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The System of Dr. Fether’s Mental Suggestion through Epidermal Stimulation (F/FFM) (Completed)

Posted: Mon Sep 18, 2023 3:33 am
by ishfet
(Hi, im gonna try a slightly new style of narration for this story, hopefully it'll work. This is loosely based on a roleplay I had ages ago and a story by a certain famous horror writer, enjoy!)

The System of Dr. Fether’s Mental Suggestion through Epidermal Stimulation

By Dr. Isabelle Fether

Through this study I attempt that by adding Professor Tarr’s soothing restrains and my advancements epidermal stimulation (particularly those of the glabrous skin), I will be able to condition the mind to make the patient believe anything I wish them to believe. The experiment will take place at our remote abandoned site in the hills, so as not to disturb any other patients. The subjects selected for the first stage of the experiment are the following:

Kelly Williams
Age. - 45
Height. - 5’10’’
Foot size. - 13 US
Recently divorced, mother of two college students, frustrated at her work and according to her social media accounts her life has “spiraled out of control.”

Sarah Williams
Age. - 19
Height. - 5’09’’
Foot size. - 11 US
Freshman in college, former captain of the volleyball team, after her parent’s divorce, her hotheaded attitude caused her to lose her place on the team after loosing the championship for them when she tripped on her own feet.

Kevin Williams
Age. - 20
Height. - 6’01’’
Foot size. - 11 US
College dropout, after his parent’s divorce, he became apathic, causing him to get fired from his part time job and were the main subject for a heated argument with his girlfriend on social media that could jeopardize their relationship.

All subjects are highly dissatisfied with the way their recent life developments, through this therapy I intent to cure their dissatisfaction and induce a more positive view on their lives. In order to ensure the experiment is a success, I need the subjects to enter involuntarily, so I forged a letter from her company’s CEOs, stating she needed to attend a mandatory retreat at the beach where she would be provided a house by the beach where her children and two guests could join her. The experiment site is located on the way to the beach house, so I have monitored the minivan’s location and shot a pellet with a bb long range rifle at her tires, causing her to stop close to the site.

The following is a transcript of the subjects entering the experiment. Kelly was wearing white blouse, skirt and flipflops, Sarah was wearing a teal t-shirt, shorts and sandals and Kevin was wearing jeans, a grey t-shirt and sneakers:

Kelly: “Hello, is anyone here?”

Me: “Hi, welcome to the Ishfet Reformatory, how may I help you?”

Kelly: “Hi. Could I use your phone, please? Our car has a flat tire, and we can’t get a signal on our phones.”

Me: “Certainly, let me take you to it”

I lead her to the left corridor.

Me: “I bet you two are thirsty, while you wait for your mom to make her call, why don’t you take a soda from the vending machine? It’s free”

Kevin and Sarah shrugged their shoulders and walked towards the right wing, Kelly was brought to Pad Room W-6. With all three subjects inside the facility, the experiment could begin: phase one was to secure all three subjects and verify the sensitivity of the glabrous skin on their feet

Kelly: “Hey! There isn’t any phone in here, what are ymmprh!!!”

I covered her mouth and quickly proceeded to subdue the first subject. She put up a significant amount of resistance but was ultimately able to put a #6 ball gag in her mouth and pinned her to the ground.

Kelly: “GRRMMMMPH!!!”

Her struggling intensified when her skirt was removed, but I managed to put her into a Professor Tarr’s Soothing Straitjacket ™ and locked her ankles on a Professor Tarr’s Sturdy Stocks ™

I proceeded to removing her flipflops, her toes curled and tried to hold on to them, but her feet were eventually exposed. With the stroke of my therapeutic ostrich feather, I tested the sensitivity of her soles. The results exceeded my expectations: her feet immediately twitched at the touch of the feather, and her angered expression had turned to one of shock. Even with the gag on, her screams of laughter no doubt had alerted her children.

From the security cam feed:

Kevin and Sarah paced nervously around the vending machine. Sarah with her arms crossed while her brother sipping a can of soda.

Sarah: ‘This place gives me the creeps. Do you thin-“

Kevin: “Shhh… did you hear that?”

Kelly’s muffled screams of laughter could be faintly heard on the east wing

Kevin: “I’m gonna check it out”

Sarah: “Kevin!”

