small child’s toy rather than an actual person. Noah flicked Oliver’s nose and cheeks whilst Daniel tickled the boy’s rib cage, causing him to thrash around in his harness more violently and moan into his gag.
“There there, pretty boy” Daniel taunted as he continued to tickle Oliver with his fingers, “You know this will be much easier for you if you just relaxed a bit more.”
However, the younger boy was far from relaxed and tried to beg them to stop but the gag muffled any pleas he tried to get out of his mouth.

After what felt like forever, the men finally brought their torture to an end and let their exhausted and humiliated slave hang quietly in his harness. Even though he had just endured the most agonising ordeal, it was abundantly clear to young Oliver that this “playtime” of theirs was only just beginning. He watched as his masters went over to the wall that had all the bondage gear hanging from the hooks, and each pulled off various different BDSM items. Some looked like extra restraining devices and some looked like instruments of pure torture. Whatever their use was for, however, they definitely all had one thing in common… they were each gonna be used and forced upon poor, young Oliver.

He wanted to cry and just float away to a place far, far away. But he knew he had to stay strong. He had to be a man and face this new life head on. Either way, he knew he wasn’t going back home and it would just be better for him to accept this then to continue resisting and ending up in all sorts of trouble with his masters. And like Daniel said, at least this way he wouldn’t have to face the consequences that awaited him back home from getting his girlfriend pregnant.

But maybe over time, he thought to himself, once he gets more familiar with the two men and spends more time with them, they’ll see him as less of a slave and more as a housemate or a little brother. Maybe one day they’ll even free him from his slavery and he could become a friend to them, rather than just their plaything. But until then, he’d just have to stay strong and endure whatever horrors his two masters had in store for him from now on, no matter how tough things might get for him. Or no matter how harrowing and dark things might become…

Re: Oliver’s New Owners (MM/M) - Final Chapter to Part 1 Released 19/09

Posted: Tue Sep 20, 2022 1:42 pm
by Red86
Oh poor Ollie, his emotions are all over the place. Such a mind game to play on him since he never had a real choice to be let go. That was clear from the beginning.

And there we have our little cliffhanger. What gear and instruments are they planning on using on Ollie? But I am worried for him, Dan and Noah are now saying they don't wanna hurt him, atleast yet. Let's hope they don't turn sinister after all. Ah so many ways this could play out!!

[mention]Radio_Ralph23[/mention] as much as it's gonna kill me not knowing how this will continue for a while, I do look forward to it's return in the future! Good luck with uni!!

Re: Oliver’s New Owners (MM/M) - Final Chapter to Part 1 Released 19/09

Posted: Tue Sep 20, 2022 5:52 pm
by alkaid_
oh ny god!!!

i love a lot when a kid not just ended bound gagged and blindfoled - i know lil oli is not blindfoled- and the plus is when he is hanging from the ceiling

poor oli, he gonna take like a man and endure all what daniel and noah have in mind.

but ended tied anf hanging like this... wow, was fantastic... and they keep the black beast for the last... i wanna know whats gonna happen with that black beast...

oli is a lil navie gor think daniel and noah could see him like a lil bro or roomie... but hope is the last to die...

btw... good luck at school!!!

Re: Oliver’s New Owners (MM/M) - Final Chapter to Part 1 Released 19/09

Posted: Thu Sep 22, 2022 8:27 pm
by harveygasson
Wow poor Ollie! Whatever will they do to him next

Re: Oliver’s New Owners (MM/M) - Final Chapter to Part 1 Released 19/09

Posted: Sun Oct 09, 2022 8:35 am
by The slave
Awesome stories lol