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Kidnapped by the Mob (MM/F)

Posted: Tue Nov 16, 2021 2:11 pm
by Newdayrocks
This is a story I also posted under my Deviantart account under a different title. I tried to incorporate several of my favorite non-sexual bondage cliches into it.

It was just a normal day in the city of Spoonerville and housewife Peg Pete was working on her usual routine of vacuuming the house when the doorbell rang. She shut off the vacuum and opened the door; standing there were two well-dressed men, one wearing a grey suit with a black pompadour and the other wearing a purple suit & red vest with slicked-back white hair.

“Yeah, we’re looking for Pete,” the pompadoured one said.

“What did my idiot husband do this time?”

“He owes us quite a substantial debt.”

“Figures,” Peg replied “well he’s at work now, so why don’t you come back and bother him later? I’ll be sure to yell at him first before you do.”

“Sorry, but we can’t take the chance that will attempt to get out of paying what he owes us.”

“Yeah, that is something he would do,” Peg replied “well, did you want to wait here for him?”

“Actually, we just wanted to obtain some collateral, to make sure your husband pays us back.”

“Oh, well, in that case, take his boat,” Peg told them “he loves that thing way too much and it will teach him a valuable lesson about borrowing money.”

Peg walked out of the house and took the men over to where the boat was.

“There it is, will that be good enough for you?”

“It’s nice ma’am, but we were thinking of something else, something more valuable.”

“I guess there are some power tools of his you could have,” Peg told them, but before she could say anything else, one of the men quickly grabbed her arms and pulled them behind her back “Hey, what is this?”

The man ignored her and began wrapping rope around her wrists, and least four or five loops of it. Before she had a chance to fight back, the rope was tightened and knotted off.

“I don’t know what you’re doing, but you...!” was all she managed to say before the other man pulled a large sack over her, which covered all of her but her feet.

“You let me out of here, you hear me?! Get your hands off of me! Help, help!”

She continued to yell and squirm until the two men dumped her sacked form into the trunk of their car. Then they shut the trunk and drove off with her.

The car eventually pulled up to a large manor house. The goons opened the trunk of the car and pulled out the wriggling sack, carrying her and taking her inside.

Peg squirmed and wriggled in the sack as much as she could, but failed to free any part of her. To make matters worse, her intense struggles caused her shoes to come off.

Eventually, the two goons took her into a room in the house and set the sack down on a chair, then pulled it off her.

“Ah Mrs. Pete” said a raspy voice. She looked forward to see a small guy wearing a brown suit with a blue shirt & yellow necktie sitting behind a large desk “I do apologize for the rather abrupt manner in which you have been brought here.”

“Oh no, I’ve always dreamed of being kidnapped and stuffed in a large sack,” she replied sarcastically.

“Don’t worry, you won’t be harmed, provided your husband pay back what he owes us.”

“Look, my husband may be known to be cheap, but…on second thought, you do have a point,” Peg told him “listen, if it’s not too much trouble, could I maybe have my hands untied? I mean, after all, I’m just an innocent little housewife, what threat can I possibly be to you bring, strong mobsters?”

“Sorry, but I’m afraid we can’t take the chance of you escaping,” Mr. Big explained “speaking of which, boys, please see to it that our guest is nice and comfortable.”

“Duh, you got it boss,” said the slick-haired thug, as he held Peg unto the chair.

“Get your hands off of me, you creep! If my hands weren’t tied I’d show you how to treat a lady!”

The two thugs ignored her threats, and rope was produced and wrapped beneath her rather ample bosom several times, anchoring her to the chair back, then securely knotted.

Despite this, Peg tried to kick at her abductors, but her legs were held tight while rope was wrapped around her ankles, knees, and thighs, also being tied underneath the seat of her chair, securing her to it.

After a few moments, she was tightly tied up, and pulled against her bonds in frustration. However, they held fast, and she winced, as pulling against the ropes caused some slight pain in her bare wrists & ankles.

“Worry not, you shouldn’t have to endure our company for too much longer,” Mr. Big told her “but I need to make sure you stay put, you understand.”

“Oh, I can hardly contain my excitement,” Peg replied, sarcastically.

Later that day, Pete’s long black car pulled into his driveway.

“Ahh, another perfect day of scamming suckers out of their money,” he said happily, before entering his house “honey, I’m home. I don’t smell dinner cooking. Peg? Oh peach pit, are you home?” he asked, still hearing no response.

“Well, how do you like that? I work a hard day and expect to come home to dinner, and my wife’s not here,” he said “well, maybe she’s at the market buying food for dinner. Yeah, I guess that’s it.”

Pete went over and sat down in his chair, then turned on the TV “ahh, this is the life, just sitting down and watching TV after a hard day’s work.”

