Charlotte and Amy, a one sided rivalry (F/F) (Finished)

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Charlotte and Amy, a one sided rivalry (F/F) (Finished)

Post by banshee »

This is a story request made by user [mention]abcdefsmith3[/mention] so I hope he enjoys it.

Like in all of my stories I want to clarify that I'm not a native speaker, so grammar mistakes and whacky dialogue may be found in this story due to that.

Part 1

When people come across someone that seems too perfect they either love them or hate them, and Charlotte had chosen hate. Everywhere in the campus everyone seemed to know about someone, and that someone was the target of all of Charlotte’s hate for the last few months.

Amy was new to the scene yet she was already the center of attention, someone who didn’t knew her would think that it was just because of her beauty, in the end she was a slim, blue eyed, long blonde haired, young girl with basically all of the features someone wanted in a woman. But she being the center of attention was not just because of her beauty, she was also friendly, with friends apparently everywhere, kind, always down to help anyone in need and very smart.

But where others saw someone to admire Charlotte saw someone to hate. To her Amy just seemed like an egocentric bitch whose kindness and friendliness were nothing but a way of being condescending to everyone.

At first glance Charlotte didn’t had much to envy Amy, she was as pretty as her, she had short red hair, green eyes and athletic body acquired after years practicing sports and was very smart too, having been praised by students and professors alike many times. But it was that what fueled her hate towards Amy, it was that before Amy came to the scene nobody seemed to care about those things in Charlotte, but when it was Amy that showed them it was her who became the center of attention.

Ever since Amy had entered the scene Charlotte had changed, she was almost constantly angry, annoyingly sassy and had little patience for everyone. Her physical well-being had also been affected, knowing that everyone thought Amy was prettier than her she cared less about her looks, showering less and reusing unwashed clothes with little thought.

Charlotte could have lived with her hatred of Amy wasn’t it for a last straw that turned her hate into something bigger than a mere disliking of Amy. Through a friend she had found out that Amy was after a guy, but not any guy, she was after the exact same guy that Charlotte had been wanting for years and something told her that if this guy found out that he could choose between Amy and Charlotte he wouldn’t think twice before leaving Charlotte behind.

But the destiny had recently smiled at Charlotte and gave her a chance to get even with her new nemesis. A popular girl was throwing a party at which basically everyone was going, and everyone included Amy and the guy she and Charlotte were after. That made Charlotte think of a plan, a devious plan that would make Amy regret everything she had done to her.

But it wouldn’t be until Saturday, the day of the party, that Charlotte would get her plan going, for now she just had to get things going, and the first step involved talking to Amy.

“Hey.. uh Amy” Charlotte approached her enemy, she had just sat through a whole hour of a professor explaining specifics of roman law, she was bored to death which meant she was angry too, the last thing she wanted was to talk to Amy but her plan required it.

“Hi Charlotte!” Amy replied her characteristic sweet tone that Charlotte hated so much.

“I wanted to ask you for something, its about the party tomorrow” Said Charlotte, pretending to be ashamed to hide the sheer hate she felt towards Amy.

Charlotte proceeded to explain what she wanted from Amy, she basically was asking her to help her preparing for the party under the excuse of she not knowing how to, which wasn’t completely a lie since Charlotte wasn’t a regular at parties.

Amy, as kind as always, accepted Charlotte’s request happily.

She had taken the bait.

Now that she had her victim, Charlotte needed to prepare her tools, her plan wasn’t going to realize itself alone. For that she had the help of Jacob, a friend of hers that had taken care of the most awkward pert of Charlotte’s plan.

“Did you got what I asked you for?” Charlotte asked Jacob when she met him outside.

“Yeah, you have no idea how bad it was” Jacob replied as he handed the bag he was holding to his friend.

“Come on, how bad can it be?”

“You should’ve seen the cashier’s face” Said Jacob “I bought a bag of chips and a drink too, you know, to dissimulate a bit, but she wasn’t buying it”

“Well if the police comes looking for you I’ll take all the blame” Said Charlotte as she walked away.

“I hope you do!” Jacob shouted from a distance.

Charlotte arrived to her house and locked the door o her bedroom behind her, tomorrow her plan would be set in motion and she had to spend as much time as she could preparing.

She opened the bag and saw its contents, exactly what she was expecting, meters upon meters of white nylon rope and up to ten rolls of duct tape. It had costed her a lot but she didn’t regretted it one bit.

She spend what she had left of the Friday practicing what she should do tomorrow, she didn’t wanted to leave anything for last and risk her plan’s success.


Saturday arrived and even before getting out of bed she was already thinking of Amy and what she was going to do with her, that thought remained in her head when she had breakfast, when she took a shower, when she had lunch, and wouldn’t leave until she heard the doorbell rang at 20:00 pm, signaling Amy’s arrival.

Charlotte composed herself and opened the door for her guest and soon to be captive. Amy happily greeted Charlotte, completely oblivious to what her intentions with her were.

“Are you alone?” Asked Amy as she noticed the silence that ruled the house.

“Yes, my parents are on vacation and my little brother is on a friend’s house” Explained Charlotte.

“Oh I see” Replied Amy “So, what do you wanted me to help you with?”

Charlotte guided Amy to her bedroom where she asked her to explain some of the basics of makeup and to choose clothes that fitted her nicely. Amy complimented Charlotte on her looks every time she tried something but Charlotte wasn’t buying it, she only heard condescending falseness coming from her, like if she was a mother telling her kid that her poorly made drawing looked good.

“Can you teach me how to use this?” Asked Charlotte as she showed a lipstick to to Amy.

“Sure” Said Amy as she took it “I think It’ll look really good on you”

“Thanks” Muttered Charlotte, not meaning it at all.

Amy proceeded to explain Charlotte how to use the lipstick, her explanation was so long that it felt patronizing but Charlotte didn’t care, she knew that Amy was just about to pay for all her crimes.

“And that’s basically how you do it” Said Amy “Did I explained it clearly?”

“Sure you did” Replied Charlotte.

Amy was expecting Charlotte to ask her for something else but she just kept smiling at her and at the same time she started to feel dizzy, like if she just had woken up of a surgery.

“Heh... sorry... may I go to the bathroom?” Asked Amy, thinking that she was about to puke.

“Oh don’t worry, you don’t need that” Said Charlotte as she helped Amy lay on her bed “Just close your eyes and calm down”

“What’s happening Charlotte?” Asked Amy as she felt her body becoming weaker “I’m not feeling very well”

“Don’t worry” Said Charlotte as she stroked Amy’s blonde hair “Soon you’ll feel far worse”

And blackness darkened Amy’s sight.

