Beauty and The Best - Coffee Time (MF/mfF)

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KP Presents
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Beauty and The Best - Coffee Time (MF/mfF)

Post by KP Presents »

As Barbara walked into the flat, she could hear the music playing in the kitchen, and smiled as she hung her coat up.

“Hey,” she said as she saw Tom cooking, “what’s the occasion?”

“Wish it was a good one,” Tom said as he looked over from the cooker, “but I’ve been told to take two weeks holiday.


“Does that mean we need to pay a visit?”

“I’m afraid so – and I have an idea in mind,” Tom said as he poured the carbonara into two bowls, and put them on the table, “but I need to run it past you first.”

“Me? Why?”

“I’m thinking of Rebecca Morton.”

“Rebecca? You do know she’s a mentor for me, even though she’s with a rival house,” Barbara said quietly.

“I know – but I’m hoping she won’t recognise you, and think it’s another blonde woman.”

“No – I know she’s a good target,” Barbara said, “so I’ll wear a wig for this one. I can get one from work.” Taking some food in her mouth, she chewed and then said “she’s got two boys, you know that?”

“Yeah – and it’ll be Saturday, so somehow I don’t think she will be in the power suit.” Tom sat down and said “I know it’s difficult, but we do need to do this to get through the next few weeks.”

“Okay then – so what is the plan…”

Barbara checked her reflection in the mirror, patting down her black hair before she completed putting the dark make up round her eyes. Tom watched as she finished and then handed him the compact, before she pulled up the black suede boots over her leggings.

Tom was wearing his own black jumper and pants, as he adjusted the woollen cap on his head and then slipped the mask down over his eyes. He looked up the driveway as the car that had just arrived stopped, and a fair-haired woman got out, along with a teenage girl and a younger boy. They walked up to the door and knocked, Rebecca Morton opening it and letting them in.


“As I’ll ever be…”

“Where have Laura and William gone?”

“Upstairs with the others,” Rowan Bush said as she sat down and accepted a cup of coffee. A lawyer, she was dressed down for the weekend, wearing a white jumper and blue jeans with black slippers. She usually came to Rebecca’s house on a Saturday afternoon for coffee and gossip with Rebecca, who today was wearing a grey jumper over a striped blouse, faded blue jeans and black socks.

“Well, at least they all get along,” April Daye said as she sipped her coffee. A doctor, she was wearing a short sleeved taupe top over black leggings with black ankle boots. All three had known each other since college, and were the best of friends.

“So, does Simon still have that crush on Laura?”

“You noticed,” April said as she raised an eyebrow, “I guess he does – but is it serious? I really don’t know.”

“Thank goodness my two are not that age yet,” Rebecca said with a laugh, “I just need to worry about them not arguing over whose turn it is with the PlayStation.” She sipped her coffee and then they heard the doorbell ring.

“I wonder who that could be?”

“Only one way for you to find out,” Rowan said as Rebecca put her coffee cup down and stood up, the other two watching as she left the room and walked to the front door.

As she opened it, she said “yes, can I help you?”

“Rebecca Morton?”

“That’s right,” she said as she looked at the couple standing there, before the man pointed a gun at her and said “good morning Rebecca – this is a robbery.”

She looked at the young man and woman, and shook her head and said “oh come on – this is some sort of prank isn’t it?”

“I assure you, this is not a joke,” the young man said as the girl closed the door, and Rebecca saw the bag in her hand. “This is my friend – you may call her Beauty.”

“And what do I call you?”

He smiled as he waved the gun towards the door. “I know you have company,” he said quietly, “let’s go and join them, and I will explain what is going to happen.”

Rebecca slowly nodded as she was turned, feeling the gun against her back as she raised her arms and walked back to the front room.

“So who was… Oh my god,” Rowan whispered as she and April stood up.

“Good morning ladies,” the young woman said as she closed the door, putting the bag down and drawing a gun from it which she aimed at the two women. “Please, do not panic or raise the alarm – this is a robbery, but so long as everyone does what we say, nobody gets hurt.”

