Tales From Everblue High (m/f) - Part 4 Added [4/30/23]

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Tales From Everblue High (m/f) - Part 4 Added [4/30/23]

Post by potato »

Hey there, whoever's reading this.

I've decided to write this as a sort of online diary about my life. I've gotten too lazy to physically write things with a pencil in my actual diary years ago.

Oh right, I should introduce myself.

My name's Christopher. But everyone calls me Chris. I attend Everblue High School, where I'm currently a Junior.

The story I wanted to tell you happened yesterday. But I should probably tell you a little background information, I'll probably dump some more information onto you later.

Everblue High School is located, well, in Everblue. It's a large city located right next to the ocean. Our school colors are navy blue and light blue. And our mascot is the shark.

Anyways, the story's about a girl in my class. She's also a Junior, and her name is Miranda Lawrence.

She's not just "a girl" though, she's literally the star student in all of Everblue High history.

She's got outstanding grades, a whopping 4.8 GPA. The school's going to run out of AP classes to give her pretty soon.
She's a star athlete. Part of the Girl's Varsity Soccer, Volleyball, and Track & Field Teams. She took Everblue to the NFHS finals for all 3 teams.
She's also got an amazing figure and personality. She's already gotten modeling offers from numerous agencies.
Oh yeah, just to add the cherry on top, her family's also SUPER rich.

You probably get my point. She's got perfect points across the board for anything and everything.

Not surprisingly, this also makes her super popular. If you gathered any random 3 boys in this school and asked them "Did you ask out Miranda at any point in your high school career?" 1 of them would say yes and the other 2 would say they liked her but were too afraid to ask.

Which was perfectly understandable. Miranda has not accepted even one confession. Even from some of the most popular boys in school.

So what are their chances?

I believe her record of "most confessions received and rejected in one day" is 19. That's like 3 in each period!
And she rejected Jackson Miller during that day! Jackson Miller! Who rejects Jackson Miller?!

So, where do I stand? Well, I have a 3.7 GPA. I'm in the E-Sports team, if you even count that as a sport. Oh, I'm also in Band. I look, alright, I guess? And my family is middle-classed.

Alright, no more information. Let me tell you the story.

Part 1: Gym Class

Everblue High has a traditional 6 period bell schedule. I share 2 class periods with Miranda: AP Physics and Gym.

AP Physics because that's what I plan on majoring.
And Gym because I don't take any sports.

But wait, why is Miranda, the star athlete, in Gym class?

Well, our school mandates at least 1 semester's worth of credits in Gym to graduate. Sports cannot substitute this, only after this semester is over can anyone replace Gym with sports.

Most students just take it Freshman year, but Miranda decided to save it for her Junior year.


I don't know, to be honest. Maybe she wanted to use this time to focus on her 5 AP classes she took this year, without having sports take up too much time?

Anyways, we both share Gym class 6th period. The last period of the day before school is dismissed. So, we're the period that has to put all the gym equipment back.

There's nothing much to put back, usually just a large bag of sports balls and occasionally a volleyball net. It's so little that the Gym teacher usually just picks two students at random to put the stuff back into the shed while everyone else changes out of their sweaty gym clothes.

Yesterday, Miranda and I were selected to go put away the gym equipment. I took the ball bag, Miranda took the volleyball net.

I opened the shed door and entered, with Miranda behind me. My heart was beating out of my chest. I was alone with the most sought-after girl in Everblue, might as well take my chance.

I plopped the bag down and turned around to face Miranda. The sun was shining through the shed's small window onto her. As if Heaven itself acknowledged her beauty.

"Hey, um, Chris?" Miranda asked. "Could you step out of the way so I could put down the net?"

"Oh sure." I replied, my face red. "I just... wanted to ask you... Would you like to go out-"

"No, sorry." Miranda said, before I even finished my sentence. "Now could you move out of the way please? This net is getting heavy."

"Alright." I said, kind of expecting her answer.

I moved out of the way and Miranda went to set the net down. Not needing to wait for her, I walked out of the shed. When suddenly I heard something hitting the floor and Miranda yelling "Ouch!"

I rushed inside to see if she was alright, and found her tangled and tied in the volleyball net.

"Oh, Chris!" Miranda said, relieved. "Could you help me out? I-"

"You slipped on something, the net fell on top of you all tangled and you tried to get out." I replied. "When you did try, you only made the situation worse."

