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Hilltop Street (m+/f+)- Chapter 6 posted (complete)

Posted: Thu Apr 28, 2022 9:39 pm
by Shotrow
(Decided to finally try my hand at writing a story. Plan is to post a chapter every 2-3 days. Feedback and constructive criticism is welcome, hope you enjoy!)
Chapter 1: Down the Slope
Emily tugged at her older sister's hand, impatient as always. Amanda kept a firm grip on the younger girl... she knew how impulsive her sister could be, and she knew who would get the blame if anything happened to her. With practiced ease, she concealed her worries and kept a smile on her face as she chatted with her two friends. Jenny was dominating the conversation, as usual, seamlessly switching between the dream she had last night, the poster she saw a week ago, and the story she made from both of them that could form the basis for their play today. Jenny's complex imagination sometimes made her hard to understand, but it was usually appreciated by the other girls. Chloe, equipped with a shoulder bag her parents had packed with snacks for all the girls, did her best to follow along, making use of her considerable knowledge to contribute where she could, but mostly shooting down those of Jenny's ideas that were impossible, illegal, or deadly. Amanda did her best to keep the peace between them. She could hardly blame her little sister for being bored by this conversation, but she wasn't about to let her go ahead on her own.

Amanda quietly sighed with relief as the group passed Ms. Reed's elegantly decorated yard. Ms. Reed's house was the last one on the street before the sidewalk disappeared and the street turned into a sharp curve steep enough to launch any bike-mounted kid who tried to ride down it right into the middle of the busy Banner Avenue. But the girls weren't planning to descend the hill today. Their destination was a tiny patch of land just down the hill from Ms. Reed's house, officially part of her yard but separated from the rest by a wooden fence and a slope adorned in green ice plant. They called this place the Paradise Gardens.

Amanda's relief was quickly shattered when a shoulder bumped against hers roughly. It was Tommy, the one boy on Hilltop Street. Everyone had been so engaged in the conversation that they hadn't seen him coming up behind them. He squeezed past them without a word. He wasn't going to the Gardens. His aim was the narrow dirt path that lead down the hill, into the wooded land between the houses on Banner Avenue and ones on Hilltop Street, which the kids had dubbed The Wilds. Jenny's face reddened as he rudely shoved past them, but Amanda's pat on her upper arm and Chloe's hastily wrapped arm around her shoulders restrained her from doing anything rash for now.

They had little time to worry about him. As soon as the Garden was in sight, Emily broke free of her sister's grip and took a flying leap onto the worn-out porch swing. Her enthusiasm was contagious, as Jenny skipped up to the steps of the little gazebo, while Amanda and Chloe walked along the edge of the stone flowerbed, their arms outstretched like tightrope walkers as they took care not to fall into the flowers after what happened last time. The three older girls chattered excitedly as they made their plans for the day, while Emily amused herself with the toys that had been left scattered around the Gardens over the many months the kids had been playing there.

It might have just been another ordinary day for the girls of Hilltop St, were it not for the appearance of an unexpected visitor. "Look at the bunny!" Jenny squealed, cutting off Chloe as she tried to explain the rules of a new game. All four girls cooed and quickly crowded around, hoping for a chance to pet or hold the fluffy brown creature before it darted away. But dart away it did, right under the thorny bushes dividing the little slice of paradise from a steep slope leading into the wilds.

"I'll get him!" yelled Emily, much to her sister's horror. Before anyone could stop her, she crawled under the bushes, the only one of the four girls small enough to do so. She of course couldn't crawl as fast as a rabbit, but she was determined to try. The only thing that stopped her was her sister's hysterical shriek.

"Emily, get back here!" cried Amanda. But it was too late. The loose dirt of the slope soon began to crumble under the little girl's weight.

"I'm slipping!" she said, reaching out to the horrified older girls watching her over the bushes. "Heeelp!" she cried, slightly worried more because of her sister's contagious panic than any perception of danger on her own part. She slid down the slope as if it were a gigantic playground slide, kicking aside her flimsy sandals as she flailed uselessly. Before long, she was out of earshot and obscured by the leafy canopy.


Amanda sat on the edge of the planter, her head in her hands and a sick feeling in her stomach. There was only one cell phone between the two of them, and of course she had it. "What are we going to do? My mom's going to kill me... We have to..."

"We can't go down there," Jenny said firmly. "Remember the deal? The girls get..."

"Jenny, this isn't a game!" snapped Chloe. She sighed. "But she's right... there are like snakes and rats and poison ivy and wild dogs and stuff down there. It's too dangerous for us."

Jenny's mood suddenly shifted as she took Chloe's lament as a challenge. "Oh, come on. If the boys can do it, we can. I'm not afraid of any rats or alligators or anything! In fact, I want to see an alligator."

"I didn't say alligators!" retorted Chloe, "And if there were, an alligator would..."

"GUYS" snapped Amanda. "I don't care what's down there, and I don't care about the boys. My sister's down there, she's all alone and scared..." She climbed to her feet. "I have to find her no matter what. Before my mom finds out."

"We're with you..." agreed Chloe, reluctantly. "We'll be ok if we stick together."

And so the three girls set off down the winding dirt path leading into The Wilds.

Re: Hilltop Street (m/f)

Posted: Sat Apr 30, 2022 3:02 pm
by Shotrow
Chapter 2: Chloe's Capture
"Emily!" the three girls shouted in unison. They were standing at the edge of the woods, still hoping to complete their mission without going in. When no answer came, they realized there was no choice but to push forward.

Stepping into the cool, green shade of the trees almost felt like stepping into another world. Chloe hugged Amanda's arm in trepidation, while the latter patted her reassuringly. Jenny looked around in wonder; to her eye, these meager woods looked so much like a forest from a storybook. She never imagined that a place like this could exist so close to her dull suburban neighborhood. Chloe's anxious mood didn't last long after she got used to it. It was peaceful, not nearly as full of creepy-crawlies or poisonous plants as she pictured.

