Write Where It Hurts (M/M) final part up

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Deleted User 4525

Write Where It Hurts (M/M) final part up

Post by Deleted User 4525 »

Just an idea I had, lemme know if you wanna hear more. I gt loosely inspired by a throw-away joke in a castle episode. Wanted to expand it into a different story.

Roman Bonetta is a successful mystery writer of the critically acclaimed Detective Mundo series. The 39-year-old author was often the subject of thirsty tweets due to his handsome face, dark hair and eyes, and a chiseled physique. His 18-year-old son Jamey was a spitting image of him minus his curly mop of hair and the fact he towered over his parents. Roman being 5’9 to his 6’3 son.

The apple hasn't fallen far from the tree as Jamey was known in the public ever since he was a little boy as a co-author to some of his father’s mystery titles. The most notable contribution was Detective Mundo’s arch nemesis, Sharkey. A mobster that Roman’s song both named and gave his pop ideas on some of the evil deeds he would commit.

Roman had reached a roadblock in his latest novel and sat at the dinner table with his wife Gloria and his son as they discussed the events.

“I want to make a big splash on my next novel. It’s the 18th book and I think we should shake things up a bit. I mean Mundo’s son Prado is the same age as you now Jamey.” Roman said digging into the carryout.

“I mean we can always have him take over for his old man!” Jamey joked.

“I have been thinking of killing off Sharkey,” Roman said with a pause.

The room went silent as Gloria excused herself.

“Well, I think I’ll get an early start packing for Arizona this weekend. You boys carry on.” She said making a quick dash to her room, glad she would be gone for the next week to visit her mother. While the men stayed behind and bickered.

“Why dad? He’s my character.” Jamey said trying not to lose it.

“OUR character. And I think we’ve gone far enough with his storyline, not much else Mundo could do. I think a dramatic death would be a refreshing breath of life for the series. I can build up a new foe.”

“But we created him. You modeled him after me, you are essentially killing me.” Jamey said hurt.

“Don’t be ridiculous, I modeled Prado after you.” Roman tried to say before Jamey interrupted.

“Prado is a wimp! I love the Sharkey character, and wanted to write my… Well It just bothers me.” Jamey stopped himself.

Roman, on the other hand, was hearing what he wanted to hear, he was set in this decision.

“Are you still going to help me this weekend with my chapter. I need your help getting into Mundo’s head.” Roman asked looking into his sons eyes. He didn’t notice but Jamey’s eyes burned with anger.

“Yeah, what is the scene again?” Jamey did his best to hide his tone.

“Mundo is returning to his office after a heavy workout from the gym, I plan to do hard arms tomorrow so I can feel his exhaustion. He is going to be jumped from behind by a masked assailant. Then tied to a chair, and after the assailant reveals himself as Sharkey he leaves Mundo there with a ticking bomb. He has to escape in 40 minutes or he will explode along with his office.” Roman explained.

“An explosive beginning to your new book,” Jamey said pretty intrigued with the set up so far.

“Exactly, as you know I want to get inside the head of Mundo’s peril and see if it's possible to escape in that amount of time. We have all weekend to get this right! I need to escape in under forty minutes. That’s why I need you around to time me.” Roman said getting up from the table.

“Remember 12 sharp we start,” Roman said clearing the table.

“I’ll be ready.” Jamey finished leaving the table.


The next afternoon went by like a flash for Jamey. His father had left to the gym around 11, and Jamey drove his mother to the airport and back by the time he should have been returning home. Standing in front of is mirror he was wearing blue jeans, black boots, a black turtleneck sweater, and black leather gloves. He drew a picture of what this character should look like and he was ready to play the part. One thing missing, he grabbed a black ski mask from atop his dresser and slid it over his head.

He took a full view of himself and couldn’t help but get a rush. He left his room and went to their garage to fetch the supplies for today's activity. A stash of rope, and a few rolls of duct tape. He saw 12 was only about a few minutes away so he stayed hidden for his prey. He enjoyed helping his father with his writing. And this was by far the wildest request his father had ever made, but he was willing to go along with it.

Roman made to their home dressed in his navy suit freshly showered from the gym. He had gotten himself as cleaned up as he could, given the vain traits of his character Detective Mundo. He walked in sore in his arms barely able to carry in his black gym bag. He made it three steps into the house when the door closed behind him and he felt his son’s fingers in the small of his back.

“Drop the bag and move it.” Jamey said in a deep voice.
“Look whatever you want I’m sure we can..” Roman tried to speak.

“Shut it!” Jamey said gripping his father's mouth with his palm.

“Mmmmmm” Roman groaned behind his hand.

“Have a seat,” Jamey instructed pulling up a chair from the nearby dining room.

Roman sat down and felt Jamey aggressively start to tie up his upper body. Wrapping ropes around his torso, and then he went on to tie down his wrists to the armrest of the chair. Roman jerked at his bonds and was surprised how tight the ropes were.

