Friendly Enemy Challenge (M/M)

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Friendly Enemy Challenge (M/M)

Post by slider40337 »

Another repost from the former site. This one is a bit longer, and unfinished...hopefully I can wrap it up on this site!

Friendly Enemy Challenge - Pt. 1

This incident happened when I was a sixteen year old guy who met his match to a guy I couldn't stand. And it involved a camping trip.

The summer before, some friends from school and church went camping, and we bragged a bit about things including, being escape artists. I had bragged that I could usually get out of any knot, but deep down, I knew it was false bravado. I knew from personal experience that if tied right, one could not escape from rope, chain or tape.

Well, this particular summer I needed a ride to where my other friends and their fathers were. From my house, it was almost a five or six hour drive. The rest of my friends had left the night before, but due to a scheduling conflict, I couldn't go with them. The only person who could take me to the camping area was Bob.

Bob was the kind of guy who nobody ever liked. He had a whinny voice, and a "George Bush" sneer that irritated a lot of people. And he always seemed to go on our camping trips. In fact, most of the time, he invited himself a long. Otherwise, it was not me who would ask him. He was a little guy, and I being 5'9, towered over him. The funny thing was that he was a few years older than me (I think he was 20). But, he owned a pickup truck and he was going, so I decided to haul up the interstate in his camper truck.

The camper truck was a fad of the 1970's. This is where pickup trucks had a "camper" on the bed. It was about 6 feet high and it topped over the cab (usually where the bed was). No one knew how he acquired it, but there it was.
My Mother dropped me off the K Mart which was about half way between Bob's house and mine. Sure enough, he was there. I kissed my Mom goodbye and grabbed my gear. My Mother drove away and Bob told me to stow my pack in the back. I went to the back of the truck. The camper was actually quite clean inside, with some gear hanging from the walls. At the back against the cab of the truck was a small table for two. And, right in the middle was a wooden ladder that was attached to the floor. This ladder went up to the bed and in fact, reminded me of my old bunk bed ladder when I was younger.

As I shut the door with my gear in the truck, I went to the front passenger side and found that Bob had stored a ton of gear where I was going to sit. There was no room for me.

"Bob," I said. "There is no where to sit."

"I know. You have to sit in the camper in the back. Sorry."

"Bob, I am not going to sit in the camper in the back. It's a five hour drive! And it's warm out, and I am sure it will be bumpy back there!" I was clearly irritated.

He sighed. "Well, I guess you don't have to go. You should have gotten a ride with someone else."

"I couldn't get a ride. The others left last night.", I told him. "You couldn't force me to ride back there. Now clear your gear and let's go!"

Bob looked thoughtful. "You mean, I couldn't force you back there?" I wasn't following this at first. "Remember last year? When you said you were an escape artist? What if I tie you up back there and see if you can escape. If you do, then I will let you ride up front!"

"That isn't the point. I'm not going to be tied up back there! Let's just go?"

"Do you mean to tell me that you think you can't escape? You and the others were bragging about it last year! So, put your money where your mouth is!"

Now, I do like to be tied up. I just wasn't sure this was the time or place. But, I decided that I should be able to escape from his ropes and so I agreed. I was dressed pretty well for it. I had on my soccer shorts and jersey because I'd had a game earlier in the morning, though he had me put my jersey in my bag and handed me a white t-shirt to put on instead. “So you don't mess up your jersey,” he said.

He led me back to the tail gate and opened the door. "Now, here are the rules.", he said. "I get to tie you anyway I want. You can try to escape anyway you want. But, if you don't escape, then you have to stay tied up as long as I want. If you escape, then you can ride up front. If you get thirsty or whatever, I will stop. OK?"

I agreed again. I will never forget how he tied me. First, he told me to make a fist like I am flexing my muscles in my arms. I did so. He took a piece of rope, and tied a loop around my wrist and my upper arm. He then pulled it tight until my fist was nearly touching my upper arm. He then proceeded to wrap the arm up several times and cinched it out of reach. He did the same to my other arm, wrapping it and pulling the ropes tight.

As he reached for more rope, I tested my bonds a little. There was no moving them, and I couldn't move my arms very much around my body. I certainly couldn't unbend them. He had another piece of rope now. It was pretty long. He led me to the ladder and quietly went to work. He pulled my arms over my head (tied as they were) and pulled them through one of the top rings of the ladder. Bob then tied my wrists together palm to palm, fastening my once separate arms together behind my head and through the rung of the ladder. He then wrapped it twice around the another wooden rung, then tied one knot there. He then wrapped the rest of it around another rung, then up to a hook in the ceiling. I was now fastened to the ladder, my wrists behind my head and rope pinning my wrists to each upper arm.

He laughed now, realizing that he had me. He then took my ankle, and looped it several times. He then pulled it over to the table leg and fastened it there. He tied my other ankle, and spread my legs a good deal and tied that ankle to the other table leg. He roped up my thighs to the ladder as they met the beam that held the ladder together on each side. My legs were now spread eagled. He then took another long piece of rope and tied my midsection to the ladder. I remember those ropes because they hindered me from breathing too heavily (like a tight belt on the waist).

At this point, I began to wonder if Bob didn't just set me up. This was too well prepared for any "off the cuff" idea. But it was too late now.

"Well, just two more things to do" He took an old rag and tied it around my eyes. As I was going to speak in protest, he then took what I later found out to be electrical tape, and he started to wrap the tape around my open mouth. He used the entire roll. It was like a clef gag, but the whole roll nearly filled my whole mouth and I couldn't move it away from my mouth because it was so tight. I was unable to say anything but a few muffled groans.

"OK. that is it. You're tied. As soon as the truck pulls away, you can start to struggle. I have kept the window shades down so no one will see you, but I have opened up the vents so you have air." Then he opened the door. And I heard him say: "Sucker!"

