Bound Through Love (M/F) -- Chapter 2 Added Mar 12

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Bound Through Love (M/F) -- Chapter 2 Added Mar 12

Post by DarthRevan3994 »

Hey there, friends, how's it going? Y'all can call me Revan. This is my first story I've written which had TUG as its central theme. I wrote this back in July (and have written several others since) and hope you guys enjoy! Please do tell me what you think!


There she is. My target. Right where I knew she’d be. Working on her diabolical plot. The exact nature of her plot still eluded me, but that is what I was about to find out. For my mission was to capture her, tie her up, and get the information I needed. This is what I was trained for. This is what I was bred for. This is what I had to do. I crept on her, slowly, stealthily. I was dressed in black clothing, including a balaclava and thin, black leather gloves. Not a single bit of my skin showing. I made my way up behind her before finally I pounced, using my left arm to restrain her to the couch and my right hand clamped over her mouth to stifle her yelps.

Alright, alright! Yes, this is fake! She is none other than my girlfriend, Ash. My name is Ty. And we are just your normal couple who happen to like doing activities that evidently result in one of us getting tied up. In either case, my birthday is coming up and if I know Ash, she is going behind my back to plan a birthday surprise. I obviously can’t allow this, so I had to get to the bottom of it.

“Ms. Amana,” I often use her maiden name in these kinds of roleplay scenarios. “I have no desire to make this harder than it needs to be. Please do not resist.” I pulled out a nerf gun that I had managed to holster to my belt. I made its presence clear before releasing my grip on her so I could move to the other side of the couch to restrain her.

“What do you want?” She asked somewhat defiantly as she raised her hands in the air.

“Just some information. Now then, be a good lass and place your hands behind your back.”

She did as requested, and even moved into a position where I could easily bind her hands together. “This isn’t necessary you know! I don’t know anything that could be of use to you!”

Ignoring her response, I sat down behind her, placed the nerf gun beside me away from her, and reached into the bag I had slinged over my shoulder and pulled out some rope. I proceeded to tie her hands crisscross style behind her back, wrapping the rope horizontally and vertically across her wrists. “If you don’t mind, Ms. Amana, I’ll need to ensure you can’t raise any unwanted attention.”

“Not like I have much of a choice….” She replied opening her mouth so I could stuff a sock in it and secure it in with a cleave gag. “Mmph…”

I got up and took a brief look at my handiwork; I could see the excitement in her eyes, both of us knowing the general pathway the night was heading. “Hmm, we certainly can’t have you learning the location of our hideout, now can we?”

“Mmph hmmph, urgf mmph,” was her reply. She knew darn well that that excited me. She was taunting me. That would not go unpunished.

“Mm, I’ll certainly have fun with you,” I said with a devilish smile as I proceeded to blindfold her.

“Umph mmph!”

I helped her up and carefully led her to our bedroom, where I had a chair set up that would suffice for our interrogation. I carefully helped her sit down it in and proceeded to untie her hands and to retie them to the arms of the chair. I then proceeded to tie her legs to the front legs of the chair at her ankles and just below her knees. I also tied her body to the back of the chair just to ensure she was as helpless as what I wanted, as what I needed. “Comfy?” I asked when I was finished.


“Here’s how this is going to work, Ms. Amana: I am going to ask you a series of questions. You’ll answer them correctly. If I don’t like the answer or otherwise suspect that you are lying, well….” I leaned in close to her ears and place my fingers centimeters from her sides. “…I get to have some fun,” I whispered into her ear while giving her a quick tickle on her sides.


I chuckled a bit – I can’t help myself that she’s so heckin’ cute! In either case, I removed my gloves and balaclava leaving only my black dress clothing on. This would reveal me to be a 20-year-old man with dark, medium length hair. I stand at about 5'7 and have a slim build. Ash, 19, stands at about 5’4 and also has a slim build. She has dirty blonde hair that extends down to her shoulder blades. She was wearing pajamas and was wearing minimal makeup. I removed her gag to begin the interrogation.

“You won’t get away with this!” she growled.

“Quite the contrary, Ms. Amana. I’m afraid I already have,” I retorted giving my usual devilish smile admiring her helplessness. “Now, on to business: are you familiar with one Tyler Simmons?” That would be my full name. Obviously, I wasn’t roleplaying as an alternate version of myself, but instead as someone entirely differently. A secret agent tasked with bringing the most diabolical villain, Ashley Amana, to justice!