Charlotte gave a sigh of relief, her plan had turned out perfectly so far, now she only needed to put the skills she had learned to practice, but first she needed something else. Charlotte’s plan was going so well that she decided to take some liberties and make use of the nice dress Amy had brought with her for the party

Charlotte undressed her unconscious victim. She looked at the dress and concluded that it would fit her nicely but then she looked at Amy’s half naked body and was enraged, Amy looked so good that she appeared to be edited in a photo, how could someone like her who practiced no sports and followed no diet could look as good as her? That sole fact was enough to make Charlotte angry.

But Charlotte decided to to set that aside for a moment, she was going to get at her for that in just a moment, she just needed to focus. The redhead opened the bag filled with ropes and duct tape and took a deep breath, she needed to be calm for what she was going to do, otherwise it could go horribly wrong.

First Charlotte had to lift Amy up to a chair that she had brought to he room. The chair was part of the living room so it was not only out of place in her messy bedroom but also really heave, Charlotte was happy that she had brought it there before otherwise she would have lost a lot of time.

Charlotte’s strength was put to the test when she had to lift Amy but thankfully she was able to do it without much trouble, Amy was featherweight, now it was when the most important part started.

“First things first” Charlotte said to herself as she grabbed Amy’s arms by the wrists and moved them through the chair’s beams behind its back. She didn’t needed to be told by anyone that taking care of her captive’s hands was the most important part of the tying process.
Charlotte tied Amy’s hands parallel to each other tightly and with extreme care, Amy being half naked would mean that the ropes would left some nasty marks on her but Charlotte couldn’t care less and proceeded to tie her elbows together, during her investigation for this plan she had read that most people weren’t able to get their elbows touching when tied up so she was surprised when she found out that she could make Amy do so with little effort.

Next followed Amy’s legs, having to touch the soft, pale thighs of her prisoner made Charlotte angry, again even if beauty had no fairness to it Amy’s seemed unfair. But she moved her attention away from Amy’s gorgeous legs and got to work, binding her ankles, knees and thighs together as well as running a rope above her lap and tying it below the chair’s seat to pin her to the seat of the chair.

After being done with Amy’s legs Charlotte moved to her chest, avoiding looking and thinking about her breasts too much in order not to make herself more angry than she already was at Amy’s Hellenic sculpture level of beauty. Charlotte tied Amy’s waist to the back of the chair with restraint to which she attached her bound wrists and then pinned her chest to the back of the chair by running ropes below and above her her breasts.

The last detail Charlotte added to Amy’s already inescapable bondage was a rope attaching her wrists to her ankles so that the later hung above the floor and preventing her from moving the chair.

Charlotte gave a few steps back and breathed heavily, she had actually done it, even though she was seeing Amy tied like she had planned she was struggling to believe that she had done so, so she rushed out of the room and took a deep breath, she needed to calm down before doing anything. So far her plan was going perfectly but she still felt like it could fail at any moment, she was shaking out of nervousness.

But Charlotte couldn’t be bothered to wait, waiting would only make things worse for her. Almost as soon as she left the room she came back inside only to found Amy slowly waking up. She began by slightly moving her limbs, which she found restrained, and then gave a moan of confusion which made Charlotte remember that she had forgotten to gag her.

“Shh” Said Charlotte as she pressed her hand against Amy’s soft lips “No talking, understood?”

Amy breathed heavily and looked around her desperately, it was easy to tell by looking at her blue eyes that she was afraid..
“Understood?” Charlotte asked again as she strengthened her grip on Amy’s mouth.

Still not getting what was going on but getting the hint Amy nodded frantically in response, fearing the worst could happen to her if she didn’t.

“Good girl” Said Charlotte as she let go of Amy’s face.

Amy had time to catch her breath and look and her surroundings which made her realize that not only her captor was Charlotte herself but she was also still in her house, and to add insult to injury, she was tied to a chair in her underwear, things couldn’t get worse for her.
“What’s happening Charlotte?” Asked Amy with fear in her voice.

“I thought I asked you to stay quiet” Said Charlotte.

Amy looked down, Charlotte’s response had made her quite afraid of her but she still wanted to understand what was happening. When she looked down she realized that the squeeze of the ropes were making her bra unravel a bit, which made her blush out of shame.

“Don’t worry I’m not int interested in that” Said Charlotte as she putted Amy’s bra back in place “However, you must be wondering why i am doing this aren’t you?”

Amy nodded shyly, of course that question haunted her mind.

“Well you see...” Charlotte made a pause and grabbed Amy by her shoulders, looking at her directly in the eyes with a stare that showed so much anger that Amy had to look away.

“Its because I’m tired of you, tired of you getting all of the praise form the teachers, tired of all of the guys being after you but above all else...” She bit her lip and made a pause, even saying it made her angry, even when Amy was completely at her mercy.

“Tired of...?” Amy dared to ask, fearing the worst of consequences. Charlotte’s words had intrigued her so much that she had even dared to look back at her.

“Tired of you being after David” Charlotte said, more sadly than angrily “You know, this wouldn’t have ended like this if it wasn’t for that but you just had to do it didn’t you?”

“Hey I think there’s a missunderstanding in all of this...” Amy tried to excuse herself .

“There’s no missunderstanding you bitch” Said Charlotte as she grabbed Amy by her cheeks and forced her to look up at her “Nothing will save you now, nothing!”

“So that’s it?” Asked Amy with difficulty “Just because of a man you’re doing all of this to me?”

“Just because of a man?” Chuckled Charlotte “I’m doing this to you because of all the things you did to me!”

“But I didn’t do anything to you” Amy replied meekly.

Charlotte almost gave a slap across the face to Amy but she stopped herself, there was much worse suffering she could bring to her than physical one.

“Where’s your phone?” Asked Charlotte as a plan made itself up in her mind.

“I don’t have it with me...” Amy replied shyly

“Oh you sly bitch you’re not in a position to lie to me” Said Charlotte “Just tell me where it is and so I don’t have to get that information out of you”

“It broke yesterday, I really don’t have it with me!” Amy pleaded.

Charlotte sighed, Amy could be telling the truth but she wasn’t prone to believe her, she also had plenty of ways to figure out if she was lying so she would rather take all of her chances before giving up.

