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Forever Foot Slave FM/M

Posted: Fri Nov 10, 2023 10:40 pm
by abcdefsmith3
I've had an urge today to write a story based myself on my biggest fantasy. This is the first time I've ever felt like writing a story myself. It may not be for everyone, but this is written as what my biggest fantasy would play out as in real life. I hope you enjoy it!

The story will most likely consist of 3 parts

Part 1

James and Aimee had been in a relationship for 5 years. They have always been happy together. However James craved more. He loved it when Aimee was dominant in the bedroom, even though she wasn't over keen on it. But James wanted more. He dreamed of living out his biggest fantasy, which involved being tied up, gagged and rendered helpless at her mercy.

A few years ago, Aimee worked with another person called Tommy. He was one of those guys that just looked generically handsome. All the girls chased after him at work. Aimee did her best not to be like the other girls, even though she secretly had a crush on him too. With his stylish blonde hair and blue eyes, who could resist? Her boyfriend James however was scrawny, thin and not as muscular as Tommy, even though she loved James.
Aimee never let on to James that she used to fancy Tommy once they got together. She was happy with James.

However one night, Aimee caught James looking at Tommy's Facebook profile. "What are you doing?" she asked James. James quickly shut the laptop lid, not noticing Amy was behind him. "Oh nothing, just looking back at old photos of where you used to work before we got a place of our own." Aimee didn't think much more of it, however seeing those pictures of Tommy made her mind start to race of what things could have been like if she chose Tommy over James.
Later that evening, as James was playing his video games, Aimee dropped Tommy a message, asking generic questions and starting up a conversation. Tommy had no issue replying, always having a crush on her too, even though it was never spoken about. As the evening went on, Aimee and Tommy continued talking online more and more as James continued playing his games, oblivious.
"We should meet up soon" Tommy suggested. Aimee paused for a moment. She looked over to James. 'Could this change everything?' she thought to herself, already starting to feel lust towards Tommy again after all these years. She looked back at her phone. "Yeah, sounds good!" she messaged back, following her gut.

As the days went by, Aimee couldn't stop thinking about meeting up with Tommy. One day, when James was away at work for the day, Aimee invited Tommy over to hers and James' house for a few drinks. Tommy would leave by the time James arrived back home, so they had the whole evening to catch up and relax. Drink after drink, they both felt more and more tipsy. Tommy began asking Aimee about James and how they were doing together. "Ermmm. Yeah we're good" Aimee answered.
"I sense a but..." Tommy replied.
"But... he just doesn't... excite me... if you get when I mean?" she asked hesitantly.
"What do you mean?" Tommy asked.
Aimee now feeling quite confident due to the drinks decided to be honest and say,
"He just doesn't do anything for me in the bedroom department".
Tommys eyes opened wide, not expecting that to come out of Aimee's mouth.
"Oh... I see..." Tommy said.
Aimee looked over at Tommy, hunger in her eyes. Tommy could sense that she wanted him tonight, and he couldn't hide that he wanted her too.

They both leant in towards each other, allowing the drinks to fully take over. They began to kiss. Short ones to begin with, but then longer ones soon took their place. Their hands began to explore each others bodies. It wasn't long until James was just a distant memory in Aimee's mind. After a while, Aimee grabbed Tommy's hand and led him up to the bedroom that her and James usually shared. She knew time was getting on and that James would be back any time, but she didn't care. She had a new surge of confidence flowing through her. When James arrived back, she'd be ready for him.

About 30 minutes after Aimee and Tommy had been exploring each other's bodies on the bed, James walked through the door to catch them both, still fully clothed at this point.
"What the hell is going on here!?" James asked in shock and anger.
Aimee simply looked up at James as Tommy laid beside her. She smirked at James, knowing that she was going to get what she wanted tonight... She was going to make James remember this night. He was always talking about wanting her to be more dominant in the bedroom. Now he was going to get exactly what he had wished for!

Aimee reached behind her, getting the stash she had prepared for James' return ready. The stash was full of rope, tape and handcuffs. The gag she didn't have to prepare just yet, because that was still on her person keeping her feet and legs nice and warm...!

