The Ticklish Life & Times Of Nik And Parker M/M (Ongoing)

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The Ticklish Life & Times Of Nik And Parker M/M (Ongoing)

Post by Ticklishguy »

01. Ticklish Shift

"Hey, Nik, how's it lookin' out there?" Parker Mills unenthusiastically asked over the walkie-talkie.

The night community college campus security guard raised his hand and swatted at one of the unruly locks of curly red hair because it tickled his forehead. His age-worn desk chair's wheels squeaked, and its springs creaked and moaned as the five-foot-ten, one-hundred-and-fifty-pound, twenty-five-year-old rolled back and away from the desk. The man's plump toes flexed and curled inside the soft white cotton athletic ankle socks that protected his creamy soles from the dirty floor. He'd slipped his size eleven grey and red sneakers off when he clocked in and sat down at the computer. Parker wasn't by any means a vain man, but he did like to pamper himself. One of the indulgences was the pedicures he treated his size eleven feet to, despite how ticklish the experience was. However, he never complained about how much it tickled because he absolutely loved it.

The young man stood up, smoothed out his light-colored blue jeans, and flicked some lint off his white polo shirt. He yawned and stretched his arms. He was about to bend to stretch his back when suddenly, he felt five fingers wiggle between his unguarded ribs. "Whhahahahat...thehehehe....." he bellowed between the laughter caused by the tickle attack. The redhead's ticklishness tended to be common knowledge for anyone who knew Parker or spent any time with him. The fingers began moving up and down his sides, thus causing his body to writhe and jerk from side to side as his vocal tone rose and became shrill.

"You're such an easy ticklish target, bud," Nik Williams said as he continued the playful assault on his ticklish friend. He boyishly giggled, and his light green eyes sparkled with mischief as he moved into Parker's armpit hollows. "Coochie, coochie Parkie," the twenty-four-year-old blonde male taunted.

The two men became best friends in elementary school. They lived together in a two-bedroom townhouse, were gay, and currently enjoying their single life.

"Yohohuhuhu're sohohoho deaheahead," Parker ineffectively threatened. As soon as the tickler's fingers invaded his damp, pit hollows, the redhead squealed and jumped like a grasshopper. He kicked, and his feet stomped against the floor in a futile attempt to escape. As the tickles continued, his laughter started becoming silent and raspy. Beads of sweat caused the man's forehead to glisten in the office's overhead lighting.

Nik chuckled and took pity on his captive. He wrapped his arms around his best friend and playfully ruffled Parker's hair. "Ya still love me, Parks, bro?" he asked as he straightened out his skinny black jeans and white polo shirt.

Parker's body started to recover from the tickling. He grabbed the can of soda on his desk, took a generous swig, grinned, and nodded at his former tickler. "That was awesome," he said. Before Nik could move, Parker tackled the five-foot-eight male to the floor. He pinned the protesting man's arms under his knees and then kneaded, his nimble fingers in the center of the armpit hollows.

“FUHUHUHUCKKKKK!!!!" Nik screeched. As soon as his pits were attacked, the blonde's arms desperately did their best to pull free, of course, to no avail. "I'm sohohorry," he offered to try and alleviate the retaliation.

Parker giggled as he moved his tickle attack to the center of his helpless victim's stomach. He loved hearing how that made Nik scream and squeal like a girl. Nik's head rolled side to side as his size nine shoes pounded the concrete flooring.

"Does the tickly little boy give in?" Parker teasingly asked. "Or do I have to tickle those soft feet of his?"

"I give, I give," Nik instantly cried.

Parker grinned and let his captive sit up. The men glared at one another before they laughed and hugged each other.

"You're an amazing friend and tickler, Niky," Parker said as he patted the shorter man's back.

"You too, bro. I love ya," Nik responded.

"Love ya too, Parker looked at the clock. "I'm gonna go to the bathroom, then go for my rounds around the campus. After that, you or I can get some dinner," he said.

"Awesome plan," Nik replied. He blushed slightly and giggled as he said, Parks, I love when we tickle each other."

Parker giggled, then lightly tickled the back of his friend's neck, causing Nik to squeak and jump. "I do too. Bro," he said as they shared another hug.

The weather that night was warmer than predicted, so Parker didn't see the need for a jacket during his tour of the grounds. He picked up his walkie-talkie, taser, cellphone, and flashlight, then placed them in their designated holsters on his black leather belt. The redhead smiled and giddily skipped outside to the motorized cart. He mouthed fuck you and flipped the bird at his chuckling partner just before the door closed.

Parker situated himself in the driver's side, started the motor, and drove across the lot towards the road surrounding the college. While traveling, he took the time to take in the beauty of the trees lit by the streetlamps. He took a deep breath and thanked his higher power for being able to live in such a picturesque area with breathtaking mountain views. The grateful man also gave a copious amount of thanks for Nik's presence and the relationship they'd maintained and thoroughly enjoyed through the years.

He'd reached the halfway point and had just checked in with Nik when the need to release his bladder arose. Parker pulled the cart onto the sidewalk, shut the motor down, locked the steering wheel, and walked down the narrow path into the woods. Sounds of disgust and disappointment over people's carelessness left his mouth as he surveyed the trash on the ground. There were discarded condom wrappers, leftover fast food wrappers, and the absolutely disgusting sight of a woman's soiled underwear. The fuckin' things people leave, Parker said to himself as he reached the ledge he was looking for. His bladder was fuller than he thought 'cause he started dancing around as he fumbled with the zipper. When the redhead finally got his fly down, he closed his eyes as the liquid gushed from his penis.

"What the fuck? Yo! dude, can ya shut the damn faucet off?" a masculine voice hollered from the other side of the ledge.

"Yeah, I already showered today, and I don't need another golden one," another male hollered.

"Oh, shit. That's right, two's your limit," the first speaker said with a chuckle..

"You're sooo gonna lick my sweaty ass for that one," the second person retorted.