“I checked in your bag and dress and it really isn’t there” Said Charlotte as she ran a finger through Amy’s bare shoulders “But maybe you’re one of those girls that hides it... well, you know where”

“What? Why would I do that?” Amy asked nervously “And even if I do you wouldn’t dare”

“Well you’re tied up, you can’t stop me” Said Charlotte as she moved her hands down Amy’s chest “But hey, if you have it elsewhere I think this would be the perfect moment to tell me where”

“Please please please I swear I don’t have it with me” Amy implored.

“Even if that’s true I don’t loose anything by making sure” Said Charlotte as she moved her hands below Amy’s bra and against her breasts “Stay calm, this won’t hurt”

It didn’t hurt, but the ticklish Amy couldn’t help but shake like if she had just came out of freezing waters. Needless to say Charlotte found nothing hidden in Amy’s bra.

“Turns out you weren’t lying” Said Charlotte “But maybe down there...” She continued to say as she kept moving her hands down Amy’s flat abdomen.

“Please, don’t you have enough already?” Amy asked, more tiredly than anything else.

Amy’s question made Charlotte stop and step back a little.

“You already have me half naked and tied up, you have already groped me and humiliated me, do you really need my phone?” Asked Amy as she looked defeated at Charlotte.

Charlotte scratched her chin and thought about it for a while.

“You know, maybe you’ve had enough for now” Said Charlotte as she moved away from her captive “I think that for now I can conform with having David for myself tonight”

“About that...”

“Shut up” Charlotte quickly interrupted “Don’t make me reconsider.

Amy sighed, reasoning with Charlotte seemed so pointless.

“What are you going to do with me now then?” Asked Amy in complete defeat.

“Well you’re going to stay there until I come back from the party, and considering that I plan to stay there a long while you can be sure that you’ll remain tied up for a long while” Explained Charlotte as she started to change to Amy’s clothes.

Amy remained silent as she watched Charlotte change, she was surprised that she did so so shamelessly in front of her but considering what she had just done with her she shouldn't be surprised.

After changing into Amy’s pink dress Charlotte picked a sports shoe from the the floor and then a roll of duct tape from the bag of bondage tools she had bought.

“As you can imagine I can’t have you screaming for help while I’m out so you’ll be gagged al of that time” Said Charlotte as she took a sock out of the shoe she was holding “I haven’t washed this sock since my team practiced on Monday, and guess what, it goes in your mouth!”

“Wait no! Please!” Pleaded Amy “I understand that you have to gag but please use something clean I beg you!”

“Uh uh, this isn’t negotiable” Said Charlotte as she shook her head “Now open up or I’ll make sure to get something even more dirty”

Amy thought about it for a second but decided that thinking about it would only make it worse, she opened her mouth and closed her eyes like someone who is about to eat something that is known to be disgusting, the only difference being that in her case the awful taste would last long after the socks had entered her mouth.

But before the taste came the smell, and it was the kind of smell that burned eyelashes and nose hairs, Amy couldn’t believe that someone could let something so disgusting come to life within her own bedroom.

Amy would have spitted the sock instinctively but before she could came the duct tape, one strip, then another, then another and so on until her lower face was covered in silver colored duct tape from ear to ear.

“I think that’ll keep you from complaining while I’m out” Said Charlotte as she stepped back to admire her work. “But just one thing before I go”

Charlotte searched for something in her pocked and, took out her phone, and then proceeded to take a series of pictures of the bound Amy with it, who gave muffled complaints and struggled to no avail every time a picture of her was taken.

“If you ever think of getting back at me for this just know that I have these pictures on my on phone” Said Charlotte as she showed her phone’s screen to Amy “God you’re even blushing on them, people may even think that you’re liking it”

“Mpgh...” Lowly moaned Amy.

“Yeah sucks to be you” Said Charlotte “But hey, you’ve had it easy for a while now, it was time for you to face some difficulties”

Charlotte patted Amy on the head and readied herself to leave the room and just said “Have fun!” to Amy before she left.

And so Amy was left alone, tied up, gagged and half naked in Charlotte’s mess of a bedroom. She could only wonder for how long she would have to bare those conditions but something told her that it would be much more that she thought she could.
Last edited by banshee 3 years ago, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by abcdefsmith3 »

Wow! An amazing first chapter! Can’t wait to read more!
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Post by Tugs4fun »

Absolutely amazing Part 1. This in and of itself would be a great story, and there is more coming! Great job! I love the background of the characters and the plot.
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Post by Headmistress »

Great chapter and a great start to the story.

Hopefully Amy talks some sense into Charlotte or gets rescued :).
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Post by NotSeen »

Oh, I hope Amy gets to talk some sense into Charlotte - after turning the tables on her!
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Post by DTbound »

Great first part!
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Post by Roboticrobin20 »

I really like this story, I hope to read more of these lovely characters soon :D
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Post by banshee »

Part 2; includes m/F

Charlotte walked through the crowd of the party, from the moment she stood in front of the house and saw the scene she already knew that she wouldn’t like it. She wasn’t a regular at parties because people didn’t invited her, she just didn’t liked them, too many people and too much noise for her taste. But if that meant getting to David she would take it, this was her chance after all, from what she had been told it wouldn’t get better for her than this for her so she would take anything.

Charlotte asked someone where David was once she found a place where music wasn’t loud enough to make voices inaudible. The guy replied and looked at her like if she was stupid as he did so, which she of course didn’t liked but she didn’t had time to get into trouble.
She walked to the upper floor of the big house, according to what she had been told she should be able to find David on some room of the upper floor, was he waiting for her? Or she had something to fear?

In the first room she entered she found David, it was dark but she could see him laying on a bed half covered in the blankets.
“Charlotte! What are you doing here?” He greeted.

“Hi David...” She nervously replied as she sat at the side of the bed “You see I just wanted to tell you...”

“Hi Charlotte, how’s your Amy thing going?” Asked Jacob seemingly from nowhere, then Charlotte saw him emerge from below the blankets and hug David.

“Jacob?” Asked Charlotte in utter confusion.

“Oh you know my boyfriend?” Asked David.

“Boyfriend?” Charlotte was bewildered.

In Charlotte’s Bedroom

Amy took a deep breath, through her nose obviously, her mouth remained shut even after all the time that had passed after Charlotte had left. She had tried to get it out in many ways, it was the part of her bondage that she wanted to be out of the most, but just like all of the ropes that tethered her body she wasn’t able to get the gag out.

