Tying up Mrs. Miller (m/F)

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Tying up Mrs. Miller (m/F)

Post by smokeyfoggynight »

Let me introduce myself.

My name is Steven. I have a tall and athletic build, with short brown hair, blueish-green eyes, and glasses. Ever since I was a kid I've always had a fascination with tying up girls. I don't know when exactly it started, but I do know when I had my first chance to tie someone up. That someone was Helen Miller, the mother of my friend and next-door neighbour, Tyler. Mrs. Miller was beautiful, with a slim figure, blue eyes, and straight black hair that went down to her shoulders. I had a crush on her since I first saw her, and used to fantasize about ways I could tie her up if I ever got the chance. That chance came in October of 2003, when I was 12 years old. Here's how it happened...

The day was a cloudy Saturday. I was spending the afternoon before supper playing over at the Miller's house. Tyler was an only child, and his dad was at work, so it was just him, me, and Mrs. Miller. I had just arrived and was in the living room, setting up Tyler's PS2. Mrs. Miller was in the living room as well, reading a book on the couch. Tyler had gone to the kitchen to get snacks for us, when we heard his voice, "Mom! Do we have any chips?"

"Did you check the corner cupboard and the pantry?" Mrs. Miller called back.

"Yeah! There was nothing!"

"Then I'm afraid we're all out!" Tyler poked his head out of the kitchen.

"Can I bike down to the corner store and get some chips?"

"MAY you bike down to the corner store and get some chips, PLEASE?"

"May I bike down to the corner store and get some chips, please?" Mrs. Miller smiled at her son.

"Yes, you may." Tyler turned to me.

"I'll be back in a half hour or so. What do you wanna eat?"

"I'll have a bag of Doritos." I answered. Tyler ran off to his room and put on his jacket and running shoes. As he was walking out the door and turned to his mom and said jokingly, "Play with Steve while I'm gone, okay Mom?"

"Don't worry," Mrs. Miller said, grinning at me. "I'll be sure to keep him entertained." I felt a jolt in my stomach when I realized that it was going to be just the two of us in the house until Tyler got back. My mind immediately jumped to all the tie-up fantasies I had about her. I heard the door slam closed as Tyler left, and we were alone. For a moment, I wondered if Mrs. Miller was just going to go back to her reading, but then she spoke to me.

"So," she said. "Since I have to keep you occupied while Tyler's gone, what sort of things do you two like to do together?" My first inclination was to say something like, "Oh, we like to play Cops and Robbers, or Cowboys and Indians" so I could initiate a situation in which I could tie her up, but my nerve initially failed me, and I answered, "Well, we like to play Crash Team Racing on the Playstation."

"I'm not good at video games," said Mrs. Miller. "What else?"

"We also play basketball out on the driveway."

"I'm not much good at sports either, I'm afraid. Anything else?" At this point it really seemed like Fate was pushing me to take a chance. I swallowed and said, "Sometimes we play a game called Spy. One of us plays a spy that has to steal some secret files, and the other has to play the guard who tries to capture him." This was only partially true. Tyler and I had played many make-believe games in the past, with spying being one of the many situations we envisioned, but we had never tried to capture each other before. Mrs. Miller looked deep in thought for a moment.

"We probably don't have time to play a game like that before Tyler gets back," she said. I guessed as much, and tried not to look too disappointed. Then Mrs. Miller grinned mischievously. "But I just got an idea to prank Tyler when he gets home! Do you want to help?"

"Sure," I answered.

"Okay, here's what I want you to do. Go out to the garage. In the top drawer of an old dresser sitting against the west wall there will be a length of white clothesline. Bring it here, and you can tie me up so Tyler can find me when he gets home! Does that sound fun?" That sounded more than fun, and I tried not to sound too eager when I replied, "Sure, let's do that!" I turned and raced out the front door to the garage. In the top drawer of the old dresser I found the long length of clothesline and snatched it up. I ran back into the house where Mrs. Miller had taken a chair out of the dining room and set it up so it was in the kitchen, facing the doorway that led to the front door.

"Here," she said as I walked up with the rope. "Give me the rope, I'm going to cut it up into several strips so you'll be able to tie my hands and feet." I handed the rope over and waited with baited breath as she took a pair of scissors out of the junk drawer and began snipping the clothesline in several places. The clothesline was fairly long, and she was able to make half a dozen smaller lengths of rope.

"You'll tie me here, to this chair," she said when she had finished. "When Tyler comes home he'll go to the kitchen to get bowls for your chips, so he'll be sure to run into me." She sat down in the chair. "How do you want to tie me?" she asked.

I had been waiting for this. With a pounding heart, I answered, "Put your hands behind the chair, with your wrists crossed." She did as I asked, and I wrapped a length of rope around her wrists three times horizontally, then three times vertically, and tied it off. As I was binding her wrists, she looked back at me and said, "Wow, what a professional job! I'll bet I'm not the first mom you've kidnapped!" I couldn't think of anything to say to that, so I kept my mouth shut and went on working. In those days the only knots I could tie were bows for my shoes, so she could easily escape if she wanted to, but my knots were good enough to keep the rope in place. Next, I knelt down in front of her, and Mrs. Miller put her feet together so I could tie her ankles. I wrapped rope around her ankles five times and tied it off, the did the same to her legs just above her knees. I then took another length of rope and wrapped it around her upper body, pinning her arms to the back of the chair. Finishing up, I stepped back to admire my amateurish attempt at tying someone up.

"There," I said proudly. "How's that?" Mrs. Miller squirmed around a little, but I think she was aware that too much struggling would cause the ropes to just fall off, so she stopped and said, "This should be fine, but aren't you forgetting something?"

"What?" I asked.

"You still need to gag me."

