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Post by Xtc »

What follows is the next of the "Troop v Troop" series the first of which was,
"The Land Farmers and the Sailor Boys".

This is a very short tale and will be posted in one part.
They all say boxer shorts are cool,
but little Speedos always rule.
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Post by Xtc »


There were many times when the ongoing feud between the Sea Scouts (Sailor Boys) and the Scouts (Land Farmers) would be temporarily suspended for the sake of playing pre-arranged, more conventional wide games.

There is a great area in the Forest consisting of a Scout Centre called Henry’s Holt, adjacent farmland with a sympathetic farmer, and adjoining private woodland in which the Scouts were welcome to do more or less as they liked. When this game took place, everyone was available so the Scouts dressed in the conventional “Commando” gear of camouflage trousers, t-shirts and neckers and the Sea Scouts were the “Guerrillas” dressed in olive green fatigues, t-shirts and neckers. If the teams had not been even, Troops would happily “lend” members to the other team without fear of betrayal, or arbitrary teams would be agreed round the inevitable campfire. These games were valued too highly to allow even the feud to impede them. The older boys would sometimes act as neutral referees.


The whistle went and the three ‘Commando’ lads (or at least two of them) only hoped that their team had taken enough prisoners to exchange for them all. Anyone “left over” would have to stay as a prisoner of the Guerrillas for the rest of the day.

It’s always comforting to have someone to share your captivity with so it was probably better to have three of them sharing their captivity unless . . .


The usual rules had applied:
• Anyone who could be taken to the ground had to surrender. His t-shirt would be used to blindfold him and his team neckerchief would be used to bind his wrists.
• Prisoners could be taken anywhere within bounds for safekeeping.
• Anyone who was left unguarded was entitled to try to escape.
• Anyone who was caught trying to escape could expect to be punished.
• At the end of the game prisoners would be exchanged by negotiation but usually on a one for one basis.
• Anyone off the farmland or the adjacent private woodland would be out of bounds.


The Commandos had lost Scott, Joe and George. They were seated side by side with their backs against the cowshed still wearing their camo trousers and boots, all except Scott. He had been caught trying to escape, not for his own sake but for the honour of the team, and had been stripped down to his boxer briefs and gagged with GP’s neckerchief and his own gross socks. Once they’d all been brought together, there were no more escape attempts because both GP and T-Boy were left guarding them. And anyone who even tried bending his knees was “asked nicely” by GP to straighten them again.

The whistle went and it was time for both teams to get their prisoners to neutral ground and to start negotiations. Neutral ground consisted of Henry’s Holt. T-Boy coffled the prisoners using a rope joining them by their necks, first Joe, then Scott (who had his boots tied together and hung round his neck along with his knotted combat trousers), then George. With none of the captives being able to see and one of them even being barefoot, progress did not actually represent rapid transit but after about ten minutes the coffle arrived and adopted the customary kneeling position half way down the site facing the Commandos’ camp.

After a couple more minutes Alex and Tarzan were led in by Long Tom and Zac. The trunk of a small felled pine tree had been tied between their necks holding them together. Alex, who’d been tied near the thicker end of the tree trunk, still wore his olive green fatigue trousers and his boots but Tarzan had obviously been caught trying to escape. He was wearing just his customary tight, bright blue boxer-brief style swimming trunks to which, by now, he’d proudly added a Pompey badge. His wrists had been bound with rope in a cross behind him and his upper arms roped tightly to his body. He too suffered the indignity of being gagged with his own socks, but Zac had gaffer taped them into place. Tarzan’s boots and trousers were hanging from the tree trunk between the two prisoners. The boots swung annoyingly “kicking” each of the captives occasionally, Alex in his back and Tarzan in various parts of his ventral anatomy. At least his captors had not hung his boots at a level where they would kick him ‘down there’.

Any players who had not been captured arrived at the Holt before the slower moving prisoners and their escorts and the Guerrillas were amazed to see that Alex wasn’t amongst them. He hadn’t been captured in any of the previous games due to his speed and his determined ability to barge through almost any blockade he met. The Commandos noticed as well and gleefully anticipated the imminent receipt of a valuable bargaining piece – and the opportunity of a really good gloat at Alex’s expense.

