Spoiled Rich Girl Robbed (On Purpose!) (MF/Ffm)

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Spoiled Rich Girl Robbed (On Purpose!) (MF/Ffm)

Post by Detective-Gag »

Part 1:

“But why not…?”

Veronica sighed as she put in her earrings in front of the mirror. “Because that sort of thing is a fantasy, darling,” the blonde woman said to her daughter. “The reality is that people just aren’t kidnapped like they are in the movies.”

“Aren’t we rich enough to be targeted for ransom?” said her daughter, Lauren, who was sitting on the edge of her bed, causing the mattress to creak as she lightly bounced upon it.

There were times when Veronica lamented her daughter’s awareness of their social status. “Be that as it may; the likelihood of someone planning out a kidnapping in this sort of neighborhood is just ridiculous,” she tried to convey again. Despite being a college student; she swore her oldest child had the most active imagination between her siblings.

“But what if somebody paid them to?” Lauren continued, lost in her rambling. “Like, do we have any rivals or enemies? Or maybe there’s like, a kidnapping service on the Internet…”

“Lauren; enough,” Veronica said in a clipped tone. “I need to be at the office within the hour; and YOU need to be tackling your studies this weekend…don’t think I don’t know you’re falling behind.”

The blonde executive in her tan-colored businesswoman’s attire turned from the mirror, shooing her daughter from the master bedroom.

“But…!” whined Lauren.

"Out!" said the mother, as the door unceremoniously shut the door.

Standing out in the hallway, Lauren frowned, deep in thought. She'd been browsing the Internet recently; and had come across a website that had struck her fancy...a forum dedicated entirely to stories & artwork of tie-up games, kidnapping & damsels-in-distress.

Since then, her interest in the subject had taken hold of her like a root...she found the concept of being kidnapped, tied up & gagged fascinating; and so she'd been actively seeking opportunities to make that happen.

Her conversation with her mother had been her way of perhaps subtly introducing the idea in a way that she might instigate such an activity...but clearly her mom wasn't catching on to her request.

Lauren sighed, making her way down the hall to her room. Passing her sibling's room, she could hear her brother Evan and her sister Penny chatting inside. Maybe she could persuade them to help...?

Lauren shook her head, doubting that her younger siblings possessed the skillset required to properly tie someone up.

She arrived at her room, sliding into her desk chair and lifting her laptop back open. She scrolled through the website she'd familiarized herself with; losing herself in the stories of kidnappers & helpless victims.

Time passed, and Lauren heard the garage door open & a car drive out from their driveway...her mother had left for the office, and would be back later.

Pondering her options, Lauren was suddenly taken with a thought. She rolled her office chair over to her nightstand, retrieving her cell phone from the charger, and began skimming through her contacts.

She found the one she was looking for, and dialed the number, hoping they would answer.

"Hello?" came a voice on the other end of the line.

"Hey, Brian!" Lauren greeted cheerfully, in silent jubilation. "How's the acting going?"

Brian was an aspiring actor; and all-around a neat guy.

"It's been going well," he answered. "I've been working with a friend of mine on some scripts he's drafting; and I've managed to land a role or two with a local theatre."

"Nice!" Lauren applauded. "Are you free this weekend?"

"Like, today?"

"If you can," Lauren went on, trying to keep his attention. "I've been working on some scriptwork myself; but I'm hitting some writer's block."

"Ooh, what's the genre?" Brian inquired, taking an interest.

"Uh...crime fiction," she quickly said. "Specifically, a hostage scenario."

"Ah, I see," Brian responded through the phone. "Very popular right now; all the television shows showcase that. It's a great subject to pitch a script with."

"Yeah, well...I'm having trouble getting into the right frame of mind for it," Lauren said.

"You want me to come over and help you with your writing?" Brian asked. "If you'd like, you could just send me what you've got and I can look it over."

"Not exactly," Lauren murmured, twisting the ponytail draped over her shoulder anxiously. "That was why I thought I'd look you up...maybe you could help me do an "exercise", since you're an actor and all? Something to help jumpstart my creativity?"

"Interesting," Brian stated. "What did you have in mind?"

"Picture this," Lauren said, waving a hand in front of her, despite nobody even watching. "You're a robber, come to burglarize my house...except you find that the home isn't empty; and you have to tie up the family there."

"Oh, so you're talking more like an improv acting session," Brian clarified.

"Precisely," Lauren confirmed, glad that he seemed receptive to the idea.

"Two things," Brian said, and Lauren heard him typing on a keyboard. "I assume that your family is there, and wants to participate?"

Lauren heard the sound of her brother and sister horsing around through the wall. "Yeah, they're here," she said to Brian.

"Well, if that's the case, why don't I bring two friends of mine along to help," Brian said, surprising Lauren.

"The more the merrier," she agreed.

"They're new to acting, and this will give them some experience," Brian revealed. "Plus, it's more realistic that a group of robbers is able to overpower a family, rather than just one guy."

"You're amazing," Lauren complimented. "What time do you want to come over?"

"Some time in the early afternoon," Brian said to her. "We'll keep the exact time a surprise; I still need to reach out to my people, gather props, etc."

"Thanks, Brian!" Lauren gushed. "This should be fun!"

"No problem," he answered. "See you soon."

The call disconnected, and Lauren pumped a fist in triumph.

"Just a fantasy, eh Mom?" she thought to herself. "We'll see about that!"
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Post by TulHakkar »

wow keep going friend thanks for taking my request
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Post by BachelorInDistress »

Very good story so far!
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Post by Dpsiic »

Building nicely
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Post by CaptorDM »

Awesome set up!
Can't wait for the next part!
DamselnDragon on deviantart.
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