The Military Psych Test (M/M+) - COMPLETE posted 8/29

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The Military Psych Test (M/M+) - COMPLETE posted 8/29

Post by thesean1 »

A follow up with the same characters from my previous entry for the Flash Fiction Contest The Chaser and his Prey
[mention]Tiedinjordans[/mention] thanks for the kind words on that story.

The Military Psych Test

“You can thank me with a round of drinks this weekend!” a booming voice announced as a clenched fist playfully punched Kody in the arm.

The short, stocky Marine sitting outside the barracks flinched. He turned and looked up to see the cocky, looming figure of Beau. He was carrying a large stack of white paper that contrasted against his one-size-too-small black tee shirt. His grin stretched from ear to ear and this usually meant trouble. He spoke with a southern drawl that spilled forth like sap oozing down a pine tree.

“I was walking back from the gym...” Beau flexed a bicep and tested the limits of his shirt before continuing, “...when I was stopped by some eggheads from the university across town. They are looking for some military personnel to volunteer for an experiment. He’s the kicker, the tests will be completed tomorrow during our normally assigned PT and since it's being paid for by the military, they are giving us the whole day off!”

Kody knew that there’s no such thing as a free lunch. Plus, Beau was probably still mad about the way he was treated during the prisoner transport restraints class. Maybe this was how he would finally settle the score. “What kind of tests are you talking about?”

“Something about simulating various injuries and completing tasks while under these stress conditions. Here, take a look.” Beau replied as he dropped a stack of paper on Kody’s lap.

“This study will examine the links between physical disability and visual perception in the young adult male specimen. Disability will be simulated using protocol approved by the Institutional Review Board, that dictates the fair and ethical treatment of the subjects. Every precaution will be taken in order to ensure participant safety. Participants will be compensated with $100 for their time,“ Kody read off from the front page.

What followed looked more like War and Peace than a legal release form, the text was almost impossible to understand. Finally giving up, Kody flipped to the back page and found the dotted line requiring his signature.

“See! Simulated injury! This will be no different than a field training exercise. Plus you even get to pocket a little cash! Listen, Jimmy and I already signed our packets so you’ve got nothing to worry about,” Beau assured, “I just need one more person to fill the test. What do you say?”

He crossed his arms and smirked, almost as if it were a challenge of who was the bigger man.

Against his better judgement Kody caved to the peer pressure, signed his name to the dotted line, and passed back the packet. The pocket money would come in handy before the next bar crawl. He just couldn’t shake that feeling in his stomach that he had made a big mistake, but didn’t want to look weak in front of Beau.

The next day the three Marines met at the designated site at the nearby university’s psychology department. Waiting outside the door a young lab assistant stood holding a clipboard in hands. While some might consider him a stereotypical nerd with his unruly hair and glasses, the pecs bursting from under his polo shirt told a different tale of someone who probably spent more time in the gym than the library. After shaking hands with the Marines, he introduced himself as Colin, a doctoral candidate working under the professor. He would be the lead proctor for this study. After confirming their name from his clipboard, he took their signed release forms and explained that after some final confirmations they would be sent to separate rooms in order to maintain complete privacy during the tests.

Once inside they looked around them and saw that they weren’t the only ones who signed up for the test. At least 20 other military personnel had also accepted the psychological study and were already seated around the large conference table. A single piece of paper and pen was located in front of each chair. Shortly after finding some seats, Colin followed the trio into the room holding a stack of envelopes.

He addressed the group, “Let me begin by thanking all of you for your time during this study. The Air Force brass is eager to see the results of this study. Before we begin I need to get a final signed confirmation from everyone. Please fill out the form in front of you. First, you have been recruited, of your own free will, to participate in a study, advertised as concerning links between physical disability and visual perception. Circle the ‘YES’ if you agree and initial.”

The room echoed with the sounds of furious scribbling of all of those in attendance.

“Second, I have read the legal release form and agree to all conditions contained within. I understand that any discomfort is temporary and will not cause any actual damage.”

Beau shot a glance at Kody and Jimmy and winked his left eye as if to say, “See I told you!”

