A Hell of a Week (various M/M)

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A Hell of a Week (various M/M)

Post by grayboxers »

I don't know where else to start, so I'll just say that I've been reading on this site for a while but finally decided to sit down and actually write something. Hello! I've always wished that I had a brother/cousin/whatever to do TUGs and other related things with, so this is largely me just projecting a lot of my fantasies onto these characters who happen to live in a perfect world for tie-ups (and wedgies and other the "guys will be guys" horsing around they do).

I'm going to be trying something with writing, where the story is a collection of short-ish scenes over the course of the week, and the point of view jumps around a lot between the different guys. I'll make sure to note whose POV we're looking through. Also I, uh, tend to write very long-winded. Whoops.

Ray: The younger brother, at 19, Ray is also the shorter one, at an average height of 5ft 9in. But, given that he did wrestling all through middle and high school and is now going through police academy, he's not weak or wimpy at all. Ray's lean but extremely well-built, and will absolutely demolish his brother (or most guys) in a wrestling match when he needs to. Ray has light brown hair and eyes, and is a boxers guy through and through.

Tristan: The older brother of the two, at 21, Tristan is on the tall side: 6ft 3in. While he's not as strong as his brother, he's not exactly weak either: he's a carpenter by trade, and has a small job working for the local theatre company building props. This also means he gets to keep those props afterwards, some of which are... fun for the brother's games. Tristan is a tall and lanky guy, but has some muscles on him all the same. He has blonde hair and blue-gray eyes, and wears either boxer-briefs or boxers depending on how much he's moving around.

Tyler: Tyler is the brothers' older cousin, and lives a few hours' drive away. He's the oldest guy here, at 23, and in between the brothers in height at 6ft exactly. He's also a monster of a guy: he works in construction so he's all muscle and can basically toss most people across a room. But, of course, he's a giant with a heart of gold. Tyler doesn't get to see the brothers often, but when he does he's basically a third brother to them. Tyler also wrestled in high school, and was the reason Ray got into it. Tyler has darker brown hair and eyes than Ray, but otherwise looks very similar given they're not directly related. Tyler's also a boxers guy.

Tristan and Ray live together in a small house, not far from home but still alone so they have plenty of time for their games. They've liked to mess with each other for ages, but now they can do it freely. The brothers have a pretty big collection of stuff that they use, for a lot of things like tie-ups, general horsing around, and even some roleplay relating to it all. They're very used to being tied up by each other, and it's seldom safe at their apartment, but they also do it in good fun and are smart about it. Tyler's completely new to all of this, and is visiting for a week. Of course a lot of planning and details were talked back and forth, so the boys all have a ton of different stuff for the various themed things and other "fun" stuff that the brothers planned.

Okay that's a lot of intro but it's worth it, trust me. Now for story!


Tristan had to chuckle at the sequence of events in his life that had led him to this point. Here he was, chilling in his own apartment with his little brother on a Saturday afternoon. It was late summer, and a very comfortable temperature inside the apartment despite the lack of AC. He was in his usual post-work getup of white shorts and a gray tank top. Everything would seem so normal, except...

Oh, his shorts were actually around his ankles, exposing his blue boxer-briefs for anyone to see. And his wrists and neck were locked in a pair of stocks. That he had built. Life's funny, isn't it?

Tristan heard Ray coming back down the hallway that led to their rooms. Ray strolled up to his captive brother, wearing his own evening hangout outfit of black shorts (that were actually on correctly) and a navy blue tank top. Tristan saw Ray holding a pair of light gray boxers behind his back that he quickly identified as one of his own, and one that he knew were clean. Thankfully.

Ray broke the silence: "Hey Tris', brought you something." he joked. Both brothers knew what was coming next.

"Let's just get it done so we can eat dinner, you evil bastard", Tristan replied back, almost laughing. This was all fun and games to the brothers, after all. Tristan opened his mouth; resisting wasn't the point and besides both brothers knew every trick in the book to get someone to open their mouth for a gag anyway.

Ray stuffed the boxers in quickly. With an efficiency that could only come with practice, he reached over to grab a roll of duct tape off a nearby table. He ran the duct tape over Tristan's now gagged mouth, spinning two loops around his head. Very simple gag, but very secure.

"Okay, say something."

"Mmph-mmph", came the two-syllable reply. The gag wasn't uncomfortable or painful, but it definitely silenced Tristan quite well.

"Perfect. Twenty minutes?" The brothers tried to not keep each other restrained for too long at a time, especially not in the same position. Variety makes things more interesting. Plus, Ray was hungry and Tristan was cooking tonight so he needed his brother available somewhat soon. Tristan gave a nod indicating okay, and so Ray set up and started a timer on his phone.

Ray went over to the couch and stayed on his phone, mostly leaving his brother alone in his stocks. Tristan did the usual feeling-out of his situation: yeah, he was stuck. He was proud of his work and the stocks were sturdy, and definitely not going anywhere. Both brothers had spent plenty of time in these stocks by now, so they knew what to expect. The gag silenced him effectively, and he would definitely be screwed if his brother wasn't going to let him out. Luckily, that wasn't something he had to worry about. The brothers knew they could trust each other to the gates of hell and back with this stuff. It was great.