At that, I started to struggle, for he confirmed that he took my own hobby and tied me fast to the ladder

Tied in the Camper Truck - Pt. 2

I had been tied with my arms over my head and bend down around a ladder. He also tied my arms, waist, thighs and ankles to the ladder as well. I was blindfolded with a rag and gagged with black electrical tape wrapped around my open mouth. As I heard the truck start up, I really started to struggle. I have to admit that the bondage was clever (if not brilliant) and quite hard to get out of .

When I used to play escape artist, I wasn't usually tied so well. I could usually find something that would help me get untied, and usually (though sometimes I was) not tied to anything. This was not the case. My ankles were spread and tied to the table legs. He had cinched a rope between my ankles and the table leg that held them fast in place. Because my thighs were also bound to the ladder, I could get no leverage to raise my ankles no more than an inch. It was hopeless there. The only thing to do was to get my hands free. He had used a good 10 feet on my wrists alone, and they were attached in several places on the ladder. the knots that actually finished the tie were several inches or even feet above me. Once again, he had my arms and wrists pinned together and then used the rope to tie off my wrists. I could get no leverage. I struggled valiantly though, but the rope around my waist and the gag soon made me winded. I was growing weaker with lack of enough oxygen to continue to struggle madly like that.
The gag was a good one. The only thing I hated about it is that I was drooling a lot. It was very effective. My hands actually touch part of the tape, but they weren't in any position to unwind or even break it. In fact, I made it tighter when I pulled on it. After resting for a few minutes, I started a logical testing of tightness and strength of knots. I soon found in my struggles, a small indenture on the ladder near my blindfold. After a few minutes, I was able to pull the blindfold off! I could see!

It did little good. Within the back of the camper, I saw all sorts of tools and stuff I could use to free myself. There was even a knife on the counter that was bumping back and forth with the movement of the truck. By this time, sweat was pouring from my head, arms and chest. It wasn't that hot in the truck, because Bob opened up the small windows and vents and I had more than enough air. I strained my head around and started to wonder if I could get the ladder to move across the truck from side to side. I did see a bracket that would release the ladder, but it was maddeningly out of reach. It was hopeless. I couldn't move to get at anything. What made me angry was that Bob was going to win this round, and I would have to be tied up the rest of the way.

After sometime, I noticed the truck slowed and we pulled off the freeway and onto the off ramp. I could hear the many trucks that were pulling in and out of a rest stop. Soon the truck stopped and Bob entered after unlocking the door.

"well, I see you didn't get out.", he said. "But you were able to get the blindfold off. Well, I guess that's something." He reached to the floor and picked up the knife that had fallen on the floor. "I am going to tie you up differently now for another part of the trip. Agreed?"

I could only nod my head. I was having a good time, and anticipated how he would tie me next. He released my legs and chest, untying them slowly to not mess up the ropes. He then released my wrists from the ladder. He then untied my arms that were aching from being bent up so far. He took my wrists and tied them in front of me. I winced a little because he tied them tightly, crossed and recrossed in rope.

He flipped the bracket as he unhooked the ladder from its base. He told me to slide under the table. He then laid down on the table bench and took rope and tied my chest to the table support leg near the middle of the table. He then tied my waist to it as well, leaving my tied wrists free. He grunted at my bending of my arms. He grabbed the roll of duct tape, and starting from the ropes on my wrists, began winding the tape up my arms heading for my elbows. In a few minutes, he had crunched my upper arms together from upper elbows to wrists. Now I couldn't bend them.

Now he did something I didn't like. "You don't need this", he said. He grabbed my t-shirt and cut it off with scissors, leaving me only in my soccer shorts. Now I knew why he'd given me a shirt to he could cut it off when he wanted. I was not happy about that, but he had not released me from my gag yet. I realized that he wasn't going to either. I started to struggle to get my arms and wrists free in protest. But, he took another piece of duct tape and wrapped it twice around my eyes. This wasn't a cloth. If my hands couldn't reach it, I wasn't going to get it off. I really couldn't see what he was doing next.

"You have a nice body for a guy." He said.

He took my ankles and crossed them and tied them tight. He then bound my legs at the ankles and below the knees and above them. He then took another roll of electrical tape, straddled my ankles and wrapped many strands around my thighs.

"I think rope would slide off. This way, the tape will stay on.", he said. I heard him reattach the ladder to the bracket, and now I could imagine the table as a cage. But he wasn't through with me yet. He pulled my legs through the bottom ring of the ladder and tied them to it. He wrapped the rope between my ankles and underneath and there he tied the knot. He then pulled my arms as far as they would go. My back and waist, tied to the table pole just reached another ring of the ladder. He then wrapped another piece of rope between my wrists and tied them to the next rung of the ladder. They were just touching the bottom of the table. He checked my bindings and then left. I heard the truck start up again and we were on the way again.

Pick-Up Camper Part III

Well, I was retied by Bob underneath the small table that was near the cab of the pick-up. My body was tied to the support beam of the table and then Bob reattached the ladder that went up to the bunk bed. I was stuck in the space between the table leg and the ladder. He had tied my hands with rope, then taped them to the elbows. He bound my legs in four places and attached them and my wrists to rungs in the ladder.
As the truck started up again, I was all ready trying to break free. As I feared, when ever the truck hit a small bump on the road, I hit my head on the bottom of the table. It didn't hurt, but it did become annoying
I once again had a hard time getting any leverage in the small space I was tied in. My hands wouldn't bend at the elbows because of the tape on them. And I know why he tied my body to the table post, because I couldn't reach my bound wrists with my teeth. Nor could I have anyway, because of the gag. I worked on my legs, hoping to be able to free them to get leverage to push the ladder away, or at least knock it off its hinges, but he tied them well and since they were resting on the bottom rung which was about 5-6 inches off the floor, I couldn't use them for any strength. Technically, I was balancing on my rear.