“Nice work Jamey. Just how I pictured it.”

“Great minds think alike. Legs together.” Jamey instructed.

“Apart.” Roman corrected.

“I was just thinking it would be more visual..” Jamey tried to interject before his father cut him off.

“It’s a novel, not a Netflix series. Tie my feet to the legs of the chair.” Roman told him sternly.


Jamey finished tying the last of the ropes holding his father down to the chair. He stood up and took a look over his father as he was now secured tightly down to a dining room chair.

“This is great, just set a timer and I can see if I can get loose from this,” Roman said pointing his head at Jamey’s cell phone on the coffee table.

“Wouldn’t we need a gag?” Jamey said looking directly at Roman.

“Why?” Roman asked a bit confused.

“Well the way I see it Sharkey wouldn’t just leave his arch nemesis tied to a chair with a deadly bomb ticking in the middle of summer where I’m sure Mundo has his windows open. Free to shout for help to any passerby on his busy Brooklyn street.” Jamey reasoned.

“I can see your point...But..” Roman said before Jamey took over again.

“And furthermore, if he knew this was his last time dealing with Mundo he would be as wicked as possible,” Jamey said getting ideas and walking over to Roman’s gym bag.
“How so?” Roman asked starting to squirm.

Jamey walk behind his father and opened up his gym bag and begun to dig around in it.

“ I think Sharkey, being the dark sense of humored guy that he is would love to humiliate our handsome protagonist when gagging him. Jamey finished finding what he was looking for.

“Jamey I don’t follow what you are sayin….Mmmmmph!” Roman was cut off by a salty wet wad of fabric being shoved inside his mouth.

It took a few moments to figure out from the shape and size of this gag that it was his balled up green ankle socks he had worn to the gym. He tried without any great result to spit them out but Jamey kept a tight grip over his father’s mouth. Next, he heard the cracking of duct tape being torn from the roll. Jamey plastered the bottom of Roman’s face.

“Much better! I say Mundo is in some real peril now!” Jamey said tapping his father’s gag to make sure it was tight over his mouth.

“Okay pop, you got 40 minutes, I’ll be back to check out you,” Jamey said leaving the room.

Roman looked at the clock on the wall and started to work at his bonds. He had it planned for Mundo to escape this so he started at first with some cool slow struggling, and soon found himself shifting in his bonds. The knots Jamey tied felt unbreakable, and Roman gulped knowing he was in deep shit. He didn’t think he could get out of this.

Part 2 soon
Last edited by Deleted User 4525 4 years ago, edited 5 times in total.
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Post by bondagefreak »

[mention]Devilmaymoan[/mention] This is very different from the stuff I've read on here. Definitely an original piece and a nice role reversal to the usual father/son theme. Brilliant!

Roman wanting to get inside his character's frame of mind and wanting to experience what Mundo's gonna go through in his new book is simply fantastic.
And I think Jamey being mean enough to stuff that sweaty sock inside his dad's mouth is his way of showing his dad how he wants to be like Sharkey.

Can't wait to see what else you have planned for this duo.
Great stuff!

Deleted User 5033

Post by Deleted User 5033 »

Nice. With the interactions between father and son, you can see why Jamey has some frustration he is looking to get out.
Exciting start, looking forward to more
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Post by Xtc »

Keep up the good work! Looking forward to the next part.
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Post by Volobond »

I love the premise of the story, and I love the way Jamey takes charge over tying up his dad! Please keep up the great work!

You can find my M/M stories here: https://tugstories.com/viewtopic.php?p=38809#p38809
Deleted User 4525

Post by Deleted User 4525 »

The clock ticked onward and Roman had worked himself into a sweat. His navy suit was getting wet stains from his perspiring. And his dress socks getting sweaty inside his custom brown dress shoes that scuffed over the floor in an attempt to slip out of the tight ropes he insisted Jamey tie over his legs.

Jamey, on the other hand, was busy at his laptop with a camera in the corner of his screen keeping an eye on his struggling father. All this had inspired a story of his own, and he was watching his father buck and grunt in his predicament.

Roman felt truly helpless and was trying his best to channel Detective Mundo’s thoughts in this situation. It reminded him of the last time he had tied up Mundo to a large log and his wife improvised by tying him to the sofa. Needless to say, Gloria was no eagle scout and Roman escaped rather quickly.

But Jamey was not kidding around and Roman felt legitimately trapt at the mercy of his own son. Jamey couldn’t help but smile at his father’s predicament. See Jamey had plans of his own, plans to take their Sharkey character and start his own series. So when this opportunity arose it would have been foolish not to take advantage of his father's vulnerability.

Roman bucked and moaned in his bonds, his taste buds assaulted by his sweaty sock ball in his mouth. He looked over and saw he had only a few more minutes longers to escape and soon found himself thrashing in his seat. The chair could only rock back and forth so much before Roman toppled over onto the floor.

Jamey watched this transpire on his end and couldn’t help but laugh. He got up knowing Houdini wouldn’t be making and miraculous escape this afternoon.

