Zero to Hero. F/mf, f/m

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Zero to Hero. F/mf, f/m

Post by Zero »

I was sitting in math class, not paying much attention to the lesson as I kept glancing over to the person sitting one chair in front of me and to the right. That person was Jackie, a year younger than me at 12 years old with long brunette hair and green eyes. I’ve had a crush on Jackie for all school year, which made it hard to keep up with the lessons. She was dressed in a black tshirt with blue jeans with black sandals.
Time past by fast and before I knew it the bell rang over the intercom to signal the end of class, and everyone started to get up to leave. I started to gather up my things slowly, as I noticed Jackie was taking her time. Once the room was mostly cleared with only a few other students hanging around in the corner, I got up and went over to Jackie. Ignoring the butterflies in my stomach, like I do every time I come to talk to her, I come up to her desk and say “hey Jackie.”

Jackie looks up and grins when she replies “hey Alex, what’s up?” “Oh not much” I say “I was wondering if we can do some studying again after school?” Jackie chuckled and ask “still struggling with your math?”
“Yes, that’s it” I lied, I’m pretty good at math, but it was the only excuse I can find to hang out with Jackie. “Okay, sure” Jackie says “I’ll see you after school.”

Few more hours passed before I arrived at my house from the bus stop, I placed my book bag on my bed then I looked down at myself. I considered changing out of my outfit to look better, which consists of a white tshirt and black basketball shorts with brown sandals. I opened my drawer to pull out some clothing, then I thought changing would look to desperate and decide to go with what I got on.
So I head out and got on my bike and rode to Jackie’s house. I got to the two story white house about five minutes later, got off my bike and leaned it against it’s kick stand and went to the front door. I rang the door bell, and I heard some muffled voices behind the door before opening by Jackie’s older sister, Kim.

Kim was 19 years old with brown hair and green eyes. Barefoot, wearing a blue polo shirt and khaki pants. Kim looked annoyed, as she normally does and says “hey, Jackie isn’t here right now.” I then heard some muffled voices and someone moving around upstairs, and so I said “then who’s making those noises?” “I got some friends over” Kim says “now goodbye” and closes the door in my face.
Annoyed myself, I start to walk back to my bike until I looked at the tree in the front yard. I walked towards the tree, then after slipping my feet out of my sandals I start to climb up it. I was able to climb upon the ledge that was over the front porch from the tree, and I carful crawled up the window on the right on all fours. When I got to the window that I knew was to Jackie’s bedroom, I looked in and was surprised to see that Jackie was indeed in her bedroom, only she was tied up to a chair and gagged.

Jackie was dressed the same way since at school, only now she was barefoot and her jeans were rolled up half way to her knees. Her hands here tied behind her back with white rope, with her hands pinned between her back and the back of the chair. Her ankles is tied together with rope, a red bandanna tied around her head and between her teeth for her gag, with something else stuffed in her mouth. Rope is wrapped around her upper arms and around the back of the chair.
Jackie was facing me, looking down at herself as she was doing all she could to struggle against the ropes. I knocked on the window, which caused Jackie to stop struggling and look up. Her eye grew wide when she saw me, and gave out a muffled plead. I pressed up on the window, and thankfully it was unlocked and I managed to open it. I step in Jackie’s room and went straight to over to her, untied the bandanna that gagged Jackie.

Jackie spit out the bandanna from her mouth and I asked “what happened?” “Kim tied me up” Jackie says “I just got home and was laying on my bed waiting for you, when Kim came in and jumped on me. Then tied me up.”
I thought of the tie up games I played with my sister, and I asked “does she do this often?”
“Yeah she does” Jackie says “at lest once a week.” I chuckle and say “me and Carman would tie each other up sometimes.” Jackie says “really? So you two play these kind of games too huh?”
“We do. So should I untie you or just leave you like this?” I asked, and Jackie says “untie me. Then we can work on the math.”