"H-How'd you know?" Miranda asks, stunned. "You didn't set up a trap for me did you?"

"I can tell just by looking at you." I said. "I mean, how could I set up a trap that made the net perfectly tie you up? If anything, I kind of suspect you of doing this to yourself."

Miranda's face turns red and she looks away, unable to make eye contact. I was right, the net perfectly bound her legs together and kept her arms secured to her sides. Her "rack" was also squished by the net.

"Okay, so I got myself into this mess. So be it." Miranda says. "Could you help me out now?"

When she asked that, a cunning idea popped into my head. I took out my phone from my gym shorts pocket.

"W-Why are you taking out your phone?" Miranda asked.

Without answering, I snapped numerous photos of her helpless state.

"H-Hey! Delete those pictures right this instant!" Miranda shouted, desperately trying to untangle herself.

"No can do, Miranda." I reply, a sly grin on my face. "I know a lot of people who'll pay good money for these pics."

But I needed something more. Something "spicier" if you will.

I scanned the shed. I saw some jump ropes and a cloth (used for flag football).


I took two jump ropes and the cloth and approach Miranda.

"W-What are those items for?" Miranda says, panicked. "Stop! Don't come closer!"

Before any further protest comes out of her mouth, I use the cloth as a cleave gag, putting it between her lips and tying it behind her head.

A few muffled moans escape her mouth.

I begin to untangle her, and I'll be honest, it took me a while. When I did, I grabbed her wrists and tied them behind her back using a jump rope. I then tied her ankles.

"Smile for the camera!" I say, taking more pictures.

"Mmpph..." Miranda weakly moans into her gag.

She'd used too much energy trying to untangle herself. And in the hot and stuffy shed, she'd quickly lost the little energy she had left.

After taking enough pictures to make me a millionaire, I check up on Miranda.

She's lying on her side. Her hair's all messed up from rolling around on the floor. She's sweating like crazy. And the cloth I used to gag her with is dripping with saliva.

Reality hits me like a dodgeball to the face. I worry that I may have overdone it. Or worse, if she tells her parents about this, wouldn't I be sued?

I sit down and and untie her ankles. I then sit her up and ungag her, and then untie her wrists.

She slumps down into my lap, still panting and taking deep and hoarse breaths in between pauses.

"I'm so sorry Miranda." I apologize frantically. "I've overdone it. I'll delete those pictures. Every last one of them."

I remember breaking down in front of her. Tears were streaming down my face.

The only thought that was in my head at that moment was: "I screwed up"

Suddenly, Miranda reached up and touches my face, wiping away the tears.

"It's alright." Miranda says. "You're forgiven."

I look at her, and she smiles.

"I'm going to get water." Miranda says, getting up from my lap.

She walks over to the shed door and opens it, the sun has started to set.

"Oh, Chris?" Miranda says, turning around to look at me.

"Yeah?" I reply, standing up.

"Don't worry." Miranda says. "I won't tell anyone about this, as long as you don't show anyone those pictures."

"Alright." I say, relieved.

"Oh, and also..." Miranda adds. "I've changed my mind, starting tomorrow, Miranda Lawrence is your girlfriend."
Last edited by potato 1 year ago, edited 4 times in total.
~ The potato is a starchy food, a tuber of the plant Solanum tuberosum and is a root vegetable native to the Americas. The plant is a perennial in the nightshade family Solanaceae.
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Post by Clayface025 »

Hope you continue with the story! You did amazing!
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Part 2: Shock

Today's events were... different. To say the least. I'm currently writing this at 10:08 pm. School has long ended, but I wanted to post today's events.

So, if you haven't read my last entry, you should. I don't really feel like typing more information that I already have to. I want to sleep after this.

Anyways, after yesterday's events. I'm pretty confident that Miranda told all her friends that she got a boyfriend. Obviously, this news spread fast. Like, real damn fast. I woke up today and saw my friends' groupchat full of messages about it.

So, I got dressed and went to school. All of the classes were gossiping about it. Obviously there were "common" questions like:

"Who is he?"

"Why did she decide to date him?"

But also rumors, like:

"I heard it was arranged by her parents."

"It's probably a young celebrity."

So, the periods ended and lunch rolled around. I kept my mouth zipped about it because:

1. Nobody would believe me.
2. Yeah, pretty much just that one.

So I sat down at the table where all my friends usually sit. They're still talking about it. I try to not spill a word of the truth, but pretty soon my friends catch that something was off.

