Beauty and the Best - In The Summertime (MF/MFmf)

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KP Presents
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Beauty and the Best - In The Summertime (MF/MFmf)

Post by KP Presents »

“Cup of Tea?”

“Thanks Mum,” Holly Carroll said as she accepted the cup and took a sip. She was thirty five years old, her long blonde hair falling loosely over her neck and shoulders, and she was wearing a lilac coloured dress, the shoulders pulled down, the skirt coming almost to the floor as her feet sat in open toed sandals.

At the table on the other side of the room, her younger daughter Belinda was drawing a picture. She was also wearing a long dress, with coloured stripes and held on her shoulders by thin straps, and white ribbon held her hair in a ponytail. She was five years old, while her three year old brother Steve was playing with some cars on the floor. He was wearing a blue t-shirt and khaki shorts, and was happy to be just doing that.

“So when is Robert getting back,” her mother Blair said as she sat down. She was fifty five years old, and was wearing a blue tunic with a black and white floral print on the material, the sleeves coming to her elbows and the hem covering the top of her black leggings. A pair of black flat shoes completed her outfit.

“Not until about three – assuming he wins his round of golf,” Holly said with a smile, “Bobby and Hayley are getting on with their assignments upstairs, so I’ll sort some drinks out in a little while once they have finished.”

“They are getting so big so fast,” Blair said as she sipped from her own cup of tea. “I can’t actually believe Bobby is twelve next week.”

“I can’t either,” Holly said with a smile as she heard the doorbell ring. “I wonder who that could be?”

“Well, you won’t know unless you go and answer the summons,” Blair said as Holly put her cup down and walked out of the room. She could hear her saying “yes, how can I…” and then two low voices – one male, one female.

“Who is it, Holly,” she called out, and then she saw her daughter walk back in – with two others. They were both wearing dark clothing - the man a black jumper, pants and shoes, as well as black leather gloves on his hands, and the woman a tight black jumper and leggings which were tucked into over the knee black fabric boots. She was also wearing gloves – and in one hand was a pistol which she pointed at Blair. The man was carrying a large canvas bag – and both of them were wearing black woollen hats, as well as masks over their eyes, the skin darker under the eyeholes.

“Oh my…”

“Momma, who are they,” Steve said as he looked up, Belinda also looking over with fear clearly visible in her eyes.

“I know this looks scary,” the masked woman said as she walked over, “but I promise you, we’re not going to hurt you. We just need to make sure you all do as we say, because we are here to rob this house.”

“Mummy, I’m scared…”

“So am I,” Holly said as Blair suddenly realized her hands were behind her back, “but they have promised that if we do what they say, we can all sit together and we can be with each other.”

“Who are they?”

“That is a fair and good question,” the masked man said as he indicated Holly should sit on the couch. As she sat in the centre, he said “you can call me The Best, and this is my friend Beauty.”

“Your name is Beauty?”

“It is,” the masked woman said as she walked over to the windows and drew the curtains over them, and then went to Belinda, “do you like it?”

“I think it suits you – are you really robbers?”

“We are – come and see what I did to your mother. You too Steve.”

The two children walked over and looked at Holly as she leaned forward, and they saw the white tape that was holding her wrists together behind her back.

“Does it hurt, Momma,” Steve said as he put his finger to his lips.

“No,” Holly said quietly, “so what I need you and Belinda to do is to put your hands behind your back, and then Beauty is going to do the same thing to you, while my friend Best does the same thing to your grandmother.”

“Please lean forward,” Best said as he looked at Blair, “and put your hands behind your back as well.”

“Kids, do as he says,” Blair whispered as she leaned forward and put her hands behind her back.

“What about Bobby and Hayley – will you do this to them as well,” Belinda said as she slowly put her hands behind her, and felt the tug on her skin as they were taped together.

“Oh yes – once I am finished down here, I will go and fetch them,” Beauty said with a smile.

“Why rob us, though?” Blair said as she felt her own wrists being taped together.

“You have money, we do not – we seek a little charity,” Beast said as he walked round and knelt in front of the older woman, crossing her ankles and then taping them together as well. As he did this, Beauty finished taping Bobby’s wrists together, and then said “I want you to sit either side of your mummy. Then I’ll tape the ankles of all three of you together, and I’ll put the television on so you can watch some cartoons.”

