Doug 3 (Multiple m/Multiple m)

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Doug 3 (Multiple m/Multiple m)

Post by drawscore »


Doug walked down the sidewalk, somewhat bummed. Scott, Allen, and Charlie were off on a family picnic; Mike Hayworth, Mike Houghton, and the guys from their troop were on a campout; Ronnie was on restriction for the next two days, and the rest of his friends were who knows where. He'd checked the school playground, taken the path through the woods, and been by the swimming pool, and couldn't find any of his friends.

He thought about killing the rest of the day with an adventure through the portal, but remembered that he had agreed with all the others, that none of them should ever go through alone. Then, he considered saying "The hell with it." and going through anyway. Hell, he was 13, and could take care of himself. He turned and started for the woods.

He'd gone about a block when he heard a voice behind him. "Hey Doug, wait up!" Doug turned, and saw Kevin about a half block behind him. The younger boy caught up, and asked "Where ya goin'?"

"Aww, nowhere." Doug said. "Just lookin' 'round the neighborhood to see if anybody's around." Kevin replied that he thought everybody had been kidnapped by aliens, and flown off to some mysterious world, where their brains would be switched with those of space animals.

"Yeah, bummer!" Doug replied, but then an idea hit him. "Hey Kevin! You wanna go through the portal?"

Kevin thought that was a good idea, but wondered what they would do. Doug said that they could do anything they wanted to do, but had to agree on it. "Let's kidnap one of the TV kids like Rusty or Israel." Kevin suggested.

"Good idea." Doug replied, "But there's one drawback."

"What's that?" asked Kevin.

"Some of the others might try a rescue attempt." Doug answered.

Kevin, always a cocky kid, said "So what? If they do, we'll just kidnap them, too."

With confidence like that, Doug said "Why not? Let's do it!" And with that, the two of them headed for the portal in the woods, and a day's adventure.

The boys went through, and took a few moments to recover from the disorienting effects of the transit. They found themselves in a ghost town, and looked around, and saw nothing. Then, without warning, the two of them were grabbed, and forced to the ground, and their hands pinned behind them and tied together. "Hey, what the hell's going on here?" Doug yelled.

"Shut up!" came a harsh voice behind him, and a thick bandana was tied tightly over his mouth. He caught a glance at Kevin, and saw that he was in the same fix, with his hands tied behind him, and his mouth covered with a tight gag.

"What the hell?" Doug thought to himself. "We're supposed to kidnap a couple of TV kids, not get kidnapped."

Neither boy could get a good look at their attackers before they were blindfolded. The same voice commanded "Bring them!" and the two captives were taken down the street, and into a building. "Sit!" the voice ordered, and Doug and Kevin were shoved down into chairs.

Their ankles and arms were tied, and their blindfolds taken off, and for the first time, they could see who had captured them. It was Joey Newton, and his two friends, Packy and Pee Wee.

"We're going to administer a little martial law here." Joey said. "You two are charged with being nuisances and pests. How do you plead?" Doug and Kevin could do little more than just "mmmppfff!" through their gags, so Joey proclaimed that their silence proved them guilty, and said that he was ready to pass sentence.

"You two will be initiated. Packy, Pee Wee, and Israel will initiate you." he said, pointing to Kevin. "You," he said, pointing at Doug, "Will get me, Mark McCain, and Davy Kane."

"Hey, what about us?" shouted a young voice from the back of the room. Doug looked around, and saw Corporal Rusty and Tagg Oakley.

"Tagg, you come with me, and Rusty, you go with Packy, Israel, and Pee Wee. You can watch." Joey said.

Doug was taken out to another building, where he, and Joey, Mark, Davy, and Tagg all went in to what appeared to be a small dormitory, with half a dozen beds. "Get him taken care of!" Joey commanded, and Davy grabbed some rope, and tied Tagg's hands behind him, then tied his feet and arms, and finally, gagged him with a bandana.

Doug wondered what was happening, and why Tagg had been tied, but with his mouth gagged, couldn't ask the question. Joey must have sensed his puzzlement, and told him that there were always three to an "initiation team," and if anybody not selected for a team wanted to watch, they could, but would have to be tied and gagged throughout the initiation, and would have to be the initiate's first captive after he passed.

