Trust Me (m/m)

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Trust Me (m/m)

Post by cj2125 »

“Do you trust me?” Dylan turned his head away from the TV screen. The thirteen-year-old ran a hand through his brown hair and looked at the smaller blonde boy sitting besides him. It was an odd question to ask no doubt.

“Why do you ask?”

“Just answer me!” Tom said placing the controller on the ground and turning around to face Dylan “Do you trust me?”

“That’s a stupid question” Dylan sighed “Of course I do! We’ve been friends since we were 6!” Tom gave him a sheepish smile, seemingly glad of his friend’s approval

“Would you trust me with your life?” Dylan raised an eyebrow and gave Tom an inquisitive look. He knew Tom long enough to realize when he was up to something and all the signs were there. The way he was smiling, the glimmer in his eyes, the way his fists clenched over his lap. Tom was definitely up to something and Dylan didn’t like it

“No… whatever you are planning the answer is no!”

“Come on Dylan! I swear you’ll like it!” Tom exclaimed bouncing on his place. If that was supposed to make Dylan feel more compelled to agree it failed miserably

“What do I have to do?” Tom gave him a mischievous look

“Let me tie you up-”


“Pleaseee!” Tom used his most powerful weapon… “You said you trust me, right? We are best friends; do you really think I’ll try to hurt you?” …emotional manipulation

Dylan’s lips quivered, Tom was right; he never tried to hurt him on purpose, but that didn’t mean he never got hurt. Agreeing to go through with Tom’s schemes had landed him with a broken arm, five stitches above his right knee, been banned from a local pizzeria, 35 accounts of detention and being held hostage for ransom by Tom’s brother.

With all those misadventures, one would think that Dylan might be wary of Tom’s plans, but for some reason, unknown even to Dylan himself, he always agreed to play along. This time however he was determined to resist. There was now way he was letting that prick tie him up!

“It’ll be fun… I promise…” Tom pouted his lips giving Dylan puppy eyes “Trust me, please”

“Uhggg! Fine!” apparently Dylan’s resolve was as weak as Tom’s muscles. Tom let out a shriek of delight “Great… actually, I need you to get dressed first!”

“Dressed? Why?” Dylan was wearing a pair of green boxers and a white t-shirt, the clothes he wore to sleep, since he didn’t plan to go outside and Tom would be the only one around, he saw no reason to get dressed

“Trust me!”

Dylan reluctantly pulled some clothes from his closet and soon got changed into a red t-shirt with a white logo, jeans and a pair of white ankle socks “Shoes too!” Dylan shrugged and put on a pair of black adidas. Tom gave him a thumb up of approval and quickly instructed his friend to cross his hands behind him. Dylan complied, turning around on his knees and pulling his arms back
“What are you even planning?”

“Just trust me!” Tom opened his backpack and pulled out a roll of duct tape. He ripped a piece and started wrapping it around Dylan’s wrists. The boy let out an uncomfortable whimper as the tape pulled at his hairs. Dylan really didn’t like getting tied up! He didn’t have any issue with his friend’s “hobby” but couldn’t understand the appeal of being restrained. In fact, the whole situation was making him feel a little awkward

“Are you going to gag me too?” he asked nervously watching Tom rip a short piece of tape

“Of course, trust me” Tom smiled and pressed the tape over Dylan’s lips, smoothing it with his fingers. Dylan contorted his mouth testing the tape’s stickiness while writhing is wrists.

“You look cute when gagged” Tom grinned playfully patting his cheek, Dylan rolled his eyes and let out a muffled grunt yet a smile appeared under the tape. “Don’t get too cocky” he added ripping a second strip of tape and pressing it over his eyes

“Mpphh?” he exclaimed realizing that he was unable to open them, once more, Tom uttered the same words:
“Trust me” he gently patted his cheek “Alright?” Dylan reluctantly nodded, breath still heavy though. His friend grabbed his left arm and lead him out of the room. Slowly Dylan walked forwards, unable to see where he was being taken. Short nervous moans escaping his mouth as he walked

“We are going down the stairs” Tom explained, at least he did seem concerned for Dylan’s wellbeing, making sure he didn’t trip with anything and carefully leading him away from any hazard. Still it was unnerving for the boy to go down the stairs with his eyes closed. He was more than happy when he finally reached the bottom