To be Continued!

Re: A Sub Slave

Posted: Sat Nov 11, 2023 1:53 am
by Red86
Congratulations on your 1st story! Off to an interesting start. Curious to see your take on what would happen to you in fantasy!!

Re: A Sub Slave

Posted: Sat Nov 11, 2023 5:17 am
by Veracity
Thank you for sharing your story. Please be sure to add gender tags.

Re: A Sub Slave FM/M

Posted: Sat Nov 11, 2023 8:29 am
by abcdefsmith3
@Red86 Thank you! Hope it doesn’t disappoint! The 2nd part is where the tying up really comes in to play! Should be up later today!

@Veracity Thank you! All done!

Re: A Sub Slave FM/M

Posted: Sat Nov 11, 2023 5:23 pm
by abcdefsmith3
Part 2

As James stood in the doorway, Aimee slowly made her way off the bed. As she walked up to James, she hid something behind her back. Before James could process what was happening, Aimee forced James to his knees with a soft kick to the back of his legs, causing them to buckle. Without hesitation, Aimee placed one of the cuffs of the handcuffs around James' wrist, before quickly tightening it around one of the metal bed frames. She then swiftly moved on to the other hand, applying the same pressure to the next bed frame. She wasn't done yet though, she then forced his head through one of the gaps of the metal bed frames between his two cuffed frames, making it stay there until she decided to force it back through again. It was a struggle, but eventually she got it through.

"What the hell are you doing!?" James shouted furiously.
Amy laughed at James' helpless situation, all the while, Tommy continued to sit on the bed, admiring Aimee more and more.
"Wow, you really have control of him don't you?" Tommy said.
"He's always wanted to be tied up at my mercy in the bedroom. This is the night it happens" Aimee giggled back.

As James struggled, Aimee got to work on his legs. Using the many coils of rope, she wrapped it around James' legs multiple times, making sure to tie the knots as tight as she could. She didn't care about Jame's welfare at this point. She was too overcome with lust for her new lover Tommy.
Once James' legs were properly secured, she noticed James trying to manoeuvre his fingers to escape from the handcuffs.
"Well we can't have that now, can we?" Aimee said as she began to unravel layers upon layers of duct tape. She began wrapping James' fingers to the bed frames also, securing them against the cold metal so he would have no way of picking his way free. Once one hand was secured, it was time for the second hand. She applied the same amount of tape to the other hand and before long, James' hands were completely immobile.

"I swear when I get out of this, I'm going to-"... Before James could finish his sentence, Aimee applied a finger to his lips, gesturing him to be silent.
"Shhhhh. I think it's time we shut you up for good" Aimee interrupted.
"We?" James asked, confused.

Aimee looked over to Tommy, who was still admiring Aimee's handiwork on tying up her boyfriend. She walked over to Tommy and stretched his legs out. She looked towards Tommys socks, which looked a brownish/yellow colour on the bottoms, compared to the what used to be white colour.
"Can I borrow these?" Aimee asked Tommy.
With a sadistic smirk, Tommy replied "Be my guest".
Aimee gave Tommy another long kiss on the lips to torment James some more, before slowly peeling off Tommy's socks.
"I've had these on for two days now" Tommy said, looking at James. "I even went to the gym in them earlier today, so they should be especially stinky and sweaty for you".

Aimee walked back over to James, who now had clamped his mouth shut tight. Aimee just laughed. Knowing that James couldn't go anywhere, she simply pinched James' nose shut until he eventually had to open his mouth to breathe. As soon as his mouth opened, Aimee shoved the socks right in to the back of his throat, causing James to gag heavily. Tommy decided he wanted in on the action, so decided to press James' mouth shut with his hand so he couldn't spit the socks out.

