Trick or Treat with Jean (f/m)

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Trick or Treat with Jean (f/m)

Post by Gil »

Hello everyone. Since today is Halloween, I'm going to share a Halloween story. This story happened exactly one year after my first story, so the first time I got tied up. I was 14 at this point, while I was still 13 for my other stories. But don't worry, some things happened until Halloween that I will tell you :). Now for the story:

It was Sunday the 31st of October. And everyone knows what that means, Halloween. My favorite holiday of the year. I was looking forward to today. Jean and I were going to trick-or-treat together, just like last year. So that we could be outside for a long time and have enough time to trick or treat, Jean was allowed to spend the night at my place. Andrew was already scheduled, so he didn't come with us. Jean and I were going to dress up for the movie "Silence of the Lambs." She was going to get the costumes and I just had to get out the straitjacket and the orange prisoner jumpsuit.

It was 4 o'clock and I was playing PlayStation in my room. I heard the doorbell ring. It was Jean. I heard my mom let her in and send her upstairs to my room. She came in and put her bag and school bag next to the mattress I had put on the floor earlier. Then we hugged each other.

"And ready for tonight?" asked Jean with a smile.
"Sure, I've been looking forward to it for days." I replied, smiling as well.
"Then let's not waste any time. " She grinned and went to her bag.

She opened the bag and took out the costumes. There were two, which surprised me because I already had one with a straight jacket and an orange jumpsuit. She pulled out a doctor costume like this one: ... ostume.jpg
and her old sheep costume: ... L1500_.jpg but as a jumpsuit with a back zipper. Both for kids. I looked at her slightly confused, which she noticed right away.

"I thought we were going as “The Silence of the Lambs”, so like the recommendations on the internet. Me with the straitjacket and you with the sheep costume leading me. Isn't that right?" I asked her in puzzled.
"Yes, that's how we do it, but in a slightly different form. You're the 'silenced, crazy lamb' and I'm your doctor." She explained.
"Does that mean you want me to put on the sheep costume and the straitjacket?" I asked Jean.
"Yes, that's what I thought. What do you say?" She asked with a grin.

I thought about it for a few minutes. It was an interesting idea Jean had there, but I didn't think it was a bad one.

"All right, I'll go along with it. After all, you spent money on your costume. It would be silly if you didn't wear it. But do you think the sheep costume would fit me?" I wanted to know.
"Very well, I'm glad." She grinned at me. "I'm sure it would. It was almost a little too big for me last year, and we haven't grown much this one year. I'm sure it will fit." She added.
"Well, let's get dressed." I said to her.

Jean nodded in agreement. I grabbed the costume and went into the bathroom to change. Jean changed into my room. When I arrived, I took everything off, expect my underwear. It was going to stay quite warm all day and the costume was well lined. I used the toilet and then put the jumpsuit on and zipped up the back. Jean was right, it fit me very well. Then I put on the hood and put my hands in the attached black mittens. Then I left the bathroom and went back to my room. Jean had finished changing as well.

"You look really cute, Kyle." She said with a big grin on her face.
"Thanks, you look really good, too. That doctor costume suits you." I grinned back.
"Thanks." She said. "Let's get your costume ready then." She added.

Jean went to the straitjacket I had already unpacked earlier. Next to it she had prepared something else: black makeup, tape, 2 pairs of socks, my legcuffs, 2 plastic pumpkin baskets for the candies, and a mask from the movie "Hannibal": ... loween.jpg

She took the straitjacket first and came to me. She opened the buckles on the back and I put it on normally. I put my arms in the sleeves and Jean helped that the jacket fit properly. Then she closed all the buckles on the back. It was tight, but not so tight that it was uncomfortable. Then she went back to the other stuff and got the plastic pumpkin baskets. She told me to stretch out my arms. I did, and she put a basket on each arm for the candy. On the left arm for Jean and the right arm for me. Then she passed my arms through the front loop of the straitjacket and she tightened the end of the arm sleeves on the back of the straitjacket. I could barely move my arms and the baskets were now dangling in front of me on my stomach. Then she took the strap that was hanging from the bottom of the straitjacket, passed it between my legs, and fastened it to the back of the straitjacket. This way I could no longer take it off over my head. After that, she got the black makeup and painted my nose black so it looked a little more like a sheep. Then she came to me with the socks, the tape, and the mask.

"Do I need to be gagged?", I asked her.
"Well, the movie is called “Silence of the Lambs”..." She replied.
"...You're right." I admitted.

I opened my mouth directly and Jean stuffed the two pairs of socks into my mouth. It was now quite full. Then she took off my hood, took the tape, and wrapped it around my head half a dozen times. Then she put the hood back on me and tightened the mask over it. Jean grinned the whole time she was getting me ready. You could tell she liked it.