“I would like you,” the man said as he looked at Rowan, “to slowly walk over to the windows and draw the curtains over them. Rebecca, we know your children are in the house – where are they?”

“Upstairs – please, you don’t have to hurt them…”

“We’re not going to hurt them – are we Beauty?”

“No,” the young woman said as she opened the bag, and took several lengths of white rope from it, “but they do need to be in the room with you. Best, be a dear and make sure their mothers have their wrists secured as well, while I go and see them.”

All three women watched as she left the room, the masked man smiling as he said “now, why don’t you all stand up, and give to me your mobile phones…”

As Beauty climbed the staircase, she could hear laughter from one of the rooms, and looked in from the side of the doorway. There were four boys and two girls in the room, the two older boys playing a PlayStation game as the two girls sat and talked, the other two boys reading comics. She could see the oldest boy making furtive glances at the older girl, and smiled before she walked in.

“Hi there – can I have a word with all of you please?”

The six children looked at the woman standing there, dressed in a black jumper and leggings with boots pulled up over her knees, a black woollen hat on her head, and a black eye mask over her eyes.

“Who are you…” The oldest girl then gasped as she said “is that a gun?”

“Yes it is – so I need you all to be quiet, and listen to me for a moment. My name is Beauty – my friend Best is downstairs talking to your mothers right now.” She looked at the oldest girl, who was wearing a white top with blue jeans, her feet bare, and said “we saw you coming into the house with your mother – what is your name?”

“Laura – Laura Bush.”

“And how old are you Laura?”

“I’m thirteen – my bother William is seven,” she said as she looked at one of the boys who had been reading comics. He had flaxen coloured hair, and was wearing a blue and white striped t-shirt and jeans. The boy sitting next to him was wearing a long-sleeved blue top, jeans and grey socks, as he said “I’m Thomas – is my mummy downstairs?”

“She is Thomas – and you’re six, right?” the dark-haired boy nodded as she said to one of the boys at the PlayStation “so you are Billy, and you’re ten right?”

“That’s right,” the boy said as he put the controller down. He was wearing a grey t-shirt and combat pants, with grey socks on his feet. “Are you a robber?”

“I am Billy,” Beauty said with a smile, “and that means we need to make sure none of you, or your mothers, can stop us. Will you tell me who the other two are?”

Billy looked at the boy next to him, who was wearing a light blue t-shirt, jeans and trainers, before he said “this is Simon Daye. The other girl is his sister, Sunny.”

“And how old are they?”

“He’s eleven, I’m seven,” Sunny said. She had dark hair in two pigtails, and had on a light pink top with long sleeves, blue leggings and trainers.”

“Good – so as I said, we need to make sure none of you can interfere or stop us.”

“Is that why you have rope in your hand – so you can tie us up?”

“That’s right Laura – but I promise you, it doesn’t hurt,” Beauty said, “and I need your help. Sunny, will you stand in front of Simon, Thomas in front of Billy, and William in front of Laura?”

The children looked at each other before the three youngest ones stood up, and Beauty handed each of the others a length of rope. “Now, the older sibling is going to tie the wrists of the younger ones behind their back,” the masked woman said. “You double the rope over, and you three put your hands behind your back.”

Sunny, Thomas and William looked at each other before they did as she had asked, Beauty smiling as she said “Wrap the rope round their wrists, put the neds through the middle, and then pull back until their wrists are together.

“We won’t hurt you,” Laura said as she forced William’s wrists together, the others doing the same as Beauty said “good – now wrap it round three time, and make sure the ropes are neatly arranged. Then tuck the rope under the top band, sperate the lengths, and take them between their arms.

“It doesn’t feel so bad,” Thomas said, Simon glancing at Laura as Beauty told him how to tie the knot, and tuck the ends back into the wrist binding.

“Well done,” she said as she handed Simon a length of rope. “Now, you tie Laura’s wrists together behind her back, and I’ll tie Billy’s behind his back – and then yours.”

“I’m sorry,” Simon whispered as he doubled the rope, and put it round the older girl’s wrists.

