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Shrag Returns M/F

Posted: Thu Dec 02, 2021 1:17 pm
by Boocola
The palace sits on a cliff overlooking a city in a volcano. The window is open to reveal a woman wearing a white dress, white pantyhose and white heels hogtied on the floor with a ballgag in her mouth. She is laying in front of a man dressed in a black shirt, blue jeans and black shoes, who is sitting on a throne chair. The rest of the room has a cabinet full of daina eggs.

"The start of a story is always tough." The man sitting on the throne says. "So Lea, who took my crew?" He asked the woman hogtied in front of him.

"Mmmmph mmmph mmmph." Lea said what bloody crew.

"I am tired of playing guess the mmmph." JayBee said fixing his glasses to see through her with X-ray vision. "Your species has the same anatomy placement as a human." He said as he got up to unbuckled the ballgag strap and removed it. He set her up on her knees in front of the throne that he sat on. "Let's try this again, who took my crew?"

"I hired Nare Grod," Lea said. "To protect them from my father."

JayBee grabbed then squeezed her cheeks and pulled her closer to him. "Why hire him?" he asked.

"He is a mercenary and the only one with the balls to stand up to my father." Lea said.

JayBee released Lea's face as he got pissed off that Nare was called to save his two daughters, his chief medic and the rest of his crew. "How did he break the connection between me and my clone."

"INTRUDER ALERT, INTRUDER ALERT." A sound rang through the palace saying as shots can be heard in the hallway outside the doors of the room. Then a blonde woman bust through the doors with two crossbows with arrow clips attachments in each hand. She's wearing a blue dress, beige pantyhose and blue moccasins. She is also carrying a bag on her back strapped across her shoulder.

"Crystal, you're early." JayBee said getting up from the throne.

"Shrag is here with Milly and Rebecca." Crystal said removing the bag from her shoulder. "He's coming down the corridor with them and a bunch of Amazons." She said.

"Well at least Nare doesn't have all of my crew." JayBee said as he took his gear from the bag. "Wow, so that was what all that ruckus was about." Placed his utility belt around his waist and an ammo belt over his shoulder.

"We are in deep shit and you're joking around." Crystal said.

"Language." JayBee said sarcastically. "This is a fiction for everyone section." He says as he walks to the door.

"Fourth wall breaking again." Crystal rolled her eyes.

JayBee opens the door to take a peak for a split second. He saw a man walking down the corridor wearing a white jacket over a white vest, white shirt, white tie and white pants with white leather shoes. Milly walking on his side wearing a white dress, white pantyhose and white heels. Rebecca walking on his other side, she is still wearing the black dress, brown stockings and black heels. Amazons in front of him moving the bound bodies to the side of the corridor like logs. The Amazons who were in the front shot arrows at the door, JayBee closed the door really fast. "We can't get out that way." He said.

"We could use his daughter as a hostage." Crystal said looking at Lea. "I'm sure Shrag won't kill her."

"Are you kidding." JayBee said. "I don't take hostages, only cowards take hostages." He said. "I need a crew before I leave." He looks at Lea who is still hogtied sitting on her knees. "Any ideas?" He asked his bound captive.

"I have daina eggs in the cabinet." Lea said. "Your blood is tainted with daina blood so you can't fertilize any of them."

"I was wondering about warriors that are adults." JayBee said.

"Shrag has all my Amazons hypnotized in his trance." Lea said.

"Crystal grab some eggs." JayBee said.

Crystal rushed to the cabinet and placed eight eggs on the bag then strapped it around her shoulders.

The Amazons got to the door and tried to open it, JayBee slammed his body against the door closing it as it opens. He locks the door and unholsters his pistol from his utility belt. "Get to the ship, lieutenant." He barked.

"It's on the other side of the palace." Crystal barked back as the Amazons try to open the door. "I am not going out there."

"Hold this door with your telekinesis." JayBee said as he released the door to let Crystal hold it with an invisible barrier from her mind. He calls the ship with device from his utility belt that flies itself over the palace. "there..." He said pointing to his cargo ship that is opening it's ramp outside the open window. "...happy now."

"Show off." Crystal said as she boards the ship with the bag of eggs. She releases the door from her mind. "okay, chief..." She said. "...time to go."