“Okay Dylan, you are doing great” Normally he would have resented Tom’s treating him like a little kid, but in his current situation, somehow, he found it comforting. He even found himself smiling at Tom’s words “Now we are walking towards the front door”

“Mmphh?” Dylan cocked his head wondering why he would take him to the front door. Slowly the realization of what Tom intended to do dawned on him. No! He wouldn’t! “HHMM!” he exclaimed nervously, planting his feet on the ground. Dylan started shaking his head, twisting his body and angrily demanding to be let go. No matter what, he wasn’t going outside like this! What if someone saw him? Tom had to be out of his mind if he wanted to do that

“Dylan!” Tom exclaimed grasping his friend’s elbow. Dylan stopped struggling and let out low, desperate pleas “I know this sounds scary, but I’m gonna be looking after you. This is something we have to do. Trust me okay?” Dylan didn’t want to, he didn’t want to go outside bound and gagged, he didn’t want to be tied up anymore. He also knew that he only had to say it, put up a fight; he was stronger than Tom, Tom would never be able to force him to do that!

He nodded

He didn’t know why he agreed but he nodded, Tom rubbed his back and Dylan found his muscles relaxing “Thanks” he heard Tom say yet Dylan remained quiet. He didn’t fight as Tom lead the way. He heard the doors open and a voice telling him to step outside. He did it “Good boy” he felt a hand ruffling his hair and he realized he was smiling, it actually felt good.

Tom made him walk further. Dylan felt the sun warming up his face and a hot breeze running down his body. Nervously the boy gave a step further… and another… and another. Soon he was walking down the street, head hanging low, Tom holding his arm to lead him.

“Hey! Ms. Thompson! Yeah, I’m kidnaping him!”


“Lovely weather Mr. Gerard! Perfect time for a walk! Isn’t it?” Tom had to be messing with him! No way they were walking pass every one of his neighbors!

“Hmt'f nht fhnnn!” he grunted shaking his upper body

“It is fun for me” Tom replied, even though he could not see, Dylan could picture him grinning. He tilted his head sideways and shoved it against Tom “Ouch! You actually headbutted me?” Dylan chuckled and, after Tom tried to shove him aside, he responded by tackling him with his body “Oh come on!” he laughed and soon both kids were having an impromptu wrestling match. Interestingly, despite one of them being tied up, they seemed to be evenly matched.

“I won!” Tom laughed ruffling Dylan’s hair

“Hmn nhhr drmhmf!” the boy laughed shaking his head. He tried to take a step further but Tom yanked at his arm

“We’re here!” he had been so busy fooling around with Tom that Dylan had failed to take notice of where they were going. Tom lead him across a grassy front yard and up some wooden stairs; his house perhaps? “Wait a second here” he stood awkwardly while hearing Tom fumbling with the front door until it opened “After you!”
Dylan took a few awkward steps forwards… and slammed his face into the wall “Sorry!” Tom chuckled while Dylan grunted. He was spun to his left and made walk forwards. It felt strange, that layout didn’t felt like Tom’s house but where else could he had taken him? “Up the stairs!” Dylan tripped with the steps, stumbling forwards until his fall was stopped by a pair of hands holding his chest “Watch out buddy! I know you’re excited to be here but take it easy!”

Dylan tried to point that he didn’t even know where he was but it was once again muffled by his gag. Reluctantly he climbed up the stairs trying not to trip again; once he landed on the top floor, Tom spun him to his right…weird, Tom’s room was to the left, were they going to his parents’ room? Dylan wondered, still on denial about their real location.

A door was open and he was softly pushed inside. Dylan felt a soft carpet under his feet as he walked inside the room “Thm, whmrm hrm wm?” he tried to ask his friend where they were but Tom pretended not to understand him, instead he urged him to keep walking. His knees hit something soft and he once more lost his balance and fell forwards, landing on bed.


