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Time Tied: A Time Travel TUG Story (Various FMs/FMs)

Posted: Tue Jan 04, 2022 6:34 am
by TiedOne
Chapter I: Time Tied(MM/MMFF)

I was woken with a splash of cold water. "Wake up, your execution is about to begin." I was shivering due to the water and gave the person a nasty look. The Angry Roman guard didn't appreciate my expression and pulled me up. "I'll make sure to make your binds especially uncomfortable.

Another guard came to assist and pinned my arms behind my back, as the Angry guard began to wind rope rightly around my wrists. "He's secured, move him out." The Angry guard said giving me a small push causing me to stumble onto the sand covered ground. I gritted my teeth in anger but got back on my feet and walked out of my prison cell.

The other guard guided me through the dark tunnels until we reached another prison cell. Inside was Angela, she was wearing a similar dirty white toga to me and was also barefoot. I noticed sand was in her usually luxurious red hair and felt kind of bad, why did she have to get involved with this ?

The guard prepared a pail of water to wake her but I yelled "ANGELA!" and she woke quickly. "Will ? What's happening ?" She panicked and began to cry as the guard opened her cell and began to tie her wrists like mine. "Angela, it's all going to be ok." I said trying to comfort her, though even I was doubting my words. Angela walked next to me, as the guard gestured us forward.

Soon we came to a stop in the middle of the tunnel where Xavier and Macey were also tied. Their guard said "Now that they're all here." The two guards walked us four towards the end of the tunnel which was illuminated by daylight. As we got closer, the sound of cheers echoed through the tunnel. I turned to Angela who was silently crying, I managed to get one of my bound hands to comfort her. I gave her a look of optimism, which I had to feign.

Once we reached the end, the light overwhelmed my eyes, but when I finally adjusted I was in awe at the massive arena of the Colosseum. Thousands of people were cheering as we exited the tunnel gate. I noticed four pillars in the middle of the arena and paused, realizing the fate we were about to endure. The one guard pushed me along as we all walked towards the pillars.

My bare soles on the hot sand was slightly uncomfortable along with the tightness of the bindings. The array of boos and jeers from the crowd was overwhelming. All of us were positioned by each pillar. They forced me onto the pillar and began to secure me with rope that tied around my arms and the pillar. Suddenly a loud voice spoke:


Cheers roared across the arena as the lion stepped out from the dark gated tunnel. I scrunched my toes into the warm sand as I wriggled at the binds which secured me to the pillar. I looked to my right and saw Macey and Angela tied to pillars too, both of them were beyond terrified. To my left was Xavier who was struggling at his binds too.


I looked up at saw Mr. Kronos standing in an emperor's garb. He sneered down towards us, I gave him an angry glare back but primal roar drew my attention back to the lion, who seemed to be making its way towards us.

I gulped and thought "This is how it ends."


"It's literally the first week of school, why is there already posters for homecoming ?" I asked examining the poorly designed "Eastwoods High Homecoming Dance" in a sickly purple and orange color combo. Angela shrugged her shoulders. "Guess some people are already thinking about dates ?"

I scoffed. She turned to me and shot me a glare. "I'm sorry you don't find it romantic, Mr. No Love Life." I chuckled. "I don't have time for a love life right now, besides you don't have much going on either." She punched my arm. "Not true. Remember Shane from last year, we had something. He even gave me a nickname. It was Stinky."

"Are you sure it was nickname and not an insult ?" She sighed. "I mean it could've been about my feet, but he said it very sweetly." She said wiggling her toes in her flip flops. "You do have some stinky feet." She gasped jokingly. "Besides didn't Shane ghost you."

She sighed. "Yeah, now he's a pothead." We walked down the hallway towards our homeroom. "Speaking of stinky feet, are you excited for the ritual ?" I rolled my eyes. "Please, Larry has been talking to me about non stop this week." She smiled. "Well, it's senior year and they want a successful football season."

I understood but always hated the fact that I am a key part of the ritual. Ok, so here's the whole deal. In seventh grade, Larry Morris tied me up in front of the football team and cheerleaders, he made me smell the football players dirty socks and kiss the cheerleaders sweaty feet, because he was a jerk to me then. However that season we were undefeated. The next year he did the same thing sans the tying me up and we lost every game. So being the superstitious buffoon he was, he figured the winning streak only happened if I was tied up too. So Freshman year, tied me up, sniffed the football players socks and kissed the cheerleaders feet, we won. Sophomore year same thing, we won. Junior year, same again. I admit it was kind of cool that I was like a lucky charm, but the process was always well, kind of stinky.

"So how's the job going ?" She asked. "Pretty good, we're almost done whatever it is we're making." She paused. "You still don't know, I mean you've been working nearly every day all summer." I shrugged. "I don't know, Dr. Wilson, is keeping his project secret. I mean he pays pretty good, so I'm perfectly fine not knowing."