After some token struggling, squirming, and making vaguely vocal noises into his gag, Tristan just stopped and let himself relax. It had been a long week for him, including some work on Saturday, and he was looking forward to the next week immensely.

After some time lost in his thoughts, Tristan was jolted back by hearing Ray's phone alarm go off. Ray quickly got up from his rest on the couch and set to work freeing Tristan, unlocking and opening up the stocks and letting him stand up straight again. After stretching his back, Tristan quickly pulled up his shorts, then set to work removing the gag from his mouth. The duct tape around the back of his head hurt a little, but nothing too bad. The boxers were, unsuprisingly, soaked, so he ran them into his room and put them with his dirty laundry before coming back to Ray and helping him put their toys away.

"See, didn't you need that?"

"Yeah yeah, now do you want dinner or not?"

Later that night, the brothers were resting in their living room, both on their laptops. Ray started a conversation:

"Hey Tristan, how're you feeling about going again?" He was clearly trying to pitch tying Tristan up again. Unfortunately he wouldn't be so lucky.

"Dude not tonight, Tyler's getting here tomorrow. Save your creativity for him. I'm sure he'll appreciate it. Besides, if anything I should be the one tying you up right now." The brothers didn't necessarily keep a strict tit-for-tat count of times they tied each other up, but they tried to make it generally even.

"Yeah, good point. About Tyler, that is" Ray chuckled, realizing that now he was the one dodging getting tied up that night. "Dude I'm actually so excited for this, aren't you?"

"Of course, I haven't seen Tyler in ages either, and it'll be nice to have someone else wrestling me to the ground and tying me up instead of just you." Tristan got up, moving towards his bedroom. "That reminds me, I wanted to go pick up a few more things for the stuff we have planned before he gets here tomorrow. So I'll head to sleep now. Do you wanna come tomorrow morning?"

Ray thought for a moment. "I'm pretty sure I'm good, one sec." He paused as he searched his computer for the list the brothers had made for the week. Basically seven full days of Tyler staying over, so there was a lot to do. "Yeah I'm scrolling through the list we have and I think I have all of my stuff." The brothers had planned a lot of "themed" things to do, so Ray took his time double-checking that he had everything.

"Aight, I'll probably be out in the morning when you get up then. See you tomorrow!" Tristan said as he closed his bedroom door.

"Night!" came the call back.

After he was alone in his room, Tristan quickly took stock of his own preparations for the week, made a note on his phone of what he was missing, then turned off the lights and jumped into bed. This was going to be a long week.
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Post by grayboxers »

And now the story starts for real. I'm new around here (thanks for the welcome bondagefreak!), going to try and both be more active in other people's stories, and be faster with chapters for this, but my Covid shot kind of did me in for a little while this time. Whoops.

Chapter 1: Tyler's Arrival


Tyler pulled into the driveway, making sure he had the right address before stepping out of his car. You could tell that he just came from work: he was still in his work clothes, sporting a white t-shirt and a pair of jeans held up by a brown leather belt. His bright yellow construction vest was folded on the passenger seat next to him, and his red bandana was hanging out of his jeans pocket. The drive wasn't too bad, about two hours, though it was a little past noon and he was feeling rather hungry. As Tyler was walking towards his trunk to grab his bag, Ray came running out to meet him.

"Hey Tyler!" The words were followed by a near-tackle, as Ray basically rammed into his older cousin with a hug. After catching his balance, Tyler grabbed Ray back and lifted him up, swinging 180 degrees before dropping him again.

"Hey, you little bastard!" Tyler responded. He then saw Tristan come walking out the door as well.

"Think he missed you?" He called, approaching his cousin in a much calmer way than Ray had. The older duo shared the classic hand-clasp into a hug, then Tristan continued. "Glad you got here fine, wouldn't want you to get kidnapped by someone else before we got to you" joked Tristan.

"Hah! Yeah the drive was fine, not much traffic on a weekend. And of course I couldn't wait to have my younger cousins tie me up all week." His tone was sarcastic to match Tristan's, but Tyler was actually excited for this. "The last time I was tied up was when I was like eight, you know. Playing Cowboys and Indians at camp, or something. And of course since we were that young it was the most fake 'tied up' you could imagine."

"Yeah, this is gonna be like level 15 of Cowboys and Indians. You good to go?"

"First, I'm starving. Let me eat lunch before you take my freedom, will you?"

After a quick lunch, Tyler was ready for the action to start. As he brought in his bag, Tristan started talking.

"Alright, so of course we have to initiate you first, like any good cult." He chuckled. "We have some different generic ways planned to tie you up, like what we normally do to each other. Gotta give you the real experience of living here. After this first batch we'll let you get your revenge. Sound good?"

"Well, I think me not having a choice is kind of the point. So, you two wanna kidnap me? Pretend I'm a construction worker packing up for the day and then you grab me?"

Ray piped up, "Oh I like where this is going already. Feeling creative?"

"Dude you have no idea how many movies I've watched with this kind of stuff. Just let me go put my vest on and it'll be perfect." Tyler stepped out the door and walked over to his car. After putting his vest back on and making sure the car was locked, he walked back inside. His shoes were already off, but otherwise it was just like he was walking around his workplace.

It was midday, but the only light was what could come in the single window he saw. After a few steps into the dark living room, Tyler was suddenly grabbed in a chokehold from behind and felt a finger- definitely representing a gun- pressed against the side of his head.

