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Captured Sun M/F Edited

Posted: Sun Oct 28, 2018 8:55 pm
by WyattW5
At the Monterey Hamlin Hotel. A great gathering had commences with six people standing greeting each other with warm hugs. The Hamlin Hotel was to be Host to the Wedding of Charles Wellington with Wen Zhuge. A charming couple one of British birth another of Chinese descent. The two families gathered ceremoniously out in the lobby before making it to their rooms.

The hotel had prepared only the best for the very expensive wedding party. A week before the wedding Wen had spent a great deal of time worrying over something and did not wish to worry her fiancee.

Charles and Wen were both surprised at the arrival of Wen’s little Sister: Sun had come from her boarding school in China to accompany the nuptials. Sun a spitting image of her older sister with one exception, she had a larger bust then her older sister. Her sister measured a modest 32 B her sister was blessed with a swollen 36 C. Sun always did her best to hide the modesty of her bosom, wearing multiple layers and thicker layers of clothing. She was able to keep attention to a minimal.

While the wedding arrangements were in order Sun and Wen had chosen to share a room because they wanted alone time. The first night all joined in the main dining hall to celebrate the joining of this family.

Walking together when it was all over Wen walks with Sun enjoying fun conversation of life back East. Wen had plenty of anecdotes of teaching Charles to eat asian food with chop sticks. Or teaching him how to cook Chinese food and pronounce the phrases. Wen and Sun were having a joyful time together.
Wen had to run inside and speak with a manager about their parents returning outside her sister Sun had vanished looking around she could not see her. Going around the next corner she drove off.

Unbeknownst to her, nineteen year old Sun had been quickly grabbed by a set of hands. One clamping her mouth shut the other holding her close to their firm chest. Sun tries to struggle but the arm was tight and unrelenting.

Pulling her into a large vehicle the kidnapper grabs a blue bandana from his back pocket. Stuffing them in her mouth he presses them between her pink lips.
Taking another bandana stuffing it between her teeth tying it behind her black hair held in a traditional bun. Taking her hands now they commenced with a simple rope binding her hands across each other.

Taking a blanket the kidnapper flows it over her head it draped below the knees of her loose black skirt. Using a belt he kept her knees together allowing the kidnapper to easier shuffle her into the bench seat of the truck.
Closing the door the kidnapper had started the truck and drove off.

When the truck stopped the kidnapper opened the truck door grabs onto her and pulls her into grasp. Putting her small frame over the shoulder she could tell this man was obviously a strong person. She had expected him to be a very large man with dark features.

As they left the nights chill they were welcomed to a warmer environment. Blinded by the blanket Sun began to fight and struggle as the arm set her down on a soft sofa.
She still fought as the hands returned to remove the belt around her legs. Releasing the blanket from her she looks angrily to her kidnapper wearing a face shield she could recognise his masculine form. Over six feet he overshadowed her smaller frame.
Rope in one hand she seen it and tries to run, before she could he grasps her arm and with a single push throws her back onto the couch. Tying her legs with simple loops and a cinch she looked down her captor he did not look up to meet her in the eye.
Finishing he steps back grabbing a camera and a newspaper placing the newspaper on her lap before taking the camera zooming in close. To her head and chest keeping the date of the newspaper visible.
With a click and a flash the picture was taken the man sets the camera down and grabs the newspaper. She watches as he takes the camera connecting it to a laptop sitting down he began to fiddle away on the laptop.

Sun began to fidget her hands trying to hide her movements she looks from her captor to her shoulder trying to see where the knot was. Unable to do so she struggles to move and shuffle her hands twisting and turning it was difficult to conceal her movements. Shortly later the man stands up turns to see she was focussed on trying to undo the ropes that bound her wrists. He gave a faint growl before he grabs her surprising her lifting her up he carries her upstairs into a large bedroom.

Setting her stomach down on the bed Sun manages to get the looks of pictures beside the bed frame. The pictures that were there were of a charming young woman with a bright smile long black hair which had been blowing in the wind. Another picture was of her holding the camera for a selfie. A man holding her close and kissing her. His face was relatively hidden by the ball cap he wore, but she could tell it was the same man by the same hat.

He began to sit her up looking over to him she did not say a word into her gag only made slight grunts as he moved and nudged her untying her hands. To retie them to the bed posts. Her ankles had already been connected to the foot posts. She watches as he expertly ties her right wrist keeping the knot out of her fingers reach, turning around to do the same to the other side. Finishing he grabs a blanket and covers her from toe to chest looking down on her he let out a faint sigh looking deep into his sad brown eyes.

“I am sorry about all of this Wen, I never wanted it to come to this” Sun’s eyes grew wide as she strained to lean forward her restraints held fast.

