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In the storage room (M/f)

Posted: Sun Jul 17, 2022 10:54 pm
by Reight
Hellow everyone, it has been a long time since u have tried to write a DiD storie , hope you like this story that came to my mind while reading. Any advice or commentary is appreciated. :D

I am not a native English speaker, so I apologize for any errors in the story.


Emily: 16 year old teenager, short dark hair, slim, wearing a t-shirt, a one-piece skirt along with her black pantyhose and blue tennis shoes.

Part 1

"Well Emily, I'll leave you the store, remember to close it when you leave."

"Sure boss Helim."

With that the gentleman left and started walking in the street that was in front of the store to go home.

I had started working about two weeks ago at this place, a small store located about 500 meters from the town where I lived.

I was on the last shift, so I had to close up as soon as I finished, like at 11 pm, and then go the house of the next worker and leave the key.

I did the job as I always did: Put away boxes, arrange the packages of food that were being sold, count the money collected and so on.

Not many customers came in at this time, but in the evening one or the other always came in.

The sound of the little bell of the store sound and leaving my phone on the reception desk I turned to attend the new customer.

"Welcome to the store how can I..."

"Shut up" the "customer" pulled out a knife and pointed it at me.

I just froze.

"Where's the money?"

"In the cashier box."


He checked the place and saw that there was a security camera, which made him nervous. He approached me and ordered me to lead him to the deepest room in the store.

I complied, leaving my phone on the reception desk, and led him to a storage room at the back of the store.

It wasn't very big: there was only a table where old Helim sometimes worked on accounts while the employees served customers and some furniture and wooden chairs.

The thief grabbed a chair, which has no arms, and made me sit there, still pointing the knife at me, and then reached for some strings, the ones sometimes used to tie various fruit packages together, that were there and used them to tie my wrists, one on top of the other.

"You don't have to do this.." I tried to say, but the knife near my face once again silenced me.

When he was done with my wrists, he grabbed another rope and tied it under my chest, over my arms and around the chair, pinning me down to the chair.

As he did this I noticed he was doing it in a hurry, not that it was affecting how good was he doing it, probably didn't want me to call the police so soon after seeing himself caught on camera.

When he was done with my chest he moved to my legs and tied my ankles together, side by side. With that he reached for a handkerchief and without much resistance it was inserted it into my mouth to make a cleave gag.

"Don't make a sound and everything will be fine."

With that he just walked out of the room and closed the door.

Re: In the storage room (M/f)

Posted: Tue Jul 19, 2022 4:13 am
by Shotrow
Not a bad start! Sometimes it's nice to read something short and straightforward.

Re: In the storage room (M/f)

Posted: Tue Jul 19, 2022 2:23 pm
by Treville
Cool story! Please continue.