"I think we'll be ok if we stay on the path." reasoned Chloe, lifting her skirt gingerly as she stepped over a rotting log. There was no sound other than the water trickling from some unseen stream over the dull roar of distant traffic from Banner Avenue. Out of an instinctual desire not to disturb the peace of the forest, the girls spoke in hushed voices. Chloe rested one hand on the trunk of a tree, after quickly inspecting it for hazards, and tried to peer through the forest. "I think the place where Emily fell is that way... I think if we keep going this way, we should get there."

"If I know my sister, she won't have stayed put for long. But it seems like as good of a place to start looking for her as any," said Amanda. The path to which Chloe referred could barely be called that. Just a strip of dirt packed flat over time by the movement of beast and boy, relatively free of brambles and low-hanging branches.

Jenny shook her head. "I don't like it. That's exactly what they'll be expecting..." she looked up at the canopy. "They could be watching us from the treetops, the whole path could be booby-trapped..."

"Who?" asked Chloe, perplexed. "You're not still on about Tommy and his loser Banner Street friends, are you?" She sighed. Most of the time, she and Amanda had to be the ones pulling Jenny away from danger. Jenny's rare cautious moods would have been a welcome change if they were ever about anything real. "You really think any of them could build a trap?"

"I just... I just have a bad feeling, is all." Jenny answered, "I mean, this is their territory, and Tommy is... look, all I know is, if you underestimate them, you're going to regret it. You know, if we disappeared out here, how long do you think it would take anyone to even look for us? Our bodies would..."

Chloe huffed. She was already at the limit of her patience, being out there in the dirty, half-tamed woodlands where she knew of a hundred ways they could get hurt. As sure as she was that Jenny was wrong, she already had enough to worry about without Jenny's morbid fantasies. "Look, we don't have time for this. It's the fastest way we have to get where Emily fell, ok?"

Amanda, usually the first to try to keep the peace between the two of them, had been silent through most of the disagreement. Truthfully, she could've done without enough of both girls' fear-mongering. She was having enough trouble holding it together herself. Only Amanda's greater fear of what would happen if she went home without her little sister kept her from turning back. Jenny didn't even have to ask to know she'd be outvoted, and so the girls reluctantly continued down the path, with Chloe and a wary Jenny in the lead and Amanda bringing up the rear behind them.

Suddenly, Jenny's hand shot across Chloe's chest, blocking her from further progress. "See?!" she hissed, "What'd I tell you?"

Chloe flinched at the suddenness of the gesture. Still, her startlement turned into annoyance when she realized what had provoked it. "It's a piece of rope," she said humorlessly. "Would you just..."

"No! It's a trap... see that loop at the end? If you step in it it'll tighten and catch you..." Jenny explained in a harsh whisper.

"How? Magic?" retorted Chloe in an annoyed voice. "Which of the boys do you think is smart enough to rig up a trap like that?" To prove her point, she picked up a stick and prodded at the looped piece of braided jute. She nudged it one way, then the other, then side to side. "See? Nothing." she declared firmly. She hopped right into the center of the loop. "Oh no!" she shouted sarcastically, "I'm being... AIIIIEEE!!"

Her sarcastic rant was broken not only by her own scream but by a shout of triumph from deep in the nearby treetops. Two dark figures leaped down from the branches, each holding on to the other end of the rope with both hands. With the tree branch acting as a pulley, this pulled Chloe's feet out from under her and made her fall butt-first into the soft dirt. Before she or her friends could react, the two attackers began to pull, causing her skirt to drag against the ground and reveal the edge of her sky-blue panties. She desperately reached for her ankles, but soon found herself lifted off the ground and hanging in the air. It took all her effort to keep her skirt up.

Jenny lost no time. Now convinced beyond any doubt that it wasn't safe out in the open, she immediately dashed for the tree line, dropping to her hands and knees, heedless of the dangers that Chloe had warned her about. Thorns and branches scratched at her skin and clothes but did nothing to break her determination. She knew she'd be no help to anyone if she couldn't help herself.

Seeing Jenny disappear into the bushes made Amanda's resolve waver as well. There was no time to make a logical decision. All that she could think of at the moment was that it was down to her to find her sister, and something was standing in her way. She ran forwards, hoping to slip past the ambush, pushing Chloe's screamed pleas not to leave her alone. The larger of the two figures moved to stop her as she passed by, but the smaller one stopped him.

"Wait. We'll get her later. We have this one to deal with." said the shorter boy. Chloe recognized his voice as Tommy's.

"Ok, ok. Got it. Stick to the plan.", came the answer. Chloe recognized the voice as Alejandro's. She didn't know him well, but she had seen him around her school. Alejandro was about the same age as Chloe but could easily be mistaken for older due to his height and build. He was a hard one to figure out; he didn't open up easily to most people.

Seeing the two boys up close made Chloe shudder at the lengths they had taken to conceal themselves. Clad only in dark-colored shorts, they had smeared a layer of mud all over their skin from head to toe. She gagged internally at the thought of being touched by them in such a dirty state, and her stomach twisted as she saw them coming toward her. "Don't touch me!" she shrieked, "Get me down from here! You're gonna be in-MMMMPH!" Her protests were cut short by a strong hand clamped over her mouth.

Alejandro held her while Tommy worked to lower her down. A mix of shock, fear, and disgust kept her still while the boys converged on her. There were girls in Chloe's class who would have given anything to be squeezed like this between a shirtless Tommy and a shirtless Alejandro. At that moment, Chloe would've gladly traded places with them. Instead, she held back tears as they pulled her blouse over her head and her skirt down to her ankles. Every scrape of dried mud against her own tender skin unnerved her to her core.