“Mhph uhmnph numph phuan” she struggles to make words form but the packing in her mouth was too much. To make out anything understandable her captors takes a pillow lifting her head up gently sliding it below she looks up to him still begging in her gag. With a gloved hand he closed her eyes “sleep” standing up he walks out of the room and flicks the light off.

No matter how hard she tried Sun could not sleep, the excitement and stun of the events had propelled her alertness to a new high. Her mind could hardly keep focussed between trying to fight and loosen the bonds to trying to figure out how this guy knows Wen. That is something that baffled her, this guy thought she was Wen, they were often mistaken even by family members.

But this was different, and for a kidnapper he did not have such a cold demeanour of him. She thought to how he could have left her. Tied to a chair even suspended in a closet it would have kept her close but it would have been painful. She began to wonder of his motives. He did not seem totally menacing: simply desperate. Difficult to do anything but think she began to feel for her sister hoping she was mad with worry. Thinking the wedding will be postponed until the situation is ended Sun felt determined to escape. Fighting each limb vigorously.

Thrashing her arms she tugged the bonds against the wood. The sturdy oak held it’s resolve with every test from every angle. Knowing only one way to escape pull the knots, she could not see the knots through the darkness and her own hands could not reach each other. Through frustration she began to thrash and scream into her gag. Now finding it uncomfortable her screams came off as dry shrieks. Her furious burst had worn her out leaving her gasping and tired finally she let her eyes close and sleep.

Next morning Sun awoke to a gentle nudge from her kidnapper startled she jumped but only her feet moved looking up at him she was fearful as he sat down beside her on the bed

“I am going to untie your hands be good and you may have some freedoms for the day” she nods as he removes the first hand untying the second

“it is probably time I remove that gag” he looks to her cleave gag
“but first” he begins to bind her hands with rope. Once they were bound he pulls on the knot releasing the bandana before holding the wadding in with his hand over her mouth and nose

“no screams shrieks or calls” she nods as he removes his hand

“please sir, I am not Wen, I am her little sister Sun, please you have the wrong girls my parent’s cannot afford the ransom to make it worth your while” his hand clamps her mouth shut

“your parents no, but Wen’s future in laws can spare what I need” he leans forward to whisper

“if you want breakfast you will not utter another word” she nods removing her hand he takes out a blindfold holding it to her head he straps it on. Standing her up he helps her hop around the main floor he dragged her backwards down the stairs it was nerve wracking for her to do so blindfolded and backwards but once she was on another flat surface she drew a sigh of relief.

Dragging her over to a chair he set her down untying her hands once again but he did not allow her hand freedom he took her hands together telling her to make two little fists. Doing as instructed he soon placed in a large leather arm binder. strapping the buckle around her arms and tying up the laces it held her hands together at the bottom she hears him sit at the table holding a straw to her lips “drink” as she sips it slowly the fresh taste of orange juice flows through smoothing the crinkling cracks over her tongue.

Lowering it from her lips he places the cup on the table leaving the table he sets out bowls and a box of something before a carton of milk was opened

“I am sorry I had not thought to dampen the gag before I shoved it in your mouth, in the heat of the moment” Sun tries to face the direction of the voice she nods

“you do not strike me as a cruel ruthless kidnapper who cares only for money and not the well being of his captives” he did not seem to be moved by her comment as he began to stir a bowl of cereal for her
“open up” he states feeding her spoonful at a time giving her more orange juice between the spoonful.
When she finishes she decided to try and continue her interrogation

“you have compassion, empathy I can sense it the way you never clutch or throw violently, not raising your voice when threatening me” he did not make a sound as he finishes his cereal

“why are you, doing this need the money to pay off a loan, make a payment for the house we are in?” a hand went up to her mouth holding her mouth silent

“I would save comment, you may not think so highly of me when I am done taking you to the restroom, I’d imagine your bladder is stretched thin” releasing her mouth she wanted to speak but knew the next outburst may cause a problem and she had been holding herself for a long while. Finishing breakfast her kidnapper helped her up and guides her into the bathroom. Where he never left her side.

Both were bashful and red as they exited the bathroom but Sun had not raised voice nor did she scream at his touch. Setting her on the couch he lashed belt around her ankles, knees and thighs before removing her blindfold to allow her a final drink. She looks to see his face covered by the face shield she accepts the drink gently. Turning the television on, he flicks it around and watches her reaction to find one to watch. Finding the cartoons her greatest interest. Her captor had left the livingroom and entered the diningroom

“if I hear so much as a cough, I will come back and gag you” his warning was not taken lightly. Sun felt a strange sensation as her kidnapper left the room she felt available to trust him, he had her at a most compromising position and had not made so much as an advance. He was truly after the money and had no desire to harm her, only control her. But keep her safe while he was in control.