“I think it’s safe to say Detective Mundo was blown to bits.” Jamey joked as he lifted the chair off the floor.

Roman couldn’t help but laugh through his frustration. Jamey peeled off the tape and Roman spat the soggy sock bundle onto the floor.

“Gah! Sick, where did you think up a gag like that?” Roman asked stretching his jaw.

“You’d be surprised what your fanbase comes up with on Deviant Art. Some pretty twisted shit.” Jamey said sitting back in a chair across from his father as if this was the most natural setting in the world.

“Okay well, this was a fail. Let’s get me untied and we can get some food.” Roman said trying to relax.

The room went silent as he looked over at Jamey and couldn’t help but notice moments had passed and he hasn't budged from his seat.

“Uh hello, get me out of this.” Roman said his tone getting less patient.

“I think we can leave you like this,” Jamey said with a sinister grin.

“What? Untie me!” Roman ordered.

“No, I think I’m onto an idea. Hear me out pop. Sharkey has Detective Mundo struggle to no avail, and when that clock hits 40 he closes his eyes accepting his fate. But, nothing. Sharkey has faked him out. His real punishment is yet to be over. In fact, Sharkey wants to draw this out.” Jamey said really getting into his story.

“But we are in the beginning chapter, Who is going to solve the crimes if our star detective is playing hostage?” Roman asked feeling very confused.

“Why his son Prado, he will take the lead in solving his father's disappearance,” Jamey said standing up.

“Yeah, that’s cute and all but I can barely control the mind of Detective Mundo. What makes you think I can write from the point of view of an 18-year-old?” Roman asked.

“Well no, you couldn’t.”

“That’s right!” Roman finished.

“But I could, and I’m going to. You’ve taken almost all the credit now for both our work. You take the lead and now that I’m an adult I think it’s high time I take the lead on this next book. After all, you said it yourself Prado is modeled after me. So how great will it be to write what I feel, as one character while knowing exactly how our villain thinks as well?” Jamey said picking up the sock.

“And what will I do?” Roman asked.

“You’ll do what you are doing now, be tied up. Detective Mundo.” Jamey said shoving the sock back into his father’s mouth.

"Mmmmmmmmph?" Roman groaned.

“I’ll give you some time to think about it. If you don’t mind I have a few chapters to write pops.” Jamey said as he plastered the mouth of his father with the duct tape yet again.

"Mmmmmmamey?! Mmmmmmmph" Roman protested, banging his chair against the floor.

Roman was exhausted from struggling the last couple hours. While Jamey was burning through his chapters Roman thought more and more about Jamey’s idea to write the next book. He was conflicted, to say the least.

Jamey, on the other hand, hammered through his chapters and looking in on his poor bound dad made his mind race with ideas. In his mind young detective, Prado was hot on the tails of Sharkey, he had traced down the location of his father despite the lack of support from the police. He knew it was a suicide mission to go in and save his father but he had to make the sacrifice. Prado made it in he was mere feet from his father and set him free when from behind he was struck over the head. Falling to the floor Prado’s world went dark. And then Jamey suddenly hit a wall himself. What does Prado do now? What does Sharkey do now?

Jamey was sure he was in the dark void of writer's block, then when hope was surely lost he had another idea.
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Post by Xtc »

Going well but take your time: don't burn out.
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Post by bondagefreak »

I was both thrilled and surprised when Jamey shoved that sock back into his dad's protesting mouth and duct taped it in :lol: I'm used to reading and writing about "dad's-in-charge", but I'll admit, this atypical dad-son relationship has won me over.

Carry on, mate!
This is proving to be great fun!

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Post by DeeperThanRed »

Nice to see a son tying up his father for a change. And I loved the novel idea framing the story.

Excellent work, can't wait to find out what's James' s idea is.
25-year-old bondage enthusiast who likes cute guys, underwear, and bondage, preferably together.

You can reach my list of written work here: https://www.tugstories.com/viewtopic.php?p=38808#p38808
Deleted User 5033

Post by Deleted User 5033 »

Agreed with others, the father son dynamic here is both refreshing, and well written. Just love seeing two testosterone fueled egos clashing, especially with such a now lopsided power dynamic. Also interesting to see Roman wrestle with the idea of Jamey taking the reins...sure, he would prefer it under better circumstances, but too bad, haha.
Deleted User 4525

Post by Deleted User 4525 »

Jamey highlighted the chapter he just wrote and dragged it over to the trash. He had a new idea for his story and it didn’t call for a rescue mission, not yet. He knew Sharkey would want to have more fun with his prisoner, after all, he’d waited so long to get his hands on the great detective Mundo. Jamey hammered on with his new chapter and time was flashing by, Jamey lost track he looked over at the webcam feed to see his father slumped back asleep in the chair.

Jamey got up from his chair and rushed over to check on his father. He walked into the TV room to find his father snoring from under his gag. Jamey couldn’t help but chuckle at the sight of his well-dressed dad sleeping like a kid who spent the day at the fair.