The reason she wanted to take her gag out was nothing but the disgusting sour taste of it, every second it passed she asked herself how someone’s sock could taste like that.

In Amy’s head hours had gone by since Charlotte left the house but her perception of time was warped, without a way to tell and nothing to do other than stare at a different selection of walls time was going to move slow for Amy, so she had a very real fear of actually only being minutes since Charlotte left.

And so time kept going, at a snail pace but just like a snail it moved forward. Amy tried to focus on other things anything that would take her attention away from the horrible taste of Charlotte’s sock, but she found it extremely difficult to take her attention away from something that was literally inside her.

Amy would have been able to stand all of that until she got freed, she had to get freed eventually, she thought, hadn’t it been for a small natural inconvenient that made her rethink her ability to do so. Any felt the sudden yet urgent urge to go to the bathroom.

Now Amy started to get nervous, she was quite more nervous that when she woke up after being drugged by whatever was in Charlotte’s lipstick. Peeing on Charlotte’s carpeted floor would definitively make her angry and she was completely sure that she didn’t wanted to make her angry when she was tied up.

The struggle began, Amy knew all methods to hold back to only work for a few minutes, not as long as Charlotte wanted to leave her like that so her struggle was fierce. Amy was a woman of many capacities but sadly for her, strength wasn’t one of them, and even if it was she doubted that it would have helped her. Her limbs were all tied so tightly together and her body so strictly pinned to the chair, the question shouldn’t have been if she was able to get out but actually who would be able to do so in the first place.

Panicking, Amy turned her gaze towards Charlotte’s desk and there she saw a pair of scissors, the whole situation seemed to be out of a movie but she had to try. Sadly for Amy, with her feet a few Inches above the floor her only way of moving the chair was to use her weight and being as light as she was the chair barely moved every time she tried to do so.

With all of her strength and putting all of her weight and more into it Amy pushed the chair hoping to manage to move it at least a few inches more but all she accomplished was falling on her side. Already on the floor and with no way of getting up Amy was considering giving up, in the end her plan was hopeless from the beginning, she had no way of reaching the scissors with her hands tied behind her back and she doubted that those same scissors could even get through the ropes Charlotte had used on her.

But just when Amy was about to give up she heard something that raised all of her hopes, the front door of the house opened.

“Mpgh!” She moaned as loudly as she could through her gag, not thinking it twice.

She heard the door close and the footsteps on the house’s wooden floor, but it was more than a pair of feet. It was that what made Amy doubt her decision to scream, she actually had no idea if it was Charlotte who had arrived. But she convinced herself that it didn’t mattered, no mattered who saved her from her predicament it would be welcomed.

The footsteps stopped in front of Charlotte’s room and Amy took the liberty of giving a sigh of relief, then she heard an awful noise. The doorknob clacked but didn’t opened, then she remembered, Charlotte had locked the door!

“Sis!?” Screamed someone from the other side of the door, it was the voice of young boy, safe for Amy to assume that it was Charlotte’s younger brother.

“Mpgh!” Amy screamed again, hoping that her moan was loud enough to be heard through the door.
“Maybe she left” Said another young voice from the other side.

“No way she told me she would be here tonight” Replied Charlotte’s brother.

“Mpgh!” Amy screamed again, pleading that the boys outside the room heard her.

“You heard that?” Asked yet another young voice.

“Was that your sister?”

“Maybe...” Charlotte’s brother replied “But why isn’t she talking, why does she have to scream at us like that”

“Maybe she wants us to leave”

“Mpgh!” Amy screamed again, almost hurting her dry throat.

“I think that doesn’t sound like she wants us to leave” One of the boys raised Amy’s hopes.

“Do you know how to open that door?”

“I do but It will take me some time” Said Charlotte’s brother.

“I don’t think my mom will wait for too long” Said another boy.

“Just go and tell her that my sister is here, but don’t let her enter!” Charlotte’s brother ordered “I need a knife to open the door and if she sees me with a knife no way she’ll let us sleep here”

Amy heard one of the boys run away, then Charlotte’s brother order the other one to go look for a knife and then more running.

“Sis I don’t know what you got yourself into but I’m definitely going to tell mom If I can’t stay here because of something you did” Charlotte’s brother said from the other side of the door.

A few minutes of Amy hearing something get through the doorknob as well as Charlotte’s brother occasionally cursing went by, but finally the door opened, she would’ve liked to allow herself to give a sigh of relief but she knew that she had a lot of explaining to do before her situation got better.

Someone entered the room, it was a young boy and for Amy It was easy to tell that it was Charlotte’s brother now that she saw him, he had the same red hair and pale freckled skin as her sister, he appeared to be very young, almost a teenager but still a kid.

“Hello Charlotte, how...” stopped whatever he was saying as soon as he saw Amy laying to the chair on the floor “Come see this”
The other boy entered the room and looked as surprised as Charlotte’s brother, Amy couldn’t blame them.

“Is she your sister?” Asked the other boy.

“No she isn’t” He said with a shaking voice “Is someone there!?” He shouted as he pointed the knife to nowhere.

Then Amy started to scream under her gag to get the boys’ attention, she didn’t understood until then but the situation the found her in was scary, and could get dangerous if Charlotte’s brother used that knife for something he shouldn’t.

The other boy knelt by Amy and removed the tape from her face, Amy tried not to show that it hurt so but her face still said so. But eventually the gag was taken out of her mouth and she was finally able to spit Charlotte’s sock, but she couldn’t get her much deserved peace yet.

“Don’t worry guys, me and your sister were just playing a game!” Said Amy “Just untie me you have nothing to worry about”

The boy who ungagged her was quick to get to work on the ropes but Charlotte’s brother stopped him.

“Wait, how can we be so sure?” He asked “I’ve never seen you around my sister, where even is she now?”

“Your sister is at a party right now, you can call her if you want just please untie me” Amy pleaded.

Charlotte’s brother was going to argue further but in that exact moment the other boy showed up, looking perplexed at the scene but having his silence cut by the redhead, who demanded he spoke.

“Mom says that if your sister doesn’t comes out she’ll come in herself” The boy said awkwardly “And who is her? What is happening!?”

Amy saw her chance to escape so she took it right then and there before Anyone could argue against her.

“I can tell your mom that I’ll take care of you!” Said Amy “You’ll just have to untie me and I’ll get dressed and then I’ll go talk with her!”

The boys whispered at each other for a few seconds but then there was no disagreement from the boys in the room.

