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Boys Will Be Girls - In Distress (MF/MFmf)

Posted: Wed Aug 09, 2023 2:49 pm
by KP Presents
Sweet Revenge

“Oh he looks so sweet!”

Billy grimaced as he looked at his older sister and her friend. Gill was wearing a black fleece with brown pants and trainers, while Sue had on a white jumper and jeans.

“Why did you do this to me,” Billy moaned as he crossed his arms. They had made him wear a light blue princess dress with the shoulder bands pulled own, a tiara in his brown hair.

“Mum put us in charge,” Gill said, “and so you did what we told you to do. Now wait there – we’re going to get something.”

Billy watched the two girls walk out of the room, shaking his head as he sat himself down on the bed and started to read a comic. He was only eight, they were twelve – he knew he had no choice, but he was afraid of them – and what they were going to bring in…

“Well now, what do we have here?”

Billy turned and looked at the tall man who was standing there, wearing a dark grey fleece and pants, looking intently at the young boy.

“Who… Who are you?”

“Me – well, me and my friend have broken into this house to rob the place,” he said quietly, “and he is currently talking to what I presume is your sister and her friend.” He looked at Bobby and said “Let me guess – they forced you to put on one of her old dresses, and you think they are coming back with a make-up kit, right?”

“Yeah… You’re a robber?”

“Yes I am – and that means I have to stop you from raising the alarm,” he said as he held up a roll of silver tape, “but if you let me do this to you, I will show you what happened to your sister and her friend – a bit of revenge of you like. All right?”

Bobby slowly nodde3d as the man said “Good – turn round, and put your hands behind your back.” As he did this, the man tore the end of the tape free from the roll, and he felt it sticking to his skin as his wrists were taped tightly together.

He then watched as the man wound the tape round his arms and chest, making them stay together before he tore the tape free and patted it down. He then knelt down and said “Try and stand still” as he put Billy’s ankles together and wound the tape round them, and then his legs above his knees, trapping the skirt there.

The young boy twisted round as the man tore a strip of tape from the roll. “Now, I’ll put this over your mouth to keep quiet, and then I’ll take you to your sister’s room, all right?”

Billy needed as the tape was smoothed down, and then he was lifted by the man and carried into Gill’s room. His eyes opened wide as he saw his sister and Sue sitting back to back on the bed, tape round both of them as well as their ankles and legs.

“Oh I see – dress up time with the little brother,” a second man said as he smoothed the tape down over Sue’s mouth.

“Yup – he’ going to sit on the floor and keep an eye on them, aren’t you young man?”

Billy nodded as he was helped to sit down, grinning under the tape as the two girls struggled…

Dancing in the Dark

Jack and his mothed watched the men as they left the room, turning the lights off as the CD started to play. He looked at his mother, the black scarf pulling back the corners of her mouth, and said “Whllbhhlrhttmhmhh.”

She nodded and said “bhwthdhwhddhd” as she wriggled round. Her arms were behind her back, and Jack could see the bands of rope framing her chest as well. After all, he could feel the same bands of rope around his own arms, wrists, body…

There was also the funny feeling the silk on his tongue, pulling back the corners of his mouth as he looked down and raised his legs. The rope was also holding his ankles tightly together, anther band round his legs below his knees.

His mother had the same bands as well, as she leaned over and kissed her son on his head. Hid black hair had been slicked back, while her hair was held behind her with a scrunchie. Her dress had a round neckline and very short sleeves, the toy pattern in brown and yellow printed on the material from then neck to the skirt that came down to her knees.

As they heard the introduction to the song, she looked at Jack and said “whntthdhnss?”


She nodded as she pushed herself forward and managed to stand up, motioning for Jack to do the same.

I get up in the evenin'
And I ain't got nothin' to say
I come home in the mornin'
I go to bed feelin' the same way
I ain't nothin' but tired
Man, I'm just tired and bored with myself
Hey there, baby, I could use just a little help

She watched as jack pushed himself forward and managed to stand up, waiting as he regained his balance, the skirt of his matching dress falling down to his knees as well.

You can’t start a fire
You can’t start a fire without a spark
This gun’s for hire
Even if we’re just dancin’ in the dark
Jack looked at his mother and started to twist from side to side, watching as she joined in.

Messages keeps gettin' clearer
Radio's on and I'm movin' 'round my place
I check my look in the mirror
Wanna change my clothes, my hair, my face
Man, I ain't gettin' nowhere
I'm just livin' in a dump like this
There's somethin' happenin' somewhere
Baby, I just know that there is
You can't start a fire
You can't start a fire without a spark
This gun's for hire
Even if we're just dancin' in the dark

“Htsshfhnhsnt” she said, Jack nodding in agreement as they started to jump around the darkened room as well.

You sit around gettin' older
There's a joke here somewhere and it's on me
I'll shake this world off my shoulders
Come on, baby, the laugh's on me
Stay on the streets of this town
And they'll be carvin' you up alright
They say you gotta stay hungry
Hey baby, I'm just about starvin' tonight
I'm dyin' for some action
I'm sick of sittin' 'round here tryin' to write this book
I need a love reaction
Come on now, baby, gimme just one look
You can't start a fire
Sittin' 'round cryin' over a broken heart
This gun's for hire
Even if we're just dancin' in the dark
You can't start a fire

Mother’s Day


Fiona nodded as her husband looked at her. She was siting on the chair, her ankles together and to one side as she sat in her pink sleeveless dress, smiling as she looked over to the door.

