The Further perils of the Amazing Wanda (COMPLETE!!!) (MF/MF)

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Post by Solarbeast »

I’m going to vote for option D.
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Post by MaxRoper »

Gosh, they all sound like fun. Being a fan of pole ties, I'm going with A.
Deleted User 769

Post by Deleted User 769 »

TamatoaShiny123 wrote: 6 years ago I can’t decide between C or D!
Decisions, decisions,.. four legs (firing squad, or eight legs (spider)
Okay, I’ll put you down for half a vote for each.
Thanks for voting! Have a sticker :)
Deleted User 769

Post by Deleted User 769 »

Solarbeast wrote: 6 years ago I’m going to vote for option D.
Okay, did I not mention I’m scared of spiders?! ;)

Thanks for voting! You may also have a sticker :)
Deleted User 769

Post by Deleted User 769 »

MaxRoper wrote: 6 years ago Gosh, they all sound like fun. Being a fan of pole ties, I'm going with A.
Tied to the stake it is! I’ll just have to hope that the rain will come to our rescue,..
Thanks for voting. Here, take a sticker! :)
Deleted User 769

Post by Deleted User 769 »

For those who are interested in such things, the current running total across all sites is
A) 2 votes
B) 0 votes
C) 2.5 votes
D) 2.5 votes
E) 0 votes
F) 0 votes
Suggesting that far too many people want to see me bound and gagged and placed in mortal peril, but also that no-one is cruel/ sadistic enough (besides Germaine) to force us listen to Nicky playing the drums.
So, somewhat mixed messages there guys,.. ;)
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Post by Solarbeast »

Stiletto Amore wrote: 6 years ago For those who are interested in such things, the current running total across all sites is
A) 2 votes
B) 0 votes
C) 2.5 votes
D) 2.5 votes
E) 0 votes
F) 0 votes
Suggesting that far too many people want to see me bound and gagged and placed in mortal peril, but also that no-one is cruel/ sadistic enough (besides Germaine) to force us listen to Nicky playing the drums.
So, somewhat mixed messages there guys,.. ;)

Do you have any plans on finishing this story? I really hope that we get an ending to it of some sorts.
Deleted User 769

Post by Deleted User 769 »

Solarbeast wrote: 6 years ago
Stiletto Amore wrote: 6 years ago For those who are interested in such things, the current running total across all sites is
A) 2 votes
B) 0 votes
C) 2.5 votes
D) 2.5 votes
E) 0 votes
F) 0 votes
Suggesting that far too many people want to see me bound and gagged and placed in mortal peril, but also that no-one is cruel/ sadistic enough (besides Germaine) to force us listen to Nicky playing the drums.
So, somewhat mixed messages there guys,.. ;)

Do you have any plans on finishing this story? I really hope that we get an ending to it of some sorts.
Hey there, thanks for your interest/ support in the Amazing Wanda, it means a lot.

Yes, i am planning on finishing the story, it's just a matter of finding the time to put pen to paper,..

Hope it justifies the wait :)
Deleted User 769

Post by Deleted User 769 »

All the votes have been counted and independently verified and the winner is,.. well, you'll see soon enough.
As ever, thanks for reading and all your wonderful comments.

So, it's time for Chapter seven: The Floor Show

“Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, children of all ages, please welcome to the stage the most gifted children’s entertainer (in this price bracket!) the Queen of escapes, the red headed step-child of Harry Houdini and Miss Piggy and the woman who is not afraid to perform her own introduction,.. In front of your naked steaming eyes its,.. Me!”
And with that I bounded up onto the stage,..

We, (the performers) had gathered once more under the large gazebo to begin the Floor Show that was the culmination of Nicky’s Birthday festivities. As the star (of sorts) I had been granted the use of Germaine’s bedroom (Aka: The Fortress of Solitude) to change outfits, so when I finally emerged ready to begin my act I was dressed in my (hastily assembled) all-purpose magician’s costume. For the fashion curious among you, this consisted of a pair of thigh high leather lace-up boots, bright pink fishnet stockings, a black leotard, a long sleeved white dress shirt with wing tipped collar, a matching pink bow-tie and cummerbund, and most excitingly of all a battered old top hat that my Mum had very kindly upholstered.