“We’ll make it an adventure, all right,” Holly said, the two children nodding as they pushed themselves back on their seats, watching as one by one Beauty made sure their ankles were taped together as well.

“Charity? Why should we?”

“Because we have the guns – and I meant it when I said we seek charity, because” Beast said as he stood up, “without it, we would starve as well. Put your lips together please.”

“Why did you ask that of my mother? Mum?”

Holly’s eyes widened as Beast stepped back, and she saw the strip of white tape that covered Blair’s mouth. “Shrrheee,”

“You sound funny, Gran,” Belinda giggled.

“So will you in a minute – put your lips together, and I’ll put some tape over your mouth as well,” Beauty said. “then your bother, then your mother – and don’t worry, Bobby and Hayley will be just like all of you in a little while.”

“I like you, Bobby said as Beauty gently pressed the tape down over Belinda’s mouth, “you’re not really scary.”

“”Well, just keep calm and sit with your mother,” Beauty said, Bobby nodding as she gagged him, and then Holly. Both of the children rubbed their heads against her as Best turned on the television, and an episode of scooby doo started. Best stood with them and watched as Beauty took a roll of white tape, and made her way up the staircase.

“Swhhtdhwhdh,” Blair said as she looked at her daughter.

“Jhsttsht,” Holly whispered as Best smiled…

Bobby Carroll was sitting in front of a desk, writing on some paper as the concentration was clear on his face. He was wearing a white short sleeved shirt with blue triangles on it, blue shorts and brown sandals.

As the door opened, he said without looking up “nearly finished Mum.”

“That’s fine – I want you to finish your work before we can begin.”

The voice was new to him, as he turned his head and looked at the masked woman dressed in black.


“Hello Bobby – mu name is Beauty. Now, I will be honest with you – my friend and I are here to rob your parents, and we need to make sure nobody can raise the alarm or get in our way. Your mother, your grandmother, and your younger brother and sister are already downstairs – and once you have finished, you and your sister will join them. So, I want you to call your sister in, and then you can finish writing.”

Bobby looked at her, and then stood up, walked to the door and said “Hayley? Have you finished?”

“Yeah – why?”

“Come into my room – I’m nearly done, and I want to talk to you about something while I finish up.”

“Very good – now sit down and wait,” Beauty said as Bobby sat down, and then an eleven year old girl walked in. She had long blonde hair, and was wearing a sleeveless dress with a blue top and a white skirt with a floral print.

“So what do youohmygodarewebeingrobbed?”

“You are – my name is Beauty, and you must be Ashley,” the masked woman said with a smile. “Bobby, finish your work – I am going to make sure your sister is secured and kept quiet before we go downstairs.”

“Why? Why are you robbing us?”

“Honestly? Because we have bills to pay, rent to find, food to buy – and this means we do not starve, do not have any problems. We think you as a family can afford that.”

“You promise we will not be hurt?”

“I promise – now, put your hands behind your back.”

Bobby started writing again as he heard Beauty and Ashley talking, heard the soft ripping sound of the tape as it came free from the roll, and then heard Ashley mumble something incomprehensible. When he had finished, he put his pen down, stood up and trend round – only to see Ashely standing there, her hands behind her back and white tape covering her mouth.

“Wow,” he whispered.

“Wow indeed – and now it is your turn. Come over here, and put your hands behind your back.”

“Hmmghdd,” Holly mumbled as Beauty walked in with Bobby and Ashley. She helped both of them to sit on a smaller couch, and then taped her ankles together as she said “this is my friend The Best.”

“Thbhsthtwht,” Bobby mumbled.

“At everything,” the masked man said as he glanced at a clock, and then heard a noise outside. Putting a finger to his lips, he indicated everyone should stay quiet as a car door opened and closed, and then the front door.

“Hey – where is everyone,” a deep voice called out, and then a tall man came in, wearing a blue shirt and tan pants. He stared at the scene of his family taped and gagged, before he felt the pressure wat his back and heard Best say “Hello, Mister Carroll – or may I call you Robert?”

“Who are you? Why have you done this?”

“They call us Beauty and the Best,” the masked man said, “and your family are quite safe, so long as they and you do as we ask. We have absolutely no desire to hurt anyone – we just need you to help us.”

“Help you, how?”