JayBee looked at a hogtied Lea as the Amazons broke down the door and Shrag appeared with Milly and Rebecca. "Oh, hi Shrag." He said as he stopped to smile crossing his arms. "Don't be to cruel."

"Take me with you he'll kill me." Lea cried out in fear while she is still hogtied.

"No he won't, because I will." JayBee said as he fired a beam through Lea's body not killing her, but making it look like it. "As for you Shrag, I'll be back to get my crewmates, mark my words."

"Really, I will be waiting." Shrag said as his mind controlled Amazon warriors rush towards JayBee. "So consider your words marked."

JayBee grabbed a smoke grenade tossed it to the ground. "See you in the funnies." He says as he boards his ship controls the autopilot to fly away.

Crystal looks at him with her hands on her hips. "What kind of cheesy crap was that?" she said.

"Would you prefer I said..." JayBee said making air quotes with his fingers. " vanish." He said. "Besides this story is cheesy enough."

"Okay, so what are we going to do about these eggs?" Crystal said.

"Scrambled eggs tastes good for breakfast." JayBee said joking around. "I am going to take control and fly to California then Florida, I know boys who will donate DNA to those eggs."


Shrag watches as the smoke clears and all that remains are the women under his mind control. He looks at his daughter laying there hogtied in a pool of her blood barely breathing. Then looks at his soon to be bride Milly.

He settles staring at Rebecca's face standing next to Milly that looks so young and innocent that belongs to a ruthless pirate he could admire. He touches her face looking at it from side to side. "When this is over you will be dead." He said with sorrow he a wheelchair approach him with an Amazon pushing it. He sees a frenchman strapped in with no arms and legs named Pierre.

"Why is she still alive?" Pierre angrily barked at Shrag. "Our agreement was I will lead you to the book if you kill Rebecca and get my twin."

"You are exasperating." Shrag said still looking at Rebecca. "No wonder she ordered you to be left on that island." He said referring to when Rebecca left ordered her pirates to maroon Pierre on an island without a pistol.

"I demand you execute her immediately." Pierre demanded.

Shrag turned to face the armless and legless man strapped in a wheelchair stares at him for a second commands the Amazon pushing the chair to attend to his daughter by looking at her and pointing to Lea." I am not the one that attacked a woman in the middle of a minefield." He said. "She will die, when I say she she will die."

Shrag watched as the Amazon nurse untied Lea then tended to her wound. "Sir, it went right through didn't touch any of her organs." The nurse said as he saw tears coming from Lea's eyes. Weather it was from betrayal or she knows JayBee missed her on purpose he can only assume.

"Get her up and out of those blood soaked clothes." Shrag ordered.

"hay, don't ignore me." Pierre yelled. "I am probably the only one who knows where that book is."

"No, you are not." Shrag said calmly. "Perhaps you should shut up, before I remove your head and ask Rebecca where her secret island is."

"I, okay you have a point." Pierre said quieting down.


Nare Grod is standing on the bridge of his massive submarine wearing a black vest white long sleeve shirt, black pants and black Shoes. He looks around to see all the computers as well as the periscope which his first mate Anna is standing there looking through she is wearing a green dress and tan pantyhose with green heels. He looks at the monitor above the Japanese woman wearing the same thing as Anna at the helm. He is seeing what Anna is looking at.

"okay sir, we've reached open water." Anna said.

"Dive." Nare said.

"Tobikomu." Anna instructed the woman at the helm to dive.

"Anna, I need you to go down and get the French girl from the the brig cell?" Nare asked Anna without looking at her.

"I don't want to deal with Ace." Anna said as she downed the periscope and folded the handles. "but I will go get her, she's the one wearing the light blue dress."

"Da, make sure she is not hurt." Nare said.

"Sure thing." Anna says as she walks out of the bridge.

In the brig there are four cells two on starboard side and two on the port side. August and Tommy are in the starboard side bow. Cody and Theresa is in the starboard side aft. Paige and Boocola are in the port side aft cell. Cindi and Tory Vic are stuck in the port side bow cell. Ace is stern outside at a desk wearing a blue dress, white pantyhose and blue heels. She is wearing glasses, plus she is bored out of her mind.

"Hey lady, when can we leave?" August asked.