"Get. Down." Ray's voice. There was a pause. Then Tyler complied, kneeling as Ray guided him to the ground. "Don't do anything stupid and we won't hurt you. Hands behind your back." Tyler continued to follow the directions, doing (he felt) a pretty good job at acting scared and uncertain.

"Why are you-" he started to talk, but was cut off by Ray jolting him with the chokehold.

"Shut up. Actually, just tape him up buddy" Ray said to Tristan, who now entered the scene brandishing a roll of duct tape. A few uncerimonious motions later, Tyler now had about two full layers of duct tape over his mouth and around his head. He grunted into the gag, but couldn't speak any further.

"Great. Now just don't resist if you know what's good for you" Ray's voice continued to dominate the scene. Damn, did he take acting lessons or something? Tyler thought to himself, now thoroughly enjoying being held captive. And he wasn't even tied up yet.

With no more words, Ray and Tristan quickly worked together to change that. Tyler felt his hands being bound behind his back, then he was pushed forward so that he was lying on his stomach. Then came his ankles. Then those two connections were bound to each other, and Tyler was in a perfect hogtie. The last piece was a blindfold: Tyler felt his bandana being pulled out of his pocket, put over his eyes and tied around his head. Tyler was perfectly secured.

"Perfect. Now don't go anywhere, we'll be back soon." Tyler heard two pairs of footsteps walking away. After about a minute, he was sure he was alone. He tested his bonds, and wasn't surprised to find that they were secure. The position wasn't painful, but it was tight. It was a new experience, being tied up like this. He was going absolutely nowhere until someone decided to let him out, so he decided to spend the time getting into the headspace of being a construction worker tied up. Fortunately, between his outfit and the ropes, he didn't really need to pretend much.

I'm so screwed came his in-character thoughts. If Ray could roleplay a good captor, he would roleplay the good captive. And so he struggled. Tyler was a strong guy, but the ropes didn't care. They weren't moving. The straining put Tyler even further into character, and he continued writhing and swearing into his gag for a few minutes. Absolutely nothing budged.

Eventually Tyler tired and stopped his efforts, but not before he became a sweaty mess on the floor. Panting, he resigned himself to his fate and lay there, catching his breath, wondering when the brothers would come back and move him to another position.
He didn't have to wait long. He couldn't exactly check the clock, but some time around half an hour after they left him, the footsteps came back. Tyler felt Ray's finger against his head again.

Ray spoke: "We're moving you, don't even think about trying to run. Got it?" Tyler nodded a yes, and then he felt hands undoing his hogtie. The pressure loosened as his wrists and ankles were made seperate again, but he didn't have time to stretch or rest before he felt his ankles being untied as he was hastily forced to stand and walk, still blindfolded, a few feet across the room.

After stopping, his wrists were also untied for a very brief time before he was placed with his back against some type of board, then those wrists were pushed over his head and tied seperately to two places on the board. His ankles followed suit, and suddenly Tyler was shaped like an X. The board was then raised a little bit so that he lost contact with the ground, and that was that. Tyler couldn't see himself, but he could only imagine how helpless he looked.

There were no words this time, only chuckling as Ray and Tristan walked away. Tyler was alone once again. And now, he didn't even have the ground to push off of. Tyler tried struggling again, of course expecting nothing and gaining nothing. The knots holding each of his four anchor points were out of reach, and there was nothing else to help him. He struggled for the same few minutes as before, but it was just for show at this point. He wasn't going anywhere, and he was fine with it.

It was weird to admit to himself, but Tyler was definitely enjoying being tied up. He didn't expect to hate it of course, but this morning he was more looking forward to tying his cousins up rather than the other way around. As he hung there helpless again, he went back to his internal monologue and roleplay. Again, it wasn't hard to think about just how screwed he was if nobody came to save him. Tristan wasn't kidding when he said "level 15", damn.

Tyler was alone with his thoughts for about another half hour before his captors returned again, and he could only wonder what they had planned next. He didn't have to wait long, as he was dropped from his perch and led over to another place in the room. He was leaned against what felt like a support beam, and had his arms pulled around behind it. Of course his wrists were tied together again, forcing him to stand with his back to the pole. More rope loops were added to attach his ankles, waist, and chest to it, and so he was stuck again.

No words again, but this time as his captors walked away Tyler felt a sudden jab to his gut. He tried to hunch over with an exclamation, failing both due to the ropes and tape respectively. It wasn't a real punch, but it was defintiely enough to scare him. Now that he was hyper-aware of his vulnerability from that parting shot, Tyler got to stand there for another long while and muse about his situation. Still as stuck as before, though at least the brothers were keeping it interesting.

Tyler was really getting into his act now, and between occasional bouts of struggling against his bonds and his (still roleplaying) internal thoughts of what if they just leave me here? he probably looked the part too. He knew the plan was to take pictures of everything throughout the week, and he hoped that the brothers got good shots of him here. Remind me to never get on their bad side...

