School's Out (MM/fm, fm/M)

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School's Out (MM/fm, fm/M)

Post by RobbyCalico »

Story of a brother and sister who's last day of school goes not as planned. Kidnapped for ransom, the siblings must work together to outwit their captors and escape.

School's out!

Well, almost.

Kiera and Kevin McCoy were eagerly waiting on the front porch of their house on the last day of school. It was June, and the sun was shining brightly, making the day feel even more special. Little did they know that his day would not go as either of them thought.

Kiera, was a 10 year old, slightly chubby, girl with short blonde hair. She was wearing a peach-colored 3/4 length sleeve top with the words 'FASHION MUSE' written on the front in gold letters. She paired it with denim shorts and grey and purple trainers, exuding confidence and style beyond her young age. Her hair was tied back with a thin tan hairband, and she had a grey wristband on her right wrist and a black hair tie on her left wrist. Meanwhile, Kevin, was a 16 year old boy with an average build, with medium length dark brown hair. Unlike his outgoing sister, he was pretty introverted. He rocked a more casual look with a simple black t-shirt, a grey striped across the chest and "09" on the left breast, paired with light grey cargo shorts. A black watch and a green wristband on his right wrist completed his ensemble, along with his white socks and trainers.

Their schools were right next to each other, so they always walked to school together. Kevin was so ready for his license, which he was going to go for next week. Their mother, a proud parent, stood on the porch taking photos of her children, capturing their joy and anticipation for the upcoming holiday.

Their mother clicked away, trying to capture every precious moment of the last day of school. She had done this every year since they were in kindergarten, and it was a tradition that she held close to her heart. She knew that her children were growing up, and soon they would be off on their own adventures. These photos would serve as a reminder of the bond they shared as siblings, even if they didn't always get along.

"One more day." exclaimed Kevin as they walked to school. "I'm so ready for the summer break. No more exams or projects! Just me and my Playstation."

"That's like all your gonna do all summer?" Kiera looked at him.


"Don't you have friends? Sad...." She teased, grinning.

"Hey I have lots of friends in my squad." Kevin rolled his eyes.

"Those aren't real friends." She laughed. Her face grew serious. "Maybe we can hang out? It is the last summer before you go to college."

"Ha! My last summer here and spending it with my annoying little sister. Yeah, no thanks. Pass. I've had a decade with you."

"Wow, asshole." Kiera said, her voice cracking, and she walked faster. Kevin just realized how harsh that was.

"Kiera, I didn't mean it like that." Kevin hurried up to her. They passed a white can with tinted windows. Suddenly the side door slid open and two men in hoodies and ski-masks leaped out. Grabbing them. "What the fu..mmmm!" A glove hand clamped over his mouth, a chloroform soaked rag covering his mouth and nose, while a strong arm was wrapped around his chest.

"He...mmm!" Kiera exclaimed in shock as a hand clamped over her own mouth, choroform rag the other hand around her wrists in front of her. Both siblings were pulled into the van.

"Get the door!" The man holding a flailing Kevin ordered. The man holding Kiera let go of her wrist to slide the door shut, during which she pulled at the man's hand over her mouth. Kevin felt himself getting weaker, more tired, as the chloroform began to take effect.
Kiera began to slump, her frantic kicking slowing. Kevin watched wide eyed as his sister went unconscious. His eyes rolled up and soon he saw only darkness.

The men pulled their backpacks off tossed them in the corner of the van. On the van floor there were an assortment of items they would use to restrain their captives. One of them grabbed rag, opened Kiera's mouth and bundled it in before placing a roll of duct tape over her mouth and began wrapping it around her head. Kevin's wrists were handcuffed behind his back, the metal embedding in his skin, and two rags were bundled into his mouth.

The tape was wrapped around Kiera's head several times around her mouth, before he pulled it over her eyes and wrapped further around her head over her eyes. He handed the roll of tape to his accomplice, who placed it over Kevin's mouth and wrapped it around his head several times around both his eyes and mouth.