“Yeah, I think you’ve earned a break!” Dylan felt his friend’s hands grasping his sides and with a little effort rolling him over so he was lying on top of his hands. He tried to lift his torso to relieve the pressure but Tom pressed his hand against his chest


“Relax dude, trust me!” he was starting to distrust him! Tom kneeled in front of him and grabbed both of his ankles, spreading them until they reach the legs of the bed. Dylan felt a rope wrapping around his ankles, just above his socks keeping his legs spread and forcing him to sit on the bed “Can you get out?”
Dylan started squirming, trying to pull at his legs and twisting his torso, after a few minutes, he stopped to recover his breath and shook his head “Good” he ruffled Dylan’s hair “Listen carefully, I’m going to leave you here know…”


“Don’t worry, you’ll be okay, trust me!” By this point Dylan definitely didn’t trust him! When he heard Tom walking away, in desperation Dylan tried to go after him, only for the ropes to pull back at his ankles, making him loose his balance and fell forwards; landing face flat on the carpet.

“Mmpppphh….” He whimpered while burying his face on the carpet. After spending a few minutes still, letting his bruised ego recover; Dylan started writhing and squirming across the floor until he managed to get on his knees. Then he leaned back until he felt his back against the bed and rested upon it, panting and huffing for a few more minutes before trying to crawl up the bed.

Unfortunately, he felt a sharp pain on his ankles. After falling down, his ankles ended twisted face down with the ropes tightening around them which made it impossible for him to get up without breaking his bones. “Fhhk!” he snarled falling back on his knees. Forced to remain in a really awkward position where he was kneeling on the floor with his legs spread and his torso arched backwards, leaning on the mattress. He was going to kill Tom when he got out of that!

He was starting to regret every decision that lead him there when suddenly he heard voices below “Thm?” he wondered lifting his head. They sounded like more than one person... was his family home? He could hear someone climbing the stair only to stop abruptly on the other side of the door. Dylan started writhing against the bed, trying to free his hands from the tape when the door opened

“Oh my god!”

That was a girl’s voice, Tom didn’t have sisters! Maybe it was a cousin? A friend of his? A really young robber? By this point Dylan was in complete denial of the fact that his best friend had left him tied up in a stranger’s bedroom but the next words forced him to come to terms with reality

“Dylan?” he knew that voice, his face turned scarlet as he realized he was in Amanda Winslow’s bedroom. He was definitely going to kill Tom!

The boy remained still, even holding his breath back with the naïve hope the if he didn’t move, Amanda won’t see the taped-up boy kneeling in front of her. He felt a pair of fingers picking one end of the tape covering his eyes and in a swift motion, pulled it off

His wide-open eyes saw the girl in front of him, here face slightly red, her brown hair tied in a ponytail, her wide brown eyes looking at him. Dylan sincerely wished the earth would swallow him. Amanda picked up the tape from his mouth and ripped it over

“I’m sorry!” Dylan exclaimed trying his best to fight back the tears “I swear this wasn’t my idea! It was Tom’s fault! He tricked me and left he here I didn’t even knowthiswasyourhosueIswearIwoudn’thavedoneitifpleasedon’ttellanyoneaboutthisI… mmmmpphhh!” Amanda quickly pressed the tape back over his lip and closed her door

“Be quiet or you’ll alert my parents!” she urged him and crawled back to him “Now I’m going to remove the tape and you are going to be quite okay?”

Dylan, with his face as red as it had ever been, nodded and pressed his lips together when they were free from the tape. “Are you hurt?” she asked; only his ego, sanity and friendship with Tom… so he merely shook his head. Amanda gave him a shy smile and lifted a piece of paper in front of him so he could read it. It was written in a familiar messy handwrite


I’m gonna cut the crap and go to the point. Dylan likes you a lot but he is much of a coward to tell you, I know you like him too (everyone knows) so I figured I’ll give him a little push. Don’t need to thank me, I’m awesome I know!


“I found it taped to my door” she explained. Dylan re-read Tom’s note, sweat forming on his forehead, breathing increasing and a knot forming on his stomach… he felt the need to throw up

“I’m going to kill Tom”

“Is it true?” she asked

He looked at her like a deer on the headlights, his stomach grumbling, the taste of bile in his mouth. He wished for the earth to swallow him right now, for a thunder to strike him, for an alien to abduct him… but since none of those things seem to be happening at any moment, he reluctantly nodded. That was it… his life was over, he should move to Canada and… wait a second “The note… do you uhmmm…like me?” he asked grasping his glimmer of hope. Amanda blushed and gave him a shy smile.