After the usual half-hour bout, he heard footsteps coming back once more. Tyler braced himself for another new position, but this time he only felt ropes being taken off. Eventually he was left with just his wrists bound behind his back and the pole, and free otherwise. Then, for the first time since he was captured, he heard Tristan's voice:

"Alright, we got what we needed. I'm going to release your wrists then leave. You're going to wait a minute before taking off your blindfold or gag, and you're going to tell nobody about this. They won't believe you anyway. If you tell anyone, we will find you again when we have a lot more time. Understood?" Tristan was much less aggressive in tone than Ray, which wasn't surprising at all if you knew the two, but his threats still sounded very real. Tyler nodded in reponse, and felt Tristan's hands start undoing his final bindings.

"Okay, good. Thanks for being so... helpful." And there's the natural sarcasm that Tristan can never hide! Tyler's wrists were freed, and he dropped forward to the ground on his hands and knees. Tyler could hear Tristan quickly jog away, and he dutifully waited for his best guess at a minute before undoing his blindfold. Shoving his bandana back in his pocket, he then started to work on removing the duct tape from his head. The mouth was the easy part, but he had to be careful around the back of his head with his hair. It was some pain, but eventually Tyler peeled off the tape and threw it to the ground. He was free again.

"Well?!" Tyler called down the hall that he guessed the brothers went down. He could sense the stupid grin on his face, and there was no hiding that he had enjoyed being tied up far more than he expected to. Tyler dropped down on the nearby couch, and only had to wait a few seconds before his ex-captors popped out of the hallway, also clearly having just enjoyed themselves tying up their older cousin.

"Well what?" "Hate us yet?" answered Tristan and Ray respectively. It was almost jarring hearing their normal voices after their captor character ones.

"Okay, first of all, remind me to never piss you two off. And second, this is going to be a hell of a week. That was the most fun I've had in ages!" Tyler quipped. "And third, where the hell did you learn to act like that Ray? That was borderline 'career in movies' level of character."

"I've been telling him he should try out for the theatre group I work for-" joked Tristan, before being cut off by a sharp elbow from Ray.

"Nowhere really, I just always found it really fun to roleplay things like that when tying Tristan up before. Makes it more interesting, I guess."

"Well you definitely got that right. I hope I was a good captive. It was... more fun than I expected, let me put it that way." Tyler flexed his wrists and ankles as he talked, still a little stiff from the repeated bondage he had just been through. "Turns out when I'm dressed like a construction worker and tied up, it's pretty easy to pretend to be a construction worker that's tied up." He laughed as he talked. "I hope you got good pictures!"

"Yeah, was really fun watching you struggle." Tristan started pulling out his phone. "And of course we did! Ever wanted to see yourself tied up?" The phone got passed over to Tyler, who took a good long look at the photos. They were kind of surreal to see, because he knew from experience that it was him tied up in them, but the blindfold and gag made it hard to tell. And however helpless he thought he looked at the time? Well he looked more helpless in the photos. Damn. Passing the phone back towards Tristan, Tyler changed the subject a little.

"Remind me, we need to set it up so I can take pics on my phone and add to this album. But first, my work clothes are an extra mess now, let me go change" he said, rising and walking over towards his bag. After taking out a set of shorts and a fresh t-shirt, he had Ray point him to the bathroom and went to go change.

After he closed the door behind him, Tyler looked at himself in the mirror. His face was still flushed from the struggling and sweating, he looked like he had been through a battle, and he still had some tape residue near his mouth, but he couldn't stop smiling. This was going to be a fun week.
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Post by Xtc »

Welcome to the League of TUGs Writers. It's always good to see more entries to the Stories for Everyone category.
They all say boxer shorts are cool,
but little Speedos always rule.
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Post by KidnappedCowboy »

Can't wait until Tyler gets his revenge on his cousins! :twisted: :twisted:
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Post by Canuck100 »

I really enjoyed your story. I wonder if Tyler is going to be as good at doing the tying as his cousins are. Will be interesting to see what happens next. Well done!
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Post by grayboxers »

Part 2: Brotherly Bonds


After a few hours the boys spent just chilling, catching up, and the like, Tyler finally posed the question:

"Alright guys, my turn now. You ready?" He asked, starting to stand up and looking ready to get things going again. Ray jumped up, and without any words, went over to grab a box from the counter nearby. Walking it over to Tyler, he showed him the contents.

"Thought you'd never ask. Here's everything we have, take your pick. We've already talked about the basic rules but otherwise go nuts." The trio had talked earlier about the rules the brothers usually upheld, and it was basically just "don't be stupid", "underwear stays on" and "no more than 30 minutes in a single position". Simple enough.
Tristan was still sitting on the other side of the room, but he obviously had to chip in:

"Pretty impressive, isn't it?"

Tyler scanned over the contents of the box. "I mean I knew you guys had a lot of stuff, but this is even more than I expected. Gimme a minute..." Tyler grabbed the box from Ray and started sifting through. Of course, Ray already knew everything that was in there, and Tyler was right that this was a lot of options for his first time tying someone up: the brothers had a lot of lengths of rope, a few different kinds of tape, some handcuffs (kept seperate from Ray's actual pair from police academy), bandanas for blindfolds, and even some more exotic stuff like a muzzle gag and a ballgag.

"Also," continued Ray, "if you want us to be wearing something else, let us know. We have a lot of different stuff for this week, mostly from that list we made together." Tyler paused his rifling to think about that for a second. Eventually he came to the conclusion:

"Not this time, maybe another." and Tyler went back to the box. This time, he started pulling things out and preparing them. "Okay, I think I know what I'm gonna do. You guys have good chairs to be tied to?" he asked.