Tommy carried off her clothes under his arm out of her sight. It wasn't until he returned with several hanks of rope in hand that she finally found the strength to resist. She screamed uselessly into the strong hand over her mouth, flailing and kicking desperately. Tommy quickly sprang into action at Alejandro's shouted instruction. Their cooperation was chaotic and messy, but Alejandro seemed to know what he was doing. Working together, passing the struggling girl back and forth between them as needed, they managed to secure her arms behind her in a strict box tie. The hand over her mouth was replaced with another piece of rope, braided thickly like a horse's bit and bound securely behind her head. Next, her ankles were tied and joined together, but loosely enough that she could still take small steps. Finally, a makeshift rope leash was fitted around her neck.

Chloe was humiliated beyond belief. Her cheeks burned red as she felt her captor's leering eyes on her bare body, adorned with muddy fingerprints where they had manhandled her. She stared furiously, her eyes darting between the two boys as they tugged gently on the leash. Her feet remained stubbornly planted until a sharp smack on her bottom persuaded her to shuffle along slowly. She kept pace with the boys as Tommy led the way and Alejandro followed behind, terrified with each step that, with her legs hobbled, she was going to trip and fall face-first.

"I can't believe that worked." laughed Alejandro. "How did you even know they'd be there?"

"What can I say?" answered Tommy, turning around to flash a quick grin. "It's a gift. And Chloe here never misses a chance to prove she's right, isn't that true, Chloe?" He pinched her cheek mockingly. "Hold her still. We're getting close to the base. It's time for the blindfold.

Chloe grunted into her gag as Alejandro roughly pulled back on her hair. "Remember use the whole strip." he cautioned Tommy. Sure enough, Chloe's eyes were soon obscured by several layers of a long, soft strip of cloth tied securely around the back of her head.

Chloe felt sick. It was bad enough having to walk hobbled, tied, and exposed, but now she couldn't see anything but black. She felt utterly helpless, her imagination filling the darkness around her with all sorts of terrible dangers. Fortunately, her captors seemed to sense her unease, and they each took one of her upper arms to guide her. Left with no choice but to trust them, she gave in, feeling almost grateful for the commanding presence of the two boys.


Chloe's mortifying forced march came to a sudden halt. She could feel the warm sun on her bare skin, suggesting that the party had entered a clearing. Without a word, the blindfold was ripped away from her. She winced, blinded for a moment by the intensity of the sunlight.

"Elliot! Get out here," cried Tommy, "We got one of them."

As her vision cleared, Chloe could see the grinning face of Elliot. As usual, he was appropriately overdressed for the occasion, with a vest over his figure-hugging long-sleeve polo shirt and jeans. A stylish cap tilted slightly to one side sat across his neatly-parted cropped hair. "Thank goodness," he answered, "I'd hate to think you two took that mud bath for nothing. Is that Chloe? I must say that outfit suits you." He was standing on a wooden platform built into one of the trees. A simple rope bridge, barely more than a tightrope with handrails, connected it to a more elaborate treehouse. That treehouse was painted in a complicated geometric pattern, undoubtedly the work of Elliot's steady hand. "Well, get her up here." he continued, "And please tell me you're going to clean up before coming back inside..."

"Yeah..." agreed Tommy as he and Alejandro worked to muscle the bound girl up to the platform, "Might as well. It's starting to itch. I don't think even those girls would fall for the same trick twice." Before long, with Elliot's hand around her chest bindings and Alejandro's hand pushing on her panty-clad bottom, Chloe was lifted up onto the platform. "Remember what we agreed. Don't let her get away, and don't let her talk before I get back."

Elliot nodded. He positioned Chloe in a sitting position against the tree and loosely lashed her to it over her existing bondage. Crouching down in front of her, he grinned wickedly, "Looks like it's just you and me, sugar." he taunted, giving her exposed tummy a little tickle that made her jump and squirm, "This is going to be fun..."

Re: Hilltop Street (m/f)- Chapter 2 posted

Posted: Sat Apr 30, 2022 6:05 pm
by some_wanderer
At first πŸ€”

Then part 2 came out 😱

Very interesting, can't wait for the next part.

Re: Hilltop Street (m/f)- Chapter 2 posted

Posted: Sat Apr 30, 2022 7:14 pm
by Shotrow
Thanks! I was a little worried when the first chapter didn't get any replies. Maybe I should have opened with a teaser of a later bondage scene. Oh well, always next time!

Re: Hilltop Street (m/f)- Chapter 2 posted

Posted: Sun May 01, 2022 12:33 pm
by Almajin
I really like this story so far! Well done!
I can't wait to

Re: Hilltop Street (m/f)- Chapter 2 posted

Posted: Mon May 02, 2022 5:01 pm
by Shotrow
([mention]Almajin[/mention] Thanks! I take that as quite a compliment since it's your only post after a year. :D )
Chapter 3: Amanda's Acquisition
Amanda crouched in the middle of a path and panted. She resisted the urge to lean against a tree, remembering well Chloe's warnings of the dangers of the forest. Amanda had regretted her decision to abandon Chloe almost as soon as she made it. Now, the panicking girl didn't know what to do. Anyone who had seen her with her friends and sister knew how hard she tried to look out for them, but what wasn't so obvious was how much she relied on them too. She was scared and confused, and this time with no one else around, she couldn't cope with those feelings by channeling them into protective instincts.

Eventually, she climbed to her feet and continued down the path without any plan or goal. After a while, the trail curved to meet the bottom of a steep slope. Amanda immediately suspected that this was the slope that Emily had fallen down. Still, as there was no sign of Emily, that fact didn't do much to comfort Amanda. She shielded her eyes and gazed up the slope, catching the barest glimpse of the bushes that protected the Paradise Garden. She realized that it was her first time seeing them from this side. Even if she could scrabble up the steep slope, she wouldn't be able to make it through them any more than she could when Emily was falling.