"Really, that's your threat? I'll do that, golden shower or no golden shower," the first replied just before he squealed and protested the ticklish assault on his bare feet.

Parker did stop the stream of piss and adjusted his position before he finished. However, the comical banter, combined with the erotic nature of the situation, and at least one of the guys being ticklish on his feet, made the guard's six-inch manhood stiffen and that much harder to continue the needed release.

"Hey, Cal, it's one of the two cutest security guys,"

The sound of someone behind him made Parker release a very unmasculine yelp and almost catch his dick in the zipper. This also caused the young man to blush when he heard the amused chuckling. After composing himself, Parker chuckled and turned to face the recipients of his piss. "I'm sooo sorry for literally pissing on you guys," he said as he sheepishly ran his fingers through his curly locks.

"Hey, no sweat, it's not the worst thing that can happen to us," the raven-haired speaker giggled and extended his hand. "I'm Calvin, and this goofy guy is Eddie," he said and pointed to the blonde man beside him.

Parker smiled and shook Calvin's hand. He was about to shake Eddie's but was shocked when he was treated to an enthusiastic bear hug.

"I'm a hugger," Eddie said with a soft, airy chuckle.

Parker nodded and reciprocated the hug. Then gave one to Calvin, who had his arms open wide. He glanced up and down the slender-framed men. He judged them to be about five-foot-nine and around one hundred forty pounds. "I'm Parker, and you guys are awesome huggers. I love hugging," he boyishly giggled. He smirked and asked, "so, which one got his feet tickled?"

Eddie doubled over laughing as Calvin slightly raised his hand.

"He's also got ticklish feet," Calvin said as he put his companion in a headlock, gave him a noogie, and tickled his side.

The blonde male wriggled and squealed as his boisterous cackles floated along the night air. Eddie's laughter became more excited and raucous when Parker joined in on the tickle attack and tickled his pit hollows. "Heeehehehey, no fair double teheeheeaming mehehehe," the trapped ticklish victim protested.

“Damn, you two are fun. Are you guys boyfriends?" Parker asked.

"Yeah, we live on the other side of the woods," Calvin said as he and Eddie passionately kissed.

"Nik's gonna be upset he missed this," Parker said after the trio calmed down.

"Is he your boyfriend?" Eddie asked.

"Nah, we're gay, but not a couple. Nik's my roommate and best friend," Parker responded.

"Is he the shorter guard that's usually working with you?" Calvin inquired as he and Eddie locked eyes and silently communicated without Parker noticing.

"Yeppers," Parker responded. "He's really a fun and loving guy,"

Calvin and Eddie got on both sides of Parker and wrapped him in a double bear hug.

Parker sighed and melted into the embrace until their fingers tickled his sides. Instantly, the redhead's body fell to his knees as he was hurled into a bottomless hysterical abyss. "Fuhuhuhuck, I'm tihihicklishshshsh," he screeched. He writhed and kicked the air as he was pinned face up.

"We had to find out if you're ticklish like us," Calvin said with a giggle.

"Yeah, makes things more fun and evenly matched," Eddie stated.

The pair released their new ticklish friend and hugged him.

"If Nik's interested, we'd love for you guys to hang out with us," Eddie offered as he and Parker exchanged phones to put their numbers into.

"That'd be awesome," Parker said.

"Is Nik ticklish too?" Calvin asked.

"He's very ticklish," Parker responded as he gave the couple a final hug. "I'll tell him about you guys and give you two a call. Or, you can always call me."

"We look forward to it," Eddie said.

Parker got into his cart and headed back to the office. He parked beside the door, ran inside, and hollered. "Niky, I met two new guys. They're ticklish and a couple." Parker was so excited he jumped up and down like a little boy.

Nik shook his head and laughed at his friend. 'Parks, you're too adorable when you're excited," he paused. "How and where'd ya meet them?" he asked.

Parker calmed down and grinned. "Umm, I kinda peed on them in the woods," he sheepishly said.

"What the fuck?" Nik hollered. "This, I gotta hear," he said as he sat in the chair and listened to Parker's tale.
Centennial Club
Centennial Club
Posts: 100
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Post by Ticklishguy »

02. A Night In

Calvin & Eddie

"So, what'd ya think of Parker?" Calvin asked as the twenty-two-year-old grasped his boyfriend's hand as they walked through the woods back to their twenty-acre property that neighbored the college's plot of land. "Eeeekkk," he squealed. His body jumped when he felt Eddie's index finger and thumb pinch his lime green satiny running shorts-clad asscheek.

"I love it when you make that cute squeal, babe," Eddie said. The playful twenty-three-year-old chuckled and dodged his younger mate's attempt at retaliation via head slap.

"I'm sooo punishing you later tonight, sexy," Calvin stated.

"Somehow, your punishments only make me want to act up even more, baby boy," Eddie teased.
The pair continued their banter and childish antics as they returned to their estate. Calvin pulled a remote from his pocket when he and Eddie reached the tall, black wrought iron fence surrounding the property. The brunet pressed the green button, and the gate's doors slid apart. They closed once the men were safely inside.

Eddie giggled, tapped his boyfriend's shoulder, and hollered, "tag, you're it." The juvenile-like blonde cackled as he took off running along the long winding road that led up to the mansion on the hill.

Calvin roared and chased after his mate. He leaped and caught the retreating male's ankles, bringing him down as he fell on top of his screeching boy. The two wrestled and rolled around until finally, Calvin managed to pin Eddie's body face down.

"Are you ready to be tickled," Calvin shouted as he impersonated the wrestling announcers. He smirked and trapped Eddie's ankles in the crook of his arm.

"Oh, fuck! Not the feeet," Eddie squealed.

Calvin licked his lips as he pulled the black sneakers from the pair of wriggling feet in his grasp. He brought the white and blue polka-dotted ankle sock-clad soles up to his face and deeply inhaled the musky scent of the slightly damp fabric. His seven-inch dick stiffened from the delicious aroma. "Damn, baby, your feet smell amazing," the excited male exclaimed.