"Shut yur yap, bloody yank." Ace said as she noticed Anna coming down the stairs. "What the hell do you want Greek."

"Nare wants the French girl." Anna said.

"Too bad, I say, you should take the yank."Ace said grabbing two pairs of handcuffs and ankle cuffs with a twelve inch chain."That brat is annoying." She said as she opened the cell door to the brig.

"Don't hurt her and are the cuffs really necessary?" Anna asked.

"Yes." Ace said. "okay yank, give me one wrist."

"Be gentle." August said as she gives Ace her right hand. Ace cuffed her wrist then cuffed the bar.

Then Ace unlocked and opened the cell door grabbed Tommy then closed the door that latched locked shut. "Hands behind your back luv." She said as Tommy put her hands behind her back and then was cuffed her wrist. Then bent down to cuff Tommy's ankles.

"Ace, I don't think that is really necessary." Anna said again.

"I know, but it's just fun." Ace replied.

"They are in here for their protection." Anna exclaimed.

"Anna, it's fine let her have her fun." Cody finally spoke up.

"Okay." Anna said walking in the brig grabbing Tommy then locking Ace in the brig and walked away.

"Hey let me out, I didn't take the key to this door with me." Ace yelled.

"Can you unlock this cuff on my wrist?" August asked.

"Hold up, yank." Ace said.

On the bridge

Nare is waiting for Anna to return. Piper is at the telescope. She is wearing a red dress, white pantyhose and red heels. The ping of the sonar is starting to get on his nerves.

"Nancy, we need to surface." Nare said to the woman at the helm. "Piper, up periscope." He said to the woman at the periscope.

"Right." Piper said.

Anna entered the bridge with Tommy in handcuffs and ankle cuffs. Nare looked at Tommy then at Anna who shrugged. "I heard a rumor that a guy survived being close to a German grenade in no man's land in the Great War." He said to Tommy. "There was a rumor that he disappeared after surviving."

"I don't know what you're talking about." Tommy said. "I was never a soldier."

"Really?" Nare asked.

"Yes, no...wait." Tommy seemed confused. "I can't seem to remember anything before waking up in the hospital at Verdun."

"I heard about a book written that can change captured male soldiers into female slaves." Nare said. "A sorceress wrote it on another planet or another universe while she was held captive by the glass sailors."

"Does the book have any other spells?" Tommy asked.

"I suppose so." Nare answered. "Probably opens multiple worlds. You see the sorceress wasn't even a sorceress. She was forced to become one to save her friend who was executed in front of her."

"So what does all this has to do with me?" Tommy asked.

"I believe that you are that soldier that survived that grenade explosion in no man's land at the battle of Verdun." Nare said. "Whoever helped you deal with the trauma of having part of your midsection blown away, used spells written in that book to help you forget and adapt to life."

Tommy doesn't understand any of what Nare is trying to tell her. "So what you're saying is that my life has been a lie?" She asked as a tear fell from her eye. "Do you have any idea who I was before the war?" She finally asked.

"No, I don't, " Nare answered. "But I think I know who does." Looking at Anna. "Bring me Cody." He looks at Tommy again. "Get Tommy out of these cuffs, she is my guest, not my prisoner."

Piper unlocks the cuffs on Tommy's wrist and ankles, before directing her to have a seat on bridge. Anna went back down to brig to bring Cody up.

Re: Shrag Returns M/F

Posted: Wed Dec 22, 2021 4:50 pm
by Boocola
Eddie walks into the brig to report for duty wearing her yellow dress and white pantyhose with yellow heels. The bangs of her black dreadlocks pulled back and held at the top of her head. She doesn't see Ace at her station, wondering where she is. Her heels echoing on deck she hears Ace yelling.

"Lagos, is that you." Ace yelled.

Eddie turned the corner to see Ace in the brig hanging on the bars. "Now that is a site that I did not expect to see." Eddie said with a chuckles. "I think you should stay there." She said spotting a woman in a red dress cuffed to a cell bar with her legs crossed with a strained look on her face. "You in the red dress, what's wrong?"

"I have to pee." August said.

"Ace, you are an idiot." Eddie says as she grabs the handcuff keys and held them out for Ace to grab. "uncuff her, then I'll let you out." She demanded.

