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Damsel 103 (F/F) (a threequel!)

Posted: Fri Jun 08, 2018 1:59 pm
by Deleted User 769
I sat silently in the cramped confines of a darkened room in the somewhat familiar predicament of being tied up and gagged. The distant sounds of music and laughter were heard as the party continued, the well dressed patrons blissfully unaware of my plight. Rescue seemed a very long way away,..

My latest caper had bought me to the stately home of a corrupt local official (suspected) on the night of her annual gala ball. A black tie affair for the great and the (not so) good of high society, everyone who was anyone was invited with over two hundred paying guests. Of course, as a budding teen sleuth I saw this as the perfect opportunity to sneak around and uncover the evidence I needed for my story for the school paper. 
Early in my investigative career I’d learned that wearing a uniform makes you almost invisible to wrongdoers and so I had decided to infiltrate the party by posing as a waitress for the evening. Dressed in a starched, long sleeved white blouse (which I wore buttoned up to the collar – naturally!) and carrying a tray of champagne flutes I found I was able to wander easily among the guests. 
(Quickly) becoming bored with my serving duties, I took advantage of a break in the music to slip away from the dance floor and sneak upstairs.
After a few abortive attempts I finally located the Mayor's study and, when I was satisfied that the coast was clear, I crept inside.
It took less than ten minutes to guess the password on the Mayor's laptop,
(She had used the name of her pet cat 'Dobby'. It's almost always the name of the pet,.. I observed to no one in particular,..) 
Working quickly I busied myself copying several files onto a memory stick (which I then concealed in the lining of my waistcoat)
Exciting the study I found herself greeted by the, rather amused expression of the Mayoress. 
Her busty frame stuffed (somewhat successfully) into a full length, crystal ball gown and sporting enough jewels to bankroll a small African country, Chantelle Williams smiled broadly. 
In her hand was a small, antique firing pistol. 
It was pointed directly at me.
“Good evening”

Unsure how else to respond, I returned the greeting.

“I may be new to the business of comic book viliany" She explained, her voice full of bonhomie (and bourbon) "But I believe that the standard opening line, in situations such as these, is 'hands up'”

Slowly I raised my arms in surrender.
“Well, well, well" She slurred in recognition "Samantha. A pleasure as always”

“I only wish I could say the same,.. your grace” I added sarcastically.

“Oh, I think we can dispense with the formalities now my dear. Hand me the flash drive,..”
Sensing the jig was most certainly up and the 'fat lady' was about to commence her recital, I handed over the USB stick.

“There you see. Not so painful after all was it?” She said placing the device between her breasts.

“You never get away with this” I found myself saying (proving that some habits formed over six months of sluething can be hard to break)

“Are you quite sure about that?” She said warmly, her face breaking out into a smile
“I mean things are looking pretty good for me so far,.." She hiccuped loudly "Excuse me" She apologized, barely stiffing a laugh.

"Think nothing of it. You were saying,..?"

"So, what happens now?" She said, noticeably swaying on the spot 

"I'm sorry?" Was my abductor actually asking for help?

"Well, I was hoping,.. (another hiccup) since this is my first day on the job as a scenery chewing, damsel bothering, card carrying villianess, you might be able to offer me some pointers”

“I'm not sure that I follow,..” I replied, somewhat bewildered

“It's just that,.. from what I read in the funny papers, you're something of a veteran of these types of exchanges,.."

"Well, I don't like to brag,.." I lied

"Okay,.. So far tonight, I've enjoyed a really swanky party, retrieved some stolen (rather incriminating) documents AND apprehended the thief responsible.." She said, counting the points off on her fingers) 

"Sounds like you've had a busy evening"

"I HAVE!" She exclaimed proudly, if a little too loudly,.. "The only trouble is I'm not 100% sure what to do now,.."

I couldn’t help but smile. In all my previous adventures it was understood that whenever I was captured my opponents would simply tie me up and leave me (preferably unsupervised) to escape. In fact my favorite parts of my investigations were frequently the occasions in which I found herself bound and gagged at the hands of various smugglers/ art thieves/ bank robbers/ Nazi sympathisers (delete as appropriate)
Strange as it may sound, despite their many, (often highly colourful) threats, I never felt in any real danger from the endless parade of villains that populated my many adventures. In fact it seemed to be an open secret that they didn't intend me any actual harm, they just wanted to keep me prisoner for a while. The worst that I might suffer was a bout of pins and needles,.. well, that and the occasional rope burn,..

"You could always let me go,.." I ventured warmly

"An interesting suggestion,.. Tell me, has that tactic ever worked?"

"Not so far, but hope springs eternal,.." I replied with a smile "but since you asked so politely, traditionally, this is the part of the investigation where I get taken prisoner,..” 

“Really? How fun!” The Mayoress said excitedly, clapping her hands together “What exactly did you have in mind?” 

“Well, why don't you lock me inside one of these bedrooms”

“That sounds easy enough,... But how do I know you won't try to escape?” She asked with a wry grin, struggling to maintain her balance,..

“That's easy” I said putting my arms behind my back and wriggling provocatively “You can tie me up”

“Ha, ha! So you're volunteering to be my hostage?"

"In a manner of speaking. Although, I don't see as though I'd have much of a choice. I mean, you're the one holding the gun,.."

"That's right,.. I am!"" She said, as though noticing the weapon in her hand for the very first time.

"And if I were bound and gagged, it would mean that you could return to your party,.."

"Really?! Ha, ha! Well, that would be super-awesome!"
I felt as though she was pushing against an open door with her plan,...