“You awake pops?” Jamey asked loudly in Roman’s ear jolting him awake.

“Mmmmmmm mmmm.” Roman muttered under the thick layers of tape.

“Haha, okay dad I think you’ve had enough,” Jamey said ripping off the tape gag.

Roman spat out the socks yet again, the saliva soaked bundle making a splat noise as it met the hardwood floors.

“Ick! Jamey untie me.” Roman pleaded exhausted from struggling.

“Have you thought about my idea?” Jamey asked yet again sitting across from his father.

“Jamey please don’t be ridiculous. My publishers are asking for my next book. It would be way too risky to have you suddenly take over, they would have a fit. I promise to talk to them about getting you a deal of your own, but we need to stay focused on this.” Roman said between breaths.

“But what about Sharkey?” Jamey asked his tone stone cold.

“What do you mean son?” Roman was puzzled.

“What about Sharkey? Are you still going to kill my character?” Jamey finished getting up from his seat to pace the room.

Roman’s eyes followed him as much as he could until Jamey was standing too far behind him.

“I have to do something major the move the series forward. You’ll come up with your own characters. You don’t need to live in the past…...Mmmmmmm!” Roman was cut off by a piece of tape Jamey slapped over his father's mouth.

“You don't get it, do you? I want him for my series. Write him out of yours and I’ll take him into mine.” Jamey said looking right into his father's face.

“Mmmmmmph Mmmm” Roman tried to communicate with his son.
“Understand?” Jamey said very sternly before ripping the tape off.

“Ouch! Jamey?! For fuck sake, you are acting like a child.” Roman could see how seriously his son cared about his and relented. “I will consider it. Now get me untied would you.” Roman said jerking at his bonds.

“Okay, I can work with that,” Jamey said starting to untie this ropes on his father's arms.

Soon Roman was freed from the chair and he did some stretches before saying to his son. “I must say I’m impressed by how passionate you are about your writing Jamey.”

“I’ll tell you what tell me your idea for the novel and I will maul over whether or not the book needs to be written,” Roman said patting his son hard on the shoulder.

“I’ll tell you all about it later, I think we need to get some grub,” Jamey said collecting all the ropes and piling them up.

As the night wound down both men got settled in, Roman got ready for bed he was completely sore from his work out and from being bound to a chair for nearly three hours. Not to mention the mind fuck Jamey gave him, causing him to completely rethink the story he had in his mind.

He stood in his room in his tight fitted black underwear and a white beater undershirt. He was enjoying just being a guy and didn’t even bother showering. Sitting on the bed he peeled off the well worn black dress socks and tucked them into his brown dress shoes.

All Roman wanted to do was lay back on his bed and did. He pushed his body back over the made bed and soon found himself drifting away into slumber.

Jamey walked past his father's room, the door wide open and the sight he git gave him some sinister ideas. He rushed back into his room catching the sight of himself in his pajama bottoms and sleep shirt and thought to himself how Sharkey would never let an opportunity like this pass by. He walked over to his hamper and dug out the blue jeans and black turtleneck he had worn earlier. When he finished dressing he caught the sight of the black ski mask that laid in the hamper.

He slipped it over his head and when he saw himself in the mirror the rush of excitement hit him yet again. He knew that detective was not far away and he wouldn’t be the King of the Brooklyn underworld if he didn’t get revenge on his most famous nemesis.

Jamey grabbed the supplies and crept into his father's room and from the sight of him he was begging to be tied up. His body was spread eagle and his hands and feet stretched out across the top and bottom on his mattress.

He made quick work gently slipping ropes around each of his Roman’s wrists one at a time. Securing them to the top posts of his sturdy bed frame. Then Jamey moved onward to his father’s ankles, he gently lifted up his father’s feet slipping knots around each one letting his sweaty barefoot hit the bed.

As the thud of the second foot hit the mattress Roman’s eyes shot awake. Lifting his head up he observed his situation and shouted. “Jamey? What are you doing? Get me out of this!”

“No can do pops, you said it yourself that you wanted to hear the idea I had. Now I can show you better than I can tell you.” Jamey said looking down over his father.

“Let me set the scene, Detective Mundo’s clock ticks down to the final notch, He closes his eyes and is sure he is going to be engulfed in flames. But he’s not, in fact, nothing happens. He feels a wet soaked rag press over his face and he fades into darkness. He awakes tied down to a steel bed in a warehouse. A figure emerges and reveals himself as Sharkey.” Jamey said pulling off the ski mask.

“Are you still thinking of this search and rescue story with Prado?” Roman said slamming his head back onto his pillow.

“Well yeah, and I realized Detective Mundo tied to a chair is pretty periling, but not periling enough. The stakes could be higher.” Jamey said grabbing his father's brown dress shoes from the floor and carrying them over to the head of the bed.

Roman sniffed and smelled something sour and foul and looked over to see his dress shoes.

