Lautaro is missing Cap 1 (M+/m) - Co-written by Alkaid and Krashnamsa

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Lautaro is missing Cap 1 (M+/m) - Co-written by Alkaid and Krashnamsa

Post by alkaid_ »


It everything like a routine day in the city. The month of December just began. People began to share that festive and friendly spirit that invades people as the last days of the year approach.

However, the streets and traffic of the city resented that party time for the arrival of Christmas, even though this would take almost 15 days.

One of those streets was Periferico. Normally it was a road that in rush hours the cars moved slowly. Usually that happened after 6 in the afternoon. However, that last week had been strange. Sometimes from earlier the traffic on the Periferico began to be unbearable.

Those who began to despair at how slow it was were the passengers of a white VW jetta car, model 2010, with opaque glass outside.

It was already night and it was difficult to see what could happen inside neighboring cars. But if anyone could see the three passengers in that car in detail, they would notice that the driver, the co-pilot, and the passenger in the back seat were nervous to the point of despair.

They were in a hurry but little by little the slow progress and the inability to get out into the side lanes made them desperate. But doing that was not going to help them much either, because to reach their destination there were not many shortcuts or streets that served as an alternative.

And all because on the floor between the rear and front seats they carried a 14-year-old boy who had just been kidnapped. The boy was lying on his stomach, his hands cuffed behind his back. With a black winter hat made of yarn that covered his head and that did not allow him to see anything around him or the road that car was taking.

Nothing prevented him from screaming for help, but those guys had warned him well.

"Not a single noise or so-called asshole ... any asshole act costs the life of whoever wants to help you and you will also end up dead ... and yes, I warn you, if we have to kill you, I will not rest until I kill your mommy and daddy"…

Lautaro was 14 years old. The boy was a little short of height for his age and maybe that's why he fit almost perfectly in that small space between the front and rear seats of that car. He was barely above 1.50.

The boy’s body also helped his captors. He was a bit skinny and he was athletic. Lautaro liked to go jogging on the private club track where his father had a membership. He also exercised trying to get the pic six on his abdomen marked and his biceps muscle growing.

And he also dreamed of returning to his country Argentina, to enter the former teams of Boca Juniors, the team he loves and become the striker who could be up like to Tevez, Riquelme and Maradona.

However, the boy was now living a most terrifying experience. Lautaro was being kidnapped in a country and a city that was strange to him. Lautaro had been born in the San Isidro neighborhood in Buenos Aires, however, since two years ago he had had to travel to Mexico.

His father, Mr. Facundo Coppola, had arrived transferred to Mexico to take the regional CEO of a multicorp. Mr. Facundo had climbed for 15 years in the executive positions of this company and went on to become the deputy manager for southamerica of this company.

His talent, business vision, optimization of resources and business risk reading had led him to be appointed by the board of directors, who worked at the corporate in the United States, to the important position of the central office in Mexico, of the which was the supervision for the sub-managements of Bogotá, Santiago and of course Buenos Aires.

For Mr. Facundo, this was the opportunity he had been waiting for so long to show his abilities as a business leader. Moving to Mexico was difficult because he left his father, mother, and grandfather behind.

In addition, their older sons Facundo and Estefanía didnt travel to Mexico because the move would greatly affect their progress in his university studies.

His wife, Mrs. María Estefanía also had no problem moving. Despite being the wife of a successful businessman, she was a sales manager for a subsidiary of a telephone company that had his headquarters in Mexico.

When the company learned of her possible move, the company decided to support her move to Mexico.

So Mr. Facundo and his wife María Estefanía made the move with little Lautaro.

For Lautaro his role in his family was complicated. It was the only one different. He was the only one with dark hair while his father, mother, and siblings were almost blonde. His brother’s eyes were light while the boy's were dark.

His brothers would say that Lautaro was adopted but the reality was different. The boy took those characteristics from his maternal grandmother, who died when the boy was 7 years old. However that didn't matter with his older brothers, who used that hair and eyes theme to made pranks to his younger brother.