Kevin darted out of the east wing and soon found his way into the room where his mother was captive, I hid behind the door and as soon as he barged in held his arms and proceeded to subdue him in the same fashion as my first subject.

Kevin: “M-mom!? Are you ok?”

I jumped on him, grabbed his arms and covered his mouth.

Me: “She will be, once the whole family is brought together for therapy”

Despite the challenge (might consider bringing orderlies in the future), I was able to get the upper hand on him. Perhaps it was the sight of his own mother that sent him into shock: sitting on the padded ground, wearing a straight jacket and a ball gag shoved in her mouth, her ankles locked in wooden stocks and her once yellowish soles now bright red due to the tickling test they had received. Ultimately, I manage to put him in a straitjacket.

Kevin: “Please let us go”

Me: “Not yet, first I need you to call your sister over”

I kneeled next to Kelly’s exposed soles and dangled my fingernails inches away from her soles.

Me: “…and I trust you will comply”

Kevin gulped, looked at his mother: tired and pleading. The effects of the initial test run had been successful, and I was positive they will be successful on my other two test subjects as well.

Kevin: “Sis, could you come over here? I need your help.”

I hid behind the opened door and waited. I could hear her sandals hitting the concrete floor, first slow then faster as she approaches the room, no doubt after seeing her mother and brother sitting on the floor with straightjackets.

Sarah: “Wha- HEY!”

I wasted no time pinning her on the ground and restraining her like her bother and mother.

Kevin: “I’m sorry sis”

Sarah: “You dumb asshole! You could have warned me about this crazy bitch before I walked right into her…”

Kelly: “Shmm uph bmp phh ymph!”

Even their mother was entering their heated argument despite being gagged, their animosity towards each other will prove to be useful.

Me: “Now that the family is reunited, we can begin out therapy sessions”

I shoved a ball gag #5 on Kevin and a #4 on Sarah, though it did stop their bickering, they would still shoot dirty looks at each other.

Me: “I understand you all have been very unhappy with the way your life has been going currently.”

I took of Sarah’s sandals. Despite their gags, their arguing intensified.

Me: “It also appears you don’t like each other very much, but by the time this is over you will all rejoice in laughter.”

I then took off Kevin’s sneakers and peeled off his socks.

Me: “Who wants to go first?”

All three subjects looked at each other nervously. Kevin scrunched his toes as he felt his sister’s glare.

Sarah: “Gmmph hmm frmst”

Kevin’s eyes grew wide as he stared at his sister in shock.

Me: “Sounds good to me”

Kevin looked at me, shaking his head and pleading with his eyes not to do what in his head he already feared would happen. The fuzzy edges of my feather danced around his soft, large soles. Moving from his heels, up through his arches and to the space between his toes.

My initial assessment was accurate: he was as ticklish as his mother, and it didn’t take long to send him into hysterical laughter.

Me: “I see you are having fun. Who do you think should join in the fun?”

Between the ball gag and the involuntary laughter, Kevin struggled to get a word out.

Kevin: “Mm smsmprh!! Gmg hrm!”

Sarah: “Wmhmp!?”

Sarah shook her head, desperately trying to convince me to keep my fingernails away from her soft soles.

Me: “I wonder if you feel sorry you volunteered your brother to go first”

Sarah froze, for a split second, staring in horror like a deer to a headlight. And once the feather touched her skin, her reaction was the anticipated uncontrollable laughter. But more interesting was to observe the reaction of her brother, who despite the gag, smiled smugly as he saw her sister’s feet being tortured.

Me: “Well now, I should go back to your mom...?”

Kelly eyes widen, as she gazed back and forth at her to children, recovering their breath.

Me: “…or perhaps I should continue tickling both of you at the same time.”

I switched to a pair of emu feathers, with each feather on hand, I tickled both pairs of feet, sending them back into hysterics. Kelly gulped and tried to yell as best as she could through her gag.

Kelly: “Tmklm Mm!”

Me: “Nice try, but you don’t get to choose”

I flick her nose, to aggravate her even further.

Me: “You’ll get tickled by the unanimous vote of your children”

My objective was to bring out the hidden resentment they both had towards their mother, but after minutes of them desperately trying to pull away their feet from the stocks, I could not get them to agree.