“Sure” Said Charlotte’s brother as he started to undo the ropes that tied Amy’s hands “But you’ll have to agree to one little thing”

Amy Nodded.

“Good” Charlotte’s brother replied “I’m Charlie by the way, these two are Julian and Oliver”
A Few Minutes Later
Convincing Oliver’s mother that she would take care of the boys was everything but difficult for Amy. She may have lacked the skills for an escape back when she was tied up but when it came to skills she didn’t lacked at all, charisma and presentation were the top. Oliver’s mother went from wanting to take the kinds back to being thankful about having a break from them thanks to that nice young woman that previously to that night she didn’t knew.

Needless to say, the first thing Amy did once she was back in the house was to rush to the bathroom without paying much attention to the boys she was supposed to take care of, that was the relief she had been waiting for and she couldn’t been happier to have actually reached it.

When Amy got out of the bathroom the boys had already settled and were sitting on the ling room’s couch playing videogames, anyone else would have just let them do what they wanted but Amy had committed to something and she was going to do it.

“What were you planning to have for dinner?” Amy asked as she opened the kitchen’s fridge, the kitchen was separated of the living room only by an isle so there was no need for her to scream at them.

“I think there’s some chips and candy over there” Said Charlie without taking his look off the screen.

Amy looked around and found a big bag of chips and a small bag of candy.

“No way you have that for dinner” Amy said “I’m supposed to take care of you and I’ll do it”

“Come on!” Charlie complained “We saved you.

“He’s right, you’re really ungrateful!” Added Oliver.

Amy had younger brothers herself so she didn’t feared her situation one bit, she knew exactly what she had to do.

“Actually you can have this right now while you play” Said Amy as she walked up to the kids with the chips and the candy “I saw some burgers in the fridge, you’ll have those for dinner”

“For real?” Said Charlie as he let go of his controller and grabbed the bag of chips.

Now all of the boys seemed to love Amy, who quickly got to work with cooking them dinner while they played and ate. None of the boys complained when dinner was ready and they had to drop their game to eat, in fact they did so happily.

“So, what was the thing I had to agree back then?” Asked Amy as the boys ate.

Charlie and the boys looked suddenly a bit ashamed of themselves, his faces turning red and his eyes looking away from Amy.

“You see... I don’t think I want to do it now” Said Charlie.

“Oh really?” Asked Amy “I did all of this for you and you don’t want to tell me?” She joked.

Charlie remained silent for a few seconds and then spoke.

“We wanted to tie you up again” Charlie spitted.

“Really? Why?” Amy asked.

“Because we didn’t really trusted you and...” He seemed to be unable to continue “It doesn’t matter, the thing is, we do trust you now so...”

“What was the other reason?”

Charlie refused to answer.

Amy gave him an inquisitive look.

“It is because he thinks you looked pretty while tied up” Said Julian.

“Wait I didn’t said that!” Charlie screamed.

“Yes you did...” Oliver jumped in.

The boys argued for a few minutes and Amy didn’t intervened, she found the boys’ argument fun to watch, she had suspected that they had that intention all along but it was the first time she received a compliment so genuine from someone so young. But she couldn’t stay watching forever, so she had to stop the argument after a while.

“Its fine boys, you can do it if you want to” Amy calmed them down.

The boys looked perplexed at their babysitter.

“Just be kinder than your sister and don’t put dirty socks in my mouth” Amy added.

“Wait... really?” Charlie asked, his amazement heard in his words.

“Of course, I agreed to it” She said with a smile “But you’ll have to agree to something with me if you want me to let you tie me up”
“Whatever” Replied the three boys at unison, which made them look at each other but not say anything.

Amy told them what she wanted them to do.

They agreed to it.

The boys ran to Charlotte’s room where all of the ropes and tape rolls were kept and then ran back to the kitchen.

“Hands up lady!” Said Charlie as he made pistol with his fingers.

“You’re being captured!” Added Oliver.

“Oh no!” Amy played along and raised her hands “Please don’t do anything with me!”

The boys then told Amy to move to the couch and to put her hands behind her back. Amy had trouble hiding her smile and faking a scared expression. The boys started to run rope between her hands to tie them and once they were tied they stepped away from her and started to tie her feet.

“Wait that’s not how you do it” Said Amy as she quickly got away from the ropes the boys had put on her hands.

“What?” Charlie asked awkwardly.

“If you tie it like that I’d be able to escape, and you don’t want that don’t you?” Amy cajoled the boys.

They shook their heads.

“I’ll show you how to do it” Amy continued “Any voluntaries?”

The boys looked at each other, none of them seemed like they wanted to be tied up by a girl.

“Do me” Said Oliver as he awkwardly extended his hands in front of him.

“First you have to put the ropes like this” Said Amy as she made a loop with the rope “Then you run it along the wrists like this...”

Amy proceeded her explanation until Oliver’s hands were expertly tied in front of him.

“And that’s how you do it!” Amy concluded.

The boys that could scratched their heads, Amy didn’t needed anyone to tell her that they didn’t understood what she just did to know it.

“You can use tape if you want to, that is much easier to use but be careful with my skin” Amy offered them a solution.

“Yeah I think we’ll go with that” Said Charlie as he and Julian started to get the tape out of the bag.

“Don’t worry I’ll untie you” Amy said to Oliver.

Once all of the boys had a roll of duct tape for themselves they started to wrap tape around Amy’s limbs, one took care of her hands, other of her knees and other of her ankles. By the end of the tying process Amy had also her thighs wrapped together as well as tape pinning her wrists to her waist and tape running above and below her breasts to pin her upper arms to her chest.

“Now we only need to gag her” Said Charlie as he held a piece of tape.

“Wait!” Amy interrupted “That’s not how you do it”

“If this is going to be another hard explanation...”

“It won’t be” Said Amy “Its just that if you want the gag to work you need to put something in your captive’s mouth first”

“Something like what?” Asked Oliver “You can use a sponge from the kitchen, but be sure to use a new one”

“I’ll go get one” Said Julian.

Once Julian got the sponge he gave it to Charlie.

“Open up!” Ordered charlie.

“Aaaa” Said Amy as she left her mouth wide open for Charlie.

The sponge was shoved in her mouth and then cape the tape, a single strip of perfectly placed tape that went from ear to ear. Maybe Amy could have gotten rid of it if she tried but she didn’t wanted to ruin the boys game.

“There you go, what now?”