"Kitchen chairs should work, they're pretty heavy" answered Tristan, standing up to go and grab them. "You want two, right?" he called back from the other room.

"Yeah, one for each of you."

Tristan came back in, dual-wielding chairs. After setting them back to back a few feet apart on Tyler's instructions, the brothers sat obediently in the chairs with their hands around the backs. It was pretty warm, so the guys were all in very casual clothes: Tristan had on a pair of cargo shorts, a dark blue t-shirt, and white socks, and Ray was rocking an American flag tank top with black athletic shorts and black socks.

And so Tyler began: a pair of handcuffs was locked on each of the brother's wrists, and the handcuff chains were crossed with each other so the two couldn't slide their chairs away from each other. Then, Ray had his legs secured to each of the chair's with some loops of rope, and Tyler continued his way up: loops of rope around his knees, then stomach, then chest firmly attached Ray to his chair, with Tyler muttering to himself the whole time: "This here... I should probably keep this knot on the side...", and so on with his thought process. Tyler switched to duct tape for the final loop, this one around Ray's mouth, effectively silencing the youngest boy while also keeping his head stuck against the chair's headrest.

Satisfied with Ray's bindings, Tyler stepped away to deal with Tristan. Ray couldn't turn his head to see, but could hear the shuffling of ropes, Tyler's thinking-aloud, and eventually the ripping of tape as he imagined his brother was being put into the same bondage as he was. After he was done with Tristan, Tyler stood perpendicular to his back-to-back victims, barely visible in the corner of Ray's eye, appraising his work and snapping a few pics.

"There. Not bad, huh? Well guys, I have some friends to text and catch up with, so have fun." Tyler said, pulling out his phone as he left Ray's vision and plopped down on the couch. "Maybe I'll do some character stuff like you guys did another time, but not now. See you in thirty."

And Ray was left there, tied up like he had been so much before. But this time was a bit different, because he wasn't alone in the predicament. Ray could sense his brother behind him, just as helpless as he was. It was kind of cool, since usually Tristan was the one tying him up and couldn't exactly be tied up with him. This was a new experience.

Turning his attention to his bonds, Ray wasn't surprised to find that they weren't going anywhere. Even though this was, supposedly, Tyler's first time tying anyone up, he had been through Scouts and his knots were secure. He wasn't totally immobilized and could squirm against the ropes (well, Tristan was squirming. Ray was thrashing. The two brothers in a nutshell.), but escape wasn't happening and the knots were smartly out of reach. After a bit, Ray stopped trying to break free and just relaxed into his forced seat.

Eventually the half-hour passed and Tyler moved over to free the brothers. "Okay, you first since I put you in first." he said as he walked over in front of Ray and started by ripping the tape off of his mouth.

"Ow-fuck!" Ray shouted involuntarily at the pain of having his gag suddenly pulled off. "Wish you had let me do that part. I really should've shaved..." Ray reflexively tried to rub his upper lip but his hands were still in the cuffs.

"Sorry, wasn't thinking of it." Tyler apologized as he continued to work his way down Ray's body, removing the ropes attaching him to the chair one by one. He stepped away for a second to grab the handcuff key, then freed Ray from those as well which let his captive stand up for the first time since they had started. After doing the same for Tristan, except letting him remove his own tape, Tyler had both of the brothers free.

"Well, how'd I do?" Tyler grinned, stretching his arms behind his head and seeming satisfied.

"I mean I definitely couldn't go anywhere, so I'd call that a success." Tristan stretched his knee as he talked. "Feeling someone else also tied up with me was different."

Ray chimed in. "Yeah I thought the same, we can't do that with just the two of us." Ray glanced over at the clock on the wall. "God, nearly 10 already? I have academy tomorrow morning so I should sleep soon, but after tomorrow I don't have it for the rest of the week so we can do this a lot later into the night."

"Sure thing, glad you guys liked it." Tyler chuckled. "What a funny sentence: 'I tied my little cousins up and they liked it.' This is why I like you guys."

Ray took slight offense: "Oh I'll show you little! ...tomorrow, that is." he joked, walking over towards his bedroom door. "See you in the morning!" he called as he closed the door behind him. Stripping to his boxers, Ray could hear his brother and cousin talking for a little before he fell asleep, probably about some random things.

Tyler was fun for this, cool. Ray already couldn't wait until he was back from academy tomorrow.
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Post by Headmistress »

Good story and I liked your character descriptions.
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Post by grayboxers »

Hey, it's me! I got busy with life and stuff, and just haven't been writing, but I'm going to try and get back into it. Initially I planned to have this next chapter be fairly long but there's a good natural split in the middle and I think I'll post this first half now to give you guys something and to also force myself to keep progressing on this. Enjoy!

Part 3: Cop and Robbers


Tyler was lounging on the couch as Ray left his room in the morning. Ray jumped a little upon seeing Tyler, maybe not expecting him to be awake. Slightly flustered, Ray stuttered out "Oh, morning! You look like a gangster sitting like that, you know." He wasn't entirely wrong: Tyler was curled up on the couch, wearing black gym shorts and a black hoodie over a white tank top.