Half of me didn’t want to, knowing now Jackie plays these kind of games. And I have to admit, she looked really good tied up. But I began to untie her from the chair as I say “maybe you and I can play this sometime?” Jackie chuckled and say “maybe, this is a little awkward someone out of the family seeing this.” I just finished untying the rope that bound Jackie to the chair when her bedroom door opens.
I turn to see Kim standing there, a look of surprise on her face when she saw me. “Seems you got a hero here to save you Jackie” Kim says, then comes to me and take me by the arm “but to bad you been caught Alex.” Kim dragged me to the bed and forced me on my stomach, she then quickly pulled my arms behind my back and tied my wrists with the rope I just untied off Jackie. “Kim please leave him alone” Jackie says, but Kim pulled my legs up onto the bed as she ignores Jackie. Still laying on my stomach, Kim pulled me down and slipped my ankles through the metal bars of the footboard of the bed, she then bound my ankles together.

I watched Jackie as Kim was tying my ankles, where she was still bound hand and foot, Jackie struggled as she watched her older sister tie me up. I didn’t put much of a fight myself, I rather be tied up with Jackie then do math. Once Kim finished and my feet were tightly tied to Jackie’s bed, I watched Kim go over to Jackie. Kim had Jackie hop onto the bed and lay next to me, then Kim untied Jackie’s ankles only to retie them once her feet were through the bars of the footboard.
“Please don’t do this” Jackie pleaded as she squirm beside me, and I was laying still confused.
“What?” I asked, and Jackie stops to say “she ties my feet like this to-HAAAA! HAHAHAHA!…” Jackie bust out laughing and squirming frantically, and I look down and saw Kim was tickling Jackie’s feet. Kim saw me looking, smiled at me then use one hand to start tickling my feet. And then I was in a fit of laughter and squirming along side Jackie.

With how my feet were tied to the footboard, there was no pulling back, no escape. The most the two of us could do was endure the torment for the five or so minutes until Kim stops. As me and Jackie were catching our breaths, Kim walks around for a moment and then I watch her blindfold Jackie with a bandanna, and a few moments later I was blindfolded. About a minute later I felt something stuffed into my mouth, then what I assumed was another bandanna was tied around my head to gag me. I heard Jackie give a muffled grunt and I know Jackie was now being gagged.
“Okay you two, I’ll be back to check on you. Alex I hope you learned your lesson about trying to be the big hero.” “Hmph” I muttered. I felt Jackie thrashing around and giving out muffled giggles, and after a few seconds my suspicion was right as I felt Kim’s ten fingers dance on my soles for a few seconds before leaving us.

Jackie kept on struggling and protesting in her gag, while I wrestled with the rope around my wrists. I only wished I wasn’t blindfolded so I could watch Jackie. That’s when I got the idea of trying to slip the blindfold off, and so I focused on rubbing the side of my head against the blanket I lay on to try and slip the bandanna over my eyes. This proved to be difficult, the blindfold didn’t want to budge. I kept this on for some time as i feel Jackie struggling and hear her protesting.
What seemed like forever, it maybe only ten minutes, I hear Kim opening the door and say “just checking up on you two.” “Hhhhpppppphhh mmmmppppphhh!” Jackie says, I hear Kim chuckle, she tickled our feet again for a good while before leaving us again.

After a good while of struggling, I decided to hatch a plan. I turned to my side the best I could and reach over to Jackie’s arm. It took a little while for Jackie to catch on, but she ended up turning to where I could reach her hands. I felt around until I found the knot and started picking at it, and before long the rope became loose. I felt Jackie slipping out of the rope, and I lay there waiting as I feel Jackie moving around.
I then felt her untying my hands, and before long I pulled my hands out and I undid the gag and blindfold. “Okay we might have a problem” Jackie says, and I realized then what that was. “How are we going to untie our feet?”
The way we were laying on our stomachs, and how our feet were tied between the bars of the footboard, it was humanly impossible to be flexible enough to reach our own ankles to untie them. “Hang on, I think I got this” I say, while I couldn’t pull my feet out, I could slip my legs through the bars still.

So I slipped though with the bars until I was basically sitting on the bar, and my feet resting on the floor. I was able to reach over with one hand and pick at the rope binding Jackie’s feet. Once her feet were freed, Jackie got up off the bed, and I slipped back up the bed and so Jackie could untie my feet. We heard footsteps coming up to the door, and I sat up as Jackie sat on the bed next to me. “When she comes in, just smile and wave” Jackie says just before the door opens, and we both put on goofy grins as we waved at Kim.
Kim stood at the door, a look of surprise on her face before she shrugged and say “looks like you win” and walks out closing the door. “Well that was fun” I say, and Jackie chuckled before saying “yeah, it really shows you’re experienced in this.” I nodded, then I smiled and say “so you’re ticklish huh?” I say this before squeezing Jackie’s right side. Jackie screamed sharply and moved back, which gave me a opening to continue to tickle her sides.