"No." Ace said.

"Fine, if she pisses on the floor..." Eddie said. "'re cleaning it up."

Eddie walked back to the desk and pushed a button to open the cell door. Ace rushed out and walked past Eddie.

"Where are you going?" Eddie asked.

"I'm going to my bunk, Lagos." Ace answered.

"My name is Eddie." Eddie said. "I was born in Lagos."

"Whatever." Ace said as she went up the stairs.

Eddie went in the brig and unlocked the cuff on the August's wrist then the other cuff. While leaving the brig she left the door open as she sat down in a chair.

"Thank you." August said as she rushed to the toilet in the cell.

"Quiet please." Eddie said as she leaned back in the chair putting her legs up and crossing her ankles.

Moments later Anna came down the stairs into the brig. Eddie looked at her "So, now what." She said.

"I'm here for Cody." Anna said. "Nare wants to question her." She said.

"Okay, She's the one in the black dress?" Eddie said as she took legs off the desk and pushed a Button to let Cody out. "Shut the cell door on the way out."

Cody walked out of the cell and closed the door of the cell. "No handcuffs?" Cody asked.

"If you want, but that won't be necessary." Anna said as she turned to look at Eddie. "Close the door to the brig and open the cell doors. They are not prisoners, we need to keep them safe."

"Okay." Eddie said watching Anna leave with Cody. She got up and to close the door to the brig. Then she sat back down and pushed a button to open all the cell doors in the brig.

On the bridge

"What's this blinking?" Tommy said sitting near a console that had a light turn on.

"There is someone trying to connect a signal to the clone in brig." Nancy said to Nare pointing at the light that on the communication console.

"I was counting on JayBee to try to connect with his clone." Nare said as he approached the console near Tommy and pushed the button to raise a security wall. "I am not ready to talk to him yet. I can't have him tracking this submarine." He said looking at Tommy. "Don't touch anything especially that button, Da."

"He's trying to find us." Tommy said.

"Da, but like I said before I don't want him tracking this submarine."

"I wonder what we are doing here then." Cody said as she walked on the bridge with Anna. "You're trying to decide if you should let us go or sell us to Shrag."

"Da, you betrayed me you would rather be on JayBee's crew rather than on mine." Nare said as he approached Coddy. "I want to know what you did to Peppy at the battle of Verdun."

Coddy slapped Nare on the cheek. "Peppy is dead, he died when that German grenade went near his waist." She said. "I was a nurse in that battle."

"Very well, you want to test my patience, good." Nare said. "Who is she?" He asked pointing at Tommy. "Right after Peppy disappeared, she started living with you."

"She is my student." Cody said as she looked up and away. "I taught her how to fight."

Nare looked at Cody. "You are lying." He said. "I can forgive that slap, but lie to me again and I'll lock you in a torpedo sending it to the bottom of the ocean."

"Okay, Okay." Cody said. "The French drafted Peppy to fight in the army, he was sent to Verdun. They didn't know that he was an immortal homeless kid one hundred years before he joined." She said looking at Nare. "When the grenade blew up it vaporized his groin. When I found him, he had amnesia. I checked him to see if everything was there." She started crying. "He was just a boy sent to war to fight for what?"

"I know this is hard for you..." Nare said. "...I need to know what you did."

"I used my power to heal him." Cody said. "The boy became a woman." she looked up and left.

"Remember what I said about lying." Nare said.

"Okay, I found a book and made a cocktail to try to heal him..." Cody said. "...but his groin healed back like a woman, probably because he didn't go through puberty."

"Why didn't he go through puberty?" Nare asked.

"I don't know." Cody said. "Rebecca said that she attacked a French ship when she was on the as a pirate and came across two immortals that were twin brothers." She said. "One was ten years older. One was named Pierre and the other was named Peppy."

"So, I need to ask Rebecca." Nare said losing his patience. "She's with Shrag." He said looking at Piper, who is at the periscope. "Anna, switch off with Piper."

"Okay." Anna agreed.

"Piper, take Tommy and Cody back to the brig." Nare said. "Nancy, take us up with up to periscope depths."

Piper takes Tommy and Cody back to the brig. While the submarine went up to periscope depth.