"Hey Chris, you alright man?" Pete, one of my friends, asked. "You don't look too good."

"Relax Pete." Winston, another one of my friends, replied. "He eats school lunch every day, maybe it finally caught up to him."

"No, that's not it." I say. "It's because-"

"Christopher Juno!" Miranda calls out.

The entire cafeteria noise dies down. It becomes silent. All of my friends look right at me, and soon the entire cafeteria has their eyes on me.

I stand up. "It's just Chris!" I reply.

"Oh, there you are!" Miranda says, walking over. "I was looking for you!"

Now at this point, all of my friends were looking at me with eyes as wide as the lunch plates.

"Bro, what the hell did you do?" Winston says quietly yells. "What did you do to Miranda Lawrence?"

"May God have mercy on your soul." Pete prays.

Miranda's friends also walk over. By the looks of their faces, it seems like Miranda hasn't told them about us. The entire cafeteria shares the same face as them, a cold death stare.

Miranda walks up to me, and as I stand there face-to-face with her, her expression flips into a happy one.

"There you are, darling!" Miranda says, squeezing me with a hug.

The cafeteria shares a few seconds of silence, before erupting into chaos.

"WHAT THE HELL?!" Winston yells. "WHA-"

"He did the impossible." Pete says, chuckling to himself. "He did it!"

Miranda's friends are equally shocked.

"M-Miranda, this is some kind of joke, right?" Katherine, one of her friends, says. "You can't be serious!"

I manage to break free of the hug. Miranda looks at me confused.

"You picked the worst possible time to announce this." I say. "Now, we run."

"Run? But why?" Miranda asks.

The cafeteria boils over. Like reporters scrambling over the President during a public speech.

Without further hesitation, I grab her hand and book it out of the cafeteria, leaving the cafeteria to sit in both silence and chaos. Luckily they didn't chase after us like a horde.

"Okay, I have questions that need answering and I expect answers." I say to Miranda.

"Ask them." Miranda replies.

So, I rapid fire questions, and Miranda is just as fast at responding. Here are a couple that I remember vividly:

Q): Why'd you decide to announce it now?
A): I thought it'd be fun. Much better than some boring text to my friends, no?

Q): Why me? Why not someone like Jackson Miller?
A): That playboy? You're kidding me, right?

"No, I'm not." I replied. "I mean, it's amazing that I get to date the 'Jewel of Everblue' but do I really deserve it?"

Miranda walks over to C13, the Boy Scouts Club room. She opens the door, and walks in. I follow.

There, 4 boys sat in a circle, discussing something that I don't remember. One of them notices Miranda, and all of them soon stand up and face her.

"Do you boys mind if we borrow this room for a few minutes?" Miranda asks politely.

"W-Why y-y-yes! I-I mean no!" One of them stutters out. "Feel free to use it!"

The boys hurry out, carrying their lunches with them.

"So, why the need for privacy?" I ask.

Miranda begins to unbutton her school uniform.

"Woah, woah, woah!" I say, covering my eyes. "We're moving a little too fast here, aren't we?"

"Open your eyes dummy." Miranda says.

I peek through a gap between my fingers, and see Miranda was wearing a rope harness around her body.

*cough cough* Also her boobs were massive. *cough cough*

"I think the term for this was Rope Bunny?" Miranda says. "I enjoy bondage."

"You... enjoy being tied up?" I say, trying to look away.

"Bondage. I enjoy bondage." Miranda corrects.

"But what if someone sees it?" I ask.

"Well, that's what adds to the fun." Miranda giggles, buttoning up her shirt.

"Right..." I reply. "But what does that explain?"

"Well, during that Gym period, when you tied me up. That was the most exhilarating moment of my life." Miranda explains.

"With the way I am, nobody dares even to lay a finger on me, let alone tie me up. But it's my... I guess you could call it, my kink. To be tied up that is. Now, could I have asked a random person off the street to tie me up? Yes. But that's not the same. When I was bound and gagged in the shed, I felt truly helpless for the first time in my life. And what a feeling that was!"

"So, you chose me. Over everyone else, because I tied you up?" I ask. "And fulfilled your 'kink'?"

"Yeah." Miranda says whimsically. "Pretty much."