"Perfect. Now you're almost done. We can go around trick or treating, soon. There's a surprise waiting for you downstairs." She grinned at me.
"MMMPPPHHH?" was all I could say from now on.
"Be happy, I'm sure you'll like it, haha." Laughed Jean.

She took the shackles and led me down the stairs. When we got to the bottom of the hallway, I knew what Jean meant. I widened my eyes. In the middle of the hallway was a hand truck and next to it were 4 belts.

"That will complete your costume then." Jean grinned at me.
"MMPPHHH MMMPPHHH!" I screamed into my gag.
"I can tell you're excited to get tied up down there, haha." Laughed she.
"MMMMMPPPHHH MMMPPHH." I tried to say something back but couldn't because of the gag.

She led me to the hand truck and sat me on it. Then she put an ankle cuff around my left leg. Then she wrapped the chain a few times around the bottom post of the hand truck and then made the other cuff around my right leg. Already I was tied to the hand truck and could not free myself. Then she took the straps in her hand and tied me to the hand truck: one strap around my upper arms, one over my waist, one over my knees, and one over my ankle cuffs. Now my costume was finished. In a sheep costume with a straitjacket, gagged, ankle cuffed, and tied with straps to a hand truck. The freedom of movement was zero. I tried to move as wildly as I could. The hand truck was so stable that I couldn't fall over. I only could move my head.

"We're ready, Mr. and Mrs. Cooper!" Jean called.
Shortly after, my parents came into the hallway.
"HAHAHA. You two look awesome!" Laughed my dad, already having the camera ready.
"Thank you, Mr. Cooper." replied Jean.
"MMPPHH." I tried to thank him, too.
"I'll take a picture of you." My father said. "Grin please, HAHA." he added.
I just rolled my eyes. I knew exactly what he meant.
He took a few pictures and showed them to us afterward. Jean and I laughed when we saw the picture. I had to admit that we looked really good. Afterward, my dad helped carry me down the stairs to the front door.
"Okay, you two. It's five o'clock now. Please be back by eight. Until then, have fun and have a good candy hunt." My mother said to us.
"Thank you, Mrs. Cooper." Jean called out to her.
"MMPPPHH MPPHH, MMPPPHH." I tried to say “thank you, mum.”

Jean pushed me around the neighborhood. I was nervous about what people would think when they saw me like this. But after the first few houses, I relaxed. We got lots of positive compliments and a lot of candy. After an hour and a half, we stopped at home to empty the buckets because they were already full. Jean took a bowl and turned the buckets so the candy fell out. She wouldn't give me a moment of freedom. When Jean was finished, we moved off again. Around 7 o'clock, we happened to run into Andrew and Peter. Peter was a classmate and friend of ours. They were dressed as cowboys and Indians.

"HAHA. Why didn't I expect anything else." Andrew laughed.
"You look awesome. What are you guys dressed up as?" Peter wanted to know.
"As a modified version of the movie “Silence of the Lambs”. You guys look really good, too." Jean replied with a smile.
"MMPPHHH." I nodded my head.
"Can you just move your head, Kyle?" wanted to know Andrew.
"MMPPHHH." I nodded again.
"How long have you guys been going?" Peter asked.
"A little over 2 hours. We're allowed to be on the road until 8." Answered Jean.
"We're allowed to do that, too. Then let's go on together." suggested Andrew.
We both nodded and moved on. We still had a lot of fun, even though the three of them annoyed me from time to time.

At 8 o'clock we said goodbye and went home. I preferred to say that I was pushed. Once we were at home, Jean undid the 4 straps. Then she went up the stairs and came down shortly with the key from the ankle cuffs.

"Didn't she have the keys on her at all?" I wondered.

She undid the cuffs and I got off the hand truck. To my amazement, however, she tightened the ankle cuffs back around my ankles. Then she untied the straps from my sleeves and released the buckets from my arms. After that, however, she guided my arms back through the front loop on my belly and tightened the straps behind my back again.

"MMPPHH?" I looked at her in amazement.
"You don't think I'm going to let you go just yet, do you, my little sheep?" She grinned at me.

I just rolled my eyes. Somehow I already knew she was going to do that. But I liked it, so I was still captivated. Our stomachs both started growling at the same time. We looked at each other and both had to laugh.

"Let's go get something to eat, Kyle." Jean suggested.
I nodded to her. Jean walked up to me, took off my hood, and carefully loosened the tape around my head so it wouldn't hurt. I spit out the socks. My jaw did something, but not much. Then she tightened the hood again.

"It feels good to be able to talk again." I said, a little relieved.
"I bet it does, haha. Let's go get something to eat then." Jean countered.
"Yeah, I'm really hungry." I replied.

We went to the kitchen together. My mother had made a casserole for dinner. Jean prepared two plates and I sat down on a chair. Since I was still in the straitjacket, there was little I could do but wait. After Jean warmed up the food, she sat down next to me.