Eddie's eyes started glazing over as his toes wiggled inside their house of fabric. His five-inch cock pressed against his jeans as it ground into the earth beneath him. He softly giggled and squirmed when Calvin's fingertips traced lines across the base and pads of his toes.

Calvin's body gently lowered itself and his mate's legs to the ground as his cock pressed into the slight indentation of Eddie's jeans-clothed asscrack. Lust-filled moans escaped the men's lips as they pleasured each other. Calvin gently nibbled each toe, soaking the socks with his saliva and working himself into a frenzy. His fingers gently massaged and tickled along the sides and top of his mate's feet.

Eddie mewled and whimpered as he felt the cum rise up his veined shaft. "Babe, I'm..." he started.

"Coming," Calvin finished.

The two released moans as their sticky cum coated their crotches and bikini briefs. After a minute or two, they positioned themselves so that they were in each other's embrace. The pair gazed into the starry night sky, then into their love-filled eyes as their lips smashed together for a sloppy, long passionate kiss. Before either man knew it, their eyes closed, and they fell asleep on the lush green grass. While they slept, a man in a golf cart came up to them. He smiled, shook his head, placed Calvin and Eddie in the vehicle, then drove back to the house.

"What would you two do without me?" the man softly asked as he picked up the slumbering young men, placed one on each shoulder, and carried them inside and up to their room. Silently, he opened the bedroom door and gently lay the guys on their king-sized bed. He softly kissed each one on the forehead and closed the door.

An hour later, the bedroom door's hinges softly creaked as the door slowly opened. The light from the hallway was blocked by the six-foot-three, two-hundred-pound man standing in the doorway, holding a laptop in his hands. His size thirteen black argyle sock-clad feet padded across the light-colored hardwood and onto the plush, dark red, and blue oriental rug the bed sat on. The hulking man placed the computer on the mahogany dresser across from the napping couple. He sat on the edge of the bed and softly chuckled as he wrapped his arm around Calvin's left ankle and Eddie's right one. Lightly, his fingertips drew lines across the balls of the trapped bare feet. "Time to get up, boys," he said softly.

The young men's toes twitched and slightly wiggled as unintelligible mumbles mixed with breathy snickers delighted their tickler's ears. The giggles and movements became more pronounced when the fingers traveled down the soft, pale soles toward their arches. Calvin's sole wrinkled and flexed while Eddie's toes scrunched and his foot wriggled back and forth, then side to side. The pair of free feet started pushing against the wall-like back and digging into the mattress.

The playful tickler chuckled and said, "I think I'll have to use my nails." Without another warning, his fingers curled, and his manicured nails lightly stroked up and down each ticklish sole.

The second they felt the other man's nails touch their sensitive feet, the room exploded with Calvin's and Eddie's high-pitched screeches and boisterous cackles. "Shit, Stevie, not theehehehe nahahahaiiilllsss," they howled in unison. Their bodies bucked and thrashed as they tried to get free. After another minute of tickling, the pair voiced their surrender. They lay against one another, panting and giggling while their attacker massaged their feet and toes.

"You give the most amazing wake-up calls, Steve," Calvin said as he jumped into the bigger man's lap.

"I totally agree with my little bro," Eddie exclaimed as he joined his mate in Steve's lap. "I'm glad Daddy and Mom hired you," he said as he and Calvin hugged the muscular man and kissed his cheek.

Calvin and Eddie were adopted from different foster families. The pair were sent from one family to the other because of the inability to handle the boy's growing tickle fetish and sex drive. Until Adora and Adam Prince applied to adopt the boys. The married couple was well off financially and were also secretly porn star moguls. So they were more than able to handle anything their boys wanted to explore. Eddie's adoption was final around his tenth birthday, and Calvin's around his eleventh. As the pair matured and grew up, their relationship became one of brotherly love and romance. When they talked to their parents about the changing dynamic, the elders said to not hurt each other or break apart the family, including the family porn business. When they turned eighteen, Calvin and Eddie began writing, scouting talent for, and starring in their own films, together and separately. Their enterprise, "Giggling Bros," was a branch of their parent's film company, "Royal Family Inc."

Steve Macklin smiled and kissed his charges. Then he said, "You've got thirty minutes before Adam and Adora check-in, then after that, it's dinner time, and finally, rehearsal for your next film."

The thirty-year-old was the caretaker, bodyguard, and head of security for the Prince boys and family household. Adora and Adam Prince interviewed him ten years ago. They told him the main decider of his placement with the family would be his temperament and ticklishness, or lack thereof. He remembered asking why ticklishness would be a factor, and Adam chuckled and then said their adopted boys were ticklephiles. Adora expanded the explanation by saying they didn't want him to fall prey to the boy's tickle games and be able to force him into giving in to them. That was the first time Steve thanked the universe for not making him ticklish.

"Goddamn, you're a fuckin' slave driver and a lovable meanie," Calvin said.

"Yeah, what he said," Eddie punctuated his statement by sticking out his tongue at the older brunet.

Steve closed his eyes, shook his head, and released a vibrant, body-quaking, robust belly laugh. "I'm never bored with you two squirts," he said with a chuckle.

Calvin and Eddie let loose a battle cry as they pounded their jovial attacker with pillows and tried to conquer the muscled older man. Steve stood up, grabbed Calvin's waist, hoisted the squirming, giggling younger man up in the air and over his left shoulder, then did the same with Eddie, placing him on his right one.

"Hey, this is adult abuse," Eddie squealed as he and his brother were spun around in a circle, then body slammed on the soft mattress.

Steve jumped on top of the young men and began tickling their sides and stomachs. Calvin and Eddie thrashed and kicked under the heavier man, keeping them pinned down. Their shrieks and laughter echoed through the room.