After another round of pens scratching on paper continued, Colin finished, “And lastly, I understand that my time will be compensated with $100 cash, payable upon the completion of the study. If I choose to end the study early I hereby elect to forgo the payment.”

The mention of a cash payment elicited the most excitement from the crowd and this time quiet murmurs spread around the room.

“Well, I think we are ready. I am passing out an envelope to each person that says the room number where you will complete your study and which injury you will have simulated,” said Colin as he passed a standard white envelope to each person seated in the room.

Eager to see his fate, Kody tore open the envelope to see the following:

ROOM #23 Quadriplegia

He blinked a few times before taking stock in his situation. He wasn’t even sure what this term meant, but if it was only temporary it couldn’t be that bad.

“Nerve damage!” exclaimed Jimmy, “this will be easy.”

“Quadriparesis! You mean I don’t even have to move? This will be a cake walk!” Beau exclaimed, “See you'll in a bit!”

Jimmy proceeded to his assigned room. Inside he each found a large white screen on the side of one wall and a single wooden chair with a small pad with buttons affixed to the right arm. After a short wait, Colin enters and proceeds to walk him through the procedure to complete the test. There was a small projector in the ceiling that would project an image of a man on the wall. All he had to do was use the keypad to type in the height he estimated the individual to be. His nerve damage injury would be simulated with a small electrode attached to his left index and ring fingers. A slight electric current would provide minor discomfort. After a brief test of the keypad, Colin excused himself to work on the next test subject. As he left the room he chuckled to himself that the “nerve damage” was nothing at all. These first few subjects were the control group and had nothing actually applied to them, but they couldn’t be told that or else the experiment would be ruined. The next group wouldn’t have it so easy.
Last edited by thesean1 2 years ago, edited 3 times in total.
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Part 2:

Beau waited in his test room for several minutes before Colin entered. He had a similar setup as Jimmy with the chair and projector screen, but there was also a large plastic storage bin sitting to the side. Colin asked Beau to sit down in the chair and walked him through the same speech about the purpose of the test and how to use the keypad. After testing the numeric response pad, he further explained that Quadriparesis is a medical condition in which all limbs experience extreme muscle weakness. In order to simulate this, he would affix his arms and legs to the chair. He would continue to use his hands to type in his response on the keypad. Beau scoffed, “Easy as pie.”

Opening a nearby bin, Colin removed several large free weights and began piling them under the chair. He began to work up a sweat moving all that heavy metal, but his muscular arms easily powered through the task. After piling at least 300 pound to the bottom, the chair was securely anchored to the floor. He then removed six nylon webbing straps from the bin and kneeled down to the floor. Grabbing Beau’s right leg, Colin positioned his ankle against the flat leg of the chair and securely attached it with the nylon strap. Taking great care to not cause pain or impair circulation, Colin ratcheted the straps until he was certain no movement was possible. He repeated the same procedure on the other leg before using the other four straps on the lower forearms and elbows of both upper limbs.

“Okay, that’s all the restraints. Go ahead and attempt to move a bit. Can you get loose from these straps?” asked Colin.

Beau tried to pull his hands from the arms of the chair, but he could barely move an inch. His hands were free to move at the wrist but the only movement he could muster from any of his limbs was a small wiggle in his left arm. Colin noticed this movement and centered Beau’s elbow to the center of the chair arm and added a few more clicks to the ratchet. Now satisfied with the bindings, he began the final preparations. While it might seem cruel to ask the test subjects to struggle in their bonds, Colin knew this step ensured two things: that the participants were truly incapacitated and that they fully realized the extent of their immobilization.

“If at any time you want the test to end, just press and hold the red button on the bottom left side of the keypad. This will alert me or one of the other researchers to end the examination and release you from the chair. Just note that pressing this button will invalidate the test results and you will not receive compensation, “ warned Colin before leaving the room to start the test.