She tore her eyes away from the bush and fixed them on a tall tree instead. She would be able to get a better view from on top of it. Whether that meant a better view of where the others were or a better view of the Gardens, she didn't know. Grass and wildflowers flattened under the sole of her shoe as she approached the base of the trunk. Suddenly, her blood ran cold at the sound of a distinct hiss. Just inches away, a coiled serpent was repositioning itself, disturbed from its resting place just inches away from Amanda's foot.

Even Amanda wouldn't have been able to say what happened next. All she knew was the next moment found her at the top of one of the tree's lower branches, the ringing of a deafening shriek still in her ears. She lay across her perch, clinging on with both her white-knuckled hands and interlocked legs. She fixed her eyes on the snake, watching for any sign of sudden movement, in between darting them around for any possible escape route. If nothing else, she could try climbing higher, maybe even try to drop down to the other side of the tree away from the snake. But the other branches were ringed in bright green vines, and she had been warned about the poisonous vines in the area... was that what she was looking at? Chloe would've known. Jenny would have come up with a plan to distract the snake. And Emily... well, at least she would have tested the safety of one or the other path before Amanda could stop her.

Seconds felt like hours as Amanda clung on for dear life. But it wasn't too long before her scream attracted attention. She never would have thought she'd be so happy to see the boys who had bullied her friend so cruelly. They had rinsed most of the mud off and gotten dressed. Their damp clothes clung to their lissome bodies. "Help!" she cried, inwardly cringing at the "helpless damsel" show she was putting on but unable to summon the will to act any other way.

"Don't move," commanded Tommy, "Stay where you are. Don't touch the vines." Any temptation to laugh or tease was driven out of him by sympathy for the genuine terror the girl seemed to be in. But nevertheless, Tommy didn't forget the job he was there to do. "We're going to help you, but you have to promise to surrender and come quietly."

"Stop messing around!" pleaded Amanda, "This is serious! There's a huge snake down there. This place is dangerous!" At the mention of a snake, Alejandro turned to look for a suitable stick.

"Believe me, I know," answered Tommy, "Ever since you and your friends got me banished down here, I've had to learn the hard way what these kids knew all their life. We can help you, but you have to promise to come back to our base with us. You'll be safe there, and you'll see Chloe."

"That's not..." she started to object. She sighed, "Fine, whatever. I surrender. But my sister..."

"She'll be fine. We'll bring her as soon as we find her." Tommy assured her.

By this time, Alejandro had returned with a forked stick. He prodded gently at the grass between Amanda and the boys, but as soon as he spotted the snake, he threw the stick aside. "Harmless." the unflappable boy declared, gently lifting the creature with his bare hands and placing it safely out of the way. He held out his hand to help the shaken girl down from the branch in a manner that could have been mistaken for gallantry if he weren't flanked by Tommy armed with many coils of rope. Amanda barely resisted as the two of them worked together to strip her of her t-shirt and shorts.

Just like he did with Chloe before her, Tommy immediately set to work binding Amanda's arms tightly behind her. He proved to be a fast learner; he didn't need nearly as much assistance from Alejandro as he had with Chloe. As she showed no sign of resistance, he didn't bother to hobble her ankles. The trip back to the base was uneventful, and once the party neared the clearing, a thick blindfold was tied tightly around her head, and she was marched onward.

The moment the blindfold was removed and Amanda laid eyes on Chloe, she felt a flurry of emotions. She looked exhausted, soaked with sweat, and beginning to develop rope marks on her slender limbs. Elliot had apparently grown bored while waiting for his friends to return, and as a result, Chloe's exposed skin was a collage of brightly-colored doodles from his skilled hand. Her bottom was slightly reddened; she had apparently needed some persuasion to cooperate with Elliot's little art project. Amanda wanted nothing more than to give Chloe a hug and assure her that everything would be ok, but the cruel ropes and gag prevented her from doing either. Once she was tied up next to her friend, she simply leaned on her. All-in-all, things weren't so bad for Amanda. She would rather be here than alone in the woods.

Elliot turned his brush to the task of painting a butterfly on the upper left of Amanda's tummy while the boys discussed their next move. She flinched and giggled into her gag, whimpering at the slight hint of annoyance on his face. Alejandro watched him enviously as he reviewed what the boys knew about the remaining two girls. Amanda took comfort in hearing that Tommy and Alejandro had seen signs of Emily while rinsing themselves off in a stream somewhere by the far end of The Wilds. She couldn't travel fast barefoot, and it was just like her to head deeper into trouble. The boys didn't seem as sure where Jenny was; maybe there was something to her idea to stay off the path.

"I don't know about you, Tommy," declared Alejandro, "but I've had enough hiking for awhile. Why don't I stay here and guard the prisoners this time?"

"Fine by me." answered Tommy, "We'll take turns. You can stay this time, next time it'll be me. What do you say, Elliot?"

Elliot reluctantly tore himself away from his painting and stood up. "Fine by me." he agreed tepidly, "I wouldn't want to let you guys have ALL the fun."

Elliot sidled across the rope bridge and disappeared into the treehouse to gear up. Soon after, Alejandro entered from below and a moment later emerged laden with a bulky old backpack. He walked across the bridge with the bag in one hand and the other one on one of the handrails as he wished good hunting to his two friends. Once they were out of earshot, he examined the girls closely.

"Not a bad job..." he said, running a finger across Amanda's cheek, down her neck to the bindings on her arms. "It was enough to get you both here, at least." He turned over the bag, spilling out a small pile of rope hanks, tape rolls, and even a few homemade bondage devices. "But we can do better."