"Gee thanks, you're looking sharp too, ya cop." Tyler didn't even need to be metaphorical: Ray had his police uniform on, and was about to leave for academy. "I went for a run in the morning, you probably already knew this but it's cold and wet."

"Oh, alright. Thanks." Ray was back to his usual tone, and trying to find a comeback. "You know, if I'm the cop and you're the gangster, maybe I should just arrest you right here before I leave."

Tyler chuckled. "Never safe here, huh?" As Ray started to backpedal and say that it could wait, Tyler cut him off: "No, I already love it. Don't worry, I wouldn't have it any other way. Is Tristan up at least?" He wasn't trying to be left tied up with a sleeping Tristan for hours.

Ray looked over at the clock. 9:30. "No, but he's always awake at 10, so just in time to let you go. Trust me, it doesn't matter if he has anything or not in a morning. He always gets up at the same time. Also I'll just cuff your wrists so you can walk around if you really need to. Sound fine?"

"Good with me!" Tyler could tell that Ray was trying extra hard to keep him comfortable and not alienate him, but he almost wished that he was being more forceful like yesterday afternoon. Maybe later in the day, once all the boys were awake.

"Alright, on your stomach." Ray put on his best "authoritative cop" voice. Tyler stayed on the couch but rolled over onto his stomach, pretending to grumble and act annoyed. "Hands behind your back", and Tyler complied. He felt the metallic clicking of a pair of handcuffs falling around his wrists. "I need to bring my good pair with me, but you can feel what those are like later."

Tyler twisted his wrists against the cuffs. "These seem to work just fine!" he called back, having no idea if Ray was still close to him or not.

"Yeah, of course." Ray chuckled. "I'll leave the keys with a note in my brother's room, he'll get you out when he wakes up." Tyler then heard Ray walking down the hallway, presumably towards Tristan's room. After some opening and closing of a door, Ray came back down the hallway and grabbed his keys from their place near the door. "See ya!"

"Later! Have fun at academy, or something."

And then Tyler was alone again, just now with some metal around his wrists. He impulsively reached for his phone to pass the time before the harsh "clack" and the pull of the handcuff chains reminded him of his position. "Right." He muttered. He kind of wished that Tristan was awake, just so that he had someone to talk to. Instead, he passed the time by scheming how to get Ray back when he got home later. Oh, what a fun train of thought.

Eventually Tristan did come out of his room, and Tyler could hear him walking towards the couch. Twisting, Tyler could see Tristan as he walked up next to him. "Morning! Ray and I started without you, as you can see."

Tristan chuckled. "Yeah, you definitely did. I can't say I've woken up to someone cuffed up on the couch before. Did you even eat breakfast yet?" Tristan was unlocking the handcuffs from Tyler's wrists as he talked.

"Nope. Was going to wait for you guys, but I guess you two don't see each other in the mornings when Ray has to leave early." Now that Tyler was freed, he was able to turn and look at the elder of his cousins: Tristan definitely had the "just woke up" look in his eyes, and was wearing presumably his sleepwear of thin black sweatpants and a bright blue tank top. "So," continued Tyler through a smile, "what's there to eat?"
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Post by Sockgaggedman »

Just found this story and I already love it!

Very good writing, ropes, tape and a set of well established, hot characters! Could any man have ever wanted more?

I really like Ray in particular! He seems very invested in this stuff, and even went as far as to go to acting lessons! Though he doesn't want to show it...

If I ever had to pick one of them to tie me up, I'd definitely pick him! :lol:
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Post by grayboxers »

What's funny is that in my head Ray definitely has not actually taken acting lessons or anything of the like, but I'm glad that he sure as hell seems like it to both Tyler and the reader! He's just naturally good at the roleplay/character side of tying someone up.
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Post by grayboxers »

Welcome back, to the chapter where I give exposition and backstory, and also introduce a new "tool" into the boys' toolbox!

Part 4: Robbers and the Cop


Over breakfast, Tyler and Tristan did a lot of catching up. The last time the pair saw each other was many years ago, so they had plenty to talk about. School, jobs, moving away from their parents... and of course eventually Tyler asked about the big one: "So... how did you and Ray start tying each other up like this, and when?"

Tristan thought for a few moments before he started his answer: "Well, I was 16. So Ray was 14. We were home together and the parents were out, and I was just so annoyed about having to watch him. You know, the normal high schooler thing where I was too cool for my little brother. So I was able to bait him into letting me hogtie him, and then I just left him there on my bed for a while as I went downstairs and chilled by myself. It was quiet, at least..." Tristan trailed off for a second.

After a pause, he continued: "After a few hours I went back up and untied him, but I actually felt really bad about it for the rest of the night. So as I was lying in bed trying to fall asleep, I shot him a text that basically said 'hey I'm sorry about that, you can tie me up the same way next time we're home alone'. He took me up on that, of course, and then a few days after that we both admitted to each other that we actually enjoyed being tied up. Honestly I should've realized that myself given that he clearly didn't try very hard to escape when I left him. The rest is history, though we could only do so much when at our parents' house. Since we moved out a year ago we've both spent a... lot more time tied up." Tristan smiled, gesturing towards the living room where each boy had spent at least some time tied up since the start of Tyler's visit.