Then, Joey explained the initiation. "First, I'll tie you, and you have to get loose. After that, Mark will tie you, and after that, Davy. You have to get loose from at least two of us in a half hour or less. Then, you tie the three of us, and you have to hold at least two of us for half an hour. You get a point for each time you keep one of us tied, and a point for each time you get loose, and you have to get four points out of six to pass."

Doug nodded that he understood. Joey untied his hands and pulled off his gag. "Any questions?" Joey asked.

"Yeah!" Doug replied. "What if I only hold one of you for the half hour, but get loose from all three of you? I still get the four points, and pass, right?" Joey huddled with Davy and Mark, and a moment later, they agreed that such a scenario was acceptable; that four points were four points, no matter how Doug got them. "All right, let's do it." Doug said, and put his hands behind him.

Joey got a length of rope, and tied Doug's hands together, then tied his feet, and gagged him with another bandana. "Half an hour, Doug." Joey said. "Let's see if you can get out."

"This'll be easy." Doug thought to himself, and went right to work. His tall lanky frame allowed him to slip his hands under his butt, and he was soon picking away at the knots on his feet. Once he got them free, he stepped through his hands, pulled off the gag, and untied his wrists with his teeth. He'd taken less than ten minutes.

"That's pretty good." Joey said. "I'm impressed."

"I'm not." said Davy. "Let's see how good he is at getting out of my knots."

Davy did a little more than Joey, not only tying his hands and feet, but his arms and legs, as well. And, for good measure, Davy tied an overhand knot in the middle of the bandana before gagging Doug with it. "Let's see you get out now." he laughed.

Doug was up to the challenge. It took slightly longer than ten minutes, but Doug freed himself, and waited for the last challenge from Mark.

Mark was determined that Doug would not escape, and went even further. After tying Doug's hands, feet, arms, and legs, he brought Doug's ankles up to his hands in a hog tie, then rolled two bandanas together, knotted them, and gagged his captive.

Mark got the same result as Davy and Joey. Doug escaped, and made it look easy. Over in the corner of the room, Tagg watched in silence, and hoped that Joey, Davy, and Mark would get theirs, now that it was Doug's turn.

Joey, Davy, and Mark seemed to be staying within the limits of their characters. On TV, none of them could tie very well, and nearly always had to be rescued when they got themselves captured by outlaws, Indians, or kidnappers. Doug just hoped that this would apply here, as well. With that in mind, he picked up a piece of rope, looked at Joey, and said "You're first!"

In a few minutes, Doug had Joey tied and gagged, and was working on Davy. Doug had returned the courtesy of Joey, tying just his hands and feet, but Davy had tied Doug's arms and legs, too, and Mark had hog tied him, so Doug decided that they would get what they gave.

Joey and Davy sat quietly as Doug went to work hog tying Mark. He finished up, and started to tie the knotted and double rolled bandana over Mark's mouth, but Mark said "Wait!" Doug held off, and asked "What is it?" Mark said that he gave up, and that he'd never get out in the half hour. "You pass." he told Doug. "All you do now, is gag me, then take Tagg and go." Doug looked at Davy and Joey, and they both nodded.

"Whatever!" Doug said, and tied the gag over Mark's mouth. He went over to Tagg, untied his feet, and started to untie his hands, but Tagg pulled them away. Doug figured he didn't want to be untied at the moment, so shoved him toward the door.

Once outside, Doug made another attempt to untie Tagg, and this time there were no protests. "I couldn't let you untie me in the room." Tagg said. "It would be an insult to the others. I'm supposed to be your prisoner."

"You guys have some strange rules." Doug said. "Hey, I wonder how Kevin's doing?"

Tagg said that Kevin should be all right; that Packy and Pee Wee couldn't tie knots very well, and none of them could escape at all. "He'll be all right." Tagg said.

Sure enough, Kevin came out with Rusty in tow. Rusty's hands were still tied behind him, and his mouth gagged, and the first thing that Doug said, was to tell Kevin to get Rusty untied. Then, Doug asked how Kevin did. "Not too bad." Kevin replied. I got five out of six points. I would've got all six, but Israel is pretty good with his ropes, and I didn't get loose when he tied me."

"Well, we passed our initiations. Now what?" Doug asked.

Rusty said "what about a game of 'hide and go seek?' "I play that with my Indian friend, Pokewah, all the time."

"OK!" Doug replied, "But we play by my rules."