I facepalm myself. "What have I gotten myself into?"

The bell rings.
Lunch has ended.
Time for AP Physics.
Which I share with Miranda.
And now people know we're "dating".

I was so screwed.

So, I ditched. First time I had ever ditched a class, but in my defense, it was for my personal safety. Hopefully tomorrow will be better.
~ The potato is a starchy food, a tuber of the plant Solanum tuberosum and is a root vegetable native to the Americas. The plant is a perennial in the nightshade family Solanaceae.
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Post by laz »

cute story, written well from a naive juvenile perspective
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Post by redlukas »

Beautiful story! :D
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Post by potato »

Part 3: Nice to Meet You, Mr. Lawrence

Oh boy, where should I start with this one?

Yesterday's events completely threw me for a loop. Yesterday, on a peaceful Saturday morning, Miranda came knocking at my door.

I have a single mom and a younger sister. My dad had died during active duty in the War in Afghanistan.

Sorry, I should've have mentioned that.

Anyways, my mom and sister hadn't heard the news yet, and when they saw the Jewel of Everblue standing on their porch, asking if I was home. Well, to put bluntly: they lost it.

My mom was really happy for me. A bit too happy.

While my sister thought I was blackmailing her or hypnotizing her. Which, is probably a fair conclusion, given the circumstances.

I came out, dressed pretty comfortably. (Which was just a hoodie and sweatpants).

"So, you needed me?" I ask.

"Yes." Miranda replied. "Now quickly, I need you to come."

Her tone was serious, and before I could ask "What happened?" she grabbed my wrist and lead me to her fancy limousine.

She shoved me in there, and joined me. Then tapped the driver's seat to let her driver know she was ready to depart.

"Isn't this technically kidnapping?" I say, fumbling the seatbelt.

"Look, I need your help." Miranda says. "I may have screwed up on yesterday."

(This was on Saturday, so Miranda was talking about her very public announcement on Friday)

"Took you a whole day to realize that?" I reply bluntly. "What kind of trouble are you in now?"

"My dad is flying back to meet you." Miranda says.

"Oh." I say. "Crap."

"Yeah." Miranda says with a sigh, sinking into her seat.

"Anyways, we're going to make you look more presentable." She says. "So no more 'hoodie and sweatpants' anymore, we're getting you a suit."

So we did. We stopped at a custom tailor shop. Miranda quickly pushed me into a dressing room and grabbed a tape measure.

"Alright, take off your hoodie." Miranda told me.

"R-Right now?" I reply, hesitant.

"Yeah. Off." Miranda says, impatient.

So, I took off my shirt and hoodie.

Now, I will mention that I have been working out for a while. So, you can probably see where this is going.

Miranda was flustered seeing my upper body, probably because she wasn't expecting it, and that's fair. I could see her face redden.

She covered her mouth. I could hear her mutter "Oh my..."

I was getting a bit uncomfortable by now. "Um, could you do my measurements now?"

Miranda quickly snapped herself out of it and regained her composure. "Y-Yes! Yes. Quickly."

After she gathered my upper body measurements, she left the dressing room for me to do my lower half by myself. After completing all of my measurements, the tailor said that he actually had a suit just lying around that nearly perfectly matched me.

He said it was a cancelled order from a groom, as his wife-to-be had left him last minute. A sad story for him, but his sacrifice wouldn't go in vain. The tailor even offered a discount for taking the suit, as it would be better than to just leave it there to collect dust.

I tried it on. And wow, it felt good.

You know those scenes in spy movies where they crash an auction party of sorts? Tons of crazy rich people wearing fancy suits and dresses?

Yeah, I felt like one of those people. The suit was one of those typical gray colored ones. The tie was black.

I looked at myself in the mirror for a good 3 minutes, marveling at its craftsmanship. "I like it."

So Miranda purchased the suit and we quickly rushed to her father's mansion next to the famous Everblue Coast.

"Wow." I said, standing in front of the massive estate.

"It's not much to look at." Miranda says. "I grew up here, so I know every nook and cranny. And once you do, it gets boring pretty fast."

She takes my hand. "Now quickly, to my room!"

We enter the Lawrence Mansion, and I swear, the funniest part about the house were the butlers and maids.

Every time I passed one, I heard "Welcome home, Ms. Lawrence." or "Good morning, Ms. Lawrence."

So after twisting and turning and going up some stairs, we arrived.

