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The Torturer gets tortured (1M/1/F) to 1M

Posted: Thu Apr 29, 2021 11:55 am
by David Han
It is night in Hangzhou, China. Young David, aged 30 is relaxing in bed when he was reading and he fell asleep. When he awoke, he realized he was unable to move his arms and legs. He thought it was a dream, but as he looked down, he saw rope binding him. He was also gagged with a dirty sock and rope. He was scared.

3 hours earlier:

Mi and Hao his cousins aged 27 and 23 decided to sneak into David’s room and tie him up. They wanted him to feel what they went through when he tied them up. It always ended up them being tied but David was not tied. So they went to get rope, duct tape, and a sock. Mi tied David’s arms to the bed posts. Hao tied David’s legs to the bed posts. David was a heavy sleeper that even a meteor storm would not wake him up. David was just wearing his underwear


David was unable to move. Mi and Hao walked in. Well, well, we got you tied up now. Let’s torture our cousin. Mi took out ice cubes and rubbed it up and down David’s feet. David felt very cold. He was experiencing an unusual sensation. He rubbed it in between David’s adorable toes. Inside, David felt very uncomfortable but he could not say anything.

Hao used the same ice cubes inside David’s bare armpits. She rubbed it in quickly. David was shivering except he could not move his arms. Hao was then licking David’s belly as she sat on David’s chest. This was highly sensitive. David giggled underneath the gag. It was removed by choice to enhance his torture by Hao.

Mi then tickled David’s feet with all 8 of his fingers while Hao tickled David’s underarms with 8 fingers. David laughed out loud as he was unable to dodge the fingers. Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha. Wow, you tickled us before and now you get the taste of your own medicine both of his cousins said. They tickled his belly. 16 fingers drove him insane. He was hollering and tears rolled down his face.

Mi then walked up his fingers up and down David’s arms and Hao walked up her fingers up and down David’s legs like a spider. It creating an unbearable sensation. He was finally being tortured and he deserved it all. It was light and he giggled. His hairy legs made it more itchy then he could imagine.

The torture was finalized with something else. Mi rubbed his feet and Hao rubbed her feet onto David’s feet. They went unwashed for 2 months and it was very stinky. David was uncomfortable. After 10 minutes, they untied David.

David was already plotting his revenge