This time, there was no place to rub the blindfold off. And, the gag was tightly wrapped around my mouth. I did try to chew some of it off, but all that got me was a sore jaw. Once again, I was completely helpless. I would try to work the ropes off my wrists, but a lot of the tape was over the ropes, and I couldn't reach that far back because of the ladder rung hindered my ability to stretch for the knots. So, I just tried to keep my balance with the moving truck. I must have sat there an hour when I heard and felt the truck slow again.

The truck stopped and the door opened. I didn't hear any other vehicles and decided that we were in the country away from any rest stop. But it was too soon to be at the campground.

"Well, still tied? And you didn't get the gag or the blindfold off this time. So, what do you need?" He asked. I aaaaauuuuuuggggeeeed loudly (you don't Mmmmmppppphhhh when you have tape around your open mouth). Bob took the scissors, and finally, he took off my gag. "Thank God", I said. "I need to go to the can."

"Well, we aren't near a gas station here. I think there is one at the next town, and we do need gas. But, I am going to untie you so you can go now. You will of course, still be tied and I will tie you up again when you return.", he bragged.

It took him about five minutes to untie my legs and untie the ropes around my torso. He moved the ladder, and tied a piece of rope around my waist. He lead me still blindfolded to what sounded like a group of trees off the main road. For all I know, he lead me into a stadium full of people, but with my upper arms and wrists tied in front of me, he led me to a tree. He tied the rope around a branch and there I relieved my self. I am not sure what he did, but he came back in a couple of minutes. In that time, I struggled to get out of my wrists. But it was hopeless. I couldn't find the start of the tape, and this duct tape was tough. I couldn't escape. He returned and gave me a drink of water, and them led me back to the truck and led me inside.

I just stood their bound in front of him. I guess he was thinking about what to do with me. He then took scissors and cut the tape holding my upper arms together. He then led me to the ladder and said: "Climb."

I pulled at my bound wrists and they were still well tied. Only my teeth were going to get the ropes off, and I am sure he wasn't going to let me do that. So, I climbed up the ladder slowly and crawled onto the bunk bed. He followed me up to the middle. He then grabbed my ankles, and tied them crossed. I winced as he pulled them tight. He then tied them to a handle at the bottom of the bed. I was hoping he was just going to tied my arms above my head so I could stretch out. He untied my wrists, and then told me to roll over on my stomach. He then pulled both wrists behind me. He looped my wrists and then tied a really tight knot. He then wrapped my wrists, crossing the ropes all around, then tied another knot around them.

He rolled me on my stomach. He took more rope and tied one piece to my upper arm. He centered me on the bunk bed and tied it to the bunk bed railing. He crawled halfway on top of me and took another piece of rope and strung it through some bracket a long the wall over the cab. He then tied the rope, stretching out my elbows and pulled. He then tied it off. I was stuck right in the middle of the bunk bed, with my elbows tied separately to opposing sides of the bed. I now couldn't roll over. He then took his time tying my legs together better. He tied my knees and calves tightly. Then, he took a piece of rope, lifted up my stomach, and tied it around my waist. Bob then pulled it down, underneath my private parts, and then around again and pulled me backwards to where my ankles were tied. He untied my ankle rope from the handle, and tied my crotch rope to it. It further held me in place. But he wasn't done yet.

He then took a small piece of rope, and bound my wrists to the crotch rope. Satisfied with my hands, he then lifed my ankles up to the ceiling. There wasn't more than about two feet of space here. He bent them toward me and I was afraid he was going to tie them to my hands for a nasty hog tie. But he took the connecting rope from my ankles and must have found another handle on the ceiling, because he bound them there. I was now hog tied, my feet tied to the ceiling. But, at least it wasn't an uncomfortable one.

I think he made a mistake here, but he didn't gag me. I don't think he could have gotten to me, as the ropes had now pulled me directly in the center of the bed. If he could have gagged me, it wouldn't have been a good one. But that didn't stop him from telling me he would.

"Now, here is my plan. You aren't going to be gagged. But, I have to get gas at the next stop. So, if you make a lot of noise, both of us could be in a lot of trouble. So be quiet."

Now, I could have gotten him in a lot of trouble, but then I would also have to explain why I was bound in the back of a truck with just my shorts on. So, I told him I would be quiet. "Besides, I bet I can get out of this one," I said. I shouldn't have said that. He then went about my ropes with more rope. He tied another piece of rope on my wrists and pulled them down to the end of my crotch rope and tied them to the same bracket as my waist rope. He managed to fit a piece of rope around my chest, pulled it tight and pulled it through the same handle as my feet. It pulled my all ready bound elbows tight against my body. It slightly lifted me off the mattress. Now, I was really tied. As a last measure, he took another piece, attached it to my knees and also pulled it down the bed and tied it to the bracket where my hand rope and crotch rope were tied. I couldn’t move in any direction as much as an inch. He slapped my behind twice and left the camper. I heard it lock.

Now, I love having my hands tied behind me. And I set myself up for a challenge. Usually, I could get out of rope work where my hands were tied behind me. Most people don't do it that well. I was still blindfolded, but I felt I could get loose without seeing where I was tied. I was unsure where the knots were. I deep down felt that if I could get my wrists free, I could escape this bondage. And I knew instinctively that I only had about an hour and a half to go before we were there at the campsite. So, I got to work.

Pick-Up Camper Part IV

I was tied on the bed for what seemed like forever. I tried struggling against the ropes, but anything that felt like a knot wasn't at the end of a rope, so I wasn't even able to loosen any of the bindings. I was starting to not have fun anymore. I'd been tied the whole day and was starting to really want freedom. At the moment, I couldn't do a thing about it.