Finally, he released his sweat-soaked victims, kissed their cheeks, and said, "enough playtime. Go on and get yourselves ready, guys." He smiled when they energetically jumped on him and peppered him with kisses and hugs. "Oh, before I forget, Nik and Parker passed the background check, so you're all clear to invite them over whenever you're ready."

"Thanks, Steve. We love ya," the boys said in unison.

"Love ya too, guys," Steve said as he got up and walked out of the room, closing the door behind him.

Nik & Parker

After their shift, the roommates returned to their townhouse, walked inside, and stripped to their socks. They picked up the clothes, walked into their shared bedroom, and threw them into the hamper. Then, the pair walked into the ensuite bathroom and took a shower. Moans of pleasure escaped their lips as the hot, steaming water cascaded onto their taut, muscle-toned bodies and massaged away any aches they had. The guys took turns under the rainfall showerhead and washed each other's hard-to-reach crevices. Both men were ticklish in some of the same spots, so they got much enjoyment from making each other jump, squeak, and giggle when the tickle spots were accessed. After the shower, they dried off, slipped their clean soles into the slippers beside the floormat, and walked into the kitchen. They each grabbed a Michelob and walked into the bedroom.

Parker giggled and plopped on the middle of the bed with his legs and arms spread. Nik helped him sip his beer after he cuffed his friend's wrists and ankles to the bed. He smiled and ruffled Parker's red locks before slipping a knotted bandana gag between his teeth. The restrained Parker's eyes sparkled with excitement as his and Nik's playtime started. He squirmed on the queen-sized mattress and giggled into the gag when Nik's fingers slowly dragged up and down the center of his curved arches.

"Who's my adorable, ticklish redhead?" Nik teased as he straddled his friend's leaking cock, and nestled the six-inch appendage between his hot, sweaty asscheeks.

Parker's eyes rolled back in his head, and the gag muffled his moans. His plump toes wiggled and flexed when Nik's ass slid back and forth on his dick. Nik giggled and moved off of Parker's throbbing dick. He smirked and very lightly smacked the veined shaft. The redhead's eyes popped open, and he writhed against the sheets as his whimpers barely reached his playmate's ears.

Nik smiled and kissed the tip of Parker's cock before getting off the bed. He untied the gag, gave his boy a generous swig of beer, then drank some of his own. "Ya gotta piss?" he asked.

Parker giggled and nodded. He sighed when he felt the blonde male's soft lips wrap around his shaft, and then he released his liquid. Nik softly moaned and sucked down the slightly salty substance. When Parker was drained, he drank Nik's piss. By this time, both men were hot, heavily worked up, and about ready to burst. Nik tore open a condom, slipped it onto Parker's shaft, and after applying a generous amount of lube to his ass, he impaled himself on the quivering cock.

Parker groaned when he felt the hot hole ingest him. He placed his hands on Nik's waist and worked with the shorter man to guide his body up and down as they approached the needed climax. The scent of manly musk lay heavy in the room, fueling the mutual desires. Parker and Nik chastely kissed each other's necks, lips, pecks, and stomachs as they got closer to their orgasm. A minute or two later, Nik's head raised, and his adam's apple bobbed up and down when he released a long-wailing moan just before his cum covered his mate's slightly hairy chest.

Half a minute later, Parker saw stars as his cum pumped into the condom. He and Nik separated. They lay side by side, lost in euphoria. Once they recovered, the two shared a loving embrace, kissed, and shared another shower.

A couple of hours later, Nik came into the room, ready to get some sleep. "Ya find something new?" he asked as he crawled onto the mattress and massaged Parker's neck. He chuckled when his red-haired buddy squirmed, giggled, and said he was tickling him.

Parker gasped when he saw the stars of the porn flick he'd found. He moved so Nik could see the screen, pointed, and said, "that's them, Calvin and Eddie."

Nik looked incredulously at the screen, then at Parker. "Are you sure?"

"Bro, you know how observant I usually am. I'm ninety-nine percent sure that's them," Parker stated with sureness.

"Wow! Nice going, Parks, you pissed on professionals," Nik teased. "Hey, Park..." was all he could say before he was pinned down and received a massive tickle attack that had him squealing like a girl for the next five minutes.
Centennial Club
Centennial Club
Posts: 100
Joined: 1 year ago

Post by Ticklishguy »

03. Breakfast And Playtime

The Prince Estate

The sun was beginning to rise when the Prince household started coming alive.

"Good morning Steve," Calvin said as he wrapped his arms around the bodyguard. He giggled because when he kissed the taller man's bare chest, the forest of soft curly hair tickled his lips and nose.

"Mornin' Sunshine," Steve said as he hugged the younger brunet and lifted him off the floor. "Is your boy up yet?" He asked after placing Calvin back on his feet.

Calvin grinned. "Yep, he's in the shower," He said as he pulled a mug down from the cupboard and poured coffee, creamer, and sugar into it. Then he stirred the contents and tossed the spoon in the sink.

"No, he's not. He's right here," Eddie stated as he bounded into the kitchen and jumped onto Steve's back.

Steve grunted and wrapped his arms under his rider's legs, then smirked as he tickled the backs of the playful younger man's legs. Calvin tickled his brother's Masters Of The Universe logo-decorated sock-clad soles. The ticklers cackled as Eddie kicked and squealed while trying to dislodge himself.

"Shihihihitttt, Ihihihi'mmmm gohohonnnaaa gehehehehettt yohohohouuu guhuhuyyyssss," Eddie screeched. His toes scrunched inside their thin protection.

"Was that a threat?" Steve asked.

Calvin chuckled and said, "I think it was. Maybe these socks need to disappear."

"Nohohohoho, lehehehave thehehehe sohohocks."

"Good morning, kiddo," Steve said.

Eddie calmed down and hugged Steve once the tickles ceased. He slid down to the floor and gave his mate a hug and kiss when Calvin handed him a cup of coffee. "So, what's up for today?" He asked as he fixed himself a bacon and cheese omelet.