Doug explained the rules, that "it" was tied, and the rest had until he got loose, to run and hide, and that when "it" caught someone, they were taken to the base and tied. If they got loose, they were back in the game; if not, they sat there and waited until the last player was caught, and the next round started. Rusty and Tagg agreed, and Rusty drew the honor of being "it" first. "Don't worry, Rusty." Kevin told him. "We won't tie you too good. We want you to get loose and come and chase us."

"Great!" said Rusty. "We can use the hotel on the other end of town as a base." With that settled, the four boys headed for the hotel, where Tagg suggested that they use strips torn from a sheet to tie and gag Rusty. Doug and Kevin seemed to think that was a good idea, and soon had three long strips, which were used to tie Rusty's hands and feet, and to gag him. Satisfied that it would take Rusty a good five minutes to get loose, Tagg, Doug, and Kevin scattered into other parts of the hotel, to await Rusty.

"I wish escaping was this easy all the time." Rusty thought, and he pulled the gag from his mouth, and headed after Doug, Kevin, and Tagg. He checked the first room, and found it empty, and the second and third rooms he checked were vacant, too. But the fourth room yielded Doug, hiding under the bed. Rusty took him back to the base room, where Doug told him "Do your best on me. I like a challenge." Rusty then asked if Doug would like to be tied like him, and Doug shrugged his shoulders, and said "Sure! Why not?" Rusty went to the closet, and grabbed a bag full of uniforms like his own. "Here you go, Doug." Rusty said, tossing him one.

It was a perfect fit. "Hey, this is cool." Doug said. "I like this."

Rusty tied Doug's hands and feet, then gagged him, and said "Don't go anywhere. I'll be right back with your friends."

Doug had his hands under his butt, and was picking at the knots on his feet, when he heard steps in the hallway, and figured that Rusty was back with another captive. He pulled his hands back up, and was surprised to see Rusty bring Joey in. "After you left, we got each other loose." Joey told Doug.

Rusty then untied Doug, and said that Joey, Mark, and Davy were joining the game, and that Joey was going to be "it," and that because there was ten of them, figuring in Packy, Pee Wee, and Israel, that Packy and Israel would join Joey.

After Rusty got Joey tied, he asked Doug if he wanted his jeans back, but Doug declined. The blue uniform Rusty had given him was soft and comfortable, and he thought it looked neat, too. "How many more of these you got?" Doug asked. Rusty smiled, and said that he had enough to outfit the ten of them, and another dozen besides.

Tagg brought in Israel and Packy. Packy already had his hands tied behind him, but apparently, that was the only piece of rope they could find. "Hey Rusty! You got any more rope, so I can get these guys tied?" he asked.

"There's some in the closet!" Rusty said, and sure enough, when Tagg opened the door, there were several pieces of rope laying around, and a bag with several bandanas in it.

He tossed the bag out, then tossed Doug a couple of lengths of rope. "You get Israel tied, and I'll finish tying Packy." Tagg said.

Doug was more than happy to take care of Israel, and soon had his hands and feet tied securely. "We'll be hid so good, you guys'll never find us." Doug said.

Israel just laughed. "When me and Joey and Packy get out, you ain't gonna have no place to hide."

Now it was Doug's turn to laugh. "You talk too much." he said, as he tied two bandanas rolled together over Israel's mouth.

For the next couple of hours, the ten boys played Doug's and Kevin's version of "hide and go seek." Rusty commented that this was a lot more fun than the game he played with Pokewah, and would teach it to him the next time he visited his Indian friend. Israel said he wanted to go with Rusty when he did. "I'll hog tie him!" Israel said. "Hog tying Injuns is my favorite thing to do!"

Does that include pajama Injuns, too?” Doug asked.

“Especially pajama Injuns!” Israel laughed.

After the "hide and go seek" game, Kevin suggested a game of "team chase." "How do you play? Pee Wee asked.

Kevin explained that the game was a lot like "hide and go seek," except it would be five on five, rather than three on seven, and that the team that captured all the others would win. "Let's do it!" Davy said. "What're the teams?"

Packy said "How about the big kids against the little kids, but we get a handicap."

"Sure!" Mark said, "But what's the handicap?"

Packy said that they'd start with one of the big kids already captured, and pointed at Mark. "You're the one." Packy said.