The truck eventually stopped again and I heard the lock on the door open. “I thought you said you could get out of that one,” Bob said, laughing a little.

“Are we close?” I asked, glad I wasn't gagged, “It feels like it's been awhile.”

“Does it matter?” Bob asked back, “You said you'd stay tied as long as I want if you couldn't get out.”

I felt a sinking feeling as Bob began loosening the ropes one by one. When most of the ropes were off, leaving only my wrists and ankles tied, Bob pulled me toward the edge of the bed. He helped me hop down the ladder with my tied feet, then quickly pushed me against the ladder. Unable to see or fight back, I couldn't do much as he pulled my arms through the ladder. I felt more rope around my wrists, then suddenly felt them pulled down. With them through the ladder, this meant that I was held against it. I felt more movement around my ankles and discovered I couldn't move them away from the ladder at all.

He tied my knees back together too and secured them to the ladder as well. I was really not going to be moving at all. “How many times are you...” I started, but was cut off as he shoved a cloth in my mouth. I felt tape on my face after that, going around and around holding that rag in my mouth so I couldn't make any sounds at all. He must have wrapped it ten or fifteen times. I wasn't getting that off at all. I felt more rope around my elbows, and he tied that to the sides of the ladder, pulling my elbows apart against my wrist bindings and making sure I couldn't move my arms even a little bit.

“Have fun,” Bob said, patting my cheek a few times. I was angry and wanted to tell him to let me out, but that rag and tape gag wasn't going to let me do that. I just squirmed and grunted to try to get his attention, but I heard the door shut and lock click and I knew he wasn't letting me out any time soon.

The truck started again and I felt us moving forward. I tried pulling against the ropes, but they were tied well enough that I wasn't going to do anything. He'd tied my wrists crossed at 90 degrees too, so I couldn't even really move my fingers around to try to find knots. All I could do was stand there and hope we were close to the camp so he'd let me out.

It seemed like it'd been way longer than it should have taken to get to the campsite, but I couldn't really tell all tied up and blindfolded. The truck did seem like it'd been off road on gravel or dirt for awhile though. After I struggled a bit longer, the truck finally rolled to a slow stop. I hoped we were there, but couldn't do much until Bob untied me.

I heard the back door open and footsteps. “Now you get to see what a bad bet you made,” Bob said, “You agreed to stay tied as long as I wanted if you couldn't escape. I took that to mean you had to escape before we got here.”

I tried shaking my head “no” and making gag noises, but I really couldn't do anything anyhow. “Now since you're tied up, we couldn't go to the main camp, but I was able to find us a nice private campsite where we won't be disturbed for the weekend,” Bob continued.

Without another word, Bob started untying my elbows. I figured I'd have a chance to fight back when he moved me out of the camper, but he untied my wrists only to retie them in front tight. He used another roll of tape to wrap my arms like earlier, so I couldn't bend them or have a chance of getting at the knots. After untying my knees and ankles from the ladder, I figured he'd untie my legs so I could walk. Maybe I could run away long enough to get free or at least find a tree to rub against to get the gag and blindfold off.

Instead, Bob lifted me up and began carrying me over his shoulder. I felt him step down from the camper and I was outside. “I told the others we wanted to camp on our own, so nobody will worry about you while I'm taking care of you,” Bob said with a bit of a laugh, “You should have a bathroom break before we continue.”

He set me down on my feet and my wrists were again secured to a nearby tree trunk. I tried to find the end of that rope, probably with Bob watching, but it was up overhead and likely knotted off out of reach. Resigning myself a bit, I did my business and then stood still. A few moments later, I heard Bob untying my wrists from the trunk. I was picked back up and placed on something hard. Before I could try to move around, my arms were pulled up over my head.

After a bit of light jerking from Bob working the rope (likely knotting it off), I found that I couldn't lower my wrists at all. They were secured up above my head. Then I felt Bob untying my ankles and knees from each other. “It will get chilly tonight, so I figured you might want a bit more cover,” he said with amusement.

As I wondered how I'd get a shirt on with my hands tied, I felt a strap around my calf. Bob had gone through my bag and found my shin guards! After strapping those on, he lifted one foot at a time off the hard surface and put my soccer socks on me too. Then he had me step into my cleats and tied them onto my feet. Once he finished, he retied my ankles, adding more rope around my cleats to keep my feet together securely. He retied my knees together, both above and below the knee so I couldn't move my legs really at all.

I tried pulling my arms down, but the rope only had a bit of give to it. Still, it stretched a bit and I had hope that I could get it down to my gag and get that off later once Bob went to bed. “You should be able to see,” Bob said, beginning to pull off my blindfold tape, “That way you know when the sun comes up and you have a chance of me changing your position.”
Even at dusk, the light was blinding. I realized I'd spent a full half of the day unable to see so my eyes weren't used to any light. Looking down, I saw my green socks to match my green shorts on my legs. Bob must have played soccer too, since he'd folded down the socks so the stripes showed right. I also saw that the hard surface he'd stood me on was a small plastic crate about a foot high.

It took me a second to figure out what he'd done that for, and when I did I started shaking my head and trying to make noises at him. “Oh come on,” he said, “You need to be secure while I'm asleep. I can't have you going anywhere while I'm not watching.”

Bob reached down and grabbed the box. He began pulling it out. I tried the best I could to keep my feet on it, but eventually the box was just too far with my arms over my head not letting me move with it. The rope jerked a bit and I swung back. I found that I could just stand on my feet with my hands pulled up totally tight, or go up on my toes and get a bit of slack with my hands. I certainly wouldn't be reaching my gag now, or having any chance at working those wrist knots with all that tension. Bob laughed as I made angry gag noises at him. He unclipped a pocket knife from his waistband and showed it to me. “I figure you should have a fighting chance at least,” he said, clipping it onto the waistband of my shorts.

