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Getting the Boss Tangled in Red Tape! M/F

Posted: Mon Aug 21, 2023 5:02 pm
by Rerun
While normally 8 at night would've been around the time that he ate dinner, Ben instead found himself filing countless sheets for overtime. At least he had someone to talk to during this time… Even if it was the one who was signing his checks… But it still beat working into the night and occasionally zoning out. It wasn't like Ashley was like any of those bosses from horror stories out of something like Not Always Right or Reddit or anything like that, everyone here got enough payment to not worry about the cost of living and normal hours would've been 9-5 if it hadn't been for last minute files coming by.
Ashley had finished about 15 minutes earlier than him and went on her laptop so that she could use the time to check some emails. Right as he was about to finish up, she went to check on something in her car. This left Ben waiting for her return so they could both go home until he noticed something out of the corner of his eye.
“Are you being serious?” He said to no one in particular, now looking at his boss’ computer screen, which showed a black and blue forum layout similar to one that he would frequent. The ‘Stories of Tie Up Games’ header pretty much proved it. Now he was just curious if he had more in common with his boss than he first realized, deciding to ask her when she got back.
No, the fuel gauge wasn't close to being empty, she was just being paranoid. Things like this were why Ashley hated working into the night. At least she finished early enough to warrant some downtime, no clue if Ben was already done or not. Walking back into the office already answered that question as she saw Ben standing idly, presumably waiting for- crap. She left her webpage open, didn't she? Before she could think of a way to navigate this Ben greeted her with “Hey Boss, I got the last of my files done.”
“Excellent. You've been a huge time-saver Ben, you should probably get back home.”
“Don't worry about it, but I actually wanted to talk with you about something.” Looks like her silent prayers went unanswered.
“Hm, what is it?” Ashley replied, trying to seem like nothing was amiss.
“While you were gone I took a look at your screen and sort of noticed the website.” Time for Ashley to lose a lot of face, but at least it was only to 1 person.
“Yeah… Is this just you asking questions or just getting one over me?”
“Actually, I go on there too.” Well, that was a surprise.
“Oh, well in that case, what did you want to talk about?”
“Just common ground with this stuff, never thought I'd talk about it with someone that I knew.”
“Go ahead.”
“What got you interested in this stuff?”
“Just the power dynamics if I’m being honest, I’ve always been fascinated with how different the experience can be for both sides. What about you?” Ashley would never have thought that she would have ended up being this open with an employee because of a mistake after hours, but so far it wasn’t too bad!
“Pretty much the same thing.”
The 2 spent about a minute in silence before Ben spoke up again.
“Hey, both of us already lost a couple of hours doing this, so why don’t we just spend some more time trying something out?”
“You know what, I don’t really have anything to do, tomorrow’s Saturday anyway, so no one is coming in, so why not? Besides, I think there's tape by my desk, follow me.”
They went through Ashley’s drawers until finding several rolls of red-colored duct tape.
“Bingo,” Ashley exclaimed, presenting the rolls to her employee.
“So, how do you want to do this? Do you want my hands behind my back? In front?” Ben began asking.
“Actually, I was thinking that you would tie me up. Why not have someone else in charge for once?”
“Oh, yeah sure... Let’s get you tangled in red tape boss!”
Ben guided his boss to her office chair and motioned her to sit down in it. Ashley complied, curious to see where her employee would go with this. Taking a roll of tape, Ben began to wrap his boss’ left arm to one of the rests about 4 times, with Ashley wiggling her hand and fingers around to test its strength. Seeing that her bonds held up, Ben proceeded to do the same to her opposite arm, leaving both tightly taped to the chair. Next on Ben’s agenda was to wrap her legs together so his boss couldn't move them apart, causing her to use them to move the wheels of her chair, essentially the only thing she could do with them now. Finally, he then began to tie Ashley’s torso to the backrest of the chair, leaving her to wriggle around.
“Well Ben, if you're always going to be this thorough with everyone you tie up, I'm going to have to ask for your help if I ever want someone kidnapped.” Ashley joked while testing out her tight bonds.
“Eh, what can I say? I guess I'm just your top-of-the-line,” replied Ben
After a bit of silence, Ashley began to vacantly use her feet to begin moving her chair around, causing one of her loafers to fall off her foot.
“Looks like you could use a hand with that,” Ben said as he picked up the discarded shoe before getting an idea…
“Hey Boss, do you know any place I could go for a gag?” Be asked.
“Yeah, just open a drawer at my desk, and you'll find some foam balls,” Ashley answered.
After a quick trip for a gag, Ben returned holding a soft, yellow ball and a purple novelty feather that he found among his boss’ writing utensils and placed them next to a pair of scissors at a nearby desk. He then turned to his bound boss while holding her discarded shoe, asking “Mind if I borrow your tie?”
“What for?” Ashley asked back.
“Your shoe falling off just gave me an idea for an extra to your gag,” Ben clarified.
“Alright, but what about my pen?” Ashley inquired.
“Just wanted to get more fun out of this,” Ben replied while taking the pen’s feather and poking Ashley’s barefoot once.
“Well, let’s see what you have in mind,” Ashley complied.
Her employee wasted no time stuffing the ball into her mouth while using additional tape to hold it in, lifting her brunette hair over the headrest to keep it out of the way. His next course of action was to undo her tie and then use it to keep her shoe in place as he placed it over her face, forcing her to smell it.
“Hmmph…” Ashley groaned in disgust. Sure, she figured out that Ben was planning this based on what he said earlier, but it still didn't make the smell any l— “MmphMPHHphMpHmm!”
Ashley looked down to see Ben tickling her feet with the pen he brought, along with her second loafer now being removed from her feet while the gag had her distracted.
Ben grinned as he joked, “You're good at staying professional at work Boss, let's get you to laugh a little.”
Ashley then found herself being forced to smell her own shoe and her feet and ribs were mercilessly tickled by her favorite employee, with the chair she was taped to occasionally shifting or rolling as she struggled.
After 20-ish minutes of light-hearted torture, Ashley was relieved when Ben began to intake her… albeit working his way up from bottom to top to keep her gag on last. After spitting the ball out and having her shoes slipped back onto her feet she said “Thanks Ben, this was a good time.”
“No problem Boss, I’d be happy to do this again if we ever have to work late from now on,” Ben replied.
“Same here! Well, see you on Monday,” Ashley said as she began to collect her things and leave. She would definitely be considering going to the “True Stories” section to write about this.