Miranda pushes open the ornate wooden door. "Ta-da! Welcome to my room!"

And wow. Was it gorgeous.

If I had to describe it to you guys, I could submit that for my End-of-the-Year Thesis. So, just use your imaginations for now.

I close the doors behind me, and Miranda was already rummaging through her closet.

"Chris, you gotta help me with something." Miranda says, holding up two nearly identical dresses. "Which one? The blue and black dress? Or the gold and white dress?"

I'm just as lost as she is. "Uhh... The blue and black one."

Miranda quickly goes along with my input and tosses the other dress aside. "Turn around. Or not, depends if you're into it or not."

So, I turn around. I hear the shuffling of clothes being taken off and put on. Miranda then turns me around. "Voila! How do I look?"

"Stunning." I reply without hesitation.

The dress perfectly fit her form. It was just purely elegant.

Miranda's bedroom door suddenly opens. And there stood a man. Early 50's or late 40's if I had to guess.

"Welcome home, Father." Miranda says politely.

Mr. Lawrence looks directly at me, scans me up and down, then speaks. "Miranda, could you let Christopher and I have a word in privacy?"

Miranda nods, and mouths "Good luck." before leaving us alone.

"Now. Christopher." Mr. Lawrence says. "Allow me to introduce myself."

"As you already know, I am Miranda's father. She, much like her old sister Roselyn, is my pride and joy." He says. "Oh right, I should properly introduce myself."

He extends his hand. "Bradford Lawrence."

I accept his handshake. "Christopher Juno, sir. but you already knew that."

And ohh boy. Things started to go downhill from here.

"Let me make this short and sweet. You are not dating my daughter." Bradford says coldly.

The doors burst open, Miranda had been eavesdropping. "But Father! You have to give him a chance!"

"Now is not the time, Miranda!" Bradford yells, not having much patience.

Miranda is left standing and speechless. Her hands cover her mouth and tears form on her face.

"Mr. Lawrence!" I say, trying to defend Miranda.

"As for you, Christopher." Bradford interrupts. "Why would you think I would allow my daughter to be with someone like you?"

"Tell me what you will do when you graduate college and eventually settle down with my daughter. Live off of my money? That suit you are wearing at this very moment was not purchased by you." Bradford continues.

Man, he really tore me to shreds. He continued to just pummel me into the ground with his words.

"So, get out of my house." Bradford says, turning around, ready to walk out.

I stay still, and clench my fist. "No."

Miranda gasps.

"What did you say?" Bradford replies, not believing what he was hearing.

"I said no." I reply, ready to dump my words onto him.

"I don't care, whether you are the 4th richest person on Earth. Or the World's Greatest Man. Or even Miranda's father." I say. "If I have to defy your will to see Miranda, then I will. Because I love her."

The room stands in silence. The ticks of the clock were the only things speaking, and even they seemed to be frightened by what could happen next.

Bradford walks over to me, and pats my shoulder. He then lets out a small chuckle.

"Well done, you passed." He says.

"What?" I reply, confused.

"6 years ago, I started doing exactly what I did to you just now with Roselyn." He explains. "Every time she got a new boyfriend, I tore him apart with my words. Each and every one crumbled under the pressure."

"Roselyn was obviously heartbroken, but when she went off to college and saw all of the scumbags there, she realized I was in the right." He continues. "I'm only looking for the best young men to take care of my daughters. And not one had managed to pass my test, until you did."

I just continue to stand there in awe. I was now seeing Mr. Lawrence in a new light. Not as some super-strict and unforgiving rich man, but as a father only wanting the best for his children.

"Well done, Mr. Juno." Bradford says. "Take care of my daughter."

He then leaves the room, and Miranda tackle-hugs me.

Ah, I wish I could've just stayed like that for eternity. Her arms wrapped around me and her body pressed close. What a feeling.

Miranda then shoves me backwards, and I fall onto her bed. I look at Miranda, and she was seductively holding a pair of handcuffs in her mouth.