“Alex stop!” Screamed Jackie in between laughter as I continue my tickle assault. Jackie squirmed away only for me to grab her ankles and arm locked them under my left arm and tickled her feet. About five seconds Jackie managed to slip her right foot out of my grip and kicked me in the back pretty hard, and I lost my balanced and hit the bed on my side.
Jackie quickly regained herself and she threw herself on top of me, quickly tossed me onto my stomach and pulled my arms above my head. She sat on top of my back as she tied my hands together, then quickly tied them to the headboard. “I guess I deserve this” I say as Jackie got off me. “You think” Jackie says as she rolled me over on my back, she moved down and tied my ankles together, then pulled me down as far as I could stretch before tying my ankles to the footboard.

“But I was the one who rescued you” I say in a playful tone, and Jackie replied “you did, and I thank you for that. But if you think you can tickle me like that and get away with it, think again. You doomed yourself.” She then stuffed my mouth with a bandanna and tied another one around my head to gag me. “But because you saved me, I won’t blindfold you” Jackie says, and I responded with a short “Mph.”
Jackie climbed on top of me again and sat on my legs, with her legs on either side of me, and grinned down at me as she began lightly tickling my armpits. It drove me insane, shutting my eyes tight as I squirm my body side to side as much as I was able to. Seconds later I was laughing, trying to plead through my gag only to be lost in a mixture of muffled laughter and screams. Jackie kept on with the light tickling, just brushing her nails into my armpits for another tormented five minutes before stopping.

“You’re actually the first I ever tied up” Jackie says “it’s alway Kim tying me up, and course I could never overpower her enough to tie her up.”
“Mmmpphh mmmph”
“Maybe we can do this more often?”
“Mmph, mmmpphh Mmph hhmmmpph.”
“I take it as a yes?”
I nod my head. Jackie chuckle and say “hopefully you won’t change your mind after this.” Jackie turned herself around, knowing full well what she was about to do, I curl my toes and try to point the bottoms of my feet down far I could bend. Jackie adjusts herself where she was partly laying on my legs, her knees resting on the bed on both sides of my stomach, and resting her feet on my chest. Jackie then begins to lightly tickle my feet, driving me back into a squirming fool in a fit of laughter.

I feel her knees tighten around my stomach as to try to keep me still, continuing to lightly brush all ten nails on the bottoms of my feet. I twist and turn my feet, curl my toes and pull my feet back, then bend them down, but finding no escape. I finally get a break when my phone started ringing in my pocket, Jackie got off me and pulled my phone out. Looking at the caller ID, Jackie looks at me and says “it looks like your Mom is calling.”
Jackie answer my phone, putting it on speaker Jackie says “hello.”
“Hello” my Mom says “Jackie? Is Alex anywhere?”
“Yeah, but he’s a little tied up right now” Jackie says.
“I see” Mom says “with the math homework right?”
“Ah, yes. With the math work.”
“Well let him know I will be home late tonight, I can pick him up at your house around 9 if he wants. Or let me know if he decides to leave earlier on his bike.”

Jackie looks at me, and I nod my head. “Okay, I’ll make sure he knows” Jackie says, and Mom reply “okay thank you Jackie” and the phone call ended. Jackie place my phone on her dresser, looking at the clock and says “it’s 5:39 right now. So, just about three and a half hours.”
“Mmph” I muttered, excited that I get three more hours with Jackie.
“Believe I know how to spend this time” Jackie says, smiling as she walks up to me, then begins tickling me again.
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Post by milagros317 »

Wonderful story! :)
:ugeek: :ugeek: :ugeek:

Post by Quintus09 »

Excellent story. I'd love to be tied up gagged and tickled by a girl from school.
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Post by DTbound »

Really cute story!
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Post by harveygasson »

Great story
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Post by Killua »

That's a nice story. Three more hours being trapped sounds fun but exhausting... if she wants to be mean, she could make him study maths like that :lol:
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Post by SupermanFan5220 »

Love the role reversal!
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