“What are you doing now Jamey?” Roman asked dreading the answer.

“Just getting your gag,” Jamey said balling up the slimy dress socks.

He pressed them into his father’s mouth and forced them inside. His black-gloved hand pressing them inside while Roman’s head attempted to jerk left to right.

In his other hand, he worked fast and tore a long strip of tape and wrapped the roll of duct tape around his father's head.

“Mmmmmmm…” Roman’s protests fell mute as the tape wound around his head.

“MUCH better dad. Don’t need you waking up the neighbors while Sharkey tortures you.” Jamey grinned.

“Mmmmmph?” Roman grunted eyes growing wide.

“It’s research dad. Relax, I’m only gonna hurt your pride pop…” Jamey said getting up walking across the room. “Hey maybe I should take some reference pictures to send to the illustrator, it’ll look like a Hardy Boys dust jacket!”

“MMMMMMMMPH!” Roman roared under his gag thrashing in his bonds.

“Relax pops, I won’t… Maybe. No, I’m not.” Jamey laughed. “But you are in for one hell of a night dad.” Jamey finished walking out of the room.

He had a few things to fetch to start the research off right.
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Post by Xtc »

Still going well.
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Post by bondagefreak »

Damn! Roman gets his mouth crammed with smelly socks yet again!

I admire Jamey for his courage and am very much enjoying how "instrumental" the bondage is to their writing.
I mean, this is all for the sake of getting Jamey's creative juices flowing, right?

I can't help but wonder whether detective Mundo AKA Roman will put the young villain back in his place in the near future. Sounds like he needs to teach both his son AND Sharkey a lesson in humility. Pretty sure there are plenty of stinky socks from a few days back, lying around in the hamper. IMO, those should be put to good use 8-)

Don't listen to my ramblings though.
This is your tale.
I'm just along for the ride ;)

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Post by Volobond »

Oooh, gosh, I love how Jamey ambushed his sleeping father to tie him up. I can't wait to see what kind of research Sharkey has in mind for poor Detective Mundo!

Btw, I really appreciate the Hardy Boys reference. Reading my dad's old Hardy Boys books partially helped me realize I was into bondage, so I have a soft spot for the ol' "detective gets tied up" trope! :D

You can find my M/M stories here: https://tugstories.com/viewtopic.php?p=38809#p38809
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Post by harveygasson »

God I think I love this story a little too much haha
Deleted User 4525

Post by Deleted User 4525 »

Thanks for all the feedback everyone. Here is the next update, hope you enjoy.

Part 4

Roman looked at his restraints and tugged at them with no hope of slack. The posts on his bed frame were sturdy and weren’t going to budge anytime soon, and he had himself to blame he over tightened that frame himself when they built the bed. His wrists were secured down with double knots and the more he tugged the more he saw they had no give to them. Looking down at his bare feet that were expertly tied down to the corners of his bed.

“Mmmmm!” Roman groaned as he jerked his ankles with no luck.

His gag was filling up with his own spit and try as he may he wasn’t pushing the wadded up dress socks out with the layers of tape Jamey had wrapped around. He was as any prisoner would say, stuck.

Jamey tore up his room looking for instruments to use on his father for the “data” he needed to gather for his next chapter. He found a batch of feathers from an old school art project, his running shoes and socks he’d worn this morning on his six am jog. He walked out of his room and down the hall to the open door and the eye-popping view of Roman spread eagle on the bed in his undershirt and trunks.

“Not much progress on escape huh detective? You know it's kinda funny. Who would have thought all Sharkey had to do to get Mundo out of the way this whole time was tie him up?.” Jamey mocked as he made his way over to the end of the bed.

Standing at the foot of the bed looking over his bound and gagged father.

“Mmmmmmph!” Roman screamed into his gag.

“Shush! I know you may not like it, but let's face it. Detective Mundo is Sharkey’s prisoner now. I mean this situation proves that. So I was thinking, I love the idea of Prado making the big save for his dad. But, we need to raise the stakes. We don’t know what Detective Mundo was going through to add pressure for Prado to stop at nothing to save his father.” Jamey said as he smashed his sweat socks into the opening of his running shoe.

“Hmmmm?” Roman groaned in confusion.

“See if it were me I would be sending Prado constant updates of my adversaries welfare. That would make sure he was taking e seriously. One of the methods I’ve been doing a lot of research on was gas mask torture. Did you know it was a common practice by the soviets? Fascinating stuff. Now I didn’t expect this creative writing project to become a possibility so soon so we will have to pretend.” Jamey explained walking closer to Roman’s upper body.

Roman’s brow raised confused about what his son was getting at. He started to sweat as he didn’t like the information leading up to his point at all.

“Mmmmmph!” He tried to plead.

“Shhhhh pop! Don’t worry, we are just going to improvise the gas torture with my running shoe. I mean it’s not mustard gas but it’s cheesy.” Jamey laughed as he gripped his fathers head.