“Hey – you’re been forced to do this,” she said as she felt the rope rubbing on her wrists, waiting as he secured them and then for Beauty to take care of Simon. When all six had their wrists bound, she said “good – now we’re going to go down and join your mothers. Remember – don’t try and run away or call for help, all right?” All six nodded as she led them in single file out of the room…

“Oh my god – are you all right?”

“We’re fine Mum,” Billy said as she and Thomas looked at Rebecca. She was sitting in the middle of a seat, her hands behind her back and bands of rope holding her arms against her sides. “Are you going to do that to us as well, Miss Beauty?”

“Yes we are – but for now, have a seat with your mothers, all of you.”

Billy and Thomas sat with their mother while Sunny and Simon walked over to where April was seated on the other couch. Laura and William sat themselves on the floor next to Rowan, as she kissed them both on the forehead.

“Now, remember – so long as everyone behaves and does what we say, then nobody will get hurt,” the masked man said as he looked at the children. “We have to do this to make sure you cannot stop us.”

“Beauty told us – we understand,” Simon said he watched Beauty and the masked man collect more ropes and kneel by them.

“This is Best – he won’t hurt you,” Beauty said, Simon nodding as the masked man started to secure his ankles together with rope, and then his legs below his knees. Beauty was doing the same to his sister, before she wrapped the rope round April’s legs below her knees, and Best bound their mother’s ankles.

“Does it hurt?”

“No Mum – it just feels funny,” Sunny said as she looked at her mother. She watched as the masked intruders secured the legs of the others, before Beauty stood up and said “now, before we make sure none of you raise the alarm, do you have any questions?”

“Look, I’m sorry you all ended up in this mess,” Rebecca said as she looked round, “but I don’t understand why you have to keep us all tied up. Do you get some sort of pleasure out of it?”

“No,” Beauty said, “but we have to be sure you cannot interfere.”

“But why do it in the first place?”

“So that we have the money to live as well,” Best said quietly as he started to wind the long rope round Simon’s arms, forcing them against his sides. “Not all of us are as lucky or as privileged as you and your families – we have to fight and search for every penny. So we do this for just that – to be able to afford to live.”


“Yes,” Beauty said as she took from her bag a roll of white tape, “but we do not wish to harm anyone – we just need to help ourselves to help ourselves. Now, we are going to put the television on to keep you all amused – if you need the toilet, then grunt three times and one of us will help you to go.” She peeled a length of tape from the roll and tore it free, before she said “so – who is going to be first?”

“There you go,” Beauty said as Sunny jumped over and sat herself back next to her mother. Three hours had passed, and they had spent the time watching cartoons, and being helped to the toilet when they needed to go.

“I think it’s time we organized some food,” Best said as he reached down and untied Rebecca’s legs, then helped her to stand up. “If I untie your arms, and take you to the kitchen to cook, remember who else is in here, all right?”

She nodded as he untied her arms, Rebecca rubbing her wrists before she peeled the tape from her mouth. She was amazed the kids – hers and the others – had remained calm, as she said “I’ll be back in a little while.”

“Hkkhhmhm,” Billy said as Beauty escorted her to the kitchen. “You were serious – you have to do this to survive?”

“You know what life is like out there now, Rebecca,” Beauty said quietly, “it’s getting to the point where bankers and doctors need to use food banks. I know this is not a legal way to raise the money we need to live, but it is our way.”

“I’m amazed the kids have stayed calm.”

“We have been nothing but honest with them,” Beauty said, “we find that way they understand why we do what we do.”

“I can imagine,” Rebecca said, “but…”

Both women then heard the front door open, Beauty putting a finger to her lips as Rebecca looked to the door.

“Hey – where is everyone?”

The fifty-four-year-old woman looked in the hallway mirror, patting her long greying blonde hair. She was wearing a brown leather jacket over a white top, a long pleated brown skirt and white trainers. She could hear the television was on, as she walked in and said “so what’s got you all…”

“Hllhghrhn,” Billy said through the tape as she stared at him and his brother, then at the two women with the boy and girl sat next to them, all of them bound tightly with white ropes and with white tape over their mouths. She wondered what was going on, before she felt a metal disc pressing against her back, and heard a male voice say “don’t raise the alarm or shout or scream. Everyone is fine and unhurt – and we don’t want that to change, do we?”