Re: Shrag Returns M/F

Posted: Thu Jan 13, 2022 2:54 am
by Boocola
The Atlantic Ocean clear blue water for miles. A shadow below the surface of the water reveals itself as a periscope pops up. The focus zooms down the outside of the periscope to see a to a massive submarine. Through the metal and circuits to a cell in a brig a woman wearing a yellow flower dress, brown tights and yellow heels sits on the top bunk with her back against the wall. Her left knee is up with her left arm resting on it. The new guard from Lagos opened the cell doors keeping the brig door closed. Tory Vic is quiet listening to the sounds of movement and vessel she's on.

Three women walk down the hall outside the brig. Tory realizes that it's probably Cody and Tommy being escorted back to their cells. As the brig door opens Eddie and Piper exchange useless banter.

"So who does the captain wants to chat with this time?" Eddie asked she pushed the button to open the brig door.

"No one." Piper said. "He went up to periscope depth. Nare needed his first mate on periscope." She said as she waited for Cody and Tommy to enter the brig

"Where are we?" Eddie asked.

"We are in the Atlantic Ocean." Piper answered. "I got to go back to the bridge." She said as she closed the door so it can lock shut.

"This is boring duty guarding our guests like this." Eddie said. "Do you want to switch duty jobs?"

"No, I am bridge comm and I got to get back to my station." Piper said walking away.

"Yeah, whatever." Eddie said as she went back to doing nothing.

Cody walked into the cell room that Tory is in looking up and waves a wary hand gesture as she lays down on the bottom bunk. Then Tommy enters the cell completely ignoring Tory.

"Did you mean what you said about Peppy?" Tommy asked.

"You are Peppy." Cody said blantly. "I don't know what Shrag wants with you."

"Why can't I remember anything about Peppy's life." Tommy asked.

"You want to remember being killed by your twin brother for a scrap of food or being killed by Germans and killing Germans in a war fought for nothing." Cody asked raising her voice not hiding her anger.

"Quiet down in there..." Eddie said. "...before I have to separate you and lock you in separate cells."

"You lied to Nare." Tommy said calmly looking up at Tory. "Enjoy the pleasure of your cell mate." She said walking out of the cell slamming it shut.

"You know, it's probably locked." Tory said.

"It doesn't matter." Cody said. "Where were you during the great war?"

"After I was captured by an immortal pervert, I was his slave for one hundred and ten years." Tory said. "Captivity started during the American Civil War ended in the Vietnam War." She sighed. "Wilbur used me in a traveling circus of immortality." She said. "We were tied up dressed as dolls and hung for fifteen minutes until we died. If I was lucky I would be cut down before I revived myself for his audience."

"He made money off of your suffering." Cody said with surprise. "You said we, who else was with you?" She asked.

"I was a Union soldier with Garn." Tory said. "When the confederate army captured our brigade. Wilbur was the confederate captain, he felt us and shot Garn. Wilbur found out that I was a woman and took me to his estate. I met Rebecca who was already one of his prisoners."

"You and Rebecca were dressed up as dolls and executed for the amusement of others?" Cody asked.

"Yeah, kind of twisted." Tory said. "She was a sniper scout for the Union army. She was captured holding off a confederate army, so her captain Raino could fall back. Only lasted one or two years for her. Raino came to rescue his soldier, probably figured out she was a woman when she was dressed up like a doll."

"What lead to your rescue?" Cody asked.

"I think Garn teamed up with Raino and went in with a group of soldiers to stop a circus in vietnam." Tory said. "Garn and Raino rescued everyone even Tai Dragon the daughter of a North Vietnamese Soldier. Tai was supposed to become immortal so she could stay a child."

"Where is Wilbur now?" Cody asked.

"We tracked him down to New York in 1995." Tory said starting cry. "He found a hole new bunch of immortal girls for his snuff circus." She said breathing deeply. "Raino fought Wilbur and beheaded him." She said. "That's one of many memories I don't want."

"What are the other memories, maybe they can help with our current situation." Cody said.

"I doubt that, I do have a memory that I am not sure where I got it from." Tory Vic stated to herself.