"Don't think I'm done there little bitch" Aimee said, becoming more dominant by the second.
Aimee then began to peel off her tights that she had been wearing all day as Tommy kept James' mouth shut.
"I went dancing in the club in these tights with my boots last night, as well as wearing them all day today" Aimee teased, before grabbing the toe-end section of the legs.
She edged closer towards James again, as he tried to shake his head away, however the bed frames kept him exactly where she wanted him. Tommy removed his hand from James' mouth just as Aimee slowly began to shove both pairs of the feet section of the tights in to it. This now secured Tommy's socks at the back of James' mouth, with Aimee's tights resting on his tongue. Aimee then placed the section of the tights where the legs would go in over James' head, creating a nylon hood.

Tommy began unwrapping the rest of the duct tape and wrapping revolution after revolution around James' neck and mouth, securing the tights to James' head for good, forcing the feet of the tights and Tommy's socks inside James' mouth.

Aimee and Tommy shared a long and passionate kiss above James in victory, as he knelt before them tied and secured, utterly defeated.
Just what could they do to James now that he was in this pitiful situation?

Tune in to part 3 to find out!

Re: A Sub Slave FM/M

Posted: Mon Nov 13, 2023 6:17 pm
by abcdefsmith3
Part 3

As James remained kneeling at the feet of Aimee and Tommy, this gave Aimee an idea seeing him in this vulnerable position.
She took Tommy's hand and guided him back to the bed. They both laid next to each other, with their legs and feet positioned just in front of James' trapped face. James couldn't see much due to the tights blocking most of his vision. But he could just make out Aimee and Tommy's silhouettes laid out in front of him.

"I have an idea" Aimee said with a mischievous smirk.
"What's that?" Tommy asked, even though he had an inkling of what she was going to suggest.
Aimee decided to confirm Tommy's suspicions by simply placing both of her now-bare feet right in to James' face. The smell hit James instantly. He tried to move his head, but again, it was going nowhere due to the metal bed frames keeping him trapped there. All he could do what endure the stench coming from Aimee's unwashed feet.
"Aww how do they smell babe? Like roses?" Aimee taunted.
All James could do was moan in to his packed gag, which was hardly audible.
Aimee laughed sadistically, no longer caring for her now-ex-boyfriend. How could she stay with him after seeing him in this submissive state? James knew this just as much too. He knew there was no future with Aimee as his girlfriend anymore. She needed a dominant man to take care of her. Before long, without caring either, Tommy shoved his feet in to James' face too, the feeling of power and dominance over James growing more and more by the minute as the alpha male.
"What a pathetic excuse for a man" Tommy sneered. As he said this, he pinched his toes over James' nose, cutting off his air supply completely. All James could do was kick his legs in pain now that the rest of his body was fully immobilised.

Aimee and Tommy laughed at James' helpless state until Aimee decided it was her turn. James could feel himself dropping in and out of consciousness, until Tommy released his toes from James' nose just in time. James breathed heavily through his nose, taking in as much fresh air as he could. However this wouldn't last long at all, because Aimee decided to do the same to James, reaching her foot over towards his face again. Without mercy, Aimee pinched James' nose shut again with her toes this time. James had no choice but do suffer at the feet of the girl that he still loved, despite the feeling no longer being mutual. James' head began to lower down between the bed frames, feeling his head go light. He knew he couldn't hold on much longer. Just as he was about to pass out again, Aimee released James' nose. Again, all James could do was breathe heavily through his nose to regain air. Aimee and Tommy kept taking it in turns to do this, torturing James without mercy.

"This is your place now. At our feet whilst we enjoy our new life together" Aimee said as she turned towards Tommy and embraced him in her arms. Through the nylon hood, James could just make out Aimme and Tommy now making out in front of him on the bed. The sound of their kisses angered him so much, knowing there was nothing he could do but listen and watch. Aimee and Tommy's bodies became more and more entwined, as James remained knelt at their feet, completely defeated. All James could smell was the combined stench of Aimee and Tommy's feet due to their toes covering his nose. The smell had also cemented itself on to the nylon that James had covering his head.