Re: Hilltop Street (m+/f+)- Chapter 3 posted

Posted: Wed May 04, 2022 7:30 pm
by Almajin
Another great chapter, I can't wait to see how the last two girls will be captured ^^

Re: Hilltop Street (m+/f+)- Chapter 3 posted

Posted: Thu May 05, 2022 2:57 am
by Shotrow
Chapter 4: Jenny's Jam
Jenny's bushwhacking may have prevented her capture, but it wasn't without its price. Her long hair was matted with leaves and tree sap. Her romper was torn and fraying in many spots, and even her skin was scratched and scraped in places. But none of those things deterred her in the slightest. There was a reason she was the de facto leader of the Hilltop girls. Sure, she could be flighty or even airheaded. But once she set her mind to something, nothing would deter her. Her creative and open mind made her adaptable to new situations, and at this moment, every part of her was ready to face what came next.

She crouched in front of a flat stone, concealed by bushes on every side of her. Another stone was in her hand, and in a pile next to her were the discarded buds of many plucked flowers. She set to work grinding the petals to a paste between the flat stone in front of her and the smaller stone in her hand. She dipped her fingers in the paste and smeared it under her eyes. Jenny wished she had a mirror; at least she felt fearsome on the inside, whether or not she looked that way on the outside. She suddenly stiffened at the sound of footsteps... it wasn't the first time she had heard them in this surprisingly life-filled forest, but this time they were accompanied by the murmur of low voices.

Jenny peered through the brushes, staying still and low, and tried to find the source of the noise. It didn't take long before she spotted the two boys walking side-by-side down the path, coming in her direction. Neither of them gave any sign of even suspecting that they weren't alone.

"Why don't we just wait for her to come to us?" Elliot asked. "We have her friends... can't we just put the word out somehow that we'll keep tormenting them until she shows up?"

"How, put up a sign? I'm not leaving any written evidence behind, and I don't want to march around the forest shouting about what we did either." answered Tommy, "Listen, I know her. Our best chance is to take her by surprise. She's smart, but she doesn't know these woods like we do... We can get her."

"If we can find her..." retorted Elliot, "Fine, in that case, let's split up to cover more ground. And if I catch her first, you owe me a soda."

Tommy looked uneasy about that plan. "Why don't we just stick together...?"

Elliot clapped him on the shoulder. "Tommy, my boy, are you scared of losing a bet to me, or... is it possible you're afraid of one little girl?" he asked with a smug smirk.

Tommy brushed Elliot's hand off of his shoulder, annoyed. "Fine, fine. You go that way and I'll go this way. Meet back here in a half hour?"

A mix of excitement and disgust shot through Jenny's body. It was strange being talked about like she was some kind of prize. But, more importantly, this was her chance. If she could just take one of the boys down... they both carried enough rope to make them stay down... well, at the very least, it was a place to start. Jenny knew she had little time to choose which boy to follow, so she quickly reviewed what she knew about them. In Tommy's case, that the quite a lot, but in Elliot's case, not so much. Jenny only knew Elliot from his reputation at school. He was fawned over by the popular girls at one time, thanks to his keen eye for style and beauty. Even though he was a boy, they treated him like any girl. Which, of course, meant that they judged him constantly and whispered nasty rumors behind his back, and dramatically disavowed him when it came out that his tasteful thrift store outfits were created by necessity rather than the flair for the retro that he had played them off as.

None of that, of course, was any help to Jenny. She was frustrated to realize that she had nearly let her opportunity pass, so lost was she in her musings. In the end, she made her decision based on size. She was a small girl, and Elliot was about her size, while Tommy was somewhat taller and bulkier. By this time, the two were well underway down their separate paths. She knew she wouldn't be able to stay hidden if she followed him. Every other time the boys had gotten close to her, they thought little of the rustling and cracking of the branches as she crawled through the undergrowth. However, Elliot would quickly notice the noise if he heard it coming right at him.

Instead, Jenny tried to guess where he was going and arrive there first. Fortunately for her, the path curved around the section of the bushes she was concealed in. She could readily head him off by simply moving to the other side. Lying flat on her stomach, she had another bit of luck when she realized that he had stopped to admire some of the wildflowers growing by the path. Elliot was crouched down and facing the other direction, and Jenny couldn't have asked for a better opportunity. She gritted her teeth in determination and charged, clamping her hand over the boy's mouth to muffle any screams.

The surprised boy acted quickly, turning and twisting with surprising agility. Jenny was thrown from side to side, her ankles banging against the trunk of a tree at one point. This didn't deter her in the slightest. She dug into his flesh with her nails as she reached for the rope hank hanging out of his pocket. He sensed what she was trying to do and threw her to the other side. But it seemed like nothing would deter the frenzied girl. Elliot pulled Jenny's hair and pushed her against rocks and trees. All the while, Jenny continued to cling to his back and look for any opening to subdue her prey. Finally, exhausted and sweaty, Elliot managed to throw her off.

Hitting the ground barely fazed the determined girl, and she almost immediately jumped up to charge the boy once again. A swift kick to her stomach repelled her, and she fell back, winded. Her eyes still burned brightly, and she clambered to her feet. She almost certainly would have worn her opponent down eventually if it weren't for the arm that suddenly appeared across her throat, trapping her. "Told you we should have stayed together." grunted Tommy irritably, "Hold still, Jenny!"

Against the combined strength of the two boys, there wasn't much Jenny could do. But that didn't stop her from trying. "No! You can't make me!" she screamed. She bit and scratched and kicked the whole time the boys were wrestling her to the ground. Tying her up proved to be a complicated process. It took some time for the boys to figure out how her romper came off, and it certainly wasn't made easier by the way she was fighting them. A handkerchief from Elliot's pocket was wadded up, stuffed into her mouth, and secured by several layers of tape around her head. No time was wasted on the elaborate ties that Alejandro preferred; Elliot and Tommy needed to be absolutely sure that she wouldn't cause any more trouble. They mummified her upper body in silvery tape and wrapped her legs into a strict frogtie position. Still stinging from the bites and scratches she had given them, they were far too annoyed to worry about her comfort, the damage the tape might cause when removed, or even her ability to walk back with them. Her bondage was finished with a tape blindfold wrapped around her head and hair.

