Soda's Soda (M/MF)

Stories that have little truth to them should go here.
Deleted User 1729

Soda's Soda (M/MF)

Post by Deleted User 1729 »

Helllllllooooo! This is my first contribution to the site! It's a fanfic with characters from The Outsiders. It's pretty short, but hope y'all enjoy it!

Sodapop Curtis was thirsty. It was a hot summer day and he had not had anything to drink all day. His family was having a picnic with friends and he knew there was soda in the cooler outside. However, if he wanted to get the soda, he would have to talk to her.

Sandy, a long-time friend of the family, as well as the object of Soda’s affection, was using the cooler as a seat at present. She was 12 years old, the same age as Soda. Currently she was talking to his older brother Darry, age 14.

Soda paced back and forth, wondering how to approach the situation. Then his little brother Ponyboy walked into the room. He was just 10 years old, but he was smart for his age, and he quickly picked up that something was the matter.

“What's wrong, Soda?” he asked.

“Aw, nothing, little man. Can you go get me a soda out of the cooler?”

“Why can't you do it?”

“Because I don't feel like it,” grumbled Soda.

“Are you scared because Sandy's out there?”

Darn you, Ponyboy, thought Soda. Out loud, he said “of course not. I just don't feel like walking out there in the hot sun.”

Ponyboy shrugged. “If you say so.” And then he skipped off.

Sodapop waited for awhile, but his brother didn't return. He tapped his foot anxiously, wondering what had happened. Then the front door started to open. Soda stepped toward it, but to his surprise, it was not Ponyboy that stepped through, but rather Sandy.

“Hey, Sodapop,” said Sandy, brushing back her hair from her ear, “Ponyboy said you wanted to talk to me about something?”

Soda gulped, losing his nerve. “, uh, it was nothing…”

Sandy seemed disappointed. “Okay,” was all she said before she walked away.

Soda was left alone, cursing his incompetence. After a few minutes, Ponyboy walked back in.

“How'd it go?” he asked, smiling brightly.

“I hate you,” said Sodapop (although he didn't really mean it).

“You didn't talk to her, did you?”

“Just drop it,” snapped Soda, turning and walking away. He felt Ponyboy tugging at his arm, but he didn't want to talk to him right now, so instead of turning around, he took his free hand behind his back and gave his brother a little shove.

To his surprise, Pony grabbed both hands and pulled hard. Before Soda could react, he felt his wrists being bound with rope behind him.

“You little--” Soda managed to get out before a cloth was tied into his mouth and he was rendered speechless. His brother shoved him downstairs to the basement, where he tied his hands to his feet. The captive was left alone in the darkness.

Soda struggled against his bonds, but to no avail. He didn't know where Pony had learned to tie knots this well. After a few minutes, he heard a voice which sounded annoyed.

“Where are you taking me?” it said. Soda recognized it as Sandy. He began to panic, pulling harder, but that only made the knots tighter. He could hear footsteps getting closer as Sandy continued to speak. “I don't have time for this, Ponyboy.”

Then, to Sodapop’s horror, the door swung open and Sandy stood in the doorway with Ponyboy. Soda immediately went limp--there was no point trying to escape before she saw him now--and his face turned beet red as Sandy examined his trussed-up form.

Sandy burst out laughing. “Wow, you're really tied up good,” she said. Then she turned to Pony and asked “did you do this?”

“Yep!” said Ponyboy proudly.

Sandy ran her fingers over the knots, testing them out. “Yep, he's not going anywhere. I gotta hand it to you, this is good work. My friends and I do this to each other sometimes, but never quite this good.”

“Mmpfgh?” asked Sodapop.

“You've been tied up before?” translated Ponyboy.

“Well, usually I'm the one doing the tying,” said Sandy, “but yeah, I've found myself at the receiving end on occasion. You wanna tie me up now?”

Ponyboy's eyes widened. Clearly, this was not part of his plan. “If you wouldn't mind,” he said, trying to play it cool.

“Not at all,” said Sandy, lying on the ground and positioning herself to be bound, “just don't gag me. And take his out when you go. I'll get bored if I can't talk to anyone.”

Ponyboy set about to hog-tying Sandy next to Sodapop. He then removed his brother's gag and uttered some cliche phrase (like “sit tight”) before leaving.

The two bound persons lay in awkward silence for a little bit. Then they rolled over on their sides to face each other.

“So…” said Soda, “how has your summer been so far?”

“Pretty good,” said Sandy, “I've been able to get some studying in, and ride my bike around town.”

“I know” said Soda, “I mean, I've seen you riding.”

“You have?”

“Yeah, you ride really well.”

“Thank you. You should ride with me sometime.”

“I would love to,” said Soda. “Say, maybe we could ride to a movie together?”

“I would like that very much,” said Sandy, blushing.

The two prisoners kept talking for a couple hours. They were enjoying each others’ company so much they barely even noticed their own discomfort. Then Darry walked in on them and couldn't stop laughing. Both Soda and Sandy blushed deeply as Darry released them from their bonds.

The two 12-year-olds walked up the stairs and outside to the cooler. They found Ponyboy sitting smugly in a chair nearby.

“Did you have fun?” he asked.

“Someday,” responded Sandy, “I'm going to have my revenge.”

“Bring it,” said Ponyboy.

“Not until I learn how to tie knots as well as you do,” said Sandy ominously.

Sodapop gave his little brother a thankful nod, then drew his finger across his throat to communicate a very different sentiment. Ponyboy merely shrugged.

Soda opened the cooler to find it empty.

“Darn it,” he said, “the soda’s all gone.”

“Don't worry,” said Ponyboy, holding up a sealed can, “I saved you the last one.”

“Aw, thanks, Ponyboy,” says Sodapop. “You can give it to Sandy, though.”

“Nonsense,” said Sandy, “we can both share.”

The young lovers smiled at each other as Sodapop took the can from his brother and opened it. And that was when they learned that Ponyboy had spent the last several minutes shaking it up.