Bob then went back to the camper and stepped inside. Just when I worried that he'd not come back out, he emerged with a sleeping bag which he unrolled a couple feet from me. He set up his pillow and climbed inside. “Have a good night,” he said, reaching over and patting my legs, “Try not to go anywhere.”

I squirmed in the ropes and grunted. My hobby was quickly becoming something I apparently wasn't very good at.

Tied Camping Part V

The night got colder as it went on. I started to shiver a bit and wanted to pull myself into a ball, but the ropes weren't about to let me do that. I stood there switching from standing flat with my arms pulled up tight and going up on my toes to get some relief, often looking longingly at the knife clipped to my waistband, hoping I'd be able to somehow reach it. My arms were getting really sore from being pulled up and I definitely wanted nothing more than to get at that knife.

I pulled my arms hard, hoping I could do a pull-up and maybe get my hands down to that knife, but the rope swung as I tried to move and made it impossible to try to flip around at all. Maybe if my legs weren't tied together, I'd have been able to do something, but them being secured meant that I couldn't separate them to have any movement. I pulled up again, this time getting my hands almost to my mouth. I tried to grab at the gag, but lost my pull after a couple seconds and only succeeded at yanking at the tape a bit.

Unfortunately, I didn't do a thing to make the gag any looser, and hanging from the arm ropes for the pull-ups didn't do my wrists any good, likely pulling all the knots very tight. I stood there frustrated and unable to do anything for awhile, feeling very tired because I'd been in stressful positions all day and was still a bit hungry. I looked up and started feeling almost angry at the ropes. I yanked a bit but couldn't move enough to do much more than that.

After what seemed like forever, but still plenty dark, I felt a hand on my head. Looking down, I noticed that Bob must have gotten up when I wasn't paying attention. “I figured I'd be nice,” he said, “Let you get some sleep not standing up.”

Before I could begin to wonder what was coming next, I felt cloth over my eyes. After the pulling sound of duct tape, I felt that go tight around my eyes and head as well, holding the cloth over my eyes and making sure I wouldn't be able to see or work that cloth off. “I can't have you seeing,” Bob said, “Makes it easier to change your positions.”

After being blindfolded, I felt my wrist ropes wigging a bit, then slowly lowering. After my hands came down, I was hoping he'd untie them, but instead he just pushed me onto the ground. It was all I could do to not fall roughly with my hands and feet tied.

I felt my hands being pulled a bit, then harder. I found them secured, and I felt both ends of my wrists rope running away and likely tied off to a tree trunk. Before I could start crawling that way, my feet were pulled as well. I tried to flex my abs and keep my body curled up so he couldn't do what I thought he was doing, I was too tired to really resist. Eventually I found myself stretched out, arms tied to one tree well out of reach and legs tied toward another.

The dirt and some grass pressed coldly against my bare back as I lay there. After trying to say something, I realized the gag was as tight as it had been, and that wasn't going to work. I resigned myself to the position, knowing that I'd never reach any of the knots. I felt cloth on my body suddenly. “Don't worry,” Bob said, “It's just a blanket so you can sleep. Get some rest, because we have more fun ahead in the morning.”

I heard Bob laughing as he shuffled into his sleeping bag. I tested the ropes one final time before doing my best to relax. Eventually, I did drift off into sleep. It didn't seem to last very long before I woke up to my legs being jerked around. I soon realized that I could move them a bit, and then more. I tried to move my arms, but found them still tied over my my head toward a tree trunk. “I figured you could use a break,” Bob said, “So I'm going to tie you so your hands are free but you can't go anywhere.”

I tried to sound annoyed through the gag because I wanted out, but Bob just laughed and finished untying my feet. I was pulled up to my feet and walked for a few seconds, my hands still secured to a tree somewhere but apparently in the direction I was walking. Bob made me lay facedown and then pulled my legs. Blindfolded and with hands tied, I wasn't going to be able to fight him so I just let him do it. My legs were pulled around a tree trunk and tied together. Then I felt them pulled with rope, likely toward another tree trunk so my crotch was kept up against the tree. I tried to bend a bit, and realized that Bob was smart. I couldn't reach my ankles even after he untied my hands. As he came around and started freeing my wrists, I didn't know what to do. I wanted out, and was definitely getting hungry, but my tied ankles would hold me in place regardless. “Don't go anywhere while I go get breakfast ready,” Bob said with a laugh, “And don't mess with that gag or blindfold, or you'll get punished.”

I heard his footsteps sounding like they were moving away. I thought I had my chance. Maybe I could manage to pull the gag off and make enough sound for someone else to hear! Hoping he was far enough away, I started working on the tape gag with my fingers. After giving up trying to find the end of the tape, I settled for trying to rip it. Before I could get a good try, however, my hands were roughly grabbed and pulled behind me. “I told you not to mess with the gag,” Bob said, “Now you don't get any breakfast and I have to make sure you remember to listen when I give you brief moments of freedom. I was going to be nice and give you your jersey back, but now you don't get that until later.”

Unable to fight with tied ankles, I let (and even helped) Bob pull me up onto my knees. I wasn't fully on them with my ankles still tied and pulled, but it was enough that my back was up against the trunk and I was fairly upright. He crossed my wrists behind me around the trunk (the tree must have been only a few inches in diameter) and tied them there. I ended up leaning forward a bit with my tied wrists against the trunk because I couldn't fully hold myself upright. Before long, I felt Bob running more rope around my wrists and then they were pulled back. I soon found my back again against the trunk with my wrists back behind me. I gave some experimental tugs and it seems that Bob had tied my wrist ropes off to the same tree my ankles were secured to.

