It Seemed Like a Good Plan (self/m)

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It Seemed Like a Good Plan (self/m)

Post by cj2125 »

The young teen climbed down the stair carrying the wooden chair from his dining room. His bare feet stepped into the cold concrete floor sending a small shiver down his back; should get used to it if he was planning on spending the next hour or so down the basement. He set the chair in the middle of the room, in front of the full-body mirror he had brought from upstairs and took one more look at the tools he had brought:

1 Full-body mirror (quite hard to bring to the basement but he managed to do it!)
1 chair
1 clock positioned by the mirror
Several coils of rope
A roll of duct tape
A white bandanna
A pair of handcuffs
This would be fun!

To be honest, Max had been curious about this for a while now but with good friends willing to tie him up all the time there has been no need for it. Everything changed when certain teenage drama hit their group; now, Max was perfectly sympathetic to his friend Luke’s plight but in all honesty it was his fault in the first place! Who kisses a boy who obviously doesn’t like you? And although he admitted that Luke’s heartbreak was genuine, he felt that it was already time for him to move on. In fact, hanging around with Luke lately had become a tedious experience! Having to withstand his dreadful mood and all of that! He had issues in the past too but unlike Luke, he tried his best to get over them and not burden his friends with his problems. Why couldn’t Luke do the same? Worse of all, given the grey cloud that seem to follow Luke everywhere lately, their usual rope games had been put on hold, much to Max’s displeasure

That’s why, when the opportunity arose and he found himself home alone for a few hours, he decided to try something new as a way to let out his own frustrations with his group of friends.

He sat on the chair and started tying his ankles to each front leg, just a simple tie, cinched between his legs and the wood. He did the same with his knees and tried to move them around to test his work. He was pleased to find that he was stuck.

Next he picked up the bandanna, rolled it into a ball and pushed it inside his mouth, adjusting it so his tongue wouldn’t be uncomfortable. He picked up the roll of tape and wrapped it five times around his head, it would hurt a lot to take it off but that was part of the fun. Now came the tricky part…

He picked the longer rope and started wrapping it around his waist, below and above his chest and over his shoulder, with each round he could feel his torso been pressed more and more against the backseat. Finally, he pulled his arms down and wrapped the remaining rope over them, just below his shoulder, not exactly the fanciest tie but it did the job of pinning down his arms. Lastly, he pulled his hands behind the chair, making sure that the keys stayed on them and snapped both cuffs around each wrists. The job was done!

Max looked at himself in the mirror. A thin, freckled, red haired boy looked back at him. He was wearing a somewhat tight black muscle shirt and red shorts; the white ropes went around his torso making his muscles look bigger than they really were, Max smirked admiring himself.

The clock said 15:25. His brother Zack would be back at 18:30 and his parents at 20:00, he figured he had two hours of blissful struggle plus an hour to get untied and put everything away before Zack found him. That sounded like a good plan!

With the in mind, Max closed his eyes, took a deep breath and screamed at the top of his lungs. Only a low moan escaped his mouth. Success!

Max started his act, grunting, squirming and struggling; writhing his wrists, shimming his ankles, trying to flex his arms, arching his back and trying to push the cloth with his mouth. In his mind he was a secret spy captured by the enemy, the clock was actually a timer, in two hours the bomb would be set off blasting him to pieces!

And so Max did his best to escape, grunting and madly struggling, occasionally letting out muffled shouts for help. The chair shook with his struggles, his teeth buried in the cloth, his breathing increasing its pace. He would alternate between methodically trying to find knots to pick and angrily thrashing and screaming but nothing he could do helped him in any way, this seemed to be the end for Max Hausman.

Of course Max was well aware of the futility of his attempts, he knew the only way to escape would be using the key in his hand to open the cuffs. He was putting up all this show for his own personal amusement, there was something thrilling about being kidnapped in some basement that he was happy to explore, he even fantasized that some robbers might found him there and decide to take the keys away leaving him trapped for the police to find, that would be awesome!

And so, the kidnapped boy kept struggling in a futile effort to get his freedom but no matter how fun it had been, after an hour and a half he was exhausted! Max looked at his reflection. He was sweaty, disheveled and heavily breathing; his face was red, rope marks were starting to show over his exposed skin; as for his progress, some ropes around his torsos had loosened a little bit but that was as far as he made it.

Despite everything, a smile appeared under the tape “I look amazing!” he thought as he admired his body in the mirror. He even jerked his feet sideways, managing to spin the chair to his right in order to get a better view. The mirror had been an excellent idea no doubt!

