Masters of the Universe (A Toy Story) MMMMMMMM/F

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Deleted User 769

Masters of the Universe (A Toy Story) MMMMMMMM/F

Post by Deleted User 769 »

The mysterious parcel arrived on her doorstep early on a late December morning without warning or fanfare.
It was a large, over-sized box covered in plain red wrapping paper with no markings indicating who had sent it. Her curiosity piqued, Rachel Chandler gave herself special dispensation to open this particular present early.
She loved the holidays and the great swathes of glitter and tinsel that littered her bedroom certainly reflected this.
In fact it looked like Santa had thrown up.
Dressed in a pair of figure hugging blue jeans and a pink Batgirl t-shirt Rachel used a pair of scissors to cut open the wrapping paper, tearing at the packaging much like a lab rat on amphetamines. Hoping to discover a clue inside she reached to open the box but quickly withdrew her hand when she felt something moving inside. 
The present appeared to be shaking,..
Startled Rachel retreated to the relative safety of her bed where she watched incredulously as the box started to move of it's own volition, slowly rocking from side to side, before finally the side of the packaging was sliced open from the inside. 
Rachel stared transfixed, far too scared to look away (or even blink) as a small platoon of tiny green soldiers pushed their way through the walls of their prison and began to descend the North face of the coffee table on a series of thin ropes.
Her mind struggled to process the enormity of what she was witnessing.
A soldier with a field marshals baton under his arm, organized his (well drilled) squadron into lines at the foot of the bed where they hurriedly produced their tiny weapons and trained them on the young student.
Rachel was suddenly conscious that she was being held at gunpoint by the worlds tiniest army.
This was not the kind of thing to lay on someone with a morning head.
“Surrender or die!”
Rachel stared blankly at the soldiers.
“I'm sorry. Am I to understand you're threatening me?” She said straining to hear,..
When his demand failed to meet with the appropriate level of response Lt. Smash signalled his men to commence their full frontal assault.
Rachel observed a series of tiny, almost imperceptible muzzle flashes coming from their riffles.
“Bang! Bang! Bang!”
All at once Rachel felt a number of tiny jabs in her legs.
She was being fired upon.
“Bang! Bang! Bang!”
Tiny pellets flew peppered her legs leaving a series of pin-prick sized scorch marks. 
“Hey, cut that out!” She said, frantically trying to swat away the pellets as they flew through the air.
Suddenly she felt a sharp pain in her foot.
She looked down to see a tiny soldier smiling up at her as he plunged a miniature bayonete into her shoe.
That tore it. 
She was not going to have her (exorbitantly) expensive trainers ruined by a handful of 6 inch toy soldiers. 
Picking up the nearest weapon she could find, in this case a leather boot, she lunged at the largest group of sentient toys and began flailing wildly.
What her strategy lacked in subtlety it more than made up for in brute force and she was soon dispatching plastic soldiers to all four corners of the room.
It was less a battle than a wholesale slaughter.
Her forehead glistening with sweat from the exertion Rachel watched as the army men, many now walking with pronounced limps, shuffled off in the direction of the bathroom to regroup.
Rachel watched them go with a mixture of pride and puzzlement.
What could possibly happen now?
All at one she received her answer as a large pellet the size of a ball baring collided with her ankle drawing blood.
Looking down she discovered that two of the action figures had retrieved a cannon from their toy box/ armory.
By now her mind clouded by blind rage Rachel gathered herself up to her full height and charged in the direction of these miniature assassins waving her boot above her head. It was only, seconds later as she was tumbling to the ground that Rachel became sharply aware that her shoe laces had been tied together. 
As she lay among the wreckage and detritus of a teenagers bedroom she was dimly aware of the sensation of dozens of tiny men rushing over her prone body before her world faded to black,..

When she woke Rachel discovered, to her considerable amazement, that she was lying flat on her back on the bedroom floor. 
Worse, her arms and legs appeared to be pinned to her side.
Gripped with panic she looked down at her body only to discover that she had been bound by an assortment of different cords which included her school tie, a number of leather belts, a child’s skipping rope, the cord from her dressing gown and an old washing line.
In short she was wrapped up like an Egyptian mummy.
Her pint sized and highly industrious captors had certainly been busy she mused.
She looked down at her thoroughly trussed up body to observe the Field Marshal, a one legged figure with an eye patch, flanked by his two deputies, walk across her chest to confront her.
Rachel waited patiently until she judged them to be within range before drawing a deep breath and blowing with all her might sending the group flying violently across the room like candy wrappers in an up-draft
Rachel smiled broadly to herself.
One nil to the damsel she thought to herself as she watched the commander slowly pick himself up off the ground and shake himself down.
It was hard to maintain a sense of poise and dignity when your eye patch was askew she observed.