Stepping into the imaginary spotlight (it was still only three O’clock in the afternoon) with all the enthusiasm, if not the poise of Vegas show-girl I was greeted with a polite (if hardly overwhelming) ripple of applause from the specially invited (sic!) audience. To whit: A selection of Nicky’s school friends that he’d invited to his party and the parents who had arrived early to pick up their children.
Nonetheless for me, it felt like I was playing the Main stage at Glastonbury.

Excitedly I ran through the line of patter that I had been practicing for the last six months as an amateur (read: unpaid) magician, pulling stuffed rabbits from hats, some rudimentary mind reading, making playing cards disappear and later reappear in surprising locations etc each of which earning a polite round of applause.
Then it was time for the audience participation portion of the show – this was the part where I would challenge an audience member to tie me up with 50ft of rope.
Naturally, to the surprise of absolutely no-one reading this story, I chose Harry who, to my considerable disappointment, had finally put on a T-shirt.
A straight backed wooden chair was produced (having been liberated from the dining room) along with an over-sized digital alarm clock which were then placed on the stage.
I began by explaining the terms and conditions to the audience, essentially Harry could use as much of the rope as he wanted, but it had to remain in one piece throughout
“budget cuts” I explained to polite laughter.
I then invited Harry to choose between two, seemingly identical coils of white boating cord roughly half an inch thick.
There was a brief cessation in the festivities as Harry studiously examined both lengths of rope before finally selecting one.
However, whilst he appeared confident, not to say a little brash, bordering on cocky, it quickly became apparent that his mastery of ropes was somewhat less than total.

Sitting happily on the chair I waited patiently as he pondered his next move. In reality it is almost impossible to effectively immobilize anyone (particularly a magician) with a piece of rope this long and unwieldy. The knots are rarely tight enough and the volunteer will usually resort to winding great coils of rope around my arms and legs in an effort to use up all of the material at their disposal.
Of course this is another reason I usually chose male volunteers for this part of the act, they invariably like to show off to the audience by playing to the crowd.
Women are far more thoughtful and precise - Hashtag #Feminism!

Spurred on by my good natured teasing he gently pulled my arms behind the chair back and starting at one end of the cord began tying my wrists together.
Satisfied with his progress thus far he soon began wrapping several coils around my waist and arms pinning me to the chair, before passing it over my lap and beneath the chair seat and tying it off with, what I immediately identified as a rudimentary shank knot.
By now he was still left with a considerable length of excess rope (which couldn’t be cut remember)
Next he began to tie my feet to the chair legs by winding roughly half the remaining rope round and round my thigh before repeating the same maneuver on the opposite leg.

With only a few feet left Harry completed his shift by tying a passable knot on the last turn around my ankle.
By the time he was finished I had been enveloped in great swathes of rope.
It certainly looked inescapable, but I knew different.
All that remained were the final touches.

“Now, I know what you’re all thinking” I said, shifting in my seat “You’re thinking, well sure, 'she looks pretty helpless tied up like that' But of course, we both know that magicians lie”

There was a faint murmur of recognition and agreement from the crowd.

“So, in order to prevent me from telling you any more untruths or speading fake news, I’m going to need someone from the audience to shut me up,..”

A slew of hands went up at the suggestion and I selected an eager young boy in a cowboy outfit.
Under my careful instructions he removed his bright red bandanna and placed it between my teeth.
“Don’t worry, you can tie it as tight as you like” I had suggested foolishly.
Well, Young Jimmy didn’t need to be told twice and pulled it as tight as he possibly could before knotting it behind my head.
“Nhh'vm dhnm thnf bmfhrm” I teased to ripples of laughter from the crowd.