Once they had arrived, Alex and Tarzan were made to kneel facing the other three captives. Alex knelt in front of his companion to avoid any more abrasion to their necks than necessary from the rough pole that connected them.


The bargaining began. Long Tom pointed out the extremely rare and valuable ginger prisoner who should be worth at least two of their men. This sounded ominous to Scott who, predictably, wanted to be the one “left over” after a one-for-one exchange.

“Nah, serve the useless gingah* right if you had to keep him!”

“Oh, come on, boys. It’s the only time I’ve ever been captured.”

“Shut up, Alex, you don’t get a say in this.”

“How about we swap the two that tried to escape? That’s fair.”

Scott disagreed. He didn’t want to be released but, being gagged, he didn’t get a say either.

“No, give us Joe, it’s his first time captured too and you get Alex.”

The deal was agreed and the rope was untied from Joe’s neck and Alex was released from the pine tree trunk. Sam, who had agreed to referee and so even up the numbers, gave the orders. “Alex, Joe, stand. Forward march.” That left poor Tarzan, whose first game it was, looking like something left over from the days of the slave trade. He had a fairly heavy tree trunk tied to his neck and was firmly bound and on his knees.

Alex and Joe returned, rather unsteadily, to their team mates due to being blindfolded. When they eventually made it, they were untied before dressing themselves again. Joe had things quite easy from his teammates but Alex went through it a bit from his, especially Action Man. Loyal as ever, Luke untied him.

Negotiations continued. It was agreed that Tarzan should be exchanged for someone. Sam reminded him of the rule that required anyone who had been caught escaping to stay dressed as they were for the rest of the day. Tarzan accepted this with a nod and, in any case, it was a warm evening and there was soon to be the inevitable campfire for added comfort. It just remained to be decided: Scott or George. Vic knew that his mate, Scott, would really not mind staying as a prisoner (and was more likely positively to enjoy it) and suggested that George be swapped for Tarzan. It was soon agreed and Scott tried, without success, to look somewhat disappointed.

Sam coordinated the exchange and George was soon free and dressed again. It took a bit longer to free Tarzan, who’d been subjected to Long Tom’s finest tying – and Zac’s gagging. At least the Commandos removed the tree trunk and hung his trousers and boots round his neck before sending him away.

That left Scott to stay as the prisoner of the Guerrillas for the rest of the evening.


Before the game both teams had established their camps. There was to be no overnighter this time but it was always useful to have a patrol tent pitched for use as a changing room and for storing gear and both teams flew their flags from the pre-positioned flagpoles. Things were simple for the Commandos, who had no prisoners but the Guerrillas had to make some decisions.

Tarzan was told that, as a forfeit for being caught while trying to escape, he would have to look after their prisoner. As a reward, if Scott didn’t manage to escape by 9:30, he could torture him until there was a danger of the parents’ arriving to collect the boys. It was an unspoken condition that, if Scott did escape, Tarzan would have to surrender to him in turn.

Evan, Budgie and both Steves were detailed to prepare the campfire round which the evening entertainments would take place while their partners prepared their evening meals. Trangias were produced and meals cooked. T-Boy wasn’t paired with anyone so he agreed to share with the prisoner as long as Tarzan looked after him. Long Tom and Sam got together to co-ordinate the evening’s entertainment. They arranged for T-Boy and Jamie to stay with them to strike camp after everyone else had left and everyone else set about cooking dinner.

Everyone, that is, except Scott and Tarzan.

Tarzan surveyed his prisoner. Scott was much taller than he was with a broad-shouldered but slender athletic build. Up until then his hands had been bound with his own neckerchief but Tarzan didn’t think that was too secure. With Action Man keeping an eye on his protégé, Tarzan got some equipment from the patrol tent. He then offered Scott the chance to use the toilet and untied his wrists. Scott knew the rules: he was on his honour. He’d have to subject himself to his gaoler’s orders afterwards but once Tarzan had finished securing him, anything went!

About the only creature comfort on Henry’s Holt was the decent toilet block but there were no showers. “Why should there be?” as their leaders often told them, “Only dirty people need to wash!”
The youngsters often failed to see the humour in this.

Scott made himself comfortable and surrendered himself to Tarzan who ordered him over to the main flagpole near the campfire circle. Tarzan had been trying to learn knotting techniques from his sponsor, who was always reckoned the best tier in his Troop; he also tried to learn pioneering techniques. He decided to try to combine the two.