“MMMMMMMMPH!” Roman shook he head in protest.

“Hold still! And there!” Jamey finished cross taping the sock stuffed shoe over his father’s face.

“Mmmmmmmph!” Roman thrashed on his bed.

The shoe smelled horrible, his son took after him in more ways than one. His feet stunk! No matter how expensive the shoe. He couldn’t shake the foul-smelling sneaker from his face and was forced to inhale the shoes through the filter of his son’s running ankle socks.

“Imagine Prado seeing his father in such agony. I mean I would do whatever it takes to get him freed.” Jamey said making his way back to the foot of Roman’s bed.

“Now another thing I would do if I had a detective in my hands to torment any way I saw fit would be torture via electricity,” Jamey said with a smile.

Roman shook his head hoping his son wouldn’t be cruel enough to do such a thing.

“But, obviously I wouldn't electrocute my own dad. But I could use this as a substitute.” Jamey said revealing a long feather.

He bent down and took a tight grip on Roman’s left ankle. Roman’s foot swayed left and right trying to duck and dodge the incoming attack. Jamey used force and started to drag the feather over his fathers barefoot.

Romans exploded in laughter, mostly muted from his thick gag over his mouth. He broke out into hysterics having his foot tickled. Jamey was ecstatic at his father’s reactions. He switched feet and was blown away at his father’s primal clawing to get out of this kind of torture.

“MmmmmmPh! Mmmmm!!!” Roman fought tears that formed and met the tape on his gag. Gripping the sheets trying to white knuckle through this torture.

Jamey carried this on for a solid ten minutes. He could see his father twist and knot up from inside his restraints. The shoe wasn’t helping anything either. The more he struggled the deeper his breathes got. And the more insufferable Jamey’s socks became to sniff. This got Jamey’s creative juices flowing, he set the feather down and watched his father slump down in a pool of sweat on the bedspread. The poor guy felt like jelly after it all.

“Well I have to say that was pretty effective, I wouldn't put it in the novel. But it definitely got the result I was hoping for. Back to the computer thanks for helping pops.” Jamey got up and walked to the door. He turned back and said before he left. “Now I’ll be back in an hour to pick up where we left off with the torture.”

“MMmmmAt?” Roman moaned.

“Well yeah, I want realism dad. That’s something you taught me when it comes to writing. Make it believable. Detective Mundo is held prisoner for an extended period of time so that’s what we are going to do.” Jamey assured him of his fate before walking back to his room.

Roman knew he was screwed. He couldn’t handle another round of that. He flexed in his bonds and was surprised to feel something loosen up on the frame where his left wrist was tied. He yanked it harder and the slack loosened more. You wouldn’t be able to tell but Roman had a grin forming from underneath his gag.
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Post by DeeperThanRed »

Jamey enjoys this way too much. It'll be interesting how Roman gets his revenge, if he can.

As enjoyable as always, Jamey justifying his torture made laugh out loud.
25-year-old bondage enthusiast who likes cute guys, underwear, and bondage, preferably together.

You can reach my list of written work here: https://www.tugstories.com/viewtopic.php?p=38808#p38808
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Post by squirrel »

What a great story! I love how the son takes control and how the father starts to like being his own boy's prisoner. I hope that Jamie would find some other ways to keep his father restrained for good and for long...

Deleted User 4525

Post by Deleted User 4525 »


Roman worked his wrist out of the knots which seemed easier than he thought. Once one of his hands was freed he made quick work on his other restraints. Tearing away the shoe and ripping through his gag to get those socks out. He got up from his bed and grabbed a handful of the ropes Jamey had used to restrain him. He didn’t even bother getting dressed he made his way across the hall. He popped his head inside of Jamey’s room and didn’t see him.

Roman was confused. Did he leave? He walked down to the sitting room and didn’t see Jamey anywhere. Checking the kitchen where they kept their car keys on a hook and he noticed Jamey’s keys were gone. Roman was frustrated his son had left him tied up for such an extended period of time, and even left him alone. He knew he could wait for Jamey to return, but the more the thought crossed his mind the more this idea seemed so childish. He was just going to be the bigger man and get back to work on his own novel. He grabbed his laptop and made his way to the sitting room. Roman sat on the sofa and cracked open his laptop ready to hammer out his next chapter. He stared at the screen and the text that glowed. His opening scene still didn’t have the vital perspective his needed from his earlier experiment gone awry.

His eyes were feeling heavy, he barely got a nap in before Jamey had ambushed him. His eyes fixed on the screen and as he tried and tried to write out his story his head grew heavier. And soon he felt his eyes close. He was too tired to work, and he sat there asleep with his computer on his lap.

Jamey pulled into the garage he left for a few hours to run some errands, in the heat of revenge he had gone out to fetch a few things from the hardware store and the army surplus store. He knew it was not a great idea to leave his dad tied up the way he did. But in some cruel line of thinking, Jamey knew his dad deserved it. He walked out of the garage and could see from his point of view, his dad’s bare feet propped up on the sitting coffee table from across the kitchen.