Finally I instructed Harry to ‘start the clock’ although it sounded somewhat closer to “Fthrt thm glhgg!”
With all eyes fixed on my bound frame I immediately began to work on my wrists which, although they were both encased in a lot of rope, were far from effectively tied. Within seconds I had slipped first one, then the second hand free. Now all I had to do was some how generate enough slack in the coils around my arms,..
In less than a minute I had worked the rope loose enough to push it up over my shoulders and over my head. After dumping that section of cord on the floor (which landed with an extremely satisfying thud) I was able to lean forward in my seat and begin the arduous process of untangling my legs.
After a brief struggle I was finally able to untying the knot around my left ankle. Once that was free I was able to kick my leg free of the thick mess of cords and step out. Seconds later I had worked myself entirely free of the ropes.

“Stop the clock” I shouted, pulling down my gag.
Standing on the chair surrounded by coils of rope I acknowledged the enthusiastic applause.
All that remained was the final twist in the tale.

“Now Sarah,” I said, addressing a volunteer I had used earlier in the show “I gave you an envelope at the start of the show, can you open it for me please and read out the numbers that are written inside?”
In a faltering voice the young girl read out the figures within.
“1,2 and 3” I said repeating the numbers “Or, one minute and twenty three seconds, which, if you’ll take a quick glance at the over-sized clock in the center of the stage is the exact amount of time it took me to escape!”
Ta-da indeed!

I took a moment to basque in the adulation of my adoring public before setting up the main event

“Okay, before my last trick of the night I’m going to talk to you about my hero Harry Houdini. Although he could do card tricks and traditional magic acts, he was most famous for his ability to escape from anything and everything, including ropes, handcuffs, straight-jackets, jail cells, water-filled milk cans, and even nailed-shut boxes that had been thrown into a river. In fact he was so talented that he began issuing open challenges to members of the public to design a device capable of keeping him locked up.
So this is where Germaine comes in. A month ago Nicky’s Sister told me she had created an escape proof trick that would keep me prisoner. Suitably intrigued I agreed to the challenge and so tonight, for the first time ever, I shall perform,..
the brand new, never been seen before “Firing Squad” illusion,..”

To be continued,..
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Post by TamatoaShiny123 »

Such a great chapter! I simply cannot wait to see this “Firing Squad” Illusion!
Check out my DeviantArt page!
Deleted User 769

Post by Deleted User 769 »

TamatoaShiny123 wrote: 6 years ago Such a great chapter! I simply cannot wait to see this “Firing Squad” Illusion!
Really glad you enjoyed it. Hope it was worth the wait :)
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Post by TamatoaShiny123 »

Stiletto Amore wrote: 6 years ago
TamatoaShiny123 wrote: 6 years ago Such a great chapter! I simply cannot wait to see this “Firing Squad” Illusion!
Really glad you enjoyed it. Hope it was worth the wait :)
It really was!
Check out my DeviantArt page!
Deleted User 769

Post by Deleted User 769 »

TamatoaShiny123 wrote: 6 years ago
Stiletto Amore wrote: 6 years ago
TamatoaShiny123 wrote: 6 years ago Such a great chapter! I simply cannot wait to see this “Firing Squad” Illusion!
Really glad you enjoyed it. Hope it was worth the wait :)
It really was!
That’s great to hear. If there was sufficient interest I could perhaps be persuaded to tell the tale of the time I performed my escapology act in front of the whole school on the last day of term.
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Post by TamatoaShiny123 »

Stiletto Amore wrote: 6 years ago
TamatoaShiny123 wrote: 6 years ago
Stiletto Amore wrote: 6 years ago

Really glad you enjoyed it. Hope it was worth the wait :)
It really was!
That’s great to hear. If there was sufficient interest I could perhaps be persuaded to tell the tale of the time I performed my escapology act in front of the whole school on the last day of term.