“Good – put your hands in the air, and turn around.” She slowly raised her hands and turned to see a young man, barely in his twenties, dressed in black and pointing a gun at her, looking at her through an eye mask.

“Who are you – what’s going on?”

“Fair questions,” the man said “I am known as Best, and I am here with my partner Beauty – and we are robbing this house.”

“Robbing – where’s my daughter?”

“Rebecca – why do you ask?”

“I want to know she’s all right,” the woman said, “I’m a doctor – I’ve seen what happens to people who are tied up and robbed.”

“That can happen, true,” Best said, “but we have a code, and I assure you, we have not hurt anyone – ask them if you don’t believe me.”

She turned and said “have they hurt you?” They all shook their heads as she watched, and then the man said “let me take you to your daughter.”

“Please,” she said as she was marched to the kitchen, Rebecca turning as she came in and saying “oh god – Mum!”

“Rebecca,” the new arrival said as they hugged each other, “what’s going on? This man says they are robbing you?”

“That is true – I am called Beauty,” the masked woman said, “and you are?”

“Karen – Karen Forbes. They’ve held you captive?”

“All of us…”

“They don’t seem afraid?”

“I know – despite the fact they have guns and held us at gunpoint, everyone is calm. Rowan has been watching them I know – she would have tried to say something if she saw anything that concerned her.”

Karen nodded as she said “I saw – so what happens now, I become a hostage as well?”

“Yes,” Best said as she felt the man take her hands behind her back, and the rope as her wrists were bound together. She then glanced down at the rope that was passed round her body, forcing her arms against her side as she looked at Rebecca.

“Go back and stay with the others Mum – I’ll cook some food for you as well. Once we’re all eating, we can talk then.”

Karen nodded as Best turned her round and walked her back to the front room. “Can I sit between you,” she said to Thomas and Billy, the two of them shifting to the sides as she sat down and watched Best bind her legs, the band round her legs over her skirt, before her mouth was covered with the tape as well.

“Supper will be ready soon,” he said with a smile as the others nodded…

“All right,” Beauty said as she looked round the dining table, “you can take the tape from your mouths, and put it into the bag Best is bringing round now.”

“Thank you,” Laura said as she put the tape into the bag, Best walking round and collecting the lengths as Karen said “Well, it would seem you have all had an exciting afternoon.”

“Yes Gran,” Billy said as he picked up a slice of pizza, “so will we be like that again after the food, Mister Best.”

“Yes, you will,” Best said as he saw the way Simon was looking at Laura, “although we may make things a little different – wait and see.”

“You really do this to be able to live as normal people?”

“I am afraid so,” Beauty said with a sad smile, “and we regret the fact we have to do this, but that is the way things are.”

“It seems wrong – but I think I can understand why you did it,” Rowan said, Rebecca and April nodding as they looked round the table.

“Well,” April said, “you can tell your father all about it when we see him – which I presume will be later?”

“Well, you and Rowan were kind enough to send a message to say you would all be eating here,” Beauty said, “before we switched off all your phones. And we will stay a little while longer – for now eat up, and then we will tell you what happens next.”

“Thanks, Beauty,” Simon said, and then he looked at Laura as he said “you were very brave today.”

“So were you…”

“Why have you brought us in first,” Simon said as he and Laura were brought into the front room by Best. Both of them already had their wrists secured tightly together behind their backs.

“Because, for this part, we want to make sure you two stay together – after all, there is a spark between you.”

“Is there,” Laura said as she watched Simon, who blushed before he said “Well, I would like there to be… Laura, do you fancy going to see a film one night?”

“Yeah – yeah I’d like that.”

“See – both of you, sit on the floor back-to-back.”

As they sat down, Best started to bind their upper bodies together with the long rope, Simon taking hold of Laura’s fingers as this happened. He then watched as Best crossed and bound his ankles together, and secured his legs together below his knees, as he said “thank you.”

“Well, you did look cute all tied up like that,” he heard Laura say as Best walked round to her side.

“So did you.”

“Thank you – whchthllklhhtr.”