"There are a few contracts to sign and some other minor details that need to be taken care of before we can begin working on the new film," Steve said. He took a bite of his onion and garlic bagel, topped with bacon bits and cream cheese. "Oh, your Mom's starting to work on her new religious trilogy."

"Yeah, she said that last night," Eddie said.

"What's the first title? I forgot," Calvin stated.

"Father, Spank Me For I Have Sinned," Steve responded. His chuckles blended with his table mate's laughter.

"I love that title, and that's not too bad of a schedule. We should be free by ten or eleven this morning," Calvin responded after sipping his orange juice and finishing his strip of bacon. His eyes brightened, and he looked at Eddie, then said, "hey, maybe we can see if Parker and Nik are free to come over."

"That's an awesome idea, bro," he paused. "Maybe we can have them come over during one of our playtime breaks. Parker seemed really cool, and I don't think he and Nik would be freaked out," he giggled, then said, "after all, he did pee on us the first day he met us."

"I'm staying out of that decision. That's all up to you boys," Steve said once he recovered from the boisterous laughter he and the trio shared.

"Great, we'll call Parker after we handle the business for the day," Calvin said. He gathered everyone's plates, rinsed them off in the sink, loaded the dishwasher, and turned it on.

Nik & Parker

"Ha! I won," Nik triumphantly announced after he slapped the slender black wrought iron railing outside the shared townhouse.

When they got up, Parker and Nik had a bet on who would finish the daily five-mile run first. It seemed like Parker would be the winner until the last half mile. Nik found an extra reservoir of energy and pulled out in front of his best friend. The young men stood at the foot of the steps leading up to their front door, hunched over, leaning on their knees, and panted. They wiped away the sweat that poured from their skin and dripped off their bangs.

"Yeah, yeah, you won," Parker said in a fake uninterested vocal tone.

Nik blew a raspberry and playfully slapped the redhead's running shorts-clad bubble butt with his palm.

Parker's waist lurched forward, and he yelped before rubbing his stinging ass. "Winner or not, you're sooo cruisin' for a bruisin," he growled.

He jumped back and out of Parker's reach. "Oh, shit," Nik squealed.

The blonde skipped/ran backward and attempted to keep from being caught by his advancing mate. Parker's eyes narrowed as he stalked his prey. The retreating male turned around to run up to the front porch but was stopped by the redhead's tackle.

"C'mon, now, Parks. You don't wanna do anything you're gonna regret," Nik said as he turned his head sideways and tried wriggling out from under the heavier body. His and Parker's sneakers were lying askew on the lawn because they got dislodged from their feet during the playful scuffle.

Parker snickered and said, "Oh, don't worry, bro. I'll never regret doing this." Without another word, Parker's fingers dug into his captive's sides and kneaded up and down along the wriggling man's ribcage.

Instantly, the blonde male's grey athletic crew sock-clad feet kicked against the green grass, his open palms slapped the ground, and his body writhed and bucked. Nik's tickle-induced screeches and howling laughter filled the early morning air, catching the attention of anyone within earshot. Luke and Allen, the men living in the townhouse to the left of Nik and Parker, were among the amused bystanders. They stood at the edge of their part of the lawn and watched the free show. The middle-aged married couple became very fond of the younger guys, took them under their wing, and were like parental figures to their playful neighbors.

Parker ceased the tickle attack, and before his buddy had a chance to recover, he chuckled and lifted the panting lighter body over his shoulder.

"Fuuuuccckkkk put meeeee dooowwwwnnn," Nik yelled. He tried and failed to wiggle out of his attacker's grip. His feet kicked against Parker's firm pecs.

The energetic redhead giggled as he reached up, pulled the waistband of his trapped friend's sweatpants down, and bared the man's pale white asscheeks.

"Fuck, noooooo," the blonde screeched once he felt the warm air on his skin. He yelped and hollered when he heard the smack and felt the bigger man's palm slap his ass, which made it burn and jiggle. "You're soooo gonna get it once we're inside, bro," Nik threatened.

Parker giggled and released his boy, then gathered their shoes and ran inside with Nik hot on his heels. "You know you loved everything we did out there," he said as he and Nik hugged and took their clothes off at the doorway.

Nik giggled and shook his head as he slapped Parker's almost glowing white asscheeks. "Yeah, I did, and so did everyone who got to see us playing, and my ass," he paused and cackled. "We need to start charging them for the shows."

"That's not a bad idea, Niky," Parker said.

"Alright, Parks, time for me to have fun with you," Nik stated as he gently pushed his mate into the spare bedroom, which the guys used as a playroom when they didn't have guests. "Get comfortable on the table, ginger boy," he ordered.

"Sir, yes, sir!" Parker exclaimed as he saluted.

Nik picked up the discarded clothing and tossed them beside the hamper. His eyes sparkled with joy as he turned the basket over and dumped the dirty clothes in a pile on the floor. "Aha," he exclaimed when he found what he was looking for. Then the blonde sniffed the crusty pair of socks he'd chosen. "Oh, yeah, these are perfect," Nik said with a boyish giggle. He balled up the socks in his hand, put the clothes back in the hamper, then giddily skipped out of the bedroom and into the playroom.

Parker turned his head when he heard the soft creak of the door's hinges when it slowly opened. His plump bare toes wiggled and scrunched as the excitement of what was in store for him surged through his body. Everything seemed to be enhanced. Even his hair felt like it was a curly mass of fire. Nik kept his balled-up treasure out of sight as he closed the windows and curtains. Once he finished, the blonde sat the socks in a cubby hole under the red leather padded seat of the table, where Parker's body was stretched out on.

"Safeword," Nik asked while buckling the leather cuffs around the redhead's wrists and locking his ankles in the stocks. He ensured Parker was pulled tight but comfortable.