I groaned into the gag, knowing I was pretty well stuck in position. Bob just laughed as my patted my cheek a couple times, getting harder each time so the last couple felt more like light slaps. “You were going to be tied this way for the morning anyhow,” Bob said, “But I was going to give you the jersey so you wouldn't get sunburn. Guess you'll just have to deal with it now, along with a little surprise of mine.”

I tried shaking my head “no” and making gag noises, but I knew at this point that I couldn't do anything at all anyway. A few moments later, I felt sharp pain on my right nipple, then the same on my left. “Don't worry,” Bob said, “They're just clothespins, and you'll get used to them soon enough. Well, maybe not, but then you should figure out how to remove them if you don't want them on.”

Some sharp pain followed, likely Bob flicking the clothespins a bit, and then I heard him lay down nearby. Except for the occasional sound of a page turning, he was quiet. The pain dulled after awhile but never really went away. It was going to be a long day.

Tied Camping Part VI

After what felt like hours, Bob shuffled and got up. “Ok, you've had a good hour of punishment,” he said, coming over to me.

I second later, I felt a burst of pain as Bob ripped the clothespins off my nipples. I screamed into the gag, making very little noise really. Squirming and pulling on the ropes didn't accomplish much, but I somehow couldn't help myself from doing it. “Looks like that hurt,” Bob said, “Did you learn your lesson?”

I nodded and made a sad gag noise because I knew I didn't have any choice but to do what he said. “Ok,” Bob said, “I'm going to take the gag off but leave you tied and give you some food and water. Then the gag goes on and you'll get a choice about how you spend most of the day. After that you'll get a bathroom break before I tie you how you chose. Also, if you say anything at all while you're eating, the gag goes back in right away and the clothespins come back. Nod if you understand.”

My heart sank. Tied most of the day! Bob was smart, only letting one thing free at a time. I'd have to eat and drink tied and then be still blindfolded and gagged while using the bathroom so running would be useless because Bob could catch me easily. I nodded slowly, resigning myself to whatever was coming next.

Breakfast was another couple nutrition bars and some water. “Not too much water,” Bob said, “I don't want you having to use the bathroom too often.”

After eating, I felt a dry cloth on my face as Bob started to push it into my mouth. I wanted to tell him to stop, to let me out, to even just leave the gag off, but my still-sore nipples reminded me to let him put the rag in. After that, and several wraps of duct tape later, I was again unable to make much of a sound. My hands were untied and I fell forward to the ground with my ankles still secured. Bob then retied my hands in front of me, using lots of rope so it wound up almost to my elbows. I wasn't going to reach the final knots and Bob knew it. He then untied my ankles and I was able to stand. Bob led me for about 5 minutes and then I felt my ankles being retied and secured to a tree. I couldn't run but could stand there and move my hands well enough to take care of business.

After I finished, I started to bend down to see what I could do with my ankles, but Bob grabbed me and kept me up. “Still a little curious about escape, I see,” Bob said.

My hands were pulled up over my head and secured so I was now stuck with my hands above and my ankles secured to the tree trunk. “Ok, so here's your options for today. If you'd like, I can tie you laying down for the next several hours, but you lose your socks, shin guards, and shoes so you're just left in your shorts and under armour. Otherwise, if you want your jersey, you can be tied standing. It'll be less comfortable, but you'll get your jersey. Either way, you'll get it for tonight, but what you pick now might influence how you're tied overnight. I can't have you getting too comfortable for the next couple days.”

I groaned in the gag. It was a three-day weekend and so I still had most of Saturday left as well as Sunday and Monday before the drive back. Still, I couldn't do much about it at this point. “Nod for laying down and shake your head for standing,” Bob said, obviously enjoying my distress.

I thought for a moment. I wanted to lay down, and was very tired from being tied on my knees earlier. But I didn't want to be stuck an evil way for the whole night either when it would be colder. I shook my head from side to side and Bob just laughed. “Just remember,” he said, “When you're sad and begging later because you don't like it, this is your choice. Nod if you want to confirm your choice.”

I nodded, though a bit slowly. It wasn't really my choice at all! If I really had my choice, I'd be untied! Still, I decided not to resist as he lowered my arms and untied my ankles. Bob walked me for awhile again, I think back to the campsite. “Since you've shown a desire to escape,” he said, “Your hands are definitely going to be separated for awhile.”

Bob stood me not against anything, but I felt a length of rope tied around each ankle. They weren't tied together though, so I wondered what they were for. Then my right ankle was pulled a bit and I felt the rope tugging of Bob tying distant knots. The same happened to my left, leaving me standing with my legs apart a couple feet. Bob then untied my hands, but I wasn't going to be doing much with my legs secured in place. He then handed me my jersey, which I put on and was glad to have.

Rope was then looped around each wrist a few times. I knew what Bob was doing now, and he followed through indeed. My right arm, and then my left, were pulled away to each side and tied off so my arms were pulled out and slightly up. Then my leg ropes were tightened, forcing me to spread my legs pretty wide. Some final tugs pulled everything tight, leaving my arms unable to pull in more than bit and my legs spread so far apart that the stretching was really uncomfortable.

I heard Bob approach and felt my shirt being tugged on. For a moment I worried that he was going to cut it off like the t-shirt from the day before, but then I realized he was just tucking it into my shorts. “Can't have you looking like a slob standing there,” he said laughing, “Especially because you'll be here at least half the day.”

Bob then set to doing something he hadn't yet, but which likely got his desired effect. He started tickling my sides suddenly without warning. I couldn't do anything but laugh into the gag and squirm. The ropes held me in place though, and I couldn't do much but lean forward and backward a bit. After awhile, he stopped and patted my head. The sun was definitely coming down and the exertion from the tickles had made me sweat a bit. I did my best to stand up in position so I wasn't pulling too hard against the ropes. I definitely had a long day ahead.

