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Post by Xtc »

Here is another story from the old site.
It is only three posts and those who remember the illustration should find it in the second post, all being well.

Any feedback would be welcome.
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She wasn’t just a babysitter, she was THE babysitter; she wasn’t just a bitch, she was the Queen Bitch. She was the Queen Bitch of Babysitters. Now the twins knew why.


“Alastair, Alexander.” The twins knew that their mother meant business. Either that or they were in trouble. Again! They stopped tormenting their little brother and all three boys ran to the kitchen.

“Alright, you know that your dad and I are going up to London to see “Warhorse” tonight and that we need to stay overnight to make a business meeting in the morning before returning.” The twins shared their mutual grins and Bertie looked worried as he looked from one to the other. “And before you get any ideas,” she said to Ali and Alex, “I’ve got a new babysitter. For some reason all of the previous ones were unavailable.” If it was possible, the twins’ conspiratorial grins grew wider and Bertie looked even more worried. “Oh, and Bertie, Billy’s mum says you can sleep over with him this evening.”

“Yaaay!” And Bertie started jumping up and down triumphantly while the twins looked somewhat more rueful. That spoiled all the fun; the twins knew that they could run their usual babysitters ragged while they tied and tormented their younger sibling. Never mind, at least there was a new babysitter whose life they could make hell for a few hours. They wondered if they could drive her away before midnight like they had the last one who was supposed to have stayed overnight.

Bertie ran off to pack and ring Billy while the twins started to plan their tactics. It didn’t usually take much: frogs were easy to obtain and it shouldn’t take too long to find a grass snake on the railway embankment. That last one that had just eaten, the one that threw up a fairly newly swallowed green frog as soon as poor Mrs. Robertson trapped it in the corner, was a particular success. Their other favourite tactic was to dress identically. Until you knew them, they were very difficult to tell apart if they dressed identically.

The afternoon wore on and all the family made their respective plans. By the time she arrived, the twins were pretty sure that they were ready for her. Until they saw her. She was gorgeous, long brown hair, tight jeans and a strappy top. They almost changed their minds on the spot. Once the introductions were complete, Ali, the right-handed one with his hair parted on the left, offered to carry Rachel’s bag to the guest room. The charm offensive was always a good opening gambit. Alex followed on, pointing out the various features of the house that he thought Rachel would like to know about.

They invited Rachel to make herself at home in the guest room while they went outside to entertain themselves.


Things went along calmly: Bertie left for Billy’s place, their parents left for London, the twins prepared their surprises and Rachel prepared dinner. Ali and Alex came at her call to table and greedily devoured the meal. They then thanked her profusely – the charm offensive was well underway. Alex even cleared the dishes although neither of the twins offered to wash up. That would have been too obvious!

“Rachel, please may we go out to our tree-house for a while?”

Rachel swung her hair over one shoulder, smiled that irresistible smile and said, “Of course, but I want you back in here and getting ready for bed in an hour. It’ll be dark by then in any case.”

“OK, we’ll be back.” The twins ran off to finish their preparations. Ali even suggested that perhaps such a gorgeous, friendly girl as that didn’t really deserve what she was going to find in her bed and in her holdall later that evening but Alex soon talked some sense into him and plans proceeded apace.

After some time, they heard Rachel’s voice at the foot of the ladder up to the tree-house. Ali quickly stubbed out his cigarette and hid the cans of cider and Alex sprayed the place with air-freshener. They needn’t have worried; Rachel made no attempt to invade their privacy.

“Ali, Alex, it’s nearly time for showers and bed time but I’d like one of you to nip round the Tesco Express for me, your parents have left me some cash and we’ll need something for breakfast.”

Score! Alex offered to go immediately; it would be the ideal opportunity to top-up supplies. Perhaps Jason would be on the checkout. If he was, he’d even let Alex buy some more cider as long as no one was watching. “I’ll go, Rachel, I don’t mind, honest. And I’m sure my brother won’t mind getting ready for bed while I’m gone.”