“By giving us what we need to survive in this world,” Beauty said with a smile as she looked at him. “Now, put your hands behind your back – Best will make sure you are just like the others, and in a little while I’ll help your wife to prepare some food for all of you.”

“And after that?”

“We will see – hands behind your back please…”

“You are being serious, aren’t you,” Holly said as she rubbed her wrists, “you do this to make sure you survive?”

“I know it may sound like an excuse, but it is the absolute truth,” Beauty said as they both walked to the kitchen – Robert was now sitting between Steve and Belinda, talking to them, or rather mumbling, as they watched a film.

“A little drastic, isn’t it?”

“Holly, you must be aware of how bad things are for the likes of me and The Best,” Beauty said quietly. “Now, I can help you prepare some light finger food for everyone – at your discretion.”

“Will you let me chop some vegetables?”

“You, no. Me yes – just say what you want me to do?”

“Apart from leave us alone?”

“That will happen – later.”

“And what will happen to us later?”

“Well,” Beauty said as she took a cucumber from Holly and picked up a large knife, “I will be honest. We will leave all of you more tightly tied and silenced – but you will be together. For example, Steve and Belinda will be with you and your mother, and Bobby and Hayley will be together.”

“My husband?”

“Wait and see – why don’t you put the oven on, and then we can sort things out…”

As Holly put the last plater down, Beauty and the Best went round and removed the tape from the wrists and mouth of each of them, saying “we’re going to keep your ankles taped for now – but once you have all had something to eat and drink, I’ll cut each of you frere and you can go to the toilet.”

“Thanks you,” Holly said as she sat down and allowed Best to tape her ankles back together. “Are you kids all right?”

“Yes Momma,” Steve said with a smile, ”it wasn’t too bad, but I am hungry now.”

“Well, eat up – and you can each have a carton of juice as well,” Beauty said as she handed them out, the two captors putting food onto plates from those on the coffee table and handing them round.

“So how long are you going to be here,” Robert said as he looked round the room.

“OH for a little while longer,” Best said with a smile, “after we have eaten, you and I will take a walk round the house, before we make you all secure.”

“Will you be using the tape again,” Belinda asked.

“Only for your mouths – we will be using some rope, but I promise you, it will not hurt – and I have kept my promises so far, haven’t I?”

All four children nodded as Blair said “that is true- but how do you make sure they won’t be scared?”

“Well, for Steve and Belinda,” Beauty said “you and Holly will play a big part in that. Bobby and Hayley we will keep together – and of course, Robert as head of the family will be watching all of you. But that is for later – have your food, and you can talk quietly. Best, be a dear and make sure the telephone is disconnected, and you have gathered up all the mobile phones.”

“Got it,” Best said as he left the room, and Beauty opened the large bag they had brought in, Bobby swallowing as he saw the neatly coiled ropes inside.

“Al of that for us?”

“All of that for you – have a drink, Bobby, this can be exciting as well…”

“There we go,” Beauty said as she walked Steve and Belinda back into the room, “so I want you both to sit with your brother and sister, and watch what we are going to do to your mother and grandmother.”

“Okay Miss Beauty,” Belinda said as they all sat on the long couch. Blair and Holly were now sat on two armchairs, as Best said “thank you ladies – now please, put your hand palm down on top of your heads, and do not move.”

“Let’s see what they do,” Robert said, as Holly shook her head while Beauty knelt at the feet, Taking a length of white rope, she doubled it over and then wrapped it round her ankles, Best ding the same to Blair. Both women watched as the ripe went round and between their legs, securing their ankles together before the ends were tied together behind their legs, and each of the masked intruders used a second length to secure their legs together below their knees – Beauty folding the skirt of Holly’s dress back in order to do that.

“Well, we are not going anywhere,” Blair said as she twisted her legs round, Holly nodding as Beauty looked at Steve.

“Youngest first, I think, Steve - can you put your hands together in prayer, and hold them out for me please?”

“Okay Miss Beauty,” the young boy said as he watched her secure his wrists together, and then she used a longer length of rope to make sure his upper arms were held against his sides.

“Now, I want you to come with me,” she said as she helped Steve to stand up, “and we are going to ait you on your mother’s lap.”

“We’ll sit together, all right,” Holly said as she lifted Steve onto her lap, his head resting on her chest as she used ropes to secure his ankles together, and then his legs below his knees.