The boys ended up playing more videogames for while and then watching a movie, all the while having the company of the bound Amy sitting on the couch with them.
Last edited by banshee 3 years ago, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by banshee »

Part 3: Final

Charlotte stepped out of her car and looked to the floor, she wanted to be angry, but she had nobody to be angry to, and no real reason to be angry. The rage she felt made no sense but she couldn’t get rid of it, which only made her angrier.

But at least she had someone to get even with, her brother and his friends were in the house, that was unexpected, but according to what he had told her they had left her kidnap victim untouched, the only thing Charlotte wished for was that a gag and the walls of her rooms would be enough to silence her victim’s screams.

“Hi” Charlotte deadpanned as she entered her house.

“Hi” her brother replied without taking his look from the screen.

“You better not tell mom anything about this” She threatened as made her way to her bedroom.

“Yeah, yeah, you can trust me”

Charlie usually kept his promises, but this wasn’t an usual situation, if he had lied to Charlotte about leaving her bedroom door locked the problem she was in was far bigger than anything her brother had caused her before. Even if she had taken the key to her room with her she still wondered if there was a way for his brother to find out what she was up to, and if he had indeed found out.

Charlotte stood in front of her bedroom door, she looked at both of her sides to make sure her brother or his friends were not looking and then checked the door, it was closed.

Charlotte gave a sigh of relief, she took the key out of her pocket and opened the door only to quickly close it behind her and lock it again, once she felt safe inside her bedroom she looked forward and saw what she was expecting to, Amy, still tied to the chair.

“I see things are still going bad for you” Said Charlotte as she sat on her bed and started to change on more comfortable clothes “Don’t worry, they went bad for me too”

Amy looked at Charlotte and remained silent, she knew a lot more than her captor did but it wasn’t like she wanted to tell her, or she could in the first place.

“Things won’t get much worse for me, I have already hit the bottom” Charlotte stood back up once she was dressed, she just had put on an old baggy shirt she used to sleep “But for you, for you things are going to get much worse”

Charlotte stood in front of Amy, she was exactly like how she remembered leaving her, but something was off, the ropes just seemed... loose. Charlotte inspected the ropes on Amy’s chest and confirmed her suspicions, she didn’t knew how but apparently Amy had managed to do that.

“I don’t know how you got this loose” Charlotte said threateningly as she pinned Amy to the chair by her shoulder “But that just made what is about to happen to you ten times worse”

Then Charlotte inspected Amy’s back and saw that the ropes were loose too, so loose in fact that she couldn’t believe that Amy was still tied up, something was definitely fishy about those loose restraints but she decided not to think about it.

“Maybe you’re actually smart after all and knew that even if you escaped you had no chance of getting out” Charlotte said as she retied Amy’s hands, she knew that if Amy had actually escaped she could have called for help and her brother would have been there but the least her captive knew about who could help her the better ”Or maybe you’re actually that useless and can’t escape, but either way it’s not like I need you in the chair anymore”

Amy felt the ropes that tied her to the chair being untied with ease by Charlotte until she was free from the chair, she wondered what Charlotte’s intentions with this were.

“Stand up now” Ordered Charlotte.

Amy obeyed and as soon as she stood up Charlotte pushed her from behind which made her harshly fall to the bed. Before Amy could even recover from the fall Charlotte smacked her on her thighs.

“That was just in case you thought of doing anything funny know that I can hit you much harder” Threatened Charlotte as she went to get back the rope that was left near the chair “Now remain still while I tie you up unless you want me to smack you until your thighs are red”

“Mphhh” Amy complained lowly.

“Keep quiet” Ordered Charlotte.

Amy’s ankles were tied together and so were her knees and thighs, once Charlotte was done with her legs she tied her arms to her chest with ropes running above and below her breasts. Amy went from being almost free to completely helpless again.

“Mpghg” Amy moaned lowly, the new restraints were too tight.

“What did I told you?” Charlotte asked as she pinched Amy’s thighs “Why are you disobeying me?”

“Mpghg” Amy moaned again.

“Shut up!” Charlotte smacked Amy’s butt.

It was painful.

Charlotte kept tying Amy, she tied her ankles to her hands, putting her on a tight hogtie that although it could be stricter Charlotte didn’t cared to make it so.

“Ugh you’re so annoying even when tied up and gagged, its unbelievable” Charlotte sat beside her captive on the bed, she was truly mad and was struggling to keep herself from hitting Amy again “You must be wondering why am doing this to you aren’t you?”
Amy shook her head.

“I really hate you, but after what happened I no longer know why” Charlotte explained without even looking at Amy “I just thought it was unfair you did everything I could do but got all the attention from it, that made me angry”

Charlotte turned lo look at Amy, she looked so good even in that humiliating position and that made her so mad. It felt like if Amy was looking at her like if she was one step above, even when tied up her look still had that condescending feeling that Charlotte thought had disappeared when she tied Amy up hours ago.

“Stop looking at me like that!” Shouted Charlotte as she pushed Amy to the floor with her legs “You’re still giving me that condescending look you always give me!”

The fall was harsh, unlike the bed the hard wooden floor did a poor job at cushioning Amy’s fall. After she recovered from the fall Amy rolled over to look up since she had fallen on her belly and saw Charlotte sitting on the edge on the bed looking down at her.

“Now that’s better” Said Charlotte as she saw the new look on Amy’s face, the fall had really been painful for her “Let’s have some fun shall we?”

Then someone knocked the door.

“I heard something, is everything fine?” Asked Charlie from outside.

Before Amy could try to scream for help Charlotte putted her foot over the tape on Amy’s mouth.

“Shh” Said Charlotte as she looked down at her captive “Yeah everything is fine, go away!” She shouted to her brother.

Charlie went back to the living room and Charlotte removed her foot from Amy’s face, which Amy was happy about since Charlotte’s foot was as smelly as the socks that had been shoved into her mouth by her hours ago.

“Yeah sadly we’re not alone here” Said Charlotte “But don’t think that’ll get you out of here, so don’t try anything”

Again Amy looked condescendingly at Charlotte, she looked at her like if she knew something Charlotte didn’t and she did, but it wasn’t like Charlotte had any way of knowing.

“You think you’re really smart don’t you?” Asked Charlotte as she ran her feet through Amy’s abdomen “I don’t know why but you’re still giving me that look, like if you think you’re in power somehow”

Unexpectedly for Amy Charlotte pressed her foot against her nose, effectively asphyxiating her in the horrible smell of her foot.