Ali was already ahead of him. Keep her sweet. Play the innocent, cute little blonde. Throw her off the scent.

“Coming.” came the almost unison remark and the twins scrambled down the ladder and into the house with Rachel. She gave Alex a short list of supplies and a twenty-pound note. Alex positively skipped off the premises. Ali knew that there would be a good half-hour before his twin returned and he decided that his best tactic was to continue the “butter wouldn’t melt” act.

“Shall I shower and get ready for bed now Rachel? But please may I stay up ‘til Alex gets back?” Their house didn’t run to en-suite facilities so there was always a queue for the shower, so that would sound like a perfectly sensible offer to anyone who didn’t know him.

“Of course, Alex.”

“I’m Ali.”

“Oh sorry, it’s so difficult to tell you two apart.” That smile could open any door without need for a key. “Off you go.”

Ali went upstairs and stripped to his green boxers – and a large grass snake. The dozy creature was easily deposited safely into Rachel’s holdall where it would probably go straight to sleep again. It was such a shame they couldn’t find a replete one this time; the resultant mess would have been so satisfying. Following his herpetological diversion, Ali headed for the bathroom. That’s when things started to go wrong.


As soon as he’d got some towels and started running the shower, Ali felt a muscular arm round his neck. It was quickly locked into place against its pair which was forcing Ali’s head forwards. Rachel entered the bathroom and said, “Have you met my brother, Rob? He’s a black-belt, you know. He tells me that what he has on you is called a naked sleeper hold. Demo, if you please, dear brother.”

Ali felt the side of his neck being restricted and soon started feeling light-headed. “Enough, I think.” Rob loosened his grip slightly while Ali recovered. “Rob has demonstrated that hold on me in the past, you know what brothers are. He tells me it’s dangerous if it’s applied for too long but it can knock someone out.” Her voice was just rolling along in the usual friendly tinkling tone she had always adopted so far, just as if nothing unusual was happening.

As soon as he came round, Ali started describing Rob along simian lines and demanding to be released. “Another little demonstration, I think, please,” and Rob applied the pressure again. He loosened his grip again just before Ali would have passed out.

“We’re very short on time. We need to see to you before your brother returns. I think you might find he’ll be a bit longer than usual. Make him comfortable, Rob.” Ali immediately found himself face down on the bathroom floor with his legs locked into Rob’s It soon became apparent that, as Rob leaned either forwards or backwards the pain in Ali’s legs could be increased or decreased at his whim.

“Now then,” continued Rachel in her usual calm, genial tones, “I’m going to tie your wrists. It shouldn’t be too painful unless you insist.” As she said the last word, Rob silently increased the stress on Ali’s legs and then returned it to normal. “Do you understand?”

Ali indicated that he understood. He’d not even had a chance to get a good look at Rob’s face yet but he was already aware that it would be healthier for him if he did what he and, more to the point, his sister wanted.

“Now, be a treasure, I’m going to ask you to help with this. I’m sure you won’t mind, will you?” Ali often had an uncanny rapport with his twin but it seemed that these two had even more of one as Rob varied the stress he was causing depending upon what his sister was saying. His silence was spooky. “Now, if you’ll just put your hands behind your back, please. No, you HAVE been watching too many rubbish films, not like that. Don’t cross your wrists.” Rachel then seated herself on Ali’s shoulders and positioned his wrists about six inches apart and soon had them trapped in a rope cuff finished with half blood knots on the insides of his wrists. Ali thought that, as soon as she wasn’t looking, he’d move his wrists together and start working on the knots. Little did he know.

“That’s a good boy. Now I’m going to ask you to help me again. Will that be alright?”

Ali answered, but not in the affirmative.