And the complications for Lautaro became more complicated when he arrived in Mexico. It was the new boy, the one with a different accent. The one who used strange words that no one at his school knew. The one who support a different soccer team from the rest of the others schoolmates and of course, being Argentine, ended up being a victim of the law of ice when the national teams of Mexico and Argentina faced each other in some friendly or official soccer game.

Although he had already lived in Mexico for 2 years, Lautaro didn’t know the city where he lives. He hardly met the wealthy neighborhood where he had come to live. The company where his father worked had installed him in an apartment in the Polanco area.

His school was 30 minutes away either walking or by car. By car because of the traffic in the area, but the boy's parents preferred to take him in the family car or, when they did not have time, it was the family driver who did the work to take the kid to the school.

The boy couldn’t complain about the conditions in which he lived. His parents gave him everything to grow up healthy and happy. Not only talking about money and possessions, his parents do every possible to spend a quality time.

Mrs. Estefanía always tried to be on time for when her son leaving school. Sometimes they traveled to his apartment to take a lunch or sometimes they did it at the sports club. After that, it depended on where they took their food, the lady returned to her office and the boy stayed at the club where he did his sports activities, especially his soccer training.

And if they ate in the apartment, the lady would take her son to the sports club and drop him off right at the front door, and then return to his office.

Before the dusk it was when his father arrives to the private club to do some exercise, relax in the sauna while his son did some homework. In the end they both traveled home where Mrs. Estefanía was already waiting for them to have dinner together around 8:30 at night.

In the house, the Coppola family had 5 people who they trusted and who rotate and worked days and some tasks in the department: Laura Camacho and Jesús Paz, both in charge of the kitchen, Doña Luz Pérez in charge of cleaning and two employees subordinates: Fabián Ordaz and Beatriz Morales.

On weekends, Mr. Facundo tried to have family time. Sometimes there were family meals with a close or distant relative who had moved to Mexico. Sometimes The Coppola’s would go for a near place to the city and made a tourist trip.

Or sometimes Mr. Facundo and Lautaro traveled alone to visit a Mexican soccer stadiums. Both missed La Bombonera de Boca party and it was something they couldn't find in Mexico.

Lautaro couldn't complain about inattention or not spending time with his mom and dad. However, he also felt a little uncomfortable. Sometimes she felt her parents were too overprotective.

They wouldn't let him out of the house alone, even when the boy wanna buy candy at convenience store that was two blocks away from the building where he lived. They also did n’t let him go alone with friends or classmates or a private club to walk through a mall or to the movies.

The only moments of freedom the boy had were when he had to do some school work as a team with school mates. Only in this way he could go to the house of a mates, but his return to home was always with the family driver or with Mrs. Estefanía.

Sometimes the boy felt suffocated by that overprotection.

However that December day was strange. The boy had asked, begged and even had a tantrum to get his parents permission to go alone with a group of schoolmates to a mall and watch a movie.

At first the answer was the same as always: No. However, things changed strangely. Mrs. Estefanía and Mr. Facundo welcomed the fact that their son lived without problems.

“Stefi, Lautaro is no longer a boy, he is going to be 15 years old. We can no longer treat him like a baby, Also, remember what happened with Facu when we wanted to get strict and serious with him … he pissed us, he was runaway. I think the best thing is to let him out a little, give him his space, so that he knows that we trust him to tell us whatever, with whom and where he is. The truth is that I don't want this to get out of our hand like with Facu.”

His wife was looking at him with some suspicion. The truth is that years ago, when Facundo lived his teen years, they spent embarrassing and anguished moments because their oldest son like the party. He remembered that they tried to be strict with him, to watch him at every step and in every place, but his son managed to escape from the vigilance of his parents and the driver.

Facundo told them that he was going to a friend's house but the reality is that he ended up escaping to another party, to another place far away from the control and surveillance of his parents. The same happened later with the daughter Estefanía.