"Mincemeat Pie," Parker said. He squirmed a bit when a blindfold was placed over his eyes and sound-canceling earphones put on his ears.

The young man gasped and softly giggled when he felt fingers lightly tickle and play with his toes and their bases before they got tied to the eyehooks attached to the wood.

Nik chuckled, then kissed the warm lips and smiled when it made Parker's body slightly shiver and jump. Next, he pulled the socks out from under the padded seat, balled one up, and lightly tickled under Parker's chin. The second his bud started to giggle, he inserted the worn ball into the cavern-like mouth. Parker grunted and shook his head when he tasted the tangy dried sweat-crusted garment. Nik pushed the lips together after placing the toes of the second sock under the restrained man's nostrils and taped Parker's mouth shut.

Parker's dick was standing straight up and already leaking from the stimulation and taste of the sock as his saliva dampened the fabric and reconstituted the sweat of Nik's foot. Nik knew he had to hurry or lose the time together. He opened the mini fridge, pulled out the chocolate syrup, and made a giant dollar sign on Parker's chest and stomach. The blonde giggled when he heard the sound of his mate's muffled grunts and protests about how cold the substance was. The redhead's hands and fingers wiggled and drummed on the red leather padding. Nik also pooled the syrup in Parker's innie belly button. This caused a very high-pitched, muffled squeal from the victim.

Nik removed the earphones but left the blindfold and the gag. He lightly skittered his nails up and down Parker's taut, helpless soles. His laughter mixed with his mate's muted boyish giggles. The blonde's eyes twinkled with glee as he watched Parker's body attempt to disperse the ticklish sensation. "Having fun so far, baby boy," he asked.

Parker squealed into the sock gag as his head energetically nodded in response. His cock jumped and quivered.

Nik removed the gag and pressed his plump lips against Parker's. Their tongues caressed each other as the flavored saliva was swapped between their mouths. "Love ya, Parks," he softly stated.

"Love ya too, bro," Parker responded and giggled. The brunet's giggles morphed into an outburst of hysterical laughter as soon as Nik's fingers wiggled along his bared stomach as the blonde spread the chocolate over his upper body. "FUUUCCCKKK!!!! IHIHIHIHIT TIHIHIHICCCKKKLLLEESSSSS," he shouted between the cackles.

Nik chuckled and said, "it's supposed to, silly boy," He grabbed a paintbrush and stroked the soft bristles along Parker's toes and bases. His other hand held a hairbrush and slowly ran it back and forth across the balls of the trapped soles.

"NNNOOOOOOO," Parker screeched. His body arched and pulled against the restraints. The stimulation caused him to cum, getting the sticky sperm all over his body.

Parker panted and calmed down once the tickling ceased. His body was covered in chocolate syrup, sweat, and his and Nik's seed. While he was releasing his cum, Nik released his too. His arms and legs lay limp in their places when he was released. His body reanimated, and his shrieks filled the room when his blonde companion's tongue inserted itself into his belly button and began licking the syrupy walls. Once he could move, Parker carefully walked into the bathroom to clean himself in the shower while Nik cleaned up the mess they'd made in the playroom. When he got out, he was pleasantly surprised to hear that Calvin and Eddie had called and invited them to spend the night at the Prince's estate.
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Post by Ticklishguy »

04. Comes With All The Ticklish Fun Seen Here

Nik & Parker

"I can't believe we're gonna ride in a limo," Parker said. He was in the process of packing a small overnight bag. During their conversation, Calvin and Eddie told Nik that they only needed to bring a few sets of extra clothes and only if they wanted to do so.

"I know, right?" Nik responded.

"And the guys didn't tell you anything else about this new job and living arrangement they're gonna propose?"

"Nope, Eddie said all would be revealed at the proper time, Calvin's words," Nik said with a soft giggle.

"Ooohh, I love the mysteriness of this get-together," Parker said. He chuckled when his wording earned him a look of disbelief and a head shake from his blonde-haired bud.

Nik chuckled, ran his fingers through his blonde locks, smirked, and said, "Sometimes I worry about you."

Parker charged at the shorter male and tackled him face down on the bed. "Seems to me you should worry 'bout these totally ticklish tootsies, little boy," the redhead teased. He slipped his index finger into the elastic band of the ankle socks decorated with purple and pink hearts.

The blonde tried bucking his captor off of him and escaping. "Get outta my socks, and don't call my feet tootsies, butthead. You know I hate that name for them," he squealed. His attempt at keeping the only protection his ticklish feet had by scrunching his toes had no lasting effect.

Parker's index fingernail dragged back and forth across the wrinkled balls of the man's feet, which caused Nik's toes to release the multi-colored fabric. This allowed the socks to be whisked away. "Aww, but it's such a cutesy name, Niky. You should be made into a doll, Bro. You'd be way more popular than Tickle Me Elmo. Your name could be Truly Tickly Niky" He giggled, trapped, and pinned his bud's legs to the bed with his arm around the ankles.

The blonde's fingers dug into the bedsheets and mattress and his arms pulled in an attempt to get free from the oncoming ticklish onslaught his poor feet were about to endure. His legs pushed and kicked, and his soles wrinkled when his arches curved. Despite their outward appearance, both men were having a blast. They lived for this playful time together. Parker and Nik knew everything they did came from a place of love and devotion for and to each other. Neither one would ever think or attempt to do something that would physically, emotionally, or mentally hurt the other.

Parker licked his lips and smiled as his fingers curled and his nails lightly strummed up and down the soft pinkish-bare soles of his best friend and soulmate. Nik's feet moved back and forth, his toes scrunched and uncurled. The boyish laughter bounced off the bedroom walls and into his and his tickler's ears. He squirmed and wriggled side to side as he tried to pull on the redhead's arms and loosen the grip on his ankles.