“Naughty boy, you shouldn’t use language like that in front of a lady, really you shouldn’t. I’m afraid we’ll have to do something about that. Rob leaned forwards putting more stress on the unfortunate youngster’s legs than he had experienced so far and pulled his head up by the hair. Ali was glad later that he’d picked out a clean face-flannel to use because it soon ended up folded and rolled and lodged firmly in his mouth and being clamped in place by Rob’s free hand. All the while the stress on Ali’s legs, and now his back as well, was being maintained, he couldn’t help yelling and there was no way he could resist the gag. A few turns of silver gaffer tape completed the gag and Rob released Ali’s head.

“Do you see what happens when you won’t help me, Ali?” asked Rachel, “Now I’m going to ask you again: will you help me or not?” Ali had given up the attempt not to sob some time ago and resignedly nodded his head. “That’s a good boy. Now just stand up for me, please.” Rob released his leg lock on Ali who, with some difficulty, stood up. Once on his feet he realised where he had seen Rob before even if he did look a little strange and Ali didn’t think that his name was Rob.

“Now, we wouldn’t want Alex to find you like this, would we? Well, not immediately in any case so I’m going to ask you to come with Rob and me to the garage.” Ali had no choice and walked meekly out to the concrete block building where he was asked, very nicely, to sit on the floor and to cross his ankles. He crossed his ankles right over left and Rachel applied a spare but efficient cross lashing that would effectively prevent Ali from standing.

As Rob and Rachel left the garage, Rachel pointed out some of the preparations she had made while the twins were making theirs. “Oh, and please don’t try untying yourself. One of those little things up there is a web-cam and it’s feeding straight into the house. You can move a little bit to make yourself comfortable every so often but my big brother gets upset if anyone doesn’t want to cooperate with us. I’m sure you understand.” Never was such a threat made in such gentle tones.


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Post by Veracity »

I vaguely remember this one, but basically it might as well be brand new. Even though I’m not really into femme dom, I am enjoying this.
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Post by Xtc »

I don't think that Rachel is really into equal opportunities.

Thanks for commenting.
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Alex rushed to the late-night supermarket and started getting the things on Rachel’s list. Good, Jason was on the till so Alex hung around a bit ‘til the coast was clear and checked out a few items of his own. Transactions successfully completed, Jason said it was time for his break and asked Alex if he wanted to come out the back for a fag. Alex, being very fond of smoking OP’s, accepted immediately and both guys went out for a smoke and to chew the fat generally. Alex didn’t even give a thought as to why Jason should want to hang out with a much younger person such as himself. All he knew was that he was getting a free ciggie out of it.

Break over, Jason returned to work and Alex made his leisurely way back home with his well- and ill-gotten gains. Before he left the shop, he sorted out the change so that Rachel wouldn’t be suspicious. He arrived, announcing his presence and wondering where Rachel and his twin were. He searched the ground floor of the house and was starting to get spooked when he heard a voice behind him, “Hello, Alex, have you met my brother?”

Alex turned round. “Oh, hi Jason. Hang on, how did you get here so quickly? I’ve just seen you at Tesco.”

“I don’t think so,” came that sparkling voice, “Rob’s been here with me and Ali all evening.”

Alex was stunned. “Rob?”

“Yes, I’m rather like Bertie; my big brothers are identical twins too. Now, if I tell you that our surname is Robertson, does that ring a bell? Oh, by the way, isn’t he a cutie?”

Alex thought she was referring to her rather thuggish looking brother until she produced the, by now, far from sleepy grass snake from behind her back. It was doing it’s level best to escape her gentle grasp and flowing over her hands like a grey silk cord. Five foot of pissed off grass snake, although harmless, can be very difficult to handle without hurting it. It couldn’t throw up and it was too late to play doggo so it just had to try to get away. “I just think I’ll let him go. You’ll have to find him later.” Rachel then put the snake down gently and it made its way to the nearest dark corner behind a storage unit.

“Hang on, where’s Ali?”