With muffled English, Miranda asks, "Would you like your reward, darling?"
Last edited by potato 1 year ago, edited 1 time in total.
~ The potato is a starchy food, a tuber of the plant Solanum tuberosum and is a root vegetable native to the Americas. The plant is a perennial in the nightshade family Solanaceae.
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Post by Clayface025 »

Truly loving the story. I can’t wait to read more and see how it develops.
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Post by laz »

great chapter, looking forward to more.
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Post by Mister The Edge »

Fun, not super serious, I like it.
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Post by TimChimp »

Good story so far, I find the premise of a guy getting caught up in the bondage kind of girl who's way over his league quite entertaining, and on top of that I find the format of a sort of diary quite interesting to read.
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Post by potato »

Part 4: The Invitation

Wow. It's been a while guys.

So, I'll catch you all up on what's been going on.

During my absence, quite a lot has changed. (Quite the shock, I know.)

I've gotten a couple interview requests from local news channels. Which is, quite interesting, to say the least.

But honestly, the biggest thing that has changed is my school life. (Another shocker, wow.)

Now, I'm not getting threatened or beat up or anything. Quite the opposite really, people treating me like a mini-celebrity. Especially my friends, calling me the "Rizzard of Oz" or having a "Ph.D in Quantum Rizzics."

(I kinda like that last one though, probably because I'm legitimately a "physics person."

Anyways, it makes sense as to why I'm treated this way if you really think about it. I mean, would YOU want to piss off the daughter of the man who most likely owns the company your parents work in?

He could screw over your entire bloodline if it meant it. Kinda scary how much power people hold these days, yikes.

Right, where did we leave off last time?

Oh, after I "proved my worth." Right.

Yeah, nothing interesting happened. Sorry.

Right after Miranda shoved me backwards, a news reporter was knocking on Miranda's bedroom door.

Remember how I said I got interview requests? Yeah, this was one of 'em. Because of course they wanted to interview me at this time.

The 1st Amendment, man. Gotta love it.

But, this is all pales in comparison for the biggest reason as to my absence.

And that is: I'm attending "The Elysian."

Yeah. I know.

For all of you living under a mountain, "The Elysian" is a huge party-like event which many famous/rich celebrities and other people attend.

Think of the Red Carpet events but much bigger.

So yeah. Really big deal. I'm pretty sure I legally died for a few seconds after hearing that I was invited.

But somehow, Miranda was completely calm. Which to me, didn't make any sense.

"I've been to 15 of these before this one. And they've all been boring. It's literally a meet-and-greet but with the same people." She said.

"Yeah, and like 10 of those people literally run the world's economy." I replied, emphasizing the word "literally."

"Okay, but why should I care that a handful of people control the entire world's money?" Miranda says.

"A lot actually. Like, a lot a lot." I said, dumbfounded at her nonchalance.

"Alright, so then are you going or not?" Miranda says.

"Yes, I'm going!" I said. "Of course I am!"

"Great, so you've got no complaints." Miranda replies, walking out the door. "See you in Physics!"


The bell rings and Miranda blows me a kiss, before walking out of my view, leaving me utterly stunned in C13. I quickly snap out of it and go to AP Physics.

Miranda sits near the front of the class, I sit near the back. Unfortunate, I know, but at least I had Winston as my shoulder partner.

"Welcome back, Rizzics Professor." Winston says before bursting into uncontrollable laughter.

I put my backpack down beside my seat. "Can't you be quiet about that for 5 minutes?" I said, mildly annoyed.

"No can do, Professor." Winston replied, before bursting out into laughter again.

"Can you shut it?" I said, getting increasingly more annoyed. "I got a lot on my mind, and I don't need your antics."

"What do you have on your mind?" Winston replied. "You're attending The Elysian next week or something?"

I look at him, completely stone faced. His smile fades.

"Dear God." He mutters.

He then takes a deep breathe, before shouting at the top of his lungs, "YOU'RE ATTENDING THE ELYSIAN?!"

The entire class, except for Miranda, turns around. Now I've got 42 eyes locked on me, all wide.

Even Mr. Rodriguez was shocked. "Normally under these circumstances I'd tell you to 'shut up and open page 362,' but now I'm going to say: 'Congratulations! Now open to page 362.'"

Later that day, when I arrived home, I told my parents the news.

My mom nearly fell from her chair.

And sis... Well she kinda just stared into my soul with lifeless eyes and a mouth full of spaghetti.

Soo, yeah. In just two days I'll be going to the biggest party known to man.

Wish me luck guys.
~ The potato is a starchy food, a tuber of the plant Solanum tuberosum and is a root vegetable native to the Americas. The plant is a perennial in the nightshade family Solanaceae.
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