Kevin: “Tmklm Hrmph”

Sarah: “Dmnmph”

Me: “Hmmm… perhaps Sarah is enjoying it”

A desired outcome, much early than anticipated, yet it wasn’t enough, she shook her head wildly, and after nearly 10 minutes of continuously stimulating their soft feet with the thin, fuzzy rims of my feathers, their faces turned red and tears streamed down their cheeks, so I stop.

Me: “Are you ready to let your mother join in the fun?”

Slowly they both nodded while catching their breath. A quick observation showed me they were both appeared light-headed from the tickling, which was a good sign. Kelly braced herself: since I had already tested tickling her with the ostrich feather, I used both emu feathers on each of her feet, and they proved to be super effective. I was however surprised to hear a slight moan in between her laughter. In order to verify that this was not a fluke, I tickled my other too subjects as well. The three voices melded into a cacophony of laughter. An occasional moan or two can be heard, but no other reaction indicates the subject are enjoying the treatment. After seven minutes, it is time to question the subjects on how they feel about the treatment, so I stop the tickling and ungag them.

Me: “How are you feeling”

Kevin: “Why are you doing this to us?”

Me: “You are here because you are dissatisfied with your lives. You have overwhelming feelings of anger and self-doub,t towards yourselves and towards others, that prevent you from enjoying your life”

Sarah: “Is this a joke? First mom’s decied to leave dad, then they kick me out of the team, and now some crazy woman is basically kidnaping us and…”

Kelly: “We are fine! I don’t know what you are trying to do with us getting tickled, but we don’t need this, so why don’t you just let us go and we’ll be on our way.”

Me: “I intend to break your negative thoughts and replace them with a more… positive suggestion. Denial is a natural state, so now that we have proven the sensitivity of your glabrous skin, it’s time we take this therapy to the next stage.”

The subjects’ inquiries became irrelevant, so I proceeded to use the chloroform solution K0 to render them unconscious so that preparations for phase two could begin.

(To Be Continued...)

Re: The System of Dr. Fether’s Mental Suggestion through Epidermal Stimulation (F/FFM)

Posted: Mon Sep 18, 2023 4:26 am
by SubBondageBoy
Oooh I like this so far, big feet, tickle torture, ballgags, classic family drama. What’s there not to love? Can’t wait for more!

Re: The System of Dr. Fether’s Mental Suggestion through Epidermal Stimulation (F/FFM)

Posted: Mon Sep 18, 2023 4:49 pm
by Bondageboi
I love it. I could see myself in the stocks, gag and straight jacket. I love the added humiliation of Sara’s nose being flicked, Kevin having his shoes and socks removed by the woman and Kelly being tickled in front of her children.

More please more!

Re: The System of Dr. Fether’s Mental Suggestion through Epidermal Stimulation (F/FFM)

Posted: Fri Sep 22, 2023 3:41 am
by ishfet
(Part 2)

In order to access other sensitive areas of their epidermis, they were stripped down to their underwear and taken to the courtyard where iron stakes have been nailed to the ground and attached to Professor Tarr’s Ultra-Soft Sturdy Leather Cuffs ™. Each limb was secured to a cuff, leaving the subjects securely spread in an X position. Their ball gags were removed and replaced by a sponge (generic brand) with a strap of fabric tied in between their teeth. Though not standard, this method would be efficient in muting their screams of laughter when tickled.

Phase two of the experiment consisted of stimulating other areas of the body simultaneously along the glabrous skin of their feet to the point of breaking the subjects will. In order to reach further areas of their bodies, I used a pair of extra-long therapeutic feather duster.

After they regained consciousness, I gave them a minute to be aware of their surroundings. The twisted their ankles and wrists trying to get out of the cuffs, their faces turned red, embarrassed at seeing each other half naked. Once they saw me towering above them, holding the feather duster, their eyes widen and quickly made their muffled protests heard.

Ignoring their pleas, I began passing both feather duster through Sarah’s exposed body: from her calves, going up the back of her knees, her inner thighs, her belly button, her ribs, armpits and her neck. The subject reaction did not disappoint me: she laughed hard, throwing her head back, arching her back, as the feather dusters stimulated every sensitive area of her skin. After several minutes, a steady stream of tears flowed down her redden cheeks.