I tried, several times, to see if I could slip my hands out of the ropes binding them, but Bob had tied them right. They were even loose enough that I didn’t have any circulation problems. I could likely have slipped my hands out if I was able to bring them together to work the ropes, but they were are far apart as possible so that wasn’t going to happen. The day got hotter and I started sweating. My legs were getting sore too. It was actually hard work to stay upright so I wasn’t hanging on any ropes. I made some whimpering noises to indicate my exhaustion, but Bob just laughed. “You’ve only been there two hours,” he said, “You’ve still got another six or so to go.”

I made a sad moan into the gag before jerking on the ropes a bit. Still, I accepted it and just got back to standing there the best I could so I didn’t hang on any ropes.

After a very long while, I felt something cold on my face. “I’m cutting the gag tape off,” Bob said, “You’re going to get some food and water now. If you say anything at all, even if I ask you something, you get gagged again.”

I nodded and let Bob remove the tape and rag from inside my mouth. Careful not to say anything, I let him feed me another couple meal bars and some water. Then, a fresh dry cloth was pushed into my mouth and the sound of duct tape followed. After at least five or six wraps around my head to hold the rag in, Bob spoke again. “I’m going to untie you for a bit now, but the gag and blindfold stay. There’s a head in the camper with a small shower. You’re going to take off everything but your shorts and go wash up before I tie you for the night. You can also use the bathroom in there, but I’ll be right outside the door so if you try anything it’s going to be worse for you.”

Again I nodded and felt great relief as Bob untied me. I wanted to rip off the blindfold and run once I was freed, but the blindfold wouldn’t come off so quickly, and I was too tired and sore to likely outrun Bob anyhow. I let him lead me into the camper and to the bathroom. I enjoyed the chance to use a real bathroom and removed my uniform as well and showered off. The shorts got all wet, but Bob had said to leave them on. I left the bathroom after a bit when Bob knocked on the door and told me it was time to be done.

“Now, you tried to escape this morning, twice, so your tie tonight will factor that into it. But you were good just now, so it won’t be as bad as I’d planned originally. You get to lay down tonight, but it’ll be outside and you only get your wet shorts. Nod if you understand.”

Without even really thinking I nodded almost automatically. Just my wet shorts! I’d be freezing, but at least I’d be laying down. I hated to think what other position he’d had in mind. Bob grabbed my neck from behind and started pushing me. I was forced out of the trailer and onto the grass and dirt with my bare feet. After a few feet, he pushed me to the ground onto my back. I felt the same type of loop around my hands as earlier, each one over my head but out to the side as well. He gave my feet the same treatment, then went around again to tighten the pull on all four limbs. I found myself stretched out spread eagle on my back, unable to move really at all. Bob then lifted my head and added more wraps of tape around both my gag and blindfold, so those wouldn't be going anywhere for the night. Just as I started to relax into it, I felt cold all over me. Bob had dumped water on me! “Have a good night now,” he said, laughing, “You’ve got about 10 hours until I get up in the morning!”

I squirmed in the ropes, unable to do anything to curl up against the air that was growing chilly. It was going to be a very long night.

Tied Camping Part VII

The night was very long indeed, but I dried out soon enough and it was really only in the mid 60s or so. I was chilly, and definitely wanted to curl up or something, but I wasn’t going to get sick over it and couldn’t do much about my situation anyhow. Several times I kind of dozed, then woke up a short while later. I had many moments of thrashing and pulling at the ropes though. At this point, I just wanted to be out and not be tied up anymore. It had been two full days and was going on to my second full night. I still had Sunday ahead, Sunday night, and all day Monday before behind expected back home Monday night. I was only halfway through!

I dozed off a few times, tired from standing all day before. I felt movement suddenly, waking me from one of my periods of light sleep. Bob was untying my left ankle. Finally, I'd get at least a little break before the next position! Once the leg was free, I felt him grab it and lift it a bit into the air. Then came the familiar strapping on of my shin guard. Then my sock came onto my foot and was pulled up onto my leg. My shoe was then tied onto my foot as well. Bob retied my leg down and repeated the procedure with the other one. “I'm going to untie your hands so you can get your jersey on,” Bob said, “Don't try anything or I'll get out the clothespins again.”

Moaning into the gag, I simply nodded and let him untie my hands. He handed me my jersey, which I quickly pulled on over my head. Before I could move any more, Bob grabbed my hands and pulled them behind me. He crossed my wrists in back and tied them securely with a lot of rope. He then untied my ankles and had me stand up. I felt rope around my ankles and some movement, but he didn't tie them together. I tested a bit, and found that I could stand with my ankles about two feet apart, but couldn't separate them any more. He'd hobbled me, but not fully tied my legs together. “I figured you should get some exercise today,” Bob said, “So we're going for a walk. I'll let you see, but you know that trying to run would be bad.”

The tape holding the cloth blindfold in place was slowly pulled off, layer my layer. Finally, I could see. The light was again blinding, since I'd been blinded most of the previous day and all night. After a few moments, I was able to see again and noticed that Bob was again tucking in my shirt. I looked down and saw that it was white. He'd gone into my bag and gotten out my away jersey, which was white with green stripes in contrast to the green home jersey. My socks were white to match the jersey as well, with the three green stripes around the top.

After my shirt was tucked in, Bob wrapped the rest of the long ropes tying my wrists around my waist a couple times, pulling my hands against my back. He tied those off in front just above my shorts' waistband. He then dropped the rope ends into my shorts and reached down the back of my shorts to retrieve them. I made an annoyed gag sound but he just chuckled as be pulled the rope ends out and secured them to my bound wrists. The rope running between my legs in my shorts kept me from being able to lift my hands up at all. Bob then took the last length of that rope and wrapped it again around my waist and tied it off very tight in front. My wrists were secure in place and I wasn't going to reach those final knots to have a chance at untying them at all.