The next morning, Dylan’s parents had already left when the doorbell rang. Without bothering to change from the boxers and t-shirt he slept on, the teenager stumbled downstairs and opened the front door. The little blonde asshole was standing on the doorway “Oh…it’s you” he grunted
Tom gave him a nervous smile “You didn’t answer my messages”

“I didn’t see them” Dylan lied, how could someone miss the 47 text messages Tom sent him that night?

“Dylan!” Tom cried “I’m sorry! I wanted to help you! In hindsight it was a terrible idea and I probably ruined your chances with her but I really though it might help and…ahhh!” Dylan grabbed Tom’s arm and pulled him closer, trapping him in a headlock and ruffling his blonde hair

“You little asshole! The only reason I’m not beating the crap out of you right now is because your stupid plan got me a girlfriend!”

“AAAHHH! I’m sorry! I swear I’m sorry…wait what?” Tom slipped out of Dylan’s grip and looked up at his friend. Dylan had a huge ear-to-ear smile on his face “You are serious?” Dylan nodded “That’s great!” he jumped excited “So you aren’t mad at me?”

“I should be” Dylan frowned “but yeah, it worked so thanks dude!” he patted Tom’s shoulder before grabbing his right arm and twisting it behind his back “But if you ever try something like this again I swear I’ll knock every single tooth from your face!”

“AHHH! OKAY! OKAY! I’LL NEVER DO THIS AGAIN!” Tom half laughed half cried. Dylan loosened the pressure but kept his friend pinned against the wall “Umm… so we are good?”


“Good” there was an awkward pause “Can you let me go then? My arm is starting to fall asleep”

“Nah!” Dylan picked up Tom and pulled his left arm behind his back too “Let’s go, I think I have some duct tape in my room…” he shoved Tom towards the stairs

“Haha…good one” the boy let out a nervous laugh “Dylan… w-what are you going to do to me?” Dylan pulled him closer and whispered on his ear

“Just trust me!”
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Post by Canuck100 »

Really good story, loved it!
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Post by MaxRoper »

This is great!
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Post by Chris12 »

D'aaaaaaw :D Tom's not afraid hoes go before bro's.

Is Amanda going to join the team from here on out?
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Post by alkaid_ »

Those are real friends...

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Post by cj2125 »

Tying you up and delivering you to your crush is truly a sign of friendship hehe.

[mention]Chris12[/mention] I wouldn’t consider Amanda a main character now but she’ll probably be popping in a few stories in the future
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Post by LK3869 »

A great one, nice suspense about what Tom's up to. Which is a great friendship idea...
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Post by bondagefreak »

Beautiful story and with a most clever ending as well!

You had us on the edge of our seats for most of it, wondering where the hell Tom was leading Dylan.
Quite the manipulative brat that kid was! I'm glad about Dylan giving him a taste of his own medicine at the end there ;)

Don't forget to put this in the Catalogue.
As always, very enjoyable and well written.

Congrats my friend!

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Post by Boocola »

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Post by Tsuhaya »

A nice and interesting story. I really like your writing [mention]cj2125[/mention]. I'm always happy when you post :)
Yes, it's me in the picture. What are you waiting for to tie me up and gag me?
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Post by Xtc »

A well made tale. Thanks for posting.
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Post by Killua »

I thought I should just randomly browse through older stories and found your story (again). I know that I read most of your stories about Dylan, Tom, Max and Luke before I registered here, so I never commented on them. I guess it's time to do that now :lol:

I love that story. It's well written and easy to imagine something like that could happen for real. I'm sure Amanda was quite surprised to find Dylan kneeling infront of her. I wonder what happened before the timeskip, did she just let him go or kept him like that for a while :lol:

"knowthiswasyourhosueIswearIwoudn’thavedoneitifpleasedon’ttellanyoneaboutthisI… mmmmpphhh!" Definitely the right decision to gag him again :lol:
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My F/m Story:
Not as planned F/m
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