"Yo Will, my man." I looked forward to see Larry nearly galloping towards me. Honestly I think he thought we were closer than we actually are, since he always seemed to treat me like his best friend. I mean I don't mind the guy in small moderation, he actually got nicer after seventh grade, but his airhead nature always got on my nerves a little.

Angela laughed as the blond haired jock lifted me in a bearhug. "Hey, Larry. Could you let go of me please ?" He lowered me and laughed. "Tonight, football field, the ritual, 6 p.m. sharp. Our Senior year is gonna be great!!!" He than ran down the hallway. "Well he's definitely excited." I sighed. "Mr. Wilson wants me to help him at 8 tonight, wish he needed me earlier. "Oh, relax. It's only an hour, besides I guarantee my feet smell worse than any of those football players." She was clearly joking, but she was also right. The bell rang and I realized 6 p.m. wasn't that long away.

To Be Continued....

Re: Time Tied: A Time Travel TUG Story (Various FMs/FMs)

Posted: Wed Jan 05, 2022 12:33 pm
by JulieG
Good start. Nice mystery. Just how does "The Ritual" fit an h the rest of the story (apart.from feet of.course)

Re: Time Tied: A Time Travel TUG Story (Various FMs/FMs)

Posted: Thu Jan 06, 2022 6:09 pm
by TiedOne
Chapter II: The Football Players and the Future Man (M/M), (M/MM)

It was now currently sixth period, since it was still the first week, classes didn't properly begin yet. I stared blankly at the clock as Xavier sat next to me. "Hey Will, how was your summer ?" Xavier is my longest friend though we haven't hung out frequently enough to be best friends, we still enjoyed each others company. He had curly black hair and round glasses.

"Pretty good, working a lot." I responded. "That's good. I wish I could hold a job, I went through five this past summer." To be honest I wasn't surprised, Xavier wasn't always the most focused guy. He managed to relieve some tension about the ritual, but soon I was right back to dreading it.

6:00 p.m.

I hesitantly walked towards the football field where the football players and cheerleaders were finishing up practice. Larry ran over. "HE'S HERE." The claps I received were surprisingly loud, as Larry walked me to the flagpole. He sat me down and began to tie me to the pole with white cotton ropes.

"Alright here's the deal. Each football player gets their feet sniffed for 30 seconds each, the captains get a minute. For the cheerleaders, they decided to make you wear this pink lipstick so when you kiss their socks they'd get marked with your luck. Captains get five kisses on each sock, everyone else gets one of each." I nodded. At least this would be the last year of this strange tradition.

Larry was one of the captains and was the first to go. He pulled off his cleats and put his dirty green football socks in my face. It wasn't comfortable having him bury my face in his stinky socks but I figured the least I complained, the better.

Overall the football player feet sniffing is the worst part of the Ritual. However none of them had any maliciousness intent. They just made me sniff their smelly feet and than they moved on. The cheerleaders seemed to have more fun with the Ritual.

"Alright, lipstick time." The Cheerleading captain said pulling out the pink lipstick. She than painted my lips in hot pink and I puckered my lips. "Kissy kissy." She mocked holding her white cheer socks in my face. I admit that her feet actually smelled worse than any of the guys, but it had a strangely enticing aroma to it. I kissed each of her socked feet five times, so ten in total.

Every other girl got their chance, until the other captain who went last. "Hey there Will." I looked up to see Macey smiling at me. Macey was one of the few girls who I actually had an attraction to. She moved here in 7th grade from Colombia, and we've had a pretty interesting relationship. We went to the Soph Hop together, but other than that any chance of a romantic relationship has been stagnant.

"Macey, always good to see you." She smiled and sat on the ground. "I really did miss you all summer." She kicked off her cheer shoes and wiggled her socked feet. "You always did have the least worse smelling feet of the cheerleaders." I said as I planted one of the kisses on her white socks leaving a pink lipstick stain.

She giggled after my kiss. "We really should do something again, maybe tomorrow ?" I smiled as I kissed her foot again. "Absolutely." I finished the final kiss as she helped wipe the rest of the lipstick off with her socked toes.

Maybe my love life isn't as dead as I previously thought. "Alright, looks like we're gonna have a lucky season again, thanks to Will." I shook my head but Larry was still enthusiastically talking. "In honor of being our luck charm, you get free tickets to every game this season."

He untied me and everyone left except for Macey. "Sorry about this, Larry still thinks it's the reason we always win." I smiled. "Well at least it was the last time. Besides its good to see you again, it's been too long." She smiled and brushed her black hair away. "Yeah, hey I'm still serious about tomorrow, if you would..." "Yes, I mean yeah, yeah sure." She smiled and we walked to the parking lot.