"Let me guess. You're not going to free me and you will feed me again, are you?" I wanted to know.
"Right." She grinned at me and held out the spoon.
I looked at her, took one deep breath, and opened my mouth.

We finished eating and Jean put things in the sink. We went to my parents for a minute and then upstairs to my room. I stood in my room and Jean walked behind me toward my bed. I heard her rummaging.

"Say, Jean, how long are you going to keep mmmmmpphhh?". I was surprised when I felt the ball gag in my mouth.
"I suppose you were going to ask how long I'm going to keep you tied up." I complimented. "I think until tomorrow morning." She added with a grin.
"MMPPHH MPHH?" I looked at her with wide eyes.
"Yeah, I know we have school tomorrow, but don't worry, I'll let you out soon enough." She winked at me.

She led me to my bed, grabbed the blanket to the side, and laid me down on it. She untied one of the ankle cuffs, ran the chain under the crossbar at the end of my bed, over it, and tied it back to my foot. This way I could not get up. After that, she took off my socks.

"You know what's coming now, don't you?" She grinned at me.
My eyes snapped open. She knew exactly how ticklish I was. And already she started
"MMMPPPPHHH MMMMMPPPPHHH MMMPPPPPHHHH." I laughed out loud into my gag. I was wriggling in my bonds, but I didn't have much freedom of movement and was so at Jean's mercy. She stopped for a few minutes in between and then started again. It made me cry with laughter. She went on for a good 45 minutes then.

"There, I think that's enough for today." She said to me. "I'll turn on the TV and then we can watch some TV before bedtime." She added.
Jean turned on the TV and we watched for a while. I turned around so I could see the TV well. Jean made herself comfortable on her mattress. We watched TV until about 10 o'clock when the door opened and my mother came in.

"Okay kids, it's time..." my mum started, paused for a moment, and then looked at me and began to grin.
"Please at least brush his teeth. The main thing is that you both get enough sleep by tomorrow, no matter what." my mother winked at us.
"I will, Mrs. Cooper. Good night." said Jean, then turned to me as the door closed. "Well, your mother confirmed, that I can keep you tied up all night." She grinned at me.

I didn't expect my mother to confirm it. Jean got up and left the room with her things. After about 10 minutes, she came back into my room, changed, brought me my toothbrush and a cup, and took out my gag.

“Say AAHHH." She said.
I did as she said and she brushed my teeth. It was kinda embarrassing.
"Just like I promised your mother." She added.

When I was done, I rinsed my mouth out with water from the cup and spit it back in. Jean took the clothes back to the bathroom. Then she came back to me, covered me up, turned out the light, and lay down on the mattress.
"I'll let the gag out. But if you get too annoying, it's coming back in. Understand?" asked Jean in a slightly more serious voice.
"Yes." I replied promptly.
"Good night, Kyle. I had a great day today." She smiled at me.
I looked down at myself and shifted a little.
"Yeah, you got that right. Although in a different way than I thought. Good night." I replied with a smile.

Jean fell asleep quickly, which I noticed. It took me about half an hour because I had to find a good, comfortable position first, but I did it. I've never slept like that either: in a sheep costume, with a straitjacket and ankle cuffs. But I made it.

In the morning, I was awakened by Jean.
"Get up, little sheep. Oh no, wait, you can't, HAHA." Jean laughed.
"You think that's funny, don't you?" I asked, slightly tongue-in-cheek.
"Sure." She laughed again. "But now I'll put you out of your misery. I've had enough fun." She added.

She untied my ankle cuffs and helped me to my feet. Then she undid all the straps of the straitjacket and helped me undress. This all took about 10 minutes. I grabbed some clothes to put on and went to the bathroom. I quickly took off my costume and used the toilet.
"Whew, that was close." I thought to myself.
After that, I took a shower and finished getting dressed. I took the costume and gave it back to Jean. We packed our bags for school and went downstairs. We were having breakfast when my mom came in.
"Well, had a good night?" She asked with a grin and patted me on the shoulder.
"Yeah, better than I thought, haha." I answered her.
"As long as you slept enough, it's all good." My mum said to me.
I looked at Jean. She only grinned. When we finished breakfast, we headed off to school. It was an awesome experience.

The End

I hope you like my story 😊.

If you have an idea for a scenario or costume, just post it in the comments or private message me, and I’ll try to incorporate it into the stories as best I can and I will link you. Thank you 😊.

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Last edited by Gil 2 months ago, edited 5 times in total.
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Post by Killua »

Great story again. I would've loved to be in Kyles place :lol:
Banner by Bondagefreak

My F/m Story:
Not as planned F/m
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Post by Gil »

Killua wrote: 2 years ago Great story again. I would've loved to be in Kyles place :lol:
yeah, me too :D
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Post by Canuck100 »

Hehe, same here! Great story !
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Post by MaxRoper »

This is the way Halloween should be done. Excellent story and illustration links.
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Post by Gil »

thank you for your positive comments :)
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