As Colin proceeded down the hall the last few rooms contained the test subjects with the highest level of restraint. Simulating full Quadriplegia would require that no movement was possible at all below the neck. When he entered the room with Kody, he found his test subject leaning against a chair looking at his phone. On the far wall the same kind of projection screen could be found, but unlike the previous rooms, this chair had no keypad. In its place a short, flat piece of wood was affixed to both arms of the chair. A large piece of plywood was under the entire chair itself.

After completing the same speech he had done many times today, Colin proceeded to open the large plastic bin near the chair. Following an afternoon of moving all the free weights to the chair of each test subject, Colin had completely perspired through his polo shirt. When moving these final sets of weights, his manly musk was beginning to overpower his deodorant. Once he was satisfied that the chair could not move, he emptied the ratchet straps to the floor.

“Please remove your shoes and socks and take a seat in the chair,” Colin ordered Kody.

Kody was confused as to why this was needed, but followed Colin’s command without complaint. After taking off his last sock he balled them both up, stuffed them in his shoes, and set them aside. He took a seat in the chair and rested his arms flat against the chair. Placing his ankles against the legs of the chair left his feet sitting on top of the wooden boards on the floor.

“Lift your hands into the air, and leave them up until I tell you,” ordered Colin.

Kody began to think that Colin was beginning to sound a bit like his Drill Sergeant from Boot Camp. Not wasting a moment, he lifted his arms straight up. Two cargo straps restrained his torso to the chair by placing one around the waist just above the beltline and another across his pectoral muscles just below the armpits. After ratcheting them to his satisfaction, Colin asked Kody to lower his hands and place them on the chair arms. Like Kody’s bounds, the same set of six straps were attached just above the ankles, on the lower forearms, and at the elbows. In addition, two straps were applied to both upper thighs to fully secure them to the legs.

“Try to get up from the chair. Is there any discomfort? Can you breathe okay?,” asked Colin.

Kody struggled against his bonds, but Colin had done his job admirably. After tying down so many people today it was a cinch keeping Kody in the chair on the first try.

“Well, It’s pretty tight, but I can breathe okay. I don’t think I’m going anywhere, unless you let me go!” Kody said with a slight chuckle.

“Good, that’s the plan,” Colin replied with a slight smirk on his face. “We just have a few more steps to finish.

“Wait a minute, I’m sure I can’t get out. You don’t need to add any more restraints,” Kody pleaded.

“Those hands and feet of yours can still move. A Quadriplegic can’t move any limb after all.”

Kody was shocked at the level of restraints being applied, but before he could complain anymore, Colin approached him with a bag of industrial strength zip ties.

“Place your hands flat onto the board and spread your finger to match the hand outline drawn on the board, “ Colin ordered.

Kody hesitated for a moment. At that moment, Colin was worried that Kody might ask to end the test, and ethically there would be nothing he could do at that point. He really wanted the data from the highly restrained subject, so he would have to work fast. Mustering all his inner strength he belted out, “Marine! Place your hand flat on the board and spread your fingers!”

Maybe it was the tone of his voice or the direct addressing of his profession, but Kody immediately snapped to attention (at least as much as he could strapped to a chair) and spread his fingers as ordered. Colin proceeded to methodically apply the zip ties to attach the subject's fingers to the board. At various lengths along the drawn fingers there were small holes drilled into the wood that allowed the zip ties to easily pass. Two zip ties were applied to each finger, one above and one below the middle knuckle of the finger. After attaching the 10 zip ties, Colin turned his attention to the feet.

Reaching back into the bin, Colin removed a hammer and two odd looking nails. Instead of a standard flat head, the nails were bent into a “U” shape such that it had two points. It resembled very small croquet hoops. “Don’t move your feet unless you want your toes to get smashed,” warned Colin.

At this point Kody had just resigned himself to finish the test. Colin placed the first nail so that the points were on both sides of the big toe and hammered it down until it was snug against the skin. Once he was satisfied that the blood flow to the toes was okay, the other other big toe was similarly attached to the board. With the ankles strapped to the chair and both big toes securely fastened the rest of the foot would stay put. As Kody tested his bonds, he managed to flex the other toes up and down. Unsatisfied with this range of motion, Colin went back to the bin for the final time and procured a roll of duct tape. Using several strips of tape the toes were securely plastered to the plywood board. By itself this would not be a very effective way to secure the feet, but with all the other bonds it successfully restrained the toes.