“Crap!” Jamey said under his breath.

He crept closer to his father and caught full sight of his dad passed out with his computer over his lap. He looked down at the bags of supplies he had planned to use in his juvenile game of revenge and felt bad. His father was exhausted. So in an act of kindness, Jamey decided to call it off and let his dad relax for the night. He picked up the laptop from his dad's lap and as he was about to close it he saw the text his father was writing.

It was still the same rubbish he was working on before. His chapter remained unchanged. This made Jamey’s blood boil all over again. His father didn’t want him to write the next book. And despite it all, his father was still going to write the story his way.

He set the computer down and opened up the bags he had brought in. Inside one was from the Army Surplus store it was a pair of handcuffs, and some leg iron cuffs. He was intent on keeping his dad prisoner all the while his mother was away. And it was clear he needed more convincing. Jamey took the cuffs and snapped a pair over his dad’s left wrist, then his right.

The clicking of the cold metal awoke roman as he observed the new bracelets on his wrists.

“Jamey? What the hell?” Roman said in a mix of sleep and shock.

“It’s obvious you need more convincing, so we are going to make your situation more dyer Detective Mundo,” Jamey said clicking the leg irons over his dad’s ankles.

“Jamey! STOP this at once!” Roman barked.

“I’m not done pop.” He was taking a long strand of chain and started to connect the irons to the cuffs.

Soon Roman was being pig tied in the mess of locks and chains. Jamey was flexing all his strength to keep Roman still long enough to finish the task. Jamey snapped shut the lock on the chains and stepped back to look over his handiwork.

“Jamey get me out of this!” Roman hollered.

“That mouth of course.” Jamey excused himself and walk out of the room.

He returned holding a handful of fabric. Jamey took the soggy balled up ankle socks his father was gagged with and rolled them into a pair of his own underwear. He took a grip of his father’s face and started to press the mound of fabric into his father's mouth.

“Jamey don't you even try….Mmmmmpgh!” Roman was cut off by the salty taste of his son’s underwear.

“I worked up a sweat from writing those chapters since you clearly don’t have any when it comes to writing stories why not taste how a real risk-taker tastes,” Jamey said holding a tight grip on Roman’s jaw.

He grabbed more duct tape and wrapped the folded up fabric deep into his father’s mouth. Roman’s protests were muted under five layers of duct tape.

“Mmmmmmmm!” Roman bucked.

“Well, now that this is taken care of I think I need to relax. I've been burning it hard writing. I may have some friends over and unwind. But don’t worry we can still conduct your experiment pops. You’ll be tied up in the closet while me and my boys hang out. When they leave you can tell me all about what it’s like to be a prisoner trapped in the dark with just their thoughts to keep them company.” Jamey said patting Roman’s gag.

Roman knew he was in trouble. Wher could Jamey be keeping those keys???
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Post by Volobond »

Yes! I was hoping for another chapter of this great story. So glad Jamey's recaptured his father. Can't wait to see what "research" he'll conduct next!

You can find my M/M stories here: https://tugstories.com/viewtopic.php?p=38809#p38809
Deleted User 4525

Post by Deleted User 4525 »

Roman moved as best he could in the noisy restraints. He was pretty effectively bound, Jamey left him in the closet for over an hour now and he could hear him and his friends outside the darkroom he was locked inside.

Jamey sat in his living room with his friends Danny and Roberto. The television was blasting and the guys sat in the living room. Jamey excused himself to use the restroom and when the TV hit a quieter scene in the film they were watching they heard a dragging sound coming from the closet near them. Both guys looked at each other and Danny walked over and tried to open the door. It was locked. The sounds from inside grew more intense. Danny flipped the small lock on the doorknob and opened the door to the sight of Roman chained up in the closet.

“What the fuck?” Danny said shutting the door.

“Berto, come here,” Danny said and Roberto walked over to him.

Opening the door he showed Roberto the sight of the bound and gagged Roman. They were so confused. Roberto knelt down and removed Roman’s gag. As the tape was unwound from his face Roman was relieved they were helping him. He spat out the wad of nasty clothing Jamey had shoved into his mouth.

“Thank you boys, please get me out of this,” Roman said exhausted.

“How long have you been like this?” Danny asked looking at Berto concerned.

“Jamey tied me up hours ago, this prank has gone too far…”

“Berto find the keys to this shit we gotta let him out,” Danny said and Roberto looked around for keys.

He found a few pairs on the coffee table and brought them back. One set unlocked the chains over his body, the second removed the handcuffs and leg irons. Danny helped Roman to his feet, and when the man was standing in came Jamey with a look of shock on his face.

“What are you guys doing?!” Jamey shouted as he saw the sight of his freed father.

“What the hell are you doing Jamey? You left him like this for hours?” Danny snapped back.

“Really man, that’s messed up,” Roberto added.