"You may be right, but we were at home there ... Lauti lives in a country that he doesn’t know ... we don’t know this city at all ... we hardly know who are his friends and his friends family ..."

Her husband tried to convince her by saying that that was why they couldn’t continue with this overprotection, that it was better for her son to tell them where he was going to be.

"Remember that, in Buenos Aires we knew where those 2 could be. What places they could go to. That is why Lauti must have that confidence... Imagine ... where are we going if he’s not come home? Who are we ask if Lauti escapes like his brothers did? ”.

Mrs. Estefanía seemed to be convinced. She remembered the stress caused by Facundo and Estefania's escapes, and she honestly didn’t want to experience it again. And her husband was right, with her older children she knew where to look for them, but in a unknown country to them it was going to be more complicated, more stressful and more desperate.

The next day Lautaro received the good news. On Wednesday, in 2 weeks, he was going to be able to go out with the group of friends. That first freedom was wonderful for the boy.

His dad had told him that he could decide how to go to that place, if he needed the driver.

"Whatever you need you have Gustavo, call him."
Lautaro said that it would not be necessary because the driver of one of his friends would take them all to the mall.

The return home option also excited Lautaro.

"Well, when you come back you can call Gustavo if you need to, if you don't want to call him you can use my Uber account."

Lautaro's eyes sparkled. For the first time in his life he isn’t going to feel watched by his parents.

For Lautaro the following days were very exciting. A lot of enthusiasm, happiness, joy and wishes so that the time passed as quickly as possible.

Finally the date arrived. And that morning was the most anxious for Lautaro. He even woke up almost half an hour before the alarm on his cell phone started ringing.

That day he was taken to school by Gustavo, the family's driver. At school the boy was completely distracted the entire time. He wasn’t attentive to the classes, he didn’t turn in the school task that was done during the day, or when the chemistry teacher asked him about some topics on the periodic elements tables, he didn’t know what to answer.

Finally the moment that Lautaro had been waiting for days ago arrived: the end of the school hour: 2:30 in the afternoon. The school clock rang and his physics teacher let them go out from the school.

Lautaro joined to the group of other boys: three girls and four boys in total. The group went to the school exit and they got into a van, owned by Dania's father, one of Lautaro's classmates who had the idea to that movie time between friends.

Behind the wheel was waiting for them Orlando, the driver of Dania's father, who worked as a sales manager for a pharmaceutical company.

Lautaro sat next to Fatima. In Lautaro’s classroom, Fatima was the most pretty girl in every way. She wasn´t from an original rich family, his dad had won the lottery 5 years ago. Before that award, her dad worked in the accounts area of a warehouse. And thanks to his knowledge and finance studies, he knew how to invest a large part of his prize and gradually build a fortune.

Fatima's father did not have a driver, he didn’t use a luxorius car. Sometimes even the girl would come to school with her mom she arrived at taxi or an app drivers service, she and her mom get out of the car one block away from the school and they walk to the school entrance.

Fatima was smiling girl. Although she was proficient in math and had good notes, her big sister Brenda, seven years older than she, had helped her to not be the annoying girl in the classroom, not to being the girl who remember to the teachers when they had left homework and hadn’t check it, and no longer be smug with her notes.
Her mother worried about her daughter's change of social circle and that wouldn’t hurt her in a new group of rich people took her to karate classes and there she learned to defend herself in a good way.

A year earlier, when a boy and a girl wanted to mock Fatima because they knew what the origin of their family's money was, they tried to make her less. The boy wanted to touch his face in intimidation but Fatima replied: he slapped the boy's hand and shoved him in the chest.

The other girl wanted to pull her hair but Fatima made a move to avoid and the attacker ended up being subdued with a fighting move.

Lautaro was the new boy in the school. He watched in the distance what was happening. Suddenly the boy who had accompanied the attempt to intimidate Fatima wanted to take advantage of the fact that she was focused on the other girl and tried to get closer to her. Lautaro ran and pushed to the floor the boy who was trying to hurt someone distracted.