Looking over the Marine securely bound to the chair, Colin was satisfied and ready to begin the test. “Since you can only move from the neck up I will be positioning a small joystick near your mouth. You can move it with your lips. To make a selection, just blow in the tube running through the center of the joystick,” Colin instructed.

After running Kody through a few practice runs, Colin was convinced he was ready for the test to begin. He left the room to finish with the last few test subjects.

The tests were a series of images of angry male faces and the subjects were asked to estimate the individual’s height and muscularity using a 6-point scale. Given how much earlier he started then the rest of the group, Beau was done first. After finishing they went back to the conference room to wait for their friends.

After nearly 20 minutes, Beau’s test was running and he was nearing the end. The restraints were tightly holding him to the chair, but it was comfortable enough that he didn’t have a problem finishing the test. When the last image disappeared from the screen some text appeared informing him that the test was over and that a proctor would be around shortly to release him. In the several minutes that Beau had to wait, he continued to pull on his restraints. Letting his mind wander, he imagined that he was being questioned by the enemy in SERE school. The interrogator was trying to get information on troop movements, but Beau was doing his best to resist. “You can leave me here all day, but you’ll never make me talk,” he whispered to himself.

“Well, I can leave you here a little bit longer if you want,” Colin offered.

Beau snapped back to reality and immediately felt his cheeks turning red from the embarrassment. “Oh! That’s okay. You can untie me now,” he stammered.

Colin chuckled a bit at the young Marine’s nervousness. Part of him wished Beau had accepted his offer, but he had to let him go now. He started to release the straps holding the arms to the chair. Once free, Beau swung his arms around in a circle to relieve the slight ache he felt in his shoulders. After the last strap was removed from his legs, he got up and walked around to get his circulation going again. As he looked down at Colin collecting all the straps from the floor, he thought what the researcher would look like bound to the chair. As his mind processed the image he felt an adrenaline spike surge through his body. Shaking it off, he excused himself from the room to find his friends.
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Post by Red86 »

Shame it was only a semi quick psych test and another shame the researcher didn't get to trade places at conclusion of the tests 🤣🤣
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Post by thesean1 »

[mention]Red86[/mention] thanks for the suggestion. Maybe Colin will show up in the future ;)

Part 3:

Because he was one of the last people to start the test and the input method was awkward, Kody’s test was taking much longer than his friends. Jimmy and Beau had enough time to exchange stories about their testing regime. Jimmy couldn’t believe that his friend had gotten tied up like that. He could only imagine what Kody was going through.

After waiting for nearly 20 minutes, the Marines were starting to get restless. Beau went down the hall until he saw the sign on door #7 with Kody’s name and a warning plaque that testing was in progress. He was about to turn back to the front entrance when he saw a small light above the door turn red. Curious, he opened the door and peered inside. There sat Kody, still bound to his chair and facing a blank screen. The test had just finished. Kody was stuck staring forward and had no idea who was at the door.

“Oh Good! Thanks Colin for coming so fast. Just get me out of this mess. I think this is starting to get uncomfortable,” Kody complained.

Beau’s mind flashed back to how Kody had treated him during their MP handcuff training. The little pipsqueak needed to be taught a lesson. As he walked up to the chair he saw the roll of duct tape sitting on the floor. Scooping it up, he tore off a small piece and approached his bound friend directly from behind. Hearing the distinct tearing noise of the tape, Kody began to ask, “What are you doing with that tape-”

He was startled as Beau slapped the piece of tape over his eyes. “Um, Colin? I thought the test was over. You can let me go now, “ Kody pleaded.

Now that his friend’s vision was blocked, Beau made his way to the front of the chair. He couldn’t believe how securely his fellow Marine was trussed to the chair. Even though Kody was getting very nervous, there was almost no movement in his body. Only the momentary flexing of Kody’s muscles told him that he was trying to move. He definitely had far more restraints applied then he had.

“What’s going on here! I said let me go!” Kody said, raising his voice.