“You guys, this is between me and my dad. And besides, I was going to let him out after you left. I was just teaching him a lesson.” Jamey tried to explain.

Danny looked at Roberto and both guys smiled.

“Teach a lesson huh?” Danny said. “Not a bad idea.”

Both guys swarmed Jamey and took hold of his arms. Jamey barely had time to react as they dragged him over to a chair and held him down.

“What the hell are you guys doing?” Jamey shouted as Danny used his other hand to gag him while they held him still.

“You’ve been acting like such a whiny little bitch about this book thing. We never thought you would go as far to kidnap your own dad. We think it’s time you got a taste of your own medicine.” Danny said pressing Jamey down to the chair.

“Mmmmmm?!” Jamey moaned as he was held back.

“Mr. Benetta, care to do the honors?” Roberto asked as they held Jamey down.

Roman stood there for a few seconds, he snapped back to reality as he saw the two boys holding his son down for him, he had the opportunity to get revenge on Jamey and he decided why not.

He walked over and grabbed a roll of tape that Jamey left of the coffee table. He began to tape Jamey’s ankles down to the chair he was sitting in. Then the guys held down his wrists and Roman wrapped him from finger to forearm. And then passed the tape to Danny who took it and wrapped Jamey’s torso down to the back of the chair, tightly keeping him seated straight.

“Mmmmmmph!” Jamey grunted behind the palm that kept him silent.

Roman looked at his son’s eyes that burned with resentment. “I think Jamey needs a gag, don’t you guys?” Roman asked as both men nodded in agreement. “Hold him for me while I fetch something for him,” Roman asked as he left them.

Walking down the hall he went into his bedroom on a mission for a certain pair of socks. He went into his suitcase and found a pair of rancid navy dress socks he had worn for a few days on a recent business trip. Who would've thought that forgetting to pack an extra pair of socks would pay off in such a satisfying way? He grabbed the lump and made his way back to his son who was being held in place.

“Open up son,” Roman asked as Jamey shook his head in muted protest.

Both guys pried his mouth open and Roman shoved the musky lump into his son’s mouth and Roman watched as Roberto wrapped his son’s face with the tape. Cruelly layering five wraps around Jamey’s mouth.

“Mmmmmm!” Jamey moaned.

His father’s socks were rancid, he could taste the bitter sweat that was caked in them.

Roman was laughing his head off at Jamey’s new situation. He didn’t even notice Roberto leave to fetch another chair from the kitchen and set it behind Jamey.

“Thank you guys for helping me get him back. Did I tell you he’s tied me up three times already? He’s been acting like a child, and honestly I….. Mmmmmph!” Roman was cut off by Danny’s hand cutting him off.

He was pulled by both guys who dragged him to the chair behind his son, they forced him down and started to quickly tape him up the same as his son. Wrapping duct tape around his ankles, then tightly wrapping him from finger to forearm. He was so confused as he could hear Jamey laughing from under his gag.

“What are you guys doing?” Roman asked trying to break away.

Danny explained. “We are doing our buddy Jamey a favor, see he knew you would never be game in doing this so he asked us to tie him up with you so he can get into his own character’s mindset. He said detective Mondo,”

“Mundo.” Roman corrected.

“Mundo, is being held hostage, he wrote for his son to save him and then get captured. So he needed somebody to tie him up with the same intensity and rage as Sharkey would have in that moment. And We must say you did a mean job tying him down. And now he wants to be tied back to back like Mundo and his son are in his story. Father and son escaping together.” Danny finished.

“So you guys tricked me?” Roman was in shock.

“We had to Mr. Bonetta, but you gotta admit it was for the best. Now forgive us, Jamey’s orders.” Roberto said coming closer to Roman with a balled-up pair of black dress socks he had snatched from Roman’s hamper.

He shoved the socks into Roman’s mouth and then wrapped Romans head. To finish them off both guys took turns wrapping them together with tape forcing them back to back, and then forcing their heads back to back with wrap after wrap of duct tape.

Both men could do nothing but sit there, forced back to back. Their mouths filled to the brim with dirty socks. Danny assured them they would be back in a few hours to let Jamey do his “research”. And both men shifted in their chairs. It was becoming apparent that they would both have to use their imagination when it came to escaping from bondage. Because there was no way they were getting out of this on their own.

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Post by DeeperThanRed »

Great ending. Fitting to get both father and son bound and gagged in the same way. Kudos.
25-year-old bondage enthusiast who likes cute guys, underwear, and bondage, preferably together.

You can reach my list of written work here: https://www.tugstories.com/viewtopic.php?p=38808#p38808
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Post by Volobond »

Love the ending - Jamey's got some great friends, it seems. Thanks for a great ride!

You can find my M/M stories here: https://tugstories.com/viewtopic.php?p=38809#p38809
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Post by harveygasson »

Fantastic estory! Hopefully we'll get to read more of their adventures sometime
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Post by squirrel »

Fantastic story, shame it is over. I hope you have much more stories up your sleeve :)

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