Tyler chuckled. "That's actually a lot more wholesome of a story than I expected, but I guess I'm glad that it worked out this way because otherwise I wouldn't be getting to join in on the fun!"

"Yeah, I'm also happy it worked out that way. I was worried that Ray would hate me for a while, but not at all." Tristan kept talking as he cleared off the table, then stood next to Tyler's chair. "Well, speaking of, you ready to plan what we're gonna do to Ray when he gets home?"

Tyler stood up. "Yeah, let's go." As the pair started to walk into the living room, something caught Tyler's eye: the waistband of Tristan's underwear. I wonder... thought Tyler. It's been so many years since I did this to him. Tyler just couldn't resist: in a snap he grabbed Tristan's underwear and yanked upwards, giving his younger cousin a nice old fashioned wedgie and exposing his blue boxer shorts. Tristan yelped in surprise.

"What the f-!", and then after Tyler let go: "...well, I wasn't going to bring those up for a few more days. Wedgies were on the agenda, I guess you noticed."

Tyler chuckled. "Yeah, I do remember seeing that. Just wanted to jump the gun a little. Shame, I was hoping you still wore briefs like last time I gave you one."

Tristan thought for a second. "Wow, it really has been that long since you've seen me. I switched off of briefs when I started high school! By the way, you giving me that wedgie when I was twelve is why I started giving Ray wedgies, and why we still give them to each other now. So thanks, I guess. Time is just one giant circle." Tristan started feeling sentimental at that, and punched Tyler's shoulder. "I missed you, you asshole."

The cousins shared a hug for a moment. Tyler spoke: "Yeah, missed you guys too. My little cousins are all grown up now! Can't wait until you give me wedgies back, to finish that circle." Tyler threw his arm around (and slightly up, as Tristan is the taller one) his cousin's shoulders. "Come on, let's go plan how to screw with your brother." And so the pair walked into the living room, ready to plot Ray's afternoon predicament.


Ray's phone buzzed as he got into his car. Message from Tristan. You're getting tied up as soon as you come home, be ready. Excellent! Ray expected that Tyler would want to get him back after this morning. Ray shot back a text: Sure, can't wait. Today was a pretty short session of academy, and Ray was only slightly tired and sweaty from the minor physical training they'd done near the end. Even better to be tied up.

After an uneventful drive home, Ray quickly checked his phone to confirm that Tristan got his text, and prepared himself to step inside. Ray still had his police uniform on: the standard black pants, shoes, and belt, though his shirt was untucked and open to reveal a black tank top as well. Taking a deep breath, he stepped inside.

It didn't take long before Ray was play-tackled from behind. It felt harder than anything Tristan could muster up, so it was probably Tyler. Falling to the floor, Ray let out a small shout before his assailant's hand clamped over his mouth.

"Got you." Tyler's voice indeed. "Now we'll just be taking these..." Ray felt his shoes being ripped off. He didn't resist as Tyler continued on to removing his uniform's shirt and pants as well, leaving Ray stripped to his all-black ensemble of boxers, socks, and an undershirt. Tyler chuckled. "Man, you really do wear nothing but black huh?"

"Can it." came Ray's stiff reply. Tyler just laughed even louder, and Ray saw a white bandana come around his head, as Tyler stuffed it into his cousin's mouth. A single wrap of duct tape around Ray's head kept the bandana in, providing a simple but effective gag. Now that he was gagged, Ray could only growl as Tyler continued restraining him: a pair of handcuffs, presumably his, were locked around Ray's wrists, followed by some quick loops of rope around his ankles.

When all was said and done, Ray was pushed up against the wall, sitting with his arms behind his back and his legs straight out in front of him. He just had time to take note of the fact that the pile where his uniform had been thrown was missing when Tristan walked out of the hallway, wearing that very same uniform. "Well, how do I look?" joked Tristan, grinning at his captive brother.

"You look awful," replied Ray. Or at least, that's what it sounded like in his head. The gag muffled his sentence well enough that it sounded more like "Mph mphl" than anything else. But he wasn't lying: Tristan had very different proportions than Ray, and the uniform was pretty ill-fitting on the older brother. Not like Ray was in a position to talk about presentability.

Tristan thought for a second. "Hm, still too loud." He walked over and grabbed something, which Ray quickly identified to be the brown muzzle gag that the brothers owned. A few small protests did nothing to prevent it from being applied over Ray's face, and the captive cop was as good as mute. He could only moan into the dual gags. Tristan playfully flipped Ray's cap off his head and onto his own, and turned for the door.

"Well I'll be back in a bit, make sure he doesn't go anywhere." Tristan said to Tyler, and Tyler responded with an affirmative. "Thanks for the uniform, kid!" he finished with before opening the door and leaving. Ray felt his face flush red. Tristan knew he hated being called young, even if it was true!

Ray turned his head over to Tyler, who he was finally able to get a good look at. He was in typical "gangster bruiser" attire, namely camo pants and a drab green tank top. He flashed his best evil half-smile back at Ray. "Yeah, you're not going anywhere. I could mess with ya some more, but I think this is good for now." He leaned against the wall opposite Ray, took a few pictures on his phone for the album the trio were building of this weekend, then went back to ignoring the captive Ray.