Kiera's feet were placed together and her ankles were ziptied, before she was placed on her stomach. He crossed her wrists and ziptied them, the plastic sinking into her skin. He then pulled her feet to her wrists and used a third ziptie to connect them the zipties on her wrists and ankles, putting her in a hogtie. Kevin was placed on his stomach next to his sister, his feet were crossed and ankles tightly ziptied. Then, like her, his feet were brought to his wrists, a ziptied then connecting the ziptie on his ankles to the chain on his handcuffs.

With both victims secured, the men removed their masks and gloves and left them on the floor. They got into the front seat and passenger seat and drove away, leaving the neighborhood with their unconscious captives.

About half hour later, Kevin slowly woke up. He immediately noticed that he couldn't open his eyes, as they were sealed shut with duct tape. He couldn't move his arms and legs and his mouth was stuffed with something. Then he remembered the situation he was in.

"Nnnnnmmmm! Nmmm!" He cried out, wriggling from side to side.

"Heh, look who's awake." One of the kidnapper's mocked. "Hope you're comfy boy. You'll be like that for a while."

"MMMNNN! MNNI!" Kevin angrily screamed at him as he squirmed, resulting in more laughter.

"Nn...." Kiera woke up, and tried to move, but was unable to. She quickly remembered where she was. "NNNM! MMNNN!!! MNNN!!!" She wriggled back and forth, trying to break free. Kevin was squirming as well, but the bindings were too tight. Thy rocked back and forth. The kidnappers just quickly turned on the radio to drown out the muffled screams.

Within a few minutes, both siblings were exhausted. Kiera began to cry. Her brother squirmed to the left and rolled onto his side and inchwormed against her, feeling around her, finding her hand, as she was on her side facing away from him. He held it and it seemed to comfort her. He moved his hand down to her arm and used his finger to 'write' on it. 'WILL BE OK'.

Kevin didn't believe that but he had to be strong for his little sister.

After an hour of driving down the highway, they came to a stop at a diner, the van coming to a stop at a parking lot.

"We're gonna get some breakfast. Behave. Both of you." One of them ordered. Kevin and Kiera heard the sound of the driver and passenger doors closing. They lie there for a few minutes while Kevin tried to figure out a plan to escape before they came back.

They heard voices outside, probably diners heading back to their vehicles.

"MMMNNNNN!!!!! MNNNNNN!!!!!!" Kevin called out, hoping to alert them to two bound and gagged kids in the van next to them. Kiera hear them too and cried out.

"MNNNNNNNN!!! NNNNNNN!!!!" Kiera cried out, rocking from side to side and kicking her legs uselessly.

Kevin rolled on his side, then on his back, and then with all his effort onto his side again, at that point he felt his face against the wall of the van. He maneuvered himself around so that his back was too the van's wall and began kicking hard at it. Unfortunately, with his feet crossed like that he couldn't make much noise, only one shoe, which hurt his foot. His heart dropped when he heard the car take off. Kiera whimpered.

Kevin lied there defeated for another few minutes when he felt determined. He inch wormed his way down the side of the van, which was very tiring. He could feel the handcuffs tight on his wrists. When he felt the door against his head, he flipped around and attempted to get to his knees, using the his body against the door as a support. Kiera heard Kevin's effort and felt the movement through the van floor, she look up in his direction, despite being unable to see. It gave her hope.

Kevin managed to get to his knees, and after a couple minutes to rest, he then shuffled along the door until he felt the handle with his nose. He tried to move his hands to the handle, but fell onto his side with a grunt.Undeterred he tried again. Once again he fell over. He tried again. He fell over. Finally, his hand grasped the handle.

"MMN!!" He exclaimed, happily. Using his body weight against the door, he felt the handle move, and the door pop open. He braced himself for hitting the concrete, but he didn't hit the concrete.