An idea sparked, and Parker used his free hand to play with and tweak his prey's toes with his fingers. He chuckled, continued to strum and pick the creamy terrain of Nik's soles, then began to sing the melody of the KISS rock classic, "Beth." "Nik, I got ya laughin' 'n' squirmin' like a fool. 'Cause my fingers are ticklin' your tootsies, just like they're tickle tools. I know how much ya love the tickles, and ya know I'm right. Niky, I'd love to tickle your feet all night."

"Fuhuhuhuhuck, youhooohooo'rrreeee sihihihihicccckkkk," the ticklish male managed to get out among the endless stream of giggles and cackles.

Parker mock growled and narrowed his eyes as he tightened his grip on his victim. "Sick am I?" He paused and grabbed a discarded hairbrush on the bed.

Nik's eyes widened, and he yelped. "Parksie, wait... Not the..." The sentence was brought to an abrupt halt when the blonde speaker felt the bristles run across, then up and down his vulnerable and helpless soles. He energetically bucked and released his screaming laughter into the pillow he used to cover his vocal reaction.

Parker's laughter blended with Nik's, and he sang. "Oh, I love to hear Niky's laughter when it echoes through the rafters. He'll laugh when it rains, sleets, and snows if you tickle his toes, tickle his toes, tickle his toes," to prove his lyrics rang true, he lightly ran the brush across the ten toes and their bases.

Nik's laughter changed to high-pitched screeches and then to silent gasps.

After another three minutes, Parker tossed the tickle tool aside and returned to using his fingers. Another seven minutes passed before the redhead ceased his tickling. He grabbed a washcloth, dampened it, wiped his boy's forehead, and kissed Nik's cheek as he cradled the giggly man. "I love you, Nik," he whispered.

After he calmed down, Nik smiled brightly, wrapped his arms around Parker's neck, and passionately kissed his tickler. "I love you more than you'll ever know, baby," he said with tears in his eyes.

Parker gasped when he felt the love energy flowing between him and Nik as they shared the moment. Tears dripped down his cheeks, and he questioned why they didn't call themselves a couple. Then he remembered that they didn't want to label their relationship. Only to nurture it, let it grow naturally, and share in one another's lives. In the deepest part of their souls, he and Nik knew they were each other's soulmates and would never let anyone or anything come between that unhindered love they had.

Nik gazed into Parker's watery eyes, then wiped away the teardrops and said, "That was one of the oddest things you've done while tickling my feet." He paused, giggled, and kissed the redhead's nose. "The members of KISS and the composer of "Let It Snow" are gonna hunt you down, hogtie your ass, and tickle the fuck outta you," he paused again. "I loved every minute of your creative, singing tickle attack."

Parker lovingly embraced the blonde man in his lap. "You, you, do know I'm yours forever, right Nikolas?" he asked.

Nik stared at the emotional man for a moment to assess the situation. He gently lifted Parker's chin, kissed his mate's trembling, puffy lips, then said, "of course, I do. You're my sweet Parker, my rock, my protector, and you have my heart and soul." He returned the embrace and laid his head on the taller man's shoulder. "I'm yours forever, too, Parker."

The two smiled, gently caressed their cheeks, and stayed where they were, enjoying the comfortable silence and the physical release of their inner feelings for the next half hour.

The Prince Estate

"I'm nervous and excited," Calvin stated.

Eddie moaned in pleasure. "Me too, babe. I hope Nik and Parker will take us up on our proposal," he lazily replied.

The Prince boys enjoyed the magic of their masseur's talented fingers as they worked on the young men's sore muscles and got the kinks out of their bodies. Because they were easily tickled, some spots made Calvin and Eddie squirm and giggle. Especially when their feet, toes, sides, and legs were massaged. The second Sebastian's and Miller's fingers touched their client's soles and toes, the room filled with male laughter and squeals. When the massage was over, the guys tipped the men, and Steve walked them to the door as Calvin and Eddie went upstairs to their room so they could shower and get ready for their guests.

The overhead light made the brother's skin glisten and shimmer from the massage oil. Calvin smiled, wrapped his slippery arms around Eddie's upper body, and lovingly embraced his mate. Their toes lightly grazed the bare top and sides of each other's bare feet and toes, thus causing the pair to squirm and softly giggle.

"I love you, Vin," Eddie said as he slowly licked and nibbled Calvin's neck and ears.

The younger brunet's body shivered, his neck scrunched, and he squealed from the ticklish attention. "Love you too, my sweet and sexy love," he said once he'd calmed down after the nibbling and licks ended. He bent down, swept his mate off his feet, and carried the giggling blonde to their bed, where he gently placed him.

Eddie's toes wiggled, and his body quivered as he watched the sexiest boy he'd ever known crawl onto the bed and straddle his legs. "Fuck, you're amazing, lover boy," he said.

The elder brunet acquiesced to his partner's wishes and allowed himself to be turned over onto his stomach. The soft touch of Calvin's fingers as they stroked up and down the edges of his back and along his asscheeks electrified his body. He squealed and writhed on the beige satin sheets while his toes clenched and caused his soles and arches to wrinkle. Calvin's eyes glazed over as he leaned over, separated Eddie's cheeks, and slowly ran the tip of his warm, moist tongue along the hot, sweaty asscrack. Moans of desire and love filled the room, as did sounds of whispered feelings of love, undying devotion, and kisses. Eddie reached over, grabbed the lube, and handed the bottle to his mate, who used a generous amount on both of them.

"Are you ready, my beautiful, sexy brother," Calvin asked in a breathy, husky tone.

Eddie was too worked up to voice his response, so he nodded. His eyes bulged, and he gasped when his soulmate's slightly curved manhood slowly entered his hungry asshole. Calvin grunted when the hot crevice seemed to swallow the length of his cock. The men quickly got their familiar rhythm going as they worked themselves up to the much-needed orgasm they sought to share. As soon as he was told to, Calvin increased the speed and strength of the penetration. Sweat beaded on the young male's foreheads, and grunts floated into their ears. Fingers massaged and gently pinched nipples, pecs, sides, armpit hollows, and other places that turned one another on.