As the time went by and his strength returned, Max found himself relaxing like he had never been before. Usually by this point he would be madly struggling or being tortured to tears so he seldom had an opportunity like this, just sitting on the chair without doing anything, his mind blank, his back resting against the wooden structure. He never had given it a thought but this seemed like a great way to meditate with not a single care in the world.
He didn’t notice he felt asleep

His neck and arms hurt when he woke up, certainly people weren’t meant to sleep in that position, no problem though, nothing that nice rest on his bed and maybe a painkiller wouldn’t fix. Apart from that it had actually been a nice nap “I should try it again” he thought and looked at the clock:


“SHIT!” he exclaimed realizing that he had less than 15 minutes before Zack came home! He started fumbling with the key in his hands, trying to find the lock to put it on. Perhaps it would have been an easier task had he been in a calmer state but right now, he couldn’t seem to find the freaking lock! Suddenly, the key slipped from his fingers and landed on the floor. Despite the clank being barely audible, Max heard it perfectly well

“No… that didn’t happen, no way, no way it happened” Max went cold, he even felt his heartbeat stopping. In the mirror in front of him the ginger boy looked back at him with eyes wide opened, his face had lost its color and seemed to be frozen on an amused grin, even though he wasn’t feeling amused at all. Slowly he craned his neck, trying to look behind his back. It required great flexibility but at last he saw the shiny metal object resting on the floor beneath his chair

Thankfully (or unfortunately depending how you see it) the gag prevented the whole neighborhood from hearing the colorful word Max shouted at that moment

This time he started struggling for real, like he had never struggled before! He thrashed around, jerking his body in every direction, shaking his head, curling his tows and frantically fidgeting at the cuffs, holding the naïve hope he might be able to unlock them. No such thing happened.


Max was not only tired but extremely uncomfortable, the cuffs were starting to chafe his wrists, his mouth felt dry and his arms were starting to get sore. He looked up and found his reflection, the same one he had been admiring just an hour ago, looking back at him, rubbing his lack of progress in his face.

“Good plan Max, really worked well for you! A wonderful bloody plan!”

“Not. Helping!”

“What can I do? Your knots are really good not to mention the excellent gag you used? Nobody can hear you scream!”

“How can you even talk then?”

“You are having a conversation with your reflection, do you really want to look for some logic there?”

“Why does my reflection has a British accent!”

“If Luke could see you now he probably would be calling you a git, not saying you aren’t”

“What does Luke has to do with any of this?”

“Look at the bright side mate! This is what you wanted right? This is why you abandoned your friend when he needed you right? To be completely trapped!”

“I just wanted to have some fun! Luke’s being such a drag…”

“Yeah, how dare Luke have his heart broken! He should be happy so you can have fun right? How can people be so selfish and not think of YOUR feelings! How dare you take away your spotlight?”

“I don’t even know what you are talking about!”

“You are just a selfish daft kid that gets himself in trouble just to get everyone’s attention since you aren’t special at all!”

“That’s… not true!”

“Your best mate is having an emotional crisis and you are just thinking how you can recover all the attention he stole form you! That’s why you did this! So you could later tell everyone how wicked you were!”

“I just wanted to try and get tied up!”

“Then why didn’t you asked your brother? Or your other friends? Why you decided to do this on your own, genius?”

Max’s fists were shaking; his breathing grew heavier. The boy pouted and looked away from the mirror “Great…” he thought “…my reflection is an asshole”.

He was about to start another round of struggling when he heard the door above him opening. Zack was home! He froze looking at the ceiling, listening his brother’s footsteps. It was just a matter of time, at any second Zack would go downstairs and find him; at least he wouldn’t be too judgmental. He might tease him about endlessly but Max was sure he could persuade him to kept it a secret from their parents!

With that in mind he waited for Zack to come down looking for his younger brother

At any moment he would go downstairs looking for him

Any moment now


Any minute

“Say…” he didn’t mean to look at the mirror but a glimpse was enough

“You are still here?”

“Can’t go anywhere, you are still tied genius!”

“Thanks for pointing that out, I would have never figured it on my own!”

“I’m the sarcastic one, not you! Anyway, how much do your family use this cellar?”

“Well, only whenever they need to put something away, I guess two or three times a year…oh”

“Does Zack even know you are supposed to be in the house?”

Max blinked for a few minutes, he had been so worried about being found that he never thought about the possibility of not being found.

“MMMMMPHHHHHH!” the scream was barely audible “Stupid gag”

“Face it mate, you are stuck. Congratulations!”

Those last words dawned on Max, this is what he had been wanting, this was his wish since he got interested in ropes and gags. He was completely trapped and alone.

Tears started welling up in his eyes, his breathing got more frantic. Then he started laughing; it started as a giggle but gradually evolved into a full on hysterical laughter; tears ran down his cheeks as he rocked in the chair back and forth laughing his ass off. This was what he wanted, this was the plan! His reflection was right (something he never thought he would say), he wanted this to himself, he wanted all the attention on him as the boy that got stuck

“Great, he went mad”

Max kept laughing for several minutes, it was the only thing he could do. As he let it out of his system, his mind started putting itself back together, his emotions calmed down and a new sense of determination flooded his body. He was Max Hasuman dammit! He had faced several bullies, burglars and robbers and all those times he had managed to escape. This time it wouldn’t be different! Luke needed him more than ever so he was going to get out of that mess one way or another! (he might have blown his distress situation out of proportions)

“You won’t”

“Zip it brit!”

Max craned his neck to look at the keys on the floor, he knew that without them his wrists would never be free, he only needed to somehow reach the keys. Once more he looked at the floor, at the hard concrete floor and gulped. He knew what he had to do.