He felt arms holding him.

"Whoa, kid. Going somewhere?" The kidnapper pushed him back into the van and climbed in, shutting the door behind him. He pulled Kevin by the legs next to Kiera. His partner got in the front seat.

"Trouble?" The man asked as he buckled himself in.

"Not now." He patted Kevin on the head and got in the passenger seat.

Kevin groaned, his chin resting on the floor. Kiera looked in his direction. It was worth a try.

The van traveled for another two hours before pulling into a neighborhood. The van entered a garage and came to a stop, the garage door closing. Both men unbuckling and going to the back.

"Here we are, kids. Home sweet home. At least until your folks pay up." One of them said, sliding open the door. He picked up Kiera and slumped him over his shoulder. She kicked about as best she could, but it was useless. Kevin was picked up by his armpits and dragged out of the van. He had all but given up, so he was dead weight.

"Damn, you need to exercise." The man said, dropping him on his butt on the cold garage floor. Suddenly, Kevin felt something metal near his hand. An old nail! As he heard his captor slide the van door shut, he grabbed it and closed it in his fist. He could feel the rust cutting his skin but ignored it.

The man dragged him under his armpits through the garage and up a small flight of stairs into the kitchen, while his partner led the way, poor Kiera still over his shoulder. He opened a closet door and placed her inside, with his partner dragging Kevin in next to her, both of them shoulder to shoulder. The man wiped sweat off his forehead.

"We should've just taken the girl." He complained. "The brother is too big."

"We'll get more for both. Speaking of which...." He pulled out a flip phone and pointed it at the siblings. "Look up, kids." Both of them looked in his direction. "Say cheese!" He snapped the ransom photo of them. He looked at the photo. "We'll send it in a few hours, lets get some beers. Behave, you two." He closed the door and his partner locked with a padlock.

Immediately, Kevin turned the nail around in his hand, feeling for the sharp point. Once he found it, he pointed it towards where the ziptie met his handcuff chain and began poking at it. Kiera turned her head, feeling the movement.

"Mmnn mnn mnn nmmmn? (What are you doing?") Kiera asked, but he ignored her. Not that we would be able to answer her. He slipped a few times, and within a few minutes he completely gave up. He couldn't reach it while keeping it taught with his legs.

He sighed. If only he and Kiera weren't handcuffed, he could free their wrists. Then he wondered, was she handcuffed too? He figured that he was since he was almost fully grown, but maybe they went easier on a young girl. Only one way to find out.

He moved his hands onto her, feeling up until her found her arm, which startled her. He felt down until he felt plastic where her wrist was. She wasn't handcuffed! He started pointing the nail at where the ziptie wasn't tight against her skin, but it wasn't easy. Plus he didn't want to accidentally poke her. He came up with an idea. He used his finger to trace more words for her.


She nodded and strained her arms to allow their hands to touch. He began to poke at it when her finger tapped his wrist. He moved his arm closer to her hand. She traced words for him.


'OK' He traced. She shuffled into him, pushing all her weight onto him. He wondered what she was trying to do. She began to wriggle back and forth, with harder on her right. He realized what she was trying to do. Kevin shuffled himself into her, pushing on her as well. He felt her fall onto him, part of her back on his left side. He felt her ankles against his. She was a little heavy for him, and this must've looked awkward, but now the space between her wrists were easy to get to.

Kevin started to poke at the plastic, and over the course of the next 15 minutes, he was able managed to poke enough holes in it to where she was able to break it.

"Mnn!" She grunted. While the ziptie was broken, it was embedded in her skin almost. She pulled her wrists out carefully, the skin feeling raw. But her hands were free! She put her hands on the floor and pushed herself up, kneeling. She felt around her face to try to pull the tape from her mouth, but it made her whimper.