"Listen to me, pelotudo, she's a girl... first two against one and you try to hit her treacherously. Apart from Patoteros, you are are cagones".

Lautaro almost leaned down to yell at the boy face. The boy was surprised bu how fast Lautaro acted, the strenght of his push, the strong way in which he faced him and of course, the strange accent of the boy.

The two bullies were frustrated in their attempt to annoy Dania and ended up escaping. From that day on, Fátima earned the respect and fear of her classmates generation and also she and Lautaro clicked and became good friends.

But with the passage of time Lautaro wanted something more, but he had never had the opportunity to spend more time with Fatima outside of school. And that time together was his opportunity.

Lautaro tried not to separate from Fatima and Fatima tried not to separate from his Argentine friend.

At times and when no one noticed they walked touching hand with hand.

They sat together in the movie theater and were still holding their hands at times. One looked at the other's face when the other weren´t put attention to the screen and the scene was repeated backwards moments later. After the movie, the seven boys went to a coffee shop. Either way, Fatima and Lautaro sat side by side.

The boys talked about what the 15-year-old boys are talking about. What they liked and didn't like about the movie, whether an actor or actress is their crush, the video or a recent post by a youtuber, of the most recent meme that a friend, who can’t went to the movie time, already post. .

But for Lautaro the most difficult moment came. Fatima had received a call from her mom. She was waiting for her in five minutes at the door of the coffee shop.
Fatima got up from the table and said goodbye to everyone. The last one was Lautaro. The boy gave a sad look. It had been a fun and comfortable day but without Fatima he didn’t feel he gonna stay there much longer.

It was also Wednesday. The next day everybody had to go to school. He had some pending homework and without Fatima in the meeting he didn't feel like going on.

So 10 minutes later Lautaro got up from the coffee shop table, said goodbye to his friends and sayed that it was time to he go home.

“Shour mom is coming for you, boludo …”

Lautaro heard that voice trying to imitate his accent. He immediately turned to see Eduardo, one of his best friends from school whom he had completely forgotten all that day.

Since they very good friends, Eduardo used to imitate Lautaro Argentine accent to play and joke with him.

"I'm leaving, but no... my mom is still in the office ..." The boy replied.

Eduardo wanted to convince him to continue one more hour. "Stay here stupid, my dad is coming for me ... shou can come with us, we taking you home."

Lautaro was tempted to stay, but he also wanted to enjoy a little of that freedom to move alone in that city that after 2 years was still unknown to him.

It was after 6:30 in the afternoon. The boy still had time on his permission. He had to get home no later than 9 pm. Lautaro began to walk through that mall. It looked like a puppy without a chain. Erratically walking from one side to the other, seeing sideboards and stopping at those places that caught his attention.

I would walk into video game stores to check out what's new, sports stores to check out tennis and soccer team jerseys, and an electronics store to appreciate better some gadgets.

At the same time as he was making the trip home, he go on his dad's Uber account. He had the key and password and made the request for the car to return home. He also told his parents that he was already going home.

The car arrived almost 10 minutes later at the door of the mall. The trip from the mall to his home would take no more than 20 minutes, but with the time of day, the area of the city and the holidays times, it took the boy almost an hour to arrive to his destination.

However, Lautaro didn’t get down at the door of the building where he lived. The boy marked the destination of his trip in a park that was five blocks behind the building where he lived.

Lautaro got out of the Uber and began to see what was around him. He had lived 2 years near that place but it was unknown to him. Sometimes he had passed through that place on board the car with Gustavo, with his mother or with his father.
Never before, not when he went down to the convenience store to buy any candy, he had been able to walk to that place.

Lautaro walked fascinated by the street. Through the trees, through the people running, through the office workers who traveled by bicycle to a nearby subway station or some other public transport route. Lautaro walked through a dimly lit part of the park. He felt like he was in a mystery movie. Suddenly the mystery turned to horro movie.

"Without looking at me kid, walk next to me as if I were your father or your driver... if you make a false move right here you die... if you ask for help the one who comes also dies..."