“Yeah! He’s kinda a dork!”

“Ms. Amana, you just broke one of my rules” As promised, I stuffed the sock back in her mouth, and I tickled her for giving an answer that may be truthful, but most certainly couldn’t go unpunished!


She managed to work the gag out and I conceded to her demand. “Next question: are you aware his birthday is coming up?”

“Nope!” Oh, her tone… She was taunting me, and she knew it. She knew the punishment that awaited her as well. It’s almost as if she is in more control with the situation than me. This girl would feel the absolute wrath of my tickles. And so, I gagged her with a new sock, secured it with a couple strips of tape. And I let the tickling commence!

“MMPH MMPH MMMMPH! UMMF HMMPH MMPH!” She tried to scream only to find her cries for help muffled by her gag.

Once she found her breath again (I was, of course, making sure she was ok, that is, after all, my priority), I said, “Alright, Ms. Amana, I’m not so certain you understand the gravity of the situation you find yourself in. I have but one more question, and this one is not a simple yes or no. I’ll need details. Once more, you know what awaits you if I’m not entirely happy with the answer I receive. Do I make myself clear?”

“Mmph…” she nodded.

“Good.” I removed her blindfold, and I was cast under a spell. Her eyes. She was pleading, begging, giving her best damsel-in-distress look. I almost wanted to untie her then and there, become hers, but in so doing, I would sentence myself to my own medicine. I snapped back and broke character a bit to boop her nose which prompted one of her ever so cute “mmph’s” and a look of mischief. No doubt she would have her revenge. I gently removed her gag. “Your final question: what are your plans regarding Tyler Simmons on his birthday? Remember, I need details, locations, times, everything.”

She giggled. “You’ll have to try a LOT harder to get information like that out of me.”

I looked at her as if to say, “You did NOT just challenge me like that.”

The look she gave gave me my answer. For another devilish, mischievous smile presented itself, but this time, she was the one donning it. She would soon feel the full fury of my tickles. I leaned in close and teased the idea of tickling her which made her produce the ever so slight, but oh so cute squeal. “Ash, I am going to tickle you until I get the answer I need. If you start to get too noisy, the gag is going back in your mouth and you will wish you gave me my answer.”

“Do your worst!” she replied.

And so I tickled her and tickled her, ensuring I got all of her most ticklish spots – her sides, her feet, even her neck. After about a minute of her pleas and begs for me to stop, I gave her a break to catch her breath before putting the sock back in her mouth and sealing it with a couple strips of tape. I continued to tickle her and tickle her for another 5 minutes before stopping to allow her to catch her breath and to ask her if she was ready to comply. She nodded. I ungagged her and she told me all about her plans for my birthday. Telling you her plans in this story would spoil another, but essentially a part of me does regret getting that information from her, and I’m once again reminded that this girl is much too perfect for me. But I already had a plan to repay her for it; a plan I hope she doesn’t manage to obtain prior to when I want her to know. I just can’t give her any indication that I am plotting, and if I do, I must endure the tickling she’ll surely put me through to obtain it.

Once I had everything I needed from her, I gave her a quick kiss while she was still bound to the chair, and then proceeded to untie her. We spent the rest of the night watching her favorite movies, while I was wondering how I got so lucky with her and anxiously awaiting for what would occur on my birthday.


Right, so I hope y'all enjoyed. Please do tell me what you think of Ash and Ty. I have several other stories of them (many of which were alluded to in this chapter), so let me know if you like to see more of them. In addition, I have several other characters that are in fantastical/sci-fi settings as opposed to the realistic, modern setting Ash and Ty are in.
Last edited by DarthRevan3994 3 years ago, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by redlukas »

What I think of them? Well, I'm not that talented with words - certainly not as much as you are ;-) - and seeing that there is a standard phrase, I'll just make use of it: Relationship Goals.
They're frigging cute together!

I'd certainly love to hear more of their adventures and your stories in general!
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Stiletto Amore
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Post by Stiletto Amore »

This was such an enjoyable read, with two wonderfully written protagonists.
Thanks for sharing :D
49% snooping detective, 51% Damsel in Distress.
Cub reporter and part time escapologist - They call me Houdini in heels
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Post by Tugs4fun »

Outstanding story, I loved it! What a fun and affectionate tale. It’s nice to read a couple story that involves a light and playful tie up. I enjoyed him using her maiden name and the general playful tone. Ashley is quite the girl.