"I'm about to shoot," Calvin informed Eddie.

"Me too."

The pair released a final lengthy moan before they treated one another to their white, sticky cum. The smell of sex lingered heavily in the bedroom as the young men held, kissed, and praised each other while they recovered enough to move. When they were sure they could reach the ensuite bathroom without falling on the floor from exhaustion, the pair got out of the luxurious bed and got into the shower. Calvin and Eddie stepped into a matching pair of bikini briefs decorated with rainbow-colored feathers, opened the windows to air out the room, then straightened up a bit. A minute later, Steve was at their door, letting them know the limo had just reached the gate. The pair giggled, shared a brief kiss, then left the room. They'd just reached the top of the stairs when the door was opened to allow Nik and Parker inside.

The blonde and redhead smiled as they extended their hands to shake Steven's hand and introduced themselves. Their eyes were treated to a beautiful entryway. The walls were painted a light yellow, almost white, and nearly glowed in the bright sunlight that streamed through the crystal-clear floor-to-ceiling windows.

Steve smiled as he quickly assessed the new arrivals. It wasn't until he saw Parker in person that he could see the resemblance between Adam and the young man standing before him. He wasn't the only one who noticed the similarities. Upstairs, Calvin and Eddie stood slackjawed as they glanced between a photo of their adopted dad in his mid-twenties and Parker.

"This is an amazing home Mr. and Mrs. Prince have," Nik said as he and Parker removed their leather flip-flops and followed Steve to the first of three different sitting areas.

"We're really looking forward to spending time getting to know Calvin and Eddie," Parker said. He and Nik accepted the offer of a mixed drink while they waited for their hosts.

"We're looking forward to spending time with you guys, too," Calvin said when he and his brother entered the room. "Oh, and this is our home. It was Mom and Dad's place when we were adopted, but we own it now. He and Eddie had to lean on the wall for stability from laughing so hard because of the open-mouthed fish-like facial expression they received from their guests.

Once recovered, Eddie couldn't help himself. He walked up to Nik and Parker, extended his arms, placed two fingers under their chins, then said, "aaaannnddd, we close the mouths." His actions caused an outburst of laughter from everyone in the room, in addition to the blushes that adorned Nik's and Parker's cheeks.

"You guys are gonna fit in just fine," Steve said as he got up and retrieved a folder. For the next hour, he gave Nik and Parker a rundown on their being invited and how the whole process was started. He also told the pair about the background check he performed.

By the end of the explanation, Parker was speechless, teary-eyed, and protectively wrapped in a group hug with Calvin, Steve, Nik, and Eddie. When the brunet finally regained the power of speech, he looked into Steven's eyes. "Not only do you all want us to consider moving in, working with Adam and Eddie, and basically being adopted into the family. You also think I could be Adam's birth son?" He paused and sniffled. "Why? What evidence is there?"

Steve grasped the emotional brunet's hands and gently rubbed them. "It's a lot of things, but mainly, the feeling Luke and Allen have and the physical resemblance between yourself and Adam."

"Why's Luke's opinion so important?" Nik asked.

"They're our uncles, more importantly, Luke's Dad's fraternal twin," Calvin responded.

Eddie stood up, retrieved a photo album, found a picture of Adam in his twenties, and handed the book to Parker and Nik. The pair gasped as they studied the photo and stole glances into each other's eyes.

"So, what happens if I'm not Adam's kid? Does everything you offered disappear?"

"Hell the fuck no," Eddie and Calvin responded in unison.

Everyone shared a gut-busting laugh over the excited statement.

"Guys," Steve said, "Nothing gets rescinded, and it comes with all the ticklish fun seen here." The brunet cemented his statement by launching a tickle attack on Calvin and Eddie.

After joining in the ticklish fun, once everything calmed down, Parker and Nik said they'd give their answer the next day. They also agreed to extend their stay with Prince boys for a week to see how they all meld together and if living there would work for everyone involved.
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Post by bondagefreak »

Ticklishguy wrote: 1 year ago Nik picked up the discarded clothing and tossed them beside the hamper. His eyes sparkled with joy as he turned the basket over and dumped the dirty clothes in a pile on the floor. "Aha," he exclaimed when he found what he was looking for. Then the blonde sniffed the crusty pair of socks he'd chosen. "Oh, yeah, these are perfect," Nik said with a boyish giggle. He balled up the socks in his hand, put the clothes back in the hamper, then giddily skipped out of the bedroom and into the playroom.

Parker turned his head when he heard the soft creak of the door's hinges when it slowly opened. His plump bare toes wiggled and scrunched as the excitement of what was in store for him surged through his body. Everything seemed to be enhanced. Even his hair felt like it was a curly mass of fire. Nik kept his balled-up treasure out of sight as he closed the windows and curtains. Once he finished, the blonde sat the socks in a cubby hole under the red leather padded seat of the table, where Parker's body was stretched out on.


Next, he pulled the socks out from under the padded seat, balled one up, and lightly tickled under Parker's chin. The second his bud started to giggle, he inserted the worn ball into the cavern-like mouth. Parker grunted and shook his head when he tasted the tangy dried sweat-crusted garment. Nik pushed the lips together after placing the toes of the second sock under the restrained man's nostrils and taped Parker's mouth shut.

Parker's dick was standing straight up and already leaking from the stimulation and taste of the sock as his saliva dampened the fabric and reconstituted the sweat of Nik's foot.

Absolute bliss, my friend!
Superbly well written and highly enjoyable.

We can never have enough sockgags and this certainly qualifies as a deliciously worded scene!
Worn sockballs make the best gags, especially to prevent ticklish victims from calling for help 8-)
Hoping to read more sockgag action from you in the near future.

Only advice I would give is to have this moved to the adult section ASAP.
One of the mods could move it to the adult section in a snap if asked nicely ;)
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