“Oh, he’s just lazing around. Why don’t you go up and see him?” Alex made his way upstairs. He still didn’t understand the situation he was in and expected to find his brother in their bedroom. What reason could he have to suspect this gorgeous young woman of treachery? By the time he’d got to the bedroom, he was trapped. Then he thought: “Robertson? No, not Mrs. Robertson’s children, surely? Oh shit!”

When Alex turned around, he noticed the rope in Rachel’s hands and the tape in Rob’s. Rachel had guessed correctly and now had her second victim where he couldn’t possibly escape, not with Rob’s imposing presence blocking the door. “Now, get ready for bed, please, there’s a good boy. Just slip off your clothes will be alright.” Alex took one look at Rob standing impassively in the doorway with his arms folded and decided that his best course of action was to do what he had been asked. Once Alex had got down to his boxers, Rachel exclaimed, “Now I can tell the difference: red boxers!” She even giggled slightly. “Alright, stop there.” Alex heaved a sigh of relief.

“Well done, you’ve made the right decision. It would be a shame to spoil it now. Just hold your arms behind you please, Rob will be happy to assist.” The taciturn, crew-cut eighteen-year-old tilted his head slightly to one side and smiled ever so slightly.

They were a good team.

Like his brother had done, Alex crossed his wrists behind him. “No, like this, please.” said Rachel as she separated his wrists slightly. “Now, don’t move and I won’t be a minute.” Alex soon found his wrists cuffed behind him but couldn’t help wondering why Rachel hadn’t tied his hands together properly.

While Rachel was working and Rob was standing guard, Alex asked, “Please, what’s happened to Ali?”

“You’ll be back together all in good time. Hush now.”

“No, I want to know what’s happening.” By now, Rachel had finished and Alex was shaking uncontrollably.

“If you’re not going to be quiet, we’ll have to something about it. Where do you keep your socks?”

“Up yours!”

“Alright then. Rob, give me his boxers, please.”

Rob advanced on the bound fourteen-year-old in a more than menacing fashion. “No no, they’re over there,” said Alex trying to indicate the chest of drawers by the window.

“Be a good boy and get me a pair, please.” Alex made his way across to the drawers and, with some difficulty, pulled out a pair of white sports socks from the top drawer and handed them to Rachel.

“Oh, how kind, Alex, they’ve already been bundled together. Now open wide please.” By now Rob had grabbed Alex by the shoulders and Alex knew that he had to comply. With his mouth stuffed with a clean pair of socks Alex saw the approaching roll of tape. He didn’t even bother trying to avoid it. Very soon he was bound and gagged just like his twin.

“Go with Rob and please don’t annoy him.”

Alex didn’t get the chance to annoy him, Rob simply lifted him onto his well-developed shoulder and carried him downstairs and out to the garage.

Upon catching sight of one another, both twins started yelling into their gags simultaneously. “Unless you’re telepathic, I’d stop trying to make conversation if I were you. Do you reckon they’re telepathic, Rob, you’re a twin?” Rob shook his head and dumped Alex on the floor facing away from his brother. “Unless you’re telepathic AND you want Rob to strip you naked that is,” continued Rachel without even breaking step. The twins rook the hint.

“That’s better, now let’s look at you.” Rachel was standing on one side of the twins with her big brother facing her on the opposite side. They were quite athletic with very little spare fat and quite good muscular definition. Fortunately, they were also slim-hipped and not too broad in the shoulder. That would be convenient soon. “Oh, by the way, don’t try the dressing alike trick on me again, you both part your hair differently and Alex is left-handed. I’m used to twin brothers, look at my two, even though they cut their hair the same and are almost identical in build, Rob’s face is slightly flatter on the right and Jason’s is slightly flatter on the left. You really should be more observant, Alex.”

The twins tried, unsuccessfully, to look at one another.

“Now, are we going to have to untie one of you? What do you think, Rob?” Large shoulders shrugged. “No, I don’t think so, you’re both slim enough to fit. Stand up, Alex.”