“How do you feel Charlie?”

“Different,” their son said as he came in, wearing a matching dress with flat white shoes, as compared to Fiona’s stilettos. He walked over and looked at his mother, walking round the chair as she said “how do I look?”

“Like a damsel in distress,” Charlie said with a smile. His mother’s arms had been taken through the gaps in the chair back, before his father had tied her wrists tightly together with soft rope and tied them to the chair back.

Charlie sat in the chair next to her and allowed his father to take his own slim arms between the slats in the chair back, and he looked at Fiona as he felt the rope being tied round his own wrists. “so we’ll both be damsels together, right?”

“Yes we will,” Fiona said with a smile as she watched her husband stand up, and wrap rope around Charlie’s upper arms, gently holding them against his body. She could feel the ropes holding her own arms there as well, which he had then taken down and wrapped round her stomach and the chair back – something he was now doing to his son.

Charlie then watched as his father knelt in front of him and wrapped more rope around his ankles, making sure they were secured together and then taken to the side as he tied them to the leg of his chair – just as his mother was, and then he added the rope to hold his legs together below his knees.

“There now – ready to be unable to call for help?”

Charlie nodded as his father rolled up a pink chiffon scarf and then pulled it between his lips, tying it round his head before he did the same to Fiona. He kissed her head and then went round, picking up the cameras he said “ready?”


The Secret

“Please, don’t hurt us.”

“Then just do as we say, lady, and nobody gets hurt,.” The man said as he looked at Agnes. The stocking pulled down over his head added to the look of menace, as he waved the gun around and said “so, your earrings, your pearls, your jewels – in this bag, now.”

“All right – keep calm,” she said as she removed her pearl earrings and placed them in the sack the man held out. She was wearing a taupe short sleeved jacket and matching knee length skirt, with matching heels.

The earrings were followed by her gold watch, her rings, and her pearls, before the man aid “That’s better – now take this ball of twine.”

He took out of the pocket of the suit jacket he was wearing a ball of twine and threw it towards Agnes.


“So you can tie your daughter up.”

“I’m not a girl!”

The man smiled – a thin, cruel smile as he said “you’re dressed as a girl – so your momma is going to tie her little princess up. Questions?”

“It’s all right, Tommy – just do as he says,” Agnes whispered as she looked at her twelve year old son. Tommy was wearing a primrose yellow sundress with short, puffed sleeves and a white lace front, the skirt coming to his knees, and he nodded as he said “yes Mom.” As he looked on, she made a loop with the end of the twine, and then said “All right – put your hands together in prayer for me.”

As Tommy did this, she slipped the twine over his hands and pulled it tight around his wrists, so that they were held together before she wound the twine round several more times, and then between his arms.

Agnes then slowly knelt at the side of the bed they were both sitting on, before she did the same thing for his ankles, winding the twine around and between them so they were held firmly together before she took the twine back up and between his arms. She then took a pair of scissors and cut the twine free, before she tied a knot to make sure it would not come unravelled.

“Nice job – you a den mother?”

“Yeah -she’s my Den Mother,” Tommy said – and then he looked at his mother as the man took the twine, and di to her what she had done to him.

“Right,” he said as he cut and tied the twine off, and then looked in a drawer, “you gonna keep quiet?”

“Yes we will…”

“I know you will,” he said as he took out two white tube socks and rolled hem up, then forced one into Agnes’ mouth, the edges sticking out as she watched him do the same to Tommy.

“See – I told you you would,” he said as he left the two of them, both of them wondering what Timmy’s father would say…

Daddy knows best

“You’re going to use that tape to make sure I stay here and keep quiet,” Andrew said as he looked at his father. “Why Daddy?”

“I’ll explain later – and I will come and join you as soon as I can. I know we were going to have a special father/son day – well, this is just part of that. All right?”

“All right,” Andrew said quietly as he looked at his father. The older man was wearing a purple patterned blouse, a knee length purple suede skirt, black hose and red ankle boots. “Will you tell Mummy about this as well?”

“At some point, so are you ready?”

“What do you think,” Andrews said as he did a twirl., the skirt of his short sleeved blue dress rising as he did so. It had a V-shaped neckline, and short sleeves, while he was wearing a pair of knee length grey socks and a matching blue ribbon in his hair.

“Right – this should not hurt, so can you stand with your arms by your sides?”

“Okay,” Andrew whispered as he stood still, his father taking the roll of black tape he had and then winding it round his wrists and thighs, before he wound it up his body so that he looked as if he was wearing a tight black sheath. He then knelt down and taped his ankles together, again taking the tape up so that his legs were fused together from his ankles to his knees.

“I feel like a mermaid,” Andrew laughed as he twisted round.

“Well, let me lay you on your bed,” his father said as he lifted his son up and carried him over before he laid him down with his head on the pillow. “now, I need to put some of this tape over your mouth, and then I will turn your radio on- and I promise you, I will come and join you as soon as I can.”

Andrew nodded as his father tore a length of the tape free, and then pressed it down over his mouth, before he kissed his forehead and then left the room, turning the radio on as he left. Andrew could hear him talking to someone outside, but he then listened to the music, and wondered how long he would be like this.

It was about an hour later when the door opened, and his father jumped in – but he had his hands behind his back, and bands of tape around his arms, legs and knees, as well as over his mouth.


“Huurhhlrht,” his father said as he sat on the bed, Andrew nodding as he said “Swhwhdhwhdhnhhh?”