Lautaro drastically changed from euphoria to nervousness and fear. The boy felt an object pressing against his left side and a hand above his right shoulder.

"I'm going to give you everything I have ... Just don't hurt me please."

Despite his innocence, Lautaro understood that dude was robbed him. His father had always told him that if something like this happened to him at any time in his life, he shouldn’t put resist, give up all his belongings and not look his assailants in the face because his life would always be more valuable than any belongings.

"You just do what I tell you and nothing will happen to you, boy..."

Lautaro was beginning to feel shaky. He just had to wait what would happen to that guy. Slowly, a van from a laundry service approached. The car matched up with Lautaro and the man until it finally stopped.

The side door opened and the guy grabbed Lautaro's neck and the back of his sweater and school uniform shirt.

"Get in... get in... do it fast..."

The boy didn’t understand what was happening. He didn’t understood what they were asking. He just followed the order mechanically.´

As soon as the man and Lautaro got into the truck, the side door closed quickly and it moved forward quickly and abruptly. Lautaro was forced to lie face down on the floor.

The boy was beginning to feel strange. He was beginning to be scared by what was happening. His fear began to grow because the three people inside the van began to argue and raise their voices while he was lying on his stomach. He was more afraid to look up, but something strange was happening to him, he began to feel agitation and a feeling of hollow in the pit of his stomach that he had never felt before in his life.

His mind was telling him to calm down, but an inner voice was very nervous. Suddenly that voice began to disobey Lautaro.

"Help ... please ... let me go ... take what you want, my phone is expensive, I will not tell anyone but please let me go ..."

Suddenly Lautaro felt a strong blow to the head. The man who had ambushed him on the street slapped him.

"Listen to me, little boy ... I told you, no bullshit ... do it again and you die ... and if someone comes to help you, he also dies ... and if we have to kill you, little boy, I will kill your daddy and mommy.

Lautaro was beginning to sob at that menacing voice whispering in his ear, in addition to the barrel of the pistol that squeezed his left cheek with great force as the squeaker squeezed his eyes to keep them closed.

Lautaro was still like this when he felt his hands were pulled behind his back and suddenly he felt something metallic around his wrists. He wanted to move them and noticed that they were imprisoned. Moments later, he felt that the man was putting a yarn cap on his head in such a way that it covered him from the head to the neck. Lautaro was completely blind.

The boy started to get more scared when he felt imprisoned. Many things were beginning to happen in his mind.

"I would not have gotten off in the park ... better I would have gone straight to my house ... better I would not have gone to walk to the park ... better I would have said to Eduardo that I would go with him to my home ... why is this happening to me? What are they going to do to me?"

Lautaro was beginning to lose track of time and distance, thinking that an hour had already passed and they had traveled far from the area where they had caught him. However, the truck barely moved a few meters after less than 10 minutes.

The truck entered the underground parking garage of a 5 floor building. On the ground floor this building had a small plaza with a coffee shop, a watch store, a stationery store and the main reception for the offices that were on the upper floors.

The truck parked, the engine was turned off, and the two dudes in the front seats got out of the vehicle.

A few moments later the side door of the van opened. Lautaro was silent, though his breathing was still a little shaky.

"No cabrón, better better open the back door ..." Lautaro heard again that voice that had previously threatened him.

The boy began to feel that a hand was beginning to go over his waist and along his right side at the height of his pants bag. He repeated the same thing on his left side and took out his wallet and cell phone.
Laurato felt a little relief, maybe those guys already had what they wanted and maybe in a few minutes they were going to set him free. However everything was going to be different.

Lautaro felt him being lifted off the floor abruptly. They made him get out of the van and walk three steps. The boy tried to give resistence, tried to nail his feet on the floor but his shoes slipped on the floor of that parking lot. The guy who was holding him tightly punch Lautaro stomach.

The boy immediately doubled over in pain. He felt as if he had lost his breath. He lost track of his movements and therefore didn’t feel the moment when he was put into a sedan-like vehicle. The boy was lying face down in what felt like too narrow a space.