Great job!
Discord: #3312 @Tugs4fun
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Post by DarthRevan3994 »

Hello there! Hope everyone is having a magnificent day. Thank you so much for the positive feedback; really glad to hear you guys enjoyed the read. Here's chapter 2 when we get to see the Ash's villainous plan for Ty's birthday:


I never was one to grow a greater sense of entitlement for my birthday. So, it shouldn’t be a shocker that on my birthday, which was on a Friday this year, I went to work. It was nice. There was cake and a brief celebration. I got hired several months ago to work as a Software Engineer for a moderate sized company if you’re curious. In either case, I knew what awaited me at home. And my speedometer most certainly read a higher number today on the way home.

I pulled into the driveway and as soon as I was parked, I just sat there, looking at the house, wondering what precisely awaited me inside (in that was she wearing what she said she would be, did she complete the dinner and desert she wanted to make, and all that). My mind ran through all the possible, likely events that would happen tonight. Ash certainly is a great girl. Despite my protests, she still wanted to do something special for me. And she certainly knows who precisely I am. And I did indeed have a plan to do something for her later on, something she’s brought up a couple times.

I got out of the car. I was dressed in a black polo with red accents signifying that I was an employee to the company I work for, black golf pants (they look exactly like dress pants but have flexibility and comfort), my black and grey tennis shoes, and a couple accessory items like a belt for my pants and a necklace that bears my name in Mayan characters. In addition, I wore a hat from the college I graduated from. I made my way up to our home.

I opened the door and was greeted by a grand sight. During the interrogation, Ash called me a dork (and I conceded that idea to you, the audience – please don’t tell Ash that I admitted that though!), and sure enough I like comic cons and renaissance fairs and all things geeky and nerdy, partly how Ash and I connected with each other a couple years ago. So, it should be no surprise that she was dressed up as Meetra Surik, one of my all-time favorite characters. The thing is, we’ve never done a Star Wars cosplay together. She didn’t even have one; she got this for today.

Ash had her dirty blonde hair in a messy bun located at the back of her head – a couple strands of hair towards the front were too short to be a part of the bun, minimal makeup, and she was dressed in your typical, iconic Jedi robes, with the sleeves hung loosely just past her elbows. She also had on fingerless gloves. She, of course, told me about this at the interrogation, but even that didn’t prepare for how cute she’d be, and I’m once again reminded just how awesome Ash is.

Aside from her unique appearance, she had almost prepared dinner already (usually her and I cook together as we both enjoy it, gives us another excuse to do something together, and our day-to-day schedule isn’t the same). She is currently finishing up her final year of college. She’s studying Psychology. But today, she didn’t have any classes which gave her the time to prepare my most favorite dinner and desert

“Wow… Ash…. I….” I was at a loss for words. She really did quite impress me between everything. She clearly spent a good deal of time readying everything and ensured everything was perfect.

She giggled. “Like?” she asked as she spun around with her arms out to show me the entirety of her outfit.

“You know I do,” I replied as I came in close as soon as she finished her spin and gave her a quick kiss and a hug.

“Alright, go get changed, silly! Then we can enjoy dinner and the rest of what I have planned!” She playfully pushed me towards our bedroom.

I went to do as she had said. As I was preparing for the evening, I debated whether or not I should don my cosplay but decided against it. It had armor components which would make cuddling a *little* uncomfortable. In addition, my movement would be restricted. All around, didn’t really seem like my cosplay would be feasible for our adventures tonight. A mere moment later, Ash came in with an innocent, yet almost seductive smile.

“You know this wasn’t necessary, Ash. You sincerely didn’t need to do any of this.”

“Well, you deserve it. And if you didn’t want me to do it, maybe you should teach me a lesson!” she taunted.

I gave her a look that can’t really be described in a couple words, for I was trying to convey several different messages including “Oh, I will” and “Taunting me again, eh?”.

At this point, I finally took my belt off and threw it around behind her to pull her a bit closer. I teased the idea of strapping it there to restrain her arms to her body.

“Keep getting changed, silly! I have dinner waiting, as well as other plans! You can tie me up after!” she protested.

I chuckled. I pulled her in the rest of the distance for another quick kiss before letting her go. “As you command, my queen!” I gave her an exaggerated bow to tease her, and she giggled before heading back out to the kitchen.