After a lengthy struggle lasting several minutes the toys had finally succeeded in tying a handkerchief over their prisoners mouth.
Now both bound and gagged Rachel could only watch helplessly as the armed militia surrounded her on all sides their guns locked and loaded. They were taking no chances this time.
She felt like Swift's literary hero, although to the best of her recollection the Lilliputians were never armed with fully automatic weapons,..
Suddenly there was a loud splintering sound and the bottom half of her bedroom door shattered into a million tiny fractions by an unknown assailant with a powerful, unseen fist.
All the figures in the room, (both warm-blooded and plastic) stopped dead in their tracks and looked up.
The door had been replaced with a gaping hole.
And through that hole stepped a man. 
Although far from tall. in fact at three feet tall in his combat boots he might best be described as short, (although not to his face) he was, nonetheless an imposing figure with a heavily set jaw and a powerful upper body. 
He was the archetypal action hero Rachel thought. This impression was increased by the commando-style outfit, the Ultimate Warrior like hair band and the improbably large, almost cartoon like machine gun he carried over his shoulder.
G.I Broski paused in what remained of the door frame rather too self aware of the impression of dynamism and machismo he was trying to create.
“Are those toys bothering you Ma'am?” He growled in a voice that sounded like a movie trailer.
Rachel thought this was self-evident. 
She was currently trussed up like a Thanksgiving bird and facing a firing squad.
Of course they were 'bothering her'.
None the less, understanding the form, she mumbled her assent.
Suddenly he seemed to notice the identity of the prisoner.
“Wait a minute. Are you Princess Butter-bean?”
A puzzled Rachel shook her head.

“This IS number 48 isn't it?” he asked, suddenly flustered.
Rachel shook her head even more frantically.

“Our sincere apologies. I think we're in the wrong house,.. again!” 


“We feel just terrible” Each of the tiny soldiers apologized in turn walking past her eye-line.

“Whmph? Wmphh mmph mppp mph!?” She spluttered as she watched the soldiers line up to make their excuses and began to file back into their box.

“Don't get up. We'll see ourselves out” The Commando said retrieving the box, (by now full once more with platoons of warrior toys) and stepping through the broken wreckage of her bedroom door.
Securely bound and gagged Rachel could only watch as the figures disappeared from her life as swiftly as they had arrived.
How on Earth was she going to explain this to her parents,..?
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Post by Cleavegagger »

Great story, totally unexpected Point of view
a girl, neatly tied up and gagged is a beautifull sight. a girl, enjoying being tied up and gagged is the most beautifull thing i've ever seen. If you want my kik just ask.
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Post by MaxRoper »

You consistently not only come up with excellent plots, but construct your stories artfully and with humor. I'm a big fan.

Do you suppose she's wishing she WAS Princess Butterbean, just to see what came next?
Deleted User 769

Post by Deleted User 769 »

Cleavegagger wrote: 6 years ago Great story, totally unexpected Point of view
Thank you kindly. The scenario came to me in a dream, suggesting too much (or maybe not enough) cheese before bedtime ;)
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Post by Cleavegagger »

Stiletto Amore wrote: 6 years ago
Cleavegagger wrote: 6 years ago Great story, totally unexpected Point of view
Thank you kindly. The scenario came to me in a dream, suggesting too much (or maybe not enough) cheese before bedtime ;)
You can never have enough cheese for bedtime 😁
a girl, neatly tied up and gagged is a beautifull sight. a girl, enjoying being tied up and gagged is the most beautifull thing i've ever seen. If you want my kik just ask.
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Post by TamatoaShiny123 »

Cleavegagger wrote: 6 years ago
Stiletto Amore wrote: 6 years ago
Cleavegagger wrote: 6 years ago Great story, totally unexpected Point of view
Thank you kindly. The scenario came to me in a dream, suggesting too much (or maybe not enough) cheese before bedtime ;)
You can never have enough cheese for bedtime 😁
He's right. :D
Check out my DeviantArt page!
Deleted User 769

Post by Deleted User 769 »

TamatoaShiny123 wrote: 6 years ago
Cleavegagger wrote: 6 years ago
Stiletto Amore wrote: 6 years ago

Thank you kindly. The scenario came to me in a dream, suggesting too much (or maybe not enough) cheese before bedtime ;)
You can never have enough cheese for bedtime 😁
He's right. :D
Ha, ha! This sounds like a bold new advertising campaign for diary:
"Cheese: Damsel in distress fever dreams all but guaranteed" ; )
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Handsome Scoundrel
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Post by Handsome Scoundrel »

This was incredible! I've always wondered what it would have been like if Kirsten Dunst was captured by the soldiers instead of the barbies. Seems like Gulliver's Travels allusions are a pretty big deal for our community. Just check deviantart if you don't believe me!
Male, 29, with a preference for ropes, tape, and cloth. I like to do the tying and am only interested in non-sexual bondage. If you'd like to chat, send me a private message sometime!
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Post by Stbjkkhyh »

Loved the name and the literary references!!
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Post by Stbjkkhyh »

Loved the name and the literary references!!
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Post by Bigballgag1 »

Enjoyed this!
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