Already winded from the fight, Jenny began to feel suffocated in the unbreathing tape cocoon. She felt herself being lifted up and placed over what she could only assume was a fallen log. Suddenly, a loud *CRACK* hit the air and a burst of white-hot pain shot up from her backside. Instinctively she reached to cover her vulnerable bottom, only to be restricted by the smothering tape. As the blows continued to rain down on her, she was overwhelmed by the feeling of entrapment. "Hrf! Strf! RMMME MMMMMMMPH!" she shouted, "PRRRF MMMMPH UMMMMPH!"

"Had enough? Are you going to be a good girl now?" demanded Tommy.

Jenny nodded meekly. She was half-carried and half-dragged back to the camp and dropped roughly. When at last the tape was torn away from her eyes, she left out a "Mumph!" of surprise at the sight of her two friends. No longer rested upon the wooden platform, they now hung suspended underneath it, harnessed with an intricate web of colorful rope, face-to-face with their stomaches bound together snugly. Their bodies were still adorned with Elliot's various doodles, and their cheeks were flushed red with embarrassment at the compromising position they were in. They mewled sympathetically into their gags to acknowledge the uncomfortable way that Jenny was bound.

Jenny was placed on the rope bridge, forcing her to adjust her balance occasionally to not risk toppling over. Meanwhile, the boys discussed the matter of Emily among themselves. "She's young... she didn't do anything to you, did she?" asked Alejandro.

"She's still a girl. You know what's at stake." answered Tommy. "Besides," he continued with a wicked grin towards Amanda, "We promised to find her and keep her safe."

"Well, I'm not about to risk a repeat of what happened with this one." added Elliot, laying a hand on the bound up Jenny. "We're bringing some insurance this time."

Re: Hilltop Street (m+/f+)- Chapter 4 posted

Posted: Fri May 06, 2022 8:12 pm
by Helena14
Wow! This is such an amazing story! Looking forward to the next part!

Re: Hilltop Street (m+/f+)- Chapter 4 posted

Posted: Sat May 07, 2022 4:43 am
by Shotrow
[mention]Helena14[/mention] Thanks! I'm glad you like it. Your comment reminded me that one of your stories has been on my reading list for awhile. (I don't do well with large blocks of text on screen, so reading stories here takes some effort.) Your comment gave me the motivation to finally finish it, and I'm glad I did! Hopefully I'll get to the rest of your work soon.

Next part of my story should probably be up Sunday evening or Monday morning.

Re: Hilltop Street (m+/f+)- Chapter 4 posted

Posted: Sat May 07, 2022 6:08 pm
by Helena14
Cool! Glad you like my stories.
Looking forward to the next chapter.

Re: Hilltop Street (m+/f+)- Chapter 4 posted

Posted: Mon May 09, 2022 1:59 am
by Shotrow
Chapter 5: Emily's Entrapment

Amanda squirmed and breathed deeply as she darted her eyes from side to side. She lay face-down on a dirt path, her arms and legs bound in a strict hogtie. Drool dripped from her freshly tightened gag while the sun beat down upon her bare skin. She busied her mind trying to figure out what she would do once she saw Emily. She was going to be used as bait; she knew the boys were hiding somewhere nearby, and there wasn't anything she could do about that. The question that Amanda pondered was whether she should try to warn Emily away, or play her part as best as she could so that her sister would at least be safe and together with her.


Emily sat for a moment, bewildered and stunned by the sudden change in her circumstances. She could see the edges of the bushes she had crawled under on the slope above her, teasing her with the sight of home. Emily tried to scrabble up the side of the hill, only to slide back down. Her cheeks flushed with frustration and annoyance with herself; why had she done such a foolish thing? It was the kind of impulsive behavior her sister was always chiding her for. She considered her options; she knew her sister would want her to stay where she was. Without her shoes, she wasn't as eager to try making it back on her own as she would have been in other circumstances. Much of the ground in the area was soft, but the paths weren't well-maintained, and getting back meant crossing over at least a few sharp rocks and thorny brambles.

Her resolution to stay in place didn't last long, however. The novel sights, sounds, and smells of the forest intrigued her, and she soon decided that it wouldn't hurt to explore her surroundings a little bit. Perhaps she would be able to find something interesting that she could tell the others about, which might make them somewhat forgive the trouble she put them through. Her first idea came to her when she saw the wildflowers growing all around her. They didn't hold a candle to the ones that grew in the planter box at the Paradise Gardens, but she was allowed to pick these. She did so, and before long, she had a neat bouquet. Her search for flower specimens had taken her a fair distance from her starting point, so she decided she had nothing to lose by exploring a little further.

The next thing she came across was a storm drain culvert that was the source of the trickling heard throughout much of the wilds. She peered inside. Before her was an impenetrable wall of darkness. Curiosity got the better of her, so she placed her bouquet on one of the rocks by the stream and crept inside, wetting her feet in the cool water as she went. She didn't get very far in. It was pitch black, and as she saw the daylight behind her grow smaller and smaller, she began to grow nervous. Suddenly, her barefoot hit something in the dark, which brought forth a series of loud clangs echoing through the tunnel. She screamed and panicked and didn't stop running even once she was back in daylight. Her now abandoned bouquet lay forgotten by the side of the stream, and her wet feet left muddy footprints as she went.

No sooner was the dark tunnel out of her sight and mind before she spotted the very reason she had come to The Wilds in the first place. And this time, there was more than one. Emily had learned her lesson about running after the brown rabbits, so she instead sat under the shade of a nearby tree and watched as they darted to and fro over a grassy spot near the edge of the woods. This wouldn't be a bad place to visit again, she thought. If only she had her shoes, a flashlight to explore the tunnel, and maybe some treats to feed to the bunny rabbits, she could have a lot of fun down here.