I finished changing into my pajamas and made my way out where Ash served dinner already. We had a great dinner and a great desert. She really did a magnificent job. But following dinner is when the fun would begin. After we cleaned up after dinner, I made sure I grabbed the rope, tape, vet wrap, a couple socks, and a ball gag.

She giggled when she saw me with everything. I gave her another look that I gave her before.

“Alright, on the floor please. Face down,” I requested.

She did as I requested, even placing her hands behind her back crossed. I tied her hands together by wrapping the rope both horizontally and vertically several times before tying the rope off. I knotted the rope on the side away from her palms, against her back. In regard to her taunting me as I was changing, I took off the boots she was wearing for her costume as well as her socks.

“Wait! Why are you taking off my boots and socks!?!?” she asked, knowing why, hoping I had an alternate motive.

“I’m simply doing as you said, Ash! You know darn well that I will respond to all your taunts and teases!” I then moved on to tie her legs together at her ankles and just above and below her knees. I wrapped the rope a few times around her legs at the three places I described before wrapping them vertically to give her cuff-style bonds. I gently rolled her onto her back to gag her.

“I think I learned my lesson; you don’t have to tickle me…” she pleaded.

“YOU were the one who taunted me! YOU know YOU want me to do this! And I know I don’t HAVE to, but I WANT to,” I said as I grabbed the ball gag. “I love you!” I playfully said.

“Love you too,” she said in almost a pouting, but playful tone. She opened her mouth allowing me to gently put the shiny red ball gag in her mouth. I gently rolled her back over onto her stomach so I could strap the black leather straps together. “Good?”

“Mm hmmph!” she replied through her gag indicating she was all set.

I’m sure you guys know what’s coming next: the hogtie. I grabbed another piece of the black soft rope I’ve been using so I could fasten her into a hogtie, forcing her feet into a prime tickle position. I wrapped the rope several times across her already bound wrists and the rope binding her ankles together. When I was ready to tie the knot, I maneuvered the ends of the rope to the rope I used to tie her legs just below her knees, so she wouldn’t be able to reach them with her current position.

“Hmm, blindfold or no?” I asked.

“Mm mmph! Mm mmph!” she declined.

“Ugh, you’re no fun!” I retorted in a teasing tone. Luckily for her, I was willing to show her a bit of mercy. For the time for mercy would soon be passed.


“In either case, I think you’re all set. I’ll be back in a bit to check on you!”

“Hmmph? Ur ot ohy tah iphle mehph?” she asked, confused.

“You’ll need to enunciate a bit more clearly, love! But I’m assuming you’re asking whether or not I’m actually going to tickle you? Now, why would I ever have….” I started tickling her feet. She clearly suspected I was going to do so, so I wanted to attempt to possibly psyche her out a bit, make the tickling slightly more of a surprise. It seemed to work to some degree, as she did let out a squeal.

I quickly moved my fingers across her soles, occasionally moving to the other side of her feet, and rarely moving to tickle the sides of her stomach. She squirmed and squirmed and squirmed as I ran my fingers all across her skin. Her gag muffling much of her laughter. She let out a squeal a couple times, especially when I gave her a surprise ambush on her sides. She tried several times to roll over in an effort to get her feet out of my reach. But all her efforts were in vain. I made sure she would have to endure the torture I was putting her through.

After about 5 or 6 minutes of torture, I decided Ash had enough, that Ash learned her lesson. Though realistically, I probably encouraged her to do more “surprises” for me in the future than anything. In either case, I allowed her to catch her breath and calm down before I took the ball gag out of her mouth.

“You are sadistic, Ty!” She said as soon as the gag came out. She rolled over onto her right side so she could look at me.

“What?!?! I am but an innocent little boy! I would NEVER find the enjoyment from another’s predicament,” I retorted.

“Oh, you know do! And I’ll get payback!”

“You know, when you say that, all I hear is ‘please keep me tied like this a while longer, Ty!’”

She growled and I chuckled.

“You wanna be untied for the movies?” I asked.

She paused, most likely considering the bit of irony of the response she would give. “No, you can keep me tied up for some of the movies.”

I stared at her for a moment. “Gag or no?”


“Ugh, you certainly are something, Ash….”

“Oh, you know you love me!”

“I do indeed know that. And I’d have it no other way.”

“Now hurry up and gag me before I start yelling for help, silly!”