Her attention wavered from television to her kidnapper who slaved over some paperwork sighing and groaning softly to himself. Sun felt curious as to what he was reading she wondered if she could get a chance to crawl over that direction. After an hour of cartoons her kidnapper stands up grabbing something from his sweater pocket
“I need to leave for a little while, I need to gag you” she nods watching him she sits forward opening her mouth taking the black object in her mouth it tasted like leather but it was soft. But panel above was flat and framed looking down on it she could not fully make out what it was but as he buckles it behind her head

“now if you stay here and sit patiently until I return I will answer one question, and give you a chance to bathe, alone” she nods as he stands up taking the folder from last night in hand he walks it out. Starting his truck she heard the vehicle drive off.

Seeing the papers still untouched from the table she looks around trying to see if there was anything to be wary of. She fights to stand up straight, taking a slight bend in her knees. She propelled herself to hop once, doing it again she began to smile getting into rhythm she hopped all the way over to the table sitting down. Looking through the papers they appeared to be medical and legal documents. The first she read was a declining note from Wechsler Law firm recognising it instantly she knew it was Charles law firm. Grunting with affirmation she continues to read through the paperwork in the end it stated
“we regret to inform you, we cannot accept this case for the fact of inconclusive facts. We apologise for all inconvienences” looking to the name of the man who wrote it, George Wechsler Charles superior she was briefly introduced at the dinner.

The next paper was far more interesting it had a picture of the woman from last night. A charming woman with long black hair and tanned skin brown eyes. She began to read her name was June Hatcher. She had been pregnant with a pair of twins. Reading on she learned June had passed on in the operation, the children did not survive either from suspected negligence. Horrifying Sun she read that this was a medical portfolio addressed to one Nathan Hatcher looking to the association with deceased typed in was: Husband.

Scanning the next page fearfully Sun reads the doctors they were using were private practice and quite distinguished however. It was an elective surgery and not a emergency he would be forced to pay, even though the surgery was failed. He would have to pay five thousand pounds. Good amount for any man she imagined he had tried to take them to court but unable to do so. For this lack of evidence.

Having red this in a long while she began to hear his truck rumble into the driveway feeling desperate. She jolts up and began to scamper toward the television using every ounce of energy to power herself forward the tight leather binding her but not digging through skin. Collapsing in front of the couch using her knees and shoulders she nudged herself forward but she was still unable to climb up.

Trying to conceive a way to make it fathomable excuse she simple rolled onto her back and sat on the floor trying to look cross legged with the belts. Showing signs of moving and irritation. She took a breath as long as she acted natural he would not notice.

Walking in he looks around seeing nothing out of order he approaches her side
“I just dropped off the ransom note so hopefully Sun, your sister will beg her husband to help you out” he sits down
“if I take the gag out will you scream” shaking her head believably he puts his hands around the armbinder and hoists up removing the gag
“may I say these are some particularly interesting restraints where on earth did you” he shook his head
“is that the one question you want answered” shaking her head he nods you look pretty tired from last night yet, I am going to lie you down for a nap, a gag will be put in” she nods and Nathan helps her up and helps her hop into the bedroom choosing a ball he shoves it into her mouth before taking blue vet wrap running the first mouthful through her teeth he wraps the tape around her upper lip then her bottom before going down around her chin around the top of her head, continuing until all but her nose was encased.

Nathan had not delivered the ransom note, fear began to grip him and an urge that told him this was wrong. Placing the troubles of his onto someone else he began to feel nothing but shame. Closing his eyes he knew what was to happen when he started the preparation. Looking to a picture of June he felt sadness dig in.

After a few hours Nathan took Sun into the bathroom placing only a belt buckled around her mouth holding in a wad of cloth. He locked her in the bathroom and told her to knock when she was finished. Entering the shower she began washing her hair moving down to her features. Her mind began to think of Nathan. The feel of his strong arms, his soft eyes entrancing her. She began to contemplate what she could do to help his situation, he needed money, her parents were not rich but surely she could help him somehow.

That night they sat at dinner Nathan had ordered Chinese food giving her a free hand to eat with only shackled to the table she ate with chopsticks while simply watched her, he had only tied her with minimal rope. She began to feel trust growing thicker between them she did not speak but her mind had been nudging her, edging her to talk with him try and convince him that she wants to help him.