The guy who had caught him minutes earlier climbed into the car seat. Lautaro felt a heavy foot tread down his back.

"Remember kid... no nonsense ... quiet, without making noise ..."

A door opened and moments later the car's engine started and began to move forward.

The car drove a few meters and stopped for a moment. The passenger door opened and the third guy entered.

The car started up again. Advanced several streets until reached Periferico. The car tried to go up to the second floor but they didn’t go on because problem with the tag. Lautaro began to shake his breath at the tense atmosphere in that car, the discussions between those three dudes, and the strange situation the boy was experiencing.

"Where are they taking me? What does they want from me?" The boy thought.

Inide an apartment in Polanco was living tension. Mr. Facundo took his phone, saw the time, made a call and waited for an answer.

However, after hearing the ringtone, no one answered.

"This pibe… what does he thinks... we give him a little freedom and look ... he does all what he wants."

Mr. Facundo and Mrs. Estefanía began to argue. Lautaro had not yet arrived home. It had been more than half an hour of the time that Lautaro had to returned.

"I already told you ... I told you that Gustavo had to go look for him." Mrs. Estefanía claimed her husband.

Mr. Facundo continued to insist on the call but it was still not answered. He reopened the Uber app and reviewed the last ride. The start was marked at a mall near the boy's school and the end of the trip in a park that was behind the entrance to the building where they lived.

"I'm not going to sit idly by, dear ... I'm going to the place where the Uber says it left the boy ..."

Mr. Facundo hadn’t even taken off his coat, took his keys from a small table and went to the door of his apartment and then went outside.

He entered the elevator to the lobby. As he went down the 12 floors a lot of things were beginning to happen to his mind.

Where will this kid be? What will he think, what can he do all what he wants? I can't believe it, he barely has a permision and he already wants to do his will… he's worse than his older brothers, for God's sake! ”.

Mr. Facundo was somewhat angry. He left the building and walked to the point where Uber say him the ride was over.

Mr. Facundo knew that his youngest son was curious. What he always wanted to know the area where he lived, but that he and his wife were always afraid that their little one would walk alone the streets of the city.

Suddenly his annoyance turned to understanding. What if he started walking the streets and got lost? The fucking mother! I just hope to find him in this square. ”

Mr. Facundo began walk around the park, he stopped every person who was there and asked if he had seen his son, he showed them a photo of Lautaro on his cell phone. However, he always received the same answer: nobody had seen the boy.

After almost an hour, where he walked every corner of the park and some streets near the department and the area and there was no sign of his son.

He called Lautaro's phone again and it remained unanswered. Whatsapp messages that he had sent to his son remained in the received status. The boy's last connection dated from minutes after 7 p.m.

Mr. Facundo was already beginning to despair. He called again on his cell phone, but this time the call was answered.

"No dear... Lauti still hasn't arrived. No, he isn’t call me… No way, I talked with Dania's mother and Eduardo's father… they told me that Lauti left them after 6… No love, he didn't answer me either… No calls or whatsapp… ”

Mr. Facundo closed his eyes and sighed. He used to do that when he got nervous, stressed, or was about to explode. All of that could be possible at the time.

Mr. Facundo decided to return to his apartment. There he called his assistant.

"Sorry to bother you so late, but I need you to support me please ... who is the legal assistant? ... Okay ... you have your phone handy ... yes, I need it ... it is a personal, family problem, but I need someone who know how it is solved in Mexico… ”.

Mr. Facundo hung up and almost a minute later he checked his WhatsApp. The message from Ana, his personal assistant had just arrived.

Atty. Román Pérez.

"Atty. Pérez ... sorry for disturbing you at this time ... I am very sorry, Facundo Coppola speaks ... no, excuse me, I know that it is not time to call ... don't worry sir, I understand, but I am talking to you because I need a little help from you , to guide me in something personal ... "

Mr. Facundo began to tell what had happened to his son. What had happened that day, who hadn’t had contact with him for 4 and a half hours, from his trip on Uber from a mall near his school to a place near his home and that he went looking for him but did not find him and that he didn’t answer calls or messages.