Sarah: “Hmhmhmhmhmhmhm!”

Kevin: “Tggmph mm imnsmphd”

Kevin tugged against his cuffs, arching his head and waving his feet, trying to get me to tickle him instead, I decided to skip him for the time being and use the feather dusters on Kelly instead. Much like her daughter, she buckled and laughed hard. Kevin took deep breaths, dreading the moment the feather dusters would hit his exposed body. Once I brought Kelly to tears, I slowly moved to Kevin. At first, he quivered, trying not to react to the soft touch of the multiple feathers simultaneously brushing his skin, he bit down his gag hard to avoid laughing, yet with due diligence I was able to force an eruption of laughter outside of him. He howled and screamed as his entire body contorted trying to get away from the stimulus the feather dusters caused.

Giving them a few minutes of rest, I brought out the pair of Quillscratchers (patent pending) combining different types of quills to ensure multiple levels of pressure.

Me: “I think we are ready to turn it up a notch. Who wants to go first?”

The three looked wide-eyed at the scratcher, then at each other, then at me

Kelly: “Mm, Tcmml Mm”

Sarah: “Nm, Mm”

Kevin: “Mm”

Phase two has been successful in removing the animosity the subjects had towards each other and embracing their own desire for tickling. I work fast with the scratchers, ensuring that none of the subjects get more than 30 seconds of rest. The quills touch is sharper, and when handled by a professional, it can deliver the maximum amount of epidermal stimulus an analog device could. As I explore the tender skin of their arches and between their toes and move my way up to the back of their knees, their inner thighs and their groins, their ribs and armpits, and that seldomly touched spot behind the ears, their eyes grew wider, their screams of laughter louder and their faces redden as they were running out of breath.

After ten minutes and forty-nine seconds I could see the symptoms of epidermal overstimulation: they gasped for more and more air, causing their laughter to die out, they were running out of breath, they developed a substantial amount of sweat and their eyes were unfocused. Long after I stopped tickling them, they would still wiggle their limbs, scrunch their toes, and giggle quietly. They were now broken, and ready for the third and final phase.

Re: The System of Dr. Fether’s Mental Suggestion through Epidermal Stimulation (F/FFM)

Posted: Sat Sep 23, 2023 4:34 am
by Terry45
Great story! Looking forward to the next part.

Re: The System of Dr. Fether’s Mental Suggestion through Epidermal Stimulation (F/FFM)

Posted: Mon Oct 02, 2023 4:26 am
by ishfet
(Part 3)

I untied them from the stakes (though I left their gags on and retied their hands in front of them) there was no need for concern of them getting away or fighting back. Though conscious, all subjects were more than cooperative when I stood them up. I put a collar on each subject and use a long rope to tether all three subjects. I held the end of my makeshift leash and tug my three subjects to follow me single file, though staggering and giggling, they complied.

I paraded my subjects through the abandoned south hall into what was once the electroshock therapy room but was now my electro-stimulation room. Inside there were three wooden chairs with wooden stocks in front of them. The customized electro-stimulator was prepped and ready, as well as the conducting gel and a bucket of soapy water with several rags.

Each subject was sat on a chair and their feet locked on their corresponding stocks; their torsos were tied to the back of the chair. Now that all three subjects have entered into what I call the “broken state”
Phase three will consist of going beyond that state and plant the prerecorded message I prepared to condition the mind. Once this phase is over, their personalities should have changed considerably and will be able to do as they were told during their conditioning.

Before I could begin, I needed to make sure the area where the electro stimulator was clean. Since I made the subjects walk barefoot, it was imperative that I cleaned the soles of their feet.

By now the subjects were breaking out of their trance. Befuddled the twisted their ankles against the stocks and arched their necks looking at their surroundings. I ignored their muffled protests and scrubbed their soles with the brush and the soapy water. Their howlers of laughter resonated through the entire wing, their heads thrashed and their legs kicks, but I was determined to make their feet spotless, after all I needed the conditions to be perfect for the electro simulator. Occasional moans we heard from the subjects, making me believe suspect they have developed an infatuation for tickling. Once the cleaning was over, their faces were red, and their toes wiggled trying to fight off the tickling aftershock.