“Mpghghg!” Moaned Amy as she struggled forcefully against her restraints.

“Uh uh” Charlotte shook her head “You don’t get to breath until you get that smug look off your face”

Amy couldn’t believe the sadism of Charlotte, and she didn’t thought that her smugness was that obvious, but how couldn’t she be smug in the situation she was on with all she knew? But all she knew mattered little when she had Charlotte’s foot on her nose and tape over her mouth, so she resorted to her last method.

Amy began to frantically lick the tape over her lips until she got off, something she was only able to do because she no longer had Charlotte’s socks in her mouth. Amy took a deep breath as soon she ungagged herself, caring little about if Charlotte noticed it or not.

“What? How!?” Charlotte asked as she heard and then saw what Amy had done.

Amy didn’t replied, she was too busy catching her breath.

Taking Amy by surprise Charlotte grabbed Amy by her armpits, lifted her and then threw her to the bed where she fell on back. Charlotte then stat over her on the bed, opening her legs and putting one on each of Amy’s sides.

“How did you get the socks out?” Charlotte demanded to know.

Amy remained silent.

“How!?” Charlotte asked again as she grabbed Amy’s face by the jaw and got her face closer to her captive’s.

Amy started to blush and looked away from her captor.

“How!?” Charlotte insisted “Answer me!”

Amy looked back at her captor, it was time for her to know the truth.

“You want to know why I am so confident despite all of this?” Amy asked “Its because you’re not in power here, I am”

Charlotte grabbed Amy by her sides and poked her ribs, making her squirm in all of the ropes that restrained her.

“It’s funny that you believe that” Said Charlotte “Even when I can do this to you and you can’t do anything to stop me you still believe that”

Amy would have replied but Charlotte covered her mouth with her foot, now she couldn’t speak and the disgusting smell of Amy’s foot awfully close to her nose.

“You don’t have any power here” Said Charlotte as she looked down upon Amy “I don’t know what makes you think that you have, but I don’t care”

Charlotte pressed her foot harder against Amy’s mouth and pinched her nose with her toes.

“I’ll make sure you know that whatever control you think you have in this situation is not real” Charlotte said threateningly “This is not your normal, easy life, now I have you tied up, you can’t escape and nobody can help you”

Charlotte took her foot off Amy’s face and got out of the bed. Amy took the chance to get a breath of much needed fresh air after being asphyxiated by Charlotte’s reeking foot.

“I’m gonna take a shower now, but as you may have guessed I can left that mouth of yours empty” Said Charlotte “By now you know how bad my feet smell so you must be happy about that”

“I’m surprised that you even shower” Amy taunted.

Being taunted by Amy wasn’t at all funny for Charlotte, the fact that her captive who was tied up at her mercy had the courage to do that was beyond angering for Charlotte, but that only made punishing her better.

“Those are big words from someone who’s bound and about to be gagged” Said Charlotte “Just for that I’ll make your gag extra stuffed”

Amy was not looking forward for that, as much control as she had she was still tied up for the time being and whatever Charlotte decided to put in her mouth she wouldn’t be able to do much about it.

Charlotte took out a pair of thick socks from a pile of dirty clothes that had accumulated on her desk chair, she had the bad habit of leaving unwashed clothes in her room but that unhealthy habit was about to become handy.

“Maybe if you beg for it I’ll look for something less disgusting” Said Charlotte once she had the socks close enough to Amy’s face for her to smell their stink.

Amy remained silent.

“Oh so you really want me to put this in your mouth?” Charlotte was getting angry at Amy’s resistance, but that would only make punishing her more satisfying.

“I won’t beg you for anything if that’s what you want” Said Amy.

Charlotte didn’t replied, her angry face said it all. She shoved the socks inside Amy’s mouth, the pair was so big that almost half of it was out of her mouth when Charlotte started to relentlessly wrap tape around Amy’s head.

“Mphhghgh!” Amy moaned a heavily muffled complain. She had reasons for wanting Charlotte to stop, the extremely sticky tape being wrapped over her golden straight hair was not a pleasant experience and it would be even less when the time came for her to be ungagged.

“Oh you don’t like that?” Asked Charlotte as she looked at Amy in her worried eyes “Good, should’ve thought about not begging for me not to do it”

Charlotte opened the door and stealthily looked outside, once she saw nobody was looking she turned back to her captive.

“I’ll leave for some minutes back, so behave and don’t go anywhere otherwise...” Charlotte smiled “I bet you don’t want to know what will happen to you if you disobey”

Charlotte exited the room and Amy was left alone, she would have smiled to had she not been gagged. She knew exactly what was about to happen, in fact she knew it better that Charlotte.

Sadly for Amy, no matter how much control over the situation she thought she’d had she still had to bear the stench of the socks inside her mouth and over her nose for a while until her plan came to fruition.

Outside the Bedroom a Few Minutes After

Charlotte came out of the bathroom, still on her sleeping clothes but now completely clean, she was still drying her hair when she came out of the bathroom which made her notice a very important detail incredibly late.

“What are you doing there?” Asked Charlotte as she came across her little brother in her way “Move away, whatever you want I don’t have time for it”

Charlotte shoved her brother aside and continued to walk to her bedroom, he could really be annoying when her wanted to and she knew that he wasn’t waiting outside of the bathroom because of need because if that were the case he would have gone to the other bathroom, so he had to be trying to mess with her.

“What if I tell mom about what you did tonight?” Said Charlie from behind.

Before any verbal response Charlotte turned back to her brother and grabbed him by the collar of his shirt.

“Don’t you dare threaten me...” Charlotte menacingly said to her brother “Because if you do...”

“What?” Charlie replied smugly “I’m gonna end up like the girl in your bedroom?”

Charlotte fell like if she was being crushed under a wall bricks, how did his brother knew what he was saying, how could he say it so securely, she felt surprise but it was almost immediately followed by rage.

“What are you talking about!?” Charlotte did a poor job at pretending to be unaware of what her brother was saying.

“Guys!” Charlie called.

And replying to Charlie’s call came from Charlotte’s bedroom not only his two friends but also Amy, completely free of gags and restraints and dressed in Charlotte’s clothes.

“What the hell is happening?” Asked Charlotte to nobody in particular.

Amy walked towards Charlotte and got a hand near her face like if she was about to caress her but Charlotte moved her hand away.
“Don’t touch me” Charlotte said angrily.