U totally should!
Check out my DeviantArt page!
Deleted User 769

Post by Deleted User 769 »

Chapter Eight: Do Not Forsake Me Oh My Darling

It was fast approaching high noon,.. 15-39. And it was time for the Royal command performance of my latest (and almost certainly most recent) escape act. Designed, conceived and constructed by resident evil genius and death trap enthusiast Germaine, this fiendish illusion was set to be the ultimate test of my skills as a fledgling magician.
I was to be securely fastened to a post whilst my audience were to be armed to the teeth with every type of water pistol, garden hose and supersoaker they could get their grubby little paws on. As you can probably all very well imagine, the bet ran thus, if i didn't complete my escape in a set time (a shade over two minutes) I would be unable to avoid a deluge of water that would make the storm that took Dorothy's house look like a whole lot of fuss about nothing.
In short, the stakes couldn't possibly be higher, if only for my dry cleaning bill,..
Somewhere a lonesome coyote cried, the piano in the saloon bar stopped playing and a ball of tumbleweed blew across the stage,..
Its time to play the music Its time to light the lights,..
Finally, after what seemed like an age Germaine, who, much like Axl Rose, loved to keep her audience waiting on a costume change, finally emerged from her trailer/ bedroom revealing her latest outfit, a torn white wedding gown, complete with elbow length gloves, thigh high boots, a black leather biker jacket and a pair of aviator googles.
Imagine if Mrs Haversham had killed a Terminator and stolen his clothes and motorcycle.
Enjoying the moment she produced two coils of rope and a pair of black cloths from behind her back.
"Feeling confident?"

"Naturally. They don't call me the Amazing Wanda for nothing" I bragged, despite my nerves.

"Well little mis Amazing,” She said swinging the rope gaily in her hand “I’m rather afraid that you're career as the premier escapologist on Grace Close is going to come to a premature end - Nicky. Escort our prisoner to the stake,.."

"You mean the washing line post?"

"Why must you always be so pedantic?!"

"Sorry" he muttered, taking my hand and leading me to a thick wooden post protruding out of the ground.
Naturally obliging I placed my hands behind my back and around the pole.

"Do your worst, inferior one's" I said, channeling Tim Curry.

“As you wish” She replied looping the thin cord around my wrists and tugging it tight. Although I concentrated on holding my hands as far apart as i dared, I soon found myself lashed to the mast.
Working quickly, but with quiet efficiency my ankles were similarly bound and before I knew it I found myself securly tied.

Of course Germaine, who could never resist the opportunity to gloat over the plight of a brave, if helpless damsel, took the time to tease me as she checked the ropes at my hands and feet.

“Now that you mention it, no. I’ve got a terrible itch on my nose”

“Don’t worry, you won’t have to put up with it for long”

“That’s not terribly reassuring,..” I mused.

By now each of the children (and a handful of parents) had each selected a water pistol from the buckets provided and were training it at my chest. The hour of my execution was almost at hand,..

I watched as the over-sized clock was reset to 250 seconds and my captors lined themselves up behind a chalk outline, jostling for the best position from which to soak me with ice cold water.
“Last words?” Germaine asked holding up the cloth.

In the absence of a suitably witty response I simply blew a raspberry in Germaine’s face.
Like the Late Queen Victoria, she was not amused.
“How disappointing” She said wiping her face with her sleeve “However I am not above showing mercy, would you like to be blindfolded or gagged?”

“You’re offering me the choice?” I replied, somewhat confused.

“Of course, I’m nothing if not a benevolent Dictator”

“Germaine you are nothing like a benevolent Dictator”

So, what’s it to be my friends, the gag, or the blindfold?
Answers on a postcard please to the usual address.
Last edited by Deleted User 769 5 years ago, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by TamatoaShiny123 »

I want both!
1. It'll be even more torturous if she can't see the water coming you can't escape (although you probably will.)
2. Idk y, but a bandana tied over your mouth really brings out your eyes (that is, when they aren't obscured by a blindfold)
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Post by Solarbeast »

I also like the idea of her having both, but if I had to choose, it would be the gag. I like the idea of her not being able to see the water coming, but I very much like more the idea of her not being able to say anything about the water hitting her. I also like the idea of her not being able to say anything when they hopefully inevitably don’t untie her. Either way, great continuation, but I hope the next chapter comes out sooner than the last.
Deleted User 769

Post by Deleted User 769 »

TamatoaShiny123 wrote: 5 years ago I want both!
1. It'll be even more torturous if she can't see the water coming you can't escape (although you probably will.)
2. Idk y, but a bandana tied over your mouth really brings out your eyes (that is, when they aren't obscured by a blindfold)
You want both? You unconscionable fiend you! ;)