Beau was enjoying the view and was worried that someone would overhear his friend’s cries. Scanning the room, he saw Kody’s sneakers sitting on the floor. More importantly, he saw the balled up socks stuffed inside. Still holding the roll of tape, Beau grabbed the socks and moved towards his friend. Kody was clearly getting very agitated. He took a deep breath and opened his mouth as if to yell and in that moment Beau quickly stuffed both socks into his mouth. A muffled “MMPH!” was all that the bound Marine could say. One end of the roll of tape was applied to his mouth, and Beau immediately wrapped it around Kody’s head several times, sealing the socks in his mouth.

Kody shook his head trying to remove the tape from his lips, but it was no use. He could taste the salty sweat from the socks and retched a little bit. Even though it probably wouldn’t work, he let out a muffled plea. Beau could see that his friend had given up that point. As he patted his friend's cheek Beau whispered, “Have fun Kody. Remember that payback’s a bitch.”

Complete panic overtook Kody as Beau walked away and closed the door to the testing room. Outside Beau could no longer hear the cries for help coming from his friend. Before walking back to the front waiting room, he flipped over the warning plaque so that the testing indication was no longer shown. When he got back Beau lied that Kody had already finished and must have headed home. The other Marine shrugged his shoulders and proceeded to head back to base.

Back in the testing room, Kody continued to yell for help, but he knew that no one would be able to hear his pathetic attempts at communication. He gritted his teeth against wadded up socks, and tightened the muscles in his jaw. He wrestled against the restraints and tried pulling both arms away from the chair. His spiky buzzed hair became shiny with small beads of sweat. Getting nowhere, Kody became more worried that the straps would cut through his skin before he got loose.

Calming himself down he stopped pulling on the restraints holding him to the chair, but he was furious that he was stuck in this situation. Resigned to his fate, Kody waited for almost an hour before Colin came into the room. Worried about his test subject, Colin ran over and unwrapped the tape from around his mouth and head. Spitting out the socks, Kody licked his lips before whispering a quiet “Thanks.”

“I thought everyone had gone home already, what happened?” inquired Colin.

Not wanting to admit what happened, Kody lied that he asked his friends to give him the full SERE treatment, but they must have forgotten about him. He knew It was a lame excuse, but Colin seemed to buy it. After being fully released from his restraints, Kody took his payment and headed back to his quarters at the barracks. The whole walk home all he could think about was how he would get Beau back for this.

Author’s Note: Though this story is fiction, the scenario is based on an actual Air Force study completed in 2013. I wonder how I can get a research grant to tie up college aged men? ... ne.0071306
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Post by Tiedinjordans »

Awesome, glad you weren't done with these two!
Also, very cool that it was based on a real experiment.
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Post by Red86 »

Kody should definitely plan his payback. Beau deserves it after his little stunt. Though I suspect these guys will be going back and forth on the paybacks for a while 🤣🤣
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Post by AbductedAddiction »

This is probably one of my favorite stories so far. This is fantastic! I can't wait to read more of it.
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Post by thesean1 »

[mention]Red86[/mention] [mention]Tiedinjordans[/mention] [mention]AbductedAddiction[/mention]

The final chapter for this story, but we might see more from these characters in the future ;)

Part 4:

Without a ride back to the barracks, Kody had a long walk ahead of him. Once he got back, he just wanted to take a long shower and hit the rack. When he finally had a chance to look at his phone, he saw quite a few missed text messages from his friends. To soothe their fears, he explained everything that happened and that he would be back in an hour or so. Shortly before getting back to his room, Jimmy texted a final message that he and the boys left him something to cheer him up.

When Kody opened the door to his room he was greeted with a bigger surprise than he expected. There in the center of the room was a nearly nude man bound to a chair with a copious amount of duct tape. He was wearing only his socks, boxers, and a pillowcase over his bowed head. Wait, make that a single sock; one of his feet was bare. Kody stared in shock at the man and his eyes widened as he took in the sight of the man's body. He was quite muscular, with broad shoulders, a small waist, and large thighs. “What the hell is going on?” Kody asked.