Night came quickly he shackled her hands in front and leg irons on her ankles he began to tuck her in for the night pulling the panel gag out again she looks to him “may I ask my question now?” he nods
“if I offered to help you, would you accept it” he shakes his head
“no need to worry of that Sun, tomorrow I am going to drive you back to the wedding party then turn myself into the police” he dropped the gag feeling depressed he did not care if she screamed the house down. Before he left the room he heard something he was not expecting
“Nathan wait” he stops turning around to face her
“I know about June, I could not have guessed” he began to feel sorrow and pity grow removing his ball cap for the first time to reveal his ruffled brown hair and his face shield to show high boned cheeks with dark complexion. His face was even more handsome then she imagined.

“I read the reports on your table, I want to help you” Nathan shook his head not willing to hear she leans forward kicking her legs to a seated position

“I know you are not a bad man, you just made stupid mistakes, which is only human, please let me help you as you helped her” Nathan looks to her deep badges below his eyes showing how strained he had been over this.

“She always had a weak immune system, I knew it when I married her that she was frail, I kept her safe half of this” he states holding up the chain
“was hers, she enjoyed the kink addition in the bedroom” he shakes his head
“she collapsed had been two months pregnant when she collapsed” shaking her head she listens to him speak
“I put her on life support, working triple shifts to pay the bills, only for her to last another month, the two babies she was trying to grow began to kill her, but we were legally unable to have the abortion before we managed to convince them she was dying if she didn’t get one” he looks down “she died on the table, it was too late” she steps carefully towards him seeing how much he has suffered the tears in his eyes
“please let me help you” bringing him in close reaching her chains around his neck to hug him tight, wrapping his large arms around her petite body her almost picked her up.
“allow me to care for you now” she leans onto her tip toes and kisses him softly.

The next morning Sun walks holding Nathan’s hand as they enter the Hotel lobby the Lobby clerk looks to Sun with surprise and excitement in his eyes
"oh miss, the staff have looked everywhere for you, the wedding is postponed until we had word" Sun smiles at the clerk "could you please contact my sister her fiancée and my parents please" he nods "of coarse miss" pulling the phone out he dials both numbers.

Taking less then five minutes Wen rushes from the Elevator with her fiancée closely behind both hug Sun then they look to Nathan who stands a few feet behind. Wen kisses her sisters cheeks
"where have you been what happened?" Sun smiles looking up to her sister with a brimmed smile
"I had to go to the restroom, when I came back you were gone" Wen's eyebrows lowered
"why did you not go back to the room then?" Sun shrugged holding her sisters hands
"i wanted to see what the grounds out here looked like with the moonlight after an hour of walking I learned I was no longer on the course and in some back woods area until Mr. Hatcher" the two look to Nathan who stood shyly away from the crowd unsure he could continue with this lie.

"I did not remember the name of the course" she continues to explain how he brought her back to his house, before she fell asleep" and he had taken care of her until they figured out it was this course the wedding was being part of. Wen hugs her sister one more time before her parents come down the stairs rushing Sun over to them she gives them the same explanation. Charles approaches Nathan with a warm smile
"thank you Mr. Hatcher, thank you so much" he turns back on the smiling family
"my father and I had just posted a reward for anyone with news or information on where we may find her" Nathan looks to them all smiling with tears of joy.

"I believe you have earned it all in full" pulling a cheque from his pocket" Nathan accepted it gently
"I do not really deserve this it was happen stance" Charles nods whispering in his ear
"it may help you settle some things" Charles solemnly nods before the entire family approaches Nathan with wide eyes Sun's mother kisses his cheek while her father takes his hands and shakes them vigorously speaking in his native Chinese dialect Sun and Wen translated he was giving blessing of good fortune and happiness in his future. Nathan smiles gently looking to Sun who smile was the brightest Charles pats Nathan on the arm
"well it appears the wedding is back on track, but it would be rude not to invite the hero of the hour to the nuptials" Sun's eyebrows rose before wrapping her arms around Charles waist. Turning she hugged Nathan everyone had surprise on their face as she clung to him.

The night of the wedding was glimmering and glamorous, Nathan dressed in a nice suit Sun in a fine bridesmaid gown. The two got up and danced
“well the week turned out nice considering on how this all started” Nathan spoke softly she leans forward
“no bad for a kidnapper” she giggles kissing his cheek making the large man blush.

Story idea:leahjstaples1234

I hope you enjoy.

Re: Captured Sun M/F

Posted: Sun Oct 28, 2018 9:11 pm
by TamatoaShiny123
Nice story. Love the ending

Re: Captured Sun M/F

Posted: Sun Nov 04, 2018 5:49 am
by leahjstaples1234
A little fast for ending but nice

Re: Captured Sun M/F

Posted: Sun Nov 04, 2018 9:59 am
by WyattW5
leahjstaples1234 wrote: 5 years ago A little fast for ending but nice
I added a Paragraph or two to extend the ending. sorry about that.