"OK!" Doug said, "So the teams are Packy, Pee Wee, Kevin, Israel, and Tagg, against me, Davy, Joey, Rusty, and Mark, with Mark already captured, right?" Packy said that was OK, but the teams did draw some protests. Pee Wee, almost 13, and Tagg, 12, didn't like being called "little kids." "Rusty should trade teams with me." Pee Wee said. "I'm older."

"Stuff it! I'm bigger," Rusty shot back.

Despite the protests, the teams stood. Mark complained about being the "handicap," but went along, and allowed the younger kids to tie and gag him at their base, a room in the hotel.

The game was no contest. Doug allowed himself to get caught, then escaped, and freed Mark. Meanwhile, Israel, Packy, and Tagg were easily captured by Davy, Joey, and Rusty. Kevin and Pee Wee proved a little more difficult, and even succeeded in capturing Joey and Rusty before Doug and Mark cornered them, and brought them back to the base. "I guess we win!" Mark said. The five captives could only "mmmppfff" through their gags.

"Wow, we've been here a lot longer than I thought." Doug said, as he bent over to untie Kevin. Kevin, now free of his gag agreed, and said that as soon as he got the others free, they should go home.

The ten of them walked back to the first base, where Doug started to exchange Rusty's uniform for his jeans. "Too bad I can't take this back with me!" Doug mused.

Back in his jeans and T-shirt, Doug and Kevin headed for the portal for the trip home. They knew that the time was different, but by their reckoning, they'd been there close to eight hours. But when they got back, only two hours had passed. "Damn! We could've stayed another several hours." Doug groused.

"We ought to do this again." Kevin said. "That was neat!" Doug agreed. He'd prefer the company of Scott, but Kevin wasn't too bad for a little kid, and he held his own with the "initiation" they went through. Then Doug thought that they ought to do the same thing for their initiations.

Another thought struck him, and that was the next time Allen, Scott, Charlie, Mark, Ronnie, or any of the rest of them went through, they'd have to pass the initiation, too. "It might be interesting to watch Charlie get initiated." Doug thought. "And Mike Hayworth and Mike Houghton, too."

"That might be pretty neat, but remember what Tagg said." Kevin told him. "Anybody who watches is tied and gagged, and held prisoner through the whole initiation, and is the kid who's getting initiated's first captive. If you watched Mike or Mike, or anyone else in their troop get initiated, you'd be their captive when they passed, and if they didn't pass, you'd have to sit through another one."

"You're right." Doug said. "Maybe we ought to change that, so whoever gets initiated is the captive of his "watchers" if he doesn't pass."

"Hey, yeah!" Kevin said, "And the 'watchers' get to tie him up five times."

"Doug, feeling a little silly, said "Six! Three times in borrowed clothes, and three more in borrowed pajamas. And they hafta pay the price for borrowing, too."

"That's rough." Kevin said. "I bet a whole bunch of the kids we know, would hafta go through the initiation four or five times before they passed."

"Yeah, I know." Doug grinned. "It'd be fun doing it to Mike and Jimmy Houghton, Mike Hayworth, Bill, Little Chris, Russell, Pete, Phil, and some of the other guys in Mike's troop."

"Yeah!" Kevin echoed, "And it'd be fun getting Charlie, Ronnie, Red Jeff, Big Chris, and David, too."

"I like the way you think, Kevin." Doug said. "We've still got a couple of hours to kill, so what do you want to do?"

Kevin thought a moment, then said "I need some practice tying."

"Hey, no sweat," said Doug. "We can go over to the scout house, and you can practice on me. I've got the key."

"You sure like getting tied up, don't you, Doug?" Kevin asked.

Doug looked at his younger friend, and smiled. "Hell, no, I hate getting tied up." he said. "But I like escaping, and seeing the looks on peoples' faces when I do it."

"Yeah, Doug. Sure you do." Kevin laughed, as the boys headed for the scout house.

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Post by Xtc »

Keep 'em coming.
They all say boxer shorts are cool,
but little Speedos always rule.
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Post by BoudBoy22 »

I love these stories, I would like to see some of these boys tape gagged
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Post by dl68 »

Love the story - cant wait to see what they do with all that rope, all those neckerchiefs and unfirms in the Scout place
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Post by drawscore »

BoudBoy22 wrote: 1 year ago I love these stories, I would like to see some of these boys tape gagged
We mimicked or copied what we saw on the movies and TV. Seldom, if ever, saw tape gags, so never thought of using them. But thanks for the complement and feedback.
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