She sat and enjoyed the quiet scene with uncharacteristic patience for a long time. But her pleasant reverie was disturbed by the sound of what she recognized to be the ring tone from the phone her sister carried. She jumped up and started walking towards it, feeling a mix of excitement to tell her sister everything she had seen and trepidation over the scolding she was likely to get. "Hey, Mandy! I'm over...!" she cried. Suddenly, her heart skipped a beat. Her sister was lying on the path, bound cruelly, in her underwear. Her body bore Elliot's now-faded doodles and an intricate pattern of rope marks from Alejandro's experimentation. "Mandy!" screamed Emily as she rushed forward to try to free her sister.

In a moment, the two boys were on her. Her spirit was strong. Not as strong as Jenny's, but still strong. But she never stood a chance against the larger and stronger boys, and deep down, she knew it. "Let her go!" she demanded, "Get away from... UMPH!" She squirmed and kicked as Alejandro's hand clamped over her mouth, and she was wrestled to the ground. The strong hand was soon replaced with a tight rope gag like her sister wore. "UUMMMPH! RRRGHT MMPH!" she cried in protest.

Amanda watched as her sister's overalls were stripped from her struggling body. The older girl was torn between relief that Emily was safe and the heartrending sorrow of seeing her stripped and humiliated. Emily's hands were forced behind her back and tied in a boxtie not unlike how Chloe's and Amanda's had been, except notably tighter. Elliot wasn't in the mood to take risks after what happened with Jenny. Amanda sighed with relief as Alejandro released her from her hogtie and lifted her to her feet. With only her arms bound, she stretched her legs and rolled her shoulder. Elliot helped Emily stand in the same way, then secured a leash connecting the girls' necks together, forcing Emily to follow Amanda closely.

Progress back to the camp was slow and awkward. Emily alternated between walking too fast and bumping into her sister and being too slow and getting dragged along. Amanda tried her best to match her sister's pace, but it was nearly hopeless with the difference in height between them. Even the boys got pretty frustrated. When they came to the point where they needed to blindfold their captives, Alejandro simply cut the rope connecting the two girls into two separate leashes. He handed Emily's lead to Elliot and took Amanda himself.

Before their blindfolds were removed, both girls were lashed tightly to the same tree, with a thick and heavy rope crisscrossing over their bodies from their shoulders to their ankles. Emily's shoulder touched Amanda's forearm, and they could feel the heat from each other's bodies. Once their blindfolds were removed and their vision returned to normal, they could see Chloe and Jenny tied in a similar manner to another tree across from them. Both girls looked exhausted from the ordeals the boys had put them through, their hair clinging to their sweat-dampened bodies. Jenny's body was covered in red marks from the tape that was peeled off harshly, while the drawings on Chloe's body had started to smear and run together from wetness and struggling, giving an impressionistic effect.

Emily was confused and frightened. She knew very little of the feud between Tommy and the older girls and didn't recognize the other two boys at all. "Hrmr grrng rn?" she pleaded in her confusion. The other girls mmphed back at her, unable to communicate with words but clearly trying to reassure her with their tone. Then, to Jenny's surprise, Tommy approached her and tore off her tape gag. "Ah..." she moaned with relief. He held up a water bottle, showing her that it was sealed and untampered with, and tilted it in her direction. She slurped at cool water gratefully as it relieved the dryness of her mouth. It wasn't easy to drink that way, and a good deal of the water trickled down onto her chest and tummy. The sudden temperature difference made her shudder, but she didn't care.

The other girls weren't as surprised. Elliot had previously watered them in a similar manner, though he had warned them not to speak when he removed their gags. The other three girls were, in turn, ungagged and permitted to drink as much as they wanted.

Tommy left them for a moment. "Wha...?" Emily started to ask but was quickly silenced by a warning glare from Chloe. When Tommy returned, he carried a rusty lawn chair with the armrests broken off. The boys had undoubtedly salvaged it from a curb somewhere. He placed it on the ground, facing away from the girls, and sat backwards, with his legs on either side of the backrest and his arms resting at its top.

"Well, looks like we won." he said, with a cocky smirk on his face. "Now, let's talk about what this intrusion is going to cost you."

Re: Hilltop Street (m+/f+)- Chapter 5 posted

Posted: Mon May 09, 2022 1:23 pm
by Helena14
And they are all captured...
Kinda wish to be in their place tough. Can’t wait to see how this continues.

Re: Hilltop Street (m+/f+)- Chapter 5 posted

Posted: Mon May 09, 2022 11:55 pm
by Shotrow
[mention]Helena14[/mention] "Kinda wish to be in their place tough. "

That's somehow one of the best compliments I could have hoped for. 😊

Kind of regret that I don't have much more planned for this story, but hopefully it'll be the first of many to come. Next and last chapter should be up tomorrow morning.

Re: Hilltop Street (m+/f+)- Chapter 5 posted

Posted: Tue May 10, 2022 4:30 pm
by Shotrow
Chapter 6: Conclusion
Emily was still cowed to silence by Chloe's glare, and none of the others were in much of a mood to speak up.

"Do you know what would have happened if one of you had gotten seriously hurt down here?" mused Tommy, "I barely managed to convince my mom to let me play down here. If something happened that'd be the end of it. She only agreed because she felt sorry that I had no place to go after you got me kicked out of..."

"That wasn't our fault!" objected Chloe, pushing against the tree she was tied to, "Ms. Reed caught you trampling her flowers!"

Tommy raised an eyebrow at her. "She blamed me for ruining her flower bed," acknowledged Tommy, "But she didn't know that you girls had been going in there and picking those flowers for a week. She didn't know about that flower crown Amanda made for Emily, or Chloe's little pressed-flower project, or those weird potions that Jenny was making... I may have stepped on a few plants, but it was already wrecked before I ran in there after my toy airplane. I took the blame so the rest of you wouldn't get kicked out, and what did I get in return? You've been acting like I'm not there ever since!"