Just then, the phone rang “now what? This better not be one of them telemalarkeys,” he said, and answered the phone “whatta want?”

“Mr. Pete?”

“Who is this? If this is the IRS, I told ya, my tax form was lost in the mail. Call the post office and bother them.”

“You don’t recognize us do ya?”

“How the heck should I recognize ya, you’re talking to me on the phone, not in person, now state your business and quite wastin’ my time!”

“You still owe us a substantial sum of money.”

“Money? Whoops, sorry there, I think you’ve got the wrong number,” Pete said, and hung up the phone. Moments later, it rang again and he picked up “I told you spuds, this is the wrong number!”

“Don’t hang up a second time, we have someone here who wants to talk to you,” the voice said.

“Hello, Petey Pie,” Peg’s voice came through the phone.

“P-P-Peg?” Pete said, shocked “um, hi there dimple cheeks, what’s going on?”

“Oh, nothing much crumb cake,” Peg said “it seems these nice men, whom you apparently did business with without informing me, decided to invite me to come visit them. They were very persuasive.”

“Now Pegums, I can explain…”

“You are in so much trouble, mister!” Peg yelled “you’d better figure out a way to fix this, or whatever the mobsters do to you will be the least of your worries!”

Her voice was then replaced on the phone “you have 24 hours to pay us back what you owe, and if you don’t, you’ll never see your wife again.”

“Now you hold on you no good…” Pete said, but the phone line went dead.

“Oh, what am I gonna do? I don’t wanna pay those spuds, but if I don’t, who knows what they’ll do to my poor Peg. Well, no more fooling around, I gotta find a way to save her! And I know who can help me, even if I don’t want his help.”

Back at Mr. Big’s mansion, the gangster hung up his phone.

“Now, we simply have to wait,” he said.

“You’re making a big mistake, pal,” Peg told him “my hubby is a lot of things- cheap, lazy, greedy, selfish…uh, what was my point again? Oh yes, but, despite all those things, he cares about me very much. Now that he knows you’ve kidnapped me, he’ll be rushing over here to save me and kick your butts!”

“You have a lot of faith in your husband Mrs. Pete,” Mr. Big told her “let us hope it is not misplaced. For now, there’s no reason to listen to you any further. Boys?”

“Oh no, you’re not shutting me up!” Peg said angrily “you have your goons come to my house, stuff me in a sack, make me lose my shoes, and tie me to a chair, now you’re gonna sit there and listen to what I have to say, you…MMMPH!”

She was unable to say anything else as Scooter, the goon with the slicked-back hair, placed a long strip of duct tape over her mouth.

“Good work, now ensure she will not be talking for the foreseeable future,” Mr. Big ordered.

Peg could do nothing except twist against her bonds as more tape was ripped off the roll. A second strip was placed over the first, then a third over that.

“YYYY NNNN GGGGDDD CCCRRRRPPPSS!” Peg said through the layers of tape over her mouth.

Well, this is just fantastic she thought my husband screws up again, and somehow, I end up bound to a chair and gagged at the hands of mobsters. How come other wives don’t have this problem? I really need to set up a joint account so things like this don’t happen again.

“Go keep an eye out for Mr. Pete,” Mr. Big ordered his men “his wife here is confident he will be arriving shortly.”

“Uh, but what if he doesn’t?” Skipper, the other thug asked.

“Then we shall compensate Mrs. Pete here with new shoes to replace the ones she lost,” he explained “nice big ones made of cement.”

Well, I’m in trouble.


After an unknown amount of time had passed, the kingpin addressed his captive.

"Well Mrs. Pete, it seems your husband still has not come to pay back the money he owes me," he told her "that is unfortunate for you. Well, I have other business to attend to, I trust you won't go anywhere while I'm gone."

"GGGTTT BBBBNNNTT!" Peg muffled.

"I'll take your muffled outburst as a no," the gangster said, and he left out the large double doors, leaving the woman alone with her thoughts.

Not that I don’t trust my husky hubby to come to my rescue, but just in case, I’d better start making alternate plans to get out of here. I sure hope this will work.

Placing her bare feet on the ground, she stood up, chair and all, and began hopping over to the large double doors. It was slow going due to the weight of the chair, but eventually, she made it there.

Turning around as best she could, she began feeling for the doorknob with her hands. Once she found it, she turned it and was happy to find it wasn’t locked. She was then able to push the door open and began hopping down the hallway.

She hoped none of the mobsters came back; tied up as she was, there was no way she could outrun them. Still, she could use the chair to fight back if she had to, or her feet; she would not go back there quietly.

She continued to hop, occasionally craning her head behind her to make sure no one was following her. So far, it looked like she might actually be able to get away.