Alex crossed his ankles and pushed himself upwards as if he’d had to do it before. Isn’t it wonderful to have a brother?

Rob reached down and raised Ali’s hands forcing him to lean forwards with a gentle, “Ngghh.”

“OK, Alex, turn your back on him.” He was obedient. “Now back up beside Rob.” Alex looked over his shoulder and did what he was told. He thought that, if he did so, Rob might stop hurting his twin. “OK, climb in.”

Alex didn’t understand. “Nnggh?”

“Get in between his arms, here, we’ll help you.” Alex found himself standing between his seated twin’s arms. “Good, now start wriggling down.” Now Alex panicked, how the hell was he supposed to do that? It would have been easier if Rob had released Ali’s feet so that they could both stand up but it was much more fun this way! “Let’s help them, shall we, big brother?”

With a certain amount of pushing, pulling and stretching the twins were soon seated back-to-back. Rob had forced Alex’s arms over Ali’s shoulders and Rachel had pulled his legs and his hips through Ali’s arms, not without a considerable amount of vocal protestation until Ali’s arms were clamped close to Alex’s sides by Alex’s arms and Alex’s arms were stretched to reach around his twin’s arms as well as his torso. Each boy’s wrists were now just about in front of his brother’s belly-button.

“Feet please. Cross your ankles, Alex.” Unlike his twin, Alex crossed his left leg over his right one and, just like his brother, Rachel quickly cross lashed his ankles together. There was absolutely no way they were going to be able to stand up.

Rob and Rachel stood back to appraise their work. Following a discussion, which was the first time Rob spoke during the twins’ capture, the Robertsons decided to make the twins a “bit more snug” in Rachel’s words. Rob soon wrapped a rope round their waists and, after he’d completed three rounds, he cinched it off tightly between them. Rachel wondered if they ought to fasten the twins’ cuffs to the waist rope but when she analysed their predicament carefully, she decided it wasn’t really necessary. After all, Ali’s arms were trapped by Alex’s and Alex couldn’t possibly extend his arms enough to lift them over his twin’s shoulders without being able to dislocate them at will. Rachel thought that Rob and she had done a good job.

("The Twins' Dilemma" by CInched)

“Right, I’m going in now and Rob’s going home. Don’t forget, I can see everything you do on the web cam. I do hope that it’s not going to be a cold night. Sleep tight.” Neither of the twins could really believe that Rachel would leave them like that and more or less behaved themselves for the first hour or so expecting someone to come and release them at any moment. After another hour, it became obvious that rescue was not at hand and they both started struggling in a totally uncoordinated manner and to absolutely no effect. Rachel entertained herself in the comfort of the boy’s living room glancing at the computer screen every so often just to check on her charges.

At about midnight Rachel decided, as a good babysitter should, that she should probably go and 'tuck the twins in'. “Alright, listen. I’m going to bed now and I don’t intend getting up for you two until the morning. Those other things that Rob has fastened up there (Ali looked up at the things by the web cam but Alex couldn’t see them because he was facing away from the garage door.) are a microphone and a motion detector. If you manage to raise your voices or make too much noise in any other way, I’ll hear it indoors. I’m a very light sleeper and I HATE being woken up!” Whatever happened to that gentle, laughing voice from earlier in the day? “The other object is a motion detector; if you cross an unseen line across the garage, an alarm will sound but don’t think that will attract the neighbours, it will only sound in your rather comfortable guest bedroom.”

Rachel checked the twins’ bonds only to find them still almost perfectly in place. She then ruffled their hair and wished them goodnight. “Oh, and if you need the toilet, forget it you’ll be sitting in anything you produce until the morning.” She left, locked the side door and checked that she had locked the main door. The last the twins heard of her was a quiet singing to herself as she went into their comfortable home leaving them in the dirty, unheated, concrete garage.