"You really think my feet smelled the least bad of the cheerleaders ?" She asked bubbly. "Well considering I don't smell sweaty feet on a regular basis, I would sure say so." She giggled. "What about Angela ? Every time we hang out she always jokes about how much her feet stink." Despite Angela being my best friend, I found it kind of weird that Macey also held that distinction and how we never hung out all together. "Well there's stinky feet and STINKY FEET."

We reached our cars and stopped for a moment. "Looks like we'll see each other tomorrow." She said giving me a small kiss on the cheek. "Bye, Macey." I said getting in my car. It was 7:30, so I had to hurry over to Dr. Wilson's lab.

Dr. Eugene Wilson was a man in his mid 50s yet he looked nearly 70. He was often described as nice, but nutty. He graduated from USciences and has been the towns local inventor, though people think he's kind of insane. I had an interest in science so when I saw he needed a lab assistant I was happy to take it, heck he even paid pretty well for someone who hadn't had a stable job in a while.

I entered as he was welding something onto the machine. "Dr. Wilson, I'm here." He stopped and removed his welder mask. "Will my boy, it's finished. It's finally finished." I smiled. "Great, what is it ?" Dr. Wilson pulled a covering off a small contraption with a glowing green ball in the center along with six watches positioned around the orb.

"This is a temporal transportation device, each of these watches are capable of opening gateways into the past or the future." I was simply stunned. "You build a time machine ?" I said in a somewhat mocking tone. Dr. Wilson didn't pick up on my disbelief. "Yes, see. You wear this watch and select when you want to go." He looked at me and noticed my doubtful face.

"You don't fully believe me. Hmm, I'll show you. Remember when I lost my grandfathers pocket watch." I thought back. "Yeah, than you accidentally melted it in the furnace." He snapped his fingers. "Yep, that's the one. Now watch this." He slid the watch on his wrist and selected a date. "Let's see that was about three months ago, so let me go four months. Prepare to be amazed." He tapped on the watch and it glowed green.

A flash of light blinded me for a second as Dr. Wilson suddenly vanished from the room. I was in total awe but what really shocked me was when he returned in a second flash of light. "This look familiar." Dr. Wilson said holding a titanium pocket watch that was engraved with his grandfathers initials. "Oh my god. Dr. Wilson this is incredible."

He smiled and put the watch back on the device. "We should celebrate. I have cake and champagne, wait you're not 21 yet, alright we just have cake." He ran across his lab ecstatic.

A small shock emitted from the device. "Uh, Dr. Wilson is this supposed to happen ?" He turned back to see the device begin to emit a red light. "That's not possible, grab the watches !!" I quickly grabbed three of the watches when energy began to grow around the device.

The energy took form a human figure. I put the watches in my jacket pockets as Dr. Wilson got in front of me to protect me.

A flash of light burned across the lab as a figure dressed in a black suit stood in front of us. "Will, RUN!!!!" I began to run as I noticed a mechanical tentacle spawn from the figures back and spiral around the doctor. "RUN!!!" I was nearly at the door when suddenly I felt a metal tendril wrap it self around my arms and bound me in it.

"What the..." The tentacle than picked me up and moved me back to the figure as I wiggled in its grip. "Eugene, such a pleasure." The man said staring at the bound Dr. Wilson. "Let the kid go, take me instead." He laughed. "Oh, I have plans to take you. This boy is just a minor inconvenience." I sneered at him as he dropped a bag and pulled out a bundle of ropes.

The tentacles pulled me closer to the man. He had slick black hair and a black goat tee. "I'll make sure to be gentle." He made the tentacle turn me around and he began to tie my wrists with the rope. "Great, so far I've been tied up twice in one night, lucky me" I thought to my self as the tentacles unwound in a chair. Suddenly the tentacle grabbed some rope and began to tie me to the chair.

As I was getting tied again, the man took the remaining three watches. "What are doing here ?" Dr. Wilson demanded. "I'm here for you, you ruined my life. So now, I'm gonna make you watch me ruin yours." He slid one of the watches on his wrists. The tentacle finished my bindings and positioned me as far from the door as possible. "You won't get away with this." I yell wiggling in my binds.

He turned and handed the tentacle something. "Too bad, you won't be able to speak about this." The tentacle fastened a ballgag in my mouth. "Now, Eugene, we're gonna have one hell of an adventure." He activated the watch as he and Dr. Wilson vanished in a flash.

I thought this was really bad, until part of the after shock from the transportation knocked a lamp over, lighting some paper on fire. The flame grew as I realized I was stuck away from the door, bound and gagged. Than I thought this was really, really bad.

To Be Continued..