"You're seriously going to play the victim after everything you guys put us through today?!" cried Amanda as she tugged at her arm bindings. Her righteous outrage was only slightly dampened by the piercing realization that he was right. She had tried to put the whole unpleasant situation behind her.

Tommy considered her words for a moment. "Eh, you're right," he admitted, "Really, I should be thanking you. If I hadn't gotten kicked out, I wouldn't have this place or these friends." He gestured to Elliot and Alejandro, who were hanging back behind him silently. Alejandro's stoic expression turned to a slight smile at the mention.

"Maybe we can talk to Ms. Reed..." offered Jenny, glancing to the side to avoid eye contact.

"You will," answered Tommy, "That's step one." He stood up and began to pace back and forth between the trees that held his captives. "You're going to get her to agree to let all three of us play in the Gardens. I don't care if you tell the truth or not, just get her to do it. Beg if you have to. Tell her we'd like to help her around the place to make up for what I did... you girls will have to make it up by helping us down here, though." He returned to his chair and rested a foot on it, leaning against his knee. "My mom... she doesn't like my new friends that much... she won't let me go anywhere else with them." he explained, "but she liked it when I played with you four. She seemed to think you were a good influence." He sniggered at the idea. "So here's the deal. Once a week, we're all going to play together on Hilltop Street and pretend to get along. Mom won't worry about the crowd I've fallen into so much if you're part of it."

"Why would we help you?" asked Jenny. Her tone was more curious than defiant. It wasn't a rhetorical question; she was genuinely interested in how Tommy planned to secure their cooperation. "How do you know we won't just tell on you as soon as we get back?"

Tommy pushed some of her messy, matted hair out of her face. "Well, because you, Jenny, know it's the honorable thing to do, and while the other girls might not care about that so much, you can talk them into it if you really try. But if that's not enough, we have more than a few pictures of you that you'd hate to see sent to everyone at school. We're going to get quite a few more before we let you go. And if that's not enough... we caught you all easily enough. Do you really think we couldn't do it again? You really want to live your life always in sight of the adults, always wondering if we're lurking nearby ready to tie you up and gag you and take you away? Trust me, you're better off being our 'friends' than enemies."

The girls glared, but none of them had any counter to his points. A few tense negotiations later, it was agreed that Emily would stay with the boys while the others tried to work things out with Ms. Reed as a show of good faith. She wasn't entirely on board with the plan, but she seemed to be the clear choice for a hostage. Emily and Amanda were released from the tree, though their arms were still bound. Both of them were blindfolded, but only Emily's gag was reapplied. Chloe and Jenny were also unlashed and blindfolded. Tommy and Alejandro escorted the three older girls a safe distance away from their base. At the same time, Elliot led Emily in the other direction to somewhere secret.

"Ok. This is it." Tommy announced. The three girls felt their blindfolds being pulled off and their arm binds being loosened. They groaned from the sun and the sudden return of feeling to their sore arms as the boys handed back their neatly folded clothes. They walked the rest of the way to Hilltop Street together, parting ways only once the dirt path met the sidewalk. Jenny returned home to change out of her torn romper before meeting the other girls at Ms. Reed's house. They explained to her that they missed playing with Tommy so much and that he was contrite and ready to make up for what he did. It took some doing, but eventually, she agreed to give Tommy and his friends a chance. Once the news reached the boys, Emily was returned as promised.


Though the agreed-upon playdates were awkward and forced at first, they worked to convince Tommy's mom his new friends were ok. Most of the parents on Hilltop St. didn't have much to do with the comparatively disadvantaged Banner Avenue households, but it wasn't long before the block was charmed by the newcomers. It was a slow process, but things eventually got better between the boys and girls. The boys lent their talents to improving things around the Gardens; between Elliot's artistic sensibilities and Alejandro's handiness, things quickly improved. The girls also lent their skills and talents to the boys' campsite in The Wilds as part of their agreement. It wasn't long before genuine appreciation was established, or rekindled in the case of Tommy, and the girls.

The End

Thanks for reading, and especially to those of you who communicated your appreciation to me! Really made the whole thing so much more rewarding. I'm so proud of myself for writing and finishing this story. Hopefully it will be the first of many stories I create.

Re: Hilltop Street (m+/f+)- Chapter 6 posted (complete)

Posted: Tue May 10, 2022 9:32 pm
by Helena14
Intresting ending. I actually suspected they would make peace in the end. Tough was a bit suprised the boys didn`t tease the girls a bit before they began "negotiations"
Thanks for sharing your story :)

Re: Hilltop Street (m+/f+)- Chapter 6 posted (complete)

Posted: Tue May 10, 2022 11:16 pm
by Shotrow
Yeah, writing that kind of scene is is something I need more practice with. Even in play, I dread the question "What are you going to do to me?" because after they're tied up I don't actually know.
πŸ˜‚ It's not that I don't enjoy that stuff, it's just that there's a bit of choice paralysis that comes into play.

I do feel like I rushed a bit with the ending. Probably could have made it more satisfying. But, it's my first story, so hopefully the next one will be better. Thanks again for reading and commenting!

Re: Hilltop Street (m+/f+)- Chapter 6 posted (complete)

Posted: Thu May 12, 2022 3:41 pm
by Isspong
Very entertaining. You said it was your first try but you could have fooled me for a :O. I found the chapture scenes and the personalities of each character especially very enjoyable.

Re: Hilltop Street (m+/f+)- Chapter 6 posted (complete)

Posted: Sat May 14, 2022 7:24 am
by Shotrow
Thanks! It's my first story like this, but I have a lot of roleplay experience and I've dabbled in other kinds of writing. I did my best to make sure neither group was a monolith and show some diversity within them. The different capture scenes just kind of wrote themselves once the personalities were decided.