The further and further Aimee and Tommy felt and explored each other, the more and more they know they wanted to go all the way with each other.
"Let's get this loser out of the way" Tommy said, standing up from the bed. Aimee followed.
Before long, they had uncuffed and untaped James' hands and arms from the bed post. They kept his legs tied and mouth gagged and hooded though.
"We don't want him disturbing us as we have our fun" Aimee said, as they both lifted James's head out from between the bed frames. Aimee grabbed James by his shoulders, as Tommy lifted James' legs. They carried him over to the cupboard at the other end of the bedroom. Aimee opened the door of the cupboard where she kept her unwashed socks and tights. They then pushed James in to the pile of dirty laundry. They immediately got to work at tying James' hands and arms behind his back, before taping his fingers and hands closed again.
"Let's make sure he can't make a sound" Aimee said, as she and Tommy began to bury James under the piles of Aimee's socks and tights, completely enveloping him in them all. When they were done, they couldn't see a single part of James. It just looked like a large pile of Aimee's laundry. She hadn't had time to wash anything for a couple of weeks, and now James was just another item in that cupboard. Amy took one last look at her pathetic ex-boyfriend hidden somewhere in the middle of her socks and tights. There wasn't even any room for James to move or struggle by the time they had tied him inside and buried his body under the socks and tights.

"You're going to stay in here as mine and Tommy's personal slave until we have no more use for you. Although you're going to be very busy for a long time to come by cleaning every single one of my socks and tights with your mouth. I'll probably make you clean Tommy's too seeing as though he will be living with me here now for good" Aimee stated, before using her foot to kick the cupboard door shut, sealing James' fate for good.
Tommy found the padlock to the cupboard door and locked the door shut. There was now no escape for James.

He was now Aimee and Tommy's slave to do as they pleased for the rest of their lives. How could he say anything to anyone if he ever got out? They would just see him as a pathetic man just like Aimee and Tommy did.
He knew he was utterly trapped and defeated at the mercy of his two new owners.

The next thing James heard was Aimee and Tommy getting very hands on with each other as they stuck to their word and went all the way as they promised they would in the bed.
When they were finished, Aimee and Tommy decided to go and watch a movie together.
"Come on babe, let's go on our first date" Aimee said, smiling sweetly and innocently at Tommy.

The last thing James heard was Aimee and Tommy each giving the cupboard door a kick where James remained trapped. The front door of Aimee's house shut and locked, as Tommy drove Aimee to their first date as a new couple. James sat helplessly in the his new smelly prison, unsure of when his captors would return. Who knows what they would make him suffer and endure for the rest of his life.

I hope some of you enjoyed this story! As I said, this is a fantasy in my head that I would love to live out. Some parts of the story were exaggerated for dramatic story telling, but key elements I wouldn't say no to trying, even for a day!

Thanks for reading! :twisted:


Re: A Sub Slave FM/M

Posted: Tue Nov 14, 2023 4:37 am
by Red86
Kind of feel bad for the little fella but the old saying goes be careful what you wish for! You wished Aimee was more dominant and not only did you get that but her new boy friend to 😅

Overall an interesting story. I wouldn't be surprised if you have a few more ideas for stories floating around 😉

Re: A Sub Slave FM/M

Posted: Tue Nov 14, 2023 9:23 am
by abcdefsmith3

Yeah in essence I just wish she was more dominant :lol:

However I don’t mind a little foot worship too hehe! She likes me giving her foot rubs in real life, so at least that’s something! :lol:

Re: Forever Foot Slave FM/M

Posted: Thu Nov 16, 2023 6:15 pm
by abcdefsmith3
Is this the kind of story people like on here? I've seen replies to other stories involving similar aspects get great responses, so would appreciate other peoples opinions and feedback! :D

Re: Forever Foot Slave FM/M

Posted: Thu Nov 16, 2023 8:49 pm
by Proctph
I loved this story so much! I hope you continue it or wrote more like it! I’ve cum several times reading it and imagining it happening to me! Great job!!!

Re: Forever Foot Slave FM/M

Posted: Thu Nov 16, 2023 9:33 pm
by abcdefsmith3

Oh wow! You really enjoyed it then! :twisted:

Thank you!

Re: Forever Foot Slave FM/M

Posted: Sat Dec 02, 2023 10:01 am
by abcdefsmith3
Still really proud of this story. Just mentioning it again in case anyone missed it when it was originally published!