“I’d not recommend doing that” Said Amy “Maybe you haven’t noticed but I’m no longer tied up”

Now Charlotte was starting to feel like Amy was actually in power and that angered her beyond comprehension, it was just like in every other place, Amy condescendingly looking down on her and she being below her, the only difference being that this time it was the only time that it was supposed to be otherwise yet Amy had managed to turn the situation on its head and end up above Charlotte like she always was.

“Care to come to the bedroom with us?” Asked Amy as she grabbed Charlotte by her hand.

Charlotte walked to the bedroom with her, she didn’t even let go of her hand. She no longer knew what she was supposed to do, try to fight Amy? She could but it was obvious that her brother and his friends were on her side and she wasn’t willing to fight two kids she wasn’t related to. Escape? Escape where? She was being humiliated in her own house, there was no escape. The only thing she could do was to listen to whatever Amy had to tell her.

Charlotte sat on a chair and the boys brought another chair for Amy to seat in front of her.

“Do you want to know what’s happening?” Asked Amy.

Charlotte nodded, until now she could only wonder.

“I’d prefer that your brother doesn’t hears some of the things I have to tell you” Amy said as she shared a look with Charlie “But I don’t know if I can trust you to be left alone with me, so I’ll take some measures”

“You better not mean...” Charlotte was interrupted by reality ending her phrase.

Her brother and his friends were grabbing one roll of the duct tape she had bought each, and she knew exactly for what purpose.

“If you put even a single piece of tape on me you’re gonna regret it” Threatened Charlotte as she stood up from the chair.

“You should think twice about that” Amy said calmly “You’re the one that has more to loose here” She made and crossed her legs just to signal how calm she was about the situation “If you try anything your brother can tell your mom about the party that you went to tonight, or worse, I could tell the police about the kidnapping thing you did to me”

“I still have the photos of you tied up...” Muttered Charlotte to keep a semblance of power over her once captive.

“No, we deleted them” Said Amy “You should really be more careful with your passwords”

Charlotte just angrily pouted, it was all she could do at this point.

“Now sit down and relax, unlike you I won’t hurt you” Ordered Amy.

Although reluctantly Charlotte obeyed, she couldn’t do anything other than that if she wanted to come out of the situation at least publicly unharmed. Her brother and his friends tied her to the chair with tape, wrapping tape below her breasts and her waist to pin her to the chair, wrapping her wrists together behind the back of the chair and wrapping her legs to the legs of the chair at ankles and knees.

“That’s much better, you can leave now thanks for your help” Amy said to the boys once they were done binding Amy.

The boys left the room.

“Actually there’s something the boys missed but I think It will be better if I do it myself” Said Amy “And just to show you that I’m not nearly as evil as you are and that you have nothing to fear I’ll not use the dirty socks you used on me”

“Please don’t gag me” Said Charlotte, already tied up by her worst enemy begging for anything wasn’t as humiliating as before.

“Don’t worry I’ll make it comfortable” Said Amy as she tied a long clean sock “Open up” She said annoyingly cheerfully.

Reluctantly Charlotte obeyed and had the knot of the sock shoved inside her mouth and then the sock tied behind her head. The gag was effective at preventing her from talking but not as good as preventing her from making noise, but she was likely to be rescued if she screamed for help neither did she wanted to moan under her gag.

Once her captive was gagged Amy explained everything to her, from how she managed to escape to how she ended up being the one tying up her. Charlotte could only look down as she became disappointed on herself, being told in detail how her perfectly crafted plan had failed was painful.

“But there’s something I haven’t yet told you” Said Amy after finishing her explanation “But I think the bed is a better place to explain that”

Amy stood up and using a pair of scissors she untied Amy from the chair but left her hands tied up.

“Remember, don’t try anything” Amy reminded Charlotte.

Then she gently helped her captive lay on the bed with her, she stroked her hair for a few seconds while she laid at her side but then sat on the bed and grabbed some ropes from the floor.

With the ropes Amy tied Charlotte with a surprisingly good technique, tying more rope over her already bound hands just because she thought rope looked better than tape. Then she tied Charlotte’s elbows together, but she wasn’t able to make them touch, she wrapped rope above and below her breasts to pin her arms to her chest and to pin her hands to her back she tied them to her waist. Charlotte’s strong legs were bound at the thighs, above and below the knees and at the ankles. Even though none of the ropes were tight enough to harm Charlotte none of them would budge to any struggle, and needless to say Charlotte’s body would soon be as covered in ropeburns as Amy’s.

Amy stood up from the bed and went to turn off the lights, then returned to the bed and covered herself and the restrained Charlotte in the blankets.

“Now we can talk” Said Amy as she Caressed Charlotte’s face “Better said, I can talk”

Charlotte felt incredibly vulnerable and embarrassed, in the darkness, tied up and gagged at the mercy of her rival who not so long ago was in the very same position she was in now.

“I knew that you wanted to do this to me all along” Said Amy.

Charlotte felt nothing but surprise.

“I fell for it on purpose for just one reason” Amy made a pause and didn’t continued her phrase.

Charlotte could only wonder what that mysterious reason was but she received no answer at least not in the form of words. Amy kissed Charlotte’s gagged lips.

“Mpghg!” Charlotte moaned out of surprise.

“I did it because I like you Charlotte” Confessed Amy “That’s why I was blushing while you tied me up and touched my body, do you have any idea of how excited I was?”

Charlotte did not gave credit to what she was hearing, how could her supposed rival’s feeling for her could be so opposite to what she felt for her? It was ridiculous.

“That does not mean that I enjoyed to smell your stinky socks, or that I think that it is normal to plan to kidnap people you don’t like” Amy said as she caressed the whole of Charlotte’s body she had desired for so long “If we end up together I’ll let you tie me up some times, but you’ll have to learn how to treat your captives, and about that whole kidnapping thing… it is crazy, yes, but maybe it is that what I like about you”

“Mpghgh!” Charlotte could not believe what was happening.

“Hush dear” Amy said as she kept necking Charlotte “We have a long night ahead of us, so you better learn to enjoy this”
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Post by NotSeen »

Nice! Very, very good. I'm a sucker for 'revenge against a bully' stories. This one was all that - and then some. Oh, how I'd love to see another story of these two, their relationship growing.
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Post by Headmistress »

Very good ending and it was not what I expected.

Maybe they will end up as friends after all.
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Post by Canuck100 »

Headmistress wrote: 3 years ago Very good ending and it was not what I expected.

Maybe they will end up as friends after all.
Same here, the ending surprised me! Well done!
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