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Post by Veracity »

Which came first? The picture or the story? Not that it matters. Both are lovely.
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Post by The slave »

really amazing story i love it
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Post by Speedo »

This is a fantastic story so far. I love not only when someone is forced to be tied up, but also how Rachel just turns the tables and trick the twins instead of letting them trick her like the other babysitters do. I hope the embarrassing procedure for Ali and Alex lasts until their parents return.
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Post by Xtc »

[mention]Veracity[/mention], thanks; the pic came first . After seeing it, what could I do?

Thanks. [mention]The slave[/mention], all reactions are valued

[mention]Speedo[/mention] , thanks for the detailed appreciation. I suppose it might last for some time. It would seem that Rachel knows what she is doing.

Thanks for the feedback, folks.
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Post by Camguy2050 »

this is a great story hope to see part 3 soon
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Thank you. Very soon now.
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OK, they didn’t exactly spend a quiet night but nobody outside the garage could have heard them and the twins made sure that they didn’t broach the “invisible line.” At that time of the year, nights are short and, with the sun rising so early and time dragging so, Ali and Alex began to think they’d been forgotten.

Eventually they heard that little song again. Hope started to surface once more. Rachel was coming to release them. And not before time!

“Good morning boys, did you have a good night? Good! I expect you want me to untie you now, don’t you?” In spite of their exhaustion following that totally sleepless night both twins became very animated and quite noisy for people with their mouths packed. The tape had become detached round the edges but neither Alex nor Ali had managed to dislodge what was packing their mouths.

“Shh, shh, all in good time. I just need to see that you’re safe.” With that Rachel carefully inspected the gags and ropes. Neither twin had made any leeway with the lashings round his ankles, and the waist rope was still nearly as uncomfortably tight as when Rob had left it. Ali’s wrists were still almost as firmly tied as when Rachel had left them but Alex had managed to start slipping his right hand through his ropes. It wasn’t the work of a second for Rachel to pull his hand back to where she wanted it. She then undid the half blood knot leaving the coils round Alex’s wrist still in place and pulled them tighter before re-tying the knot. By now both boys knew that they hadn’t been able to reach the knots for themselves due to having been stretched tightly round each other.

“Now, if you’ll listen to me, we might be able to get this over with quickly. Otherwise, it could last much longer than you probably want it to. For instance, you probably think that when your parents get to hear about this, I’m going to be in real trouble. Think again.”

“This goes back a long time. You’ve frightened off just about every babysitter in town over the past three years and your parents haven’t been able to lead anything like a reasonable social life as a result. Your piece de resistance was that stunt with the snake that threw up on my mum. We all thought it was time to teach you a little lesson. You’d better know that “we” includes your parents, my family, and Billy’s mum. Do you remember what you did to her last year? Yes, toerags, we’re all in on it. About the only people who don’t know anything about your little lesson are Bertie and Billy. Now I wonder what would happen if I invited them round now? Good, I’m glad I have your attention.”

The twins really needed to be released as soon as possible. Their bums ached from having sat on concrete all night, their jaws ached and the pain in their over-extended arms was becoming intolerable, and they really needed the loo. If they thought it would get them released, both of them would have promised to start going to church if they were asked to. Alex would probably even have meant it. They listened intently to Rachel.

Rachel listed all their past sins (or, at least, all the ones she knew about) and told the twins to nod whenever they wanted to confess to any of them. She told the twins that their confessions were being recorded on video – they believed her – and that Bertie just might get to see the video and he might just show his friend Billy and, well . . . You know . . .

“Your parents have paid me and my wonderful brothers well for this job. Billy’s mum helped out for free. Oh. By the way, she said she’d quite like to see some of the video. Do you think I should show her?” The wretched twins shook their heads in unison.

“The time has come to make some decisions: either I can leave you like this until your parents return.

“Nnnggg, ngg.” accompanied more head shaking.

“Or I could invite Bertie to bring Billy round now.” More emphatic head-shaking.