Scott was ordered to stand with his back against the flagpole. He knew the rules but this quite muscular little guy had better get it right or, once he’d escaped, Scott would teach him some torture techniques of his own. Tarzan had decided to try to bind Scott’s wrists against the flagpole like a sheer-lashing. He applied the loops, equalised the pressure and used enough turns to start drawing Scott’s forearms upright. Although he was not yet allowed to resist, Scott started to assess his bindings for escape possibilities but could think of fewer than he had expected at the hands of this tyro. Tarzan applied almost exactly the same technique just below Scott’s elbows. This forced his shoulders forwards.

Having considered using the same technique above Scott’s knees, Tarzan decided that it would be too cruel because it would remove his victim’s ability to stand securely on the ground. Later on Sam and Action Man congratulated him on recognising the difference between a game and serious torture. Tarzan simply bound Scott’s legs firmly together just above his knees and bound them to the flagpole. He thought that he had done enough but he was reminded that, once he had finished, he could not apply any more bindings (unless the prisoner needed gagging) and that his prisoner was entitled to try his damnedest to escape.

In the light of advice received, Tarzan got some gaffer tape and blindfolded Scott with it before taping his neck closer to the flagpole. He declared himself contented.

Scott started struggling while everyone else ate their meals.

The camp fire was lit and the entertainments began (Both Troops observed that tradition) while Tarzan fed Scott his meal one messy spoonful at a time followed by a mug of, by now not very hot, chocolate. As the entertainment proceeded, Scott continued to struggle in earnest thus contributing in no small respect to that entertainment. As with his previous escape attempt, it was more a matter of honour than a genuine desire to escape but it would be nice to get his own back on Tarzan. “Get yourself ready for torture, Speedo Boy. Once I’m free, Tarzan, your ars . . .”

Scott got no further before Tarzan quickly cleave gagged him with the neckerchief that had been used previously to bind his wrists, in the middle of which a large knot had been tied. “Good Boy” thought Action Man approvingly as Tarzan finished the job with several rounds of gaffer tape. Sam ruled that it did not count as applying extra bindings due to unreasonable provocation. No one questioned the arbitrary ruling for some reason. Scott continued writhing, wriggling and ineffectually bad-mouthing those who were throwing things at him but none of his actions seemed to be bearing fruit.


Half past nine came and Scott had managed to loosen his wrists somewhat but was otherwise still firmly fixed to the flagpole. Tarzan was given the go-ahead by Long Tom to start the torture – what a mate! He made the best of the next twenty minutes by lifting Scott’s feet in turn off the ground and giving them a thorough and detailed tickling. He was pleased with the way his tying kept his victim almost incapable of resistance or avoidance and with the way that Scott’s giggles and grunts were only slightly suppressed by his gag. Scott was finding it difficult to catch his breath and every time Tarzan thought he was convulsing too much, he simply kicked his supporting foot off the ground for a few seconds forcing him to stop struggling.

After about twenty minutes Sam decided that Scott had served his time and that, in any case, the adults would soon be arriving to take their offspring home. George freed his friend from the flagpole and Scott found his clothes and got dressed as did Tarzan, and everyone who wasn’t staying packed their kit. By a quarter past ten the only people left on site were Long Tom, Jamie, Sam and T-Boy. They decided that striking the tents could wait until morning.

It was, as I have already said, a very warm night and the four boys decided to get some hammocks from the store and sling them between the trees. Following a final attack on the hot chocolate and biscuits they turned in. As is always the way conversation flowed until the small hours. The older boys lamented the fact that they would soon be too old to be included in the organised wide games and would even be excluded from the unofficial feud.

“Why do you reckon we do that?”

“My mum says it keeps me off the streets!”

Yes, the parents knew more than the youngsters thought they did. But there was always the mutual conspiracy of silence!


*Gingah – pronounced GIN’er (Hard G like grin) (Glottal stop) (silent r)
They all say boxer shorts are cool,
but little Speedos always rule.
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Post by Veracity »

Not sure how I missed this one when you published it, but better late than never. A nice little amuse bouche .
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Post by Xtc »

Thanks for that. It's just posted to fill in some details for later. Thanks for the bump.
They all say boxer shorts are cool,
but little Speedos always rule.
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