Atty. Pérez listened attentively to the words of one of his bosses. He understood that Mr. Coppola was surely experiencing a moment of emergency and that he needed his help.

"Sir, I am in half an hour at your house. Whatever happens, if the boy appears and or if you can contact him, call me ... "...

After more than three hours of dealing with the city traffic, under a lot of stress and tension, the white jetta car arrive to this destination. A house in one of the mountain areas of the city. At the time of the year and the night made this place especially cold.

The three guys got out of the car and immediately reacted to the weather.

That tall man abruptly lifted Lautaro. With some complications, he managed to get out the boy of that narrow space between the front and rear seats. Lautaro felt a little numb but also very nervous. The cold snap made him start to tremble and his breathing and sobs wouldn't stop. The boy kept in mind that threat that if he yelled for help that guy was going to kill him and the worst thing is that he also threatened to do the same to his parents.

However, his survival instinct made him resist. Try to nail your feet to the floor to avoid being led to who knows where. Try to escape from that place and contact your parents for help. Yelling desperately for help.

But the fear, the tension he felt, and the despair of having his eyes covered with that yarn cap, all they allowed him to do was try to resist his steps.

However, that man was stronger than Lautaro, he made him walk several steps, enter a house, walk down a corridor, enter a room and finally Lautaro was thrown face down on a somewhat hard mattress.

"Listen to me, kid ... you have been good so far, but it is not enough ... I am going to put you on your back and take off this hat. But if you know what’s better you, you’ll keep your eyes closed. I'm also going to remove the handcuffs from your hands, but if you know what good for you, you're going to stay still…okay?”

Lautaro shook his head saying that he understood the threats of that guy. He felt how they were holding him by the shoulders to turn him over and also how that hat was suddenly stripped from him.

He squeezed his eyes tight to keep them closed. He was fighting his instinct telling him to open them so he can know where he is.

Lautaro heard a strange noise. Suddenly he felt something being placed over his eyes and hands running over that area to make it firm. When he felt his hands withdraw, he opened his eyes to realize that his sight had been blindfolded.

He felt that they were lifting him in such a way that he was sitting on that mattress and his right hand was released from his wrist. However, he felt a slap on the chest that made him fall on his back on the mattress. He felt what this guy was handling him as if he were a doll and pulled him onto that mattress and then took his left hand, stretched it out as much as he could, and when he felt that it was released he realized that his left hand had been trapped in such a way that he couldn’t barely move it.

The same thing happened with his right hand. The boy was starting to get more nervous. He was starting to pull his hands as if trying to bring them together in front of him. He was also beginning to move his feet desperately. He flexed his knees and shuffled his feet, still in his black shoes over the mattress as he breathed nervously.

Lautaro felt those strange hands now grasp his left leg. Lautaro tried to resist and free himself.

"Quiet boy ... I don't want to put a madriza in you ..." Lautaro felt a punch on his left thigh. Moments later se felt a metal ring surround his ankle and then his leg was stretched to the maximum to finally be completely secured. The same thing happened with his left leg.

Lautaro was still sobbing. Feeling imprisoned like that made him despair more, breathe harder, and at times let out sighs of fear.

The man approached a small table that was on the right side of the bed. He took the roll of tape and began to separate it.

He approached his captive, peeled off a piece of tape, and placed it over Lautaro's lips. The boy was in complete shock. Moments later, the guy took his head and raised it slightly. Lautaro heard a strange noise and at the same time he felt something wrap around his head.

Lautaro was gagged with five turns of tape.

"You better keep on being good boy. It depends on whether we give you something to eat and drink later… ”.

Lautaro heard a few steps move away from him and then the sound of a door closing. Later the sound of a lock and a click, and then everything in silence.