Instead she felt around for her brother's face, accidentally getting a finger in his nose, causing him to grunt in annoyance. She found the tape under his nose and pulled down hard, peeling it from his lips and down under his chin. His lips felt raw and stung. He tried to spit out the rags, managing to get one partially out Kiera reached around and pulled one out, grimacing as it was soaking wet.

"Gggn tgg lgg ogg." Kevin pleaded, Kiera hesitantly pulled out the last rag, even more soaked than before. He spit. "Ugh....thanks." His mouth felt so dry. "Are you okay?" He spoke softly, as to not alert their captors.

"Mn nm." She nodded.

"Can you free your mouth?"

"Nn nn." She shook her head.

"Okay, I'll get it for you. Just that they handcuffed me, so your going to have to use the nail to get me out of the hogtie. Can you do that?" She muffled an affirmation. "Okay, its in my hand. Try not to stab me. Please?" She could hear the tease in his voice and it made her feel better. She reach down and felt for his hand, grabbing the nail, and then felt down for the ziptie hogtying him. She found it and started carefully poking at it to break it.
Using his legs, Kevin pulled on the ziptie as she poked it. It snapped and his shoes hit the wall

"That feels so much better." He flipped over onto his back, stretching his legs out as best he could. "Okay, see if you can get my legs. I cant stand like this."

She carefully got to her knees and began feeling around until she found his shoes, and then eventually found the zipties. She poked at them, but being unable to see, she accidentally nicked her brother a few times, but he remained silent. Once he felt the ziptie weaken he pushed his legs open, breaking the ziptie.

"Awesome!" Kevin said in a hushed tone. He carefully stood up, though his legs were wobbly. "Okay, put your face near my hands. I'm going to get the tape off your mouth and eyes. It's might hurt a little. Are you ready?"

"Mnn nnn." She nodded, shuffling on her still found feet until she felt her face touch his hands. He carefully pulled at the tape on her mouth, pulling it down to her chin. "Nnn...." She whimpered as it pulled at her hair in the back of her head, but she kept letting him do it. Once her mouth was free, she spit the rag out a bit, which Kevin pulled out for her. " gross." She said dryly.

"Tasted worse. Aunt Lara's tuna casserole." Kevin grinned.

"Ew. Yeah...lets not talk about that."

"Are you okay?" He asked with concern.

"Yeah....I'm just scared. What are they gonna do to us, Kevin?"

"Nothing, we're getting outta here."

"But they locked the door." She pointed out.

"Don't worry, I got an idea. First, lets get the tape off your eyes and then mine, okay. Helps to see."

"Okay...." she said meekly. Kevin carefully pulled the tape off her eyes up to her forehead. It plucked a few eyelashes, but she can see. She blinked, her eyes, sticky. "Okay, let me get you." She reach up and started pulling the tape up from the bridge of his nose. She noticed her wrists and saw marks from the zipties on her wrists.

"See if you can rip it." He suggested. She nodded and with all her strength ripped it in half. Kevin blinked the stickiness as she started to pull the tape from his head. "Ow....just leave it for now. Cops will have to get the tape off our heads." She nodded, leaving the tape hanging around his head. Then she crouched down and used the nail to break the zipties on her ankles.

"Okay, I'm still handcuffed, and we're locked in here, but I got a plan...."

"HELP! HELP! HELP!" The kidnappers heard Kiera scream while they watched tv and drank beer, waiting for the parents to respond to their demands.. They sighed.

"Guess she got the gag off. Clever brat." One of them said, tossing a roll of tape to his partner. "Go shut her up." The kidnapper nodded and went down the hallway, using his keys to unlock the padlock.

"HELP! HELP!" She continued.

"Shut up, you little brat!" He pulled open the door and entered. Suddenly, Kevin, his hands still handcuffed behind his back, tackled him with all his might onto the closet floor. "What the...ggggg!" Kiera stuffed all three soaking wet rags into the kidnapper's mouth. He struggled under Kevin's weight.