"With what?" Mrs. Millar thought for a moment. Then nodded in the direction of the junk drawer. "There's some duct tape in there. Cut off a strip and put it over my mouth." I rummaged though the junk drawer and quickly found the tape. I peeled a strip off and held it up over Mrs. Miller's lips. She closed her mouth tightly, and I put on the gag and smoothed it in place.

"Does it work?" I asked.

"Mm-hmmm," Mrs. Miller answered, nodding her head. (Of course, it didn't work, since I had failed to stuff her mouth with anything before applying the tape, but nobody needed to know that). Now there was nothing to do but wait until Tyler came home. I spent the time walking around the kitchen and living, looking at things and trying to keep myself from staring to long at the beautiful woman I had bound and gagged in the kitchen. Eventually, I saw Tyler come riding into the driveway on his bike, and realized I had to hide so Tyler would run into his mom first. So I crouched in the kitchen behind the kitchen island where I couldn't be seen from the front door, and waited.

I heard the door open, and Tyler's voice call out, "Steve? I'm back!" I heard his feet pounding on the floor as he walked into the kitchen, then stop. I peeked around the island and saw him staring slack-jawed at his mother.

"Awwk!" He exclaimed.

"Mmmmpphh!" Mrs. Miller said in reply. I darted around the island and stood in front of Tyler with my hands on my hips.

"Aha, you're back!" I said in my best bad-guy voice. "As you can see, I have taken your mom hostage! To get her back you will need to pay the ransom!" Mrs. Miller put on a convincing performance as she struggled around in her chair, continuing to "mmmpphh" at her son. Tyler got over his initial shock and grinned at me, playing along.

"Yeah? What's the ransom?" he asked. "Because I just spent my allowance on these." He held up the plastic bag which contained a couple bags of chips inside.

"Ah! Perfect!" I exclaimed. "You may have your mother back in exchange for, say, a bag of Doritos!"

Tyler pretended to hesitate. "I dunno," he said. "Doritos are my favourite. I think I'll keep them, and you can keep my mom." Mrs. Miller growled at her son through her gag. "Okay, okay!" laughed Tyler, handing me the bag of Doritos. "I bought another bag for myself anyways." Tyler walked over and began to untie his mother as I got a bowl for my chips. The first thing he did was remove her gag.

"Tyler!" Mrs. Miller admonished her son. "How could you leave me alone with that boy? You weren't gone for five minutes before he overpowered me and tied me up!"

"I didn't know he was going to do that!" cried Tyler defensively. "Besides, you said I could!" I noticed as Tyler was untying his mom that she made no attempt to pull free on her own. My knots were so bad that she probably could have slipped out without much trouble, but she held still and allowed Tyler to untie her arms and then her legs, offering him no assistance. When he finished, he turned to me and said, "What did you go and tie up my mom for, anyway? You know, if my dad had come home instead of me, he woulda killed you!" I just grinned and shrugged. Then he and I went to play video games, where we remained for the rest of the afternoon. Eventually, it was time fore supper, and I had to head home. Before I left however, Mrs. Miller handed me a plastic bag. Inside were the several lengths of rope I had used to tie her up.

"Here you go, Mr. Kidnapper," she said, winking at me. "You don't want to forget the tools of your trade, do you?" I turned red in the face and thanked her, taking the binding implements home with me and stashing them under my bed, where no one would ever find them. This was not, however, the last time I would use them.
Last edited by smokeyfoggynight 1 year ago, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Gluba »

Great!, how about a reverse situation where she ties and gags him, in this or a new story!

Post by smokeyfoggynight »

Gluba wrote: 1 year ago Great!, how about a reverse situation where she ties and gags him, in this or a new story!
Thanks! I tend to favour m/f stories, but you never know!
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Post by charliesmith »

Amazing story. I loved reading it. The descriptions were good and the dialogues were fun. I am hoping to read more. You are a good writer :)
Please feel free to read and comment your thoughts.
My ongoing stories:

Roadtrip of Dreams (M/F) Chapter 14 Added.

Post by smokeyfoggynight »

charliesmith wrote: 1 year ago Amazing story. I loved reading it. The descriptions were good and the dialogues were fun. I am hoping to read more. You are a good writer :)
Thank you! :D
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Mommy's Naughty Boy
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Post by Mommy's Naughty Boy »

Fantastic story! Very well thought out....

I'm with Gluba, I prefer women doing the tying....

But again I really liked your story!
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Post by JadeJones »

Great Story!!

Post by smokeyfoggynight »

Mommy's Naughty Boy wrote: 1 year ago Fantastic story! Very well thought out....

I'm with Gluba, I prefer women doing the tying....

But again I really liked your story!
Glad to hear you enjoyed it!

Post by smokeyfoggynight »

JadeJones wrote: 1 year ago Great Story!!
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Post by Ianc1980 »

This was also great! I love how it seems realistic, as if it could actually happen. I also enjoy the innocence of it.
Idk, Mrs Miller seems to have enjoyed the prank she pulled on her son. Maybe she’d be game to play the actual spy game with both boys?

Post by smokeyfoggynight »

Ianc1980 wrote: 11 months ago This was also great! I love how it seems realistic, as if it could actually happen. I also enjoy the innocence of it.
Idk, Mrs Miller seems to have enjoyed the prank she pulled on her son. Maybe she’d be game to play the actual spy game with both boys?
Only time will tell... ;)
Busy Damsel
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Post by Busy Damsel »

These stories are really clever! I also like that they're easy to read.

Post by smokeyfoggynight »

Busy Damsel wrote: 11 months ago These stories are really clever! I also like that they're easy to read.
Thank you!
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Post by Dpsiic »

Great story , you were one lucky kid.

Post by smokeyfoggynight »

Dpsiic wrote: 11 months ago Great story , you were one lucky kid.
Yes, I was! :lol:

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