Of course, I have no idea how I’m going to get out of these ropes, but I just want out of this place.
She continued slowly hopping, when she heard a voice nearby.

“Peg? Pegums? Oh sweetie pie?”

“PPPTT?” she muffled.

She turned to find the source and saw her husband inside, looking through some of the rooms for her.

“OOVVVRR HHHRR!” she tried to yell through the tape to get his attention.

Pete heard the noise and saw her there, tied very securely, standing with a chair attached to her.

“Peg!” he said happily, running over and grabbing her “thank goodness you're okay, now it means I don’t have to pay those guys.”

“MMMM MMMM!” Peg replied.

“What? Oh right, hold on a second honey,” he said, and grabbing the edge of the tape on her mouth, slowly peeled it off.

“You sure took your sweet time getting here, peach pit,” Peg told him “I knew you’d come to save me. Of course, I wouldn’t be in this mess in the first place if not for you.”

“Now honey dew…”

“Don’t you ‘honey dew’ me!” Peg yelled “you know dear, I’ve put up with a lot from you; like when you let someone steal our house, or when you got it accidentally towed away. Or pretty much any of the times you’ve done something shady or underhanded. Oh I didn't like it, but at least none of those things ever resulted in me being tied up with TAPE OVER MY MOUTH!”

“But, love muffin…”

“What on Earth would even persuade you to take money from mobsters in the first place?!”

“Hey, if someone comes along and offers me money, I don’t ask where it came from.”

“Okay here’s what’s gonna happen- we’re going to go home and you are going to write out a check and pay these mobsters back,” Peg told him "I am not going through this again!"

“But sweet roll…”

“No buts!” Peg replied Now hurry and untie me, I don’t enjoy being tied up. Well, except during our private little ‘robbery’ game.”

“What robbery game?” Goofy asked.

“None of your business!” they replied.

"You brought Goofy with you?" Peg asked.

"I need him to distracticate them mobsters," Pete explained "speaking of which, you did do that, right Goofer?"

“Yup, I pretended to sell them a bunch of cement, just like ya said."

"I hate to butt in, but what happens when those mobsters find out there is no cement?" Peg asked.

“Hmm, I guess I didn’t think about that,” Goofy replied.

“In that case, I think we’d better leave before they find out we're here,” Pete said, and grabbed his bound wife, chair and all, and hightailed it out of the mansion as quickly as he could. Eventually, the two arrived outside where Goofy’s truck was parked.

"Oh yes, this is the rescue I've always dreamed of," Peg said sarcastically, "now, get me out of these ropes."

Pete placed his wife down and reached to untie her, then hesitated. “Um, one question love cheeks, you are gonna yell at me when we get home, right?”

“Oh, I think you can count on that, muffin top,” she replied sweetly “and even more so if you don’t UNTIE ME ALREADY!”

Instead, she was surprised when he lifted her up and placed her in the flatbed of the truck.

“Um Peter dear, what are you doing? This is not untying me, and I’m not riding like this,” she told him “I don’t know what you think you’re doing but it’s not funny, now please get these ropes off; I've been tied up for I don't know how long and my limbs are starting to hurt. Are you listening to me? You’d better…MMMPH!” was all she could manage before she felt something tied around her mouth. Looking down, she recognized it as her husband’s striped tie.

“Sorry about that sugar beet, but if you’re gonna yell at me later anyways, I figure I can enjoy a little peace & quiet on the way home.”


“What’s that, honey lamb? I can barely hear ya.”


Pete ignored his angry wife and got in the front seat. Goofy had left the mansion as well, and was in the driver’s seat of his van.

“Drive like the wind, Goofster,”

“Gee Petey, ain’t Peg gonna be mad at ya for leaving her all tied up like that?”

“Yeah, but she’s mad at me already,” Pete explained “the way I sees it, she can’t yell at me until I let her loose. And I will, eventually.”

As the truck drove down the street, an angry Peg continued to fight her bonds and rage into the tie preventing her from talking.

My beloved hubby is going to pay dearly for this, oh yes! she thought for one thing, if he thinks I’m making him dinner after this, he’s got another thing coming!

Re: Kidnapped by the Mob (MM/F)

Posted: Tue Nov 16, 2021 2:26 pm
by Tapebot
Loved it! Now I have to go find your other stories.

Re: Kidnapped by the Mob (MM/F)

Posted: Tue Nov 16, 2021 3:33 pm
by FabianStr2016
Nice little story!!

Re: Kidnapped by the Mob (MM/F)

Posted: Sat Nov 20, 2021 1:21 pm
by Ianc1980
Really good! I liked how they didn’t gag her right away, I enjoy the banter.