“Or I could release you.”

“Mmmm mmmm” and much head nodding.

“Not completely, you understand. Let’s negotiate.”


“I’ll bet you need the loo?” Both boys nodded a very definite affirmative. “Now, how shall we manage this? I know. - Oh hi, Big Brother, right on cue – we’ll untie your ankles and let you walk indoors. Getting upstairs should be fun!”

The twins looked at the hefty young man who’d just arrived and tried to work out who it was. Which one was slightly flatter on the left side of his face? Was that his left or their left? Was this Rob again or was it Jason? They’d only seen Jason in his Tesco uniform before but this guy was in civvies. The Robertsons weren’t letting on.

“Ok, one each.” The Robertsons took a twin each and undid his ankles complete with subsequent “Ngghhh” noises before Ali and Alex examined their rope burns. “Stand up please, boys.” The exhausted and aching pair struggled unsteadily to their feet after figuring out that the easiest way was to push against one another and gradually straighten their legs. If they hadn’t been gagged so effectively, perhaps it wouldn’t have taken so long. “OK, off you go.”

Ali tugged, he obviously intended to go forwards as the two boys made their desperate way to the bathroom. All went quite well, if a little slowly, with the possible exception of the back doorstep, until they reached the foot of the stairs. The twins came to a perplexed halt.

“May I make a suggestion? Why not work as an equal pair? Try it sideways. Say, 'Thank you'.” The subsequent grunts didn’t sound too much like a vote of thanks but Rachel just let it pass. The comical aspect of their stair-climbing seemed to have passed Alex and Ali by but the Robertsons seem to find it pleasantly diverting. The bathroom was immediately at the top of the stairs and the twins came to a halt at the door. They looked desperately to Rachel for help.

“Jase, give us a hand.” Now they knew which of the Robertson twins had come to help his sister. He produced the knife he used when opening deliveries at the supermarket and cut off the knot holding the two boys’ waists so closely together. “OK, get working.” ordered their chief tormentor while her brother remained as taciturn as his twin had been on the previous night. That was unlike Jason but he knew how to play his part: the strong, silent menace.

Until they could get rid of the rope holding them together, Ali and Alex had very little independent freedom of movement and it took over a quarter of an hour of concerted wriggling and writhing until it fell to the floor. Most of that time was spent trying to work the length of rope between them free. After that, a few hula-hoop-like manoeuvres saw it falling from their hips. By now the “strong, silent menace” was very close to laughing uncontrollably at the embarrassing antics of the escapees.

Even without the waist rope, the twins still had little scope for individual movement due to the way Alex’s arms were clamping Ali’s tightly against his waist. They stood for some time evaluating their situation, each twin vainly trying to tell the other what he should do. Eventually, Ali took unilateral action. “Ehh oooh nn,” was supposed to tell Alex to stay standing but Ali’s first few attempts were stymied by Alex bending his legs as his brother tried to slip down from between his arms. Ali’s frustrated, muffled expletives grew louder with each failed attempt. “Ehh oooh nn! Ehh oooh nn!” he shouted whist trying to stand as straight as he could to give his twin the idea that only he should try slipping downwards.

Eventually, Alex got the idea. Ali forced his shoulders down past Alex’s arms and caused his brother some alarm as his rope cuffs passed down the front of his boxers. A final push of Ali’s arms down over Alex’s hips left the twins separated at last. The feeling as they could finally move their arms a bit left them feeling quite light-headed. It would, however, be quite some time before the pain subsided by an appreciable amount.

Rachel opened the bathroom door and Jason pushed the twins inside. Rachel then told them that they could sort arrangements out for themselves but that they’d better get on with it because they only had ten minutes between them. “Oh, and, if your cuffs and gags have been tampered with, you’ll wish that they hadn’t.”