Simon wondered what had happened, before Best appeared in front of him, a folded cloth in his hand. He opened his mouth and allowed him to push the cloth in, before his mouth was covered in a fresh strip of the white tape.

“Oh look, Simon and Laura, sitting in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G…”

“Now, it is not nice to mock your brother,” Beauty said as she brought Daisy, Billy, William and Thomas in, the four adults following them. All four of the children had their wrists crossed and bound tightly together in front of them, while bands of rope held their arms tightly against their sides. Simon and Laura were sitting on the floor against the window, as the four children were helped to sit down in front of the couch, Beauty taking more ropes and making sure their ankles were secured together, their legs below their knees, and then their wrists to the rope round their legs.

Simon felt Laura squeeze his fingers as each of the younger children had a folded cloth pushed into their mouths, and tape pressed down over their lips, all four wriggling round as he saw his mother walk in with Billy and Thomas’ grandmother.

Karen had been allowed to remove her jacket, as she held herself and said “Well, I guess we know what is going to happen now…”

“Not quite – Karen, Rebecca, you are going to bind the wrists and arms of April and Rowan,” Best said as he handed each of them a length of rope, “just as the kids tied each other earlier today.”

“We don’t have a choice, do we,” Rebecca said.

“No – but if the kids can be calm and enjoying this, so can we,” Karen said as she took Rowan’s hands behind her back and started to bind them together as she had seen earlier, Rebecca doing the same to April before they bound their upper bodies with the longer ropes.

“Sit either side of the kids,” Best said as April and Rowan sat at the end of the couch the four younger children were in front of, before he and Beauty bound the wrists and upper bodies of Rebecca and Karen. They sat themselves in the armchairs, Rowan and April looking at Simon and Laura blushing as they wriggled on the other side of the room.

“You’ve all been very brave,” Rebecca said as Beauty started to bind her legs, “and we’ll all talk about this later.”

“Hkkhhmhm,” Billy said as he watched the masked woman securing his mother and grandmother’s legs, while Best made sure Rowan and April were not going to be able to run away either. Each of the older woman then had a folded cloth pushed into their mouths, before their lips were covered with the white tape.

“I think there is a film on,” Beauty said as she found the streaming service, Laura and Simon holding hands as they started to watch.

An hour or so later, Beauty checked that William, Daisy and Thomas were sleeping, while Best looked out.

“Time,” he said quietly, Beauty nodding as she picked up the bag, the jewellery, money and other items inside. “Thank you,” she said as she looked at Rebecca.

“Fhnknuhh,” she mumbled and nodded in response, watching as the two masked intruders left. They removed their eye masks as they left the house, walking to their car and getting in – not noticing the transit van that followed them down the road.


Stan Morton looked over as he got out of his car.

“Eric – Robert – what are you both doing here?”

“Looking for our families,” Eric Daye said. “They left a message to say they were eating here, but I haven’t been able to call them – April’s phone is turned off.”

“Same for Rowan and Laura,” Robert Bush said, all three men casually dressed. “So we came here – the light is on, but nobody seems to want to answer the door.”

“Well, let’s see what has engrossed them all,” Stan said as he opened the front door, the sound of the television playing clear as he called out “Rebecca?”


The three men looked at each other before they walked in to see everyone, the four younger children asleep as Rebecca looked over, her lips moving under the white tape as she said “whhffbhnrhbbhd.”

“My god,” Stan said as he walked quickly over and peeled the tape from her lips, “what happened?”

“We’ve been robbed – get the kids free first, and then we will talk…”

“Well, it was a fun day, and a good haul,” Tom said as Barbara came in, wearing a dressing gown with a towel round her hair. She had a white envelope in her hand. “What’s that?”

“Don’t know – it was under the door when I came out of the bathroom,” she said as she handed him the envelope. He opened it, and then looked at the sheet of paper inside.


Tom shook her head as he handed her the envelope.

Beauty and Best

Very nice job today – I have heard of you, and wish to offer the opportunity to work with me at some point. If you are interested, dial the number below and we’ll talk.

Jay Edwards.
Read stories of ordinary women in peril at