"Okay. So, to summarise,.." She said, collecting her thoughts "You're going to let me tie you up so that I can sneak off downstairs and get another drink?"

"You have crystalised my thoughts exactly" I beamed.

"My, my, you are a most obliging prisoner. Okay, I'm game,..Walk this way,..”
I considered doing just that as she watched her erst-while kidnapper stumble off down the corridor, but thought better of it. Drunk or not, the Mayor was still holding a gun and was unlikely to miss at such a distance. Instead I followed politely (my arms raised) until we reached a bedroom.
The king sized double bed was pilled high with jackets, hats, scarves and bags.
“The cloak room” Chantelle explained with a lopsided grin.
I strolled casually inside.

“There should be a bunch of my Husband's old necktie’s in the third draw down,..” She directed her captive “Be a dear and fetch some for me”

Naturally I did as I was asked selecting half a dozen at random which I laid out on the bed whilst the Mayoress struggled to place the starter pistol in her purse.

“I take it you know what to do next?” I asked as she placed my hands behind my back.

"Don't worry" she assured her "I'm sure I'll work it out,.."

"I believe in you" I said with a wink and a smile.

"So, I gather this isn't the first time you've been kidnapped,..?". She said as she struggled to bind my hands with a paisley patterned tie.

“Oh, far from it. In my time I've been gassed, tied, chained, bound, gagged and blindfolded” I boasted proudly as my kidnapper drew the material tight.

“Wow. No foolin'?! What an extraordinary life you must lead,..” She said, evidently struggling to maintain concentration.

“It has it's moments” I found myself agreeing.

“Such as,..” She said intrigued as she cinching the knot and pulling it tight.

“Well,.." I said conspiratorially "for instance, just last week I was captured by a pair of cattle rustlers who left me tied up and gagged in their stables overnight”

“My goodness!" She said, struggling to control the volume of her voice,.. "And did you escape?"
I tried not to laugh
“I did"

"How?" She whispered, leaning closer, as though about to receive state secrets,..

"Fortunately I was able to use a carrot to convince the horse to chew through my ropes”

“How ingenious!" She said congratulating her.

"Thank you. I thought so too"

"Sadly for you however, we don't allow thoroughbreds in the house” She said before collapsing into laughter, amused at her own joke.

“A great pity. It just means I shall have to find an alternative method of escape when the time comes”

“We shall just have to see about that,.. There!” She said triumphantly, completing an intricate double knot “How's that?”

“Not bad for a first go” I replied encouragingly.

“You're too kind” She beamed opening the door to an impossibly large, walk in wardrobe.

“In you get”

I sighed and walked over the expansive closest. It was almost the size of my own bedroom at home. I half expected to discover Narnia behind the row of minx coats,.. 

After being assisted to sit down, (far from easy when your hands are fixed behind your back) I obligingly placed my feet together and watched with interest as Chantelle secured another tie (ocean blue) around my ankles and then repeated the pattern with my knees (canary yellow)

“Not bad” I complimented her, shifting in my bonds “I can barely move a muscle”

“That's the idea sweetie,.. but I'm not done yet,..”

“You're going to gag me?” I protested, without much conviction.

“Naturally" She hiccuped "But just so you don’t sweet-talk me into letting you go” 

“I'm flattered”

“You should be. Besides, listening to all your stories, I get the sense that you'd be disappointed if you didn't receive the full 'hospitality package',...”

I found it hard to argue against this logic so didn’t. Instead I opened my mouth allowing Chantelle to pull the Salmon pink necktie firmly between my teeth before tying it tightly at the back of my head gagging me.

The Mayoress stood in front of her (seemingly) helpless prisoner and surveyed her evening's work.

“I hope you don't think me ungrateful, but you really were awfully co-operative for a hostage,.. In fact, if I didn't know better I might think you actually enjoy being tied up and taken prisoner,..” 

I couldn’t reply (obviously) which for all sorts of reasons was probably for the best, besides, I found that the gloating only added to the strange excitement I got from being helpless and in her power.
Maybe this was the reason I loved being a detective,..

Regardless, the game was afoot.

As my captor stumbled off in search of the exit, it was almost time for the Amazing Wanda’s next, miraculous escape,..

Besides, with any luck my captor would wind up too drunk to remember I was ever here,..

Re: Damsel 103 (F/F) (a threequel!)

Posted: Fri Jun 08, 2018 2:41 pm
by jayarieldrillowup
A drunk captress with a gun and you allowed yourself to be caught willingly and lose your only evidence and then willingly be put in bondage. Shame on you. At the very least, you know, you could have struggled to gain control of the gun, overpowered her, put her in bondage and called the newspaper with your scoop before she got free.

I think even ACME would consider you a worse failure then Wiley E. Coyote at this point.

Re: Damsel 103 (F/F) (a threequel!)

Posted: Fri Jun 08, 2018 3:18 pm
by Deleted User 769
jayarieldrillowup wrote: 6 years ago A drunk captress with a gun and you allowed yourself to be caught willingly and lose your only evidence and then willingly be put in bondage. Shame on you. At the very least, you know, you could have struggled to gain control of the gun, overpowered her, put her in bondage and called the newspaper with your scoop before she got free.

I think even ACME would consider you a worse failure then Wiley E. Coyote at this point.
Wrestling with a drunk lady mayoress swinging a gun (and a bottle of brandy) seems like a recipe for disaster,.. besides, whilst it may have looked (to the untrained eye) that I was a willing accomplice in
my capture and subsequent imprisonment, in reality, allowing myself to be bound and gagged is a crucial part of my wider plan,.. like a damsel in distress version of Ali’s ‘rope-a-dope’,.. but different.