Costa Mesa

Tory Vic is a chearleader at a high school football game it is about to be half time when she hears a thunder crack and sees lightning opening up a rift in the sky. A dragon flew through the portal scaring everyone at the game, the stands and on the field ran away. Leaving Tory Vic alone as the Dragon landed on the field.

As a prank to get even with his twin sister Victor Garcia left her bound and gagged in a locker while he got even with her for using a potion to change him into a woman Tory Vic. He put on her red and white cheerleading outfit with nude pantyhose and tennis shoes.

"Well aren't you the only one unlucky enough not to run from me." The dragon said.

"Why should I run from you." Victor said. "You're a figment of my imagination."

"Maybe." The dragon said breathing fire on him.

He covered his eyes as he gets covered in flames as he starts feeling pain not from being burned it felt more like he was being ripped apart as he stayed whole. When the flames stop he becomes a she confused she looks to see a boy passed out on the ground. She looks forward to see a dragon looking at her.

"Hello there." The dragon said. "My name is Shrag."

"What do you want?" Tory asked.

"I want you to come with me, my dear." Shrag said.

"What If I don't want to go with you?" Tory Vic asked.

"Well then..." Shrag said looking around. "...I guess I will have to destroy this city burning it to the ground killing everyone."

"Yes, I will go with you." Tory said. "Just leave everyone alone."

"Don't worry all I want is you." Shrag said as he lifts off then grabbing her with his talons and flew up into the rift portal.


Shrag flies into a volcano that is surrounded by desert. At the bottom there are structures and a lot of gold and big dinosaur eggs. There is a group of soldiers near docks of wooden sail ships. Tory Vic gets dropped off near a squad of soldiers. They are wearing loose fitting black clothing with armor over their chests and a helmet with a mask that looks like bug eyes. The group of soldiers captured Tory tying her wrist behind her back.

"Captain Garn, I leave her in your charge. She will be one of my new harp players." Shrag says looking at Tory than at Garn. "She dies, you die." He said coldly. "Understood?" He asked as he flew away.

"Yes, My lord." Garn answers.

"I am not a babysitter." Garn says as he looks at his squad holding Tory. "Bring her with me." He orders his troops.

The troops lead Tory through an old structure with girls chained to the wall some are sleeping others are sitting with their backs against the wall looking like they have no will to live anymore. Until they get to a skeleton laying down with a chain around the boney neck. Garn takes a key from his pocket and unlocks the callor from the the skeleton and locks it around Tory's neck.

"Stay, good girl." Garn said.

"Where is the bathroom?" Tory asked.

"What did you just say?" Garn asked.

"Bathroom, where am I going relieve myself." Tory said.

"Are you talking about bodily fluids?" Garn asked.

"Yes." Tory replied.

"Your very brave." Garn said taking a spiked mace from his back. "Given your circumstance." He said.

"I volunteered for this to save my city." Tory said.

Garn walked up to Tory, where she had to look up. He untied her wrist from behind her back then slammed his mace on the floor making a hole. "There." He said. "I'll bring you some food in a couple of hours so you don't die." He said as he turned around to walk away. "Stay and watch her if she dies, I'll kill you before Shrag kills me." He says to one of his troopers as he walks down to the ships.

Atlantic Ocean

Tory grimaces at the memory of three years of being feed by Garn. Playing the harp for four hours straight before being rescued by JayBee. Through a mental switch with an elf named Tera.

"I think I know why Shrag wants Tommy." Tory said to Cody.

"Yeah, so do I." Cody said. "What I don't understand is why Shrag wants a boy."

"I remember JayBee switched minds with someone named Tera to rescue me or another version of me." Tory said.

"Yeah, this kind of magic is tricky ain't it." Cody said. "Your DNA was left in the volcano when it ended up in the pacific ocean on this planet."

"So there is another me on this planet?" Tory asked.

"There is a version of you on this planet." Cody said. "But not what you think it is."

Costa Mesa

Victor Garcia just got out of his last class of the day at Costa Mesa High school. He's wearing a black shirt, blue jeans and black shoes. He is walking to the student parking lot with his black backpack to his car. He opens his trunk setting the pack next to his skateboard. Grabbing his board going to the driver's door opens it putting his board on the passenger seat and sits down in the driver's seat, buckling his seat belt and starting the vehicle to drive to the park to skate.