"Hurry! Get the keys!" He whispered. She picked up the keys, which were keys to a vehicle, hopefully the van, and four others. She quickly tried each one on her brother's handcuffs, and the third try worked. "Hurry get it on his hand!"

"GGGGGGMM GGGMMG!!!" The kidnapper yelled, disgusted and angry. Kiera slapped a cuff on one wrist as Kevin punched him in the face. Dazed, he was turned over by the teenager, who sat on his back and cuffed the other hand. Kiera and Kevin panted, the ordeal over.

They slapped each other high five.

"Tommy, what's taking you so long?" His accomplice called for him. Tommy cried out, but Kiera grabbed the roll of tape and began wrapping it around his head over his mouth and eyes.

"How's it feel asshole?" Kevin said with a grin. "Get his legs." She crawled over and began to bind the flailing man's legs. Kevin picked up the keys.
"Okay, quietly, lets make for the van." He grabbed her by the hand and they entered the hallway, moving quickly and quietly.

"NNNN! NNNNNN! MNNMM!!!!!!" Tommy angrily howled in the closet as the siblings made thier escape. Kevin and Kiera entered the kitchen, hoping to not be seen by the man in the adjoining room.


Too late.

"RUN!" Kevin yelled, pulling his sister with him. They ran into the kitchen, to the garage door, then to the van, all while hearing the man pursuing them. Kevin swung open the driver door and let Kiera jump in. The kidnapper, reeking of beer, leaped off the steps to he garage and tackled Kevin.

"LOCK THE DOOR!" He ordered as he and the man wrestled on the floor. Keira went to close the van door when she saw the keys on the ground. She picked it up and put it in the ignition and turned on the car.

"Oh my god, how do I do this?" She asked her self as she hastily put the seat-belt on, looking at the shift. "D....N....R...." She pulled the shift and nothing happened. She realized she was too short to reach the pedal. She pushed herself down to reach it, pressing on the gas pedal.

The van went reversing at full speed out of the garage, smashing the garage doors open. Both Kevin and the kidnapper looked over in shock, but luckily the teen recovered quickly, he sucker punched the man right in the jaw and clambered away towards the garage door opening. He glanced back to see if the kidnapper was pursuing him, but luckily he was out cold. Kevin went running towards the van, who's passenger door, his sister opened.

"No way you're driving before me...." He grinned, impressed with his little sister, who moved off the passenger seat to let him drive.

"Guess I'm pretty awesome, huh?" She smiled as she buckled up.

"Yeah." He smiled back. "Yeah, you're pretty awesome." He buckled up and drove off.

They drove home where they were met with cops at the house. Kevin and Kiera told them of their escape, and it seems the cops were already at the house they were held captive in, having responded to neighbors who saw the garage get smashed open. One word through the police walkie-talkie and the two men were arrested on kidnapping charges. They had a tearful reunion with their parents, who had called the police after seeing the photo of them bound and gagged.

At the police station, the siblings had the tape cut from their heads and ligature marks bandage up. As they sat together while their parents talked to the police, Kevin put his hand in Kiera's.

"Some last day, huh?" He smiled at her.

"Yeah....guess you had enough time with me today." She shrugged.


"Yeah, you're gonna be off and play your games."

"Nah. This is my last summer here. Why would I not spend it with my awesome little sister?"

She smiled, tears brimming in her eyes. She jumped off the chair and hugged him. He hugged her back.

The End
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Post by sami200456boyfriend »

I must say this was a very excellent story. Love their kidnapping. Nice that Kevin used that nail to escape and outsmarted the kidnappers.

Could you do another one but with two brothers and instead of a kidnapping it's a home invasion?
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Post by RobbyCalico »

sami200456boyfriend wrote: 3 months ago I must say this was a very excellent story. Love their kidnapping. Nice that Kevin used that nail to escape and outsmarted the kidnappers.

Could you do another one but with two brothers and instead of a kidnapping it's a home invasion?
Thank you! I like that idea. I'll see what I can do.
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