Planting his feet on the ground, he pushed his right foot. The chair slightly leaned to the left; then he pushed his left foot; the chair went to the right. He kept doing it and witch each swing the chair leaned farther and farther; it was hard, the chair was heavy and the ropes were digging into his skin yet Max kept persevering, grunting and panting as he worked on rocking the chair until finally, he felt it leaning farther and father to his left. He closed his eyes and braced himself for the impact

It hurt a lot

Max closed his eyes for a moment, trying to swallow the pain, specially from his poor left arm that had suffered most of the impact. At least he was on the floor now! He only needed to reach the key and freedom would be his! Smiling under the tape, he jerked his body

Nothing happened

He jerked it again but the chair remained still. He frantically squirmed more, trying to move the chair but it remained still. He quickly realized that the chair was far too heavy to move like that. It was at that moment that Max developed a twitch on his right eye that soon was accompanied by a second round of hysterical laughter

Now, although his plan to escape had failed miserably, not everything was lost; you see, a heavy wooden chair with a thirteen-year-old boy tied to it falling to the floor is bound to generate some noise, lots of noise, loud enough to warn the people upstairs that something is going on in their basement.

When Zack burst in thought, he didn’t expect to find his little brother on the floor, bound and gagged to a chair laughing maniacally. That would probably top the pink wig on his list of weirdest things he had found in his basement.

“You are an idiot”

Max didn’t argue that. He looked at his brother with grateful eyes as he removed the ropes from his body. Moving his arms never felt so good

“Do you realize how dangerous was this?” Max nodded “The only reason I’m not telling mom and dad is because I could get in trouble too for teaching you how to tie” The moment Zack removed the last ropes from his brother’s body, he jumped on him, giving Zack a large hug

“Thanks bro, I won’t try anything like this again” Max smiled burring his face on his brother’s torso. Zack frown softened and he patted Max’s head. The boy smiled “Now if you excuse me…” he dashed towards the stairs
“Hey! You’ve got to put all this stuff away!”

“Can’t do now! Gotta call Luke!” he exclaimed, abruptly stopping when he passed in front of the mirror. Max’s reflection looked back at him with the same intrigued expression the real one was spotting. Said expression quickly turned into a frown as Max punched the glass

“Dude! What the heck?”

“He is an asshole brit!” Max exclaimed before disappearing upstairs.

A bemused Zack slowly approached the mirror looking for any damage his brother might have caused, his parents would certainly miss it from the second-floor hallway. A red-haired, slim, good looking young man returned the glance.

“You know Zack? You should be honest and come clean about your feeling for-”

“Nope!” Zack cutting walking upstairs “Not dealing with that right now!”
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Post by LK3869 »

Sorry to be first commenter so often :D But seriously, your writting gets better each time. Always profound stuff along with sweet everyday details. It's crafted to Swiss clockwork precision.

And it's quite PC in that it shows the joys of self bondage but there's the usual caution warning.
But what is it with all those lost cuffs keys?
Just use ropes with a carefully placed semi-loose knot, and an easily reachable length of rope to pull it loose. Thighteners with a one loop safety margin and/or easily reachable hooks do a nice job too, you feel as restrained as with cuffs and there's no key problem. Just sayin' :D

Wonderful piece anyway, and so Max is the one who still can't cook himself a breakfast at 13 ;)
don't run ! I'm friendly ...
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Post by cj2125 »

No problem! Feel free to comment whenever you want! It's glad to see you liked it :mrgreen:
LK3869 wrote: 5 years ago
Wonderful piece anyway, and so Max is the one who still can't cook himself a breakfast at 13 ;)
Well, I think it has more to do with him being lazy than his lack of cooking skills...

Although word on the streets says that he once made a small fire while trying to boil water so the jury is still out :mrgreen:
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Post by Boocola »

Liked the voice in his head
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Post by drawscore »

Funny how self bondage adventures always seem to go to hell in a handbasket. But they wouldn't be much fun if they didn't. :)

We never left anyone tied up alone for more than a few minutes, but there was this one time when Doug, Scott, and Allen all decided they wanted some escape practice, so, just after noon, they called their biggest rivals to come over, then tied their ankles together, gagged themselves, and cuffed their hands through the back slats of chairs.

The "penalty" for being found tied up, was to let Mike, Mike, Jimmy, Bill, and Little Chris, practice knot tying on them for the remainder of the day. They were "found" at around 12:30, and were "practice dummies" until just after 5:00.

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Post by Chris12 »

Boocola wrote: 5 years ago Liked the voice in his head
Same here. Self bondage never really has my appeal because there's no character interaction....and now there is :D

And, ooooh, the plot thickens.
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Post by skdj »

Nice story, I like the mirror and the conversation with the reflection, and the sudden change from fear of being found to fear of never being found.
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Post by Killua »

It's interesting to see how is emotions changed during that evening and when his reflections started to criticise him :lol:
You described his feelings perfectly, especially how he was scared to be found but then even more when he thought about the possibility that he might won't be found at all.
I really like those shock moments when someone realises that he's stuck. It was great how it changed from struggling out of fun and then struggling for real out of panic :lol:
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