The muzzle hid it pretty well, but Ray was trying to smile. Tyler was a natural at this, whether he realized it or not, and the possibilities of what they could do with three people instead of two were already showing. Ray couldn't wait.
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Post by 1960gerson »

I have a suggestion for a little game for the trio . Ray is the kidnapped son of a wealthy family . Tyler and Tristan are the kidnappers holding Ray for a $500,000 ransom.
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Post by grayboxers »

Hey, this is back! I kinda just got busy doing other stuff and didn't care to open up and write for a while, but I couldn't stay away from these three forever. This part is relatively light on tie-ups and heavy on character interaction (specifically Tyler getting more comfortable), but that ratio will vary over time. I can't make any promises about consistency for publishing parts in the future, but hey, I write for myself first and then everything will end up on this site eventually!

Part 5: Finding the Stride


Tyler spent about 45 minutes flipping through his phone, looking up to check on his bound cousin occasionally. Ray didn't attempt any escape, though the furthest he could've gotten was standing up before being pushed slightly over and falling due to his current lack of hands.

It was still a bit weird, seeing Ray sitting there and realizing that he was virtually helpless. And enjoying it, even! But Tyler supposed that's basically what he felt like yesterday afternoon, so it's only fair that Ray gets his turn.

Eventually Tristan came back, still wearing Ray's uniform. Tyler could sense Ray's annoyance before, and it was even funnier now. After cheerily greeting the pair, Tristan lightly poked fun at Tyler's edgy dress and posture and then moved over to his brother to untie him. As soon as the bindings came off, a now-free Ray immediately jumped at the chance to insult his brother.

"Hey Tris', if you do me one favor, never wear my uniform again. Or like, shrink five inches or something. You're too goddamn tall." Ray started to speak angrily but quickly devolved into laughter. "It's actually just so stupid-looking!"

Tristan feigned being insulted. "Well, I never!" His demeanor also broke down into laughter and he followed up with "Yeah don't worry your uniform is actually so uncomfortable, it was funny for the bit but never again." And with that the brothers both went into their rooms and came back out in normal clothes: Ray added a pair of dark red shorts to his attire and Tristan had on the same outfit he was wearing before they had tied up Ray. Tyler relocated to the couch at some point and waited for the brothers to come out.

After seeing them reappear, Tyler started the conversation back up. "Well that's the quietest I've seen you be all week so far, Ray." Ray punched Tyler in the shoulder for that.

"Maybe I'd find that funnier if that wasn't also Tristan's only joke! Now get over here and play me in some shooters!"

After a few hours bouncing between the brother's various FPS games (moreso Ray's, evidenced by the solid winrate he hold over his two relatives) followed by a quick dinner, the trio was ready for their evening plans. The sun was almost set, but they didn't plan to go anywhere. It was time for the first explicitly-planned thing they had for the week:

"Embarrassing underwear time," Tristan chuckled, "because Ray really couldn't come up with any better name for it."

"I never promised catchy names!" came a call from down the hallway. Ray had already gone over to his room to change. The concept of this was simple. Under their normal clothes, the three would put on the most embarrassing underwear they owned. When it was their turn, the victim would be stripped to said underwear and tied up. It would be embarrassing in theory but of course the boys were all about to see each other like that in sequence anyway, so no judgement here. Afterwards, the three could shoot the shit and talk about the stories behind their pairs of underwear. Sure to be a fun time. Hell of an ice breaker, for sure.

The boys drew metaphorical straws to see who'd go first, and Tyler was the lucky one. Of course he knew what he was wearing, but it was time for the brothers to find out. By a joint effort, Tristan and Ray unceremoniously stripped Tyler of his shirt and then his pants, revealing a pair of Spiderman-patterned briefs. Some joking comments and "nice, nice" later, Tyler was hogtied with some red rope around his wrists and ankles, and had a relatively small black ballgag slid into his mouth. Tyler had never even seen a ballgag before, so he got to lie there thinking about how weird it was, but it wasn't too bad.

What else wasn't bad was the view he was giving his cousins right now. Of course, when you're tied up it's hard to be modest, so his Spiderman briefs were the star of the show. The construction worker definitely had the muscles to make himself look good tied up, but it wasn't quite enough to offset the underwear that people associated with 5-year olds.

It was a relatively uneventful half-hour for Tyler, with the brothers looking over to him occasionally but otherwise spending plenty of time going back and forth with ribbing and threats about what they'd do to each other when it was their turns. After some time, the initial embarrasment kind of faded, honestly. He was with friends, and what good are friends if you can't laugh with each other? Tyler enjoyed listening in and was just as eager to be on the other end of this embarrassing situation, as well as eager to find out what the brothers had brought as their underwear for this.

After the time was up, Tyler was freed rather quickly and stood up to stretch. The little bit of soreness quickly faded, and he was as ready to go as before. Tyler looked at the pile of his clothes on the floor and made a quick decision: "Actually, screw it. I'll stay in my underwear for the rest of the night. You guys should do the same." The brothers seemed a little surprised by Tyler's sudden decisiveness but agreed.

Up next it was Tristan's turn! Without warning, Tyler hooked Tristan under his arms and lifted, carrying the thin older brother to his bedroom to meet his fate.
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Post by blackbound »

Glad to see you back. This is an entertaining and fun story.

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