Pulling off the pillowcase, Kody was greeted with the buzzed hair and clean-shaven face of Beau. Kody cracked a small smile. Beau bucked and strained against his bindings, but his arms and legs didn’t move a bit. The other Marines had bound him so tightly that the only outward signs of his attempts was the tensing of his exposed muscles and the muffled grunts from under his gag. The puffed cheeks poking out from the tape gag revealed where the other sock had ended up. “Jesus, he’s as strong as an ox,” Kody laughed, “but he can’t get out of that tape.”

The tape would surely hold him, but it couldn’t break his will. Kody grinned to himself, “I guess that was the idea.”

While he couldn’t communicate through his duct taped mouth, Beau pleaded with his eyes. “Calm down and I’m gonna take his mouth gag out so we can talk.” Kody assured him.

He cut the tape running across Beau’s face and removed the gag. Immediately Beau spit the sock out of his mouth. Beau wheezed in relief, but then sucked in a breath when Kody punched him in the arm. “That’s for leaving me at the testing center like that.”

“You think you’re so funny,” Beau growled. “Wait until I get out of here.”

“Yeah,” Kody scoffed. “I’m not gonna hold my breath.”

Beau had to admit that Kody was right. He had thought for months that Kody was some big wimp who’d never do it. Now that it was happening, Beau realized how stupid he’d been. And now he was at the mercy of this kid. A nervous sweat crept down his back. “Whatever,” Beau said. “Just get this over with.”

“You’re the one who made this happen,” Kody said. “You could have just left things alone, but you couldn’t. If you want to get mad at somebody, get mad at yourself.”

Beau was struck by the sense of logic in that statement. “Yeah,” he said, and he felt a little calmer, “You’re right.”

“You know, we could be friends,” Kody said, his voice softening. “I think we could be great friends.”

Beau swallowed hard. “Yeah. I think so, too.”

“But you are just so full of yourself. If you could just take a moment and think about other people’s feelings, you might find yourself in a better place.” Kody shook his head.

“Okay,” Beau said, hearing the slight hint of resignation in his own voice. “I’ll try to be more thoughtful.”

“Good, I’m glad you’re seeing things my way,” Kody smiled, “but I really am sorry that I have to do this.”

Beau looked over as Kody approached him with the damp sock from the floor in one hand and a fresh roll of duct tape in the other. "That's a lot of tape," he said jokingly.

Kody nodded. "Yes, it is."

"What are you going to do?"

“I think you know the answer.”

"I swear to God," Beau said, rolling his eyes, “I’m not going to...MMPH!”

Beau immediately began to struggle as Kody pressed the sock into his mouth and sealed it in place with the tape. "Just calm down," Kody said as he continued to wrap the tape, “You've got to trust me, I'm trying to help you”

Kody stepped back and admired his handiwork. Beau was once again completely helpless. The only part of him that moved was his chest, rising and falling with each breath. Kody lifted his hand and pulled Beau’s chin up until their eyes met. "I'm not going to hurt you, Beau. I just wanted to show you what I can do. We can be friends, or you can leave me alone, but you’re not going to bother me anymore. Do you understand?”

Beau could only nod, but he was damn sure he knew what was coming next.


The next morning news had traveled fast that Beau had been found in the center of the Quad taped to his chair. The military brass vowed to get to the bottom of this and that hazing would not be tolerated at the base, but nothing would come from this bluster, as Beau claimed he couldn’t identify his captors. The story he told was that six suspects burst into his room wearing balaclavas and didn’t say a word as they did the deed.

The next training class gave Kody some concern. Would Beau escalate things further or not? Punch him right then and there? Worse? Or would he keep his word? When they finally broke into practice groups Kody and Beau got paired up again, but this time Beau was doing something to Kody that he had never done since they met: he was being nice.
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Post by Red86 »

I suspected Kody would get a bit of revenge but didn't know Beau was going to be delivered to him 🤣. I suspect this won't be the last time we see either of them tied up, though it sounds like it'll be on more friendly terms 😉

All in all, really good story!!
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