The boy could hear his labored breathing. He moved his hands and feet and despaired of being completely stretched out on that bed. The boy could hear her desperate breathing. I was starting to feel a little cold inside that room. Lautaro was already terrified.
Finally his instincts began to win. Lautaro was screaming for help. But they were just sobs caught in five turns of duct tape.

Atty. Pérez arrived at the Coppola’s department. He heard from Mrs. Estefanía that the calls to her son's cell phone were no longer coming. Instead, he received a message that the cell phone was turned off or outside the service area.

Mr. Pérez knew that things were wrong. He indicated to Mr. Facundo and Mrs. Estefanía that it was best to go and report the disappearance of their son to the police.

"The faster we act, the better sir ... the police will move to look for your son ..."

After 20 minutes, Mr. Pérez arrived with The Coppola’s at the police station. Mr. Pérez knew three policemen who were on duty and told them why he was there.

The detective passed to Mr. and Mrs. Coppola and began to take his statement.

Then came the questions that for the parents were uncomfortable: didn't he go with the girlfriend? Have you already ask with his friends? What was he doing alone? Are you sure you have no problems? Didn't you argue or fight with him boy? Does he has no reason to run away?

After answering the questions, the detective decided to start the alert Amber for the disappearance of Lautaro Coppola, 14 years old.

The detective order was issued to look for the boy in the entire neighborhood. The detective sayed maybe the kid being on the street, began to walk the streets of the neighborhood but perhaps he was lost. That maybe he could have be mugged and took his phone away from him.

The detective sayed to Lautaro's parents that to find out the location of the phone they could activate the location function. However, this couldn’t be done because Mr. Facundo and Mrs. Estefanía did not know their son's passwords to enter iCloud.

The Coppola’s came out nervous and tense. They were a little frustrated by the bureaucracy to search for their son's phone. Not having access to their son's account, they being forced to wait the next morning to make a request to the phone company to locate his son’s cellphone.

They also despaired of the fact that they asked them to go home, perhaps the boy could return home and this gonna have a happily end the bad time as the police scoured the entire neighbourhood and its surroundings to search for the missing boy.

The detective were also told that the next morning they would go to the mall to check their security tapes. Mr. Facundo didn’t understand why go to the mall if his son had taken an Uber ride to an area near his home. But the detective sayed that they wanted to see if someone had been watching his son in the mall.

The detective also told the Coppola’s they would be in charge of finding and locating the Uber driver so that he could give his testimony to help to find the boy.

Mr. Pérez said goodbye at the exit of the police station with The Coppola’s. He indicated that any news of the case should be made known to him. Facundo and Estefanía returned to their apartment. At different times they entered Lautaro's room, looked at inside and became nervous.

The night was long and there seemed to be no end.

In the living room of a house in the Ajusco, three dudes finally began to have dinner. There was beer, cigars, a bottle of rum, and a plate with quesadillas, sopes, and gorditas.

After several minutes, the man who hours earlier had ambushed Lautaro and then left him handcuffed to a bed, was checking his phone. The guy got up from the table, went out to the patio of the house and opened WhatsApp.

It took a few seconds to search for a contact: Díaz.

"We already got it ... the package is stored ..."

The message had been sent. The man took out a pack of cigarettes, took out one and with some difficulty due to the blowing wind, managed to light it.

The phone vibrated again.

"Now let's wait ... don't do anything ..."

The guy let out an angry sigh. He didn’t understand why it was necessary to wait. Moments later he received a new message.

"They are nervous, let them suffer for a while longer ... we have the advantage."

That guy read the message. He didn't seem very happy, but he resigned himself to accepting that indication. After all, he knew that Díaz was going to warn them of any movement with that family.

The guy rubbed his arms with his hands to shake off the cold.

He returned to the house with the cigarette in his mouth. He walked to the room where Lautaro was locked and handcuffed.

As soon as the boy heard the door open, he began to sob and moan asking to be let go. The dude ignored those laments. He simply made his way under the bed, pulled out a large blanket enough to cover the bed where Lautaro was tied up.

The man covered the boy and left the room without saying a word.