“Yes you will – I want you to hug Steve, Holly,” Beauty said as Best looked at Belinda, before he said “your turn now – put your hands together in prayer, and you can sit on your grandmother’s lap.”

“Okay, Mister Best,” she said as Holly hugged her son, then watched as Beauty crossed her wrists and tied them together, then secured them to the rope around Steve’s legs below his knees. She then tied his ankles to her ankles, and then stood up before she walked behind her and secured her upper arms to her sides.

“Your turn no me now,” Blair said as Best secured the ripe around Belinda’s upper arms, and then carried her over and settled her on her grandmother’s lap before he secured her legs together, and then Blair’s arms so she was hugging her granddaughter.

Once he had Blair’s upper arms secured, he stood up and said “now, I need to secure your father first, and take him for a walk. Stand up, Robert, and put your hands behind your back.”

“While he’s doing that,” Beauty said, “I want Bobby to sit on the floor and bend his legs.” The oldest boy slid off the couch and sat down., watching as the masked woman used some ropes to secure his ankles together, and then his legs below his knees.

”Very good – now, scoot round, and I want Ashley to sit behind you with her legs bent in the same way.”

“Okay,” Hayley said as she saw Best wrap rope round her father’s upper body, forcing his arms against his sides as he stood with his hands behind his back. She watched Beauty as she secure the young girl’s ankles and legs, while Best said “come with me” and took Robert by the arm to walk him out of the room.

“So you’re robbing us, holding my family hostage e- for what? A holiday in the sun?”

“Nope – in this case, to make rent and utility bills for the next three months, and have some left over for food.”

Robert turned and looked at him as they walked up the stairs, and then kept going as he said “you’re not joking are you?”

“No – believe me, if there was another way, we would do it- which is why we say we don’t want to hurt or harm anyone,” Best said quietly as they entered the master bedroom, “and you can take the hit to your finances, by the look of things. So, do you have a safe?”

“In the wardrobe – I suppose you want me to tell you the combination?”

“Why make more mess to be cleaned up afterwards?”

Robert nodded as he gave a sequence of numbers, Beast smiling as he said “take a seat.”

“How did you keep the kids so calm?”

“By being honest and not lying – they accepted the situation remarkably well,” Best said as he emptied some boxes and put rolls of notes into the bag. “Now, where do you and your wife keep your valuables?”

“Top drawers,” Robert said, watching as they were emptied as well. “Well, I guess I should thank you that they are not scared.”

“It’s our pleasure, fi you can believe that…”

“Can I say something?”

“Of course Bobby,” Beauty said as she pulled tightly on the rope she was using to secure him and Hayley together. Both of them had their arms linked, and then their wrists tied together in front of them, before they were tied down to the rope holding their legs together below their knees.

“For armed robbers you have been very nice – thank you.”

“Yeah – it’s actually been fun Mommy,” Steve said as he looked up at Holly.

“Well, I’m glad you all found it fun,” she said, Blair nodding as she kissed Belinda’s head. She then saw Best walk Steve beck in, before he was at on the couch, watching Beauty as she secured his ankles and legs together as well.

He was then helped to lie face down before his ankles were pulled back and secured to the ropes holding his arms to his sides, and then helped to roll onto his side as he looked round the room.

“Well, we’re not going anywhere,” he said, the others nodding as Best looked out of the closed curtains. “We have a few minutes,” he said, “so if you have anything to say, do it now – because we need to make sure you all stay quiet before we go.

“I am very proud of all of you,” Blair said, “and we can talk about this later.”

“Sure Mum – your father and I are very proud as well,” Holly said, Robert nodding in agreement before his mouth as covered with a long, wide strip of white micropore tape.

“Just stay calm, we will leave the television on, and I am sure someone will come to your rescue,” Best said as Beauty pressed fresh strips of tape over the mouths of each of the children, and then made sure both Holly and Blair were unable to speak as well.

“Fhknnuhhh,” Holly said, the others nodding as Best picked up the bag, and the masked home invaders quietly left, turning the light off as they did so…

“Did you read the newspaper report,” Tom said as he sat across the breakfast table from Barbara.

“Yeah – found the next morning by a cleaner, the kids asleep, but not cared or hurt,” Barbara said as she sipped her coffee. “Did you get a good return?”

“I did – at least we are safe for this month…”
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