1) Ha, ha! I do have a tendency to cheat ;)
2) Aww, that's sweet, and kinda' creepy - not that I'm complaining you understand :D
Deleted User 769

Post by Deleted User 769 »

Solarbeast wrote: 5 years ago I also like the idea of her having both, but if I had to choose, it would be the gag. I like the idea of her not being able to see the water coming, but I very much like more the idea of her not being able to say anything about the water hitting her. I also like the idea of her not being able to say anything when they hopefully inevitably don’t untie her. Either way, great continuation, but I hope the next chapter comes out sooner than the last.
Why, oh why is my adoring public always so keen to keep me quiet, don't they adore my sparking wit and oh so clever wordplay,.. ? ;)
As regards deadlines, until someone starts paying me for my work here (or elsewhere) I'm afraid posts will continue to be somewhat infrequent,.. of course, if anyone wants to commission me to write a story,... just sayin' ;)

That said, im really glad you're enjoying my adventures :D
Deleted User 769

Post by Deleted User 769 »


Decisions, decisions,..
I appeared to suck a thoughtful tooth
“I think, based on the scenario, I’d like to choose the blindfold please” I replied happily

“How appropos” Germaine replied with a smile holding the material up to my face only to place it snugly between my teeth.

“What are you_?” I spluttered

“Sorry, I couldn’t resist” She said trying, and failing to stifle a laugh as she pulled the knot cruelly tight.

“Fhnnn. Hm dhn’t thnng!”

“Oh, but that’s not even the best part,..” She teased looking suitably pleased with herself.

“Nh?” I mumbled

“Well, you remember when I said that you had 250 seconds to escape before you faced the firing squad,..?”
I nodded pathetically.

“Well,.. I lied! Guards! Take aim”

‘Holy double cross!’ I thought to myself, suddenly aware of the tightness of my restraints as the small army of children excitedly trained their water pistols on me.
“Okay kids” Germaine said addressing her heavily armed militia, “On my mark,..”

“Whnt,.. Gmrmhnnm, lnftmn!” I mumbled sounding somewhat desperate.

“What is it now?” She snapped impatiently
I indicated that I wanted my gag removed.
After a brief pause Germaine finally obliged, lifting the cloth out of my mouth and leaving it hanging uselessly around my neck.

“You wish to raise an objection?”

“More like a warning”

“Oooh” She said her outstretched fingers trembling in mock fear “I’m sooo scared. What are you going to do to us. In case you hadn’t noticed, you’re under armed guard tied to a stake,..”

“All I’ll say is, that anyone who fires their weapon before the previously agreed time-limit has expired will live to regret it!”

“Ha, ha! Well, I think, given the circumstances, we’re prepared to take our chances”

“Suit yourself” I said with a knowing grin as my gag was replaced.

“Okay troops. You may fire when ready!”
Of course what my captors didn’t know was that I had already taken the precaution of placing clear tape across the barrels of all the water pistols and within seconds all my would-be assassins were soaked to the bone by their own backfiring weapons.
The howls of surprise and indignation from the, now thoroughly drenched children were like music to my ears.
‘Serves them right’ I thought to myself.

“Sorry” I said slipping my hands free of my restraints and untying my gag “But I did warn you”

Germaine, black mascara running down her face looked simultaneously both furious and quietly amused.
“Ingenious” She muttered under her breath as she removed the tape from her own malfunctioning water pistol

“Thanks Germaine” I said loosening the ropes from around my ankles.

“Okay, I know when I’m beat. You win this round Sam, but don’t think this is the end!”

“Promises, promises,..” I teased, basking in my moment of triumph as she slinked away, back to her Fortress of Solitude to plot her next evil scheme,..

Of course, there would be plenty of time for a rematch, but that’s a story for another time,..

Naturally, if you have any suggestions for further escapes/ perils, please don’t hesitate to get in touch at the usual address.
And, as always, thanks for reading :D
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Post by TamatoaShiny123 »

Ok, that ending was awesome!!!!!!!

U are so clever!!!
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Post by TamatoaShiny123 »

What evil ideas do YOU think Germaine is planning for u?
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