I quickly clamped my hand over her mouth as I knew she was sincere. “Ugh, how is it that you’re the one tied up, and yet, you always seem to have all the control?”

She giggled under her new gag. I always did have a special affinity to hand gagging her. It just always felt so… intimate. Forcing me to be close to her. And in the position we were in, it prompted me to look into her eyes, which always seemed to sparkle, to light up. She always had a unique power to put me into some sort of trance—for me to genuinely get lost in her eyes. And she seemed to enjoy these moments as well, for she too always remained silent during them. Both of us, wondering and yet knowing all the possibilities these moments could bring whilst remembering all these moments that we have shared.

When I snapped back to the here and now, I said, “Anyway, lemme get you some water first. Then I’ll gag you again and move you up to the couch, alright?”

“Mm hm!” She nodded as best she could with my hand still clamped over her mouth.

I got up, got her a glass of water with a straw, while she struggled a bit against her bonds. I sat it on a nearby table so I could remove the rope that fastened her into the hogtie. I gave her a brief moment to stretch her legs before I helped her sit up and gave her a drink.

Once she got her drink of water, I set the glass back on the table and said, “One last thing before I gag you again: I would like to add to your restraints if you don’t mind.”

“You know my response to that.”

“Fair enough; just wanted to inform you of my evil plans with you.”

She giggled as I grabbed a longer piece of rope and practice my Shibari skills on her. I wrapped the rope across her body just above and below her breasts two times each before moving the rope over her left shoulder from behind her back to the front of her chest and made a V-shape pattern with the vertex hooked under the bottom rope. I tucked the rope under the top wrap before moving it over her right shoulder to behind her back so I could tie the knot. Using two smaller pieces of rope, I gently cinched the rope between each of her arms and her body. I moved around so I was in front of her and judging by the look in her eyes and her smile, she seemed to really like her added restraint.

“Alright, pick your poison for your gag that you so evidently need…” I teased.

“Hmm…. Stuff my mouth with a sock and give me a wrap gag with the purple vet wrap!”

I did as she requested. I gently stuffed a sock in her mouth and wrapped the purple vet wrap around her head over her mouth four times.

When I finished, I couldn’t help but admire my work. And she most certainly was quite cute in her predicament.

She giggled through her gag. “Iekph?” She asked.

I chuckled. “You know I do. And you do too!”

She giggled. I picked her up and carried her bridal style to the couch and carefully set her down. I grabbed the remote, sat down next to her, and I’m sure you can guess the movies we watched. Star Wars. Specifically, the prequel series. We cuddled together while we watched them, she bound for the lot of them, gagged for some. I paid attention to her watching for any indication that she needed to be untied or ungagged. She gave none.

After the first movie, I looked at her. “Ready to have your gag taken out?” I asked.

After a moment, she nodded. So, I unwrapped the vet wrapped and gently took the sock gag out of her mouth. I got her her glass of water and gave her a drink.

“Untied as well?” I asked.

“No, you can keep me tied up until it’s time for bed….” She looked at me so innocently. Almost as if she was begging me for something.

“Alright… lemme know though the moment you need to be untied though. Please.”

She giggled. “You care too much for your captives.” She said in a reassuring tone.

I sighed and said, “I’m just waiting for the Stockholm Syndrome to kick in.

“It already has,” she giggled.

I let out another sigh of amusement, gave her a quick kiss, and we watched the rest of the trilogy, cuddling, as she remained tied up, I placed my hand over her mouth a couple times just so she knew that she was my captive, in case the ropes weren’t clue enough.

After the trilogy ended, I said, “Alright, shall we head to bed?”

“Yeah….” She yawned.

I positioned myself to begin untying her, but she interrupted.

“No! Carry me like this to bed! You can untie me there!”


I did as she asked. I carried her to the bedroom bridal style, and carefully set her down. As I carried her, I could feel her try to almost get closer to me. Once she was on the bed, I untied her. We both got ready for bed and as I lay there, cuddling her, waiting for sleep to wash over me, I couldn’t help but think how awesome she is. I cannot wait for the day of the “diabolical plot” I have planned. But I can’t give her any indication I am scheming. I have already given her enough reasons to torture me the next time she ties me up. Unfortunately, we had a couple months prior to when my diabolical plan would take place. And I needed a little extra help to make it perfect.

I hope you guys enjoyed! As always, lemme know what you guys think!
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