The twins, for once decided to act as a pair and Ali helped Alex to drop his shorts and gave him first dibs on the toilet. Dignity had no call over desperation. Before dressing again, Alex helped his brother, who had not managed to remove his boxers. There was no time to check escape routes before Jason appeared in the doorway. He helped to pull the twins’ boxers properly into place, even if he did pull them up more brutally than was strictly called for. He then called out of the window. Rob was obviously waiting outside in case anyone tried climbing out of the window.

Rachel told the twins to get on their knees; she had no need to repeat the consequences that might result from any disobedience. As she was telling Alex and Ali what they’d be doing next, Rob appeared from outside. Seeing both Robertson twins together, Ali realised why “Jason” didn’t look quite right when he first caught sight of Rob the previous night. Jason and Rob looked even more alike than he and Alex did but he could now see that they were also mirror twins.

Suffice it to say that Ali and Alex had the gags ripped, none too tenderly, from their faces and the short hair at the backs of their necks prior to having to take it in turns to make grovelling apologies to the people named by Rachel while they looked directly into Jason’s video camera.

“Right, I’ll bet that feels better now you’ve got all that evil off your chests. Doesn’t it?” Neither boy dared to answer. “Nothing to say? OK then, boys, tape them up again.” At least Jason and Rob didn’t bother to stuff their mouths this rime before wrapping plenty of the silver gaffer tape round their lower faces. “Now, I suppose we’d better thread you back-to-back again. It should be easier with my twin brothers to help.”

The muffled screams and manic shaking of heads could accurately have been interpreted as, “NO! PLEASE! YOU WOUDN’T! OH FUCK, NO, etc.” I’m sure you get the drift. The older twins held the younger ones by the shoulders but, in reality, to stop them standing rather than to pull them to their feet in order to do what Rachel had suggested.

“Alright, since you ask so nicely, we’ll see what we can do instead. Would you like that?” Both blonde boys nodded tentatively.

The Robertsons had obviously planned their strategy and the smaller twins were pulled to their feet by the larger ones and forced to stand face to face. They quickly found their arms drawn towards their brother’s by loops of rope before Rachel started at their ankles and worked several rolls of packing tape up as far as their necks and back down again. Ali and Alex knew that the probability of their remaining standing for long was very small indeed. Following the customary video of the lads wobbling precariously for nearly two minutes, Jason and Rob picked them up and carried them downstairs and out to the garage again where they laid them down on the floor.

“Right, we’re going to give Mum the good news. Perhaps we’ll show her some video. What you do is up to you. Shall I call Bertie to come and free you?” With the little mobility that was left to them, the twins indicated that they would appreciate it if Rachel didn’t do that. “As you like. Your folks should be back in about four hours. You might be able to rub enough tape off yourselves on the concrete floor to free yourselves by then. Good luck and try not to graze yourselves too much!

The Robertson’s left and Ali and Alex heard the key turn in the lock. Before it did so, Rachel said to no one in particular, “That wasn’t so bad. Maybe I’ll babysit them again one day soon.”

They all say boxer shorts are cool,
but little Speedos always rule.
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Post by Jb99 »

Great story - loved it!
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Post by harveygasson »

Enjoyed seeing this story again and looking forward to the last part
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Post by Xtc »

Thanks [mention]Jb99[/mention] and thanks [mention]harveygasson[/mention], but I;m afraid that WAS the last part!
They all say boxer shorts are cool,
but little Speedos always rule.
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Post by Red86 »

Good story! It doesn't pay to be a constant brat(s) 😅

But dang, that position with the twins back to back with their arms over/around their twin. Looks like one I may need to try on some friends down the road but is it something they'll be able to handle for any length of time. Need to test that 🤣
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Post by harveygasson »

Xtc wrote: 1 year ago Thanks @Jb99 and thanks @harveygasson, but I;m afraid that WAS the last part!
Whoops haha not sure how I managed it but read the first two bits, completely missed the last and just commented, doh! Either way, read it all now and loved it
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