Seeing the knots there proved even more useless as the sound of duct tape soon followed. Bob proceeded to tape up my hands into fists so I'd be unable to untie any knots even if my hands could get to them. He stepped back, likely checking his work, and made a slight sound of approval. “All right,” he said, “You can walk, but won't be running away, and your hands are secured so you can't do anything about those.”

He then stepped in front of me with a smaller six foot length of rope. He proceeded to wrap it around my neck and knot it off in front, leaving about four feet of rope that he held on to. It wasn't very tight, but I definitely wouldn't be able to slip my head through it. “Ok,” Bob said, “Time for your Sunday stroll.”

With that, Bob pulled on what was now my leash and started me walking. Before we got very far, I took a quick look toward the camper. He'd packed up everything back in the truck so it was just parked there. It made me realize that our walk wasn't likely going to be brief, or stay very close to the truck.

I managed to keep my balance just fine once I got used to being unable to take very large steps. I could still walk at a decent pace but the rope hobbling my feet would keep me from being able to run at all. Even without it there, that leash that Bob held wouldn't let me get away. I tested my hands a bit as we walked, but the wrists were secure and the rope around my waist and inside my shorts between my legs was all very good at keeping my hands from moving around. I resigned myself and just focused on the ground in front of me as Bob marched me.

Bob’s pace wasn’t quick, but he kept it steady. It was hard going with my hands tied and legs hobbled, but any attempt to slow down just earned me some jerks of my leash. I grunted into the gag each time he yanked, but he didn’t respond and just kept pulling me on.

It heated up and I started sweating a bit. Before long, I noticed something about my fingers. I was starting to be able to move them. The sweat from my hands in the tape must have loosened the adhesive. I stole a look up at Bob, but he was facing away, walking in front of me and leading me. If I could manage to get the tape off without him noticing, perhaps I could somehow get to the knots trying my hands the undo those. Even though Bob had my stuff back at the camper, I could find someone else to take back with me and get it if I managed to get away.

I slowly worked on the tape mitts as we walked, flexing my fingers and unsticking more and more of my hands from them. Bob hadn’t wound the tape all the way up to my wrists, so they wouldn’t be too thin to slip over my hands. I got the tape off my left hand and felt it fall away. The fresh air on my hand felt really good and I main a moan of relief into the gag.

Bob turned to see what caused me to make the sound, so I know I’d messed up. He stopped and stepped to look behind me at the ground. “Well,” he said, “I have to give you points for trying.”

He stepped around me and picked up the fallen wad of duct tape that had been on my hand. “Of course, this means we have to cut your walk short and I’ll have to figure out some way to punish you when we get back.”

Without another word, Bob wrapped the end of the leash a couple times around his hand and set off at a faster pace back in the direction we’d come from. What had seemed like a couple hours of hiking made for a quick walk back. I figured Bob must have been taking us in circles earlier so we were never too far away in case I started escaping.

Once back, Bob knelt down and retied my ankles, simply cinching up the rope already there and knotting it off so I couldn’t move my ankles apart at all. He then ducked into the camper and came out with more rope and a couple rolls of tape. “It’s about 11 AM,” he said, “And I was going to give you lunch until you pulled your little trick back there. Now you have to wait for dinner at sundown.”

I made angry gag noises and jerked my arms against the ropes, but there wasn’t really anything I could do about it. Bob quickly wrapped tape around my head, covering up my eyes. He hadn’t even bothered with cloth this time. It was going to hurt when it eventually came off. I felt my hands being untied, and they did eventually come free. I thought I might be able to wrestle Bob off, at least long enough for him to know that I was done with being tied up and really wanted out.

Bob didn’t even seem to care about my attempts to fight. My hands, with right hand still covered in tape, were brought in front and tied together. Bob then covered my left hand again with tape, going over the rope a bit so the newly created mitt went to my wrist and wouldn’t slip off. He gave my right hand the same treatment, covering the existing mitt with yet more tape.

I heard a thud on the ground next to me. “Get up onto it,” Bob said, patting what was likely the box he’d had me stand on before.

I shook my head “no” and refused to move. “If you don’t, then I’ll figure something else out, and then I’ll get out the clothespins,” Bob said, “So you should probably do as you’re told.”

I made an annoyed gag noise but bent over and managed an awkward climb onto the box with my tied hands and ankles. Bob then wrapped rope around my wrist bindings, since I could feel those being cinched up more. My hands were then pulled up over my head. A bit more jerking as Bob likely threw the rope over a branch and then tied it off somewhere and my hands wouldn’t come down at all. I felt more rope around my feet, this time tying my cleats together so my feet wouldn’t move much, followed by rope just above and below my knees, trying my legs together there.

“I was nice and didn’t make you spend your first night like this,” Bob said, “But now you can stand here in the hot day and remember why trying to escape is a bad idea. Well…at least stand as much as you can get your toes onto the ground.”

Bob then laughed and yanked out the box I was standing on. I fell, the rope pulled tight, and I could feel my toes barely brushing the ground. With my knees and feet tied as well as my ankles, I couldn’t even try to get one foot along solidly on the ground. Bob definitely knew what he was doing, since I definitely wasn’t going anywhere at all.
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Post by Veracity »

Excellent story. I do hope that you finish it someday (soon.)
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Post by MaxRoper »

This is some serious bondage and Bob is quite a rigger. I missed this at the old site. Thanks for reposting.
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Post by TightropesEU »

Just discovered this story. Love it, Bob sure is an amazing rigged
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Post by blackbound »

Oh my, I remember seeing like the first 3 chapters of this somewhere a long time ago and never knew there was more! Probably too much to hope that it'll get finished all these years later, but who knows? At least I have several additional chapters now.

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Post by harveygasson »

Wow this was intense and very good
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