With their soles, clean I tape the electrodes to their soles and each of their sensitive spots of their bodies, then a remote is handed to each of them.

Me: “For this test I have connected all your sensitive areas to an electro stimulator and given you a remote trigger. Each of you will be able to trigger the other to, but not yourselves. No one will be able to tell who is the one triggering them, so you could ‘tickle’ the other two without them knowing you were responsible for it.”

This test would serve to see if, on a guilt free environment, the subject would recur to tickle each other. I turned on the electro stimulator and watched: they all have discovered they liked to be tickled, so I would not have been surprised if they suspected the others liked it too, the test was not to make them suffer, bot to give them the pleasure they themselves seek.

After several long seconds of silence and looking at each other, Sarah jolted, almost jumping off the ground and roared in laughter, soon Kely followed and then Kevin. They all laughed, tickling at each other, occasionally moaning and revealing to each other they newfound love for tickling. Now the official confirmation was needed. I turned off the electro stimulator and take the remote triggers from them, each subject was ungagged, allowing them to recover their breath easier

Me: “Sarah, do you enjoy tickling?”

Sarah rolled her eyes

Sarah: “Fine, yes I do *muttering* “

Me: “Hmmm, you do not seem very convinced”

I pass my fingernail through her sole: from her heel to the base of her toes.

Me: “Do you really enjoy being ticked?”

Sarah: “Ha ha ha ha. Yes, yes, yes! I DO!”

Convinced, I moved to my next subject.

Me: “and you Kelly, do you enjoy being tickled?”

I moved my fingers up and down her arches.

Kelly: “Yes, yes, I do! I’ve even tried to tickle myself in my bedroom, but I’ve never thought I could be tickled like this!”

The confession was surprising, but not at all unpleasant.

Me: “How about you, Kevin? Do you love tickling as much as your sister and your mom?”

My finger ran between his toes.

Kevin: “OK! Yes, yes, yes, I love it! I love it even more than my sister and my mother!”

With my assessment confirmed, I could now begin the final stage of phase 3.

What my predecessor had gotten wrong about mental suggestion to tickling was that they attempted to do use the subject’s aversion to being tickled to get their minds to seek comfort in the message planted by the doctors, all unsuccessful. But I believed that the opposite would yield results, if the subject develops a love for tickling, then it could be used as reward to assimilate the implanted message.

I placed earphones and the VR goggles on them, isolating their senses so they could only hear and see the preselected message I prepared to implant on my subjects: a collection of sounds and image that would plant ideas deep into their subconscious. The ideas will make them suggestible to my commands and follow the orders I give them. I played the message and turned on the electro stimulator, gradually cranking it up to the maximum setting.

The subjects laugh very hard. Tears ran down their faces and their laughter became hoarse. The lack of oxygen caused them to be lightheaded until they fell limp, falling unconscious.

The experiment was completed.

I dressed the subjects and placed them back on their cars and replaced the flat tire, by the time they would have woken up, this would have appeared to have been just a dream none would ever talk to one another. The results of the experiment will be confirmed on a separate paper that I will publish. Regardless, the time I have spent with the subjects has been… stimulating.

The End

(a sequel is in the works)

Re: The System of Dr. Fether’s Mental Suggestion through Epidermal Stimulation (F/FFM) (Completed)

Posted: Mon Oct 02, 2023 5:33 am
by Alisonlovesropes
I can’t wait for the sequel. My wife’s a nurse so I’ll ask if she has heard about this novel family therapy.

Re: The System of Dr. Fether’s Mental Suggestion through Epidermal Stimulation (F/FFM) (Completed)

Posted: Mon Oct 02, 2023 3:18 pm
by ishfet
Alisonlovesropes wrote: 8 months ago I can’t wait for the sequel. My wife’s a nurse so I’ll ask if she has heard about this novel family therapy.
hahaha, do ask her. (maybe thats how she gets you to wash the dishes :lol: )

Re: The System of Dr. Fether’s Mental Suggestion through Epidermal Stimulation (F/FFM) (Completed)

Posted: Mon Oct 02, 2023 5:31 pm
by Bondageboi

I have fantasies about being tied up an and tickled by a woman along with other women. I usually imagine my girlfriend and her mum all tied up along with me.